Author Topic: My brother, the headshot expert...and a very short 15 minute game...  (Read 2392 times)

Lyran Archer

  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 884
  • pre-3050: ARC-2R / post-3050: ARC-5W
So, some people on these forums may have heard me talking about my brother before and his incredibly consistant one-in-a-million shots. In our gaming group a few years back he used a Marauder that so consistantly got headshots that it was called "the Headhunter". Last year I posted a batrep in which his infantry did 2 points of damage to a pristine Hellbringer and just happened to crit the CT ammo. Often quoting Macross Plus, my brother would say, "Luck is one of my skills." Yesterday, he outdid himself.

He bought a secondhand Warhammer IIC and asked me to kitbash upper arms for it, which I did, as seen here:

We then played his Jade Falcons against my Lyrans. He took a Warhammer IIC 4 and a Griffon IIC 6. Both Falcon pilots were 4/5 second-liners. I took a DVS-2 Devastator and a ARC-5W Archer with both Lyran pilots being 4/5 as well.

We had four maps in 2x2 fashion with a city in one quadrant. We maneuvered for three turns with no firing as my Lyrans used the city as cover.

Turn 4: At long range, my Archer lands a dozen LRMs on the Warhammer. No other shots land. I'm feeling pretty confident.

Turn 5: I outmaneuver him and leave his Griffon out of firing position but his Warhammer pinpoints my Archer's head with a Clan ER PPC. The Archer is virtually untouched, except for the now missing head.

Turn 6: My Devastator decides to retreat. The Griffon IIC jumps 7 hexes next to the Devastator. One of my Devastator's Gauss Rifle shots rips the Griffon's right arm off. The Griffon responds with a heavy laser shot (16 damage) to my untouched 100-tonner's head. Game over.

My wife and our sister are in the kitchen where we are playing. We had just started playing 15 minutes ago. They notice how quickly we are finished. "Doesn't that game usually take hours to play," asks my sister.

My brother is very happy with his new Jade Falcon 'Mechs.     
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 334
  • Beware the might of the Falcon, freebirths!
Oh man! What a heart breaker! I've done the same to my buddy before. Ripped his pristine Night Gyr's head right off with a Victor 9B. The Night Gyr had no other damage. [wildandcrazy]

Tough loss LA. Your Lyrans will have their revenge! >:D beats losing!

Aidan Pryde is my hero!


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 741
  • I'm just a few onions short of a patch.
That is equal amounts of fail and win, right there. Congratz to your brother and you have my sincere condolences.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1381
  • "Now, let's add a couple of happy Death Commandos"
I would say that's both the best and worst thing about Battletech- those pesky lucky 'mech killing shots.

In a game last Saturday, we played the To Save a Prince scenario from the Kell Hounds Sourcebook (an 80's publication).

Anyhow at one point, a pesky Jenner gets right next to my pristine Ostol firing all four medium lasers, but only one shot lands. It gets snake eyes for the hit location and then scores an ammo bin crit.

It just feels so wrong that it was killed by a Jenner! A Jenner! A JENNER!!!!  [madflame]
"I can't save his life, it's too embarrassing!" - Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC SSC

