Author Topic: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)  (Read 15351 times)

Lyran Archer

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It is the height of the FedCom Civil War. Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust, a Lyran unit loyal to Katrina Steiner, has been ordered north to secure River City, its spaceport and its HPG station. The 3rd Crucis Lancers, loyal to Victor Steiner-Davion, are moving south to stop them.

The 3rd Crucis Lancers are played by Phell from these boards and include a Vulture Prime, a Catapult C1, a Great Wyrm, and a Uziel. All are standard 4/5 MechWarriors. BV is 6270.

Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust is played by me and includes three Archer 5Ws and a Scimitar TAG varient. My Archers have great gunners with 2/5 MechWarriors. This has increased each Archer BV from 1337 to 1872 but I am hoping that the increase in gunnery will make up for the reduction from four Archers to just three. Each Archer also has one ton of TAG-compatible semi-guided munitions. BV is 6267.

The 3rd Crucis Lancers move in from the north while my Lyran lance moves up from the south.

The Davion lance has excellent long-range firepower but I plan to use indirect bombardment as much as possible. My Archers advance trying to use the city as cover, much as they did against Clan Jade Falcon only a week earlier. My hope is for the Scimitar to attach NARC homing beacons and paint targets with TAG lasers.

The 3rd Crucis Lancers continue to advance in good order, covering one another, and not separating.

My Scimitar prepares to take the lead. His will be the most dangerous job. "Yeah, you guys all go safely hide behind hills and buildings and I'll go toe-to-toe with the enemy and hope they don't mind being painted as targets."

"Scimitar to Archers, you guys have my back, right?" "Um, sure...yeah...rriiiggghhhttttt."

The Scimitar spots for the Archer behind the building but the other two Archers fire directly. All Archers fire at the Vulture, which easily weathers the storm despite a head hit. The Great Wyrm hits the Scimitar with motive damage and reduces its speed by 1. One of the Archer loses some armour. This first exchange of fire is mostly won by the Davions.

The Scimitar closes in and TAGs the Catapult as well as planting a NARC homing beacon on the Catapult's center torso. The Archers fire indirectly at the Catapult using the TAG, savaging it. The Uziel spots for the Catapult and Vulture who also respond indirectly, but are not nearly as effective. The Scimitar receives some damage and its movement is further reduced, making it go 6/9 rather than 8/12, but it miraculously survives a withering hail of firepower directed at it!

The Uziel jumps to outflank the Archers who all move to put a building in between themselves and the Davion Uziel. The 3rd Crucis Lancers have had enough indirect foolishness and move to engage directly. The Catapult leaps to the top of a medium (CP 40, Lvl 2) building and the Great Wyrm and Vulture take the hill to rain fire on the Archers below. This exchange will now be direct fire. This is where the Phantom 'Mech incident begins. Despite unloading incredibly firepower onto the Archers, the 3rd Crucis Lancers can't seem to hit! The Davion Vulture especially unloads and raises its heat to boiling temperatures but just can't hit! The Great Wyrm and Catapult suffer the same experience! Phell tries different dice to no effect. He can't hit! The Archers and Scimitar damage the Vulture some more and the virtually untouched Great Wyrm is hit by a SRM in the center torso critical, which I roll two crits for, both gyro hits, so the poor Davion Great Wyrm pilot screams in frustration as his fully-functioning 'Mech simply topples to the ground, gyro-less and out of the fight!

Now, the story only gets WEIRDER! The Uziel attempts to save the day by engaging the Archers toe-to-toe while the Vulture and Catapult continue to blaze away at the Archers. Excellent plan. The Davion Uziel alpha-strikes at point-blank range and virtually does NO DAMAGE! The Vulture and Catapult likewise just can't seem to lock on! They are running hot and so have some heat modifiers, but still! Phell has lots of dice but changing them doesn't seem to help! Meanwhile the Archers blow the Vulture off its feet. The Scimitar is still zooming around having a field day despite the Catapult constantly shooting lasers at it. The Uziel can't even land a kick on the 70-ton BattleMech right in front of him!

The Uziel spends a SECOND round toe-to-toe with the Archers and AGAIN just can't hit! The 3rd Crucis Lancer MechWarriors are now screaming over their comms, "I CAN'T LOCK ON! I CAN'T LOCK ON!" Missiles from an Archer blast into the Uziel's autocannon ammo bin, tearing the CASEless 'Mech apart and sending its pilot for a ride on his ejection seat. The Vulture also goes down finally, its center torso being blasted apart by so many Lyran LRMs, its confused pilot dies not understanding why he can't hit the Archers standing right in front of him.

Phell and I were so stunned by these two rounds that I forgot to take a picture at this point. A friend of mine at the FLGS, Mike, who used to play BT long ago, also watched in fascination and just shook his head.

The lone Catapult pilot decides he's seen enough. He jumps down from the building and prepares to make a run for home, but the Archers give him no respite and the homing beacon on the Catapult continues to guide the Lyran LRMs onto him. The Scimitar crew temporarily pull themselves out of combat to catch their breath and thank the Almighty God that they are still alive!


The Archers continue to chase the Catapult and land tons of missiles onto its back. The sole Davion survivor may not make it.

The Scimitar zooms up to the Catapult to try to stop its escape as the Archers pursue when the Catapult does an amazing thing - it declares a death-from-above on the Scimitar! The Davion MechWarrior knows that he cannot escape with all the damage he has suffered and leaps his 'Mech into the air to bring it crashing down onto the Lyran hovercraft. The Archers blast the Davion Catapult to absolute pieces. It falls to the ground missing a leg and explodes on impact, leaving the Scimitar alive but surrounded by fiery debris.

This was an astounding battle! It would make one rethink the whole Morgan Kell Phantom 'Mech incident because we witnessed it many times in this battle! Even at point-blank range and changing dice, the 3rd Crucis Lancers just could not hit my Lyran Archers! Meanwhile, with my Archers having a gunnery of 2, they were easily able to inflict damage.

Phell did nothing wrong. He didn't divide his forces or make any other tactical errors. He did run his 'Mechs hot but the pay-off in dealing out damage for it should have paid off better. He did not let me use indirect bombardment very much and he easily gained the high ground and used cover bonuses while my Archers at the bottom of the hill had none.

All my units survived. One Archer was untouched, one took very minor armor damage, and the third did take some significant armor loss, and the Scimitar survived with some motive and armor damage. All enemies were eliminated and the salvaged Great Wyrm just needs a new gyro, some armor, and a paint job. The Davion prisoners would be treated well and ransomed or exchanged for Lyran POWs. It was an odd and almost eerie battle. I was very impressed with the improved gunnery and may continue to use 2/5 MechWarriors for my Archers.   

Anyhoo, an interesting battle.
« Last Edit: 10 April 2011, 06:25:00 by Lyran Archer »
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #1 on: 10 April 2011, 10:21:03 »
Well that was... entertaining at least. I think I died in a very spectacular way.
- For the record the CPLT-C1 makes for a very poor capoiera fighter, it sould probably avoid ballet too...
- Also, don't miss, just don't, it just goes downhill from there...
- And third, try to put your autocannon ammo into the other guy, or better yet, bring PPC's.

Sorry, figured I'd post this here
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Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #2 on: 10 April 2011, 20:54:44 »
Well that was... entertaining at least. I think I died in a very spectacular way.
- For the record the CPLT-C1 makes for a very poor capoiera fighter, it sould probably avoid ballet too...
- Also, don't miss, just don't, it just goes downhill from there...
- And third, try to put your autocannon ammo into the other guy, or better yet, bring PPC's.

Don't feel too bad. The whole reason I took 2/5 Mechwarriors this week was because in my game last week against Bren's Clan Jade Falcon my Archers' gunnery has been so abysmal. My brother actually killed three of the four Omnis. My only kill was a shutdown Hellbringer.

I had one Archer in one salvo land 32 of 40 LRMs on a Kit Fox early in the game and basically knock it out of the battle but after that all I could hit was the shutdown Hellbringer. I had 8 or 9 turns of four Archers firing a total of 160 LRMs and consistantly hitting nothing. It was seriously, extremely demoralizing.

On average, you need 8s, 9s, or 10s to hit: gunnery plus range plus attacker movement plus target movement plus cover if any, but the average dice roll is 7, so chances are you are going to miss.

That's why I improved my Mechwarriors' gunnery, so now I'm at least hitting half the time and I think that that was a HUGE factor in our game - I was simply hitting more often.

It costs me an Archer in a 6000 BV battle - I'm used to taking four Archer 5Ws (1337 BV each) plus spotters at 6000 BV, but increasing their gunnery to 2/5 makes them 1872 BV so now I only have three Archers plus spotter support.

However, I'd rather have three Archers hitting half the time than four Archers missing almost all the time! :D 
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2011, 21:15:53 »
A great game, and an entertaining result - but I do think you fiddled the odds a little by going 2/5 pilots, LA. Back when I played a lot more, we ended up ruling that there could be no more than a 2-point difference between gunnery & piloting skill, otherwise you could game the system with 1/7 or 1/8 fire-support 'Mechs for low BVs.

Phell, I commiserate with you - having had similar times of bad dice cess. Demand a rematch with 3/5 Archer pilots, and don't take a Great Wyrm this time - or if you really like the 'Mech, try the RS:UM variant "Great Wyrm Aemelia".

* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #4 on: 10 April 2011, 21:53:11 »
I do think you fiddled the odds a little by going 2/5 pilots, LA. Back when I played a lot more, we ended up ruling that there could be no more than a 2-point difference between gunnery & piloting skill, otherwise you could game the system with 1/7 or 1/8 fire-support 'Mechs for low BVs.

I don't think I'd ever take 1/7 or 1/8 pilots. They'd fail ever PSR roll, constantly fall over, take pilot damage, and have trouble standing up.

I don't think I was unsporting by taking good gunners. I just imagine that gunnery training is extremely emphasized and enforced in my unit, whereas piloting training is less practiced. As my Archers are supposed to be using indirect bombardment, I see this as being realistic. They are supposed to stand behind hills and other cover and fire indirectly on targets painted by spotters. Piloting is then less of an issue than gunnery.

Pilots of normal 'Mechs that are meant to wade through return fire or run from and dodge enemy fire, those I can see being trained with a more even balance of gunnery and piloting skills. But my Archer-drivers are being trained to park their BattleMechs behind solid cover, open their missile bin doors, and fire indirectly on targets painted by spotters. As a commanding officer of such a unit, I don't see extra 'Mech-piloting training as being needed while extra gunnery training could then be the main focus. Well, to me, it seems to make sense and fit my unit.   
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #5 on: 10 April 2011, 22:35:27 »
I'm in agreeance with archer. I think our remach will have to bee soon though, I just painteed up a cataphract that looks amazing and I think I might do better with a more well rounded lance.
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #6 on: 10 April 2011, 23:33:44 »
I'm in agreeance with archer. I think our remach will have to bee soon though, I just painteed up a cataphract that looks amazing and I think I might do better with a more well rounded lance.

Thanks, I'm glad you don't feel cheated. I don't think I can play every week because I have a wife and son who need my time when I'm not working. I think I can manage playing every second week, though. I'm hoping that we can build up a good gaming group here in Winnipeg so we can all play different people too. Makes things more exciting, not always playing the same person with the same army over and over.

So far, we have you, me, Lord Cameron (who lives in BC but travels here for business), Bren, and  CoffiNail. That's five.

There was also a guy who went by frozenwastes on these forums and his friend Andy, but I haven't heard from them in a while. There is a guy named Captain Martin on these boards from the Winnipeg area, but I've never actually met him. My brother was here last week but he's back home on PEI now. The guy who was watching our game last Saturday is Mike and he's a former BT player that I'm sure we can interest in playing again. One of the guys who works for John at Pendragon is also interested and there are people buying BT product so there is potential for a larger gaming group base.

Don't worry. Your 3rd Crucis Lancers will see action again very soon. 
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #7 on: 11 April 2011, 09:08:59 »
If we can get the player base I'd like to get a campaighn going.
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #8 on: 11 April 2011, 10:49:45 »
If we can get the player base I'd like to get a campaighn going.

That is very much my intention as well.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #9 on: 12 April 2011, 18:47:01 »
Hate to say this Phell but you did make a couple of (small) tactical errors.

1) First thing that jumped into my head when I saw your opposition..... KILL THE SCIMITAR! Once that was gone a big chunk of LA's plan goes with it.

2) That Catapult shouldn't (couldn't) have skylined itself, unless it was intentionally trying to draw fire. Jumping on top of buildings is an incredibly risky move because it's often easier for your opponent to target the building and blow it out from under you.

Also with a CF of 40 the Catapult would have collapsed the building as soon as it landed.

3) Nice move getting the Uziel behind the Archers though.

4) Dump the great Wrym, it sucks.

Also I'm curious about numbers, even though your gunners were 3's the Archers weren't manouvering much, you must have been rolling mostly 2s and 3s
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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #10 on: 12 April 2011, 18:50:14 »
Sorry, re-read and saw your gunners were 4's, still jeez what were you doing, rolling my dice???????
The only guarantee in life is that it ends.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #11 on: 12 April 2011, 19:17:53 »
2) That Catapult shouldn't (couldn't) have skylined itself, unless it was intentionally trying to draw fire. Jumping on top of buildings is an incredibly risky move because it's often easier for your opponent to target the building and blow it out from under you.

Also with a CF of 40 the Catapult would have collapsed the building as soon as it landed.

Well, I just thought it looked really cool with the Catapult jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I didn't remember the rule about the building collapsing if the 'Mech on top of it exceeded the CF. I should have because I remember reading it about bridges. I'll have to read up on the building rules before I play the next time.

Still, I respected the tactic. I thought it was pretty dang cool. He jumped up on the buildings to see over the hill and pour direct fire on my Archers hiding behind the hill.

Also, if playing in character, as a Lyran, I wouldn't destroy a skyscraper apartment or business tower, destroying people's homes or places of business and possibly killing innocent bystanders. It just doesn't fit the Lyran respect for life, freedom, and economy.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #12 on: 12 April 2011, 21:33:03 »
As for trying to kill the scimitar, I gave it two rounds of concentrated fire to no avail, you can't kill what you can't hit.
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #13 on: 12 April 2011, 22:15:01 »
As for trying to kill the scimitar, I gave it two rounds of concentrated fire to no avail, you can't kill what you can't hit.

Dude, I was the most surprised of all that it survived! It did take over 20 damage into its front armor.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #14 on: 13 April 2011, 03:42:19 »
Nice report.
Interesting moments. But they do happen from time to time.
At least you stuck it out Phell And Tried to take something out before you went bye bye.

. It just doesn't fit the Lyran respect for life, freedom, and economy.

Just adjusting that. I love how everyone  seems to thinks they are Davion.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #15 on: 13 April 2011, 08:37:38 »
Just adjusting that. I love how everyone  seems to thinks they are Davion.

Lyrans do respect life and freedom by minding their own business. The self-righteous Davions could hardly be said to respect life and freedom with all their invasions, military adventurism, and occupation of hostile Capellan and Lyran worlds. Just saying.   ;)
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #16 on: 13 April 2011, 08:40:22 »
Ah, but it is for the greater good. (Of house Davion)
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #17 on: 13 April 2011, 10:40:19 »
and occupation of hostile Capellan and Lyran worlds. Just saying.   ;)
So you understand why they had to go in Swinging the Peace stick as hard as they could.


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #18 on: 14 April 2011, 13:05:07 »
Awesome sounding game, I am sad that I missed it, with luck our next scheduled game can go as planned. 


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #19 on: 14 April 2011, 14:08:38 »
I look forward to it, I have a lance painted up now

Atlas AS7-D
Cataphract CTF-3D
Mongoose MON-66
Jagermech JMD-DD

Please let me know if I'm over budget as I don't have the record sheets and can't seem to get SSW working.
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #20 on: 14 April 2011, 14:15:42 »
I look forward to it, I have a lance painted up now

Atlas AS7-D
Cataphract CTF-3D
Mongoose MON-66
Jagermech JMD-DD

Please let me know if I'm over budget as I don't have the record sheets and can't seem to get SSW working.

I will bring those record sheets for you and we can change the BV budget to fit your needs. SSW can be a bit of a pain to unzip the files. Remember to photocopy the record sheets I give you so I don't have to keep printing them off. I use Staples to photocopy. You can get a card from Staples that acts like a debit card in their photocopiers.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #21 on: 14 April 2011, 14:16:37 »
Alreaddy done good sir. Thank you!
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #22 on: 16 April 2011, 08:28:15 »
I will bring those record sheets for you and we can change the BV budget to fit your needs. SSW can be a bit of a pain to unzip the files. Remember to photocopy the record sheets I give you so I don't have to keep printing them off. I use Staples to photocopy. You can get a card from Staples that acts like a debit card in their photocopiers.

Might I suggest you invest in Some Plastic covers and removable markers.

Saves you having to waste sheets each game. And you can keep a unit you like for a long time.



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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #23 on: 16 April 2011, 10:53:31 »
Thats what I have done. TY
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #24 on: 16 April 2011, 16:45:13 »
Martin and I used to play all the time... and phantom mech incident or not, this is the way my luck always turns out.

For the un informed... my luck's average is exactly the same as everyone else's... but I roll 2's or 12's... there's no middle.

Worst case? 2 Piranha's alpha striking on the back ark of a target (range 1, and 2)... To Hit number? 6.... Consecutive misses?  28

Best case? 1 Masakari Prime taking 250 pts of damage in one turn (out of a total of 259) from about 13 LRM volleys, yet nothing penetrated/critted and the mech didn't fall.

I'd love to get together for a game, but unfortunately I'm moving out of Winnipeg this month, and have packed up all my BT stuff.  :(

If you do get together for a game with Martin... beware... his dice seem to roll just fine, when compared to mine, ;)

Lyran Archer

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Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #25 on: 16 April 2011, 18:11:30 »
I'd love to get together for a game, but unfortunately I'm moving out of Winnipeg this month, and have packed up all my BT stuff.  :(

If you do get together for a game with Martin...

I hope to play you guys sometime in the future. I've heard you play at the 17th Wing.

Until then, I'm hoping to form a BattleTech League that will play at least a couple times a month but that will include enough players that people don't feel pressured to have to show up every time. I have a wife and child and job and other things going on like many other players so I know that sectioning off every Saturday (or whenever) or even every second Saturday (or whenever) is not always an option.

However, if we are going to get a good BattleTech player base up and running in Winnipeg we have to get some people meeting some of the time to play on a somewhat regular basis. I'm going to commit to playing at least twice a month at GameKnight and hope to grow a good player base out of there so even on the days I can't play other people will be playing.

If BattleTech games are not regularly being played, interest could fizzle out. On the other hand, if people keep walking by and seeing us play, then new players will join.   
« Last Edit: 16 April 2011, 18:36:42 by Lyran Archer »
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 157
Re: Lyran Archers vs 3rd Crucis Lancers (A Phantom 'Mech incident)
« Reply #26 on: 16 April 2011, 20:30:21 »
I am always down for games on weekends, so long as I don't have to get the GF from work( she gets off between 1:30 and 3:30)
Build a freezing man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, but light a freezing man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

