Author Topic: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)  (Read 43944 times)


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #180 on: 04 June 2017, 14:55:53 »
Rather pleased Haki Aardvarksen the friendly Ghost Bear is back!

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #181 on: 05 June 2017, 06:28:00 »
Rather pleased Haki Aardvarksen the friendly Ghost Bear is back!

Same. It's really great to have his player in the game. They were with me in another gorup that broke up for Reasons and haven't played since, so it was a blast to have them at the table
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #182 on: 07 June 2017, 03:24:17 »
I've enjoyed how many of the PCs and NPCs have careers outside of being a macjock.
Interesting set of skills and it speaks to the era that Mechs are rare during peacetime and sure you might be able to pilot one - but so can three other guys and you're at the bottom of the one mech's alternate list.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #183 on: 11 June 2017, 03:51:18 »
From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We’ve formed an alliance of sorts with the Red Rock people (They hate the use of the word ‘tribe” to describe them) aimed at expanding out campaign of harassment against the Wolves; I must admit that I’m in two minds about this; on one side, I appreciate all that they can give us. They serve as extra eyes on the ground, they know the planet and its terrain much better then we do, they can provide far more intel then we could gather on our own and they give us a useful weapon.

What I don’t like is some of what they’re asking for in reply. There’s nothing that’s immediately “wrong” about it, more of a general feeling of unease and wondering about the long-term consequences of our actions and what they are going to do.

A case in point would be the first thing they asked us to do. One of the few changes the Wolves have made on Shasta (and other worlds in the empire) is to confiscate privately owned forearms and take them out of the hands of civilians. This is mostly about clan law; after all, only warriors (and their auxiliaries, like police forces) are allowed to carry guns. However, on planets like Shasta who were independent before being conquered, there’s a definite need to prevent those weapons form falling into the hands of rebels. The fact that Mu Galaxy is such a mess only adds to that urgency.

The Red Rock wanted us to hit one of those armouries so they could take the weapons and arm themselves. It makes a lot of sense; spears and bows are all well and good when hunting animals, but aren’t that much use against people with modern firearms and body armour. It also would help fulfil our objectives; we would be arming the locals, disrupting the Wolves’ control over the planet and doing some damage in the process.

They provided us with the location of an armour on the outskirts of Redding, a nearby large coastal city. There was a mixed star of BattleMechs, tanks and Battle Armour on-site, which meant we would also be taking a bite out of the Wolves’ forces. (According to the intel package I got from SAFE such mixed stars are common in Mu Galaxy, a result of their shortages in manpower and equipment, high turnover rates and more then a few desertions). Given that Assault Lance had done so well with forming an alliance with the Red Rock, they were tasked with hitting the site and securing the weapons.

As before, the 19th Wolf Cavalry were using salvaged equipment; technologically, they were actually behind our lance. The opening of the battle did not go well for them, with Oda raining down LRMs from his new Stalker before they had a chance to retaliate (He seems to have taken well to the ‘Mech. Of course, he still manages to lose most of the armour). A lucky LRMs crippled a Shadow Hawk, forcing it to withdraw while still only lightly damaged and costing them early on.

The Wolves pulled back to regroup around the armoury, with indirect fire form a pair each of Phalanx and Brutus tanks guided by Battle Armour dug in to the nearby buildings. Haki helped fox this problem through some “aggressive gentrification” (as he put it), flushing them out by blasting the building with his Autocannon. At the same time, the rest of Assault Lance closed in and engaged the Wolves at close range, giving them a distinct advantage.

The results were pretty brutal. In short order, both Brutus tanks were destroyed, the two Phalanxes were immobilised and the remaining two Wolf ‘Mechs, a Shockwave and a Marauder were down, the latter of which had been struggling with engine damage for most of the battle. Only the Shadow Hawk and a point-and-a-half of Battle Armour escaped. And for that, Assault Lance suffered mostly only armour damage. So for “disrupting the Wolves” we did rather well.

With the site secured, we bought in both Stanley’s crew as well as a team of supply trucks that the Red Rocks had procured. She was able to pick up both the Marauder and Shockwave, and can have both of them back in action relatively quickly; it means we have them in reserve for if we need them, or can sell them down the road. We also captured two MechWarriors for questioning, which might yet lead us to some useful intel. In the meantime, the Red Rock pillaged the armouries and took whatever they could.

Which leads me to my unease. Sure, they claim they’re going to use those weapons to fight the Wolves, but is that all? The Red Rock have never had the best relationship with the Shasta government, but traditionally have not had the means to fight back against them. Likewise, they have in past been in conflict with other neo-primitive groups; who’s to say that they won’t turn these guns on them now that they have the means?

I might be reading too much into this. It may never happen, after all, and the Red Rock might have entirely honourable intentions and focus their newfound firepower entirely on the Wolves. But at the same time, I know that this sort of thing rarely ends well. And while we are fulfilling our contract, there’s that part of me that doesn’t like quite how we’re doing it.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #184 on: 25 June 2017, 04:31:43 »
From the personal journal of Scientist Jeris

I can only imagine who it was I annoyed to get this assignment. Maybe it was Scientist Wallis After I proved his theory about 26th century Rasalhaguian influence on Tamar culture to be a load of hot air. I know he’s had it in for me ever since then. Regardless of who it was, this assignment is some sort of special level of hell, and I have no idea what I did to deserve it.

The Black Mountain people are not the fascinating study in neo-primitivist culture that I was hoping for. No, they’re a bunch of machismo savages who’s only real interest is proving their manliness by slaughtering hapless wildlife and occasionally wrestling each other. That their leader wears the skin of a Skatha Ape is not encouraging as to their sanity at all. Fortunately, I haven’t been here for one of their occasional wars with the Red Rock people, a nearby tribe of equally bloodthirsty lunatics.

But yet I am stuck here using them to do surveys of the local area for me. Why? Because Star Colonel Kendra Tutuola is convinced that there’s a lost Star League storehouse or outpost or whatever else somewhere on this blighted ape-infested planet. And so, despite centuries of dead-end expeditions sponsored by the League’s government, private enterprise and whoever else that has found exactly nothing, I have to keep looking for it, because I have been ordered to.

I know why she wants it. This assignment is a dead end for her, and she is desperate for a way out. She is in charge of a bunch of adoptees who can barely tolerate each other, let alone the Clan lifestyle they once embraced. And while she does have a bloodname, she is also considered to be ‘past it’ by the insane standards that Trueborns use for measuring their career standards. So she is hoping for some amazing find that will get her reassigned to a Frontline galaxy, or, at least, a less awful second-line one like Theta.

And as a result, I have to stand around pretending to be one of these savages and blending in, while directing a search for nothing. We gave the Black Mountain communicators so they could report their findings, but all that means is that there is a lot of nothing. I think they’re only humouring me and my job because they want to stay on the Wolves’ good side. That the Red Rock niow have firearms is giving them an added incentive, and only serves to make my life a lot more terrifying.

(Admittedly, it is interesting how the Black Mountain came to be pro-Wolf. They value physical strength above all else, and were in awe of the few Trueborn Elementals in the Cluster, including the Star Colonel herself. Some of them have even become Elementals themselves)

Buyt this latest incident... I should demand a guard or something, because what happened was terrifying. (I‘ve had no luck convincing the Black Mountain to provide me with one. I’m pretty sure they all laugh at me behind my back). A group of mercenaries entered the village and had a short, terse conversation with the Chief. Most of it was the usual sort of ‘we have no quarrel with you’ stuff, which makes me wonder if they hadn’t been put up to it by the Red Rock or something. However, during the meeting, one of them obviously made me.

Later that night, they broke into the village and specifically the wretched hut that I had been provided with a accrual mockery of accommodation. I’d been at least blessed with a small generator to run my computer, holo-projector and other equipment off, but it was still thoroughly detestable. They easily got in by cutting through one of the walls and ambushed me, knocking me out with ease. After tying me up, they rifled through my equipment, including taking a number of my maps and data chips.

The Black Mountain (eventually) found me and (eventually) released me, but the damage has been done. At least I know those mercenaries didn’t get anything; all my findings will tell them that there is exactly nothing on this damned mountain worth fighting over. Of course, now I’ll have to explain what happened and where all my equipment went, which will not go over well.

And this is what happens when we let warriors run everything.

Note to self: make sure this does not go in my official report.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #185 on: 26 June 2017, 00:43:28 »
Dammit, every time I read this thread I become intensely jealous; I wish my writing was a tenth as good as this.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #186 on: 26 June 2017, 08:32:37 »
Thank you for that. Most of this is just what comes to my mind as I try to encompass the oft insane actions of my players. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #187 on: 30 July 2017, 07:50:05 »
(I found this report while reviewing the recent action on Shasta. It says a lot about Mu Galaxy’s morale issues that an adoptee would openly question a trueborn, bloodnamed superior. It's something that could be very useful in the days to come)

From: Star Captain Velkon Wolf
To: Star Colonel Kendra Tutuola

Subject: After action report

Star Colonel,

I cannot describe what happened as anything other than a crushing failure. We have lost valuable warriors and equipment, and gained nothing for it. The fault does not lie in those warriors or their equipment, however, but in the decisions that led us to that battle.

With our efforts so far to contain the Mercenaries having failed, I had determined that the best course of action was to try and consolidate my Trinary rather than let it continue to be destroyed piecemeal. However, our contacts within one of the uplands tribes had reported that mercenaries had begun large scale movement of equipment into a remote jungle location, and were returning with heavily loaded VTOLs.

Further human intelligence provided by one of our allied tribes suggested that they were conducting a large scale excavation at a previously unknown site. As per standing orders, we had to investigate the site as being a possible Star League storehouse, even though there is no evidence of there being one on the world.

Due to both losses and our ongoing equipment and person ell shortages, I pulled together an improvised over strength star (four BattleMechs, two IFVs and two points of Battle Armour) to investigate the site, as per orders. En-route we made fleeting contact with the mercenary VTOLs, but they broke off without engaging. We reached the ruins, only to find it apparently abandoned. While there were signs of recent excavations, there did not appear to be anyone on-site.

Instead it proved to be an ambush. A quartet of BattleMechs emerged from within the ruined buildings, supported by Battle Armour. While my star did boast superior numbers, they had heavier units and the benefit of more advanced designs (Including a Vulture Mk IV, presumably the same one that we had encountered before). Their early attacks severely damaged two of our BattleMechs and immobilised one of the IFVs, leaving us at a severe disadvantage.

We attempted to rally, but the enemy had outmanoeuvred us and were better able to concentrate their firepower. Their Battle Armour provided effective support by performing anti-mech attacks, while ours proved to be somewhat less effective. An attempt to isolate and disable the largest enemy ‘Mech, a Stalker (again likely the same one we had encountered before) failed, leaving it largely undamaged.

With two of our BattleMechs disabled and the Battle Armour force reduced to a single trooper, I requested hegira. There was no point to continuing the battle. We were yet to inflict significant damage on the enemy, and would likely have suffered further losses. The mercenaries granted our request, allowing us to collect our dead and wounded before leaving. That also left them to salvage my Orion, a Guillotine and a Main Gauche IFV. The complex, incidentally, proved to be a Star League era resort that had been abandoned and forgotten centuries ago, and would have held nothing of value whatsoever.

There was no reason for us to have fought that battle. It was an obvious trap from the outset, but your standing orders compelled us to investigate the site regardless. There is no Star League cache on Shasta. Nobody has found one in three and a half centuries, and your continued efforts to do such are only wasting time and resources that could be better spent anywhere else.

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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #188 on: 30 July 2017, 07:57:21 »
Snarky, that pup is!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #189 on: 31 July 2017, 08:31:46 »
Snarky, that pup is!


He's living the Mu galaxy dream. Which is to say, he wishes he could re-think his major life decisions.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #190 on: 31 July 2017, 10:16:37 »
I wouldn't be surprised if you could find some recruits from defecting Mu troops? That is if the locals don't get 'em first...

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #191 on: 19 August 2017, 08:37:30 »
We have a very large battle underway, so it will be some time before there's an outcome.

There has been one highlight moment so far. First shots of the battle, actually. Irisz took a pair of unlikely opportunity shots at a passing Pegasus... and killed it straight out. She's a fantastic shot, all things considered.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #192 on: 20 August 2017, 02:27:41 »
Audio Log File #75944-Rho

Nikola Kardos: So where do you want to start?

Velkon Dumeitscu: I would like to know how you knew about my men and I. We really did not expect to be rescued at all, or that anyone would even know about what was happening. I know that (Star Colonel) Tutola wanted to keep all that quiet as to not shatter the unit’s already fragile morale.

Kardos: We intercepted Wolf communications during a recon raid on a Wolf supply depot. It took us a bit to fish through the files, but once we found the message about you and your men, I figured that it would be worth out while to extract you.

Dumeitscu: And for that, I thank you. While i did not want to be locked up, the more I look at it, the more likely my being locked up was.

Kardos: So I’d like to know the string of events that led to you and your men being locked up.

Dumeitscu: Certainly. It began with your well-staged ambush at the resort. I was forced to pull back, leaving behind two heavy BattleMechs and a light tank for no gain at all. Bot myself and Jarl (EDITOR’S NOTE: Jarl Wolf, aka Jarl Selvik) had been injured, him far more than me. And you had killed nine of our Elementals. It was a crushing defeat.

Kardos: Not the outcome she wanted.

Dumeitscu: But what made it worse was why it happened. Tutuola had us chasing stories of Star League era ruins and caches ever since she was given command of the 19th, even though the locals - people like me - knew there was nothing there to find. When one of our informants reported what your unit was doing, we were sent to investigate. Never mind that so far your unit had been picking off our men piecemeal and we were already understrength. She insisted that you had found her mythical cache and ordered us to recover it.

Kardos: And when you came back empty-handed and without half your force, I can imagine she was not happy.

Dumeitscu: Nor was I. My report to her was frank and unflattering, putting the blame for this debacle entirely on her shoulders. In return, she had me and my men arrested for insubordination.

Kardos: Couldn’t you have challenged her to a trial of grievance?

Dumeitscu: It would not have helped. The situation in Mu galaxy got so bad that the Galaxy Commander had to suspend trials, simply because of how many officers were being killed or injured in the process. Even then, I would not have been granted the honour. She is a Bloodnamed Trueborn Star Colonel, and I was an adopted Freebrith Star Commander. Even if her career was clearly in decline, it would have never carried.

Kardos: Which does bring me to my next question. You said you were done with being a Wolf. Can you elaborate on that?

Dumeitscu: Ah, where to begin?

Kardos: Wherever you feel like.

Dumeitscu: You have to understand some of the background here. Shasta, like the worlds around it, had been abandoned and isolated when the League fell apart. The other states were too busy with their petty squabbles to care about us, and we were left alone. We had no protection against Pirates or the Lyrans, save for whatever mercenaries we could hire, or the futile efforts of the Marik Protectors.

Karods: And that changed with the Wolf Empire.

Dumeitscu: Yes. The Wolves barely faced a fight when they landed on Shasta. The planetary guard all but rolled over after a few quick, one sided battles. However, despite our worst fears, they didn’t do much to change the planetary government or impose their way of life on us. Instead, they played to our past, trying to sell us on the opportunity to be a part of something greater, offering protection against the Lyrans or pirates or whoever else.

Kardos: And that’s why you chose to become a warrior.

Dumeitscu: I will not lie to you. At first, my head was filled with idealistic dreams. And when I qualified to become a MechWarrior, I was overjoyed. These were the early days of the Empire, you must understand, when it was still new and fresh. It was a time of change, and a chance for many of us who felt that we had been otherwise ignored.

Kardos: But it didn’t last.

Dumeitscu: No. We had grown so used to our freedoms that we didn’t realise just how harsh the Clan life would be. It was only after you were in that you realised how much you had given up, including your name and your right to family... All of that. Discipline was harsh and unforgiving, with their officers coming down hard on the slightest infringements. They also limited our advancement as well; it was nearly impossible for anyone to even get to Star Captain, instead coming up against a wall of born Wolves who blocked us off. Yet at the same time, those same officers were ones like Kendra who were seen as failures by Clan standards, but yet were still our superiors.

Kardos: Not a healthy environment at all.

Dumeitscu: Not one bit. Instead of unifying us, the Wolves tried to push us down. We rebelled, and they pushed down harder. We didn’t want to be like them, we wanted to be ourselves instead. You heard about what happened with the Galaxy’s attempt at exercise, I assume?

Kardos: Your clusters turned on each other, and it became a massive brawl.

Dumeitscu: More than that, even. In the 66th (EDITOR’S NOTE: 66th Wolf Garrison Cluster) the individual trinities began shooting at each other. And during those brawls, a lot of the Trueborn officers had... accidents.

Kardos: That would not have helped at all.

Dumeitscu: It did not, no. But yet, I remained with the Wolves, but not because I owed them any loyalty. Instead, it was because I had nowhere else to go. They took my name from me. What was I meant to do after that? Desert? Live my life as a fugitive? But no, it was what your men did that finally pushed me over the edge.

Kardos: Well, you’re safe here now. And if you want. We will take you with us when we leave Shasta.

Dumeitscu: If you are willing to do a bit more, then I can do a lot more for you in return.

Kardos: How so?

Dumeitscu: Give me a BattleMech. I know you salvaged several of ours already, so you will have the spares. In return, I will give you something that I know you want. I will tell you where to find Star Colonel Tutuola.

Kardos: Interesting. Give me a moment, will you?

Dumeitscu: Of course.


Irisz Magyari: So, your thoughts?

Kardos: He’s angry and he’s blaming everyone except himself for his own bad decisions. But I think that could be useful.

Magyari: Definitely. If we took out Tutola, then I could call this one a wrap. The FWLM would definitely see killing Mu’s only Bloodnamed trueborn Star Colonel as a victory, which would play well.

Kardos: Agreed there. I feel that we can trust him, though. While I haven’t interviewed the others we bought in as yet, they’re showing a similar level of dislike for the Wolves already. I want to interview them still, but I am inclined to go with it.

Magyari: Well, we won’t be able to give him his Orion as yet, though. Its right side is gone, and we don’t have the time to do a complete re-build. There is a largely intact Marauder we could offer him though. It still needs some work, but nothing too major.

Kardos: Sounds good. I’ll give him a tentative agreement to keep him on-side and see where we go from there. But I do agree, he could prove to be very useful to us.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #193 on: 20 August 2017, 03:55:23 »
Kardos is back! Yay!

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #194 on: 20 August 2017, 07:46:21 »
Kardos is back! Yay!

Not sure how long for, but yay anyway!
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #195 on: 09 September 2017, 03:32:44 »
Long battle is still ongoing. Seriously, this is dragging on forever

Some of the highlights include:

*The Griffin hating squad
*Nikola getting naked as allways, and then getting too naked
*Semi-Guided LRM loving
*Shona managing to be useful, albeit briefly
*Me losing more dice every week
*An otherwise pristine Moltke exploding after a single point of damage
*All the engine crits!
*The enigma that is the "7" cluster table

And more to come
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #196 on: 23 September 2017, 02:21:17 »
Finally (!) finished the battle. Write-up to come soon.

I can say that the conclusion was epic.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #197 on: 24 September 2017, 03:47:59 »
From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We’re away from Shasta and not a moment too soon for a number of different reasons.

Things with the Red Mountain tribe (Clan, whatever) were not going well, to say the least. Ever since we armed them they had been pushing us for more action, but not against the Wolves. Rather, they wanted us to focus on their rivals, hoping that we’d stomp all over their villages with our BattleMechs. I’d managed to hold off on that for some time, but it reached the point where I was running out of excuses. That the chief was looking to hitch me up with his son didn’t help any, I mean, yes, he looked great without a shirt, but the last thing I want is to be tied to a specific planet’s ugly politics. Besides, I’m spoken for.

We found an exit after a fashion courtesy of a disaffected Wolf adoptee. Velkon Dumeitscu was a Shasta native who joined up with the Wolves. Only things didn’t work out as he’d hoped and, after two battles with us, he’d found himself locked up. We liberated him and a couple of other members of his Star during a raid, and he was willing to cut us a deal. If we gave him a ‘Mech and a place in our forces, even if only temporarily, he’d give us the location of Star Colonel Kendra Tutuola.

I have to admit, it was too good to pass up. Taking out Tutuola would unquestionably fulfil our contract assignment of “disrupting the Wolf forces on Shasta.” Not only would we be decapitating their already demoralised and fragile command structure, but we would also be taking out Mu Galaxy’s only Bloodnamed Star Colonel. That could have further, long-term repercussions across the entire Galaxy. And it meant that I would be within contract to then get off-world and away from insane tribal politics.

Dumeitscu pointed us at a compound on the outskirts of Redding where Tutuola had located her command centre. Honouring our side of the deal was easy enough, given the amount of Wolf ‘Mechs we’d salvaged (Even if those were AMSC salvage first...). We set him up with a Marauder that we’d been able to get working again which was attached as an auxiliary to my lance. Sadly, most of the men we liberated with him were too badly injured to be combat effective, but even one ‘Mech would be a useful addition.

As we were going in to a densely populated area, I opted not to use artillery. Mass civilian casualties from indiscriminate fire would not look good. I have to admit that once we committed to the battle, I was tempted to reverse that decision and have the ship’s guns open up. After we’d killed off over a Trinary of her already understrength cluster, Tutuola had opted to consolidate her forces in key locations. This meant that we walked into a full binary of tanks, supported by a star each of Battle Armour and ‘Mechs, leaving us somewhat outnumbered. Added to that, they were heavily dug in, using the buildings for cover.

But we were committed, and our only option was to fight. If I pulled back now, we were not going to have a second shot at this. And despite their numbers and advantageous situation, my men were better equipped and more experienced. This was what made all the difference to the battle. We managed to kill or cripple a number of their vehicles relatively quickly, causing their formation to break up as they had to leave stragglers behind. Katrya’s air cav and Maria’s Battle Armour did a great job of harassing the enemy, plucking off units from their flanks or rear.

Unfortunately, Tutuola was using what advantages she had. She had several Battle Armour points dug into buildings and firing from cover; this included heavy and assault suits, which resulted in lethal SRM barrages. After some initial losses, she pulled her remaining tanks into a pile, allowing them to coordinate fire and basically forcing us to walk into a wall of shells and missiles. She had a few Hovers continue to harass our flanks, although these proved to be less effective than our VTOLs.

They took their toll; I don’t think a single one of our ‘Mechs escaped without heavy damage. Nikola’s Carronade was disabled by a Phalanx point, Shona’s Pixie was running around with a massive hole in its reactor shielding, I’d lost an arm and a number of others were on the verge of coming apart. And then things took an ugly turn. I got a signal from our chartered ship reporting that a Wolf Jumpship had entered the system via a pirate point and had immediately detached its own transports.

This was, of course, very bad. While they were still days away, it meant that our window for an escape was suddenly dramatically narrowing. The closer the Wolf reinforcements got to us, the sooner they could deploy their own fighters to cut us off. This meant that we needed to end his battle fast, take what we could and then get the hell away.

Zhen made a massive contribution towards this goal when he poured infernos onto the building that Tutuola’s Warg point was hiding in. This flushed her out into the open and under our guns. We quickly disabled a R10 IFV that was clearly called in to pick her up before turning our guns on her. Even then, she proved to be hard to kill, with the Wargs taking a lot of damage to shut down, in the end, it was Shona who took Tutuola down by kicking her suit and sending it back into the burning building she’d just escaped.

With the Star Colonel down, the remnants of her force did their best to retreat. I admit that we did kind of let them go, rather than risk losing more ‘Mechs while dragging out the battle. We did manage to pull a fair amount of salvage, however. While most of it was trashed tanks that were only good for parts, we pulled out a one-legged Wolverine and a decapitated but otherwise nearly intact Cronus. And we also were able to recover Nikola’s Carronade with him more or less unharmed.

And with that, we were off. We tore away from Shasta as fast as we could, just as the Wolves were burning towards it. While we did track a change in their course, it wasn’t enough for them to intercept us, allowing us to make a clean escape. I can only presume that they headed straight for the planet to deal with the mess that we left behind. The 19th has lost its leader, several of its officers and, by our best estimation, half its already depleted strength. Added to this, we captured or destroyed a number of supply dumps which will hamper their ability to rebuild. Finally, they’re going to be dealing with an armed uprising, which will keep them busy. The Empire have been trying to avoid traditional heavy-handed Clan tactics, which really wouldn’t work well with a former Free Worlds planet anyway. How they’re going to deal with the Red Rock remains to be seen.

For now, we’re headed to our next destination and stage two of this contract. While pirate hunting is not glamourous work, it’s going to be a bit of a pleasant break after Shasta. Well, unless the local politics turn out to be completely insane there as well which, with a Free Worlds planet, is a distinct possibility.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #198 on: 24 December 2017, 02:43:05 »

Star Type (Recharge Time): F8V (179 hours)
Position in system: 3 of 7
Time to jump point: 12 days
Number of Satellites: 6 (Banyule, Boondarra, Manningham, Monash, Stonnington, Whitehorse)
Surface Gravity: 1.08 g
Atmospheric Pressure: Thin (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 32 degrees (Tropical)
Surface Water: 50%
Highest Native Life: Birds
Recharge Station: Zenith
HPG Class: B (Inoperative)
Population (3145): 850,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-C-B-C-C
Landmasses (Capitol City): Glen Iris, Chadstone and Malvern (Batman)

Ashburton was first identified during the late 23rd century, with initial exploration suggesting that the world possessed a high degree of potential for colonisation. While thin, the atmosphere was still breathable at sea level without the need for life support or sophisticated terraforming. Divided into three continents by relatively small and shallow seas, much of the planet was dominated by open savannahs and dry deserts, tending towards tundra at the poles.

Another factor that drew the attention of colonists were the mountainous regions along the world's equator. Thrown up in the (geologically) relatively recent collision between two subcontinents, the atmosphere around the upper mountains was nominally too thin to support human life. On the other hand, surveys found that they were rich in valuable minerals including precious metals and radioactive. Additional exploration of the world's two largest moons also showed that they were rich in mineral resources, prompting development of lunar mining colonies.

Rather than the thin atmosphere, the greatest challenge that the initial colonisations faced came in the form of the world's native life forms. Several large species of aggressive bird like-predators, both airborne and flightless, existed, which quickly found that both the colonists and their transplanted livestock were easy prey. Creatures like the Direbeak (Superficially resembling a terran Allosaurus), the ominously named Death Razor or the bizarre four-winged Sky Shadow quickly became the bane of colonists, leading to organised hunts and culls. Today many of these species still survive, but their populations and movements are carefully watched.

Despite these setbacks, the colony continued to grow throughout the Age of War, where it was incorporated into the fledgling Free Worlds League. During the Star League, Ashburton's industry and economy grew, allowing it to export consumer goods and electronics to other nearby worlds. Some of it's native wildlife also became prized exports, with the so-called 'dino-birds' becoming star attractions at Zoos across the Inner Sphere. Despite this growth, the planet managed to remain agriculturally self-sufficient, a trait that would help it in the years to come.

The Succession Wars and their accompanying collapse of interstellar trade shattered Ashburton's economy, leading to mass unemployment across the planet. Efforts to retool much of its heavy manufacturing towards military production instead attracted deep raids form the Lyran Commonwealth.

The most disastrous of these came in 2815 when the Savage Horde Regiment, a Lyran employed mercenary command attacked the world. Facing only local militia troops, the Savage Horde ran wild, sacking several cities and destroying two with nuclear weapons while also levelling several weapons plants. Seemingly powerless to stop them, the Ashburton Militia received unexpected assistance when the Savage Horde encampment was over-run by a migratory Death Razor flock; the camp security had paid the creatures no heed, apparently unaware of just how dangerous the local life forms could be. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Ashburton Defence Force were able to move in and force the Savage Horde off-world.

The recovery of the Helm Memory core and the decoding of its secrets helped revitalise the world, especially following Captain-General Thomas Marik's agreement to supply weapons to the Federated Commonwealth. Ashburton found its industry revitalised as the Free Worlds economy surged, both with local manufacture and the export of raw materials. Under the second Star League, trade flourished which further spurred growth in both the military and civilian sectors.

Ashburton was not directly attacked during the Jihad, but did feel its effects. The Wainwright family, who had ruled the planet since the Second Succession War, openly supported the Word of Blake. As interstellar trade again collapsed, the planet's economy suffered as many of its booming industries suddenly collapsed. At the end of the Jihad with the collapse of the Free Worlds League, Ashburton was left as an independent world. The Wainwright family were deposed, with a democratic government installed in their place.

Unfortunately, efforts to revitalise the planet's flagging economy often met with defeat at the hands of that same democracy. With coalition governments being the norm, any attempt to pass a bill had to meet approval from the government’s parties before it could even go to a vote. For example, a bill to support the lucrative safari tourism market was killed by the Ecological Party following claims that Death Razors were actually sensitive creatures that were easily upset by sudden changes. The result was decades of economic stagnation crumbling infrastructure and struggling industries.

During the 3090s, rumours began to circulate that the world was home to fugitive Word of Blake forces. While no solid evidence was ever unearthed, this lead to several exploratory raids by RSMC forces. The Regulans achieved little but to turn over the rubble of ancient cities and damage already weakened industries. In a rare moment of unity, the Ashburton government called for support from the Marik Protectors, which served to discourage further Regulan adventurism.

In 3138, the Progress Party under Prime Minister Bruce McNally won a rare majority government and immediately set to work on a number of key reforms. Possibly the most important was their voting to join Jessica Marik's new Free Worlds League in 3139. This lead to an upturn in the previously moribund economy, and the first signs of real progress in decades. McNally was re-elected in 3142, and is expected to win a third term in 3146. While popular with the electorate, he has a lot of critics among the minor parties (Such as the Ecological Party and the ReMonarchists) who have seen their powerbase eroded.

At present, Ashburton is in an odd situation. It has a large population, a strong resource base and is located in the middle of a Successor State. It is also relatively undeveloped, due to decades of economic mismanagement However, given the precarious situation the Free Worlds League presently finds itself in, the planet's future as potentially bright as it is uncertain.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #199 on: 24 December 2017, 02:46:36 »
SAFE Intelligence Briefing ASHB-3145-129A

The pirate situation in Ashburton has been ongoing since the end of the Jihad, but in the last three years it has escalated considerably. The pirates have been better armed, better coordinated and definitely becoming more bold in their attacks. Unfortunately, due to their lack of mobility and years of operating on a shoestring budget under the auspices of ineffective governments, the Ashburton Defence Force has been unable to effectively deal with the situation.

While the various pirate groups do not act as a single organisation, it is clear that they share intelligence and coordinate operations. They have divided the planet up into a number of different territories based on each band’s capabilities. While usually their targets are confined to ocean-going vessels and costal ports, there have been attacks on overland shipping and other inland targets. In recent years, the pirates have become so bold as to attack such high profile targets as the Batman ports themselves.

The pirate bands are armed with a mixture of equipment, bur primarily are focused on hovercraft, VTOLs and surface naval vessels, supplemented by small infantry forces. They are known to use battle armour, and some unconfirmed reports suggest that they may have BattleMechs. However, these are more likely modified Industrial designs. Much of this equipment has only begun appearing in the last three years, suggesting an external backer. The most likely candidate is the Regulan Fiefs, given Ashburton’s precarious position in the narrow ‘neck’ of the League between them and the Wolf Empire.

While the pirates do not enjoy any popular support, it is clear that they are well supplied with local, on the ground intelligence. Their attacks are often very precisely targeted, going after specific cargoes or shipments that they have been presumably directed to by insider intelligence. Given that the planet has only begun to emerge from years of economic chaos, it is likely that they run off a network of paid-off informants. Given some of the issues that the ADF has had in past with dealing with the pirates, it is possible that there are informants within their ranks as well.

It is possible that there is one other area providing support for the pirates. The ReMonarchist party had advocated a return to the rule of the Wainright family, and have bene headed up by a scion of the family for decades. The party was marginalised by Prime Minister McNally’s Progress Party, and left holding only two federal seats and having no real power in the house of representatives. A member of the Wainright family were among a group of pirates captured by the ADF, only to be subsequently released during a targeted breakout.
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #200 on: 24 December 2017, 09:09:54 »

Star Type (Recharge Time): F8V (179 hours)
Position in system: 3 of 7
Time to jump point: 12 days
Number of Satellites: 6 (Banyule, Boondarra, Manningham, Monash, Stonnington, Whitehorse)
Surface Gravity: 1.08 g
Atmospheric Pressure: Thin (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 32 degrees (Tropical)
Surface Water: 50%
Highest Native Life: Birds
Recharge Station: Zenith
HPG Class: B (Inoperative)
Population (3145): 850,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-C-B-C-C
Landmasses (Capitol City): Glen Iris, Chadstone and Malvern (Batman)

Ashburton was first identified during the late 23rd century, with initial exploration suggesting that the world possessed a high degree of potential for colonisation. While thin, the atmosphere was still breathable at sea level without the need for life support or sophisticated terraforming. Divided into three continents by relatively small and shallow seas, much of the planet was dominated by open savannahs and dry deserts, tending towards tundra at the poles.

Another factor that drew the attention of colonists were the mountainous regions along the world's equator. Thrown up in the (geologically) relatively recent collision between two subcontinents, the atmosphere around the upper mountains was nominally too thin to support human life. On the other hand, surveys found that they were rich in valuable minerals including precious metals and radioactive. Additional exploration of the world's two largest moons also showed that they were rich in mineral resources, prompting development of lunar mining colonies.

Rather than the thin atmosphere, the greatest challenge that the initial colonisations faced came in the form of the world's native life forms. Several large species of aggressive bird like-predators, both airborne and flightless, existed, which quickly found that both the colonists and their transplanted livestock were easy prey. Creatures like the Direbeak (Superficially resembling a terran Allosaurus), the ominously named Death Razor or the bizarre four-winged Sky Shadow quickly became the bane of colonists, leading to organised hunts and culls. Today many of these species still survive, but their populations and movements are carefully watched.

Despite these setbacks, the colony continued to grow throughout the Age of War, where it was incorporated into the fledgling Free Worlds League. During the Star League, Ashburton's industry and economy grew, allowing it to export consumer goods and electronics to other nearby worlds. Some of it's native wildlife also became prized exports, with the so-called 'dino-birds' becoming star attractions at Zoos across the Inner Sphere. Despite this growth, the planet managed to remain agriculturally self-sufficient, a trait that would help it in the years to come.

The Succession Wars and their accompanying collapse of interstellar trade shattered Ashburton's economy, leading to mass unemployment across the planet. Efforts to retool much of its heavy manufacturing towards military production instead attracted deep raids form the Lyran Commonwealth.

The most disastrous of these came in 2815 when the Savage Horde Regiment, a Lyran employed mercenary command attacked the world. Facing only local militia troops, the Savage Horde ran wild, sacking several cities and destroying two with nuclear weapons while also levelling several weapons plants. Seemingly powerless to stop them, the Ashburton Militia received unexpected assistance when the Savage Horde encampment was over-run by a migratory Death Razor flock; the camp security had paid the creatures no heed, apparently unaware of just how dangerous the local life forms could be. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Ashburton Defence Force were able to move in and force the Savage Horde off-world.

The recovery of the Helm Memory core and the decoding of its secrets helped revitalise the world, especially following Captain-General Thomas Marik's agreement to supply weapons to the Federated Commonwealth. Ashburton found its industry revitalised as the Free Worlds economy surged, both with local manufacture and the export of raw materials. Under the second Star League, trade flourished which further spurred growth in both the military and civilian sectors.

Ashburton was not directly attacked during the Jihad, but did feel its effects. The Wainwright family, who had ruled the planet since the Second Succession War, openly supported the Word of Blake. As interstellar trade again collapsed, the planet's economy suffered as many of its booming industries suddenly collapsed. At the end of the Jihad with the collapse of the Free Worlds League, Ashburton was left as an independent world. The Wainwright family were deposed, with a democratic government installed in their place.

Unfortunately, efforts to revitalise the planet's flagging economy often met with defeat at the hands of that same democracy. With coalition governments being the norm, any attempt to pass a bill had to meet approval from the government’s parties before it could even go to a vote. For example, a bill to support the lucrative safari tourism market was killed by the Ecological Party following claims that Death Razors were actually sensitive creatures that were easily upset by sudden changes. The result was decades of economic stagnation crumbling infrastructure and struggling industries.

During the 3090s, rumours began to circulate that the world was home to fugitive Word of Blake forces. While no solid evidence was ever unearthed, this lead to several exploratory raids by RSMC forces. The Regulans achieved little but to turn over the rubble of ancient cities and damage already weakened industries. In a rare moment of unity, the Ashburton government called for support from the Marik Protectors, which served to discourage further Regulan adventurism.

In 3138, the Progress Party under Prime Minister Bruce McNally won a rare majority government and immediately set to work on a number of key reforms. Possibly the most important was their voting to join Jessica Marik's new Free Worlds League in 3139. This lead to an upturn in the previously moribund economy, and the first signs of real progress in decades. McNally was re-elected in 3142, and is expected to win a third term in 3146. While popular with the electorate, he has a lot of critics among the minor parties (Such as the Ecological Party and the ReMonarchists) who have seen their powerbase eroded.

At present, Ashburton is in an odd situation. It has a large population, a strong resource base and is located in the middle of a Successor State. It is also relatively undeveloped, due to decades of economic mismanagement However, given the precarious situation the Free Worlds League presently finds itself in, the planet's future as potentially bright as it is uncertain.

Do I detect subtle influences from a certain movie involving blue-skinned aliens in part of this write-up?
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #201 on: 24 December 2017, 19:24:03 »
Do I detect subtle influences from a certain movie involving blue-skinned aliens in part of this write-up?

If you do, then I didn't plan them at all.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #202 on: 24 December 2017, 19:35:27 »
Loved that write-up of Ashburton. Two things:

1) The Savage Horde Regiment is a great name for a SW-era merc unit.
2) The capital is called Batman? I hope you get some mileage out of that one, dude.  ;)

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #203 on: 24 December 2017, 20:05:32 »
Loved that write-up of Ashburton. Two things:

1) The Savage Horde Regiment is a great name for a SW-era merc unit.
2) The capital is called Batman? I hope you get some mileage out of that one, dude.  ;)

Thanks for that!

The Savage Horde are at this point nothing beyond what I wrote there, but I could allways develop them in future for whatever reason.

As for the name... funny story. Ashburton is the name of a suburb in Melbourne, so I named the continents and moons for other parts of the same city. So while I could have called the capitol that, the funny thing is that Melbourne was almost called "Batman" instead. So naturally, I had to go with that.

It's a city that does have a lot of elaborate high-rise architecture, mind you.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #204 on: 24 December 2017, 20:41:41 »
Super, man. Super.

Nice update.

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
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Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #205 on: 24 December 2017, 20:53:35 »
As for the name... funny story. Ashburton is the name of a suburb in Melbourne, so I named the continents and moons for other parts of the same city. So while I could have called the capitol that, the funny thing is that Melbourne was almost called "Batman" instead. So naturally, I had to go with that.

Hunh, I think I had learned that years ago from a Cracked article, except my recollection (confirmed by Wikipedia) is that the settlement that became Melbourne spent the first year of it's existence under the name "Batmania"; and I'm not gonna lie, now that I know that I'm a little disappointed you didn't go with that instead.  :))

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #206 on: 24 December 2017, 21:22:13 »
I’m assuming the ADF are also a subtle nod as well then? Like it.

And great to see the Irregualrs back in action!

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #207 on: 28 December 2017, 09:07:02 »
Since I'm pretty sure that none of my players are reading this, I'm really excited for the next session. I get to unleash a custom 'Mech I've been sitting on since the start of the campaign.
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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #208 on: 28 December 2017, 21:19:51 »
Since I'm pretty sure that none of my players are reading this, I'm really excited for the next session. I get to unleash a custom 'Mech I've been sitting on since the start of the campaign.

Ohhhh.... can we get some sneak peek action?

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Magyari's Irregulars (3145-era Mercenary unit)
« Reply #209 on: 28 December 2017, 21:24:52 »
Ohhhh.... can we get some sneak peek action?

Here's some clues:

  • It weighs 60 tons
  • It was made in the FWL, although I don't know it's post-Jihad production status
  • I removed the jump jets from the variant that I used as the basis for this custom
  • It's the favouroite 'Mech of 1990's sexiest man alive
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

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