Author Topic: Interstellar Operations - A Simple Factory Question?  (Read 757 times)

Nathan Brazil

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Interstellar Operations - A Simple Factory Question?
« on: 18 September 2015, 19:06:12 »
OK, I came late to the Feedback party.  I finished a process to auto-generate crude IO maps (well, there were no samples so I created my own!) with ownership of hexes, number of systems/RP for a particular hex and names for Capitals/Industrial worlds.  Worked nice for the 3025 sample.  Starting to do other Eras, but I hit one minor snag though.

In determining Major or Minor factory worlds for a nation if doing it based on percentage of worlds, is it round up, round down, or rounded?
What determines from previous published sources if a particular world is a factory world at IO scale and the number of factories that world might possess?