Author Topic: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)  (Read 3161 times)


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Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« on: 17 September 2013, 22:22:03 »
To set the stage we were on frozen city at night, starting on the city side up on the hill and moved to the ridge with the crashed dropship - pretty standard.  We gently encouraged our PUGs to be patient and pick them off as they revealed themselves.  They apparently had a very similar plan and so for a while it was a lot of peaking over the hill and sniping.  We sat below the ridge and waited for anyone foolish enough to rush over the side, or spend too much time.  It was a pretty good game of cat and mouse but we had the edge with the more patient pack of PUG's.

Suddenly there were like 4-5 mechs behind me and before I could really respond they'd shot off my arms and disabled all my weapons, then I guess realizing they'd walked into our trap, ran for it before finishing the job.  By this time we were up on kills and had the advantage and decided to push as a group.  I chose to lead the charge, hoping to spend a few meager seconds drawing fire for my teammates while they did work.

Not only did I find myself bizarrely ignored (and they may have realized I had nothing so were doing the right thing by ignoring me) when this Kintaro came around a building directly in front of me.  All I could do was charge thinking if I backed him up against the wall behind him, he couldn't take any shots at my teammates.

Suddenly I found this Kintaro stuck between myself and this building lol!  he was hooting but missing mostly and he could not for the life of him figure out how to get out lol  I was hysterical by now it looked so fuinny to me.  Up behind me shot up one of my friends and wiped him out while he sat stuck between myself and the building, leaving me to 'rush' their base and begin to cap before we finally ended the game with the full destruction of the enemy.
Hexes make me sad...


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #1 on: 18 September 2013, 12:03:17 »
try modding the mechcommander 2 and record the action...
as for a story i rarely did the rpg stuff
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #2 on: 18 September 2013, 19:28:46 »
This was on MWO but it wouldn't be a problem recording really, I just wasn't setup to do it when this happened.
Hexes make me sad...


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #3 on: 04 October 2013, 09:13:40 »
I've been pinned to a wall before in my Jenner. Didn't realize what they were doing until it was too late, boxed in by a Centurion and Victor.

I think if I had a video rewind, it would the time I lived. Everyone knows the volcano map. My team was just holed up inside the volcano, no one moving forward because most of the other team was just waiting for us. My Atlas was an LRM beast and I was out of ammo for the 3 LRM 15's so I figured, why the hell not, I'll lead the charge. Now, my record with "Leading the Charge." has never been stellar, but this time, I ran in firing my ER Large and Ultra 5 as I went. There were about eight of them and only six of us. Of course everyone converged fire on me so I zigged to the right and kept going. Once my left arm and torso lost most of their armor, I zagged the to the Left, still firing and I was close enough to get around a few to save myself some damage.

Meanwhile, my team did what they were supposed to do and followed me in, targeting one at a time and by the time I got behind the two mechs, there were only 3 left. We finished them off and I lived. Normally I play Light mechs so this was the first time I'd been able to make an Assault mech do what an Assault mech is built to do ;)

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #4 on: 05 October 2013, 02:49:48 »
Here's one, this was back in the MW2 days.

I once challenged a friend of mine for the last beer through a trial of possession, luck had it that we had the Netmech demo installed on two networked computers. I won by a narrow margin and got the last beer.


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #5 on: 05 October 2013, 13:49:46 »
hey the game was made to be played for beer! especially the last beer...saves skin on the knuckles and hurt feelings afterwards...
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #6 on: 16 October 2013, 10:11:18 »
So, last game of the night, people are chatty before the fight and someone says they'll go out and scout. They're teasing him about being "bait", I'm like. I'll go out there run between those guys and just keep going. They tease me, and say I should signal them by blowing up my engine but I know what I'm piloting, a Jenner that can do 152 KPH, so I say, hey as long as you guys come across after I get their attention, I don't care, they say they'll think about it :P I just head right in there and spent a good 6 minutes just running through their ranks with half a dozen chasing me through Frozen City just blazing away with my 4 ML's. Not even the Locusts could keep up with me, I'm circling around the buildings instead of mechs so as not to be a stationary circle target and keep coming around to the back of a Dragon and strafing one of those AC20 carrying Cicadas that moves about as fast as a slug. Just kept going until I heard our base was at 50% captured, then I ran to join another Jenner kill those bastages. Of course they teased me that the scout needs to get back to being bait, so  I head back to the other side to help finish off the atlas and spider that was all that remained of the enemy team. End of the fight, 3 kills just under 700 damage and just a lot of fun. Was definitely a good team feel.

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."

Trace Coburn

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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #7 on: 20 October 2013, 23:14:13 »
  I had the best game of my sixty-odd drop career last night, and one that taught me a couple of things about using the Trial Spider.

  I'd managed to get my double-XP wins for the night on the Trial Centurion and Dragon (though repeated CTD’s meant I only knew of those wins by checking the MechLab after reloading the patcher  :(), so I figured I’d try to get my bonus for the Spider.  After several variations on being obliterated by running into entire heavy lances in close quarters  #P, the drop put me on River City (day), Conquest mission, and my lance was on the checkpoint on the platform with the landed DropShip.  The other side had a couple of disconnects during the pre-mission screen (probably the same issues I suffer :(), which improved my survival odds considerably.  The first thing I did was zip down to the checkpoint in the water, to cap that for a few seconds, but then I realised that standing still out in the open in a Spider ain’t so bright, so I ducked behind a pillar to hide and snipe at anyone who came along.

  A few moments later, a Trial Dragon came bimbling out across the water, headed out from Checkpoint Gamma (presumably his lance start-point) at a right-angle to my starting Resource-Point, and I ducked out to take a shot at him with my ERLL — tagged him across the left shoulder.  He didn’t react to that, so I figured I’d try my luck at back-stabbing him.  I got up right behind him and let loose with all four MGs and the ERLL, and he didn’t know which way to look — poor schlub must’ve been even greener than me.  So began a turning fight between his DRG-5N(C) and my Spider, me trying to circle-strafe him and him trying to squash me, both of us spray-and-praying like crazy — he couldn’t hold me in his sights, and I didn’t dare slow down to settle my crosshairs on him, so I was mostly doing ‘rake fire across target, swing around for another run, repeat as necessary’.  We must’ve kept this little dance going for a minute, maybe a minute and a half, and I don’t think either of us made much of a real impression on the other’s armour, but we kept each other so busy that neither of us saw the three friendlies coming up on the fight until his Dragon started taking some solid hits from a Battlemaster and... I think it was an Orion and a T-Bolt.

  By the time I saw them all, my dance-partner was blowing up, and with little else to do, I ducked off to Gamma to cap it.  When I got there, I found a Shadow Hawk -2D2 and a Battlemaster standing motionless — the two disco’s, probably from the Dragon’s starting lance(!), which would explain why I had a free run up the inlet when the match started — and I promptly lit up both of them.  (Killing lame ducks is cheap and unsporting, I know, but I ain’t got the C-Bills, the XP, or the kill-count to be proud about taking them wherever I can get them.  :-[)

  Lessons learned last night:
  — You’re a Spider: think like your eight-legged counterpart.  Don’t go up the guts, or even out into the open, if you can avoid it.  Hide with pride, then strike.
  — Never.  Stop.  Moving.  Not even for a clean sight-picture.  (Corollary: Gauss Rifles hurt.)
  — They’re not paying you to bring all that MG ammo home: spray and pray is the way to go.  At the very least, the repeated nips will keep the other guy distracted and irritated, and give you some kill-assist bonuses; with a little luck, your company-mates will have worn someone down and you’ll be able to crit-seek your way to stealing their kills.  :D
  — Stand-and-deliver might work for heavier designs, but a Spider should cap resource-points and backstab like a politician.  (This one I kind’a knew already, but last night drove it home.)
  — If you keep getting disconnected mid-match and becoming a free kill yourself, never pass up the chance to return the favour.  :-X


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #8 on: 23 October 2013, 16:22:25 »
  Lessons learned last night:
  — You’re a Spider: think like your eight-legged counterpart.  Don’t go up the guts, or even out into the open, if you can avoid it.  Hide with pride, then strike.
  — Never.  Stop.  Moving.  Not even for a clean sight-picture.  (Corollary: Gauss Rifles hurt.)
  — They’re not paying you to bring all that MG ammo home: spray and pray is the way to go.  At the very least, the repeated nips will keep the other guy distracted and irritated, and give you some kill-assist bonuses; with a little luck, your company-mates will have worn someone down and you’ll be able to crit-seek your way to stealing their kills.  :D
  — Stand-and-deliver might work for heavier designs, but a Spider should cap resource-points and backstab like a politician.  (This one I kind’a knew already, but last night drove it home.)
  — If you keep getting disconnected mid-match and becoming a free kill yourself, never pass up the chance to return the favour.  :-X

You can now be promoted from Grasshopper to Spider. ;) CTR is the spot for the fastest kills on shut down mechs. I can shoot a moving spider for 10 minutes before I kill it. 5 seconds behind it standing still.... gone.

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #9 on: 24 March 2014, 14:41:56 »
So I had a new one the other day. Set up was the Caustic Valley, Conquest. With the changed load out going for Kappa is a real battle. I went to back up a locust on our team, but by the time we got there, a Raven was already engaging him with ECM. My Yen-Lo-Wang doesn't have missles so that wasn't an issue, but the Raven spotting for a Locust, Kintaro and Quickdraw. We kept weaving in and out between the terrain trying to get cover from the missles while taking pot shots at the Kintaro, Raven and Locust. The Quickdraw was keeping back using it's LRMs and lasers from there. I got the Locust and Quickdraw before an Atlas showed up and the Locust on our side was obliterated, but at least our support mechs, a Jager and Victor were in range now. The others were still coming at me because I was trying to hold the node, but a few more well placed AC20 shots and I was able to leave the node and go help the others with the Atlas. I saw his back was red and I made it around him for the kill, and got another kill in the battle putting another slug into the center of a messed up Shadowhawk, but holding the node was a great action packed scenario I wish I had a video of ;)

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #10 on: 24 March 2014, 17:46:32 »
Last night, some buddies and I drop into Canyon network in our A1 Catapults (yes we are gleefully participating in the LRM'pocalypse, but it's the perfect cure for Poptarts :D), our team was hitting them and hitting them  hard, when I was chased down by a light that was able to strip both missile pods from me and leave my internals cherry red with no back armor (still had all my front armor). Ran to our base (we had the base with the garbage dump to the left) and stood behind the HQ for cover. My friend in his A1 fired off all missile and was ammo less so he was able to run back to our base. We knew the enemy had only a single Centurion left with red legs. He was calling us out to come fight (minute left in the match, score 11 - 10 for us), we said we'd be there in 2 minutes (we were winning, no need to give away a win).

He grew impatient and rushed the base, where our lasers promptly took out his legs :D
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #11 on: 24 March 2014, 21:03:02 »
Loads of fun ones recently, but had an interesting one on the weekend. I needed to fill out my five kills will piloting a trial 'Mech cause I'm a sucker for an achievement, so opt for the Spider as already used the 2x on the Stalkers and Cataphract that day.

Conquest, get dropped on Forest Colony upper to an totally horrifying sight. My whole team is virtually trial 'Mechs, only one non trial 'Mech, an ECM atlas. One other trial Spider aside from me, one trial Cataphract, with the rest trial Stalkers.

Me in team chat: Oh wow, I hope we are all old timers who are just trying to get that damn trial kill achievement.

Nobody responded, and suddenly I got very scared. I shouldn't have.

I did die, admittedly not a great light pilot even with Australia high pings so lots of assists but no kills, and saw lots of newbie mistakes (LRMs beyond range, alpha strike shutdowns with lasers uselessly fired into cover while LRMs fly straight and true), but we utterly utterly stomped the other side. I know, LRMapocalypse, but was still awful yet wondrous to watch.

Then people on the losing side start to say GG, prompting me to say: Um, might want to wait til you can see our side.

Nobody else responded.


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #12 on: 25 March 2014, 10:13:45 »
My memory is atrocious, so I don't really recall all that much.  I do recall a rather amusing instance of duking it out with an Atlas in my Cataphract -3D, jumping over him and turning in mid-air, then killing him with a well-placed alpha strike to his CT rear.  There were also two matches in closed beta (when the game was still 8v8) where I killed the entire enemy team...literally.  Nowadays, though, I'm not so hot.

EDIT: Actually, I just remembered something else.   I was trying out the AC/40 Jager for the first time to see what it was like, and one of my teammates kept giving me grief about it, with the whole "AC/40 is for noobs" and "get some real skill" shtick.  The very next match, though, I found myself playing with the same individual, though this time as opponents.  He saw I was there and and said, "Well, if it isn't the noob!" in chat.  However, I'd swapped into one of my other mechs (it was either one of my Atlases or Highlanders; can't remember which) and proceeded to own face, inflicting 800- or 900-something damage and getting 4 or 5 kills.  I ran into the individual in question in the process and blew him away in short order.  My comment in chat at the end was, "Yep, I'm a noob."

Ah, sweet vindication...
« Last Edit: 25 March 2014, 10:26:59 by Wrayth »
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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #13 on: 25 March 2014, 11:08:05 »
I still remember a game very early (probably in the first or second week) during the closed beta. I was running a Jenner with 6 small lasers, back when there were only single heat sinks, no phantom heat, and lasers still had the same heat profile as table top. The map was Forest Colony, because that was the only map and games were still 8 v 8.

My team was killed off fairly quickly and didn't do a lot of damage before dying, they killed all of 2 'Mechs and didn't even hit all of the remaining 6. So, I found myself with 6 enemy 'Mechs still standing and without expecting it to work at all, I managed to destroy all 6 enemy 'Mechs and win the game. Admittedly, I mostly attribute it to everyone not knowing how to aim yet and the relatively poor net code during the early closed beta, but it was still a rush to have that much fire directed at me and manage to take down a mix of Hunchbacks, Catapults, Dragons, and an Atlas.


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #14 on: 25 March 2014, 15:25:57 »
Last night, some buddies and I drop into Canyon network in our A1 Catapults (yes we are gleefully participating in the LRM'pocalypse, but it's the perfect cure for Poptarts :D), our team was hitting them and hitting them  hard, when I was chased down by a light that was able to strip both missile pods from me and leave my internals cherry red with no back armor (still had all my front armor). Ran to our base (we had the base with the garbage dump to the left) and stood behind the HQ for cover. My friend in his A1 fired off all missile and was ammo less so he was able to run back to our base. We knew the enemy had only a single Centurion left with red legs. He was calling us out to come fight (minute left in the match, score 11 - 10 for us), we said we'd be there in 2 minutes (we were winning, no need to give away a win).

He grew impatient and rushed the base, where our lasers promptly took out his legs :D

Catapults have lasers  ???

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #15 on: 25 March 2014, 15:41:39 »
IIRC, the -A1's do not.. but the Base turrets do. :)


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #16 on: 25 March 2014, 16:52:16 »
Yes, it was the base turrets, which for some bizarre reason PGI has coded to target legs  :o ???

So, yes, we sat back, both of us weaponless (him no Ammo, me no missile pods, but lots of ammo in my legs likely), and waited for the Base Turret Laser/Missile to do him in.
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #17 on: 26 March 2014, 16:40:47 »
IIRC, the -A1's do not.. but the Base turrets do. :)

He he he, yeah, I know they do. I'm just messing around. :P

Star Captain Jared Siegel ~ Clan Snow Raven Forum
"If every mech was built like in MWO, we'd all be carrying ammo in our feet..."


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Re: Wish I had this on video lol (what's your best story?)
« Reply #18 on: 28 March 2014, 10:14:50 »
Yesterday my second to last game of the day.

I drew Tourmaline Desert Assault.

The enemy broke into several 2-3 Mech sub-units.

My CTF-3D(C) is  a Little slow on the run but maneuverable so I kept to the High ground where my AC-5s and ER large Lasers could support my compatriots.

4-6 of my allies trapped a sub-unit in a very deep crater. I had fun peppering shots into already occupied Mechs and receiving nominal damage. Only one Mech fired at me.

This one Cataphract pilot musta been green cause he/she had no idea where my shots were coming from so they started throwing shots at the Crater walls and engaging enemy mechs(i.e. my company mates) to no avail.
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