Author Topic: Updated release schedule  (Read 13177 times)


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #30 on: 27 June 2013, 08:05:38 »
GunjiNoKanrei...of course...but re-opening fan financing and hiring a couple more sculptors (even temporary ones) would help clear the backlog of mechs that people still want. I'm all for new TRO's and such...but it also wouldn't hurt if the TRO's slowed down a little to ease the "Hey you've got more new mechs to make" backlog.

Just to clarify my last post from yesterday...I'm not complaining about IWM...just the lack of minis that still are waiting for sculpts (all the way back to the Solaris mechs of 3055 Upgrade), this is not 100% IWM's fault as you will see below.

The amount of XTRO's that came out, and now they are jumping to 3145 is going to kill production for mechs that didn't get sculpts. Almost seems like Catalyst doesn't care how backed-up IWM gets & that it's all about pushing the game further and further...which in and of itself is great...but you need the mechs to support those moves.

I talk to Melissa at IWM all the time, and she's always trying to "herd the cats" there to get things out on time...but it's pretty rare when that happens as they are always so highly busy...and by highly I mean INSANELY busy. Kinda feel for them being stuck in the middle as I've seen posts complaining that IWM doesn't do enough, doesn't care, etc etc etc (yes my post yesterday is borderline on that...but I know their situation so I didn't blame them) but in reality they care a great deal...they are just understaffed and WAY over worked. There's been many a time that Melissa has emailed me at 9 in the morning, and again at 8 or 9 at night. If I was doing that kind of schedule...I'd be going insane!

So here's a kudos to IWM for trying to keep up at an insane pace and giving us some great minis! I just wish more of the old would come out first.
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #31 on: 27 June 2013, 08:17:00 »
I doubt IWM's workload is really something catalyst takes into account when making stuff, they are separate companies, and minis aren't mandatory for playing the game. That being said, I tend to agree with you to a certain degree, I really think the XTRO variants should be given online excusive treatment so they aren't clogging the regular release schedule (just look how we have two banshee sculpts in two months, while the 'regular' banshee is hitting the archives soon). With the exception of the retro unseens, I know the t-bolt was fan funded, and the other ones will be crazy popular. I'm not as excited for them however a lot are. Didicating a month of released minis to new released books, especially if it's a new era seems like a good idea. I've always been a little sad that aerofighters tend to miss out on regular and online releases unless funded, especially since I think btech has somne of the coolest looking sci-fi fighters...ever! (and yes I know the reasons why)
« Last Edit: 27 June 2013, 08:21:11 by Daishi411 »
"Warriors, not war machines, are the backbone of the Hell's Horses. While others worship the BattleMech as the ultimate weapon, the men and women of this Clan see even this awesome piece of technology as the tool it is. We have held to this philosophy since the days of our first Khan, who knew that the value of the common soldier far outstripped the brute force of the BattleMech. It is one reason our Clan possesses fewer mechs than most, and has led many to underestimate our fierceness and courage. Our survival against all challengers when others have fallen proves the folly of such arrogance, and testifies to the wisdom of our founders."
- saKhan Tanya Delaurel
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #32 on: 27 June 2013, 08:57:05 »
I'd be all for it if they could do some as online exclusives so they don't clog up the regular releases...anything to just get them out! I agree the primitives in August will be hot sellers, there's no doubt about it.
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #33 on: 27 June 2013, 09:31:04 »
Just to clarify my last post from yesterday...I'm not complaining about IWM...just the lack of minis that still are waiting for sculpts (all the way back to the Solaris mechs of 3055 Upgrade), this is not 100% IWM's fault as you will see below.

Ah, but the Solaris 'Mechs sucked.  ;) In all seriousness, they are often extremely specialized in their design, extremely limited in their deployment, and on the poor side for art. Not a good combo if you want a mini to sell.

I really think the XTRO variants should be given online excusive treatment so they aren't clogging the regular release schedule (just look how we have two banshee sculpts in two months, while the 'regular' banshee is hitting the archives soon).

... was going to put a tongue-in-cheek response here involving pooping out minis and colossal, universe-shaking war. Then thought better of referring to another poster, even in a humourous context. So I'll be serious instead, which is far less fun. Decisions get made at different times for different reasons. Hopefully, both Banshees will sell more than 6 copies a piece over the coming year. A modern take on a long-standing assault 'Mech that (IIRC) is currently only available in a feebly under-gunned 3025 era variant (and also in the box set) sounded like a good idea. I mean, the Banshee has gotten numerous upgraded variants from 3050 onward, and some are pretty sick. Maybe the -11X could even be the basis for other variants. Swap the weapons, give it an axe, and that should be one bad-*** mini (and a canon variant!). The Primitives were decided on at a different time. Personally, I won't be buying them for their stats. They do look pretty cool though. Releasing a product at GenCon is a known way to generate a lot of sales quickly. Cool looking minis + instant sales. That also sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? As for the archives, well, if the unseen Warhammer arm isn't included any more, I doubt many people want to buy another -3E Banshee once they get one in the box set. Or they'll just avoid it completely.

For XTRO minis being released in distribution, a simple question: just looking at the minis, do you want the reseen Kraken, or the -XR more? I'm willing to bet on the -XR being the favourite. Now, if the -XR is more popular, shouldn't it be made more readily available?


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #34 on: 27 June 2013, 10:26:17 »
I know all this, and it was acknowledged in my post (did you actually read my post), though I do appreciate the snark in your post. Also, I'm not sure if I misunderstood, but I have two banshees, and they both came with the variant arm (both the variants it can represent are good stat wise IMO), when did they stop taking the variant part out? I'm by no means against strange variants being made into minis, I've on more than one occasion suggested they be done in way way or another as online/con/limited exclusive mechs. I'm also not againt the release schedule as it is now, I'm just saying that my ideal would be that things be done 'in order' to a certtain degree, with the exception like I said of some months dedicated to the release of new material from the stiry line. This is of course not relevant as I don't set IWM release policy, and no, I don't require an expanation as to the reason why releases are not done this way, I've heard all the explanations. Also I'm not sure how having a mech as an online exclusive doesn't make it readily available? I'm honestly not being obtuse, the fact that something can be ordered and made essentially on demand by anyone with a computer makes it readily available. I'm not here to debate merrit, I have heard 1001 explanations on various IWM operations, I merely chose to put forth my opinion on the matter, though i understand that this forum has become a bad place to think outloud when it doesn't fit with the mainstream. I honestly don't own that many minis (I thought my collection of about 50 was quite large until I told someone and they said it was utterly tiny) because I think the quality is abysmal, so the release schedule barely affects me. I do find that the online exclusives tend to be cast and sculpted better if nothing else, especially the aerofighters.
« Last Edit: 27 June 2013, 10:45:07 by Daishi411 »
"Warriors, not war machines, are the backbone of the Hell's Horses. While others worship the BattleMech as the ultimate weapon, the men and women of this Clan see even this awesome piece of technology as the tool it is. We have held to this philosophy since the days of our first Khan, who knew that the value of the common soldier far outstripped the brute force of the BattleMech. It is one reason our Clan possesses fewer mechs than most, and has led many to underestimate our fierceness and courage. Our survival against all challengers when others have fallen proves the folly of such arrogance, and testifies to the wisdom of our founders."
- saKhan Tanya Delaurel
Star Captain Logan Cobb-666th Assault War Cluster, Star Commander Octavian-The Thunder Heart Cluster
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #35 on: 27 June 2013, 10:26:55 »
For XTRO minis being released in distribution, a simple question: just looking at the minis, do you want the reseen Kraken, or the -XR more? I'm willing to bet on the -XR being the favourite. Now, if the -XR is more popular, shouldn't it be made more readily available?

I may be the only one, but I actually like the (reseen) Kraken 4.  Aside from being enormous, I like the look of it.  The -XR sculpt though?  BEAUTIFUL!  I want several of them, just to make every non-XTRO variant from it, on top of the XTRO one.  I'll have to put that project off a bit at $17 a pop, though.

If a hatchet-wielding variant of the Banshee came out, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. 


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #36 on: 27 June 2013, 11:58:01 »
I know all this, and it was acknowledged in my post (did you actually read my post), though I do appreciate the snark in your post.

Sorry, no snark intended. I thought you had said previously that you would appreciate some insight on thought processes and so forth that aren't always noted publicly.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #37 on: 27 June 2013, 13:34:25 »
What insight? Again you said what I had acknowledged in my post regarding the retros, and that it is believed that releasing two new sculpts (one of which is extremely niche) of an existing mini which has since proven unpopular (though to be fair it has been on the shelves a while now IIRC) will be a money maker. That's intuitive, they're a business, of course they're going to make moves that will make them money. My question would be more along the lines of why they think that releasing two banshees in quick succession is a good move as opposed to releasing a new sculpt entirely. I have heard a lot of people over years rooting for a bruin for example, but never the banshee 11x. Not damning evidence, but somewhat telling. What are your thoughts?
« Last Edit: 27 June 2013, 13:40:26 by Daishi411 »
"Warriors, not war machines, are the backbone of the Hell's Horses. While others worship the BattleMech as the ultimate weapon, the men and women of this Clan see even this awesome piece of technology as the tool it is. We have held to this philosophy since the days of our first Khan, who knew that the value of the common soldier far outstripped the brute force of the BattleMech. It is one reason our Clan possesses fewer mechs than most, and has led many to underestimate our fierceness and courage. Our survival against all challengers when others have fallen proves the folly of such arrogance, and testifies to the wisdom of our founders."
- saKhan Tanya Delaurel
Star Captain Logan Cobb-666th Assault War Cluster, Star Commander Octavian-The Thunder Heart Cluster
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #38 on: 27 June 2013, 14:01:47 »
I tend to agree (and I've said it multiple times) that it gets tiresome watching prototype re-sculpt after prototype re-sculpt get released while a chunk of the mechs and even more of the vehicles from 3085 (to say nothing of the remaining units from 3075) have yet to get the mini treatment. With new designs coming out in the 3145 TROs things are falling even more behind. If I had my way I would have focused more on the 3085 releases and less on the prototypes.

Out of curiosity, why are minis not sculpted prior to the release of a TRO so they can be released in the same month as the accompanying readout? This seems like a fairly intuitive practice that hasn't happened and I'm wondering why.

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #39 on: 27 June 2013, 14:06:41 »
Out of curiosity, why are minis not sculpted prior to the release of a TRO so they can be released in the same month as the accompanying readout? This seems like a fairly intuitive practice that hasn't happened and I'm wondering why.
This would mean IWM getting at least the art, better art and stats, well in advance. My guess is, CGL doesn't have (all) the (finalized) art that far in advance.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #40 on: 27 June 2013, 14:49:52 »
I'm not going to air any laundry or be pointing any fingers. I fully admit that nothing I'm saying here is in the realm of ground-breaking revelations. You seemed confused, and maybe even a little hung up over the Banshee. I wanted to point out that the decision-making process was different for each of them. That's all. I missed the nuance that your concern was primarily related to the proximity of release dates for the new sculpts: the simple answer is that to the best of my knowledge, the call was made on the Primitives lance after the -11X was solicited to distributors. In other words, the commitment had already been made to get that piece out for that date.

As to the Banshee being unpopular, well, there's an Atlas in the archives too. And the first Blood Asp. 3058 Longbow, first Sunder and Hauptmann too. By the reasoning you've put forward, it would be a poor choice to resculpt any of those, despite evidence that later versions have done better up to this point. Another aspect, that is also in the 'not ground-breaking' category, the Primitive and -11X Banshees appeal to different sub-markets within BT fandom. It's a balancing act to figure out releases with so many different directions vying for attention.

I believe - though I am not 100% certain that it has been implemented, not having purchased a Banshee recently - that all connection to the unseen has been removed from the line-up. Whether it's an arm or a whole body, it's still not CGL-owned IP. I don't have a date for you; it was relatively recent, I'd say within the past 2 years tops.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #41 on: 27 June 2013, 15:31:49 »
I was niether confused, nor hung up (again read the post, I spent several years in university as an accounting and finance student, I understand business behaviour). It was just an easy and extreme example, and I'm not at all sure how you got that impression. And the case of the sunder, blood asp etc. is a case of apples and oranges, and I think you know that; the banshees coming out are new variants, I think you would be hard pressed for example to call the soon to be released warhammer IIC 8 a resculpt of the warhammer IIC 4 and again, I think you know that. Let's leave purposeful obtuseness out of the conversation please. So no, this was not my logic at all, it was your post's incorrect interpretation of mine.

In the case of the old Banshee; that's interesting, and kind of sad (understandable given the situation, but sad) that CGl needs to own the IP to have a variant arm made.
« Last Edit: 27 June 2013, 15:37:45 by Daishi411 »
"Warriors, not war machines, are the backbone of the Hell's Horses. While others worship the BattleMech as the ultimate weapon, the men and women of this Clan see even this awesome piece of technology as the tool it is. We have held to this philosophy since the days of our first Khan, who knew that the value of the common soldier far outstripped the brute force of the BattleMech. It is one reason our Clan possesses fewer mechs than most, and has led many to underestimate our fierceness and courage. Our survival against all challengers when others have fallen proves the folly of such arrogance, and testifies to the wisdom of our founders."
- saKhan Tanya Delaurel
Star Captain Logan Cobb-666th Assault War Cluster, Star Commander Octavian-The Thunder Heart Cluster
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #42 on: 27 June 2013, 15:57:04 »
As to the Banshee being unpopular, well, there's an Atlas in the archives too. And the first Blood Asp. 3058 Longbow, first Sunder and Hauptmann too.

How many of these were archived before the resculpts were released?

This would mean IWM getting at least the art, better art and stats, well in advance. My guess is, CGL doesn't have (all) the (finalized) art that far in advance.

So then give in the art that they do have finalized. I'm not saying all of the minis have to be released, just give us one or two.

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #43 on: 27 June 2013, 17:44:01 »
I would think it is a healthy guess that the art is done at the same time as the TRO writing. AKA on the scale of a month or two prior to publication. Isn't the sculpting, master mold, and production mold process closer to six months?


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #44 on: 27 June 2013, 20:26:52 »
Psycho...can you please stop sleeping, eating, and getting up to relieve yourself so we can get some more minis out of you?  O0 If I had your sculpting skills...this wouldn't even be an issue! LOL

I agree on the Solaris mechs being specialized, and am not worried that we don't have those...I was just trying to make a point of showing how far back we can go that don't have a mini for a mech. I'm more concerned about the lack of other TRO's such as 3085 mechs that have not been made yet...but we are getting variants of other mechs like the Warhammer IIC. I don't mind being able to get a variant, I just think that the main mechs should be more of a priority...won't know if they sell until you release them kind of thing.
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #45 on: 28 June 2013, 05:16:50 »
Psycho...can you please stop sleeping, eating, and getting up to relieve yourself so we can get some more minis out of you?  O0
What makes you think Psycho currently has time to eat, sleep, ...


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #46 on: 28 June 2013, 07:17:55 »
What makes you think Psycho currently has time to eat, sleep, ...

LOL true
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #47 on: 28 June 2013, 09:49:26 »
I tend to agree (and I've said it multiple times) that it gets tiresome watching prototype re-sculpt after prototype re-sculpt get released while a chunk of the mechs and even more of the vehicles from 3085 (to say nothing of the remaining units from 3075) have yet to get the mini treatment. With new designs coming out in the 3145 TROs things are falling even more behind. If I had my way I would have focused more on the 3085 releases and less on the prototypes.

Indeed.  Although I'm hopefull and genuinely excited about the Primitives Lance being released soon, I'd still rather have an Ostwar and Von Rohr/Hebi mini completed before those.

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #48 on: 28 June 2013, 10:18:17 »
 [copper] By all means discuss but be civil when you do so.  I really don't want to have to come back and act like a Mod but I will.   [copper]


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #49 on: 28 June 2013, 12:30:03 »
I am very excited for the primitives, Vulture MKIV, and Banshee 11X.  I downloaded XTRO Primitives II last night so I could see what the Banshee 1E and Wasp looked like. 

I'm glad to see some new Banshee sculpts.  The clown hand (currently archived) Banshee was awful.  The original sculpt is now available as an online exclusive, but it's been around a long time.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #50 on: 28 June 2013, 13:16:56 »
The banshee (the one that will be going into the archives) is honestly still one of the best sculpts there is. The level of detail and accuracy to the art still put most of the newer sculpt that have been put out to shame IMO.

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #51 on: 28 June 2013, 14:43:38 »
The banshee (the one that will be going into the archives) is honestly still one of the best sculpts there is. The level of detail and accuracy to the art still put most of the newer sculpt that have been put out to shame IMO.

You're talking the original Ral Partha sculpt with the extra parts for the BNC-3S, correct?

[copper] By all means discuss but be civil when you do so.  I really don't want to have to come back and act like a Mod but I will.   [copper]


Seriously?   ???
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #52 on: 28 June 2013, 15:04:20 »
You're talking the original Ral Partha sculpt with the extra parts for the BNC-3S, correct?

Yes. It's honestly one of my favourite minis (and on of my favourite mechs).

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #53 on: 28 June 2013, 17:05:46 »
Can't wait to see the Malice on the release schedule some day!


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #54 on: 28 June 2013, 18:47:31 »
Yes. It's honestly one of my favourite minis (and on of my favourite mechs).

ShockaTime...that's not the one that is going in to the archive. The "Drunken" Banshee part number 20-969 is the one that is going...I'm looking at IWM's sheet right now.
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #55 on: 28 June 2013, 19:32:16 »
Well there is quite a lot that goes into the schedule since it is done pretty far ahead. But this year the second half was totally shelved and reorganized to get the 3145 designs to start to come out. If I remember correctly later in the year and into next year the schedule will be half 3145 designs and the other half designs from other TRO not done yet. As for the Primitives for the August release, due to a tight sculpting schedule it was selected to move them into the August release slot so we could have them as a Gen Con presale Lance Pack. We wanted to have something special for the show like last years XTRO mechs, so we wanted to do four of the Primitives.

And yes, at some point in the schedule is the Bruin.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #56 on: 28 June 2013, 20:42:23 »
Yay! Bruin finally!!! Now all we need are...about 100 others to be done! lol

Don't shoot me people...but...

Catalyst...please...slow down for a while!!! lol
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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #57 on: 29 June 2013, 01:51:33 »
ShockaTime...that's not the one that is going in to the archive. The "Drunken" Banshee part number 20-969 is the one that is going...I'm looking at IWM's sheet right now.

That one has been in the archive for a while IIRC.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2013, 01:54:53 by ShockaTime »

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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #58 on: 29 June 2013, 08:54:53 »
Interesting. It shows in the archives but is on the new "to be archived" list.


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Re: Updated release schedule
« Reply #59 on: 29 June 2013, 09:27:41 »
Interesting. It shows in the archives but is on the new "to be archived" list.

Yeah, I saw that and a few others. I thought I removed them from the list I got from mike. I guess they are not marked right in there quick books. Realized it after the list went out so they will be ignored and the rest on the list will be archived. I guess some how I used the original file after the poll was finished to create the list to be archived instead of the modified file.

