Author Topic: 12 random-roll scenarios balanced for BV2.0 pickup or tournament games-updated!  (Read 4338 times)


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  • Posts: 1980
This is still a work-in-progress, so any help offered would be most welcome. Also, a lot of these scenarios are even more exciting when using my single-table, easy double-blind rules so take a look at those, too!


This is a list of 12 scenarios, designed to be randomly rolled, for use in tournament settings (and casual play!) Several of them are adapted from the end of Total Warfare, but are expanded upon and balanced for forces using the same total BV regardless of the scenario.

Some of them are designed to favor fast units, even going so far as to exclude the slowest units; others favor the slower, powerful units. Some scenarios have a definite advantage for expensive, small units, whereas others will give an advantage to the player with cheap hordes. This variance is to encourage construction of flexible opfors with as broad a variety of unit types as possible.

Each scenario consists of six sections:

BRIEFING: A short explanation of what led to the scenario.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: An explanation of how mapsheets should be laid for the scenario, as well as where and how the attacker and defender may place their miniatures. Each scenario assumes two mapsheets for up to 2,500 BV, four mapsheets for up to 8,000 BV, and nine mapsheets for up to 12,000 BV. Whenever used, the term "map" refers to the spread of mapsheets as a whole, rather than one individual mapsheet.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Any special rules that apply to both sides.
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: Any special rules that apply to just the attacker.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: Any special rules that apply to only the defender.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: An explanation of what is required to win the scenario, which is (for most scenarios) based on BV destroyed by either side, with the side having destroyed the most BV being judged the victor. When using the Forced Withdrawal rules, a unit forced to withdraw that makes it off its side's table edge is worth half its total BV towards the total (unless otherwise noted).

To use these properly, follow this procedure:
1) Roll to determine who is the attacker and who the defender (each player rolls a dice and high number picks, or or 1-3 one person 4-6 the other).
2) Roll 1d6 to determine whether or not you are on Table 1 or Table 2, then roll a second dice to determine the specific scenario:

Quote from: 1-3=Table One

Quote from: 4-6=Table Two
[Dev note: I could have used a 2d6 table rather than two rolls of 1d6, but I would rather not have the bell curve of 2d6 influencing the most likely results. I wanted the results to be as random as I could.]

BRIEFING: During the initial stages of an invasion, two sides will send out their faster-moving units to pin down the opposing side for long enough to attack with their slower units.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: Set up the mapsheets in a square arrangement, with each side deploying along the long map edges. Any units with a Walk/Cruise MP of 6 or higher is deployed within 3 hexes of their side's map edge, with the rest being held in reserve. Any maps will do other than city-oriented types.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Units with Walk/Cruise MP of 5 move in from their side's map edge at the start of the 5th turn. Units with Walk/Cruise MP of 4 move in from their side's map edge at the start of the 10th turn. Units with Walk/Cruise MP of 3 or lower may not be deployed unless they are transported by faster units. The game ends at 20 turns or if one side withdraws completely.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: Units destroyed before the 10th turn passes (when the 4 MP units deploy) count for double BV, with units forced to withdraw before that turn counting for their full BV rather than half.

BRIEFING: "In recent decades, as armies attempt to capture and hold targets intact, scorched earth has become an extremely rare policy. It is only used when long-term victory is impossible or when the target is too valuable to fall into enemy hands." -TRO 3025
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets should be laid out in a square arrangement. Half the maps must be urban/city maps, with 2 buildings per 1,000 BV of the game. The defender may deploy anywhere within the urban maps, and the attacker must deploy within 3 hexes of the edge farthest away from the urban maps.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Each building is considered to have 40 CV, with half of them being Level 1 buildings and the other half being Level 2 or higher. The game ends at 20 turns, when all the buildings are destroyed, or if one side withdraws completely.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: In addition to the standard BV rewards, each building that the defender destroys adds 200 BV to his total. Each building intact at the end of the game adds 200 BV to the attacker's total.

BRIEFING: The remains of a battlefield can leave valuable debris for the victor, but only if he knows that it's there. In this case, he left an ejected and wounded pilot behind, one that is important... and now, he has to retrieve the pilot before the other side does.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets are deployed end-to-end to give as long of a field as possible (if using more than four maps, place the other maps alongside the first four in a second layer.) Place a single token in the very center to represent the damaged full-head ejection pod of the pilot. Each side deploys their units within the unit's Walk/Cruise MP of one short edge. The game lasts 20 turns or until one side achieves the victory condition.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: In order to pick up the pod, a 'Mech must have two operational hand actuators remain and cannot move for one turn in a hex adjacent to that pod. No 'Mech can run while carrying the pod. Because of the pod's weight and awkwardness, a light 'Mech has its Walk MP reduced by one while carrying the pod. If a 'Mech carrying the pod fails a piloting test, has any of its arm actuators destroyed, is destroyed itself, or if the player chooses to, it drops the pod in the hex directly in front of it.
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: Forced withdrawal.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: Forced withdrawal.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The side that carries the ejection pod off its deployment zone map edge wins. If time runs out, the player whose deployment zone is nearest the ejection pod is declared the winner.

BRIEFING: "...The rest of the battle had stopped in an informal truce around the two Assault 'Mechs. All of them knew that those two pilots would decide the outcome of their petty struggle. This battle would make history, and the two MechWarriors fighting it were destined for immortality." - Warrior, En Garde
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets should be arranged in a square arrangement, with an area in the center as free of terrain obstacles as possible. Each side deploys their 'Mechs along the longest side of the maps within 3 hexes of the edge. The two commander 'Mechs (detailed below) are deployed at the center-hex of their side's map-edge.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Each player nominates the 'Mech with the highest BV OR overall weight (their choice as to which) as the commander. The only 'Mech that can fire on that 'Mech is the enemy commander until one of them is destroyed or forced to withdraw. If random effects would ordinarily hit one or the other (artillery scatter, Swarm missiles) they automatically miss.
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: The 'Mech chosen as the commander gets a 1-point bonus to their Gunnery and Piloting skills. Forced Withdrawal is in effect.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: The 'Mech chosen as the commander gets a 1-point bonus to their Gunnery and Piloting skills. Forced Withdrawal is in effect.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The 'Mech chosen as the commander is worth double BV if destroyed or forced to withdraw by the other player's commander. Otherwise ordinary victory conditions are in effect.

BRIEFING: Amateurs study strategy, professionals - well, you know the rest. The keystone of warfare is logistics, and the key of logistics are supply depots.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets are placed in a square, with two counters (representing a supply pile) per 1,000 BV placed in the center of the mapsheets, plus one extra to make the total number of counters odd. The defender deploys his chosen units (see below) within 3 hexes of any supply pile counter, and the attacker deploys within 4 hexes of any corner (note: it can be multiple corners!) The game ends at the 20th turn, or when all the counters are destroyed.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Each counter represents a building with a CV of 20. Once all the CV is gone, the building is destroyed.
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 6 or higher, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: The defender may only deploy an amount of units equal to 1/4th the total BV (rounded up to the nearest 1k) initially. At the start of the 5th turn, 1/4th more may move in from any map edge. At the start of the 10th turn, the remainder of the defender's force deploys from any table edge.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: If the attacker has destroyed more supply depots by the end of the 20th turn, then the attacker is the winner. If the attacker has not destroyed more total, than the defender is the winner.
[DEV NOTE: This is a hard one to balance so far; it's been very, very tricky... I THINK I've got it right with 20 CV buildings, 1/4th of the defender's force starting on the table, and only units with 6 MP or higher on the attacker's side, but...]

BRIEFING: "All men die. Not every man chooses where and why he dies. Today, we choose to die as heroes."
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets are deployed in a square. The defender deploys his units within 3 hexes of the maps' long center-line. The attacker deploys his units within 3 hexes of one long map-edge. The game ends at the 20th turn.
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 6 or higher at the beginning of the game, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies. At the start of the 5th turn, any units that have a 4 or greater Walk/Cruise MP may move on from the attacker's map edge. At the start of the 10th turn, the attacker may move any remaining units on from his map edge. The attacker uses the Forced Withdrawal rules.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: The attacker splits his units into two equal (or as close as possible) halves according to BV, then rolls randomly to see which half he deploys and which half he leaves behind. He may use the Hidden Deployment rules for up to half of his deployed force.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: If the defender has destroyed or forced to withdraw more than half of the attacker's BV total (note that units forced to withdraw still only count for half their BV) before being destroyed, he wins. Otherwise, the attacker wins.

I'm making a change to the format of these missions - each will start with a 'quote' (even if I make it up, in which case it won't be attributed), then a briefing that clearly explains the mission, then the Maps & Game Length. The Deployment & Special Rules section for each side will be explained under that area, for further clarity (and so people don't have to go scrambling through a paragraph to find rules that relate only to their side.) I'll make a change to the already-posted missions once I'm done with this post.

And, by the way, if you can add anything (even coming up with a better Btech-related quote!) I'd welcome it.

"Long ago, when the advent of tanks meant that truly mobile warfare was possible, the concept of schwerpunkt was first named. Schwerpunkt is the focal point of a battle, which if you could break through, you could encircle and destroy the shattered remnants of the enemy line. A full ten centuries later, the schwerpunkt remains a key concept of warfare."
BRIEFING: The lines have clashed, and the both sides have a clear goal. The attacker: penetrate the enemy lines. The defender: prevent the same.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  The mapsheets should be placed short end to short end to make as long a map as possible, up until four mapsheets. If using eight mapsheets, place the second four mapsheets in a line next to the first four.  The game lasts 20 turns or until one side achieves victory.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: At the start of the combat, roll a d6. On a roll of one, the first five turns are fought using night-fighting rules. On a roll of 6, the last five turns are fought using night-fighting rules.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys within 10 hexes of one map edge, and is only subject to Forced Withdrawal for the half of the map closest to his map edge.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender's deployment zone starts 25 hexes away from the attacker's table edge. The defender may use Hidden Deployment rules for up to one-fourth of his total force, and is subject to Forced Withdrawal.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The victory is calculated using BV, with the following modifications: Any of the attacker's 'Mechs which are destroyed or forced to withdraw are worth double the normal BV to to the defender's total, while the attacker adds the BV value of any 'Mechs which leave the defender's map edge to his own total.

"Lostech. Water. Food. Land. Ammunition. Treasure. Even knowledge. All of these and more have been the underlying cause beneath the roiling turmoil of war for centuries, and will continue to be for the centuries to come."
BRIEFING: Scattered across the battlefield are invaluable resources that must be taken, or if not taken then controlled so the enemy doesn't have easy access to them.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH: Roll a d6: On a 1-3, the battle takes place in a cityscape with 1d6 buildings per map. On a 4-6, the battle takes place in a wilderness area. The mapsheets are laid out in a square formation. The battle lasts for 20 turns or until one side achieves victory.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: There are two counters for every 1,000 BV of the battle size chosen, representing the resources being fought over. Each player takes it in turns to place them, with the following caveats: No counter may be placed within five hexes of either deployment zone, or closer than five hexes to each other, and if the battle takes place in a cityscape, each counter must be placed within a building. The counters may be picked up, carried, and put down by 'Mechs, but only if the 'Mech has at least one functioning hand actuator.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys within 5 hexes of one long map edge. Forced Withdrawal.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender deploys within 5 hexes of the opposite long map edge as the defender. Forced Withdrawal.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: Standard BV rules apply, with the following additions:
+200 BV per counter 'controlled' at the end of the battle (the side with the highest-BV unit closest to the counter controls it.)
+500 BV per counter carried off one side's respective map edge. 'Mechs which carry a counter off may not return to the battlefield, but do not give 1/2 their BV for Forced Withdrawal unless they were subject to Forced Withdrawal.

[DEV NOTE: In practice, this means that light 'Mechs tend to rush in, carry off what they can, and the big boys stay in to duke it out over the rest - with Forced Withdrawal pathways often trying to go over a counter so the damaged 'Mech can pick up a counter on the way out of the battlefield. It's fun!]

"Given the choice between a death sentence and J-27 duty, many choose the death sentence. At first this claim was dismissed as hyperbole, but studies have shown this to be true.... and may be no choice at all. The mortality rate for J-27 crews is triple that of any other military vehicle." - TRO 3025, J-27 Transport entry (paraphased)
BRIEFING: A convoy of much-needed ammunition and armor is being taken to the front. The attacker's goal is to disable or destroy as many transports as possible, while the defender's goal is to get them off the table, or to throw back the attackers - whichever might be easier.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets are laid out lengthwise, short end to short end, to form as long a map as possible, up until four mapsheets long. If using more, place the second row of mapsheets alongside the first. The defender deploys his J-27s in a line one hex apart, starting at one short edge of the map, and may deploy his forces within three hexes of any J-27 once finished placing the J-27s. The attacker moves on the map at the start of the first turn, from any of the three map edges which are not the defender's starting edge. The game lasts for 20 turns or until the last J-27 is off the board, either destroyed or moved from the far map edge by the defender.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: For every 1,000 BV of the match, the defender controls one J-27 transport in addition to his regular forces. (tracked 5/8, 6 armor per side, 1 MG armament for those who lack the information).
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 6 or higher, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies. Forced Withdrawal rules are in effect for the attacker.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: The defender may not deploy any vehicles or Battlemechs that weigh greater than 75 tons. (The heaviest units would be at the front line, not escorting a ammo convoy, after all.) The defender's pilots will NOT retreat using Forced Withdrawal - no doubt afraid of ending up on a J-27 crew themselves!
VICTORY CONDITIONS: In addition to standard BV rules, each J-27 destroyed is worth 500 BV to the attacker, or if intact is worth 500 BV to the defender.

[DEV NOTE: This one is still... well, might need more balancing. I've only played it a few times and I'm kinda judging the value by eye; the J-27s can move mighty fast, especially across a small table, but are vulnerable to even two hits. I experimented with reducing the defender's skills, but the restriction of not using the heaviest 'Mechs seems to do the trick nicely and makes the most sense.]

I'm deleting the TAKE AND HOLD mission because in typing it up it's too similar to the RESOURCE RUSH mission - there were minor differences (it was to take a large, important building, with infantry or BA that got into the building worth triple BV scoring), but I'll have to create another mission that highlights the importance of having SOME infantry in your opfor. Still, I want to get this up and done, so I'm moving right along.

"All's fair, in love and war - pfagh! Nothing's fair in war, and that's the way I like it."
BRIEFING: The attacker is about to spring an ambush onto an unsuspecting defender. The defender's goal: Survive. The attacker's: Wipe them out utterly.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  The mapsheets are placed long-end to long-end for a maximum of three mapsheets (the fourth is discarded if playing with four mapsheets). If playing with six mapsheets, place the second row alongside the first. The game lasts for twenty turns or until the defenders are destroyed.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Roll a d6. On a 1-2, the first five turns take place under darkness conditions. On a 5-6, the last five turns take place under darkness conditions.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys his entire force according to the Hidden Deployment rules, within 5 hexes of any long map edge or 15 hexes of the short edge opposite the defender's. In addition, he may place two vibromine fields per 1,000 BV of the game anywhere but in the defender's deployment zone. He is under effect of Forced Withdrawal.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender deploys in a zone extending 15 hexes from one short map edge and not closer than 5 hexes to either long map edge. He may not deploy any ground units with an Walk or Cruise MP greater than 5.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The defender gains normal BV points per attacker unit destroyed or forced to withdraw, but also adds to his total the BV of any of his own units that successfully move off the far table edge.

[DEV NOTE: The vibromine fields offset the BV advantage that the defender can gain by successfully moving his own forces off the far table edge, but I'm still not sure if it should be one or two per 1,000 BV... one is too few and two might be too many...]

"While some commanders at regimental level might wish they could command from their 'Mechs, the truth of that scale is that it requires a dedicated HQ post - which can be dangerously vulnerable."
BRIEFING: The attacker has found and prepared an attack on the defender's headquarters. The defender wants to throw back the attack, and the attacker wants to decapitate the defender's HQ before it has a chance to respond.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  Place the mapsheets in a square, with wilderness maps chosen. The defender places in the middle of the map a building with a CF of 60: this is his HQ building.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Roll a d6. On a 1-3, the first five turns are under the darkness rules.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may deploy within 5 (10 on any maps larger than 4 mapsheets) hexes of any map edge, and may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 5 or higher, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender splits his force into two equal halves, then rolls randomly to see which he places within 10 hexes of the HQ and which are in reserve. In addition, he designates the highest-BV 'Mech as belonging to the regimental commander: this deploys next to the HQ building and may not take any action for the first five turns, but recieves a +1 bonus to both skills.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: If the attacker destroys the HQ and the command 'Mech, he wins. If he does not, the defender wins.

OK, that's it. I'm burnt. I'm gonna play some Plants vs. Zombies and then... get back to the first post tomorrow, after I'm done looking for a new job. *sigh*


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Can I use those?
"Victory or Debt!"- The Battlecry of Mercenaries everywhere

"Greetings, Mechwarrior! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against---Oops, wrong universe" - Unknown SLDF Recruiter

Reality and Battletech go hand in hand like a drug induced hallucination and engineering a fusion reactor ;-)


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1980
Can I use those?
Why, of course! Mochiron! Certainement! That's what they're there for!

*ahem* I give anyone who wants to use anything that I post in this forum permission to use under the GNU General Public License.... or some such nonsense. I do ask that you remember ol' Fanboy if you do so, however.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 166
    • The Battletech Zone
Just waiting for the 2nd half. I love these scenarios, and can't wait until the other 6 are posted!  [notworthy] [rockon]

Don't make me use the haggis on you! - Wolflord

If a man knows not, and knows not that he knows not, shun him.
If a man knows not, and knows that he knows not, teach him.
If a man knows, and knows that he knows, follow him.


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1980
Just waiting for the 2nd half. I love these scenarios, and can't wait until the other 6 are posted!  [notworthy] [rockon]
Sorry, I got caught up in real life - I've actually got another tab open with a reply that has the other 6 scenarios halfway done... I'll work on it tonight, methinks.


  • Private
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  • Posts: 35
These are really outstanding! I only have the 25th Anniversary Box rules and this'll get me a lot more mileage out of them.  :)
Darker Days Radio - The World of Darkness Podcast


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 666
tagged. Awesome
I mean, it's not like once you having something in low Earth orbit you can stick a gassy astronaut on the outside after Chili Night and fart it anywhere in the solar system.


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1980
I'm making a change to the format of these missions - each will start with a 'quote' (even if I make it up, in which case it won't be attributed), then a briefing that clearly explains the mission, then the Maps & Game Length. The Deployment & Special Rules section for each side will be explained under that area, for further clarity (and so people don't have to go scrambling through a paragraph to find rules that relate only to their side.) I'll make a change to the already-posted missions once I'm done with this post.

And, by the way, if you can add anything (even coming up with a better Btech-related quote!) I'd welcome it.

"Long ago, when the advent of tanks meant that truly mobile warfare was possible, the concept of schwerpunkt was first named. Schwerpunkt is the focal point of a battle, which if you could break through, you could encircle and destroy the shattered remnants of the enemy line. A full ten centuries later, the schwerpunkt remains a key concept of warfare."
BRIEFING: The lines have clashed, and the both sides have a clear goal. The attacker: penetrate the enemy lines. The defender: prevent the same.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  The mapsheets should be placed short end to short end to make as long a map as possible, up until four mapsheets. If using eight mapsheets, place the second four mapsheets in a line next to the first four.  The game lasts 20 turns or until one side achieves victory.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: At the start of the combat, roll a d6. On a roll of one, the first five turns are fought using night-fighting rules. On a roll of 6, the last five turns are fought using night-fighting rules.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys within 10 hexes of one map edge, and is only subject to Forced Withdrawal for the half of the map closest to his map edge.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender's deployment zone starts 25 hexes away from the attacker's table edge. The defender may use Hidden Deployment rules for up to one-fourth of his total force, and is subject to Forced Withdrawal.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The victory is calculated using BV, with the following modifications: Any of the attacker's 'Mechs which are destroyed or forced to withdraw are worth double the normal BV to to the defender's total, while the attacker adds the BV value of any 'Mechs which leave the defender's map edge to his own total.

"Lostech. Water. Food. Land. Ammunition. Treasure. Even knowledge. All of these and more have been the underlying cause beneath the roiling turmoil of war for centuries, and will continue to be for the centuries to come."
BRIEFING: Scattered across the battlefield are invaluable resources that must be taken, or if not taken then controlled so the enemy doesn't have easy access to them.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH: Roll a d6: On a 1-3, the battle takes place in a cityscape with 1d6 buildings per map. On a 4-6, the battle takes place in a wilderness area. The mapsheets are laid out in a square formation. The battle lasts for 20 turns or until one side achieves victory.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: There are two counters for every 1,000 BV of the battle size chosen, representing the resources being fought over. Each player takes it in turns to place them, with the following caveats: No counter may be placed within five hexes of either deployment zone, or closer than five hexes to each other, and if the battle takes place in a cityscape, each counter must be placed within a building. The counters may be picked up, carried, and put down by 'Mechs, but only if the 'Mech has at least one functioning hand actuator.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys within 5 hexes of one long map edge. Forced Withdrawal.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender deploys within 5 hexes of the opposite long map edge as the defender. Forced Withdrawal.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: Standard BV rules apply, with the following additions:
+200 BV per counter 'controlled' at the end of the battle (the side with the highest-BV unit closest to the counter controls it.)
+500 BV per counter carried off one side's respective map edge. 'Mechs which carry a counter off may not return to the battlefield, but do not give 1/2 their BV for Forced Withdrawal unless they were subject to Forced Withdrawal.

[DEV NOTE: In practice, this means that light 'Mechs tend to rush in, carry off what they can, and the big boys stay in to duke it out over the rest - with Forced Withdrawal pathways often trying to go over a counter so the damaged 'Mech can pick up a counter on the way out of the battlefield. It's fun!]

"Given the choice between a death sentence and J-27 duty, many choose the death sentence. At first this claim was dismissed as hyperbole, but studies have shown this to be true.... and may be no choice at all. The mortality rate for J-27 crews is triple that of any other military vehicle." - TRO 3025, J-27 Transport entry (paraphased)
BRIEFING: A convoy of much-needed ammunition and armor is being taken to the front. The attacker's goal is to disable or destroy as many transports as possible, while the defender's goal is to get them off the table, or to throw back the attackers - whichever might be easier.
MAPS & DEPLOYMENT: The mapsheets are laid out lengthwise, short end to short end, to form as long a map as possible, up until four mapsheets long. If using more, place the second row of mapsheets alongside the first. The defender deploys his J-27s in a line one hex apart, starting at one short edge of the map, and may deploy his forces within three hexes of any J-27 once finished placing the J-27s. The attacker moves on the map at the start of the first turn, from any of the three map edges which are not the defender's starting edge. The game lasts for 20 turns or until the last J-27 is off the board, either destroyed or moved from the far map edge by the defender.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: For every 1,000 BV of the match, the defender controls one J-27 transport in addition to his regular forces. (tracked 5/8, 6 armor per side, 1 MG armament for those who lack the information).
ATTACKER SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 6 or higher, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies. Forced Withdrawal rules are in effect for the attacker.
DEFENDER SPECIAL RULES: The defender may not deploy any vehicles or Battlemechs that weigh greater than 75 tons. (The heaviest units would be at the front line, not escorting a ammo convoy, after all.) The defender's pilots will NOT retreat using Forced Withdrawal - no doubt afraid of ending up on a J-27 crew themselves!
VICTORY CONDITIONS: In addition to standard BV rules, each J-27 destroyed is worth 500 BV to the attacker, or if intact is worth 500 BV to the defender.

[DEV NOTE: This one is still... well, might need more balancing. I've only played it a few times and I'm kinda judging the value by eye; the J-27s can move mighty fast, especially across a small table, but are vulnerable to even two hits. I experimented with reducing the defender's skills, but the restriction of not using the heaviest 'Mechs seems to do the trick nicely and makes the most sense.]

I'm deleting the TAKE AND HOLD mission because in typing it up it's too similar to the RESOURCE RUSH mission - there were minor differences (it was to take a large, important building, with infantry or BA that got into the building worth triple BV scoring), but I'll have to create another mission that highlights the importance of having SOME infantry in your opfor. Still, I want to get this up and done, so I'm moving right along.

"All's fair, in love and war - pfagh! Nothing's fair in war, and that's the way I like it."
BRIEFING: The attacker is about to spring an ambush onto an unsuspecting defender. The defender's goal: Survive. The attacker's: Wipe them out utterly.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  The mapsheets are placed long-end to long-end for a maximum of three mapsheets (the fourth is discarded if playing with four mapsheets). If playing with six mapsheets, place the second row alongside the first. The game lasts for twenty turns or until the defenders are destroyed.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Roll a d6. On a 1-2, the first five turns take place under darkness conditions. On a 5-6, the last five turns take place under darkness conditions.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker deploys his entire force according to the Hidden Deployment rules, within 5 hexes of any long map edge or 15 hexes of the short edge opposite the defender's. In addition, he may place two vibromine fields per 1,000 BV of the game anywhere but in the defender's deployment zone. He is under effect of Forced Withdrawal.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender deploys in a zone extending 15 hexes from one short map edge and not closer than 5 hexes to either long map edge. He may not deploy any ground units with an Walk or Cruise MP greater than 5.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The defender gains normal BV points per attacker unit destroyed or forced to withdraw, but also adds to his total the BV of any of his own units that successfully move off the far table edge.

[DEV NOTE: The vibromine fields offset the BV advantage that the defender can gain by successfully moving his own forces off the far table edge, but I'm still not sure if it should be one or two per 1,000 BV... one is too few and two might be too many...]

"While some commanders at regimental level might wish they could command from their 'Mechs, the truth of that scale is that it requires a dedicated HQ post - which can be dangerously vulnerable."
BRIEFING: The attacker has found and prepared an attack on the defender's headquarters. The defender wants to throw back the attack, and the attacker wants to decapitate the defender's HQ before it has a chance to respond.
MAPS & GAME LENGTH:  Place the mapsheets in a square, with wilderness maps chosen. The defender places in the middle of the map a building with a CF of 60: this is his HQ building.
OVERALL SPECIAL RULES: Roll a d6. On a 1-3, the first five turns are under the darkness rules.
ATTACKER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The attacker may deploy within 5 (10 on any maps larger than 4 mapsheets) hexes of any map edge, and may only deploy units that have a Walk/Cruise MP of 5 or higher, unless they are transported aboard a unit that qualifies.
DEFENDER DEPLOYMENT & SPECIAL RULES: The defender splits his force into two equal halves, then rolls randomly to see which he places within 10 hexes of the HQ and which are in reserve. In addition, he designates the highest-BV 'Mech as belonging to the regimental commander: this deploys next to the HQ building and may not take any action for the first five turns, but recieves a +1 bonus to both skills.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: If the attacker destroys the HQ and the command 'Mech, he wins. If he does not, the defender wins.

OK, that's it. I'm burnt. I'm gonna play some Plants vs. Zombies and then... get back to the first post tomorrow, after I'm done looking for a new job. *sigh*


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 166
    • The Battletech Zone
Thanks a lot! These scenarios will make pickup games more interesting!

Don't make me use the haggis on you! - Wolflord

If a man knows not, and knows not that he knows not, shun him.
If a man knows not, and knows that he knows not, teach him.
If a man knows, and knows that he knows, follow him.


  • Corporal
  • *
  • Posts: 53
       I like these alot. I would like to point out that RESCUE is missing and in it's place is CONVOY ASSAULT. It's just a minor point, but just something I noticed. Keep up the great work.
Clan Snow Ravens Psi Galaxy "Nevermore"


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 1980
       I like these alot. I would like to point out that RESCUE is missing and in it's place is CONVOY ASSAULT. It's just a minor point, but just something I noticed. Keep up the great work.
Well, originally the RESCUE mission was 'escorting a set of vehicles containing refugees from one side of the board to the other', then I was casually flipping through my TRO 3025, saw the J-27, and thought, "why not?"

Thanks to everyone for your words of praise! Encouragement is what I needs for further working, after all. :p


  • Recruit
  • *
  • Posts: 20
"Lostech. Water. Food. Land. Ammunition. Treasure. Even knowledge. All of these and more have been the underlying cause beneath the roiling turmoil of war for centuries, and will continue to be for the centuries to come."

You left out women...   ;)

