Author Topic: [OOC] TOW - LAAF CIO - recruitment open  (Read 42838 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 07 July 2014, 11:30:45 »
:) everyone is a beginner here (well, maybe except Minerva).
so far we got adventurous noble (but no real direction as of yet in terms of role in unit)
vehicle driver (not usre yet if it's going to be pilot or driver, might be both)
and a technician (though no clear specialization yet)

that leaves (from the top of my head initial roles ideas:)
regarding roles - most should be joined for greater versatility, but just as in SR you can think of almost anyone, several ideas below:
- personal combat specialist of course  - commando style, small arms, martial arts, battle aromor operator
- suport weapon specialist - larger stuff, demolitions, maybe sniper
- technician - somebody to fix the things (might include vacuum operations or other extreme environements)
- combat medic - somebody to fix people
- computer specialist - though hacking is singificanlty less elaborate in this rules
- scientist - I knwo there is a little chemist in each of you
- face - you know the drill, this type could include logistic oficer, interrogation
- driver/pilot - APCs, tanks, choppers, conventional aircrafts
- communications - keep in mind that military types usually operate outside of typical sprawl areas, so don't count on wifi everywhere
- tactic/strategic - higher up in oficer chain
- battlemech pilot - of course, though I'd rather avoid this one as primary - I won't turn this game into tabletop with a single battle lasting two months over pbp
- aerospace pilot - same as above, soem skills might be nice to have in the mix

and of course you might have civilian background skills
- journalist
- cop/detective
- xenoanimal trainer/hunter
- streetrunning ganger
- corporate drone
- enterpreneur
- finer arts practitioner (being an aristocrat/noble is a job on its own)

whatever you choose, you'll end up in military unit, so have a story prepared on how that happen, but we might work that out in the process


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« Reply #31 on: 07 July 2014, 11:36:42 »
rolled d5 for homeworld, (d10), result 9, so I'll take 5, whatever that is.


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« Reply #32 on: 07 July 2014, 19:15:12 »
There was a small chance she would take Military School, but thanks Fate she didn't. She would never fit in. Yes, she followed what seemed like a straight path so far, and went straight to High School.


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« Reply #33 on: 07 July 2014, 22:16:32 »
so after Noble, d5 (5) homeworld, take glass jaw. 

Stage 2 Prep School
Stage 3 Intelligence Operative training (advanced +1 year)
Stage 4 Covert Operations
« Last Edit: 08 July 2014, 00:14:56 by Dread_Pirate »


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« Reply #34 on: 08 July 2014, 00:15:47 »
this anti spammer thing is too much.


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« Reply #35 on: 08 July 2014, 02:40:18 »
well played,

Fixed XPs: [Attributes] CHA (+60 XP); [Traits] Connections (+40 XP), Extra Income (+20 XP), Gregarious (+20 XP); [Skills] Archery (+20 XP), Computers (+25 XP), Interest/Any (+30 XP), Interest/Any (+20), Interest/Any (+20 XP), Language/Any (+20 XP), MedTech (+10 XP), Melee Weapons (+15 XP), Protocol/Affi liation (+40 XP)

Flexible XPs: +160 XP (up to 80 XP may be applied to Traits)

If you are aiming to study in Tharkad U, there will be some additonal prereqs*: [Attributes] INT 5+, [Traits] Connection (+400 XP), Wealth (+400). Other universities go with standard [Attributes] INT 4+ since you finished preparatory school.

Anyway, you have so far:
Art/Ballet (10)
Interest/Lyran politics and nobility (10)

select 3 interests fields you studied in preparatory (+30/+20/+20) and distribute 160 xp in flexible points. After that, you might tell me about stage-3 (higher education) unless you go straight to stage-4 (real life)

* for the rest of you mechanics is that if there is a prerequsite to complete the given life module, it has to be completed BY THE END of creation. You'll be adding xps to the traits attributes, skills and there will be a pool to distribute on by the end.

Preparatory School's whole point is that it is a marriage school where you learn there useful home economics skills as a home maker in your palace. (Game simulation would be: +30 Administration, +20 Negotiation, +20 Interest/Law).

I have to say that my fondest memories from that time were the evenings I spent with many friends I had especially in our ballet group. I was so popular. (+40 Negotiation, +40 Acting, +80 Wealth from free points)

After that? Well, Commonwealth has only one university, Tharkad University (only plebeians call it Tharkad U, ugh, perish the very thought).


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« Reply #36 on: 08 July 2014, 03:23:54 »
rolled d5 for homeworld, (d10), result 9, so I'll take 5, whatever that is.

Skye province - Port Moseby
Details for the choice like in response to Netz choice
Select career type - I suggest soldier career. Select two interests you pursue as noble birth, select 3 interests fields you studied in preparatory (+30/+20/+20) and distribute 160 xp in flexible points (max. 80 on traits). 

anyway what's the story? a noble from the rebelious province (Skye questions the affiliation with Lyran and had twice rebelled to join the Federated Suns during the FedCom Civil wars) goes to intelligence schooling? A patriot? a James Bond wannabe? it had to be military, but special forces have fancier clothes and equipment? tell me?


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« Reply #37 on: 08 July 2014, 04:02:40 »
There was a small chance she would take Military School, but thanks Fate she didn't. She would never fit in. Yes, she followed what seemed like a straight path so far, and went straight to High School.

Fixed XPs: [Attributes] CHA (+25 XP), INT (+25 XP); [Traits] Connections (+20 XP); [Skills] Computers (+20 XP), Interest/Any (+40 XP), Interest/Any (+35 XP), Language/Affi liation (+10 XP), Streetwise/Affi liation (+20 XP), Swimming (+20)
Flexible XPs: +185 XP

select two interests (existing or new) and distribute 185 xp.

what kind of technician you wanna be? what kind a machinery you specialize in? typical specialization in technician skills are: mechanical, nuclear, weapons, myomer, electronics, jets, k-f jump engines, aeronautics, cybernetics,
other skills might include computers, security systems, zero-G operations, sensor operations, communication/conventional, communication/hpg, if you're going to repair vehicles it might help to have some basic skills to pilot them as well

for a gifted technician you might consider distributing some points into tech empathy trait (costs 300 xp - +1 to all tech related rolls) and/or fast learner (also 300 xp, cheaper cost of buying skills) and or natural aptitude/skill (500 xp for advanced skills like technician, select 2 highest dices from 3 rolled during checks on that skill)


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« Reply #38 on: 08 July 2014, 04:17:58 »
Preparatory School's whole point is that it is a marriage school where you learn there useful home economics skills as a home maker in your palace. (Game simulation would be: +30 Administration, +20 Negotiation, +20 Interest/Law).

I have to say that my fondest memories from that time were the evenings I spent with many friends I had especially in our ballet group. I was so popular. (+40 Negotiation, +40 Acting, +80 Wealth from free points)

After that? Well, Commonwealth has only one university, Tharkad University (only plebeians call it Tharkad U, ugh, perish the very thought).

cool, Tharkad University then :)
Automatic: [Attributes] INT (+150 XP), WIL (+75 XP), CHA (+25 XP), EDG (+25 XP); [Traits] Connections (+200 XP), Equipped (+50 XP), Reputation (+75 XP), Wealth (–200 XP); [Skills] Computers (+25 XP), Interest/Any (+20 XP), Perception (+25 XP), Protocol/Affi liation (+20 XP); [Flexible XP] (+220 XP)

select interest and distribute 220 points. Judging from the current development, you might want to start investing into gregarious trait (100 xp, +1 to social interactions checks), and thanks to her proper diet and lifestyle, probably attractive (200 xp, +2 to cha related checks with most males) and/or fit (200 xp, +1 to BOD or STR related checks)

what basic field you choose? from: Cartographer, Communications, General Studies, Manager, Scientist, Technician/Civilian
I guess this would be Manager or general studies.
do you followup with advanced course? Analysis, Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Detective, Engineer, HPG Technician*, Planetary Surveyor, Medical Assistant, Politician, Technician/Aerospace, Technician/Vehicle
Tharkad specializes in history so the archaeologists departments are most prestigious (bonus 25 point into reputation trait if you choose this field).
if you take advanced course, do you followup further with another advanced degree or special courses? Doctor, Lawyer, Military Scientist, Technician/’Mech, Technician/Military


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« Reply #39 on: 08 July 2014, 09:19:16 »
Skye province - Port Moseby
Details for the choice like in response to Netz choice
Select career type - I suggest soldier career. Select two interests you pursue as noble birth, select 3 interests fields you studied in preparatory (+30/+20/+20) and distribute 160 xp in flexible points (max. 80 on traits). 

anyway what's the story? a noble from the rebelious province (Skye questions the affiliation with Lyran and had twice rebelled to join the Federated Suns during the FedCom Civil wars) goes to intelligence schooling? A patriot? a James Bond wannabe? it had to be military, but special forces have fancier clothes and equipment? tell me?

all great questions.  Hmmm....  I will have to read a little bit on the home world and get back.

Plus all these skills, traits and whatever else is making my head spin.  I have to think about it some more.  Covert Ops, okay, but what kind, why...


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« Reply #40 on: 08 July 2014, 12:17:53 »
cool, Tharkad University then :)
Automatic: [Attributes] INT (+150 XP), WIL (+75 XP), CHA (+25 XP), EDG (+25 XP); [Traits] Connections (+200 XP), Equipped (+50 XP), Reputation (+75 XP), Wealth (–200 XP); [Skills] Computers (+25 XP), Interest/Any (+20 XP), Perception (+25 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+20 XP); [Flexible XP] (+220 XP)

select interest and distribute 220 points. Judging from the current development, you might want to start investing into gregarious trait (100 xp, +1 to social interactions checks), and thanks to her proper diet and lifestyle, probably attractive (200 xp, +2 to cha related checks with most males) and/or fit (200 xp, +1 to BOD or STR related checks)

what basic field you choose? from: Cartographer, Communications, General Studies, Manager, Scientist, Technician/Civilian
I guess this would be Manager or general studies.
do you followup with advanced course? Analysis, Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Detective, Engineer, HPG Technician*, Planetary Surveyor, Medical Assistant, Politician, Technician/Aerospace, Technician/Vehicle
Tharkad specializes in history so the archaeologists departments are most prestigious (bonus 25 point into reputation trait if you choose this field).
if you take advanced course, do you followup further with another advanced degree or special courses? Doctor, Lawyer, Military Scientist, Technician/’Mech, Technician/Military

As I said, I am friends with everyone (add Gregarious) and they all smile to me (add Attractive).

As for my studies? I have Master of Arts in Star League History at University of Tharkad with Doctorate in History of Commercial Law of Lyran Commonwealth (basic field: General Studies (archaeology or history to be more precise), advanced degree in Law).

I really loved ballet in University (add Fit). I would also like to say that I had nothing, NOTHING, to do with fact that my competitor has glass in her ballet shoe. Oh, who was she? She was just Someone Something-Steiner but all she could was to weep and whine with her cronies. (buy her Wealth, Connections and Titles necessary for nobility and then add very powerful Enemy and second not so strong Enemy who is her best friend forever, if any points remain use them to buy a third Enemy who is a man thus he can only be a henchman ... some brainless meat head mech jockey). Ballet just isn't to everyone, especially if you wish to be Odile in Swan Lake...(Yes, Cersei Lannister is my spirit guide...).


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« Reply #41 on: 08 July 2014, 13:08:10 »
o. let's start with a stage-0

Lyran Alliance (House Steiner) affiliation:

Loosely patterned on feudal Germany, with other Western European infl uences apparent (most notably Swiss and Scottish), the Lyran Alliance—originally known as the Lyran Commonwealth—is a heavily industrialized and mercantile realm. Many Lyrans see warfare as a dirty business and simply aspire to great wealth or high social standing. As a result, the Lyran military frequently comes off as lackluster, while Lyran merchants and political leaders seem ruthlessly sharp.

this is what all of you will get.

primary language is german and secondary ones are English, Italian, Scots Gaelic, Swedish

the mechanic of the system is such that you pump your experience points into both attributes, skills and traits. Traits are something like qualities in SR. Attributes take 100 xp per level, same as traits (negative traits give bonus xp), and skills take 20 xp per level.

for lyran affiliation you get following starting bonuses
[Attributes] WIL (–50 XP), EDG (–50 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+100 XP), Extra Income (+50 XP), Wealth (+100 XP), Choose either Combat Paralysis or Glass Jaw (–100 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+15 XP), Appraisal (+10 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+15 XP)

Unless you want to come from the province we'll start the game in roll d5 for starting province. Province beeing a group of ca 50 worlds.

don't worry about noting everything above, I'll do the math for you.

Going to stage 1 (early childhood) (out of 5 in total).
Tell me if you character was: farmboy, common city dwellers child (factory workers or maybe richer class), born to low streets or maybe born to some nobles, or slaves or fugitives,

OK So stage 1 was Low-streets
My interest is in driver/Pilot, but IDN if we would have the oportunity to sail the outer space so Id prefer surface-to-low-orbit transport (Ive seen chopper pilot amongst archetypes)
From what Ive seen, I like house Kurita, well IDN if that would be possible to mix with Lyran Aliance somehow???
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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« Reply #42 on: 08 July 2014, 13:47:10 »
what year is this taking place?


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« Reply #43 on: 08 July 2014, 15:17:08 »
I see sentinemodo is still alive and well.
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« Reply #44 on: 08 July 2014, 15:47:03 »
Fixed XPs: [Attributes] CHA (+25 XP), INT (+25 XP); [Traits] Connections (+20 XP); [Skills] Computers (+20 XP), Interest/Any (+40 XP), Interest/Any (+35 XP), Language/Affi liation (+10 XP), Streetwise/Affi liation (+20 XP), Swimming (+20)
Flexible XPs: +185 XP

select two interests (existing or new) and distribute 185 xp.

what kind of technician you wanna be? what kind a machinery you specialize in? typical specialization in technician skills are: mechanical, nuclear, weapons, myomer, electronics, jets, k-f jump engines, aeronautics, cybernetics,
other skills might include computers, security systems, zero-G operations, sensor operations, communication/conventional, communication/hpg, if you're going to repair vehicles it might help to have some basic skills to pilot them as well

for a gifted technician you might consider distributing some points into tech empathy trait (costs 300 xp - +1 to all tech related rolls) and/or fast learner (also 300 xp, cheaper cost of buying skills) and or natural aptitude/skill (500 xp for advanced skills like technician, select 2 highest dices from 3 rolled during checks on that skill)

During High School, her interests in the physics of faster-than-light transmission went on (Interest/K-F Drive Technology: +35), but she could only endure the simplicity of the studies provided to her by devoting herself to music (Interest/Music: +40; the mathematical quality of rhythm, the spatiality of sound... strangely, by this point in life, the most advanced thinkers nearby were the art aficionados).

But it was also by this time that her adaptability with practical and theoretical knowledge started to show. So 140 xp goes towards Fast Learner. Her diverse interests and curiosity put her on contact with a colorful bunch of people, and some of this relations may well endure the proof of time (45 in Connections).

My idea for her is to be versatile, so she will know at least a little bit of all the basics (by basics, I'm thinking mechanical, electronic, nuclear)... and others, which may yet be defined.


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« Reply #45 on: 09 July 2014, 04:52:12 »
what year is this taking place?

June 3067


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« Reply #46 on: 09 July 2014, 06:25:44 »
OK So stage 1 was Low-streets
My interest is in driver/Pilot, but IDN if we would have the oportunity to sail the outer space so Id prefer surface-to-low-orbit transport (Ive seen chopper pilot amongst archetypes)
From what Ive seen, I like house Kurita, well IDN if that would be possible to mix with Lyran Aliance somehow???

You might have been born in Kurita, and than transplanted (abducted, have a world changing hands, emigrated) to Lyran Alliance.
In that case you'll get following bonuses for affiliations:

[Attributes] WIL (+25 XP); [Traits] Compulsion/Xenophobia (–50 XP), Wealth (–25 XP), choose one: Pain Resistance or Combat Sense (+50
XP); [Skills] Arts/Oral Tradition (+7 XP), Martial Arts (+5 XP), Protocol/Combine (+7 XP)

you also get [Skills] +5 XP to any one of the following Skills: Archery, Melee Weapons or Thrown Weapons - make your choice

[Attributes] WIL (–25 XP), EDG (–25 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+50 XP), Extra Income (+25 XP), Wealth (+50 XP), Choose either Combat Paralysis or Glass Jaw (–50 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+7 XP), Appraisal (+5 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+7 XP)

You'll get also language/german (+10 XP) and language/japanese(+10 XP)

unless you have some preference on the planets, make two d5 rolls on the planet of birth and planet of further education.

for the low-street childhood
Fixed XPs: [Attributes] STR (+25 XP), BOD (–20 XP), RFL (+100 XP), WIL (+100 XP), CHA (–25 XP), EDG (+100 XP); [Traits] Connections (+75 XP), Compulsion/Paranoid (–50 XP), Enemy (–100 XP), Illiterate (–75 XP), Reputation (–100 XP), Toughness (+200 XP), Wealth (–75 XP); [Skills] Language/Affi liation (–5 XP), Martial Arts (+15 XP), Melee Weapons (+5 XP), Perception (+10 XP), Running (+10 XP), Stealth (+10 XP), Streetwise/Affi liation (+10 XP)
Flexible XPs: +10 XP each to any four Attributes, Traits or Skills

distribute 40 XP in 10 points packs. start thinking about the sort of enemy you'll get

and onto stage-2 - more of the street life? gang-ruled town or other deep criminal? able-body to some merc company? or you got a hang over yourself and applied to the military school?


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« Reply #47 on: 09 July 2014, 06:29:32 »
I see sentinemodo is still alive and well.

hive :)

team, this is hive - best tabletop battletech player I gamed in 20 years :D (you can check the game on this forums :))
hive, this is team - sichr, xzyl, netz and pirate - all seasoned pbp roleplayers and Minerva whom we just met but seems to be well fitting the rest of the group


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« Reply #48 on: 09 July 2014, 07:05:42 »
As I said, I am friends with everyone (add Gregarious) and they all smile to me (add Attractive).

As for my studies? I have Master of Arts in Star League History at University of Tharkad with Doctorate in History of Commercial Law of Lyran Commonwealth (basic field: General Studies (archaeology or history to be more precise), advanced degree in Law).

I really loved ballet in University (add Fit). I would also like to say that I had nothing, NOTHING, to do with fact that my competitor has glass in her ballet shoe. Oh, who was she? She was just Someone Something-Steiner but all she could was to weep and whine with her cronies. (buy her Wealth, Connections and Titles necessary for nobility and then add very powerful Enemy and second not so strong Enemy who is her best friend forever, if any points remain use them to buy a third Enemy who is a man thus he can only be a henchman ... some brainless meat head mech jockey). Ballet just isn't to everyone, especially if you wish to be Odile in Swan Lake...(Yes, Cersei Lannister is my spirit guide...).

General studies - History: Require: INT 3+ and provides: Career/Any, Computers, Interest/History, Protocol/Lyran, Perception (all +30 XP), Reputation (+25 XP)
Law: Require INT 4+, WIL 4+, CHA 5+ and provides: Acting, Career/Lawyer, Administration, Interest/Law, Negotiation, Protocol/Any (all +30 XP).
make your choice regarding Career direction at general studies (probably Lawyer) and Protocol you studied in law (probably Lyran).

from your other choices (distributed 220 points +100 from Enemy):
Gregarius (+20 XP) - not yet there (total 40).
Fit (+150 XP) - not yet there
Attractive (+150 XP) - not yet there
Enemy (-100 XP)

Keep in mind we might need to tweak that a little, depending on the stage-4. You can't have more than 500 points in negative traits. and you already had Enemy (200), Glass Jaw (200) which means you've reached the cap by now. You might also redistribute some of the points into skills.

Either way. moving to stage-4 - what is next - how did you end up in Lyran military? Counterintellignece at that?
You got a civilian job and landed as a dormant internal security agent? You got recruited and sent on covert operations? or just got away to travel the world (because you can afford it) and got recruited after your return.

Once we finish it, I'll total and let you know how much XP you got left to spend on the title (cause you need it) and other requirements.


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« Reply #49 on: 09 July 2014, 07:12:22 »
During High School, her interests in the physics of faster-than-light transmission went on (Interest/K-F Drive Technology: +35), but she could only endure the simplicity of the studies provided to her by devoting herself to music (Interest/Music: +40; the mathematical quality of rhythm, the spatiality of sound... strangely, by this point in life, the most advanced thinkers nearby were the art aficionados).

But it was also by this time that her adaptability with practical and theoretical knowledge started to show. So 140 xp goes towards Fast Learner. Her diverse interests and curiosity put her on contact with a colorful bunch of people, and some of this relations may well endure the proof of time (45 in Connections).

My idea for her is to be versatile, so she will know at least a little bit of all the basics (by basics, I'm thinking mechanical, electronic, nuclear)... and others, which may yet be defined.

OK, so what after high school - Technical College - seems appropraite? but maybe Military Enlistment? or straight to Stage-4 - real life - civilian job? How you end up in military?


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« Reply #50 on: 09 July 2014, 09:15:21 »
Either way. moving to stage-4 - what is next - how did you end up in Lyran military? Counterintelligence at that?
You got a civilian job and landed as a dormant internal security agent? You got recruited and sent on covert operations? or just got away to travel the world (because you can afford it) and got recruited after your return.

I cannot neither confirm nor deny that I was approached by security services in my time in Tharkad University as these documents clearly state that I was a analyst in legal department in Defiance Industries (recruited and sent to covert operations).


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« Reply #51 on: 09 July 2014, 10:00:31 »
Sorry this is taking a while, I'm trying to read up and familiarize myself with the lore and the character generation process.

So far I am looking at this...

Godric (last name pending)
Lyran Allicane
Tall, good looking, I'm thinking an Eric Northman/Alexander Skarsgård looking kind of guy, of a mixed Swedish German and Scottish decent.
Noble - comes from a long line of the Skye nobility
Military School (I said prep school earlier, but I changed my mind)
In stage 3 can I do 3 advanced schools? or is that too much, or if I can do it, will that hamper me elsewhere to much?
Military Academy
Officer Candidate School
Intelligence Operative Training x 2
Stage 4
Covert Operations

I'm trying to get my head around all the attributes/traits/skills and am making a spreadsheet.

Sorry I'm light on the back story and detail at this point, but it's coming.

Love Minerva's explanations, great job, I look forward to starting this once we get situated.


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« Reply #52 on: 09 July 2014, 10:11:27 »
I can give this a try. I have a character I made for my small 1/1 ATOW campaign I am running where I live outside the forums.

Question: Can the GM assign a heavy mech or can I ask for one to be assigned to me? It saves on points imo.

Just a tip I read, after you make your character during finalization, but before purchasing negative traits any negative trait you have can be up to the next useable level to optimize the skill for extra points. Then during purchaisng negative traits you are limited to 500 points worth of negative traits. This makes it much easier to create characters imo.

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« Reply #53 on: 09 July 2014, 10:26:40 »
I cannot neither confirm nor deny that I was approached by security services in my time in Tharkad University as these documents clearly state that I was a analyst in legal department in Defiance Industries (recruited and sent to covert operations).

hmm, Stage-4 covert operations require intelligence training (you'd have to repeat stage-3 with intelligence school - at least basic training and probably covert operations), and is in itself very costly module (1000 xp)
from rough calculations, after optimization, you'd need to resign from all your fit/attractive/gregarious traits to fit in, and it still would be a damn close (and much higher on the negative traits than I would like)

it might be that you went for the intelligence school and took basic field possibly covert operations but skipped the stage-4. meaning you'd be freshly from the school on your first mission. That would leave you with low stats, but you'd at least keep your traits.

one more option would be that you get civilian job for stage-4 - you'll get to play a spy role, but you'll not be a part of the military unit.


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« Reply #54 on: 09 July 2014, 10:33:38 »
A Civilian Job for a High Born Nobel in a long line of Skye Nobility?

I am insulted sir.

Ok, I am starting to understand better.  Stage 4 Covert Ops just says 'must have prior military or covert training in a stage 3 school.  I don't see it saying wether that need to be basic, +2, or +3, but this is all new to me.

I can re work it either way, I'm not married to any of it.  My mold is still clumped and rough.
« Last Edit: 09 July 2014, 10:38:36 by Dread_Pirate »


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« Reply #55 on: 09 July 2014, 10:36:55 »
I can give this a try. I have a character I made for my small 1/1 ATOW campaign I am running where I live outside the forums.

Question: Can the GM assign a heavy mech or can I ask for one to be assigned to me? It saves on points imo.

Just a tip I read, after you make your character during finalization, but before purchasing negative traits any negative trait you have can be up to the next useable level to optimize the skill for extra points. Then during purchaisng negative traits you are limited to 500 points worth of negative traits. This makes it much easier to create characters imo.

There's no space for heavy mechs in this campaign. We'll be playing mostly outside of cockpits. A tactical battle might happen, but it's going to be so rare that developing a primary role- MechWarrior would be a waste. You can of course tune it so he would be a battle , who happen to know how to pilot a mech - that could come handy on many occasions.

answering your question though - yes we'll be playing with assigned equipment rules. I'll be assigning combat vehicles (unless you don't want to be dependant on that and have your very own tank). The respective traits will be guidelines on what size they would be.


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« Reply #56 on: 09 July 2014, 10:40:57 »
Sorry this is taking a while, I'm trying to read up and familiarize myself with the lore and the character generation process.

So far I am looking at this...

Godric (last name pending)
Lyran Allicane
Tall, good looking, I'm thinking an Eric Northman/Alexander Skarsgård looking kind of guy, of a mixed Swedish German and Scottish decent.
Noble - comes from a long line of the Skye nobility
Military School (I said prep school earlier, but I changed my mind)
In stage 3 can I do 3 advanced schools? or is that too much, or if I can do it, will that hamper me elsewhere to much?
Military Academy
Officer Candidate School
Intelligence Operative Training x 2
Stage 4
Covert Operations

I'm trying to get my head around all the attributes/traits/skills and am making a spreadsheet.

Sorry I'm light on the back story and detail at this point, but it's coming.

Love Minerva's explanations, great job, I look forward to starting this once we get situated.

yes you can repeat stage 3
also when you take a school in stage 3 you take field (skill package) form the basic fields list and you have option to take advanced field and another option to take another advanced or special field.

the result is that you'd be older (have some impact on stats, but at the age of 25 they are positive)
I'll take a look today or tomorrow, if what you planned fit into the initial 5000 xp


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« Reply #57 on: 09 July 2014, 11:51:54 »

Age adds soem bonuses to Attributes and after age 21 I think you gain an additional 100 XP so help for flexibility fi you are allowing such things by the book.

With your answer to my previous question that works out fine. I cna tweak to accomidate for a vehicle character. Were you mentioning battle armor?
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« Reply #58 on: 09 July 2014, 12:11:15 »
Well, he has to take Officers Candidate school, he's noble, he's not going to be a unlisted.

Here is what I have so far XP wise
 5,000 XP
-215   nobility
-500   Military school
-830   Military Academy (Basic Training)
-550   Officer Candidate School (Basic Training)
-760   Intelligence operative training +1 (Basic Training)
-760   Intelligence operative training +2 (Covert Operations)
-1000 Covert operations
385 left over

What else do I use these XP points for?  Or am I missing anything else I should be putting in there?

The book does say you should stick to 2 Stage 3 things, so 4 seems a bit much.  I could remove Military Academy and not mess with the idea I have in mind, and just go with OCC and IOT x2.  Just let me know what is easy, I don't want to get bogged down in character creation for weeks.

thanks for the help Sent,
« Last Edit: 09 July 2014, 12:32:41 by Dread_Pirate »


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« Reply #59 on: 09 July 2014, 12:24:08 »
You might have been born in Kurita, and than transplanted (abducted, have a world changing hands, emigrated) to Lyran Alliance.
In that case you'll get following bonuses for affiliations:

[Attributes] WIL (+25 XP); [Traits] Compulsion/Xenophobia (–50 XP), Wealth (–25 XP), choose one: Pain Resistance or Combat Sense (+50
XP); [Skills] Arts/Oral Tradition (+7 XP), Martial Arts (+5 XP), Protocol/Combine (+7 XP)

you also get [Skills] +5 XP to any one of the following Skills: Archery, Melee Weapons or Thrown Weapons - make your choice

[Attributes] WIL (–25 XP), EDG (–25 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+50 XP), Extra Income (+25 XP), Wealth (+50 XP), Choose either Combat Paralysis or Glass Jaw (–50 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+7 XP), Appraisal (+5 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+7 XP)

You'll get also language/german (+10 XP) and language/japanese(+10 XP)

unless you have some preference on the planets, make two d5 rolls on the planet of birth and planet of further education.

for the low-street childhood
Fixed XPs: [Attributes] STR (+25 XP), BOD (–20 XP), RFL (+100 XP), WIL (+100 XP), CHA (–25 XP), EDG (+100 XP); [Traits] Connections (+75 XP), Compulsion/Paranoid (–50 XP), Enemy (–100 XP), Illiterate (–75 XP), Reputation (–100 XP), Toughness (+200 XP), Wealth (–75 XP); [Skills] Language/Affi liation (–5 XP), Martial Arts (+15 XP), Melee Weapons (+5 XP), Perception (+10 XP), Running (+10 XP), Stealth (+10 XP), Streetwise/Affi liation (+10 XP)
Flexible XPs: +10 XP each to any four Attributes, Traits or Skills

distribute 40 XP in 10 points packs. start thinking about the sort of enemy you'll get

and onto stage-2 - more of the street life? gang-ruled town or other deep criminal? able-body to some merc company? or you got a hang over yourself and applied to the military school?

OK. For the planet, I really have no time to study rules deeper so lets just roll. I like the idea about being implanted from Kurita.
IDN how slavery works but...being abducted by slavers, taken from the streets, placed in the concentration camp on some lost world, waiting for being sold, Uprising while  the mothership was away, active participation in the resistance/guerilla, when we were able to send distress signal that had been received by Lyran military ship patroling in the sector, during the rescue operation mothership returns and Ive been thrown into the full scale battle, being part of the team deployed to steal one of camp transport choppers, after pilot had been killed I found myself in the cockpit trying to get the load of prisonners to safety...managed to land safely and in days following this I became transporter/Medevac for rebels, and after joining forces with Lyrans and the great victory that set us all free, I was the first one to enlist into Lyran military, as I have no other way to repay the debt of honour but my courage, skill and my blood.

can we make something out of this?
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