Author Topic: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake  (Read 5348 times)


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Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« on: 08 April 2011, 14:44:22 »

This is the most recent game in in a campaign between Drunkjon and I.  The campaign is a series of battles between his personal mercenaries, Manningham's Sharpshooters, and various parts of my Word of Blake forces.

This is some fiction we wrote establishing the backstory. Game pictures will start in the following post

    Colonel Peter Zuhosky’s decision to break contract with the Word of Blake was easy to make from a moral perspective. The Word of Blake’s initial quiet actions and claims of establishing peace and solidarity across the Inner Sphere had turned into a genocidal war against everyone who wouldn’t join their ranks.  Blake forces had committed countless atrocities and murdered millions of innocent people in just a few short years.  He couldn’t continue to support their reckless Jihad. He was looking out for his own troops as well. 
    Maningham’s Sharpshooters were being deployed to increasingly suicidal missions as their employment went on.  Blake commanders expected them to hold ground against overwhelming attacking forces while the Word of Blake Militia units fell back to safety.  With the Inner Sphere organizing counterattacks on multiple fronts, it would only be a matter of time until the Sharpshooters got destroyed. Colonel Zuhosky had lost communications with his friend Marcus Khourey when the Word of Blake 1st Division was rotated back to defend the Blake Protectorate borders, and he felt no loyalty toward the rest of these religious zealots.
    The hard part of the decision was as a businessman and a commander.  He wasn’t sure how the people of the Inner Sphere would receive his unit after working for the Blakists for over five years.  The Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission had likely blacklisted Maningham’s Sharpshooters.  Hatred toward anyone associated with the Word of Blake was plentiful from anywhere in the realms of the mighty Houses to the farthest reaches of the Periphery.  It would be difficult to find employment anywhere in human occupied space.
    The Sharpshooters hadn’t committed any war crimes during their employment. Early in their career they were used for fast supply raids and as support for various Word of Blake Militia units. They held to their traditions of limiting collateral damage where possible and avoiding civilian harm. Colonel Zuhosky hoped their professionalism and human decency didn’t go unnoticed and would help them retain their image, providing they could escape their current employment.
    The pay had been top notch, but it was time for Maningham’s Sharpshooters to mobilize and get out.  They had enough C-Bills saved up to support themselves for awhile while they looked for a new employer.  Colonel Zuhosky decided they’d cause the Word of Blake some heartburn on their way out. He knew of a few places where Blakist supply lines were stretched thin. It’d be a good opportunity to gain some premium salvage, and maybe the media would catch sight of them and spin a few local stories. It couldn’t hurt their image.


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #1 on: 08 April 2011, 15:08:25 »
So far in our campaign Manningham's Sharpshooters have been routing Word of Blake forces at every engagement. This is the first place I've been able to rally my troops for an organized defense.  The presence of 50th Shadow Division units help.

Manningham's Sharpshooters advance on the WoB compound

The Word of Blake defenders line up

Mercenary lineup

Heavy fire support in the form of a Mad Cat MKII

WoB Hermes and Wraith

Turn 1 begins...(forgive the Ghost Bear symbol on the Administration Building, I forgot to change it to WoB!)

Keeping an even formation and overlapping fields of fire

Finally in firing range

The long range guns open up

The Raven's centrally located ECM blocks any C3i networks

There's no messing around on this flank

The stealth Bolla tank deploys Purifier battle armor and savages the Avatar with a volley of SRMs

The Mad Cat MKII is staggered by the Vanquisher's fire. The Wraith and Hermes take advantage before moving on

50th Shadow Division units pour fire down range

The Colonel's Caesar and a Merlin provide supporting fire

Pressing the attack

A high angle shot of the battle

The Battlemaster and Cauldron born combine fire to strip the Thunder Hawk of most of its armor

The Fortune Assault Vehicle knocks the Battlemaster off its feet with a solid rear torso hit

The Mad Cat MKII presses forward with help from the Hatchetman. The central battle turns brutal

This is where the game stands for the moment...

« Last Edit: 08 April 2011, 15:14:45 by Corrinald »


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #2 on: 08 April 2011, 15:11:25 »

Unfortunately we ran out of time at this point.  The game is waiting to be finished now.

When we complete the game, I'll post the rest of the battle!


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #3 on: 08 April 2011, 17:02:16 »
Har har har!


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #4 on: 12 April 2011, 16:20:41 »
Let's see if we can finish the game on Saturday.


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #5 on: 12 April 2011, 16:54:13 »
Sounds good to me.

Hopefully work won't be too brutal Friday night.

I finished painting and decaling the Vanquisher.  It can resume its duty of throwing a laughable three or four hits of 5 every turn. Not very impressive for being 4500 Battle Value when calculating gunnery and C3i.  ;D


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #6 on: 12 April 2011, 17:24:17 »
Am looking forward to the result :-)

<fanboy> That setup is AWESOME...  [drool] The painted mini on terrain looks so cool. </fanboy>

*cough* Dignity dignity...
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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #7 on: 16 April 2011, 15:01:29 »
We're playing RIGHT NOW.


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #8 on: 16 April 2011, 19:37:07 »
Part 2:

Starting where we left off last time.

The sniping match continues up top, but the battle is getting rough at the bottom of the table.

The commander's Caesar walks backwards almost out of frame, so as not to get hit by 18 SRMs from the streak 6 monster tank.

Here's an aerial shot of the battle. The fighting up top is resolving into a series of duels.

At some point during the last 2 weeks, the Mad Cat Mk II pilot remembered how to hit targets. This was not a welcome development for the WoB.

The Vanquisher holds his ground by the admin building (now with WoB flag!) as the Raven sneaks behind and the Orion lumbers closer.

As the big boys fight, the infantry is left abandoned next to a garage.

The SRM monster can't get a lock on the Merlin due to the giant concrete wall in the way.

The Caesar hates this tank.

Wide angle aftermath of the last turn. The Thunder Hawk lies in a smoking heap after it took some fire to its gauss capacitors.

The SRM tank is a large clump of slag and blood after the Caesar caved in the front and held the trigger down until laser blasts started coming out the back.

The Caesar observes the carnage that he has wrought.

The Mk II, the Raven and the Orion all team up on the Vanquisher while the Hatchetman is trying to fend off the speedy WoB flankers.

This duel is getting personal.


An impromptu conga line has formed.

Another turn results in more dead mechs and tanks.

The Battlemaster survived a flurry of shots, but then critically destroyed its own engine when he failed the PSR.

The Caesar decides to start murdering battle armor.

The two giant assault mechs square off while the mediums plink away.

The Orion got caught out of position and is now being shot at by the Hermes.

The Thug looks over the remains of the Battlemaster while another tank burns behind the wall.

The Avatar was absorbing LBX-20s like a pro, but now he'll see how many Highlander attacks he can fend off.


The Thug is slowly being forced backwards to the admin building as the Sharpshooters advance.

After another brutal turn, the WoB forces find themselves without a Vanquisher or Blackjack.

The Vanquisher brews up while the Hermes pours concentrated laser fire into the weak side torso of the Raven.

The Mad Cat Mk. II is still somehow alive after losing 85% of its armor and suffering 4 pilot hits while killing the Vanquisher and Blackjack.

The Vanquisher will be good salvage. The pilot died after repeated neural trauma, but the cockpit is still intact. Pesky ammo explosions and stray SRMs will get you every time.

The Cauldron Born is living up to its namesake as it absorbs fire without going down.

The Thug is making a last stand at the admin building.

The Avatar casually murdered a few battle armor guys on his way to plug the Thug with some AC20 rounds.

At this point the Mad Cat Mk. II pilot is asleep at the wheel due to a gauss rifle explosion, but somehow still propped up against that wall.

Poor Blackjack. Your BS pulse rifles almost made my mechs shut down several times.

The Archer surveys the damage.

The Wraith is still trying to poke through back armor.

We had to stop again because some a-hole had to go to work! Here he is in the nerd room picking up his stuff.

My random Plog artwork gets its own place in the nerd room.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #9 on: 16 April 2011, 19:58:12 »
Epic battle!  :D My group has had to fight battles in parts before as well.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #10 on: 20 April 2011, 11:15:22 »
Definitely a hard fought battle. I can't believe the Mad Cat MKII and the Avatar are still functioning.  They're nothing but walking internal structure with weapons falling off.  I'm impressed by the Cauldron Born's ability to absorb damage and keep going. I've been trying to kill it for 3 games!

Hopefully in the last few turns that are coming up I can make a slightly better showing of my forces before they're destroyed.  The Hermes, Wraith, and Thug have their work cut out for them.  Maybe the Highlander can even manage to hit a target once or twice.

As for the Blackjack's weapon array, the Plasma Rifles are definitely among my favorite new weapons. 

Overall this has been a very fun battle to play.  [rockon]


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Re: Manningham's Sharpshooters vs. Word of Blake
« Reply #11 on: 20 April 2011, 11:26:54 »
The Madcat would still be awake if it weren't for the pilot hits in game one.