Author Topic: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)  (Read 201239 times)


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1080 on: 23 July 2019, 08:28:48 »
One thing to note: Both the Marauder IIC 4 and 7 are Jihad-era designs.  If you're firm about the era ("post-Tukayyid and pre-Refusal War"), these would not be available.  The standard Marauder IIC is still a good choice, as would be the standard Warhammer IIC.

It's tempting to use one of those. As it will be quite some time before the Kickstarter rewards arrive, I have time to think about it. I can simply wait to see what is in the Salvage packs that I will be getting.

I am having way too much fun creating new units these days. It's been a blast.
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1081 on: 24 July 2019, 09:37:46 »
Okay, I warned you that my character is not your usual Clan warrior. I hereby introduce Star Captain Peri Rand, CO of the 219th Trinary of the 3rd Bear guards.

To this day, there are some in Clan Ghost Bear who think one huge joke is being played on their Clan.

Peri was decanted in 3029 and placed into an eagerly anticipated sibko that contained a number of highly regarded bloodlines though hers was only considered barely average. Throughout her formative years, Peri appeared to be just another run-of-the-mill trainee with some feeling that she would not last through the training. Peri was quiet and studious as a child and did not stand out amongst her more gregarious sibkin.

However, she did have a bit of a mischievous streak that did not go unnoticed, though nobody ever discovered that it was Peri who put the itching powder into the freshly cleaned laundry.

With so many talented sibkin around her, Peri was repeatedly overlooked even though she passed every test assigned to her. She earned her way into the ranks of the Warrior Caste, testing out as a Star Commander in 3047. Many were stunned to see her join Alpha Galaxy, the Clan’s premier galaxy, over other newly minted warriors seen as more talented than her.

In reality, a new Warrior named Perry was supposed to join Alpha, but someone made a mistake with the paperwork. Regardless of the mistake, Peri quickly proved the doubters wrong and became an excellent warrior.

Clan Ghost Bear should have taken the hint that there was something not quite right about Star Commander Peri when in her first battle with the Clan she began singing an ancient Terran song – Sherry by the Four Seasons. Only she sang it as Peri instead of Sherry. Where she learned the lyrics nobody knows and Peri would not say. The truth is she found a small cache of music brought to the Pentagon Worlds by the SLDF-in-Exile, though she keeps it hidden.

Her quirky personality began outwardly showing up more and more as the months went by and during the lead-up to Operation Revival. She was definitely an atypical warrior. Peri always seemed happy and just went with the flow never seeming upset about losing a trial or overly happy about winning one.

Her prized collection of Clan Spaniel tee-shirts has definitely lifted more than a few eyebrows.

She fought a dozen Trials of Grievances the first six months after becoming a full-fledged warrior of Clan Ghost Bear, her opponents feeling she was not acting like a proper warrior. Peri easily defeated all of her opponents. The last one saw her actually losing her temper in the Circle of Equals. Peri started beating her opponent severely, all the while yelling:

“Who is your daddy? Who is your mommy? Because it sure as hell it is not Nicholas Kerensky otherwise he would spank you just like I am doing to you now.”

Witnesses stated it was the oddest thing they had ever heard.

There are times when she shows her excellent tactical skill and deadliness as a MechWarrior and the next she seems like a complete ditz. Once during a trial against Clan Hell’s Horses, she suddenly pulled up and pointed with the hand actuator of her Executioner. Peri was then heard saying:

“Ghost bear cub! Aww, is he not the cutest thing in the whole world?”

Completely baffled, as both sides had heard her, the trial paused for a complete minute before continuing. Peri’s trinary won the trial thanks in part to Peri taking down the Hell’s Horses Star Captain because he took a wild shot at said Ghost Bear cub, thankfully missing the animal. There are unconfirmed reports that Peri used the same hand actuator to give said Star Captain a rather rude gesture as she stood over his fallen Gargoyle.

When Operation Revival began, Peri was ready and willing to go. She had longed to see the Inner Sphere. This was her chance at last.

In every battle, Peri was her usual jovial and quirky self. When an entire cluster in Beta Galaxy was lost due to an accident, it affected her greatly. Three of her sibkin were assigned to that cluster.

Peri was quiet for a long time afterward. Her fellow warriors were actually starting to miss the old Peri. Eventually she regained her good cheer and fought with distinction until the year of peace and all bloodnamed warriors were recalled to elect a new IlKhan.

When Alpha Galaxy invaded Alshain in December of 3051, Peri was ready for a good fight. A cheerful Peri sang Christmas songs during combat and in between battles, exasperating her commanders. The sight of Peri’s Executioner with its head painted like it was wearing a Santa Claus hat was surely a weird sight on the battlefield.

On Tukayyid, the fight with ComStar was a nasty one. Her trinary took a lot of damage with several of her warriors wounded and two killed. The loss of her Star Captain saddened her. They may have been on opposite ends of the political spectrum (Peri being a Warden and he a Crusader), but she held plenty of respect for him.

The fifteen-year truce is not to her liking as she wants to see Terra before she dies. However, ComStar won so she has to deal with the disappointment.

Shortly after Tukayyid, Peri’s name was thrown into the ring for a Rand bloodname. Against all odds, Peri won her bloodname after a grueling Grand Melee and several rounds of competition. Mere days after earning her bloodname, Peri tested upward and earned a Star Captain’s rank assuming command of her trinary.

Peri’s Executioner does not use one of the known loadouts seen on the other battlefields. As she likes to say:
“I pilot an Awesome only it is bigger, runs faster, and it jumps. Dare I say…it is awesome?”

She is a deadly MechWarrior and can make her machine deftly move around the battlefield striking when an opponent is least expecting it causing him to miss in turn. More than once Peri has been overhead taunting her opponent by saying:

“You missed me! You missed me!”

This is always followed by an odd noise and a giggle. Peri uses the resulting anger her opponent is feeling to her advantage as her opponent loses his or her temper.

She also has a strange fondness for the Fire Moth, though she will never pilot one. Peri once famously said during a trial against Clan Smoke Jaguar:

“I love watching Fire Moths carry elementals at full speed. I always picture those elementals yelling ‘Wheeeee!’ as they go into battle.”

Peri doesn’t usually worry about the other Clans, though she does not like Clan Hell’s Horses like any good Ghost Bear. Most are simply ignored by her as she is too busy dealing with her own life. She has a distinct dislike for the Smoke Jaguars and Jade Falcons, however. In her words:

“They are just plain no fun to be around. They take everything way too seriously. Party poopers, the lot of them.”

There will come a day when she will finally get her wish. She wants her entire trinary to be composed of Executioners and Fire Moths. Maybe even an entire cluster, though that is wishful thinking on her part. Until that day arrives, she’s just going to have to make do.

So far, Khan Bjorn Jorgensson and SaKhan Aletha Kabrinski have ignored her suggestion to start producing a collection of Clan Spaniel plushies for the kids living on the new worlds the Clan has captured. They have even ignored her pleas for Ghost Bear plushies much to her disappointment. She will not give up hope, however.

When asked about her quirky personality and how odd it is in comparison to other warriors, Peri’s usual reply is:

“We are one giant family, and, hey, every family has that one crazy aunt or uncle.”

"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1082 on: 24 July 2019, 09:48:09 »
Quirky, you left out what her great work is! What's the variant of the executioner? Just ppcs? You might enjoy piloting the F configuration, it sounds like her kinda jam.
 As for the plushies, that's easier said that done in the sphere as opposed to in the homeworlds.
« Last Edit: 24 July 2019, 10:21:52 by Foxx Ital »
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1083 on: 24 July 2019, 10:12:34 »
Quirky, you left out what her great work is! What's the variant of the executioner? Just ppcs? You might enjoy piloting the F configuration, it sounds like her kinda jam.
 As for the slushies, that's easier said that done in the sphere as opposed to in the homeworlds.

I haven't figured out her great work yet. (And I kind of forgot about it  :-[ ) As for the Executioner, it's the same weapon configuration as the Awesome 8Q - 3 PPCs and a small laser, though obviously all ER Clan versions. Only the ER SL is in the arm, not the head. The F config does look interesting.

As for the plushies, her idea is, "Hey, it's a cute stuffed animal. What kid doesn't like cute stuffed animals?" At least produce the Ghost Bear plushies, she feels. It's also a PR move. Start 'em young.
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1084 on: 24 July 2019, 12:54:22 »
As for the plushies, her idea is, "Hey, it's a cute stuffed animal. What kid doesn't like cute stuffed animals?" At least produce the Ghost Bear plushies, she feels. It's also a PR move. Start 'em young.

I’d buy one! Also very amusing character, and yes I would be interested in the variant as well. Although you could always replicate the Awesome 9Q or one of the new partial wing Awesome's in the fan made section strapped onto an Executioner frame.

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1085 on: 24 July 2019, 13:22:39 »
Supercharger is one of those technology's that didn't gain widespread use till 3078, the tech was around for centuries. Anyone else think the Executioner F is viable during the invasion?
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1086 on: 24 July 2019, 20:06:26 »
Supercharger is one of those technology's that didn't gain widespread use till 3078, the tech was around for centuries. Anyone else think the Executioner F is viable during the invasion?

I would say it is or at least seems less advanced than MASC, so why not?


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1087 on: 29 July 2019, 09:53:44 »
Well, if the Kodiak is kicked off the kickstarter as the new proposal states, then I need to revise my trinary. Disappointing to say the least.

On the other hand, if we meet the Backer goal, then I can get 2 Clan box mini packs instead of buying a second box. That means I can add another Executioner to the star. Still thinking of of the fifth point.
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1088 on: 29 July 2019, 13:49:37 »
Well, if the Kodiak is kicked off the kickstarter as the new proposal states, then I need to revise my trinary. Disappointing to say the least.

On the other hand, if we meet the Backer goal, then I can get 2 Clan box mini packs instead of buying a second box. That means I can add another Executioner to the star. Still thinking of of the fifth point.

 Long run wise it doesn't affect anything too much, I was just hoping to not deal with metal minis as much as possible. I might end up picking a elemental pack instead and convert a star to a nova.
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

Natasha Kerensky

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1089 on: 29 July 2019, 20:54:23 »
Well, if the Kodiak is kicked off the kickstarter as the new proposal states, then I need to revise my trinary. Disappointing to say the least.

Without breaking Rule 9, there are lots of old Kodiaks (and even Kodiak IIs) available online.  They won’t be plastic or the new sculpt, but they’ll do.
"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
"I'm in mourning for my life."
"Those who break faith with the Unity shall go down into darkness."


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1090 on: 06 August 2019, 16:37:22 »
So, I'm curious about the Dominion as a faction. Attempts to research them got wildly contradictory information and mostly threads full of arguments.

What is the Dominion like in terms of society? Combat playstyle? Common Mechs? Things like that.

For example, if I were to describe the Free Worlds League on this basis, I would tell you that they are "typically socially tolerant, decent living standards and human rights, but with some odd biases against bionics and a few other groups. VERY loosely similar to various parts of Europe in overall social tone. Prone to in-fighting. They fight using a combined arms approach, with the bulk of their Mechs being 4/6/* or 5/8/* (where '*' is a jump speed number that may be 0, or higher) and focusing on missiles. Using their speed, they usually try to close to medium range. Any given Mech usually has a wide mix of weapons; the team works together as a bizarre whole where no one Mech is essential to their gameplan. Their more important Mechs include the Awesome 9M, Anvil 3R, Hercules 9001, Carronade, Shockwave series in general, Juliano series in general, Wolverine 7M, and their Archer series in general. They have only a few 'juggernaut' style assaults, generally lacking any obvious equivalent to the Atlas or Hellstar or Thunder Hawk."

Edit: Common enemies for 3145-ish would be cool too.

Any overview would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2019, 16:39:31 by GespenstM »

Natasha Kerensky

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"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
"I'm in mourning for my life."
"Those who break faith with the Unity shall go down into darkness."


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1092 on: 06 August 2019, 18:26:42 »
Thank you. I am aware Sarna exists. It is often outdated and a lot of what I hear on it contradicts what I hear elsewhere. I was looking for a more human reply, not Sarna links.

Jaim Magnus

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1093 on: 06 August 2019, 19:07:34 »
If you don't have them already, Era Report 3145 and Field Manual 3145 would be sound investments.

*Caveat - I do not typically play Dominion forces.*

Dominion Society

The Dominion is an odd mix of Swedish/Japanese space vikings, and Clan. Over the years, the Dominion has evolved into a fairly equal society, with the Elected Prince and Khan holding near equal power. Civilian society largely follows traditional Rasalhague leanings, while the military is Clan through and through. In the 3130's, dissenters (known as Freeminders) were shipped off to Vega to 'shore up' the Republic. This led to the creation of the Vega Protectorate, which was later absorbed into the Dominion proper.

Common Mechs

Best resource would be the MUL.

Following is a non-comprehensive list.
Wraith and Elemental Battle Armour. Mongrel. Vulture III and IV. Koshi (all varieties). Black Hawk. Gravedigger. Viking IIC. Kodiak 1 and 2. Dasher II. Ursus. Karhu. Bruin.


The Snow Ravens of the Raven Alliance. What is left of the Republic of the Sphere. What is left of the Wolves-in-Exile.


The Draconis Combine. The Nova Cats (before their destruction). The Jade Falcons. The Hell's Horses (kinda?). The Wolf Empire.


The Bears of the Dominion use a mix of high mobility and wall of steel. Elementals are run in close to targets on light omnis or vehicles, followed up by a slow moving, heavily armed wall of firepower.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1094 on: 06 August 2019, 19:54:08 »
That sounds cool. ...It also sounds like a notable disinterest in Zellbrigen; am I right in believing the Ghost Bears have gotten away from that some over the years?

Still, that looks like a neat playstyle. Pick where you want to fight, then rush the enemy with light elements to keep them busy in that area while the big guns move in to close-combat? Interesting.

Thank you for the reply!


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1095 on: 06 August 2019, 20:04:38 »
There is also one other thing about the Ghost Bears you need to keep in mind.

Don't make them mad! Making Ghost Bears mad is a really bad idea. In the movie The Untouchables, Sean Connery tells Kevin Costner "If he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the Morgue."

Well, if you send a Ghost Bear to the hospital, the Ghost Bears don't send one of yours to the Morgue. They send about 1500 to the Morgue...if they are feeling generous.
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1096 on: 06 August 2019, 22:56:55 »
That sounds cool. ...It also sounds like a notable disinterest in Zellbrigen; am I right in believing the Ghost Bears have gotten away from that some over the years?

Still, that looks like a neat playstyle. Pick where you want to fight, then rush the enemy with light elements to keep them busy in that area while the big guns move in to close-combat? Interesting.

Thank you for the reply!
Mid invasion the bears decide since the inner sphere won't play by the rules then they won't either and officially dispense with zellbrigen against inner sphere opponents.
 I have a ghostbear write up that jellico did years ago that's pretty handy, pm me your email and I'll send it.
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

Natasha Kerensky

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1097 on: 06 August 2019, 23:14:31 »
The Dominion is an odd mix of Swedish/Japanese space vikings

Swedish or Scandinavian or Norse (and certainly Japanese) does not equal Viking.  That’s like saying that being an American is the same thing as being a Hell’s Angel.

There’s really nothing Viking about the old Free Rasalhague Republic.  They weren’t known for raiding neighbors or undertaking far-flung exploration/trading expeditions or for settling/colonizing new worlds.  There are Viking-ish aspects to the Bandit Kings, the Clans, the old Terran Hegemony, and certain other BT entities like the Explorer Corps.  But not to the FRR.

What’s unique or interesting about the FRR is that it was a real democracy all the way up to the Elected Prince when no other House or major power was.  And that has been carried over onto the civilian side of the Rasalhague Dominion.

(Early Norse peoples also practiced limited forms of local democracy, but the accumulation and concentration of wealth and power from Viking activities was actually one of the enablers of the rise of non-democratic, medieval monarchies in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.)

On the Clan side, the Bears are unique for their sense of family within the Clan ranks.  This derives from their founders who were a (married, I think?) couple.  The Bears have extended their sense of family by adopting the Rasalhagians.

Also notable is the degree to which the Bear touman has submitted itself to civilian rule, something not seen in other Spheroid Clan nation-states.  And also notable is the amount of Rasalhagian named units (Gunzburg Eagles, Drakons, Freemen, Kavallari) and Rasalhagian bloodnames that appear in the Bear touman in the 32nd century.

Over the years, the Dominion has evolved into a fairly equal society, with the Elected Prince and Khan holding near equal power.

IIRC, the government is tripartite, with two executives — the Elected Prince on the civilian side and the Khan on the military side — both answering to a legislature.

Wraith and Elemental Battle Armour

Golem, Rogue Bear, Kobold IIC, Kobold

Mongrel. Vulture III and IV. Koshi (all varieties). Black Hawk. Gravedigger. Viking IIC. Kodiak 1 and 2. Dasher II. Ursus. Karhu. Bruin.

Like nearly all Clans, the Bears have almost always had access to the Mist Lynx (Koshi) and Nova (Black Hawk).  But their homegrown, go-to light and medium omnis are actually the Fire Moth (Dasher) and Viper (Dragonfly).

Also notably missing are the Executioner (Gladiator), the original Mad Dog (Vulture), Arcas, Grizzly, Beowulf IIC, Kuma, Bear Cub, Ryoken II, and various Locust IIC and Marauder IIC variants.

The Bears of the Dominion use a mix of high mobility and wall of steel. Elementals are run in close to targets on light omnis or vehicles, followed up by a slow moving, heavily armed wall of firepower.

Yes on high mobility.  No on wall of steel.

Ghost Bear assaults are fast or mobile for their sizes.  The Executioner goes 4-6(8)-4 (or more depending on configuration).  The Bruin moves 4-6-4.  The Kodiaks move 4-6, not 3-5.  Even the Marauder IIC variants jump.  It’s more of a charge-and-overwhelm force than a stand-and-deliver force.  More blitz than steady advance.

With some standard Clan cavalry exceptions like the various Mad Dogs/Vultures, this need for speed and mobility, usually in heavier-than-normal weights for those speeds, extends all the way down the weight classes, from jumping Karhus, to fast/jumpy Vipers, to speed-demon Fire Moths.

There is also one other thing about the Ghost Bears you need to keep in mind.

Don't make them mad! Making Ghost Bears mad is a really bad idea.

It’s less that the Bears are prone to fits of rage and more that they act like their namesake (as silly as that sounds).  The Ghost Bear is known to wait for days (weeks?) in snow drifts until prey approaches and then attack with all surprise, speed, and ferocity.

Similarly, the Bear military leadership and touman is slow to react, but when they decide to go to war, it’s all-out, pedal-to-the-metal, no-holds-barred.  We’ve seen this time and again with the Nova Cats and the Blakists, and there now appears to be another slow-motion roll towards war developing in the Vega Protectorate that may have the Bears explode into action again in ilClan.

Strategically, the Bears can be summed up with the old adage of “Don’t poke a sleeping bear (unless you want to get mauled).”
« Last Edit: 06 August 2019, 23:31:27 by Natasha Kerensky »
"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
"I'm in mourning for my life."
"Those who break faith with the Unity shall go down into darkness."

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1098 on: 07 August 2019, 00:51:37 »
Supernovas and Novas are also used more commonly that other factions.

 At one point the Ghost Bears also condensed all of their Elementals into a Galaxy (Zeta) and all of their Aerospace into a Galaxy (Valkyrie) to go along with their THREE Leviathan class Battleships. Those three ships plus the Ursa Major (a Night Lord) left quite a trail of destruction before most of their destruction.

The Ghost Bears now have four Galaxies of primarily Rasalhague troops. The old Tyr, Drakon, Hussar, and Kavelleri regiments have been converted into Galaxies and Clusters. Many Rasalhague names have been incorporated as Bloodnames (?). Many of the Clan and Inner Sphere traditions have merged and castes and marriage might be overlooked especially in the ‘old’ Vega Protectorate.

Mobility is a hallmark of Ghost Bear designs but several of the Rasalhague designs use different  and older techs, often ones with bad reputations: Hatchets, Stealth Armor, C3i.

The fact that the Dominion uses a dual government is very unique and actually is part in why the Ghost Bears are the best set of all the Inner Sphere Clans that have merged with their hosts.


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1099 on: 07 August 2019, 02:23:14 »
I can see where you get contradictory from.

Probably the big thing to remember is that the Dominion is a living work in progress. What is true in 2850 is different in 3045, 3055, 3065, 3090, 3100 and 3130. There have been some big mood shifts over the years and the fans recollections don't always keep up. Most of the above is right for a given time and place. I will try and post something more detailed when I get to a computer.


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1100 on: 07 August 2019, 06:15:29 »
So, after reading the attached doc we are up to 3085.

The Ghost Bear Dominion comes out of the Dominion relatively intact. The populace is mostly happy and increasingly comfortable as Clantech filters down. Eg the Dominion inherited the Ghost Bear's JumpShip fleet so is more connected than the average IS House.

Things bumble along until the 2nd DC/GB War. The Touman wages said war as a total war as that is how they see the world. The Dominion civilians are horrified to learn that their military are a bunch of psychopaths comfortable with genocide. So they kick up a fuss and enforce civilian control resulting in the tripartite Rasalhague Dominion.

Jump forward to 3130. The hardline traditionalists are running the Touman.  The Civilians are well meaning.

Militarily FM3045 is a good place to go. Everyone is basically an extension of what they were in the 3080s or even the 3060 FMs. Nothing ever changes in BT. The very best frontline units are combat pragmatists. The next rung down are more hidebound. The lower level stuff are pragmatists because of the junk they have to work with. Just remember that they have all been squeezed down to a point in the 3130s where everyone is running binaries instead of trinaries and everyone has a tank binary. They are all grumpy and elitist accordingly. By 3145 the frontline units have got their full Mech Clusters back. Some Clusters even want to keep their tanks.

Across the Touman there is a wide range of views of what to fight a war with*. But the basic tactics remain, probe to find weakness then charge on into the schwerpunkt with maximum weight.

*There are Clusters that favour physical attacks. Clusters that love fire support. Clusters that are tank heavy. There are even Clusters that use Small Craft and "native trackers". You want it. The Bears probably have it. Ironically the more elite the more traditionally Clan and boring they will be.


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1101 on: 09 August 2019, 00:25:20 »
For the life of me I cannot tell why our fascination with the Mad Dog is...the Summoner just makes more sense from mobility and battle taxi perspectives; jump jets and arm mounted primary weapons. All the 3050 heavies are 5/8 so it is not like there is a speed freak outlier like the Firemoth for the lights and the Linebacker went to the Wolves when it came out.


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1102 on: 09 August 2019, 07:31:26 »
For the life of me I cannot tell why our fascination with the Mad Dog is...the Summoner just makes more sense from mobility and battle taxi perspectives; jump jets and arm mounted primary weapons. All the 3050 heavies are 5/8 so it is not like there is a speed freak outlier like the Firemoth for the lights and the Linebacker went to the Wolves when it came out.

Because the Vulture probably is the only heavy the Ghost Bears produce themselves and thus have reliable access too. Any Thors they possess likely come from trade or salvage.

In short, you take what you can get
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1103 on: 09 August 2019, 07:36:06 »
Also, bird legs are cool.
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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1104 on: 09 August 2019, 08:32:44 »
Authors had claimed it for the Falcons already?

Statistically in our first RATs (FM:WC) the Summoner was our second most popular heavy and mostly maintained that position.

Honestly I think the Bears scored the Mad Dog as a booby prize behind the Wolves, Falcons, and Jaguars. These all received fleshing out before the Bears leaving only odd (by 3025 standards) options available. They then fluffed it out with the weight bonus making the Mad Dog the Bear's medium Mech.

In FM:WC there was usually a primary and secondary Mech in each weight bracket. Usually mobility and a trooper/fire support.

Firemoth and Adder

Viper and Nova/Storm Crow (identical %)

Mad Dog and Summoner (later prequel RATs made the Timber Wolf equal to the Summoner. Hellbringers were surprisingly common and virtually the only way to bring ECM till the late 60s)

Executioner and Warhawk/Kingfisher.


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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1105 on: 09 August 2019, 09:26:31 »
Well, I woke up to learn the Kodiak is back in the Kickstarter. My Alpha Star for the Trinary I am building now looks like this:

3x Executioner, Kingfisher, and Kodiak.

All 4/6 move profile. I could make the first 4 all B Configurations, too. Ultra AC/20s for everyone! :D
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
"You can't write history without including mankind's incessant need to kill one another." - Dr. Jessica Kimball (Hopefully soon to be my canon character)

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1106 on: 09 August 2019, 18:30:16 »
Awesome on the Kodiak! Where can I find the updates on the descriptions of the packs?

On the idea of the Mad Dog: I mean Clan LRM’s, Pulses, and Gauss Rifles? I wouldn’t generally carry my Elementals on one unless necessity demanded it. But for fire support? It’s a solid heavy design. The Mad Dog III gives me the capacity to rain 80 Clan LRM’s or 48 SRM’s in droves.

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1107 on: 16 August 2019, 08:05:06 »
Anyone who's a backer for the kickstarter needs to read rules of engagement!!! Good short story by Blaine Lee Pardoe about the ghost bears fighting the combine.
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1108 on: 16 August 2019, 17:39:45 »
Anyone who's a backer for the kickstarter needs to read rules of engagement!!! Good short story by Blaine Lee Pardoe about the ghost bears fighting the combine.

Yeah RL just F’ed up my bank account so I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to do the Kickstarter as I wanted to.

What time period? I assume Clan Invasion lol?

Foxx Ital

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Re: The Rasalhague Dominion: Friend of a Friend (but not your Friend)
« Reply #1109 on: 16 August 2019, 17:48:55 »
Sorry to hear that trothkin. Takes place on Constance, first bear vs combine battle.
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

