Author Topic: how's your poison?  (Read 2023 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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how's your poison?
« on: 14 March 2015, 13:31:15 »
Check your meal, my friend. Check again. Good, you're smart. It may give you a couple of extra lives and you need them. Because I, my friend, am a killer. Not directly, just a deliverer.
You know, I once was an important man. I knew about certain things, and still know. It may be irrelevant now, in this pit in the midst of rampaging 'Mechs. But I tell you: if anyone of those dumb heroes knew who I was... They would running circles like flies over the light to catch me. Kuritans, Davions, Steiners, loyalyst, rebels, mercs. All along. Which would be a nice scene, don't you think?
I do feel sorry for them. As if their dedication and bravery mean anything to their leaders. You know what they want? They want POWER. And they'll do just anything to get more. I experienced it myself: you're nothing. You'll be lucky to live when they spit you from their stomachs after sucking all your effort and determination. You don't believe me, aren't you?
You'll end like me. Running beggar without any kind of home, family, or relationship. I'm telling you, go back while you still can. Of course I know I'm a little drunk. And you're a cat. Do you think I'm stupid enough to confess to a human?
You have much to learn my friend, much to learn.

"Poison", by Jason M. Hardy, from Battlecorps Anthology #1.
I'm telling you, it's brilliant.


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 469
Re: how's your poison?
« Reply #1 on: 14 March 2015, 14:03:41 »
This guy also has a lot to learn.  Cyborg cat is spying on you.

Of course, that attempt failed, but I'm sure intelligence services have learned quite a lot about herding cats over the following millennium.
"If brute force isn't working, you obviously aren't using enough of it."

