Author Topic: Seven  (Read 74705 times)


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Re: Seven
« Reply #210 on: 28 November 2014, 15:58:44 »
Nice update!  feeling a little lost on how did Clan Wolf and Clan GB got invited to Outreach?  Other than that wondering what your next update will be?


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Re: Seven
« Reply #211 on: 28 November 2014, 16:24:30 »
As Jaime Wolf noted, they weren't - Vera heard about the conference and decided to attend, which pushed Ulric into deciding he couldn't afford not to.

And once Dire Wolf and Dieron's Run were in system under flag of truce, it was judged wisest to... not provoke them.

Next update... probably sometime tomorrow.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #212 on: 28 November 2014, 17:49:46 »
I wonder HOW they heard.

I mean Jamie seemed to go to the point of sending personal representatives to the leaders of the Successor States in canon to invite them, its not something that is exactly put out over ComStars message boards.
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #213 on: 28 November 2014, 19:25:27 »
SIGINT would be my guess, but it could be anything, including both, 'The Combine outright told Vera as a way of keeping the Dragoons from controlling the entire conference,' and 'Her trip to hire the Dragoons happened to have the right timing.'

I figure that, with Comstar neck deep in the fight against the Clans and the increased tempo of the war so far, Jaime decided to gamble on sending messages via HPG rather than trustworthy personal representatives, which is why this version of the conference is happening about six months sooner.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #214 on: 28 November 2014, 20:22:53 »
 :) Cool!  Thanks for the explanation!  Now I am really wondering what will be in your future updates!  So Vera Tseng is still just a Galaxy Commander, I wonder for how long?
« Last Edit: 28 November 2014, 20:24:38 by Shadow_Wraith »


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Re: Seven
« Reply #215 on: 29 November 2014, 00:29:05 »
Well, the stuff's hit the fan now.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #216 on: 29 November 2014, 02:07:45 »
Did Ulric and Vera just gatecrash?


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Re: Seven
« Reply #217 on: 29 November 2014, 02:46:31 »
Dieron's Run.

Bwahahahahahha. You go, Vera!


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Re: Seven
« Reply #218 on: 29 November 2014, 16:29:36 »
Wow, talk about twisting the cannon for sure. And number 7 crashed the party along with ulric......yes, all the clans are going to be crashing the party now for sure and its not going to pretty for sure.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #219 on: 29 November 2014, 16:41:13 »
Well not necessarily all the Clans. There is always a vague chance some of the Wardens may scoff at the Crusaders rage and point out that they put their hand in the fire and got burned, so TS; that they see no reason to go charging in. That shit happens in war and take it as a valuable lesson learned.

Of course, that would predicate the 'Wardens' ever actually living up to the name  because, minus the Wolves and Ghost Bears, they really don't tend to do that and can be just as massive hypocrites and babies as the worst of the Crusaders.
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #220 on: 29 November 2014, 16:43:03 »
Did Ulric and Vera just gatecrash?

Yes. Yes they did.

The Falcons and Jaguars won't be, though, since they're both too disordered and utterly disgusted by the idea of negotiating with Sphereoids.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #221 on: 29 November 2014, 17:46:24 »
Well hopefully this Outreach conference won't add up to 'Sit around for Eight f*#king Months! doing what should take 8 frigen days to hash out and the Inner Sphere will remember that they actually have armies and stuff they can use to launch offensives, that they don't have to sit around just because the Clans called a 'time out'.

Of course, the inclusion of two of the invading Clans is going to make this conference ... interesting.

"Oh so you are the elected Prince? Hi, I am the person who has taken over your Capital!"
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #222 on: 29 November 2014, 19:31:51 »
Well hopefully this Outreach conference won't add up to 'Sit around for Eight f*#king Months! doing what should take 8 frigen days to hash out and the Inner Sphere will remember that they actually have armies and stuff they can use to launch offensives, that they don't have to sit around just because the Clans called a 'time out'.

Of course, the inclusion of two of the invading Clans is going to make this conference ... interesting.

"Oh so you are the elected Prince? Hi, I am the person who has taken over your Capital!"
While his son to busy drooling.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #223 on: 29 November 2014, 20:24:31 »
Well hopefully this Outreach conference won't add up to 'Sit around for Eight f*#king Months! doing what should take 8 frigen days to hash out and the Inner Sphere will remember that they actually have armies and stuff they can use to launch offensives, that they don't have to sit around just because the Clans called a 'time out'.

Of course, the inclusion of two of the invading Clans is going to make this conference ... interesting.

"Oh so you are the elected Prince? Hi, I am the person who has taken over your Capital!"
I don't think Rasalhague actually fell this go round.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #224 on: 29 November 2014, 23:08:04 »
I don't think Rasalhague actually fell this go round.

Correct. Rasalhague stands, if on the border of the in-sphere territories of not one but two clans. The Ghost Bears even have the forces on hand to take it, if they didn't have other things to prioritize instead, while the Wolves, as noted, are down to garrison forces.

And in the meantime, the Free Rasalhague Republic has been done a significant injury...

...but not a fatal one.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #225 on: 29 November 2014, 23:20:21 »
Presuming the trifling detail that is the Clan Invasion is dealt with, I'm not sure the FRR has much by way of long term prospects. Without Comstar to guarantee their independence, and with both their neighbors having territorial claims on their worlds, the temptation to just not have the forces retaking worlds stop at the 3049 border would likely be strong, and that even before pains in the butt like the Black Dragons, Ryan Steiner, or Kelswa stick their oars in.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #226 on: 30 November 2014, 00:57:57 »
...Vera, you get kinda scary when you're depressed and rant-y.

AUGUST 9, 3050

Kai Allard-Liao checked for a moment as he realized that the balcony wasn’t empty. He’d come up to do some thinking and get away from the endless sniping from his cousin and aunt, from the backbiting and suspicion, from the tormented pride in Haakon Magnusson’s eyes as he humbled himself for the tools to save his realm…

To get away from too many things.

“Leftenant Kai,” the woman he’d disturbed greeted, scooping the jacket she’d folded over the balcony’s railing up and shrugging it on over her brief mechwarrior’s undershirt. At this latitude and altitude, the sunset chill was biting enough that he couldn’t imagine dressing down like that long enough to watch the sunset, but the clear air was such a change from the atmosphere in the conference room that he felt momentarily tempted to try.

He’d caught the explanation for how the Clans treated surnames, so he didn’t object to the use of his personal name. “I hadn’t realized the area would be occupied,” he said. “Sorry for disturbing you, Galaxy Commander.”

She shook her head and waved it off. “As long as your cousin does not follow you, you have not disturbed me.”

Kai laughed involuntarily, walking over to lean against the balcony to watch the eastern sunset sky. After several minutes of companionable silence, his outrage and disgust forced themselves out onto his tongue. “You’ve said that the Crusaders call us barbarians, and watching the shameful performances of these last few days, I begin to wonder if they are right.”

“Never do that,” she told him, turning to regard the same view. “You murder each other’s children for petty grievances and greed and call it tragic necessity. We murder our own children in sacrifice to a dead madman’s bloodlust and call it glory. Even I know which of these is the barbarian.”

Kai managed to keep his reaction from showing in an indrawn breath or other obvious sign, but he still felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Whoa. This is what one of their leaders says? How stable is their society, really? Even if I started the conversation like that, I’m very junior in the scheme of things, and she was enough of a contender for the leadership of her clan to have her rivals support her coming here just to get rid of her.

“Why take part in the invasion, then? Why not try to stop it?”

“Because I can’t stop it!” she snapped, the first time he’d heard her or any other Clanner use a contraction. “I can shoot anything physical, but I cannot shoot an idea!” She whirled to face him, one finger stabbing at his chest. “You! You have a lever, at least! Three marriages - six lives - and your wars and their millions of dead are over! Fool, reave those crazed wastes of a gifttake and take Capella, then you and Marik or Kurita or Steiner-Davion to the other, and bind your children the generation after, and-” she filled her lungs and shouted, “every claim to the seat of the First Lord in one bloodline! What purpose is there to noble rule if not to yoke the whole’s good to the bloodline’s greed?!”

“But me, what am I to do? I have no power but what my Clan grants in its worship of the blood on my hands, no levers but that they lie on a battlefield full of enemies who want no part of my will and are old in their skills while I fumble like an infant! Everything I am and love is a servant of evil and I can neither turn away nor abandon it? What would you have me do?!

Her furious rant skidded to a halt as she stood glaring up at him, formidable chest heaving for breath and seemingly caught between storming away and striking him.

Incredibly, Kai found himself laughing, and Vera’s expression of dramatic, tormented rage faded into a sort of disgusted puzzlement as he leaned his hip against the balcony railing in mad hilarity.

“Oh, do not tell me that your bloodline’s failure picked now to strike,” she grumbled, and he waved the notion off as he forced himself back under control.

“No… no, now I just now how all my friends felt listening to me,” he said, and judged by her expression that more explanation was needed. “Too afraid of failing to live up to expectations to even try.”

She flinched.

“You see our problems from the outside with a clarity that burns, so let me tell you what I see looking at your problems.

“You have better than a thousand battlemechs and more than enough force to support them under your hand, without needing anyone’s permission to use them. You have warships and aerospace fighters to ward their way through space, and you have all the tools of a technical base far outside the capacity of even the Star League - you have what you need to claim Terra for yourself, the prize all of your Clan’s rivals have been straining for and the dream of your people.

Conquer... and win the conqueror's privileges, the prestige to shape your people in your image.”

She stared at him. “...That easy, huh?”

“No,” he said. “But it’s the best chance I can see for you.”

“...Aff,” Vera let her breath out in a huff, seeming to shrink and slump, then took another breath and stood straight to all the height her petite frame permitted. “And perhaps if we are all lucky, there will be a Star League for me to serve. In the meantime… I have spent enough time talking.”

With a slight bow to him, she walked off, head held high.

Kai watched her go, and then went to tell his father about the conversation, trying to fight the feeling that he had made a horrible mistake.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #227 on: 30 November 2014, 02:58:44 »
 O0  Wow!  Kai giving Vera a pep talk!  Mr. Kai "full of self doubt" Allard-Liao!  Nice update!


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Re: Seven
« Reply #228 on: 30 November 2014, 09:57:52 »
Huh, having a conversation with good ol' Kai. If the Clans had ever captured him, he'd be a warrior in no time.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #229 on: 01 December 2014, 15:19:06 »
Can't help but say that the last update I was totally thinking this all the way through that last chapter :p

"Scuse me Kai ... I have a planet to take"

*offscreen cheers as Vera marches off with a new step in her stride*
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #230 on: 01 December 2014, 23:53:51 »
.........blinks........uhhmmmmm.....what the hell just happened?

Dave Talley

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Re: Seven
« Reply #231 on: 02 December 2014, 01:01:14 »
done stepped over the line here
giant robots & genetically engineered men that are 10 feet tall
no problem

Kai Allard Liao having a spine this early?? no way
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Seven
« Reply #232 on: 02 December 2014, 09:05:50 »
Kai know to have a weakness for crying Girls/Women.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #233 on: 02 December 2014, 18:26:26 »
Kai had confidence issues, but the real moping at Outreach was the result of Kai second guessing himself for sending that infantry back into the pass to be ready to detonate it, getting them killed when they ran into more Elementals.

AKA Kai not understanding the 1st and 2nd rules of war for officers.

This time around there may well have not been a Twycross scenario due to the massive butterflies, so he might not be quite so second guessing of his judgement at this stage.
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #234 on: 07 December 2014, 00:37:39 »
So, yeah. Real life has kind of exploded for me; new job, less free time, less energy... And it didn't help that this particular scene was being a pain. I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I'm so sick of being stuck I'm going to kick it out the door as-is.


AUGUST 14, 3050

At the start of the day’s deliberations, a haggard-looking Vera Tseng rose to address the gathering off all of the Inner Sphere’s leaders - including the white-robed Precentor that had been sent as the plenipotentiary of the Primus of Comstar. “Four hours ago,” she said, in a tone that would have been conversational if not for the mechanical deadness of her brown eyes, “The HPG mounted aboard Dieron’s Run received a message relayed from the world of Polcenigo.”

There was a flicker in the Precentor’s expression, but he inclined his head, since her gaze hadn’t shifted from him. “Yes?”

“Three weeks ago, the Comstar Warship Invisible Truth jumped into the system at the planetary pirate point,” she said. “It engaged the Clan Ghost Bear Warship Den Mother, stationed there, along with the aerospace elements of the cluster it was supporting and the mercenary unit which had been hired to provide security and civil order on Polcenigo. All of them were destroyed by nuclear strikes.”

Her tone of voice was so mild, so quiet, that the words almost didn’t register. But they did, and she had to shout to be heard over the commotion.

After that point... After that, Invisible Truth assumed a low planetary orbit and directed saturation bombardments against every military base on the planet,” Melissa Steiner paled, and Haakon Magnusson’s jaw clenched, “both active and not, without demand of surrender or other condition. Also targeted were every medium and heavy industrial facility on the planet… and three universities.”

She leaned forward on the edge of the round conference table, glaring across its width. “The deployment of nuclear weapons in accordance with the relevant articles of the Ares Conventions I will not… complain of. It is within the bounds of war, and no threat to the innocent. The bombardment of planetary targets is abominable, but explicable - the annihilation of military forces and the tools that support them. But, Precentor, I wonder… Why the schools? What possible lie can you spin to claim that that was justified, even in your own mind?”

“It is a tragic necessity of the kind of war you have imposed,” he replied. “Knowing that our Order lacks the military strength to reclaim the worlds you have assaulted, and that the Successor Lords are unlikely to muster either the organization or the vision to attempt it, we are forced to face the fact that you will shackle every soul in your occupied territories into servants of your efforts to destroy the last bastions of the Star League’s light.”

Ulric Kerensky flushed in sudden, and atypically obvious, rage, but aside from a faint thinning of her full lips, Vera’s face could have been carved in stone as the Precentor went on. “Knowing that the technical ability of your slaves is key to your warmaking efforts, denying you their strength for your jihad required impeding the propagation of that ability.”

“Truly,” she said softly in the silence that followed, “you are the enemy of all of civilization.”

The Precentor looked bland; Romano Liao looked interested and approving; every other face in the room bore some mix of horror, contempt, and fury - or was set in a threadbare mask over those emotions.

“Hardly,” Comstar’s man denied. “When those worlds are liberated from your yoke, Comstar will guarantee the reconstruction of their educational systems at the Order’s own expense.”

Hanse Davion snorted, not troubling to hide his contempt. “With extra courses on the rewards of servitude to Blake’s Holy Vision, no doubt.”

“Clan Ghost Bear,” the standing woman said, raising her voice again to regain the table’s attention, “must obviously withdraw from this conference-”

“To which you were hardly invited,” the Precentor sniped.

“Neither were you,” Davion shot back.

To concentrate on the martial measures which are discovered to be necessary. I will, however, leave you with a parting offer. To any state which is willing to repudiate all agreements with the dezgra cult, Comstar, expel its agents, and seize its holdings within their borders, Clan Ghost Bear will provide complete theoretical, technical, and manufacturing data, including required seed tools, on the construction, maintenance, and operation of hyperpulse generator systems.”

There was a moment of utter hush; the root of all of Comstar’s power, more than the military might of its Com Guards or warship fleet, far more than its command of the most fabulously wealthy and industrialized world in known space, was its monopoly on the HPG network that passed information across the Inner Sphere faster and more cheaply than any competing method.

Interdiction - the simple failure to carry the message traffic of an interstellar power - could, and had, brought even the mightiest of the Successor States to its knees, and was a threat that had hung over the head of almost every delegate present at the conference like the proverbial sword of Damocles.

Vera’s deal could free them from that feared and resented threat - forever - at the same time that it shattered the foundation of Comstar’s success and influence.

Hanse Davion spoke first. “The Federated Commonwealth already possesses that data, by right of its peace settlement with Clan Wolf. Do you have an alternative offer prepared?”

She inclined her head. “Due to the haste my news has imposed, I have not had time to prepare one. Would His Highness have a suggestion?”

“My intelligence sources lead me to understand that Clan Ghost Bear has, under construction, a number of warships.”

“This is correct, although, given the exigencies of war, I regret that none of them are for sale for any price.”

He smiled and made a demurring gesture. “In fact, my own shipyards have begun to lay down new keels of their own-” both of them ignored the stir that roused from those in the room that hadn’t known of it “-but have found the construction of suitable sublight drive systems… challenging. My price is the data needed to resolve those issues.”

“Well bargained and done, Prince Davion.”

Haakon Magnusson ignored the pale, strained figure at his right, the Precentor’s paralyzation in the face of the doom inflicted on his world seemingly beneath his contempt. “Galaxy Commander, you have in the past been very careful to make clear the limitations on your ability to commit your Clan to any agreements. Why has this changed?”

“Because this vermin’s agents have murdered my trothkin,” she replied, “and I will dare more for their sake than for duty’s. I will ensure that these bargains are kept.”

The Prince of Rasalhague inclined his head in sincere respect, and Vera bowed back.
« Last Edit: 07 December 2014, 02:56:09 by Valles »

Chris OFarrell

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Re: Seven
« Reply #235 on: 07 December 2014, 02:14:18 »
Annnnnnd the Fox just started the first pebbles rolling. 10-1 orders to seize the entire HPG chain have already gone out via Black Box.

And I'll bet that everyone else except perhaps Thomas will follow suit shortly.

Yeah, Good luck fighting that War Myndo, with zero FTL communications coreward, zero income and your entire organization persona non grata across 80 of the Inner Sphere!!

And man, you wern't kidding about the Invisible Truth's reputation being waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy different compared to the OTL!

Keep up the good work!
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: Seven
« Reply #236 on: 07 December 2014, 03:05:43 »
Invisible Truth's legend is only getting started.

Thomas... Actually, I may make Vera's talk and negotiations with Thomas the subject of the next scene. He's in an interesting position, trapped between conflicting loyalties and imperatives.

And Comstar is certainly screwed as a 'Great Power', especially given that the vast majority of the Com Guards are broken up in small detachments that are in transit across suddenly hostile space, but, as the Taurians demonstrated centuries ago, a minor power that's determined to go down swinging can make a hell of a mess, and Terra alone is enough to qualify as such.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #237 on: 07 December 2014, 03:20:11 »
Very true.

Actually a scene back in the Homeworlds of the reactions of the Clans is going to be needed soon.      Operation Revival is clearly going to face pushback in light of Comstars successful defense of Terra and now Dezgra actions against the Bears.

Plus I imagine the Snow Ravens (who had leased some of their fleet to the Falcons) and Goliath Scoprions might have something to say on getting their own back

Edit - 

Now I'm picturing Jamie Wolf going "Kill Comstar?  Do I want to kill Comstar?   Ha! Put it this way Khan Vera  leave ROM to me and the Dragoons.    Comstar has a bloody bill to pay to the Dragoons"
« Last Edit: 07 December 2014, 03:31:36 by fitzgerald »


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Re: Seven
« Reply #238 on: 07 December 2014, 03:59:16 »
Romano is Smiling. I'm will to bet she turn a Blind Mad Eye to death of Comstar at anyones hands.


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Re: Seven
« Reply #239 on: 07 December 2014, 04:17:57 »
Annnnnnd the Fox just started the first pebbles rolling. 10-1 orders to seize the entire HPG chain have already gone out via Black Box.

And I'll bet that everyone else except perhaps Thomas will follow suit shortly.

Yeah, Good luck fighting that War Myndo, with zero FTL communications coreward, zero income and your entire organization persona non grata across 80 of the Inner Sphere!!

And man, you wern't kidding about the Invisible Truth's reputation being waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy different compared to the OTL!

Keep up the good work!

By Black Box? Hardly. They were likely sent via HPG...  Code-Word Orders, something along the lines of. "Institute General Order 3035-267, under Sealed Orders in your briefing packets." Said sealed order being an Op-Plan for each posting to seize the HPG assigned to them.