Author Topic: The Guns of Avalon 3145  (Read 2005 times)


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The Guns of Avalon 3145
« on: 13 April 2014, 01:00:24 »
Originally Raised in the 3050s to cash in on the need for troops to resist the return of Kerensky's Children, The Guns of Avalon is the personal unit of the Corey Family out of the Federated Suns. Claiming a distant link to the Davion ruling line, the Corey family has never risen as high in Federated Suns Politics and Society as they would like. Rather than be choked by the restrictions of founding a unit within the AFFS, they chose to build a mercenary unit. Their ties to the Federated Suns remained strong, however, and they leveraged their connections to the Millitary Industrial Complex to supply their unit. A series of less than ideal outcomes nearly smothered the unit in its infancy, however they persevered and even found a place in Operation Bulldog, attached to the Davion Medium Guards. It was there that they found success against the clans, wresting the Summoner that leads them to this day, from the hands of Clan Smoke Jaguar.

The unit would come home only to be drawn into the conflict between Steiner-Davions, siding with old friends from the DMG, who had since formed the First Davion Rangers. They would also spend the Jihad largely on the capital world of New Avalon, operating along side the FDR, out of the incomplete Mt Diablo Complex. While the Rangers would retire at the end of the Word of Blake Jihad, the Guns of Avalon would continue operating, taking on a number of contracts with companies such as mechaDynamics and Iris Weapons, as well as jobs abroad, including conflict within the former Free Worlds League, and against Clan Jade Falcon.

Most Currently, Rumor has it that the guns are heading out in the direction of the Taurian Concordat, but no one can quite agree what their purpose is.

Command Lance:
Code: [Select]
Summoner "Grayswandir"
Cpt Merle Corey
Gunnery[3], Piloting[4], Cmd[2], Jumping Jill

Enforcer III 6T
Name Pending
Gunnery[3], Piloting[4], Jumping Jack

Wolverine 9M
Name Pending
Gunnery[2], Piloting[3], Jumping Jill

Hatchetman 7S
Name Pending
Gunnery[4], Piloting[3], Melee Specialist

Bulwark Lance:
Code: [Select]

Black Knight 5H
Lt Name Pending
Gunnery[2], Piloting[3] Hot Dog, Some Like it Hot

Hammerhands 6E
Name Pending
Gunnery[3], Piloting[4], Sandblaster

Hawkwolf 3F
Name Pending
Gunnery[4], Piloting[4], Gunnery/Missile, GunnerySpec:Missile, Cluster Hitter

Nightstar 9J
Name Pending
Gunnery[2], Piloting[3],

Dash Lance:
Code: [Select]
Gunsmith 11-NG
Lt Name Pending
Gunnery[2], Piloting[3], Hot Dog

Locust 5M2
Name Pending
Gunnery[3], Piloting[4]

Nyx 80
Name Pending
Gunnery[3], Piloting[4] Sensor Geek

Fireball 10D
Name Pending
Gunnery[2], Piloting[3], Manouvering Ace
Шонхорын хурдаар хурцлан давшъя, Чонын зоригоор асан дүрэлзэье, Тэнхээт морьдын туурайгаар нүргэе, Тамгат Чингисийн ухаанаар даръя | Let’s go faster than a falcon, Let’s burn with the wolf’s courage, Let’s roar with the hooves of strong horses, Let’s go with the wisdom of Tamgat Genghis - The Hu, Wolf Totem

