Hey Team,Casey O'Donovan (#632) here... looking to fill the gaps from the Shadowrun side of the house.
Jamez Kirtley here. Can you please give me CDT access?
Whoops! Sorry: Jamez Kirtley (338)
Suddenly I feel old #P ;D ;D (#41)
Thanks!It's also home of the French Liquors store.
It is not. This is where the demo agents get their agent status added to this forum. Normally I'd send you to http://www.catalystdemos.com/enlist.asp but the entire site experienced a major meltdown in January, and again a few days ago. You can contact Ray Rigel directly, and he will get you all the forms / info you need. rigel AT catalystgamelabs DOT comOnce you fill in the forms, and get assigned an agent number (hopefully), you would post back to this thread to get the beemer added to your profile.
#851 reporting in