Author Topic: Wash for base coats...  (Read 1930 times)


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Wash for base coats...
« on: 28 March 2011, 12:39:44 »
A couple of minis after their first coats of paint post primer.  OM likes a white primer and primed them for me.  I personally prefer a light gray primer as it adds to the flexibility for future washes...primer is primer, not color in my book..

Future Alpha WiE Orion IIC...

Wash is a watered burn sienna applied with a "big brush...I hadn't filled the base yet.

Orion with a Verflogger (sp) and a future 2nd Freemen Hollander.

Wash on the Hollander is Windsor blue with a dab of white watered to a thick wash, base is Windsor with raw sienna.

More later...