Author Topic: 909-Inland Empire Battletech @ Gameology in Montclair, California (SoCal)  (Read 5400 times)


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In spite of the interuption,

Inland Empire Battletech prepares for another year of Mech based mayhem!

Currently we are a small group looking to grow. We have been playing Battletech since 1996. My goal is to build a group of Battletech fans in and around the Inland Empire. Ideal members are mature, regardless of age, friendly individuals who are seeking a fair and challenging game. We are willing to teach new players and help those who are returning to the game.

The secondary goal is to have the group explore and rotate the various levels of play that Battletech has to offer. From battles between warships down to individual troops on the field of battle and everything in between using the various gaming products produced by CGL, and if need be older out of print products such as Battletroops. The only thing that is required is a good attitude, a willingness to download and read the free pdfs provided by CGL, and a desire to be part of a group whose priorities are to have a fair and fun game for everyone involved.

The shop, Gameology, can special order a significant number of individual minis, books, and the Alphastrike packs. We have been gaming at Gameology since summer 2014 and the staff is friendly and willing to help everyone with a question.

If you have found this thread while searching for those that play Battletech in the I.E. because you want to know if the game is worth getting into, I have one thing to say. I believe that the game, once an individual gives it a chance, will sell itself. There are no books or minis required. Grab some of your dice and get into the game!

All ages welcome, but only mature individuals need apply.

Legal Disclaimer: Cheating, Violent, Narcissists will not be tolerated. The goal of the group is to have fun, which is not possible under the threat of violence. Fair games can not be had with cheaters. I reserve the right to remove such individuals from my group's games. Unfortunately, this is not a joke.

Questions? Concerns? Just want to talk about Battletech? Feel free to send me a private message!
« Last Edit: 28 December 2015, 11:33:40 by StoneRhino »


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Re: Inland Empire Battletech @ Gameology in Montclair, California
« Reply #1 on: 22 December 2015, 06:43:40 »
Unfortunately we did not make it to the shop on the 18th or 19th due to delays. We may be in on the 2nd day of the new year to kick off another year of mech meyhem >:D We did end up playing at a friend's house on the 19th where my newly painted Cyclops made it's premier, and subsequently got Scarface'd by a Commando carrying bundles of rocketpods while my mech was busy firing down from a hilltop at everyone that had surrounded him taking out 2-3 mechs his movie ended.


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Re: Inland Empire Battletech @ Gameology in Montclair, California
« Reply #2 on: 28 December 2015, 12:21:04 »
You had me at cyclops.

I hope you have room at this Saturday's game at 4.  I hope that I'll have as dramatic a last stand as you.


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Always room for more players. When was the last time you played BT and what kind of mechs or tanks do you like?


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I'm most familiar with pre-jihad tech. I played a year ago with friends using custom mechs. I'm most familiar with the BMR rules  and am getting to know ATOW.
 I prefer the way level 1 tech plays, but I don't mind level two tech.  I like medium and heavy units, mainly direct fire with lrm support.
To be honest I'll be happy to play with whatever you've got available. I don't know that many vehicles so I'll defer to what you feel goes along with a moderately mobile force.


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I got into the game post clan invasion, which also means any of my friends that got into the game started at that point, meaning level 2 was normal. From 1997 until 2001 we gamed every weekend, sometimes more and level 3 became a normal part of the game. I believe that a lot of people might be intimidated by the larger assortment of weapons and gear beyond level 1 as the rules of the game remain the same regardless of tech level.

However, we have always mixed in 3025/level 1/introtech games. With Battlevalue 2 I believe that all levels of tech can work on the same field. It worked when we used to use tonnage as a means of setting up games, but with a system that regulates games much better (BV2) you can end up with an equal force regardless of tech level since the player running higher level tech will end up with either smaller more fragile units, or will end up being out-numbered, which gives the other player a different kind of advantage. Sometimes an old 3025 Battlemaster is more then enough to scare people from making a move on the LRM carriers that it's protecting, so level 1 units are still effective in our games and no one has to use any particular level of tech if they do not want to.

Level 2 tech is nothing to worry about. Its just a matter of being exposed to it and trying a bit of it at a time. The same is true for level 3 tech. You did ask what was in store for the coming year, one thing I have wanted to do was bring up the tech level to level 3/DarkAges/Advanced tech. Not all games will end up being Level 3, nor will they all end up being Level 1, but I would like to have a group that is comfortable with all levels of tech. It would help bring things up to the current BT time line.

One thing I would like to avoid is having people getting stuck in a particular era. If people are willing to play various eras equally then we can visit the different eras that people prefer. Eventually making the current era the standard era of play is the goal.

I think once you get a chance to play Battletech on a regular basis you will want to try new things in game a bit at a time, which is what we did. In a BV2 regulated game you know that you have that cushion knowing that whatever tech someone is using, that the game is balanced and will come down to the choices the players make and the dice, as opposed to someone sneaking in some kind of super weapon that wasn't paid for with some kind of negative to his force. Even if that doesn't help at least you can view it as practice and exposure to new tech and look forward to a 3025 game being rotated in while you consider what you should do next time you face that tech.


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Thank you for that primer. I think I'll like joining the group.

I'm familiar with the clean invasion time and yeah, and really like RACs more for their atmosphere than actual game performance. I've been wanting to try some dark age and level 3 components and combined arms. I'm looking forward to doing so with you folks.

My old group was most interested in building the "best" custom mechs and the appeal of level 1 tech was that it would stop the group from having speedy clean mechs with large pulse lasers and targeting computers dominating the game. I also liked the Canon of 3025. Everything you outlined, especially BV2,sounds fantastic and I'm really looking forward to it.

I really appreciate you responding so quickly and thoroughly.
« Last Edit: 30 December 2015, 12:55:09 by Mwenski »


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There is a lot to the game, and the appeal of custom designs is just one part of it. I understand how your old group would want to push the envelope, a few of my friends were like that when they were still in the area years ago. Most of those games had 2 of them with custom clan mechs that made hellstars look 2nd rate against an I.S. force with canon designs with some light modifications. That I.S. force was mine, but also a friend of mine who will be at the game.

I have nothing against customs as long as everyone knows what it is, just as any other design. TW has a rule that all record sheets are viewable by all players all of the time. With BV2 a custom is regulated just like any canon unit. These two things keep them in line, if someone chooses to use a homemade design. Because of this customs are definitely allowed and no one can complain, but in the past 2 years I think the most we have had that was custom was an Avatar configuration of mine, which is suited for personal tastes instead of trying to get the most damage potential out of it.

The goal is to have a fun and fair game, in a safe environment. Balance and freedom help create that happy medium where the game can be fun for everyone, but also fair. The last part needs to be stated since some people should have failed kindergarden a few times until they realized that violence is unacceptable. O0


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On January 2nd we had a street fight where opposing lances of light mechs faced off in one corner of the city while the heavy and assault units jockeyed for position as one side advanced under indirect lrm fire. Some infantry were brutally butchered for spotting for the LRMs while another platoon was BBQ'ed in the street trying to reach one of the fights. And for some reason people thought my SRM carrier had to be killed immediately instead of letting it take a few shots for a few turns...go figure. :P

With that said, our next game will be on Saturday the 23rd. Typically we try for every other weekend but the shop owner warned us that this upcoming weekend will be a tournament for a CCG and will have the place packed all day.


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We'll be back in the shop this coming Saturday, 2-6, for another game. Feel free to drop in and pull up a chair to either join in the game or simply talk about Batteltech! 4pm till close! >:D


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Just a quick heads up, we will be in the shop on Saturday for another game. Anyone interested in learning the game or getting back into it is welcome to stop at the table. We will have enough forces to get players into the game. O0


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Heading back to the shop after a few weeks off due to trips, birthdays, and other real life events. Feel free to drop by the table and talk as we finish our 20k vs 20k BV2 game, or ask questions about the game, at the least! O0


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*Dusts off the thread*

It has been a while since I have updated the thread, but we have been gaming since. We will be in the shop again on Saturday August 27, 4pm on.

The shop has moved a block or two North since I last posted, but still in the city of Montclair in the Stater Bros. grocery store shopping center.


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We'll be back in the shop tomorrow, September 16th. Feel free to drop by and say "hello". We will be finishing a crit-fest of a game. A few kills with big ammo explosions, a few busted hips, a busted gyro, broken legs, one pilot taking a nice long nap face down in the mud, and a few smoldering tanks and crispy infantry platoons. >:D


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We finished our Crit-fest of a game just a few hours ago. The results left a Crusader and Enforcer destroyed by ammo explosions. That was a Crusader 7W with its large stacks of ammo. A Highlander died due to an ammo explosion after it had lost it's leg in the previous turn.Two Zhukovs were turned into bricks. Two Spiders were tapped with a Large Pulse laser of death, one lost it's gyro and the other had it's engine blown out. A Hitman was pounded by the Zhukovs with precision rounds, while a devilish harasser which was a Scarabus had it's ECM knocked out, but managed to survive with 1 point in the CT. A Thunderbolt flew through the air gracefully but slammed down like a rock due to the critical to it's hip, while another Crusader's pilot slept, who as one member said was, "He was a professional pilot, but now hes just a professional vegetable.

I believe that game was the most crit rich game I have seen in the 21 years I have been playing. "Crit Happens" and then something dies.

No plans set just yet, but we should likely be back in the shop in 2 weeks! >:D


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We will be back in the shop on October 8th at 4pm..ish. We will be running a practice game for a returning player that has recently joined up. Also I hope to see another individual that has recently contacted me , soon.

We continue to encounter people that are stopped by the nostalgia when they see the swarm of mechs, vehicles, and infantry on the field. Add to the gravitational pull of Battletech by showing up and joining in on a game!

The group will be back for more BattleTech also on Saturday the 22nd.

Anyone reading this may be interested that we are not your "heres your 1 mech for the next 2 years" kind of group. We are running competitive Battletech, design your forces, clash with opposing units and see is able to win either through brute force, insane luck, or art of maneuver. Have fun while blowing stuff up.

The goal is to build up to a level where we can have tournaments and an ability to find games on a regular basis beyond the official group gaming. I know there are RPG based BT groups around, but if you are looking to mix things up every once in a while drop me a line.  O0


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As the new player who has recently joined this group, let me just say that they are very friendly and very welcoming. They are helping me get my mechwarrior legs back. They are very understanding and encouraging of helping me relearn this wonderful game. It's good to be back in the saddle.

Also, never underestimate a stray SRM to the leg.  :))


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Also, never underestimate a stray SRM to the leg.  :))

My poor Firestarter Omni gets no respect. :-\

We will be back in the shop on Saturday, the 22nd, hopefully another BT player coming out of retirement will be joining us. >:D


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1 more day before we get back to what promises to turn into a bloodbath real quick. >:D


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We will be back in the shop on Saturday, November 12th.


  • Master Sergeant
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When is the next date?

I plan to be in LA are around thanksgiving.
You might not live more than once, better make it good.

 I was born 6-gun in my hand, Behind a gun I'll make my final stand, That's why they call me... Bad Company...


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Hows it going McSlayer? We will be running a game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving on the 26th. We currently have 3 players confirmed for this game, and always welcome more. We should all be there by 4:30pm.

If you have questions feel free to send me a PM. O0


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OK I will try to plan to be there at Gameology at around 4PM this saturday.

What kind of Battle do you plan to have?

Is part of a campaign?

What tech?  BV?  do I need to print sheets?

Thanks Rhino. Will see you saturday.

You might not live more than once, better make it good.

 I was born 6-gun in my hand, Behind a gun I'll make my final stand, That's why they call me... Bad Company...


  • Master Sergeant
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The game will be a pickup game with the win condition of "shoot the other team until they don't want to be shot anymore", using Jihad era tech, tournament legal. You'll be the 4th player. You'll be on StoneRhino's team, against a two player team with 10k BV2 per player (20k BV2 per size) 2x2 Maps are chosen on the day of by blindly pulling them from a stack and randomly placing them out (maybe by die roll or some other agreed upon method), unless we otherwise agree to do something else random and fair.

There are some optional rules from TAC-OPS in effect.

I'll suggest you pm Mr. Rhino about what units you'd like to use and what he's got picked out, chances are he can print for you.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at the table this Saturday.



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Thanks for posting about that, Mike. People pop up when I don't check the forum.

That covered the bulk of it and I responded to your PM, McSlayer, hopefully you will have time to make any changes you feel would help you out. I'll send you my force list. Right now I am waiting for my replacement ink to arrive so I will be using recordsheets for units that I have used in the past. I will have two forces ready in case you do not have the ability to print anything on your end.


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Onto 2017 with our last game for the year taking place last weekend. We'll be starting the New Year with a holiday party, where we will also plan for our next game with at least one guest gamer. Hopefully we will have another game with McSlayer as well in the month of January.

Happy Holidays, and Merry MechMess! >:D or have a great weekend. ;)


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Holiday Potluck: Completed

Now onto the first game of the year, which is scheduled for the 14th. Same time, same place.


  • Master Sergeant
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How about this saturday?

or even Thursday... if anyone is game.

Back for more...

You might not live more than once, better make it good.

 I was born 6-gun in my hand, Behind a gun I'll make my final stand, That's why they call me... Bad Company...


  • Captain
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How about this saturday?

or even Thursday... if anyone is game.

Back for more...


This weekend is bad for me since I'll be working on an assignment for the end of a course and will be busy the next weekend as well. :/ I sent a message to the rest of the group and will let you know if anyone is able to make it to a game this weekend. Hopefully someone will be able to make it. O0


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Sorry man, I just heard back from everyone and it's a bad weekend for everyone. Perhaps next weekend?

