Author Topic: Tell Us Your Favorite RPG Character of All Time (and/or any time)  (Read 31825 times)


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Hello mighty BT community.   [skull]

I thought it would be cool to fire up a thread that we could all mention our favorite original characters.  Any game, any genre. 

Match me up with a story.  It'll be fun.  ;D

I'll start.

Quite a few memorable characters in my past, but my favorite was also perhaps the hardest one to play.  She was a Half Elven 9/8 Wizard-Cleric made from the horrifying ADnD 2nd edition rules.  Even by 3/3 level-wise, I was reveling in all the spells that I could cast.   

What made her difficult to play was she had a knack for getting killed.  A lot.  She was raised seven times successfully.   I was taking constitution negatives towards the end of her 20 month run that saw her and others escape Ravenloft, the inescapable place that hopefully everyone has escaped from at least once in their lives.  ;) 

Finally, she made a valiant stand against a Black Dragon, while the fighters (who had just been tenderized by hordes of bugbears) shepherded away some nearby townsfolk, women, children and clerics.  For the sake of one last Cone of Cold that went flat for the roll - of course - she was... melted.  By a venerable Black Dragon amid what was once a field of flowers on the edge of a forest/hill town setting.

A sympathetic church of the region saw to fully resurrect her for her brave stand. 

I failed the resurrection survival check, and she drifted off to her higher place.

Her name was Xosha.  My shameless reworking of Xhosa of Blackjack entry/fed suns planet fame   ;D

There are other favorite characters I've played, but that was was the most interesting in spite of near-astronomical experience requirements to level up.

« Last Edit: 21 April 2013, 22:05:13 by rebs »
Playing Guitar On My YouTube Channel:
Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #1 on: 05 April 2013, 14:18:12 »
AD&D half elf ranger. Mind you, this was back in the early to late 80's. It was before Dragon lance made Tanis so cool. I got into and out of a lot scrapes with him.

 Later on when i started playing EQ I remade him. Fafnier Langasverd.
Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar
Marian Hegemony, II Legio-Cataphract
Clan Hell's Horses, Gamma Galaxy-Summoner
Clan Grinch goat- gamma goat.

False Son

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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #2 on: 05 April 2013, 14:53:45 »
I only ever played DnD 2nd ed a million years ago, along with some Realms, Grayhawk and Planescape modules.

Human mage "Domingo Greensleeves", majorly more powerful than his companions, lazy, easily distracted and constantly looking for ways to use magic without having to do any spellcasting or studying of his spellbook.  With some eye contact with the DM he often disappeared during combat, leaving his companions to their own fate.  Had a snuff problem.  Prone to abusing his powers and hurting the party.  They didn't kick him out because when he actually fealt like using a lightning bolt or something, it totally killed everything in the room.  But, most of the time he'd become etherial, levitate the enemies or generally screw around instead.  It was one of those situations where very little actually could stop him, and the challenge was more about trying to play the game in such a way that all that power didn't matter.
IN MOViE `2001

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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #3 on: 05 April 2013, 15:08:22 »
I once needed a new character for Fantasy Hero.  Couldn't come up with anything original, so decided to steal from fiction.  So I started with Conan, but then thought - what if he got religion when he got older?  I eventually came up with a slave->gladiator->soldier->high priest character, and then based his physical appearance off of Wilt Chamberlin in Conan the Destroyer.  He's been played in one campaign, and is a featured NPC in another.  He's in his late 40s, a high priest / fighting order grandmaster, and has been exiled to the campaign area (Harn) after losing a political battle.  He hates it there, but knows that doing a good job is the only way to get back in power, and so does his best.  Although possibly the best fighter in the area, it means nothing, as he rarely ever uses a weapon or has on armor.  He's now a high priest, heavily involved in politics, backroom deals, and plotting against the opposing churches (and heretics in his own).

First long-term superhero campaign I ever was in, I needed a character for a new game.  Came up with a Captain Atom (DC Comics - the silver guy) knockoff.  Your basic flight, power blast, strength, etc.  But, I tend to be ruthless in battle (no Silver Age niceguy crap from me), and though unintentional, he started taking on overtones of the Punisher very quickly.  Through time, and several "radiation accident" makeovers, he became a disgruntled bounty hunter that was well known for killing bad guys.  Of course, there were numerous arguments and fights with his team members, who did not appreciate his methods.  More than once he stomped off to go solo for a time.  For the one semester I took a break from school, the player of the pacifist mentalist took him a second character, and kept him just as deadly and unsociable.  Everyone loved the character, but he was not a team player, and was finally retired in favor of new characters that were.  When I later created my own setting, he was ported in as the archtypical bloodthirsty bounty hunter, and has remained a key NPC.  His name - Orion.

Whenever I play on MUDs (rare nowadays), my main character is always Barzic, and is a fighter type.  He's always a grumpy old guy, bitching about how the young kids don't respect the traditions, and how things were so much better back in the day before you had your pansy gate spells and overpowered magic items.  Walked uphill through the snow both ways to school type, or so he tells the stories.  Exploration is my primary enjoyment, so I quickly become the person that knows the entire MUD, from walking to any spot, to the location of every creature, and the stats on every single piece of equipment in the game.  Having all this knowledge helps in maintaining the persona of the Old Guy, even when I am actually one of the newer players.
« Last Edit: 05 April 2013, 15:10:11 by Orion »
Game mechanics are a way of resolving questions in play, not explanations of the world itself.


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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #4 on: 05 April 2013, 17:26:32 »
Yeah, Xosha died in 1996, so it was a while back.  She was my last 2nd ed character.  She was also my first female character.  That was just how I pictured a Cleric/Mage that was going to be trapped in Ravenloft.  The campaign that took place immediately after escape used the same characters (and was very epic).  After she died, I just played NPC's for a time. 

We played a lot of BT at that time as well.

I also used to play RIFTS from time to time.  I love the setting, but the mechanics are not the best.  Total Party Kill Events can happen on accident easier in that game than almost any game I ever played. 

Favorite RIFTS character was a Crazy.  The Mind Over Matter (MOM) circuitry in the brain totally appealed to me.  His surgery was done so that he would be a top security agent of the wild kingdom of Northern Gun.  We had the Atlantis ad Vampire Kingdoms rolling together in our stint with the game.   He had been taken prisoner via dimensional gate and possessed some Atlantean Tattoo Magic that was applied against his will.  The main tat was a cheeseburger on his neck.  It produced a cheeseburger with mystic healing properties in his left hand three times per day if he touched the tattoo with his right hand and said "I like mine with lettuce and tomatoes".   :)) 

One of his major neuroses was that he felt no one believes him about his experience as a gladiatorial slave in Atlantis, even if they did believe it.  I modeled him a little after stories my uncles had about some of the people they knew in basic training for a lot of it.  The cheeseburger could also calm him from rages.

Playing Guitar On My YouTube Channel:
Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert

Doug Glendower

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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #5 on: 05 April 2013, 18:18:40 »
Alesthane Garfield. He's basically me. Doug Glendower is how I want to be. Alesthane's the real me, plus a drinking problem. Terribly snarky, flippant, resourceful, unlucky, and a poor prospect for promotion. In Battletech he takes down a Night Gyr with a Warhammer, then gets seriously injured when his "post battle celebration (pint of whisky)" breaks and cuts his leg up. In DnD, despite all the points put into him, he's the unluckiest Bard I've ever seen, and at one point was under indictment for trying to develop the +2 Acid Vuvuzela of Pure Good. His most notable quote is "Drink straight from the bottle? What do you take me for, a common drunkard?! But... please fetch me a 750ml glass, if you could..." If you took Elan from OotS, and added intelligence but SUBTRACTED any restraint, you'd come close.


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Re: Favorite RPG Character of All Time
« Reply #6 on: 06 April 2013, 01:15:43 »
my favorite (main char) for a long time was a rifts char that was mostly a rip off of Alecia DeVreis from david webers "Path of the fury" later expanded into in fury born.

The char was the first one I made from the then new Rifts Mercenaries book (which came out in 1994)

anyway as I was making the char I rolled up a Dbee that was essentually human, and the gm had an event happen before the game ever started per say where she was engaged in a battle using a NG-E12A when it got hit right as she was firing at someone and it detonated.  unfortunately for her the explosion took off big chunks of her body, her left arm and shoulder were pretty much destroyed, a big cunk of the left side of her head (eye and cheek ear and some brain damage) her left leg was also cooked, and she lost her right hand in the forearm, and the right leg in mid shin.  The Gm did have Archie 3oz "rescue" her and perform repairs as an "experiment"   Archie replaced the damaged body parts with bionic equivalants (as the cybernetic stat caps were lower than her rolled stats)

Anyway  she ended up having a "custom" Monst-Rex with its personality program based on a copy of alecias mind, a set of shemarian "power armor" including the rail gun, and basically the standard special forces weapons list. 

The "monst rex was named Megarea", and over the course of several campaigns developed several personality querks including becoming a Klepto. 

anyway the gm made several mistakes one of which was we noted the "storage compartment" in the shoulder /side of the monst rex, well I started stuffing things into it waiting for the gm to tell me "it doesn't fit" after several "dimensional jumps" aya the char ending up in and spending time in:  Star Wars, Macross (robotech) Battlestar Galactica (the old one) Star trek, and several other places, (I was still stuffing stuff in the storage compartment) anyway I ended up back in star wars and went to buy something and the gm said "and how are you paying for it?" and I was like "I will use some of the 50,000 besbin credits I have in the storage compartment." this is when the gm asked me exactly what did I have listed as tucked away in "storage" in the compartment so i started listing it all. the besbin credits alone took up more toom than the compartment should have held, but I had several sets of clothing, a couple suits of armor, survival backpack, a bunch of money, ammo, weapons, etc all noted as being stored in what should have been a 12in by 6 in by 8 inch compartment... Anyway the bm decided to run with it because it was at least partially his fault because he hadn't paid much attention to what I was storing.

later on it got worse of course.  Alecia got a version of Washu's lab (from the tenchi Muyou anime) and started storing "big stuff" like when she want to battletech (again) and managed to get the stuff needed to make timberwolf class omnis, so she has like 75 of them in "storage" a custom built multi tech imperial II star destroyer etc.

Of coulse most of that was after Alecia's various adventures ended jacking her personal power level to about 15 on a scale of 1-10  :P

after playing the char several times a week for ~5-7 years she got to the point that she almost can't be killed, only "banished" she got elevated to being a "lesser" diety, whats "funny" is on all of the char sheets her alignment is "unprincipled" but a lot of the people who "pray to her" believe she is more of an "evil" diety, as in the game her "Title" is the godess of high tech warfare. 


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Fashion, a very young teenager that started the age of 14 years old my freshman year of high school just after shadowrun first ed came out. She is a elf female that is a spell casting mage and decker, does not kill anyone at all. Carrys a staff like the staff of the magi from dragonnlance that is just a power focus. I have played her though 3 v ersions of shaowrun and she has been in more games from campins to one shot games at cons and hobby shops.

A big eyes, small charater that has been fun was black lady from sailor moon. I started playing her at gen con in a demo game for evil charaters and played her not wanting to go to war from a vollion point of veiw  because it would kill lots of her people. She is the first in line for the thorn. After that she was redone for a elhazard game and the backgound was she fought a very brief civil war agaist her mother and killed her and then redid the govermnet and put her 14 year sister in charge and walked away. She got sucked into elhazard and become a  lawful evil meybe style that would not worry about doing what needs to be  done but for some reason was working towards good just with out worry about things. She ended up being able ro walk though dimeions and it was very fun.

Dave Talley

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my 3 faves

first character ever was Radagast, elf fighter/mage AD&D 1st ed
actually rolled paladin quality stats with him, thru several years and moves he eventually was 10th/10th
a great smartass character, who had a been there done that attitude

2 fave
Mungo Runehorn, Runequest minotaur
8.5 ft tall, 450lbs, rides a rhino, even in the beginning he was a crazed killer,
he actually evolved into a very level headed guy (for a berserker)

3rd fave 
Villians and Vigilantes
was me (Dave) with the ability to transform into a smallish dragon
head to but was about 15ft plus 10 ft of fighting tail and a wingspan of 40 feet
ie in V&V terms a growth power, with flight and armor, plus a short ranged breath weapon
was fast as hell too, although in V&V it was fairly easy to work your way into being faster than sound
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker

E. Icaza

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Nova Girl:  A superheroine created for a world much like our own that had no history of superheroes.  There was a Marvel New Universe-esque event which made superhumans possible and she was the first to arise.  She was a comic book fangirl and a biochemistry grad student who had super-strength, invulnerability and could fly.  She was originally built using the old Marvel Super Heroes FASERIP system (I could still tell you all of her stats!) and was eventually translated over to HERO, Savage Worlds and now the new Marvel Heroic system.

The name came from a news report after she first went into action.  One of the reporters said she was a "bright new star on the world's horizon" and the press ran with the imagery.
The Clans: the Star League the Inner Sphere deserves, not the one it needs.


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Setting:: Vampire LARP
Clan:: Nosferatu

Description: Long black holocaust cloak, the hood was always up and the front seemed to stay up by itself and had long slits up the side of the sleeves that hung past his hands. Underneath the cloak was a monstrous sight. A draconian form full with a crown of thorns on his head, green scales and long fingers that ended in claws.

Why Paragon was my favorite: Paragon was known for talking slow and with purpose and always shaking hands very carefully to ensure he didn't hurt people. Others noted his care and took it to mean that he had so much power that he had to make sure he didn't hurt the lesser beings. So people treated me like I was some ancient vampire, but I was the highest generation in the game, which conversely means I had the lowest power. I was also the least annoying Nosferatu so people wanted to deal with me and I became the face of the Clan in our city. While there are so many people in games like this that felt that winning meant getting more and more power, I enjoying playing a very low powered character that got respect thru his politics and deals. ;)

History: Born to a New England family, Paragon was possessed by a Demon as a child. None of the exorcists would undertake the exorcism because the demon was so powerful they were concerned they would fail. Exorcisms take a lot out of the person performing them so the more powerful the demon, the more dangerous it was so they did not want to face off against the power demon. My family took me on one of our family's ship, the Paragon, to France where it was said there was an Exorcist willing to undergo the ritual. Only the love and respect for our family got the crew to agree to go. The Demon realized what was going on during the journey and called up great storms. By the time the ship was in sight of the french shore it gave out and cracked up. Only some of the crew survived to shore. Once there, he was taken to Paris for the Ritual. It turned out that Quasimodo was the one who agreed to do the ritual and when it was done, he made me promise to watch every sunrise and sunset and as payment, to return on his twenty first birthday. That was when he was embraced. Instead of becoming super repugnant the way all Nosferatu were, he took on the visage of the demon that once possessed him.

Game Effect: I made a deal with the Head Storyteller that before each game I would do a Willpower Challenge. If I won, nothing would happen. If I lost, I would be slightly agitated as the Demon inside me found purchase and one marker would be added to my sheet. Going into the next week, if I won, he would remove the counter and I would be fine, if I lost, a second counter would be added and I would be very agitated, and if I ever reached three counters, my Dark Fate would kick and I would lose control of my character as the Demon took over fully. I was rather lucky with my Willpower checks and over three years of playing only reached two counters once.

Near the end of the Chronicle, and very old Gangrel decided to have fun with me and as a result of his machinations, he caused my beast to rise within me and instead of getting a frenzying Nosferatu, he awoke the demon. The key to the transformation wasn't my willpower checks, it was, I would lose my character if I ever lost control of myself. the Willpower checks were just one way to force this. The very old Gangrel got really messed up for waking up the demon, but at that point, it wasn't my character anymore :P

Note: Because of my cursed visage, I didn't take Obfuscate because then I could hide what I was. Instead the ST let me have Protean which was the best power to mimic the Demon's skin and claws.

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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My favorite character has been from Mage the Awakening from White Wolf games.  He was an underground boxer (world of darkness thing).  The concept just always fascinated me because it is the antithesis of what a classic mage is supposed to be.  Not much use in range combat was he was a great grappler and in nWoD meant he was the only one inflicting damage.

But my most played character comes from Werewolf the Forsaken, a Blood Talon Ithaeur.  On the Digichat I played with him you could start an Ithaeur at Rites 4, so he started with the Blood Talon Rite of the Battle Brand.  With the focus I put on rites, he was able to give his pack up to +15 damage dice, and up to 40 points worth of defense at start.  It basically meant we could assault the Pure at will, or stop any known assault against us.  Before I retired him I believe he had 30 rites, with a fetish that gave him 8 again on rites.  I have always enjoyed the Ithaeur Blood Talon concept.

Outside of White Wolf games I really do not have a very rememberable character that I have enjoyed though I have played many different games.


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Mine was a CHAMPIONS character, named Regulator. Mostly a rip off of DC's Vigilante (Adrian Chase). Just a guy with a gun and a pair of fighting sticks and driven to fight crime. He went through many changes over the years from his start in High School and the later college era version eventually morphing into a recluse who quit the heroics business after suffering crippling injuries fighting a far too high point super villain for him to handle by himself.


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My favorite character was a very, very minor noble FAMILY.
Bad luck, they were:  Family-run merc unit.  12 statted out characters.
killed 5, maimed/retired 4 others and Patriarch retired before he caught lead poisoning.
left me with Daniel Williams (1/1) and Ryan MacDonald (2/3 +Natl Apt Gunnery).
I figure they ended up with all the luck.
I've made EVERY Edge roll I've ever used with them.

GROGNARD:  An old, grumpy soldier, a long term campaigner (Fr); Someone who enjoys playing tactics and strategy based board wargames;  a game fan who will buy every game released in a certain genre of computer game (RTS, or computer role-playing game, etc.)


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One of my favorite to play and develop was from a 2E DnD campaign.

Aedowan Ilovan
Fighter (Cavalier Kit)

Classy moment: fumbling an attack roll with a Sword of Sharpness and amputating his own leg (thank goodness for strong healing magic!)

"Coolest" moment: having imbibed a potion of water walking, running down the river after the boat that had kidnapped his wife (in hindsight, feeding the potion to his horse would have been much more bad-ass)

He was just an overall fun character to play, made even more so by the party he was a member of.


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"Coolest" moment: having imbibed a potion of water walking, running down the river after the boat that had kidnapped his wife (in hindsight, feeding the potion to his horse would have been much more bad-ass)

Nice :)

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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I remember the first roleplaying character I ever rolled: a magic-user I named "Stardust" (I was in elementary school). While I don't play D&D anymore, for me it's not really D&D unless they're called "magic-users."


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My current CSR character.  Mechwarrior Adam(Howe bloodline)

Tai Dai Cultist

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I've had quite a few characters over the course of my gaming life, so it's hard to pick just one.

If it comes down to which character I had the most fun playing, it'd be an AD&D basic fighter with the unimaginative moniker "Dave the Mercenary."

Once upon a time, I had a circle of gaming friends where each person ran his own D&D game, so we all had numerous characters for each other's game, and when I sat down in the nth campaign for the first time, I knocked out a quick fighter that I didn't really have any expectations with.  See, I usually played elf multiclass characters, and when you're already playing a bunch, you need something fresh :D

Anyway, in another departure from my comfort zone I picked Charisma as a dump stat.  But to represent that stat, I decided that Dave would grate on people by telling incessant war stories that no one wants to hear.

It turned out I had a blast making up Dave's boring war stories to share at every opportunity.  It got to where when I'd say the magic words, "Hey, did I ever tell you guys about the time.." I'd be treated with a chorus of amused groans, but the players had fun seeing what stupid story I'd come up with next.

Sadly by the end of the night Dave had been killed by some crit, and one of the other players mentioned how that he was actually gonna miss the stories now.  I hadn't been playing the character long but I had to choke down a lump in my throat as they gave Dave his touching burial.  I've never been that upset at a character dying before or since :D


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So this one time, at band camp...

sounds like a great character.

You found the true fun in RPGs.

GROGNARD:  An old, grumpy soldier, a long term campaigner (Fr); Someone who enjoys playing tactics and strategy based board wargames;  a game fan who will buy every game released in a certain genre of computer game (RTS, or computer role-playing game, etc.)


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Yeah, that's a good story Tai Dai Cultist :)

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."

Doug Glendower

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So Tai Dai played Higgins? Nice.


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Is futuristic karaoke the same as telling stories around a campfire? ;) Plus, he lived :P He just looked like Frankenstein's Monster by the time the matches were done. :P

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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My first DnD character was a super religious half-orc barbarian. It was the first time any of us had done an RPG, so we kinda went nuts with it a bit. I remember one particular attack on a group of goblins (we were all level 2 at this point) and I raged. Wielding my intrepid warhammer and bullwhip I rushed the ancient castle wall they were attacking from. The round ended, and our plucky druid decided to use his sling on them. He missed, and I made the unfortunate choice of joking "hehe, at least he didn't hit me".


Next thing I know, I'm almost dead from getting pelted by rocks. After finishing the last goblin, the GM had me do a will check, which I failed. Still in a rage, my dear half-orc then proceeded to rush wildly towards our druid. It took another three rounds of combat, with my guy chasing the poor druid around, before they knocked me unconscious and ended it all. Long story short, I learned to keep my mouth shut in combat situations with my GM.

I did get even with him later, though, when I somehow managed to successfully diplomacy check a goblin into becoming my pet/sidekick. The GM tried for weeks to kill him off, but I managed to keep him protected for a good long while. That character's shown up in dozens of games and campaigns over the years, before he managed to get himself elevated to deity status for a tribe of goblins when he finally died saving them from an ogre attack. For reasons that aren't relevant but still worth mentioning, he was nude at the time and fighting with a pitchfork. Good times.  ;D

Another character that comes to mind was a minor gangster I ran in a MW3 campaign years ago. I'd never played a villain before, and it was a complete and total blast.
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"Being tactful in audacity is knowing how far one can go too far."
Jean Cocteau

The Once & Future WiseOldNovaCat


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I'm currently running an Ork Street Sammitch.  That is the inspirational art.

I'm playing him as a combbination of how the art feels and Nathan Explosion.

Also, a Vee Rigger who never talks, is afraid of ducks and always wears a white crash helmet.
If you actually care to listen to my thoughts outside of Battletech, find me at

(4:37:55 PM) moonsword134: You're a bastard.
(4:38:11 PM) moonsword134: And so's the talking whiskey monkey who lives in bottles of tequila to give you ideas.

(4:52:52 PM) ShinjoJinturi: simply by having tag on the field, even in a game that appears to not have any lrms or arrows on the board, you can inspire fear


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 One of my favourite characters was my third or fourth Shadowrun guy, a sort of mishmash of street samurai, physical adept and mad inventor. I basically bought him with a magic stat of 4 and spent 2 essence on delta-grade cyberware, which I had saved up enough nuyen for (Permanent low lifestyle at Chargen), and basically had a ton of fun with him running around, punching people with all that critical strike malarkey, and generally proving difficult to kill.
            He eventually died pulling a of last stand so that the rest of the party could escape from a shedim-infested feral city. He had put his talents to use after realising their predicament, and I actually did a few calculations several games ago to check the sort of quantities that I needed, and the place he made his stand was a warehouse, which he had spent his free time filling chock full of very potent explosives. Long story short, I managed to create a crater about a hundred metres in diameter. There is now a plaque in their new safehouse dedicated to him.

The other character I really like was my inquisitor from (shock!) Inquisitor. He doesn't show up that much, as he's usually away doing more important things than the local investigation that my acolyte and her team indulge in, but when he does show up, it's always at crunch points or because the acolyte is in way over her head and has called for help. He's can best be summed up as a telekinetic, revolver-wielding badass with a klaive (which he "acquired" through no small amount of backstabbing- both political and literal) and a bad attitude.

Needless to say, he's a blast to play.
Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


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Hmmm... I did a lot more GMing than PC playing, however I still managed to play as a player every now and then.

My first roleplaying character was a pistol-packing mutant sparrow in the TMNT universe.  I remember during one particularly brutal battle on the penthouse level of a huge skyscraper, Mr. Bionic (the recurring baddie) took off down the stairs while our party desperately chased him down the stairwell.  Realizing that we weren't going to catch him, I shot out the nearest window and then flew down 30 or so stories where I re-entered the office building, heading him off at the pass.  After quickly scrounging around the offices for some tape and an electrical cord (from a keyboard or mouse I believe), I rushed to the stairwell and set up an ad-hoc booby trap with the tape, cord and a grenade I had.  I found a place to hide and a few minutes later, Mr. Bionic ran past where I was hiding and tripped the grenade. The explosion and structural damage to the stairwell, coupled with Mr. Bionic's massive weight, resulted in him crashing through the remaining 20+stories to the ground and down into the parking garage.  Needless to say, my 13 year old self was quite pleased at how I'd dealt with the villain, though I was disappointed to learn he'd survived the drop and had been taken to a nearby hospital/medical laboratory for examination.  Of course, a few weeks later, he escaped.  That was my first lesson in how to be a good GM - Always have a good baddie who the players have to face more than once.

I did have a few fun AD&D (2nd Ed) characters that I enjoyed playing (mostly mages), however my favorite character was a mostly useless bard named Finn Willowdale.  There was really nothing great about what he was, except for his love of fine clothes and armor.  For a long time, his prized possession was a suit of highly polished red scale mail armor he found in some dungeon.  Unbeknownst to him, it was actually made from the hide of an ancient red dragon and was stupid-powerful.  While wearing the armor, he was basically immune to any fire/heat damage.  Also, physical damage was reduced by half while he was wearing the armor.  When he(I) finally learned the extent of how powerful the armor was, I was pretty amused.  Being that it was scale mail, all of the other players in our group had overlooked it and chosen instead to take the other "valuable" armor items like chain and plate mail and the likes.  Suckers!
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Vancouver, Canada

Brooklyn Red Leg

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I had a Beorning Magician named Lothar for the (Decipher/CODA) Lord of the Rings RPG's short-lived Middle-Earth Campaign Setting (Living Campaign). I based him partly on Radagast the Brown and Alatar the Blue/Morinehtar. I love him even though I never got a chance to play him. I got 1 full advancement for running 2 MECS modules at GenCon Indy years ago.

I had a lot of fun running a Dwarf Vehicle Rigger named Angus McGarnagle whose Street Name was Gargoyle (10-pts to the first person to get that reference). Found it was a lot more fun running a Rigger than a typical gun-bunny in Shadowrun. Managed to keep old Angus alive in some grim situations (we geeked our Fixer in a rather public way after he betrayed us). Found out just how whacked out some of the rules for costs to upgrade vehicles.

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For reasons that aren't relevant but still worth mentioning, he was nude at the time and fighting with a pitchfork. Good times.  ;D

This is one of the only threads where I stop to real ALL the stories :) He he he

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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This is one of the only threads where I stop to real ALL the stories :) He he he

No doubt.  Glad I started this one for sure. 
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Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert