Author Topic: (Answered) AS Companion: Demoralizer  (Read 2437 times)

Dies Irae

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(Answered) AS Companion: Demoralizer
« on: 05 November 2014, 08:31:19 »
The summary page for unit abilities (Alpha Strike Companion Page 50) states:
Demoralizer: Unit can intimidate an opponent for a brief period

The Demoralizer ability entry (Alpha Strike Companion Page 55) states:
Every enemy unit that comes within 6 inches of this unit must roll 2D6 before attempting to make a weapon or physical attack. If the roll is 8 or less, the enemy unit is Intimidated. Intimidated units reduce their Move by half (round down) and suffer a +1 to hit modifier for all attacks made against the Demoralizer.

Is there a way for a Demoralized unit to remove the half-speed debuff effect once they have failed their intimidation roll? Taking the rules as written, once a target is intimidated by a Demoralizer, it remains permanently intimidated, which is contrary to the "Brief Period" stated in the summary section.

A similar query also applies regarding the Animal Mimicry pilot ability.
« Last Edit: 27 March 2023, 12:16:43 by Xotl »


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Re: Alpha Strike Companion: Demoralizer
« Reply #1 on: 11 November 2014, 08:55:37 »
Here you go. 
p52. Demoralizer: add, after “the enemy unit is intimidated”, a “until the next Combat Phase”
p51. Animal Mimicry:  After “will become Intimidated”, add “until after the next Movement Phase”. 

So Demoralizer takes effect during the middle of the Combat Phase (when the attacker makes an attacker against the Demoralizer).  It lasts that Combat Phase and the next Movement Phase.  It does not affect the next Combat Phase.
Animal Mimicry takes effect during the Movement Phase (enemy unit comes with 6 inches of this unit), and affects the next Combat Phase (still this turn) and the next Movement Phase (of next turn), but not the Combat Phase of the next turn.
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets

