Author Topic: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game  (Read 4296 times)


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using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« on: 04 March 2013, 12:51:27 »
I have been playing the new xcom game a bunch and was thinking of trying to setup a psudo xcom game using somethign like the mechwarrior2/atow rules set for the combat portion
I found

where someone was trying to do the same kind of thing using a different system and its interestign but I am not sure I really like a few of that systems conventions.

I was wondering if anyone else had thought about it and mabie had some suggestions to try.

as I see it the core parts of xcom that I would like to replicate are
1 contesting for area control (stopping the invasion)
2 squad or small unit tactics
3 strategy including allocating limited resources to maximum effect under conflicting requirements
4 R&D to overcome a rather severe tech disadvantage


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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #1 on: 04 March 2013, 15:18:48 »
one part that looks really attractive is the ORE suggestion

mabie with a couple tweeks,

like always using d6's for missions but either capping the size of ship for the mission (based on "stage" of the game,
IE the 1st stage you are for instance capped at a heavy scout or light transport (aka medium) ufo's

but if you get a check that should indicate a bigger ufo than "allowed" my answer would be simple split it into multiple smaller ufo flights of the same type.

the part that I would have a bit of trouble is figuring out exactly how to handle "research" and manufacturing of equipment

I am thinking one possibility would be to set a number of "points" needed for research to be completed, like saying a medkit takes for example 20 points, and a "scientist" gets 1 1d6 roll per time period, or generates a certain number of points/time and once enough points are acumulated the research is done.

construction could be handeled in a similar manner or using the construction /repair rules (or tweeked from them)


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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #2 on: 15 March 2013, 01:15:51 »
Interesting. I don't have any input, but see a good fit for the setting. How do you feel about the deadliness of the ATOW system vs good ol Xcom?
Alas poor Photobucket. I knew him Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.


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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #3 on: 15 March 2013, 03:55:27 »
honestly the discussions I have seen (and from what I remember) xcom tends to be quite lethal  the new one may not be quite as bad that way, but there are some units like the cilithids (sp) terror creatures that are pretty evilly lethal


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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #4 on: 15 March 2013, 04:15:42 »
one thought I had was to basically cap your "starting gear" at roughly A availability

so skimming through the gear list
flack armor is the best you can start with (for your troopers) ...
unfortunately many of the aliens use plasma weapons which count as energy damage type so the "flack" armor only provides 1 point of protection vs that.

in general your troupers would have access to (melee weapons) not real smart to use
auto pistols, magnum auto pistols,  and revolvers
auto rifle,
the basic laser pistol (might require a relatively minor research)


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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #5 on: 25 March 2013, 16:55:02 »
ok I started a new game of xcom enemy unknown and was looking at a few numbers for research

the basic autopsies
sectoid, thinmen, (crystiloid)? and brute? seem to be on the order of ~30 man days of research each (you start with 5 scientists)

weapon fragments (the alien equipment auto self distructs when the alien is killed) 40 man days
alien alloys 40 man days
and a reasearch about xeno-biology (leading to unlocking interrogation) 40 research days
experimental warfare 60 research days
arc thrower (the in game stun weapon) 60 research days
outsider shard 60 research days (plot event to unlock the alien base mission and escalate to 2nd tier game phase)

ufo navigation 60 research days (unlocks some ufo options, and satellite nexus, nexus is 4 sats, instaid of 2 for your basic uplink) +1 for ajaciency on both
ufo power is 72 research days
beam weapons (unlocks laser pistols, laser rifles prereq precision and heavy lasers) 120 research days
precision lasers (laser sniper rifle, and laser shotgun? ) 84 man days of research

note strategic interrogations seem to have a DRAMATIC effect on research aka 50% research time reduction
interrogations get you the research credits
Beam Weapons — unlocked by Interrogate Sectoid
Plasma Weaponry — unlocked by Interrogate Muton, Muton Elite Autopsy
Basic Armor Technology — unlocked by Interrogate Floater
Armor Technology — unlocked by Interrogate Berserker
UFO Technology — unlocked by Interrogate Thin Man
Flight — unlocked by Interrogate Heavy Floater
Psionics — unlocked by Interrogate Sectoid Commander
Weapons Technology — unlocked by Interrogate Muton Elite
All Technology — unlocked by Interrogate Ethereal  note this is a 25% bonus instaid of 50%

in this version creating a lab effectively gives a +20% research bonus, per, +10% if labs are ajacient

these are some numbers I extracted playing the game

edit added some more info pulled from the game
« Last Edit: 28 March 2013, 19:30:15 by guardiandashi »

idea weenie

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Re: using atow for a ufo enemy unknown style game
« Reply #6 on: 21 April 2013, 21:30:01 »
For an ATOW style game, have the research tied to the XP gained by the party.  Also, you'd have the party deciding ahead of time what they want to put the research XPs into, instead of buying the research after.  So you could have the players researching laser weapons initially, but after their first mission they get a plasma weapon.  The players are stuck with the existing XPs already put into Laser Weapons, but now they can start putting XPs into Plasma Weapons.

For the RPG itself, don't worry too much about base design unless the players want to.  Just put them on missions where they have to fight the evil aliens, rescue people, and infiltrate a building (so they can't use the super-armor on the infiltration team) for alien espionage intel.

