Author Topic: Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4  (Read 2721 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4
« on: 26 January 2011, 10:50:59 »
BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3067
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 3, Standard design

Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: TRH-4 Standard
Power Plant: 175 Omni Fusion
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Light with CASE Standard
1 Pontiac Triphammer Light AC/5
2 Martell Medium Lasers
1 Anti-Personnel Pod
Manufacturer: TBD
Location: TBD
Communications System: TharHes Mini-Talk
Targeting & Tracking System: Nashan Diana Mark II Targeting Computer

The Troll-Hound is the latest iteration of a long line of militia oriented
designs hauled out of the dustbin of history by Necromancer Independant Armor
Designs Workshop.

The original Troll-Hounds were nothing more than converted Powerman
Industrial-mechs, armed and armored by a desperate militia during the chaos of
the early succession wars, using whatever armor and weapons were available
quickly and cheaply.

The newest version of the Troll-hound, while manufactured to the higher
Battlemech standard, retains a healthy measure of the "Simple and Cheap"
philosophy, utilizing only limited advanced tech, carefully balancing utility
and cost.

Designed with the Militia and lower end Mercenary markets in mind, the
Troll-hound breaks no new ground in design or manufacturing. Instead, its
designers chose to emphasize durability and ease of maintenance, along with
solid, if unspectacular performance.

The Troll-hound's Omni 175 Standard Fusion Engine drives the mech to a maximum
speed of 86.4 KPH, allowing for a moderate amount of mobility.

Jump Jets were hotly debated during the design process, but were ultimately
left off the final design. It was determined that given the intended market,
the return of increased mobility would be more than offset by the increased
number of training accidents as newer/less well trained pilots attempted
maneuvers beyond their capabilities.

Protection is where the Troll-Hound really stands out. Carrying 7.5 tons of
Durallex-light armor with CASE, the Troll-Hound is better protected than many
mechs significantly larger.

Armament is on the light side, with the Troll-Hound carrying a Pontiac
Triphammer Light-Autocannon and a pair of Martell 5 CM Lasers as it's
offensive load. Accuracy though is enhanced by the addition of a Targeting
Computer. The designers justified this addition with the increased accuracy
both being a boon to less capable gunners, and the Computer itself being a
valuable training aid, allowing for the recording and playback of missions.

Two Tons of Autocannon ammunition ensure a good level of endurance on the
battlefield, even with full loads of the newer ammunition types such as Armor
Piercing and Precision, which accept a significant mass penalty for their
increased capabilities.

Almost as an afterthought, a single A-Pod was added to the mech, to help deal
with conventional infantry assaults.

==Battle History:==
The latest Iteration of the Troll-Hound has not yet been battle-tested in
field conditions.
Currently undergoing trials with several agencies and organizations, the
Troll-Hound has recieved favorable initial reviews.

Older models of the Troll-Hound have fought in almost every conflict since the
1st Succession War, usually as a stop-gap expedient until better units might
be procured.

The original Troll-Hound was an armed industrial mech. Significantly slower
than the current model, the Model One carried a Medium Rifle, and five tons of
BAR-8 armor.

Currently, only one possible variant of the Troll-Hound is being considered,
though this may change after receiving feedback from testing and user

Dubbed the "Command" Variant, the Troll-Hound-B replaces the LAC-5 with an
Extended Range 8 CM Laser and upgrades the Heat sinks to the Double-effect
standard. Using the saved tonnage to mount an expanded communications suite.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
Jeremy Hornbach.

Originally a loadermech pilot before being pressed into service, Jeremy and
his Troll-Hound Mk.-1 saw action during the 1st Succession War as his militia
unit was thrown into the line of defense at Bolan.

Managing somehow to get himself and his mech behind the lines, Hornbach's
suicidal attack on a Lyran supply depot significantly impacted the invasion,
possibly leading to the eventual retreat when ammunition explosions and
contamination by chemical weapons leaks rendered over half of the Lyran
supplies unusable.

The Troll-hound Mk-4 is not currently deployed, being still in final testing
phase of manufacture.

Planned markets include Militia and lower end mercenary formations, as well as
Periphery markets

Type/Model: Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4
Mass: 35 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 58 pts Standard 0 3.50
Engine: 175 Fusion 6 7.00
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 3 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 3 LT)
Gyro: 4 2.00
Cockpit, Life Supt.: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA R: Sh+UA+LA+H 14 .00
Armor Factor: 119 pts Standard 0 7.50

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 16
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 12/12
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4
L/R Arm: 6 12/12
L/R Leg: 8 16/16

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Light AC/5 LA 1 40 4 7.00
(Ammo Locations: 2 LT)
1 Medium Laser RT 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser LT 3 1 1.00
1 Anti-Personnel Pod RL 0 1 .50
1 Targeting Computer RT 2 2.00
CASE Equipment: LT 1 .50
TOTALS: 7 42 35.00
Crits & Tons Left: 36 .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,477,092 C-Bills
Battle Value 2: 857 (old BV = 744)
Cost per BV2: 2,890.42
Weapon Value: 500 / 500 (Ratio = .58 / .58)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 14; MRDmg = 5; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 5, Armor/Structure: 3/3
Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/-, Overheat: 0
Class: ML; Point Value: 9


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1140
Re: Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4
« Reply #1 on: 26 January 2011, 12:54:48 »
The TC seems like an extravagance for a militia mech, especially when you can pack precision rounds in the LAC when needed.  Maybe upgrade to medium pulse lasers for accuracy or a third normal medium and anti-infantry small pulse.


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 223
Re: Troll-Hound TR-LHD-4
« Reply #2 on: 26 January 2011, 13:15:35 »
The TC seems like an extravagance for a militia mech, especially when you can pack precision rounds in the LAC when needed.  Maybe upgrade to medium pulse lasers for accuracy or a third normal medium and anti-infantry small pulse.

Perhaps a little extravagant, but it allows me to get the most out of my Green Militia troops while boosting ALL of my weapons' accuracy.  Precision ammo is nice, but the Militia units that this unit is designed for, are rarely first in line to acquire it.  Same goes for the Pulse well as the maintenance considerations.
(This also applies to the TC of course, but I think the cost vs. benefit is worth it)

As for enhanced Anti-infantry capability...I don't need it. The A-pod is sufficient to break up a surprise rush by a hidden unit, and for other times, most Militias have ample anti-infantry capability.  (In the form of their own masses of warm bodies).

