Author Topic: A rich, flavorful falcon candy-coat?!  (Read 1319 times)


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  • Mini by Psycho @ - Thanks Joel!
A rich, flavorful falcon candy-coat?!
« on: 03 January 2014, 09:10:44 »
Hi everybody.

Some time ago, I posted a question regarding 'falcon feathers' and how to replicate them on a 'mech miniature. I got a fantastic response from Kat (thanks again, Kat!):,32907.msg765347.html#msg765347

Well, RL got in the way and the Uller project was back-burnered for a while. Now I'm plugging away at it again, and I want to solicit some opinions:

As I said in the other post, I've had good luck in the past creating a green 'candy apple' effect on my Jade Falcons by adopting Wackrabbit's approach as described here:

I finish them off by applying a nice, bold coat of high gloss, and I've been very happy.

Here's my question to you - do you think the process would work better or worse (for my over-the-top purposes) if I substituted the darker grey metallic base for something a bit brighter, like chainmail or even a bright silver metallic?

Let me know your thoughts!