Do they name specific worlds?
It talks about the Capellans and Combine co-ordinating efforts to capture Ingress as they built up for the recent joint invasion - although on Ingress they were fighting the remaining AFFS defenders on the planet.
I'm still reading through, but [spoiler]the AFFS/Julian Davion seem to have raided a number of Capellan worlds as a prelude to an "invasion", including Menkalin and New Canton, and in possibly unrelated news, the Sea Fox Gamma Aimag launched some sort of Trial of Possession against/on Pleione in the same timeframe. Julian Davion was definitely on the field in New Syrtis, or at least, during the Capellan counter-attack a few months after the AFFS recaptured the planet.
ETA: Ryuken-
hachi were in combat on Remagen in 3148 as a part of something called "Task Force Tsujigiri", led by
Kanrei Tomonaga and his Hikage regiment. They were fighting the First Kestrel Grenadiers, and while the battle takes about the Hikage's rearguard pulling back to their DropShips, I'm not sure what's going on there. Remagen's one hell of a long way into the Crucis March from the invasion corridors though. From another entry, the battle on Remagen is described as a deep strike. Another entry mentions the Fifth Avalon Hussars being involved in the battles on Remagen.
It also looks as if the fight for New Syrtis carried on into 3148, although it's described as the Federated Suns reclaiming the planet. There's menion in the Zibler entry of an "Operation CERBERUS" starting in 3147, which may be the AFFS counterattack. The First Davion Guards apparently also attacked Combine supply depots on Franklin in 3147, tangling with the Fifth Ghost. The battle on New Syrtis looks to have been pretty substantial - the notable pilot for the Destrier entry is the crew of a Destrier that, working with various scout groups, apparently took out a company of Capellan 'Mechs and two companies of assorted battle armour and conventional infantry before taking out a fully-loaded
Assault Triumph with more than a company of 'Mechs and vehicles loaded aboard. There's mention of the Capellans conducting multiple atrocities as they attempted to hold onto New Syrtis, including one 'MechWarrior from the First MAC fired up an internment camp near Saso, killing seven thousand children who'd been held hostage to force their parents to co-operate with the Capellan administration. Apparently the camp was burnt to give the Fourth MAC a chance to get out of the Cave.
The battle on Franklin might be part of something called Operation PERCEVAL - one entry talks about a company of militia 'Mechs fighting an active resistance on Franklin for years before elements of Operation PERCEVAL attempted to link up with the underground resistance on the world in 3147. Reading further in, it seems that Operation PERCEVAL was being run from Remagen, which is why it was attacked.
There's also mention of someone from Bannson's Raiders who was trapped behind the wall when Fortress Republic went up, reappearing in command of an artillery company in support of Julian Davion in 3146. It also indicates that involved in the fighting on New Syrtis were the First Davion Guards, the Twelfth Vegan Rangers, the Dynasty Guard and Warrior House Hiritsu.
There's no date attached, but apparently Task Force Navarre hit New Aragon at some point, too.
There's an account of the Capellans taking Hall in early 3049 as they passed beyond the walls of the Fortress - I think that may be a typo for early 3149.[/spoiler]