Author Topic: Battletech Long Island  (Read 164475 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1170 on: 18 September 2017, 19:54:32 »

Help me, I've lost my thought, it was startled by the light of an idea, and ran off, if you see it, please return it to me.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1171 on: 18 September 2017, 20:11:25 »
Do we have a date for the next game?

I will be setting it up this weekend. Will post date after i know what they have open.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1172 on: 19 September 2017, 15:38:53 »

Help me, I've lost my thought, it was startled by the light of an idea, and ran off, if you see it, please return it to me.
Can you give us a description of this thought?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1173 on: 20 September 2017, 15:05:46 »

HPG Communications

two pages of bare text = one millisecond transmission time
one millisecond going 50 light years or one station = one c-bill fee
          one c-bill per each additional station

one millisecond priority messages are in the range of 1000 c-bills per station and a 5000 c-bill fee at the origin station for interrupting the normal message schedule

A stations in the first circuit transmit every 6 hours, it may take days or weeks before a message is sent from the class B stations of the outer circuit



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1174 on: 24 September 2017, 16:48:15 »
OK so I setup dates for 10/22, 11/26 and 12/16. As the missions will follow so keep an eye on things  [blank]


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1175 on: 24 September 2017, 17:30:37 »
12/16 is a Saturday.  Was that your intent?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1176 on: 25 September 2017, 10:44:48 »
12/16 is a Saturday.  Was that your intent?

nope it is 12/17 .... what happens with fat fingers  #P


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1177 on: 01 October 2017, 12:27:30 »
Hi gang, sorry I've been off grid for a while....

How long does it take to get from Hilo to Yosai? 

Also, I may have missed it since there are so may posts to catch up on, but is the governor hosting an event?

Orla Eyrie is my restaurant, yes? (just doublechecking)  If I want to host an event for the new year, how much would it cost to do right? Thinking something primarily before the hours most events are held so as not to offend anyone already hosting an event.  Maybe an air race (single engine prop, open invite to all with pilot's licences and their own aircraft, unlimited category.  Only to be held if there are at least 24 entrants) to fit my eagle theme during the day, ending with all racers doing a fireblossom and dumping paper lanterns or cherry blossoms or sparklers or all of the above out of their planes as the finale at sunset (with invites to a cocktail buffet at the restaurant from dusk to 10pm added in as a pamphlet drop of origami parachutes).  Would need access to the local airfield, permission from the governor and proper agencies in Yosai to have an air race in the environs, course markings, emergency landing access, etc.  Trophies for third and second to be crystal eagles of 6 inch and 8 wingspans respectively, on engraved brass bases, winner to receive 12 inch wingspan crystal eagle on an engraved platinum base.  Top 5 finishers will receive graduated cash awards, total purse 150k cbills.  Buffet to be a high end buffet for all with awards ceremony at beginning.  Looking to make contacts in aviation circles and give a good time to the public.  Gonna need music and a light show as well.  Will have a semi-private VIP type area for racers and those sent special invites which shall go out to the governor and husband, head of militia, head of training command, mercenary liason, admiral in orbit, elected officials, house patrons, guest list you listed several posts ago and mercenary co-commanders (make sure grandmother is included as well) vip area will be set up for however many rsvp's we get +15% guests of interest.  remainder of restaurant to be set up for general public, and would like to set up a block party type setup outside for those who cannot fit in the restaurant. 

Will attempt to at least show face at all events invited to in yosai, and will definitely attend any event the governor hosts.  RSVP's to that effect


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1178 on: 01 October 2017, 14:04:07 »

okay way to much invites but here it goes

kiah will have her Secretary graciously accept all invites except the song battle party for her

the song battle party will be excepted on the behalf of some of the young people of her clan

and on a side note .....

kiah sends grandmother an invite to a quite dinner the night of the band battle party as a way to relax and decompress from all the running around of all the other parties


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1179 on: 01 October 2017, 14:11:29 »
i will have my seamstresses and tailors make me appropriate attire for all the parties i will be attending

i will also have them start to plan new dress uniforms for my people that are not per se Lyran but is still very classy


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1180 on: 01 October 2017, 16:23:56 »
Comstar AP News Service
3067 December 6
New Samarkand, Voice of the Dragon

Tharkad Bombed!

That was the word today out of Governor's office confirming the rumors that have swirled around the water coolers, taxi stands, and college papers across the planet. According to Governor Rothschild the Lyran Capital suffered a nuclear strike from an unknown Warship orbiting the planet. Reports that the strike came from the ancient Lyran ship LCS Invincible remain unconfirmed. "Coordinator Kurita and his Heir are safe having departed Tharkad almost twenty four hours before the bombardment. They are currently in route to the Combine through a secure route and will enter our nations borders in the next few weeks." Said Governor Rothschild. Details of the nuclear holocaust are sketch at best, but various sources confirm that the devastating attack wiped out much of the capital city. Most of the planet is without power, and unsubstantiated rumors tell of elite battlemech squads landing on the planet's surface. "The Draconis Combine condemns the perpetrators of this attack and their use of illegal weapons of mass destruction on the innocents of the Alliance," commented the Coordinator in a message sent to all Combine news stations. "Once the identity of these murderers has been confirmed, appropriate measures will be taken to assure the safety of the Combine people and the population of the Inner Sphere. To protect the loyal citizens of the Dragon, all military leaves have been cancelled in all districts, and the DCMS has gone to standby alert. Any attempt to strike a Combine world will be met with swift action." Said Tai-sho Hohiro Kurita in a brief statement to the prefecture capitals. "All on world militia commanders are to report to their superiors. To the citizens of the Dragon, we understand the hardships you are about to face with increased security and the calling up of our reservist. Rest assured that if the blood of the Dragon is spilled we will spill much more from our enemies."

i gather all my people together and inform them of this terrorist act.

i also send messages to my home planet (to my uncle and family to check their status and make sure none were in the bomb area, which should be the case since we don,t actually live on the planet where the capital is.

my people and i are nervously awaiting word of how our family is


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1181 on: 01 October 2017, 16:30:14 »
In response to Kiah's invitation to Grandmother for the time of 1am New Year's Day through dawn New Year's Day, Kiah will receive a hand-written letter from Grandmother thanking her and accepting her invitation...


To:                              Kiah Franks, commanding Kiah's Hammers
From:                          Neville Rhodes, tactical advisor, Dragon's Clutch
Routing:                      DCMSINST306712172314
Transmit Date/Time:     3067/12/17; 23:14 hours
Subject:                      Relevancy question we discussed

Following a 48 minute conversation, apparently one or both of us are.  After investigation, I've been unable to get any closer than that to the truth.



  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1182 on: 01 October 2017, 19:04:45 »
In response to Kiah's invitation to Grandmother for the time of 1am New Year's Day through dawn New Year's Day, Kiah will receive a hand-written letter from Grandmother thanking her and accepting her invitation...


To:                              Kiah Franks, commanding Kiah's Hammers
From:                          Neville Rhodes, tactical advisor, Dragon's Clutch
Routing:                      DCMSINST306712172314
Transmit Date/Time:     3067/12/17; 23:14 hours
Subject:                      Relevancy question we discussed

Following a 48 minute conversation, apparently one or both of us are.  After investigation, I've been unable to get any closer than that to the truth.


To:                             Neville Rhodes, tactical advisor, Dragon's Clutch
From:                         Kiah Franks, commanding Kiah's Hammers 
Routing:                      DCMSINST306712172314
Transmit Date/Time:     3067/12/17; 23:24 hours
Subject:                      Relevancy question we discussed

we will have to continue the conversation when we are all together then. between the two of us we should be able to figure it out



  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1183 on: 02 October 2017, 00:35:33 »
On the evening news

“This is Chae-Won Hyeon for Redstone News live in chopper one. We are watching a bandit force attacking a small convoy.”
The camera zooms in on 4 half-tracked vehicles moving at top speed and 4 smaller vehicles closing in on them.
“The convoy is trying to get a way but the bandits are just too fast.”
The camera pulls back and you can see the smaller vehicles overtaking the convoy vehicles.
You see small flashes of light on the front of the small vehicles, then you see sparks fly on the half-tracks.
The small vehicles pass the convoy trucks.
“Wait something is moving in from the other direction.”
The camera pans to the left and a dust cloud is moving in on the convoy.
“It looks like the bandits have more help moving in on the convoy.”
Behind the hill another dust cloud moving at high speed looks to be circling around to get in front of the convoy.
“This does not look good for the convoy as more bandits are moving in from different directions.”
The four small vehicles circle around the front of the half-track convoy and then head off in the direction the first entered.
The chopper keeps moving in a large circle to its left. Off in the back ground you can see some form of VTOL aircraft moving in to the area. The half-track convoy is heading to the road and the bridge by the river. A large combat vehicle kicking up a lot of dust is moving in on the convoy.
“Well it looks like if the small bandits do not get the convoy these others will.”
The chopper turns harder to the left to not crash into the hill or trees on it.
Two small dust clouds are now moving in on the convoy.
“Wow two more bandits moving in on this poor convoy. They must have something some wants.”
In the background of the noise in the chopper you can just make out.
“This is Captain Lorren Botley to all vehicles in the area, shut down your vehicles. If you do not comply we will be forced to fire on you.”
“Sgt. Exhume to Capt. Botley, sir the half-tracks are taking fire from the ATVs.”
“Roger that Sgt.”
“Capt. Botley to security force, we have bandits in the small vehicles. Move to protect the half-track convoy.”
The camera picks up to large hovercraft moving to put themselves between the convoy and the bandit vehicles.
One of the bandit vehicles explodes in a ball of fire.
“Wow one of the bandits just exploded. Those large hovercraft are moving to protect the convoy.”
In the background noise of the chopper you here.
“Capt. Botley to helicopter you are to leave the area or risk being shot down.”
“Yo boss the guys with the big guns are telling us to clear the area.”
“Tell them we are a news crew and have every right to be here.”
“I would if I could but they are working on a military channel and all I can do is pick them up on the scanner.”
“OK then orbit around one more time and then head out.”
“Roger that boss.”
“As you can see from the film I shot earlier today we still have bandit raids here on Nijero.” Chae-Won Hyeon points to the screen showing the fighting. “We also have some new defenders also.”
“Did you find out who they are?” comes from behind him.
“Yes I did. They are part of the forces that Governor Saganami hired to deal with the clan bandits.”
“Do you know why they were in that area today?”
“Well when I asked Capt. Botley how they just happened to be in that area he informed me that they were out on a training mission and it was just luck they could help.”
“What happened to the convoy?”
“Capt. Botley and his people gave medical aid to the crews of the convoy and gave them an escort to the outpost they were bring the food and medical supplies to.”


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1184 on: 02 October 2017, 19:01:19 »
Hi gang, sorry I've been off grid for a while....

How long does it take to get from Hilo to Yosai? 

Also, I may have missed it since there are so may posts to catch up on, but is the governor hosting an event?

Orla Eyrie is my restaurant, yes? (just doublechecking)  If I want to host an event for the new year, how much would it cost to do right? Thinking something primarily before the hours most events are held so as not to offend anyone already hosting an event.  Maybe an air race (single engine prop, open invite to all with pilot's licences and their own aircraft, unlimited category.  Only to be held if there are at least 24 entrants) to fit my eagle theme during the day, ending with all racers doing a fireblossom and dumping paper lanterns or cherry blossoms or sparklers or all of the above out of their planes as the finale at sunset (with invites to a cocktail buffet at the restaurant from dusk to 10pm added in as a pamphlet drop of origami parachutes).  Would need access to the local airfield, permission from the governor and proper agencies in Yosai to have an air race in the environs, course markings, emergency landing access, etc.  Trophies for third and second to be crystal eagles of 6 inch and 8 wingspans respectively, on engraved brass bases, winner to receive 12 inch wingspan crystal eagle on an engraved platinum base.  Top 5 finishers will receive graduated cash awards, total purse 150k cbills.  Buffet to be a high end buffet for all with awards ceremony at beginning.  Looking to make contacts in aviation circles and give a good time to the public.  Gonna need music and a light show as well.  Will have a semi-private VIP type area for racers and those sent special invites which shall go out to the governor and husband, head of militia, head of training command, mercenary liason, admiral in orbit, elected officials, house patrons, guest list you listed several posts ago and mercenary co-commanders (make sure grandmother is included as well) vip area will be set up for however many rsvp's we get +15% guests of interest.  remainder of restaurant to be set up for general public, and would like to set up a block party type setup outside for those who cannot fit in the restaurant. 

Will attempt to at least show face at all events invited to in yosai, and will definitely attend any event the governor hosts.  RSVP's to that effect

To get from Hilo to Yousai would take from several hours to several days depending on the mode of transportation,  flying or bullet train would take the least amount of time, three to ten hours, depending on mode of flight; river travel, driving, riding or walking could take several days. The cities are about 3000 km apart. Tairiku is about 20,000 km across at widest points north to south, and it is about 16,000 km from Port to Leyte, going west to east. [the US is about 4800 km across from east to west]

Yes, Orla Eyrie is your restaurant.

Meiyo Saganami, Chairman of Phoenix Industries, is hosting the Phoenix Industries Holiday of Lights Celebration, to which you have an invitation on Dec 20th at 7pm
Meiyo Saganami, Leader of the Saganami Ichizoku is co-hosting the Saganami Ichizoku Bonenkai with Matriarch Chiyo Saganami Dec 29 at 8pm, to which you have an invitation
Governor Saganami will be attending the Waterfront Gala Ball on Dec 30, entry possible with 10,000 c-bill donation
Governor Saganami is hosting the New Year Ball on Jan 5th at the Governors Palace, which sadly, you are not invited to

You may have Tiger Lily Plaza [a small city square surrounded by buildings on three sides and a park to the east] closed off only on one day of one of the following weekends for your party Dec 20,21,22; or Dec 27,28,29 Friday, Saturday, Sunday respectively. It will cost between 500,000 Ryu and 1,000,000 Ryu for the whole shebang, depending on how fancy you get. The Governor will be pleased to attend at least part of your event, depending on the schedule. Miss Yorokobi will be happy to assist you with permissions and licenses.

You may want to get in touch with the local air clubs, Upper Fifteen Flying Club, Second Circle Flyers, Unusual Altitudes Soaring Club, Sky Rovers, and Shearline Aero all operate out of the Skytrax Airport and the Kartushka Air Field in Yousai.

did i leave out anything?
« Last Edit: 25 June 2018, 16:55:42 by eilidhdawn »


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1185 on: 02 October 2017, 23:41:43 »

kiah will have her Secretary graciously accept all invites except the song battle party for her

the song battle party will be excepted on the behalf of some of the young people of her clan

We are sorry for the confusion caused by our invitation, and with apologies that we are not able to accept the guests that you have requested to the Kohaku Uta Gassen After Party, we offer these passes including backstage access for ten to the Kohaku Uta Gassen held at the Budokan Concert Hall in Hilo on December 31. We are sorry you are not attending our event, but look forward to your presence at the next.

Aimi Akemi,
Executive Producer
NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen Productions

« Last Edit: 02 October 2017, 23:45:49 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1186 on: 04 October 2017, 16:26:08 »
Devondra, back at the end of August, you spoke to me of raiders at your gate.  You may want to post this.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1187 on: 07 October 2017, 22:29:01 »
Okay, here's my holiday list.

Dawn, as a note, I don't see any reference to Ageha New Year's except the invitation to Miyamoto & Shiro.  I ask for clarification, and may change schedules for them afterward...  Thanks, it's an incredible list...

December 20, 3067 - Phoenix Industries Holiday of Light:  Grandmother, Bully, Miyamoto (with Damon probably), & Shiro (with his fiancee Shizuku Sakamura, unless that's fallen through because he can be an idiot) will be in attendance.

December 28th, Last Night (Family Friendly street festival):  Grandmother, Miyamoto (Damon is invited by both Grandmother and Miyamoto, Grandmother in writing and Miyamoto in person), Brenda, Yoshi, & Takashi (with bodyguards) will be there from early in the morning until 3ish in the afternoon.

December 28th, Sugai Ichizoku New Year Bonenkai:  Grandmother and Miyamoto will be in attendance (3pm-3pm on the 29th).  If Damon is invited, Miyamoto will attend with him rather than with Grandmother.

December 29th, Saganami Ichizoku Bonenkai: Grandmother, Bully, Miyamoto (with Damon), & Shiro will be in attendance. (8pm, black tie)

December 30th, Waterfront Gala Ball:  Bully will be in attendance (15,000 Cbe donation)

December 31st, Ageha New Years:  Shiro will be in attendance alone, looking his best and intending to party (and hopefully not seeing his fiancee anywhere near here)!

December 31st, Final Call:  Miyamoto & Damon have VIP tickets

December 31st, Stars at Night Gala:  Grandmother and a fairly hunky 30ish Japanese man (Ranmaru Ikeda, Kage Armor commander) who knows how to behave at an extravaganza will be in attendance from 6pm-11pm.

January 1st, 3068 - 1am on:  Grandmother is attending a small affair at Kiah's compound until dawn. 

January 3rd, Gathering of the Clan @ Saganami Shiro:  Grandmother, Miyamoto, Shiro, Yoshi, and Takashi will be in attendance.  That event is supposed to go on at least until January 4th.

The NHK After Party invitation will receive a pleasant handwritten response that thanks them for the invitation, but explains that she does not feel she would be able to properly celebrate at their event (I'm 67 years old, darn it!).  She will suggest that perhaps in future they might consider one or both of her sons as worthwhile invitees...

Thanks, everyone...
« Last Edit: 08 October 2017, 12:03:21 by ObnoxiousTwerp »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1188 on: 08 October 2017, 19:37:39 »
Devondra, back at the end of August, you spoke to me of raiders at your gate.  You may want to post this.

i LOVE THIS !!!!!!

thanks for the idea

hee hee


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1189 on: 08 October 2017, 19:40:36 »
On the evening news

“This is Chae-Won Hyeon for Redstone News live in chopper one. We are watching a bandit force attacking a small convoy.”
The camera zooms in on 4 half-tracked vehicles moving at top speed and 4 smaller vehicles closing in on them.
“The convoy is trying to get a way but the bandits are just too fast.”
The camera pulls back and you can see the smaller vehicles overtaking the convoy vehicles.
You see small flashes of light on the front of the small vehicles, then you see sparks fly on the half-tracks.
The small vehicles pass the convoy trucks.
“Wait something is moving in from the other direction.”
The camera pans to the left and a dust cloud is moving in on the convoy.
“It looks like the bandits have more help moving in on the convoy.”
Behind the hill another dust cloud moving at high speed looks to be circling around to get in front of the convoy.
“This does not look good for the convoy as more bandits are moving in from different directions.”
The four small vehicles circle around the front of the half-track convoy and then head off in the direction the first entered.
The chopper keeps moving in a large circle to its left. Off in the back ground you can see some form of VTOL aircraft moving in to the area. The half-track convoy is heading to the road and the bridge by the river. A large combat vehicle kicking up a lot of dust is moving in on the convoy.
“Well it looks like if the small bandits do not get the convoy these others will.”
The chopper turns harder to the left to not crash into the hill or trees on it.
Two small dust clouds are now moving in on the convoy.
“Wow two more bandits moving in on this poor convoy. They must have something some wants.”
In the background of the noise in the chopper you can just make out.
“This is Captain Lorren Botley to all vehicles in the area, shut down your vehicles. If you do not comply we will be forced to fire on you.”
“Sgt. Exhume to Capt. Botley, sir the half-tracks are taking fire from the ATVs.”
“Roger that Sgt.”
“Capt. Botley to security force, we have bandits in the small vehicles. Move to protect the half-track convoy.”
The camera picks up to large hovercraft moving to put themselves between the convoy and the bandit vehicles.
One of the bandit vehicles explodes in a ball of fire.
“Wow one of the bandits just exploded. Those large hovercraft are moving to protect the convoy.”
In the background noise of the chopper you here.
“Capt. Botley to helicopter you are to leave the area or risk being shot down.”
“Yo boss the guys with the big guns are telling us to clear the area.”
“Tell them we are a news crew and have every right to be here.”
“I would if I could but they are working on a military channel and all I can do is pick them up on the scanner.”
“OK then orbit around one more time and then head out.”
“Roger that boss.”
“As you can see from the film I shot earlier today we still have bandit raids here on Nijero.” Chae-Won Hyeon points to the screen showing the fighting. “We also have some new defenders also.”
“Did you find out who they are?” comes from behind him.
“Yes I did. They are part of the forces that Governor Saganami hired to deal with the clan bandits.”
“Do you know why they were in that area today?”
“Well when I asked Capt. Botley how they just happened to be in that area he informed me that they were out on a training mission and it was just luck they could help.”
“What happened to the convoy?”
“Capt. Botley and his people gave medical aid to the crews of the convoy and gave them an escort to the outpost they were bring the food and medical supplies to.”

i will have this story followed by my people to see if the "good press" has any effect on opinion of us


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1190 on: 10 October 2017, 12:27:37 »
OK people next mission 32 for 10/22 is a recon mission.

To all Merc Commands.
Each unit is to prep a recon force of 1 Mech, 1 Armor and 1 Infantry unit. You can pick 1 more unit as a ready five unit.
You will recon the area south and east of the village of Leaf. We have had reports of unknown equipment and personal in that area.
You are not to enter the village unless you are tracking hostile units. Hostile units are any that fire on you. You may have local security forces in the area.
This area is heavy woods and hills, pick your units with this in mind.
Your units can be dropped at any edge of the AO.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1191 on: 10 October 2017, 16:36:19 »
You will recon the area south and east of the village of Leaf.

You are not to enter the village unless you are tracking hostile units. Hostile units are any that fire on you. You may have local security forces in the area.

This area is heavy woods and hills

So, the village of the Hidden Leaf, huh?  Naruto references, Tony?  Cute.  ;D

Do our men have to watch out for ninjas hidden in trees using shadow clone jutsu too?  Is there someone with the Sharingan Eyes?   :P


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1192 on: 10 October 2017, 16:43:15 »
Nah, the ninjas are mine...


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1193 on: 10 October 2017, 16:44:36 »
So, the village of the Hidden Leaf, huh?  Naruto references, Tony?  Cute.  ;D

Not me Dawn. She is the one that picked the names.

Do our men have to watch out for ninjas hidden in trees using shadow clone jutsu too?  Is there someone with the Sharingan Eyes?   :P

Now would I do something like that >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1194 on: 11 October 2017, 15:32:48 »

Dawn, as a note, I don't see any reference to Ageha New Year's except the invitation to Miyamoto & Shiro.  I ask for clarification, and may change schedules for them afterward...

the invitation to Ageha New Year Celebration was generated from your six month membership to The Ageha VIP Club that you received as a party favor with the invitation to Damon's birthday celebration, and the invitations were sent only to VIP members of the club, the party is not advertised and no tickets are sold
Damon will be happy to accompany Miyamoto anywhere he likes, and inquires if he gets seasick, the upgrades to the Shizukesa are complete and the sail to Vanuatu is amazing

just a clarification the movers and shakers attending the NHK After Party are not dancers

« Last Edit: 11 October 2017, 15:47:36 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1195 on: 11 October 2017, 20:43:10 »
so to recap

ticketed events

Stars at Night Gala December 31 at Keio Plaza Hotel, Samar 6pm-2am  attending are K. Musashi, Ikeda
New Years Blast December 31 at Mercury Stadium, Yousai 12pm-12:30am
Gatsby's Yacht December 31 on the Golden Sunshine from Discovery Bay, Lanikai 6pm-1am or dawn
Waterfront Gala Ball December 30 at Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, Yousai 8pm-1am  attending are Franks (invited), Rhodes (ticket), Cranson (ticket), M. Saganami and guest J. Nakatomi (invited)
Bonenkai Indulgence December 31 at EMP Museum, Quezon 7pm-dawn
Last Night December 28 at Promenade Blvd, Hilo 6am-3pm and December 31 at Seihokei Square, Hilo 5pm-2am  attending on the 28 K. Musashi, M. Musashi, D. Saganami, Y. Musashi, T. Musashi, bodyguard contingent
Ocean Drums Luau December 31 at Regency Resort, Samoa 7:30pm-12:30am
Pink Party December 31 at Starwood Pink Palace, Suzaku 6pm-dawn
Sora no ki Omisoka December 31 at Sunflower Square, Yousai 12pm-12:30am 
NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen December 31 at Budokan Concert Hall, Hilo 7pm-12:30am
Stonehaven Fire Festival at Hogmanay December 31 at Stonehaven 5pm-Jan 2nd
Final Call December 31 at Aloha Pier Marketplace, Vanuatu 5pm-dawn  attending with VIP tickets M. Musashi and guest D. Saganami

by invitation

Saganami Ichizoku Gathering January 3-4 at Saganami Shiro  attending K. Musashi, S. Musashi, M. Musashi, Y. Musashi, T. Musashi
Phoenix Industries Holidays of Light Celebration December 20 at The Museum of Science & Technology, Yousai   attending Rhodes, Franks, Cranson, Greyjoy, K. Musashi, M. Musashi with guest D. Saganami, S. Musashi with guest S. Sakamura
Sugai Ichizoku Bonenkai 3 pm December 28- 3pm December 29 at Yomiuri Land, Hilo and the Majestic Hotel & Casino  attending Franks, Greyjoy, K. Musashi, D. Saganami with guest M. Musashi
NHK Uta Gassen After Party January 1 at Club Midori, Hilo 1am-dawn
Restaurant Guild Bonenkai December 15 at The Prism Sunshine City, Yousai 7pm-12am   attending Cranson
Whistler Yuki Matsuri December 16-22 at Kiroro Ski Lodge, Whistler   attending Bonanno and at least four of his unit
Motor Transport Workers Industrial Bonenkai December 15 at Globe Life Park, Baja 1pm-7pm attending Bonanno, Franks
Association of Machinists Bonenkai December 14 at Green Fairy Club, Hilo  8:30pm-1:30am   attending Greyjoy
Freight Haulers Guild Bonenkai December 27 at Eight East Whiskey Distillery Clubhouse 7:30pm-1am  attending Bonanno, Franks
Saganami Ichizoku Bonenkai December 29 at The Achamba Club 8pm-2am  attending Rhodes, Franks, Cranson, Greyjoy, K. Musashi, D. Saganami with guest M. Musashi, S. Musashi

« Last Edit: 21 January 2018, 16:10:40 by eilidhdawn »


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 197
Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1196 on: 12 October 2017, 20:27:19 »
Thanks, Dawn, I had forgotten the 6-month membership.  Much appreciating the combination of Miyamoto/Damon as each other's guests.  The two boys will renew those VIP memberships ...

Anthony, is the next fight taking place during the holidays, or before or after?  It'll make a difference who is tasked with the response.



  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 1875
Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1197 on: 12 October 2017, 20:39:37 »
Anthony, is the next fight taking place during the holidays, or before or after?  It'll make a difference who is tasked with the response.

We are in late 12/67


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 267
Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1198 on: 13 October 2017, 16:59:57 »
OK people next mission 32 for 10/22 is a recon mission.

To all Merc Commands.
Each unit is to prep a recon force of 1 Mech, 1 Armor and 1 Infantry unit. You can pick 1 more unit as a ready five unit.
You will recon the area south and east of the village of Leaf. We have had reports of unknown equipment and personal in that area.
You are not to enter the village unless you are tracking hostile units. Hostile units are any that fire on you. You may have local security forces in the area.
This area is heavy woods and hills, pick your units with this in mind.
Your units can be dropped at any edge of the AO.

just as a reminder is it wheeled that can go into heavy woods?


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 1875
Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #1199 on: 13 October 2017, 17:58:36 »
just as a reminder is it wheeled that can go into heavy woods?

No vehicles can move through heavy woods. Tracked can move through light woods.