Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech  (Read 81172 times)


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'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« on: 15 August 2013, 23:03:46 »

Hellbringer.  The oft-maligned lower-end Heavy OmniMech of the Clans.  Despite the reputation among its users and opponents for a variety of reasons, this fighting machine has persisted in the Inner Sphere from the start of Operation: REVIVAL clear through Grey Monday and into the continuing Dark Age.

The origins of the Hellbringer start with Clan Hell's Horses.  First developed in 2926 after the successful Trial for Tokasha Mechworks by Clan Ghost Bear, the Hellbringer was one of several stop gap Omni concepts to fill the flagging touman with cheap, effective, and powerful forces.  The Hellbringer was the most effective of these efforts, and the only successful one of the lot.  That should probably tell you something about how effective the others were.  Regardless of the short term effectiveness of this production, the Hell's Horses soon lost even this meager advantage, as the Hellbringer spread quickly through other Clans' toumans as well, sped largely by the loss of the production facility to other rival Clans and the distribution of the design as a ploy to curry favor to rescue the Hell's Horse's flagging position.

Encountered in at least token use by every Clan during the Invasion, the Hellbringer is found most commonly with Clan Jade Falcon, praised by Falcon warriors for its unbridled offensive potential.  As such, nearly all states that have engaged the Clans have seen the Hellbringer, though its official Inner Sphere codename “Loki” was given to it by one Federated Commonwealth officer that dubbed it “utterly mad” in all configurations.

Sharing similar visual qualities with both the Warhammer and Thunderbolt BattleMechs of the Inner Sphere, it's not difficult to see the inspirations for the Hellbringer's appearance.  A 325 rated Extra Light Fusion Engine propels the 65 ton Hellbringer to running speeds of up to 86 km/hr, which is about as fast as can be efficiently done even with XL engines.  Cast using many of the same molds as the Summoner, with whom it shares a lack of Endo-Steel components, the Hellbringer has a hunched appearance, with short arms hanging to the 'Mech's sides and thick, blocky angles throughout.  It looks like a trooper, despite performance to the contrary.

That performance to the contrary is courtesy of the Hellbringer's armor.  A mere eight tons of Forging Omni H-24 standard armor make for pitiful protection, covering barely more than 60% of the design's maximum capacity.  Though, at the very least what's there is arranged as intelligently as it can be, given the shortcomings.  The Head is armored to standard, capable of stopping any number of the most common mid-range weapons, such as AC-10s of various flavors, Inner Sphere PPCs, and Clan ER and Pulse Large Lasers from simply removing the head, though damage inflicted by one of those weapons will still threaten the pilot, especially if a hit has already landed.  Interestingly, the Rear Torsos of the Hellbringer are armored almost as heavily as the head, with the Center able to handle an Inner Sphere Large Laser or Light Gauss with impunity, while the sides can take one direct hit from a Clan spec Medium Laser.  That sort of armor is valuable on a machine where armor is otherwise lacking.  Each Leg is armored to take one Gauss Rifle slug or Clan ER PPC strike, but will be left completely without armor afterward.  Much like the Inner Sphere laughingstock the JagerMech, the Hellbringer actually in some cases has thicker internal structure than it does armor.  The legs are very close to achieving this dubious distinction, capable of taking exactly one more similar hit before being destroyed.    The Hellbringer's arms are even less acceptably armored, barely capable of stopping the ER and Pulse lasers mentioned above without breaching, though there technically is still some tattered remnants of armor on the limbs if they take a hit like that.  Gauss and PPC fire, however, will shred it and then some, bleeding damage into the structure on the first hit.  Finally, the side and Center Torsos aren't much better.  The legs are actually armored somewhat better than the side torsos, and a Gauss slug will punch right through and start dealing damage immediately.  The Center Torso, on the other hand, can at least eat an additional SRM before breaching.  Spectacular.

The saving grace of the Hellbringer is the relatively massive warload it brings to the table.  For the time, its 28.5 tons of podspace were absolutely unheard of for anything smaller than 80 tons, including the vaunted Timber Wolf.  Three fixed heatsinks hidden in the engine accompany the base ten, for a base chassis dissipation of thirteen double heatsinks.  Aside from the bulky XL Engine, the entire 'Mech is bare of critical components, leaving more room to work with than any other Clan Frontline Omni of the original Invasion.  That's right, not a single Clan Omni from 3050 has more space to put all the juicy weapons and equipment a pilot could want.  Many of the standard configurations squander this bountiful space, but used correctly the 'Mech is still capable of putting out tremendous punishment.

The Primary configuration of the Hellbringer takes a little bit of everything to the field.  Twin ER PPCs, one in each arm, provide long range hitting power and fire support, if necessary, all the way out to 690 meters.  Three ER Medium Lasers in the Left Torso complement a Streak SRM-6 system in the Right Torso, both of which addsadditional punch to 450 and 360 meters respectively and an opportunity to exploit holes previously punched by the PPCs.  Finally, two Machine Guns in the Right Torso provide anti-infantry protection at short range, only to about 90 meters or so.  A Targeting Computer nestled in the Left Torso alongside the lasers provides pinpoint accuracy.  The other equipment in the Prime is what makes it so odd, though.  An Active Probe and a decidedly un-Clanlike ECM Suite are also included in the spacious Left Torso, while an AMS system inhabits the head, with the singular ton of ammunition in the Center Torso.  Not the best place for ammo, but with this little armor, it's not going to be much of a problem in most cases.  The rest of the ammo for the Streaks and MGs are shoved into the Right Torso, for a total of two and a half tons of ammunition on this configuration.  That's not even the last of it!  No, the configuration is rounded out by a quartet of A-Pods in the legs, two each.  With the Machine Guns already on the machine, and the general lack of usefulness for A-Pods in general, this design choice puts serious question on who was driving the think tank on this one, especially since the Hellbringer Prime overheats heavily on a running alpha, literally double the heat dissipation capacity of the 'Mech, though there's something to be said about the nicely arranged brackets.  At least, nicely arranged by ranges.  Firing both primary weapons on a run will still put the Prime into an overheat that slows it perceptibly.

Configuration A is slightly more sensible.  Instead of the baffling array of secondary equipment that doesn't contribute much in duels or against other 'Mech opponents, this version of the Hellbringer mounts paired ER Large lasers in the Left Arm, accurate out to 750 meters, and an Ultra AC/5 with two tons of ammunition in the Right that can begin to support the lasers as early as 630 meters out.  Following up on the long range hole punching is an LRM-20 system with a criminally low sixty seconds worth of ammunition in the Right Torso.  An ER Medium Laser in the Head can add to the fire as soon as it comes in range.  An odd choice, a Narc Launcher occupies a place in the Left Torso, adjacent to an Active Probe held over from the Prime.  The Narc Launcher is of... questionable utility within the confines of Zellbrigen, but if a pilot is desperate to get utility out of it, he or she can use it to make their own LRM fire more accurate, though with a range of 360 meters, closing to that range before opening up with one of the most powerful parts of the 'Mech is a decided risk.  Annoyingly, the Narc and the LRM have the same amount of ammunition from an endurance point of view.  The Machine Guns in the Right Torso from the Prime have also made an encore appearance, and have been “upgraded” to a full ton of ammunition, nestled in the Center Torso, taking the place of the now absent AMS ammo.  One step forward, two steps back.  The heat load on this configuration is slightly more taxing at range with a salvo of the long range weapons at a run generating enough heat to affect targeting performance, but also more lenient on an alpha, which “only” generates enough heat to flirt with ammunition detonation.

The third of the Hellbringer's common configurations, configuration B is the first that doesn't suffer from crippling heat issues.  However, it suffers from crippling ammo issues, appropriately enough.  A Gauss Rifle in the Right Arm reaches out and touches people out to 660 hexes with a slight difficulty with short range opponents.  In the opposite arm, an LB-5X exploits holes punched by the gauss weapon, and also offers superb anti-aircraft capability.  The crippling ammunition issues rear their ugly heads with only a single ton for each weapon, in the same location.  For the autocannon, twenty shots is enough to get through a fight, though having only one choice between cluster or slug limits its overall utility.  For the gauss rifle, one ton is criminally under supplied, lasting less than a minute and a half of constant fire.  Two SRM-6s with Artemis IV FCS in the Right Torso provide superb close-in firepower capable of damaging exposed components.  Artemis only saves a half ton versus upgrading to Streak systems, and loses fully 25% range, only reaching out to 270 meters.  Two tons of ammunition supply the launchers, both placed in the same torso.  Given the ammunition efficiency and improved range of Streak systems, it's a mystery to me why the designer didn't simply consolidate and drop to one ton of ammunition.  A similar 'quick fix' for the configuration is to drop one ton of SRM ammunition for an additional ton of gauss, since the gauss will be in range significantly more often than the relatively short-legged missiles.  Finally, an ER Small Laser in the Left Torso provides last ditch defensive potential out to 180 meters.  Total heat buildup for this configuration is barely 50% of the overall heat dissipation of the 'Mech, meaning that the Hellbringer B can literally bathe in inferno gel or plasma fire and only make the pilot sweat.

Next on the list, the Hellbringer C initially debuted in 3054, several years after the Invasion, and trades a punishing long range focus for equally painful short range power.  The centerpiece of the 'Mech is a massive LB-20X Autocannon in the Right Torso, fed by three tons of ammunition distributed where space allows between the side torsos.  Two ER Medium Lasers in the Left Torso exploit holes punched by the main gun.  On the Left Arm, an ER Large Laser provides a hefty and accurate long range punch while two underslung ER Smalls add damage at close range.  In the Right Arm, all around versatility is brought around by an ATM-6 launcher, with three tons of ammo in the same arm.  This config is well versed at all ranges, with the ER Large and ATM providing an accurate if not especially powerful reach, adding the ER Mediums and the ATM's standard munitions when the ranges close and more damage is required.  Finally, at close range, the LBX opens up and the ATM switches to HE missiles, which provide unparalleled damage at knife-fight ranges.  The Small Lasers aren't often going to be in range even so, but offer a low-heat solid punch when targets are within 180 meters.  Total heat capacity isn't up to a running alpha, but with a variety of weapons to provide good flexibility and damage at all ranges with a focus on short range pain, the base heat sinks are fairly good.  At long range, a running alpha doesn't even raise a blip on the display, and the mid-range battery doesn't do much more than make the pilot sweat.  Close range, managing the offensive potential of the C is a bit more complex, but firing the LBX, ATM, and ER Mediums offers a net cool down after a few salvos including the Large.  If the pilot is desperate, a running alpha at close range will flirt with ammunition explosion but not quite reach it with a small buffer between the 'Mech and disaster.

Configuration D is probably the most hilarious of the standard configurations.  The primary weapons on the 'Mech are a quartet of Plasma Cannons split two in each arm, which are the source of the hilarity.  Clan plasma weapons don't actually do damage to enemy 'Mechs, instead dealing a good amount of heat to units that track it.  Against non-'Mech units, Plasma Cannons are murderous things, dealing damage that's on average similar to an ER Large, though across a greater swath of the target's surface, and at a cost of only three tons per system.  Additionally, Plasma Cannons do not suffer when targeting close enemies, and reach out to 540 meters without difficulty, though as their downside must be supplied with ammunition.  On this configuration, one ton of ammo per cannon is divided up the same way as the cannons themselves.  Backing up the cannons are an array of four Medium Pulse Lasers, arranged two per side torso that can very accurately strike targets to 360 meters.  A Micro Pulse Laser in the Head offers token damage to the pile at 90 meters and less.  Finally, four B-Pods, two to each leg, work to fight off enemy battlesuits that may get too close for comfort.  Combined with the devastating anti-battlearmor power of the plasma cannons and the superb accuracy of the medium pulse lasers, the B-Pods are perhaps a little superfluous, and the four tons tied up in their use could have been much better spent on heatsinks.  Firing all four plasma weapons at a run will have the 'Mech build just enough heat to avoid penalties.  Against 'Mechs, and when trying to maximize accuracy, the pulse lasers can be swapped out two-for-one without crippling heat issues, though be aware that it might be necessary to cool off every few turns.  To avoid being forced to cool off, three pulse lasers and two cannons can be fired indefinitely while stationary, and at a run a pulse laser need be dropped for only a short period every thirty seconds or so.  If absolutely necessary, a running alpha strike will slow the 'Mech by nearly 40% and make acquiring targets more difficult, but not impossibly so.  (Editor's Note: There is a duel between the Hellbringer D and another Clan 'Mech, which I believe to be a Mad Dog, in which the Hellbringer pilot forced the Mad Dog to the point of shut down with repeated salvos of the main cannons.  For the life of me, I am unable to find any evidence of that showdown ever happening or having a place in the fluff, but I'm certain it exists.)

The next configuration is the only common Hellbringer configuration to mount jump jets.  The E is also one of only two Hellbringers to not waste unfortunate amounts of tonnage on superfluous A- and B-Pods, sharing that distinction with the F.  Apparently, it took until 3069 to achieve that feat.  The five tons taken up by jump jets leaves 23.5 tons of equipment to play with, and the designers of the E decided on long range fire-support, though being Clan, short range power is still present due to the general lack of minimum range on Clan weapons.  The centerpiece of this version is a HAG-20, mounted in the Left Arm and provided with two tons of ammunition.  That amount of ammo is perhaps a bit low on the modern battlefield, but for a duel it handles things nicely with two full minutes of fire available at the pilot's fingertips.  Occupying the Right Arm are a pair of ER Large Lasers.  The HAG has a 30 meter shorter range than the lasers, but all three will be able to engage targets to an impressive distance, and with equally impressive power.  At 630 meters, an LRM-10 with a single ton of ammunition in the Right Torso can enter the fray and provide additional hits.  No other weapons or equipment grace the design.  Total damage output for the E is lower than most other Hellbringers, but the concentration on long range firepower and maneuverability to the exclusion of all else means that this particular Hellbringer will probably survive longer than most.  The heat load of the E is fairly simple to juggle.  Firing both ER Larges and the HAG at a run will not quite generate enough heat to make movement difficult.  Firing one ER Large, the HAG, and the LRM the next turn, also at a run, will drop the heat back down to neutral.  A running alpha will leave both the speed and targeting degraded, while a jumping alpha will degrade the ground based movement further.

The only other Hellbringer not to waste tonnage on other equipment, the Hellbringer F was introduced at the same time as the C.  Sporting a pair of LB-10X Autocannons, one to an arm, the F certainly gets off to a good start for all around versatility.  Only two tons of ammo makes it a little short for a full engagement, but once again, duels are golden.  Four ER Medium Lasers, one in each arm and side torso, deliver solid mid-range punch.  The last bit of armament is a standard SRM-6 in the Right Torso fed by one ton of ammunition.  Aside from the lack of a dedicated long range punch, this is probably the most balanced of the common Hellbringer configurations.  It is also one of the coolest running, with a running alpha not even slowing it down.  (Editor's Note: This config comes courtesy of a canonization of the MechWarrior 4 appearance of the Hellbringer.)

One more common Hellbringer configuration exists, the H, featuring the obligatory Heavy Laser boat.  Unveiled in 3059, this version dishes out the most raw damage, but also overheats more than any other Hellbringer, a feat in and of itself.  An ER PPC in the Right Arm provides the main long range punch, with an Ultra AC/5 in the Right Torso and an LRM-15 in the Left Torso.  Each of the ammunition using weapons comes with two tons in the same location.  Fortunately, all of those weapons can be fired at a run with no heat buildup.  Unfortunately, the designers were being a bit more ambitious with this one.  A Heavy Large Laser sits in the Left Arm, and four Heavy Small Lasers pad the Left Torso.  Because Heavy Lasers have the same ranges as their Inner Sphere, non-heavy counterparts and suffer an intrinsic inaccuracy, their utility is somewhat limited.  However, if the pilot ever finds him or herself less than 90 meters from a target, the barrage of coherent light stands a fair chance of melting the opponent.  Unfortunately, firing all of those lasers, alone, at a standstill, will almost put the Hellbringer into heat-inflicted deficiency.  Put together, a Hellbringer H is fully capable of forcing itself into an unavoidable shutdown with a running alpha strike.

Notable Hellbringer pilots are few and far between, with only three apparent.  The first (and least known) of the three is one Star Captain Phadorah of Clan Hell's Horses, who gained minor fame after defeating two opponents simultaneously, including a Horse-turned-Wolf Star Colonel, who was 'reclaimed' for the Horses.

The next notable Hellbringer pilot is notable for being a notable pilot of the Omni without direct affiliation with a Clan.  Brian Cameron of the Wolf's Dragoons piloted a Hellbringer for much of his career as Jaime Wolf's communications officer and aide-de-camp, at one point even taking command of the surviving portion of the unit on Outreach after the legendary mercenary's death.

The last and most famous of the notable Hellbringer pilots, Star Captain Joanna, is the MechWarrior that killed Natasha Kerensky in single combat.  Though she did not pilot a Hellbringer for the duel, much of her career was spent in the Omni, including the battle of Tukayyid.  Joanna is also notable for being the only well-known Hellbringer pilot to be of Clan Jade Falcon, who are known to be prolific users of the design.

Using a Hellbringer is the same for most configurations, excepting possibly the E and F.  Get in close, use cover and your speed to keep the hit numbers as high as it's possible to keep them at that range, and unload buckets of pain into your opponents' faces.  Don't expect Hellbringers to live very long, regardless of what else you bring, so get your use out of them as quickly as possible.  Just about the only thing that will keep a Hellbringer alive is a slower, more dangerous unit on your side that can soak the punishment, and those are few and far between when considering just how much damage a Hellbringer is capable of putting out, and how high the risk-reward is for taking one out early.  For the E and F, stay at medium or long range, and use the superior ranged firepower to whittle down enemies while your ammo lasts.  For something like the D, plasma cannons play merry hell with everything, but most particularly conventional assets like infantry and vehicles, where they inflict good damage for low tonnage to damn near everything.  3D6 damage split into 5 point clusters averages two full clusters and a point left over, with potential spikes all the way up to three full clusters and one three point hit, so they're perfect for roasting battle armor and infantry that get in your way.

Fighting a Hellbringer is almost painfully simple.  Point and click.  The armor is really pathetic, no matter how you slice it, so any concentrated fire will bring one down fast.  Unfortunately, it's Clan, so anything taking it down will suffer for it.  Most configurations are high on power at all ranges, but overheat easily, so bringing along heat generating weapons can help, and a few big hole punchers will start taking out important things.  Keep in mind, though, that with the glut of weapons on a normal Hellbringer, taking out the big guns just gives your opponent more options to use other big guns without worrying about heat anymore.  Mixed blessing.  Hit it hard and put it down fast to avoid taking more damage than most Assaults can put out on short notice.

Availability and other information can be found on the Master Unit List, and additional pictures can be found on CamoSpecs.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #1 on: 16 August 2013, 00:07:18 »
 fun mech. I like using them in trials or as a command mech for a recon force.
Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar
Marian Hegemony, II Legio-Cataphract
Clan Hell's Horses, Gamma Galaxy-Summoner
Clan Grinch goat- gamma goat.

E. Icaza

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #2 on: 16 August 2013, 01:00:11 »
One of my favorite 'Mechs and it rarely fails to take down 2 or 3 times its weight, despite the complaints about how fragile it is.  The Prime and the Alpha configuration are probably my favorites, although I agree that the Narc is probably space that could better be set aside for an AMS and/or more LRM ammo.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #3 on: 16 August 2013, 02:52:07 »
Does it ever actually use all the free crit space?


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #4 on: 16 August 2013, 05:30:26 »
Always liked fighting these things when me and my friends played our clan invasion battles.  It was distressingly easy to disable.  Fighting on a forest map I took one down much to my supprise in a pointblank brawl with a FLS-8K Flashman, sure the Flasher was battered but still came out on top. To be headcapped by a Gargoyle A the next turn..

Great review though!
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #5 on: 16 August 2013, 13:37:33 »
I'm with E. in preferring the Primary and Alpha configs. We know the Loki lacks armor, so if we want to get any use out of it, we gotta minimize that weakness by making it as hard to hit as possible. 5/8 speed does give us a good movement modifier, and the Prime's ECM will certainly see a lot of Ghost Targets use now that the rules got streamlined, but for any Loki, it's real defense is the same one relied upon by every air-to-ground unit in existence - range. You stay at long range, and use that modifier to bring moderate to-hit numbers up to the realm of crazy-difficult, and possibly impossible. You shoot at that range, and accept that your numbers won't be much better. If you've got 10s to-hit and the other guy has 11s or 12s and neither of you connects that round, you've done your job right.

A duel with a Loki should take a LONG time, slowly wearing down the enemy in such a way that it will take him even longer to wear you down. The Prime is probably best for this, since the TarComp goes a long way towards making your numbers better than his. A well-piloted Loki Prime should be a terror to face, elusive and near-impossible to hit, and occasionally rebutting with those hammers the Clans call PPCs. The A works in a similar fashion, but sacrifices the accuracy of the Prime for a larger number of to-hit rolls, meaning more chances to get lucky.
« Last Edit: 16 August 2013, 13:39:48 by Weirdo »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #6 on: 16 August 2013, 20:22:01 »
Does it ever actually use all the free crit space?

I maintain that from a player standpoint, the Hellbringer's only asset over other fast Clan heavies is its uniquely large amount of available critical spaces. Therefore, the truly creative Hellbringer user will design configurations that emphasize bulky, lightweight weapons that would not fit on a Timber Wolf, Mad Dog or one of the newer Clan heavies. (The Summoner has noticeably less podspace available, so it's not counted here).

Artillery is one choice, but I'd like to mention that mass banks of light machine guns and/or LB-20x autocannon work surprisingly effectively*.

As for why the Clans prefer it, my guess is that Hellbringer duels tend to end faster with (relatively) less overall material destruction - no exotic chassis or armour materials, and with the thin armour, XL engines, and ammunition, more easily repaired engine knock-outs and/or CASE-protected side chassis destruction tend to dominate trial damage for Hellbringers, as opposed to more zombie-like mechs that require a pilot kill or the utter reduction of the machine to sparkly dust to end a trial.

*5 Jump Jets, 28 LMGs with 2.5 tons ammo, 1 ERML, 1 LB-20x with 2 tons ammo. Use in star-strength without Zell


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #7 on: 01 September 2013, 23:46:19 »
I just ran the B version in a recent battle with 3052 IS forces, 1st turn took a GR to the torso, plus a few LRM's and a ammo critted, it was a lame target for 2 more turns before it got put out of its misery, what a waste of clan technology.
The Madcat I also ran lasted til the end of the battle, as did the Vulture.
Loki = mad indeed

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #8 on: 02 September 2013, 00:43:30 »
There is a reason I relegate all my Hellbringers to artillery duty.  They are just too fragile to stand up to the kind of punishment they attract so I give mine an Arrow IV tube and a full set of Jump Jets whenever possible so they can fight from far enough away to make their pitiful armor a non-issue, especially if I use the jets to get creative with positioning.

Beyond that, I really wish this thing had had used advanced construction to mount decent armor and used MASC to differentiate it from the other heavy omnis without crippling it in the process, but at least it is not popular among the Bears so I do not have to use this mess very often.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #9 on: 02 September 2013, 15:18:21 »
Endo-Steel to free up 3 extra tons of armor would have made this just about perfect, honestly, and it wouldn't take up all that much space. But your best bets as said repeatedly above are ER PPCs and ER Larges. Or maybe the HAGs now, you could get away with a 40, a nice chunk of ammo and backed up with one or two of the big ER beams. Could get 12 shots with 2 ER Larges, or 18 shots with an ER PPC. Guess it depends on whether you want to give up the ammo for better backup punch.
« Last Edit: 02 September 2013, 15:24:49 by Nightsong »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #10 on: 02 September 2013, 16:21:10 »
Endo-Steel to free up 3 extra tons of armor would have made this just about perfect, honestly, and it wouldn't take up all that much space.

Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout.  ;)
« Last Edit: 02 September 2013, 16:26:23 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #11 on: 02 September 2013, 16:50:38 »
I've said it before, I'll say it again.  The Hellbringer is not a durable 'Mech.  It's not meant to be, either.  It's designed to pick fights and finish them in the same minute, and if it happens to win to pick another one and finish it even quicker.  This 'Mech is Clan dueling ideology distilled into something breathtakingly simple (both from a metagame and in-universe perspective) whose sole purpose is the focused application of molten pain on a single target.  Survival not required or necessarily desired.

There's a reason this is a Falcon favorite, and it's because it epitomizes the Clan pursuit of maximum pain in the minimum amount of time.  28.5 tons outstrips the Timber Wolf for sheer payload, and when it comes right down to it, what you can do with that payload is nothing short of a warcrime on a frame this size.  It's successor, the Hellbringer II, takes it even further by slowing it down and piling on more podspace, but the basic idea is the same: Kill things dead fast.

At the end of it all, the Hellbringer can mount literally any weapon in the Clan arsenal, in any location, and have the space and tonnage left over for more.  HAG-40?  No problem.  Four ER PPCs?  Have fun with the heat, but it's still possible.  Want to out-Nova the Nova?  Twenty ER Medium Lasers and more heatsinks.

The Hellbringer, more than any other Omni in the entire Clan combined toumans, with the possible exception of the Dire Wolf during the invasion, and some of the larger assault omnis in the modern game, offers carte blanche to ****** shit up with anything and everything you want to.  Go nuts.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #12 on: 03 September 2013, 09:56:36 »
"What Scotty said..."

Pretty much sums it up for me.  It's designed to overwhelm a single opponent immediately.  If it fails at that then it probably dies.  It's why it was such a great Jaguar mech, fit their style to the T.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #13 on: 04 September 2013, 22:04:30 »
I love this 'mech (so much that I even designed a Lego model for it, see my avatar? :D).  Yeah, I have designed Hellbringer chassis that make use of Endo-Steel and Ferro-Fibrous to make it more durable, but there's something I like about a Clan glass cannon.

I love the way the 'mech looks, and I love the way it screams "KILL IT FAST!!!" because its armor won't last long at all.

I do enjoy creating custom configurations with the 'mech, and I've made a lot of them.

However, I feel that the Mad Dog, sharing the same movement profile as the Hellbringer, and having 28 tons of pod space for more armor and one less double heatsink, is a more efficient design, despite not having as many free critical slots due to the Ferro-Fibrous.  It's also 5 tons lighter.

I love both 'mechs though, their pod space, and, of course, their looks, and I frequently use them together in my stars.
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
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master arminas

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #14 on: 04 September 2013, 23:51:10 »
Nice article, reminds me of my own on the Hellbringer.




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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #15 on: 05 September 2013, 21:56:25 »
It was either Victor Steiner-Davion or Galen Cox who gave the Loki reporting name on Trellwan in 3050.

And yes, from the "Live fast, die young, leave a great legacy" POV, the design makes a bit more sense.

Still, I'd rather have a trusty old Thunderbolt.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #16 on: 05 September 2013, 22:27:04 »
so I read the excellent article by  master arminas
and that plus the live fast die young clan philosophy sort of helps the Loki make sense, even so the canon versions are pretty laughable and I won't use one or inflict one in any BT games I run unless a player doesn't have much to complain about.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #17 on: 11 September 2013, 13:43:50 »
The Hellbringer is so useful in Alpha Strike rules. Makes me appreciate why the Falcons used it so frequently.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #18 on: 12 September 2013, 10:51:43 »
The Hellbringer is so useful in Alpha Strike rules. Makes me appreciate why the Falcons used it so frequently.

Please elaborate.  I'm not too familiar with the new rules set.
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #19 on: 12 September 2013, 10:54:58 »
Please elaborate.  I'm not too familiar with the new rules set.

Good speed, several congfigs with massive long-range's still fragile, but a well-driven Loki will pound you to pieces before you can close to medium range.

Of course, if you do survive to get that close, you'll be the one doing the fast, die funny. 8)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #20 on: 12 September 2013, 12:11:20 »
I try to do that on tabletop anyway, but for some reason I somewhat enjoy close-range configurations that are designed to hit so hard that your armor will actually hold up, 'cause there won't be much of the other guy left :)  But that's with custom pod configurations anyway.
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #21 on: 12 September 2013, 14:31:10 »
I try to do that on tabletop anyway, but for some reason I somewhat enjoy close-range configurations that are designed to hit so hard that your armor will actually hold up, 'cause there won't be much of the other guy left :)  But that's with custom pod configurations anyway.

This is pretty much how I look at the Hellbringer.  The armor is so low because if you need it you're doing things wrong.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #22 on: 13 September 2013, 03:23:56 »
So the correct podloadout should always include a supercharger?
I mean, how high is the chance you burn the engine before the armour gives?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #23 on: 13 September 2013, 05:33:38 »
That's certainly a valid way to look at it.  I don't usually add them to my own configurations simply because I stick to Tournament Legal a good 60% of the time, and forget those exist the rest.

Generally speaking, a Hellbringer load designed to maximize the design's potential needs to be carrying at least one, preferably two, large energy weapons like PPCs or ER Large Lasers, a large ballistic weapon such as Gauss or some brand of AC-20 (Ultra works perfect), and then a battery of smaller energy weapons for the last 4-8 tons.  If you're adding more heatsinks, be very careful about it.  Never, ever be afraid to overheat if it means your enemy gets crippled.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #24 on: 13 September 2013, 05:41:14 »
That's certainly a valid way to look at it.  I don't usually add them to my own configurations simply because I stick to Tournament Legacy a good 60% of the time, and forget those exist the rest.

Generally speaking, a Hellbringer load designed to maximize the design's potential needs to be carrying at least one, preferably two, large energy weapons like PPCs or ER Large Lasers, a large ballistic weapon such as Gauss or some brand of AC-20 (Ultra works perfect), and then a battery of smaller energy weapons for the last 4-8 tons.  If you're adding more heatsinks, be very careful about it.  Never, ever be afraid to overheat if it means your enemy gets crippled.

The Hellbringer C! My favorite configuration of the mech! :-)

Trajan Helmer

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #25 on: 13 September 2013, 12:28:52 »
Most of the time I use my Hellbringers to snipe at long range, keeping my opponent honest. Hellbringers have enough speed to close distance fast to bring that universe of hurt. In a large scale battle, they excel at worrying your enemy. Often enough, they're ignored while more dangerous 'Mechs get the attention they deserve. While your opponent pounds on the better designs, rushing the Hellbringer forward to finish them off is a terrifying tactic to some. The armor is rarely needed at that point. It's secured plenty of victories, too.

Occasionally, they're used as bodyguard units. That much podspace and speed can cut short many a raider's career.

The Hellbringer C! My favorite configuration of the mech! :-)
I've grown very fond of the E Configuration myself. That thing can be murder in a long-to-midrange game.

Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout- Natasha K (forum poster)

Do not taunt Happy Fun Aegis.,42045.msg968574.html#msg968574


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #26 on: 13 September 2013, 12:43:23 »
Heavy Lasers coupled with HAGs on the same config are absolutely murderous.  You've got a decent long range punch with that HAG (not great, but decent, and keeps VTOLs honest), and the HLLs (or iHLLs for a bonus) bring the pain up close.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Trajan Helmer

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #27 on: 13 September 2013, 17:35:48 »
Actually, the E has two ER Large Lasers coupled with a HAG 20 and an LRM10.  What surprised me about the config (I first played it blind at GenCon last year) was its jumping capability. I was halfway through the Masters & Minions Tourney before I saw I had jjs.

I agree with you, though. A config matching iHLLs and a HAG 20 would be sweet. Throw on a ERLL for extra range. And some heat sinks.
Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout- Natasha K (forum poster)

Do not taunt Happy Fun Aegis.,42045.msg968574.html#msg968574


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #28 on: 13 September 2013, 17:40:17 »
You can fit a HAG-30 (3 tons ammo), ER PPC, iHLL, two ER ML, and a Flamer on a Hellbringer with no additional heatsinks at all and have a nearly perfect bracket fighter.  A little hot short, a little cool long, but deadly at all ranges.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.

Trajan Helmer

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: Hellbringer (Loki) OmniMech
« Reply #29 on: 13 September 2013, 18:55:03 »
That's not even fair for the enemy. I'm in. Excellent article, by the way.  I can't get enough of the Hellbringer nowadays.
Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout- Natasha K (forum poster)

Do not taunt Happy Fun Aegis.,42045.msg968574.html#msg968574

