Author Topic: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment  (Read 136788 times)


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #420 on: 12 October 2015, 00:39:47 »
Once again, I will abstain.  I mean, I really do not know anyone on this thread, that I know of.  I have played battletech with many people over the years; and of the people who are members on this forum, the only ones I know I have met; one of which I never got to play a game with; are Charlie Tango, Phacade, and Wombat. 
give a man a fire, keep him warm for a night. 
Set him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life!

The secret to winning the land/air battle is that you must always remain rigidly flexible.

I like tabletop more anyway, computer games are for nerds!  -  Knallogfall


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #421 on: 12 October 2015, 00:57:13 »
Gerald Garabaldi looked at the other men around him at the table, it felt like hours were passing by with every tick of the clock. He looked at each and every pair of eyes seeing who dared to beat him in this straight up fight. "So did ya here the results form the lance commander elections?

"We all did gerald now are you going to call or raise? We ain't got all night
Tech Sargeant Wilson replied as he fiddled with his own cards. Gerald took notice of that tale several games earlier. "I'm going to raise I supose, let's make this game a little fun he threw in a modest amount into the pot no sense in scaring the less adventurous into folding since he had a three jacks and a pair of duces.

"So as Lance Sargeant anything going to be differant now, going to get all high and mighty and avoid us techs like the other mech jocks do" asked Keiko, another tech sargeant, who was his tech by the way.

"Come on babe, you know me if I were to do that severance pay would be distruaght in the knowledge I wasn't around to keep you crazy techs form doing god knows what to her!

There was a good laugh by everyone even keiko laughed, she knew he would still be hanging around the hanger. Either working on his Catapult, or talking with the techs when he wasnt. Gerald even had a cot in the alcove were his mech stood, as if when he was asleep she whatched over him, than trading in the morning as he got to doing something to fix up severance pay.

Keiko stared Gerald in the eyes, all he could think was those jade colors eyes. It reminded him of the woman who died during the Dragoons' final assualt. Right before his eyes as she went form existing to nothing as what was left of her was lifeless. That unending stare, the smell of death not just a hint in the air but as if all the pain and suffering of the Dragoons had manifested itself and the Ducal guard and the civilians were paying for the atrocities of Anton themselves.

All that changes, is if some noble some where gets the idea that us mercs are his play toys I'll take great pleasure in reminding him why he hired us! After that there was a quick moment were everyone was silent all but person avoided looking at Gerald.

It was keiko she stared at him, she was with him that day she saw the look on his face after want had happened she well never forget those jade colored eyes of Geralds' sister.
"History is written by the victors, the defeated live it"

Red Pins

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #422 on: 12 October 2015, 00:58:33 »
Once again, I will abstain.  I mean, I really do not know anyone on this thread, that I know of.

Regrettably, me too.  I'm ok just following orders.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #423 on: 12 October 2015, 02:18:07 »

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama).
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).

I feel slightly dirty for voting for myself but there's a grand tradition of mercenary leaders in Archers. Giovanni Blasini got the nod because a jump Battalion having the command lance be LAMs warms the cockles of my heart. First Battalion was a harder choice but in the end the Warhammer's iconic status swung my decision in favour of 'Shadow'.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

Iron Grenadier

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #424 on: 12 October 2015, 04:52:23 »

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama).
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).

These will be my votes as well.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #425 on: 12 October 2015, 04:55:50 »
COM-1B Commando--Grognard (Lieutenant Francis "Frank" Moses).
TLN-5W Talon--Snakespinner (Lieutenant Virginia de Sade).
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov).
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Lieutenant Warren "Doc" Agren).
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).
HGN-732 Highlander--Broken Mnemonic (Lieutenant Arhab al-Mansur).

Sir Chaos

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #426 on: 12 October 2015, 05:40:36 »
I will abstain from voting, except to ask the Dave Hunter NOT be voted for. Being a lance commander is about as much distinction - and responsibility - as he´s comfortable with. Plus, the higher the rank, the more likely they´ll be headhunted.
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #427 on: 12 October 2015, 05:50:45 »
Regimental Command

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

1st Battalion

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester).
BNC-3E Banshee--Sir Chaos (Lieutenant Dave Hunter).

2nd Battalion

EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Lieutenant Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen).

SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).
MAD-5D Marauder--IronHead (Lieutenant Durwin "Birdie" Sparrow).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).
« Last Edit: 12 October 2015, 05:52:28 by Sharpnel »
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

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As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #428 on: 12 October 2015, 07:54:53 »
Li Kui looked down at the datapad before him and shook his head again. He scrolled down the list again until he came to 2nd Battalion, Team Vixen. Squinting his eyes again, he hoped against hope that the results would be different. But ther is was, listed as before. Lieutenant Li "Maniac" Kui. Lead of a lance. Seriously?

A pirate, now an officer in a legit merc set up. His former associates in the Shen-Se Tian would believe it as far as they could throw him. Still, the results were in. Maybe... maybe as lance lead, he'd be able to wade into more battles, swing his Hatchetman's deadly weapon in greater frequency than he'd otherwise be allowed to.

Li grinned sheepishly. There is still much to be done before the regiment goes into action before he could dream about all that action. And of course, he doubted the unit he had signed up with now would be going up against the kind of sheep that the Shen-Se Tian usually picked on.

Oh well, until than... selection of company and battalion commanders...

Regimental Command
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne)

1st Battalion
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora)

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson)
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Lieutenant Warren "Doc" Agren)
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester)

2nd Battalion
EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Lieutenant Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen)

SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini)
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov)
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy)

Tiki Monkey

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #429 on: 12 October 2015, 08:22:14 »
I will abstain; at this time it is master arminas’ show. I’m here to be a good little mercenary who follows orders and only worries about my highly prized battlemech.
It doesn't take long for men to make a decision. It's making a decision look smart that takes the time.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #430 on: 12 October 2015, 10:14:36 »
Regimental Command
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne)

1st Battalion
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora)

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson)
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Lieutenant Warren "Doc" Agren)
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester)

2nd Battalion
EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Lieutenant Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen)

SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini)
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov)
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy)

Im with blackpanzer on this one.
"History is written by the victors, the defeated live it"

master arminas

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #431 on: 12 October 2015, 10:27:24 »
My votes:

Regimental Command:

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis.

1st Battalion:

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose.
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--Mechrat.
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren.
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama.

2nd Battalion:

SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson.
EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic.
MAD-5D Marauder--Ironhead.
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRha.



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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #432 on: 12 October 2015, 11:48:56 »
Colonel. = Drakensis  (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne)
I've RPed with him before. Drakensis knows his stuff and makes good decisions.

Majors = Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama), VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy)

Captains = MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker),
Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini),
Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora),
Kwic (Lieutenant Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen),
Kalthud (Lieutenant Christopher "Kal" Kalthud),
and just because I like messing with the character:
Grognard (Lieutenant Francis "Frank" Moses).

GROGNARD:  An old, grumpy soldier, a long term campaigner (Fr); Someone who enjoys playing tactics and strategy based board wargames;  a game fan who will buy every game released in a certain genre of computer game (RTS, or computer role-playing game, etc.)


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #433 on: 12 October 2015, 13:00:04 »
Sitting back and watching over the "The Black Prince of the Backstab" as made someone both an LT and NCO, well played and damm lucky that I didn't need to pull my Mare's Leg if someone want to get froggy.

Remember rule 27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.   8)

Damm you "The Black Prince of the Backstab", while i was watching your 6, someone thought putting me in as officer, was a great idea.  Do I have you to blame for this?

And still, fellow Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora, I see you have lance command of the Hammer Lance, in all honestly I am a specialist in the use and abuse of Warhammers, I would love to change slots with you.  Me with 3 more Hammers all learning my tricks the heat cloud alone could block out whole zones on IR.   O:-)

And now my votes
Regimental Command
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).
COM-1B Commando--Grognard (Lieutenant Francis "Frank" Moses)

1st Battalion
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester).
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Lieutenant Warren "Doc" Agren).

2nd Battalion
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).

SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov)
MAD-5D Marauder--IronHead (Lieutenant Durwin "Birdie" Sparrow).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).

and Yuri, what kind of candy? >:D

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #434 on: 12 October 2015, 19:51:01 »

Remember rule 27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.   8)

If you are debating it, you are too slow.

Damm you "The Black Prince of the Backstab", while i was watching your 6, someone thought putting me in as officer, was a great idea.  Do I have you to blame for this?

Of course! >:D

Seriously, I like having you as an Officer.  It serves several purposes.

     1: You don't try to micro-manage.  Just give me an objective and let me get it done however I need to.

     2: I hate paperwork.  Anyone other than me saddled with it is a bonus.

     3: You make an excellent distraction/bullet magnet.  While you stomp around in that bloody great heat-generator you call a mech, attracting attention (And enemy fire), I can get on with doing my job uninterrupted.

     4: After the battle, your mech is warm enough that I can make popcorn just by laying it on any exposed surface.

Other than that, I'll go with MA's choices re: Officer Placement
« Last Edit: 12 October 2015, 21:50:16 by Warclaw »


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #435 on: 12 October 2015, 20:55:05 »
My Votes:

Regimental Command
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Colonel Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

1st Battalion
WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Captain Ross Jackson).
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Captain Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Major Warren "Doc" Agren).
HGN-732 Highlander--Broken Mnemonic (Captain Arhab al-Mansur).

2nd Battalion
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Captain Sasha Rostov).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Captain Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Major Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen).
MAD-5D Marauder--IronHead (Captain Durwin "Birdie" Sparrow).

Considering that when MA starts writing, the gloves are off and wherever he goes with each and every character is Creative License.

Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the Dogs of War.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #436 on: 12 October 2015, 21:29:45 »
I'll echo MA's votes. Seeing as how he is going to be carry our fate around anyway, I figure eventually the command will look like he wants it to, no matter how many dead mercs it takes
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #437 on: 12 October 2015, 21:35:04 »
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov).
regitmail command...everyone goes heavys for command, what about a light command to get around and deal with crap.

BNC-3E Banshee--Sir Chaos (Lieutenant Dave Hunter). 1st baltaion.

GRF-1E Griffin--Hellraiser (Lieutenant Hellraiser). 2nd balation.

SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini). reg 2nd co

thats all i have for votes, everyone know better commande then

as for candy for yuri....any kind.....she loves everything.....


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #438 on: 12 October 2015, 21:47:38 »
Yuri comes onto screen looking at master arminas. "Ah, Mr Arminas sir, can I ask you something?" Rocking back and forth on her heels and looking very worried like she is going to get eaten or something......"Everyone said that we are going to fighting the clans and that most us are going to die by your hands when it comes to writting......IAM TO YOUNG TO DIE AND I DON'T WANT TO BE A CLAN SEX SLAVE OR WHAT EVER THE EVIL CLANS TO TO PRISONERS!!!!!!!!!"  looking ready to bolt. "Sir, if you kill me who is going to take care of kitty?" Now trying to give him that dreaded puppy dog eye look.

Off screen, she turns to the stig and asks "do you think he bought that?"
The stig just holds up a anime style sign that says "no idea."


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #439 on: 12 October 2015, 21:50:06 »
I'll echo MA's votes. Seeing as how he is going to be carry our fate around anyway, I figure eventually the command will look like he wants it to, no matter how many dead mercs it takes

That was what I thought too.
Heck, I'm sure it was a common enough scene where upon hearing his people were being mowed down like wheat, one of the assaults stepped forward thinking to tank, and got shot right up to pieces by some Clan tech BFG...


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #440 on: 12 October 2015, 22:32:33 »
Mechwarrior Marc "Growler" Vandelas studied the developing regimental organizational chart and grunted. Well, the grunt sounded more like growl, which had earned him his callsign all those years ago, but we digress.

Current company and battalion organizations looked good. It looked like that Italian guy with the Shadowhawk LAM would be his lance commander, and they'd be grouped in with the other two LAM's. He frowned though as he noted their heading under the second battalion.

Frankly he didn't want to butt his nose into how the Taurian was putting the unit together seeing as he was doing most of the legwork riding herd on the various egos involved. But still, he noted that the recon lance was under regimental command and figured the LAM lance should be too. LAM's were versatile. With the mobility to act as pathfinders, cavalry, recon, headhunters, you name it. And unless they recruited an Aerospace unit, like that Outworlder with the assault dropper that was nosing around a couple days ago, the LAM's were also it.

Grunting once again he turned and headed off. He'd sound out his lancemates, but that could wait. The cafeteria was beginning to smell of Kebab. Yummy.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #441 on: 12 October 2015, 22:56:17 »
And still, fellow Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora, I see you have lance command of the Hammer Lance, in all honestly I am a specialist in the use and abuse of Warhammers, I would love to change slots with you.  Me with 3 more Hammers all learning my tricks the heat cloud alone could block out whole zones on IR.   O:-)

Hai, this would be acceptable.

master arminas

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #442 on: 13 October 2015, 00:35:56 »
And still, fellow Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora, I see you have lance command of the Hammer Lance, in all honestly I am a specialist in the use and abuse of Warhammers, I would love to change slots with you.  Me with 3 more Hammers all learning my tricks the heat cloud alone could block out whole zones on IR.   O:-)

Hai, this would be acceptable.

Transfer accepted and processed.  Takiro is now CO of Cavalry Team 1 while DOC_Agren has assumed command of HAMMER Team.

One request, folks.  If you are referencing someone else's votes . . . even my own . . . please, for the LOVE OF GOD AND MY SANITY, quote the actual vote so that I don't have to scroll up/down and page back trying to find the damned thing.

Updated results on page 1 and reposting here as well (with the switch in CT1/HT COs).

Regimental Command

Cavalry Team Two (280 tons)
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).  [14]
ZEU-9S Zeus--Vonshroom (Lance Sergeant Amon Blucher).
TDR-5S Thunderbolt--Iron Grenadier (MechWarrior Bryant Hawkins).
TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt--Master Arminas (MechWarrior Arminas).

Team RED (155 tons)
COM-1B Commando--Grognard (Lieutenant Francis "Frank" Moses).  [3]
WLF-1B Wolfhound--Grognard (Lance Sergeant Marvin Boggs).
JVN-10N Javelin--Grognard (MechWarrior Joe Matheson).
VLK-QA Valkyrie--Grognard (MechWarrior Victoria Winslow).
OTT-7J Ostscout--Grognard (MechWarrior Ivan Simanov).

Reserve/Support Team (345 tons)
MSK-6S Mackie--Diamondshark (Lieutenant John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt).
DCMS-MX90-D Daboku--Hawkins180 (Lance Sergeant Stephanie Hawkins).
HEP-1H Helepolis--Ckosacranoid (MechWarrior Yuki).
HEP-3H Helepolis--DoctorMonkey (MechWarrior Terrence "Spike" Milligan).

1st Battalion

Scout Team (125 tons)
TLN-5W Talon--Snakespinner (Lieutenant Virginia de Sade).  [2]
MON-66 Mongoose--Master Arminas (Lance Sergeant "Wig" Walter Isaac Grey).
HER-1A Hermes--Liam's Ghost (MechWarrior Liam Taibhse).
TLN-5W Talon--2ndACR (MechWarrior Billy DeHavre).

Team BLUE (175 tons)
WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).  [10]
CN9-D Centurion--JPArbiter (Lance Sergeant J. P. Arbiter).
HER-2M Hermes II/Mercury--PurpleDragon (MechWarrior Kavan Clynes).
WFT-1 Wolf Trap--Red Pins (MechWarrior Ronald Meyer).

Team BADGER (250 tons)
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).  [8]
GHR-5N Grasshopper--Irose (Lance Sergeant Casey Jordan).
SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk--Dragon Cat (MechWarrior Canin Rosse).
OTL-4F Ostsol--Vonshroom (MechWarrior Konrad Akkerman).

Team SHRIKE (220 tons)
CRB-27 Crab--O5P Ghost (Lieutenant Hohiro Rasmussen).  [1]
CRS-6C Crossbow--Shadow Wraith (Lance Sergeant Jerry Robin Williams).
CRB-27 Crab--Hawkins180 (MechWarrior Wendell St. John).
DRG-1N Dragon--Kalthud (MechWarrior K. Al Thud).

Cavalry Team One (290 tons)
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).  [10]
MAD-2R Marauder--Highball (Lance Sergeant Larry "Highball" Leslie).
WHM-7A Warhammer--Ijewett (MechWarrior Dimitry "Been There" Antonov).
MAD-1R Marauder--Cidwm (MechWarrior Cidwm).

Cavalry Team Three (300 tons)
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama).  [7]
BL-6-KNT Black Knight--VhenRa (Lance Sergeant Alexander Dale).
CTS-6Y Cestus--Tyler Jorgensson (MechWarrior Alexander J. Carter).
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--O5P Ghost (MechWarrior Antonio Toyma).

HAMMER Team (280 tons)
WHM-7S Warhammer--DOC_Agren (Lieutenant Warren "Doc" Agren).  [10]
WHM-7A Warhammer--Grognard (Lance Sergeant Ryan McDonald).
WHM-6D Warhammer--Terrace (MechWarrior Cerrate Barton).
WHM-6K Warhammer--Daemion (MechWarrior Eli Walker).

TONGS Team (350 tons)
BNC-3E Banshee--Sir Chaos (Lieutenant Dave Hunter).  [2]
BLR-1G-DC BattleMaster--Liam's Ghost (Lance Sergeant Andrew Ringe-MacCrabhain/MechWarrior Ichiri Shogumata).
BLR-1D BattleMaster--Kidd (MechWarrior Ian "Kid" Kelly).
BLR-1Gbc BattleMaster--PurpleDragon (MechWarrior Jesse Zhu).

Team PORCUPINE (250 tons)
HGN-732 Highlander--Broken Mnemonic (Lieutenant Arhab al-Mansur).  [2]
MAD-4A Marauder II--Minnow (Lance Sergeant Anton Watson).
UM-R60 UrbanMech--Ckosacranoid (MechWarrior "The Stig").
UM-R60L UrbanMech--Sir Chaos (MechWarrior Tessa "Hurry" Lamont).

Shock Team (375 tons)
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester).  [4]
KGC-010 King Crab--True Tanker (Lance Sergeant Pi).
AWS-8Q Awesome--Blackpanzer (MechWarrior Zhao "Blackpanzer" Zi Long).
NSR-9J Nightstar--Savage Coyote 79 (MechWarrior LeAnn Raines).

2nd Battalion

Team SKEETER (185 tons)
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).  [8]
PHX-HK1R Phoenix Hawk LAM--Deathknight69 (Lance Sergeant Josiah C. E. Wales).
STG-A1 Stinger LAM Mk I--Sharpnel (MechWarrior Favia "The Grey" Mauser).
PHX-HK1 Phoenix Hawk LAM--Intermittent Coherence (MechWarrior Marc Vandelas).

Strike Team One (145 tons)
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov).  [9]
ASN-21 Assassin--Sigil (Lance Sergeant Robert "Hunter" Huntley).
SDR-5K Spider--Sigil {MechWarrior Leslie "Tarantula" Wilson).
JR7-31P Rattlesnake--Warclaw (MechWarrior Warclaw).

Strike Team Two (145 tons)
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).  [3]
SDR-5V Spider--Takiro (Lance Sergeant Robert Takiro).
JR7-31P Rattlesnake--Taron Storm/Don Haralson (MechWarrior Norman Chan).
SPR-5F Spector--Broken Mnemonic (MechWarrior Geraint "Taff" Blethyn).

Strike Team Three (165 tons)
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).  [5]
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk--Cidwm (Lance Sergeant Ryunosuke Tanabu).
JR7-F Jenner--Tai Dai Cultist (MechWarrior Frederick W. "Tie-Dye" Palowaski).
VL-5T Vulcan--Drakensis (MechWarrior Arthur Mackensen).

Team GREEN (180 tons)
EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Lieutenant Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen).  [10]
CLNT-2-3U Clint--Shadow Wraith (Lance Sergeant Joe "Elvis" Eastwood).
FLC-4Nb Falcon--Savagecoyote79 (MechWarrior Attumen).
PXH-3M Phoenix Hawk--Sharpnel (MechWarrior Leroy Geraint Biffinton, "The Prismatic Pauper").

Team VIXEN (185 tons)
HCT-5S Hatchetman--Blackpanzer (Lieutenant Li "Maniac" Kui).
CPLT-C1 Catapult--Koren-Gagin (Lance Sergeant Gerald Garadbaldi).
FFL-4A Firefly--Tiki Monkey (MechWarrior Gavin Crowther).
BJ-1DB Blackjack--DoctorMonkey (MechWarrior Andre Bleu).

Team HART (235 tons)
MAD-5D Marauder--IronHead (Lieutenant Durwin "Birdie" Sparrow).  [7]
GHR-5N Grasshopper--Mighty Midget (Lance Sergeant "Mighty Midget").
SHD-2K Shadow Hawk--Taron Storm (MechWarrior Taron Storm).
PNT-9R Panther--JKLantern (MechWarrior Johannes Mayer).

Team GATOR (220 tons)
ENF-4R Enforcer--Kalthud (Lieutenant Christopher "Kal" Kalthud).  [2]
VTR-9D Victor--Terrace (Lance Sergeant Bradley Dooble).
PX-3R Phoenix--Warclaw (MechWarrior Chaplain Gabriel Thorne).
BJ-1 Blackjack--Jklantern (MechWarrior J. Kellog Lantern).

Team WOLVERINE (220 tons)
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).  [12]
WVR-7M Wolverine--Iron Head (Lance Sergeant Steve Dallas).
WVR-6M Wolverine--Iron Grenadier (MechWarrior William Conrad).
WVR-7H Wolverine--Grognard (MechWarrior Steve Ronin).

Team BLACK (220 tons)
GRF-1E Griffin--Hellraiser (Lieutenant Hellraiser). [1]
GRF-3M Griffin--MechRat (Lance Sergeant "MechRat" McKenzie).
LNX-9Q Lynx--2ndACR (MechWarrior Mitchell).
LNX-9Q Lynx--Highball (MechWarrior Robert "One Eye" Hills).

master arminas

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #443 on: 13 October 2015, 01:19:43 »
And, gentlemen, I'm not ignoring our transport and support elements.


Monolith-class JumpShip Wee Willie (Commander Horatio Baker).

Overlord-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).  [Note:  Modified to remove four ASF in order to accomodate a Battalion Command Lance; total complement 40 'Mechs and 2 ASF).
Union-class DropShip Twin Suns (Commander Archibald Christi).
Union-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).
Union-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).
Union-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).
Intruder-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).
Confederate-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).  [Note:  This variant is the six-'Mech version, with no onboard ASF).
Leopard CV-class DropShip xx (Commander xx).
Mule-class DropShip Genesis (Commander D.M. Kirk).

Regimental Security Group (Intruder-class DropShip, above):

Armored Security Company: 4, Cheavalier Light Tanks, 4 Goblin Medium Tanks, 4 Bulldog Medium Tanks.
Rifle Security Company:  3 jump platoons, 1 foot platoon (carried aboard the Goblins above).

Regimental Air Group:

18 ASF, to be determined.

I'll probably open a new thread for the 18 ASF--once we hit eighteen, that is it.  DO NOT post ASF submissions in this thread.  Please. 

Our supporting elements aren't quite as heavy as some might have wanted.  But they are sufficient for a mercenary unit (rather than a House Davion RCT!). 

« Last Edit: 13 October 2015, 11:08:16 by master arminas »


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #444 on: 13 October 2015, 01:40:17 »

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama).
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).

« Last Edit: 13 October 2015, 01:41:56 by snakespinner »
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #445 on: 13 October 2015, 03:02:06 »
Some possible ship names:
Curious Bear
Rising Star
Shangri-La (suggested for the Carrier(WWII origins non-existant island that the doolittle raid was said to be launched from before the truth came out))
I have a couple of random ship name generators I use:
That first one tends to have more than one word in the name.  I let it generate 20 names then mix and match to get better results, e.g. "Curious Bear"
give a man a fire, keep him warm for a night. 
Set him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life!

The secret to winning the land/air battle is that you must always remain rigidly flexible.

I like tabletop more anyway, computer games are for nerds!  -  Knallogfall


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #446 on: 13 October 2015, 05:11:02 »
ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne)
WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora)
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama)
DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Lieutenant Robert Barton-Winchester)
WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson)
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini)
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Lieutenant Sasha Rostov)
MAD-5D Marauder--IronHead (Lieutenant Durwin "Birdie" Sparrow)
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy)


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #447 on: 13 October 2015, 09:26:33 »

ARC-4M Archer--Drakensis (Lieutenant Gwen "Duchess" Wayne).

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Lieutenant Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).
SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM--Giovanni Blasini (Lieutenant Giovanni Blasini).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Lieutenant Ross Jackson).
TDR-5SE Thunderbolt--MechRat (Lieutenant Catherine "Alley Cat" Decker).
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Lieutenant Shin Yodama).
ASN-21 Assassin--Ice Hellion (Lieutenant Xiong "Ice" Duillio).
PXH-1c Phoenix Hawk--Kwic (Lieutenant Kyle "Kwic" Warwick).
WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Lieutenant Marius Murphy).

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #448 on: 13 October 2015, 12:03:12 »
SPR-4F Spector--Tyler Jorgensson (Captain Sasha Rostov).

WLF-1 Wolfhound--Irose (Captain Ross Jackson).

EXT-4Db Exterminator--Kwic (Captain Stephen "Stumpy" McQueen).

WVR-6M Wolverine--VhenRa (Captain Marius Murphy).

HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi--Shin Yodama (Captain Shin Yodama).

WHM-6Rk Warhammer--Takiro (Major Tanaka "Shadow" Nakamora).

HGN-732 Highlander--Broken Mnemonic (Major Arhab al-Mansur).

DVS-2 Devastator--Deathknight69 (Colonel Robert Barton-Winchester).

MSK-6S Mackie--Diamondshark (Captain John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt).

Ice Hellion

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #449 on: 13 October 2015, 12:51:15 »
Looking at the charts and names while hearing the screams about Clan sex slave or something weird like this, Xiong Duillio takes a few notes before turning to the other officers

Why not decide who should command what with a few fights?
In turn they tested each Clan namesake
In trial against the ice hellion's mettle.
Each chased the ice hellion, hunting it down.
All faild to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said. "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance, Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1-5

