Author Topic: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"  (Read 31334 times)


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #30 on: 25 March 2016, 04:48:48 »
LAS Arluna, Cargo Three...

Cargo three was where the junior personnel went instead of the Officer's mess on their off-hours.  Collins decided it was fine as long as they weren't carrying military stores, for the Enlisted to set up their little club to blow off steam-as long as they were fit for duty the next cycle.

The fashion this year, it seemed, was a synthesizer-heavy form of rythm pop music.

"Molotov Coctail, is the local Drink!
Mix 'em up right, in the Kitchen Sink!"

It was better than sitting with the senior officers when you're just shy of twenty and just short of seventeen.

Carlos and a Lyran Ensign were teaching Debbie how to blow off steam.  Improvised strobes and coloured lights flashed in the bay, but the main lighting was turned down to emergency lighting levels, complete with the red tint.

It made the dress Lana must have picked out for her, shine blue-and-white under the illumination.

To Carlos, it made her even more beautiful than he'd thought she was before the plague, when she was shown on the news after the tribunal.

some of the enlisted were clapping in time to the music as he boogied up to her. 

Debra learned fast, and this time, she was learning something from his world, building confidence, swaying her hips...

For the first time in two years, his heart didn't ache for the lost ones.  It beat for her, and his feet had the rythm...

He tried a daring move...and she let him, to the cheers of Spacers doing the best they can to depressurize.

Carlos was happy.

Pol watched the kids from a darkened corner, as the boy put the moves on her, a half-liter of something brewed in a not-regulation still mixed with ice scrapings from the galley and topped with canned fruit in his hand.

"Great party, huh!?" a Senior Chief with a decidedly non-regulation trimmed undershirt shouted at him over the music.

"It's alright..." Pol told her, and met her eyes, he switched to Viet without thinking about it, "gets wilder in the delta though."

"I hear that, still, not bad for a boat full of heinies and micks, right?" she answered in viet.

"Where you from?" he asked.

"New Saigon! I'm about done with my second five!"

"Wanna find a quieter place?" he asked.

"Sure! My roommates aren't due offshift for another six hours!"

Pol nodded to the Security guys, and let this Kowloonese Lyran Spacer lead him out of the improvised disco club.

"What's your name?" he asked, his ears ringing slightly as the hatch closed behind them.

"Giao Pham." She told him.  In the white light, the plague scars were prominent and visible on his face.  she didn't seem to mind, "You're the Coastie that emigrated into the worst of it, right?" she asked.

"Yeah..I did that." Pol said.

"Bet your folks were as pissed as mine were when I told them I was going for a second tour." she said, "come on, we got plans..."

"what's the plan?" he asked.

"First, we do the get-to-know-you thing, then, we talk about home, then after that, I get bored and rip your clothes off." she told him, "In that order, and you're going to let me."

"How do you know that?" he asked.

"because I'm more fun than you're going to find being a babysitter for two horny teenagers." Giao told him, "It'll be fun."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #31 on: 25 March 2016, 05:15:06 »
The 4th Whitting Conference wasn't until December of 3067, so they should be able to get out the grasp of the WoB Fleet before it kicks off.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #32 on: 25 March 2016, 05:26:36 »
As far as ranks aboard ship, Marine Captains are usually addressed as "Major".  Embarked Naval Captains are addressed by their position (e.g., "Commodore", "CAG", "Chief of Staff", etc.) or simply as "Captain".  "The" Captain still refers to the Captain of the ship, but larger ships like aircraft carriers usually have other O-6s as part of their complement (usually at least the XO, Reactor Officer, and Senior Medical Officer, and often including other department heads like the Navigator and Operations Officer).


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #33 on: 25 March 2016, 08:37:26 »
Nice to see the "real" WoB plan unfolding.  Wonder where & what A-D are?

We have E plus the three elements that went to Tharkad, New Avalon, and Luthien plus who know what else.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #34 on: 25 March 2016, 09:20:15 »
I'd be interested to see if the Robes are as smart as the Falcons in Cannonshop's universe.  I mean, it can't be just the Falcons who forgot their stupid pills, right?  Rational solutions, even if they are drastic and sometimes harsh, are a hallmark of his work.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #35 on: 25 March 2016, 13:02:24 »
As far as ranks aboard ship, Marine Captains are usually addressed as "Major".  Embarked Naval Captains are addressed by their position (e.g., "Commodore", "CAG", "Chief of Staff", etc.) or simply as "Captain".  "The" Captain still refers to the Captain of the ship, but larger ships like aircraft carriers usually have other O-6s as part of their complement (usually at least the XO, Reactor Officer, and Senior Medical Officer, and often including other department heads like the Navigator and Operations Officer).

quite true.  A modern Marine Captain is an O-3, a Navy Captain is an O-6.  The confusion here, is because of roles.

(bear with me, it gets kinda confusing...)


Pol Nguyen was a Corporal, Who was brevet-promoted to Lt., had his commission (technically a reserve commission) activated at Lt. Sr. Grade, who emigrated to Arluna and because he was the 'expertise', found himself in a position of reorganizing and designing doctrine for a sister-service (thus, promotions from O-4 to O-6 with quite a bit of combat time over two years).

Effectively, his rank inflation is because his 'opposite number' in the Militia is a Trueborn Clanner.  (Pol got the Arluna Coast Guard/Marines, which is where fighter/aerospace elements were concentrated, while Jonas Falcon got saddled with rebuilding the army...)

The Lyrans wouldn't let a native lyran born militia officer be outranked by a 'Clanner immigrant', and sending a proper flag-rank officer into the quarantine is kind of a death sentence for the guy unless he's got a hell of an immune system, so Pol's LAAF rank underwent inflation proportional to the role he was serving.

(because, canonically, Lyrans LOVE rank inflation...this is how you get social generals, after all...)

So now, Pol's got enough of a staff structure that he can do a bit of travel-accompanying his Liege Lord (lady) as security and bodyguard, to Tharkad.

So, which rank we gonna use? TECHNICALLY the Arluna Coast Guard is a Naval Formation, so 'Captain' right? only Pol's not really a boats or ships guy-he's closer to a Navy Seal-and that's a Marines job.

Compromise?  LAAF organizational doctrine.  "He's a Colonel."

the other reason factoring his rapid rise, is, of course, rebuilding a militia on a world with a 90% population reduction.  such events tend to create a fluidity in societal structure-who 'gets' to carry the leadership stick (and the rank that goes with it) changes immensely under those pressures, and blinding-rapid-advancement is more the norm, than the exception.
« Last Edit: 25 March 2016, 13:11:31 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #36 on: 25 March 2016, 13:33:18 »
Makes sense to me.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #37 on: 25 March 2016, 14:10:05 »
Quarters, LAS Arluna...

" legged man in an ass-kicking contest." Pol said, "I've had to learn to be an officer, while organizing a branch of military service, fighting an insurgency or three, and liasing with relief, how about you? is it everything you wanted when you shipped out?"

Giao chuckled and traced a scar across his chest, "I'm the chief of the Jump-snipes." She told him, "My last posting, we saw combat-but I didn't see much besides damage control duty keeping the coolant from rupturing and keeping my people focused on getting, or keeping, the power going."

"Must've been exciting." he said.

"Oh, we have our moments-but most of my stories involve pranks or yard issues." her fingers traced a line up to his neck.  "You really needed that." She added.

"How'd you guess?" he basked in her warmth.

"Good jewish boy from Ia Drang? I kind of got the feeling you wouldn't go for the underage goyim girl." she sighed, "an hour of you talking about work just confirmed it."

"I could've been screwing a tinspawn." he cracked back at her.

"no...I know my people, mister Nguyen, there's no connection there." she giggled.

"and how about you, Giao? boy in every port?"

"All the attractive, single men are gay." She said, "or married, I have standards for my sins, and I don't play second fiddle to a missus at home, there are rules against shipboard affairs for a reason."

"Good thing I'm not married." Pol commented.

"indeed." she kissed him, then added, "and its' good you're attractive...and visibly not gay."

Guest Quarters...

The knock came at Oh-dark-thirty, and Debbie snapped awake.  it took her a moment to reorient and pull on a proper nightgown before she answered.

"What es et?"

"Captain Collins would like to see you at your earliest convenience, Dame MacAulliffe." the junior officer at her door looked...nervous, "I'm sorry, ma'am, it's nine AM shipboard..."

Deb rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, "damn, overslept...Lemme git dressed."

Lana's bunk was unused.

****** that woman, if she's screwed up...

Deb pulled on a 'comfortable' outfit-she'd managed to insist on it, rugged clothes instead of the fripperies Lana normally suggested for walking attire-denim skirt, flannel-chek blouse with full sleeves, and boots.

"a'raht, ah'm ready..." she followed the Lyran officer up to 'officer's country'.

she walked in, and saw Carlos in the front-leaning-rest position in front of Captain Collins' desk.

"um..?" she noted two crewmen were also holding half-down on a pushup.

"Little discipline problem." Collins told her, "It seems young master Al-Carrera was caught gambling-dice, with Gunner's Mate Teglin and a small group of enlisted and lower ranked officers."

"okay..." Debra said, "Ah know Carlos plays dice games..."

"He was drunk, Dame MacAulliffe, and unfit for duty." Collins persisted.

"OH!!" Debra looked down at them again.  "Pol said, 'there is no rule against drinking, only against being unfit for duty'."

"Exactly.  Because he is a member of your staff, and not of my crew..." Collins began.

Deb chewed her lip for a moment, "Y'all want me to determine punishment."

"That would be nice." Collins told her, "It saves me time dealing with paperwork."

dammit, this is Pol's expertise...  Debra had a 'bright idea'.

"Carlos? d'ye have your 'smartbook' handy?" she asked, "Ah need t'know what fits the offense, 'cause you done screwed up."

"Not...on me." he replied.  she looked around, Garcia had arrived, "Where's Lopez?" she asked.

"Lookin' for the colonel, ma'am." Garcia said.

"Smartbook." she stuck out her hand, palm up.

The junior NCO pulled out his 'pocket guide', a manual for the Arluna Naval Miliitia, Marine Corps, and Army.

debra took it, and opened the index.

she then sat, demurely on Carlos' shoulders and read aloud.

"...Unfit for Duty under Article sixteen of the common code ...ooh, extra duty shifts, denial of pay for thirty days, confinement to quarters, or flogging?...oh, Pol added a note here, 'corrective action should be in some way related to the offense'..." she lifted her feet,  "Push, Carlos, eight counts, until Ah git tired, Ah need t'think..."

she glanced up at the C.O.  "He ain' got no duty shifts on your ship, an' flogging is right out..."

"I believe I wrote 'Extra Training' is the go-to for judgement errors, Milady." Pol looked 'refreshed' when Lopez brought him from wherever he spent last night.


"Also, that's bad for his spine, you want to center the weight on his shoulders for that exercise." Pol added.

"Ooh, right..." she shifted her position.

"I take it, Captain, sir, that Carlos got in some trouble last night after I left?" Pol asked.

"Unfit for duty-he drank too much." Collins told him, "Got involved in an unauthorized game of craps, and there may have been a fight, but nobody is admitting there was."

"I see...well, I believe I must defer to my superior on the discipline matter." Pol said quietly, "Has the offender been counseled about why what he did was ****** stupid, and an embarrasssment to his liege lord?"

"I did some light counseling, but delegated the matter to Dame MacAulliffe."

Pol squatted down, "You realize, if debbie didn't have this in hand, I'd have to assign Lopez to give you lashes, Major? Consistency of discipline is a keystone of military culture.  when you're done, you'll report to me for sessions of Five-Oh for the next few weeks until we get to Tharkad."

"Aye Sir!" Carlos grunted.

Pol stood up, "Captain, are there any dirty tasks that need doing, are unpopular, don't require extensive skill and can be reliably assigned aboard? Obviously my young colleague here needs something to keep him occupied..."

"cleaning and hygiene maintenance is about the limit on low-skill tasks." Collins said, "but I can see if there are suitable duties available."

"Thank you, sir, I believe Major Al Carrera will be volunteering for as many as you can dream recover the honour he lost his Liege Lady through his conduct."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

qc mech3

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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #38 on: 25 March 2016, 14:33:41 »
Bwa ha ha ha ha  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #39 on: 25 March 2016, 14:35:35 »
Oops, he's about to learn all about the weird ways dirt behaves in micro and null gee.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #40 on: 25 March 2016, 14:43:40 »
A ship always has scutwork. If nothing else he can scrub the latrines with a toothbrush.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #41 on: 25 March 2016, 15:22:04 »
Compromise?  LAAF organizational doctrine.  "He's a Colonel."

the other reason factoring his rapid rise, is, of course, rebuilding a militia on a world with a 90% population reduction.  such events tend to create a fluidity in societal structure-who 'gets' to carry the leadership stick (and the rank that goes with it) changes immensely under those pressures, and blinding-rapid-advancement is more the norm, than the exception.
Works for me!  I just wasn't sure if it was a deliberate decision or confusion.  Please carry on!  O0
« Last Edit: 25 March 2016, 17:26:16 by Daryk »

idea weenie

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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #42 on: 25 March 2016, 18:23:58 »
Looks like more fun.  Perhaps they will get to unofficially know the Blakist in charge of the station, and hear his plans, his hope and dreams.  They will get to hear from him (and others) that the restarting of the Star League means that humanity can still work together for peace.

Then the Loonies will hear about the Star League being dismantled and realize that lots of Blakists believe the same way, and they have lots of military toys.

Let alone the Blakists (and Debra?) finding out that 'Liz has a child with a Jade falcon.  "You did what!!"


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #43 on: 25 March 2016, 19:00:45 »
I'm hping that the Blakists aren't all as crazy as they were in the OTL. 

As for Carlos-- this is showing a post plague problem.  You've to a lot of people who know the big stuff, are dependentable in a fight, etc, but they've also got lots of blindspots based on teh fact that they've been jumped up in rank to where minor little infractions for a private are no longer private at all for someone who is an important part of the retinue-- even if he is just a teen.

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #44 on: 25 March 2016, 19:21:56 »
Oops, he's about to learn all about the weird ways dirt behaves in micro and null gee.

Clean out the liter boxes of the ship's cat.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #45 on: 25 March 2016, 22:40:06 »
Clean out the liter boxes of the ship's cat.

That one will be easy, with a hose linked thru the outer hull and thumb activated controller.
Of course, when an ASF flies thru that "crap", it won't be pretty and could be deadly. I mean, who's gonna log an ASF down due to a high speed impact of a cat box crunchy?  :)


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #46 on: 26 March 2016, 01:49:25 »
Later...Officer's mess, 1230 hours...

Collins passed on the fruit juice, "I'm curious, Colonel Nguyen, what is this 'five o' that you will be conducting?"

"Field expedient officer training." Pol said, "We've got maybe fifteen...twenty officers with any sort of school training, out of those, ten are former Clanners.  Clan ethics don't translate well, so I started coming up with shorthand based on my PLDC and Basic NCO courses with the Coast Guard, a few dusty texts from the Academies we've come across, and a couple history books-the shortest form, is 'Five O's'."

"What's it stand for?"

"Owe, Order, Ought, Observe, Obey." Pol said, "Owe is the people you owe for the right to the uniform-your citizens, service, and lord, 'Order' is how you stack your priorities-and which stack comes first, 'ought' is how you should conduct yourself, Observe is observing your environment in relation to those things, and 'Obey' should be pretty obvious, sir."

"That's from Marsden's book." Collins said with an approving nod.

"Yes sir...Honest talking now? Carlos has the big stuff down-he's a solid player in the field, but he's jumped rank faster than George Custer, just like I did, but I had time as enlisted and a noncom, and he was JUST about to board ship for an Academy before the outbreak...I don't suppose I could impose on you to borrow some officers with experience to help with this?"

"With writing doctrine? I don't think you've got time..."

"No sir, I meant with the training-I know for damn and sure I need it too." Pol stated, "The kid's mistake is my mistake, at some point, I slipped up and set the wrong example.  In our situation, if the Enlisted see a double standard in play, it creates organizational friction-and we can't afford organizational friction."

"First one question; HOW did you end up a corporal in the first place?" Collins asked, "At twenty-two, most men are are Sargeants, even in the LAAF."

"That story is less funny than you might think." Pol said after a moment, "During the entire conflict with the Clans-on Kowloon, mind you, the Coast Guard only lost a handfull of men, most of those were actually due to enemy action...but not all of them."

"What happened?"

"I ****** up, sir." Pol stated, his face flushed with shame. "I ****** up, and people I was responsible for bit it as a direct result.  The Board found me not guilty of gross negligence, but did find me guilty of a lesser charge."

"Which was?"

"attempted destruction of government property." Pol stated.

Collins frowned, "They had you on a suicide watch after you took your sidearm into a latrine, Colonel."  He folded his hands on the table, "I read the report-you were cleared for the friendly fire incident-the other squad was out of position, and failed to attempt identification until after the firefight began."

"It was my responsibility." Pol told him, "I made the call-the Ell-Tee was bleeding out and-"

"It was not your fault...I think you have the ethics thing down a little too much, Colonel-all of the things admirable in Kowloon's little Naval Militia, the one thing troubling is the attitude that 'there are no accidents, only negligence'.  I have a few officers I can loan you, including a couple of former instructors from Pandora to polish you up."

"Thank you, sir." Pol stated.

"Word of advice regarding the young Major, Colonel, the performance this morning was sufficient, don't rub his nose in it too much-let the shame work on him a bit without a convenient target to let it become resentment."

"Aye aye, Sir." Pol stated.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #47 on: 26 March 2016, 05:18:25 »

"A bit undergunned along with the short legs." Alain observed.

"We're a smaller agency." Bianh told him, "Main focus is pirate suppression, deep space rescue.  Don't need a battlewagon for that-but you do need a jump drive if you want to get to a burrow in trouble before the atmo's leaked out."

"that would involve a lot of pirate points." He said, "you must have a fairly impressive computer."

She smiled, "My nav officer is pretty good, Demiprecentor-as for the computer, it's a bog standard Nashan commercial rig..we've just...refined the math a bit."

"altered the basic KF equations?" he asked, surprised, "I know theorists that would love-"

"Can't share family secrets." Bianh told him, "For us, how we handle jump calcs are as close a secret as how you handle Hyperpulse Generators-knowledge only comes from membership.  even in the Sol belt, there are too many governments trying to put a chain on our kind, and letting them catch up is...not something we're keen on....but I can share that Kearney's math has a few errors that careful study can correct...we've pulled event-point jumps through windows literally not much bigger than the hull itself-understanding gravitational interactions makes it possible-if you're sharp enough."

"I've heard rumours." He said after a moment, "Belters taking ships into jump from places that theory says it shouldn't be possible..."

"Theory can be wrong-that's why it's Theory, sir." Bianh told him.  She didn't exactly track why she was so talkative, but part of her had a suspicion about the food...

"What about longer jumps?" he asked.

"Risky." she told him, "I don't know anyone who's still alive trying to DX a jump drive, it generally resolves into the sort of misjump you see in horror tridees, with partial field collapse, implosion, or 'lost in space'."

"DX?" he prodded genially, "I fear I don't track..."

"Means 'Distance eXtreme." she slurred a bit, "pushing a drive envelope past thirty lights-bad business, messy when they're found usually." she shuddered from an unbidden memory of spacers half-in and half-out of bulkheads, bodies warped beyond recognition, the ships often twisted like pretzels, "After the experiments by the Ludollin collective, the community agreed not to bankroll those kind of tests again.  cost us two salvaged jumpers and foour hundred shareholding crew..."

"You're sure you can't give me more hints about how you navigate such small points?" he asked.

"Nnnot, drugged me good." She said, and giggled, "I should be pissed...yyou might try askin' me to spacewalk without a suit before that."

"Your resistance to narco-interrogation is admirable, Leutenant." He confessed, "In fact, the resistance your entire crew have shown is remarkable, even enhanced methods have proven to be...disappointing."

"I'll take that compliment." Bianh slurred, "Sho, virtual reality environment, drugs... prob'ly non-invasive neural probes...must be good quality, I can't really feel my body, but there's enough know this ain' real."

"Astute...Your awareness makes this a bit of a problem." He told her, "Your colleagues can be returned to their ship with an edited memory stack, but are you resisting?"

Bianh smiled, "Psychofractural personality disorder." she said, "got five or six of me in here, all of us are kinda different-it's the reason the AFFC sent me home-well trained, but bonkers-batshit insane-apparently the experiment worked."

Her real hands reached up, and removed the VR helmet.  "See me still? that's because we calved again. Let's negotiate-you'll have to move soon."

Godfrey's guards raised dart guns.

"Boys, the body's resistant to most of the usual toxins, and Lisa's in charge now, put the guns down before I make them into expensive suppositories."

Demiprecentor Godfrey managed to regain his composure at this development, "Who is...'lisa'?" he asked.

"Lisa Quhon, Loki serial number JNL323gHb57, Domestic enforcement, and you ****** blew my cover." she snapped, "You're after Belter secrets? so am I, but the goddam parent body personality won't let them out, and now that you've successfully removed eighteen layers of conditioning, designed by some of the sickest bastards in the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth, I won't ever get them.  The best I can manage now, is to pretend I'm that self-righteous bitch, support your cover story, and maybe work out a viable extract that keeps my cover in place."

Godfrey waved the guards out of the room, and said, "Servalan."

her expression shifted again.  "How ****** high in the order are you?" she growled, "that's it, is this my extraction? did my mission get cancelled?  First, you show up out here, and now, and now you're deliberately undoing Blake knows how many hours of careful personality construction, reinforcing cover stories-"

"I'm aware of the programme, and I was given the phrase in the event something happened."

"So what the ****** happened?" she demanded.

"The priorities have changed, the Order needs you to be an active participant, soon."

"My target?" she asked.

"Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, and her offspring." he told her, "We are less concerned with the Clanners, but she is clever enough that, with her recent actions, she poses a threat to the long term objectives."

"Timing?" she asked.

"December, preferably prior to the Whitting Conference-that's your deadline." he explained, "It must look either accidental, or as the result of spousal abuse."

"Understood." 'Lisa' said, "This has to do with avoiding a diplomatic problem with the Star League council then-and you believe she may be a threat to that?"

Godfrey nodded, "yes."

"I can only do my best.  Hail Blessed, I have to be re-submerged under the prime personality, Did your handler give you the correct phrases?"

he spoke a passage from the Book of Toyama, and she went to sleep.

Attendants carefully arranged the setting to fit a plausible long evening that ends in sleeping off a drunk, and he, and the Blakist crew, left the hab-chamber.

as soon as the door closed...

Kurr Avon.  whispered in Bianh's mind, and her eyes opened slowly, fully aware of what had just transpired, all of it.

so they want Her Grace to meet an untimely end? she mused.

tHiS iS nOt hiS OrdeRs. the lisa-self hissed.

Figured that out-he's improvising, he screwed up so he's covering his backside.  Janice-self muttered.

WE KNOW. the others shouted.

the question is, do I follow the orders, and maintain our cover, or do I violate them?  Bianh mused, we need to find out what makes Her Grace a viable, much less selectable, target for elimination-how could she possibly, in any fantasy, influence the Star League Council?

She waited roughly the amount of time it would take for the stuporifics to wear off, got up, rubbing her head, and stumbled to the door of the guest cabin.  act hung over? not hard...but this goes straight to Admiral Li. Bianh decided.  if necessary, we may have to die failing to maintain the ruse.

deAth iS acCePTabLe.
agreed, cover is all important.
Let's try not-to-die, okay? I kinda like the idea of maybe getting some time in the real world-even if it is just hitting a few bars and listening to music.

she grimmaced, "deal." she muttered.  Her skull was noisier than it had been since Commodore Li's predecessor prepped her for this mission eleven years ago-as a mole in the AFFC's special operations branch, back then, to be a courier from belter communities coreward to the Rockjacks.

the hatch hissed open, and she stepped out, looking for all the world like a hungover spacer who'd slept it off as a guest.

a couple of Word of Blake Militia guards led her to the command center.

"You look...terrible, Leutnant vu Dao." Godfrey said from his console.

"Feels worse-what was in that wine?"

"Wine." he told her, "but I'm assured that terran vintages are often stronger than you outies are used to...your ship reports ready to jump in ten hours."

"Then I have work to you want me to carry any messages?" she asked.

"Just a few greetings, and an assurance that we are just passing through this system." he said.

"I'll do that." Bianh told him.

LCGS Brightsville...

"Helm, release docking clamps and roll us to a safe distance." Bianh ordered.

"Yes, Captain."

she floated to her seat, and strapped in, "Ops, run a series Nine-Three systems check, I want to make sure we're 'clean' for the jump, a stable field."

"Aye Captain." Levine 277 ran the nine-three, a fluctuating current through the layers of the hull to depolarize the outer plating, it required computers to be powered down.

Once that was done, Bianh held up her palm, "Don't power up yet...Levine, pay attention to the jump-dreams this time, I've got a feeling, and I'll want your input about it."

"right...can we power up now?" Levine asked.

"yep...let's get through the pre-jump checklist by the letter folks...I've got a headache big as Boojum."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trace Coburn

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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #48 on: 26 March 2016, 05:28:03 »
  ... do I even want to contemplate what personalities or programming code-words like ‘Roj Blake’ or ‘Del Tarrant’ or ‘Dayna Mellanby’ might unleash?  :D


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #49 on: 26 March 2016, 05:33:58 »
  ... do I even want to contemplate what personalities or programming code-words like ‘Roj Blake’ or ‘Del Tarrant’ or ‘Dayna Mellanby’ might unleash?  :D
I dunno, do you? do you?? mwahahahahahahhaha!!!
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #50 on: 26 March 2016, 07:05:40 »
October 19, 3067, Tharkad...

The quarantine period kept Debra from seeing New Capetown's cities, but it reassured the Lyrans that she, and her people, were no longer a danger.

The Capitol was overwhelming in scope, even just looking down on it from the windows of a K-1 dropshuttle.

"How're we gon' fahnd anythin?" Debra asked.

"It's taken Care of, Milady." Lana said, "We'll be met at the port, and from there, to the hotel."

there was no end of city, it stretched to the horizons in all directions as they broke the cloud-cover, with tall, ornate buildings brooding over packed streets.

Stifling crowds.  Millions upon millions of people.

The shuttle shook as it landed.

" many..." she said, staring out, stunned and a little frightened.

"Pull it together, Deb." Pol said, "You too, Carlos.  Yes, it's more people than any one of us has ever seen alive at one time-and none of them are staring at you right at this moment, and they're not just outside the hatch, okay? we're at a secured landing point, there's no big crowd too close...breathe."

Debra was distracted by Lana fussing with her outfit, and hair.  "got to look good, because there are media watching..." the Assistant told her, "Remember, dear, it's show business, show confidence."

Numbly, Debra made her feet move to the airlock hatch, and made her way onto the concourse that led into the terminal, a necessity on a world that varied between 'cold' and 'ohdeargodwe'regoingtodie' cold.

"We're being met, right?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, we're being met.  Her Grace made arrangements." Pol stated, "it was even in the message I tried to brief you with..."

they reached the antechamber, and there was the party to meet them.

"My god, child!" Margaret Doons swooped on Debra, flanked by a retinue of staffers larger than the entire party.

"Maggie Doons, Ah pr'sume?" Debra asked.  I can deal with this... one of the richest women in the human race...Elizabeth Ngo's mentor...I can deal with this...

"You look terrified, you remind me of Lizzie's first trip to the Capitol, and you must be Carlos..." the old woman shot Deb a glance, and said, " excellent choice, Debra, He's quite handsome...and Pol Nguyen...a little rough, Colonel, you can take the hand off the pistol, I'm me."

"Your Grace." he gave a slight bow, and asked, "How is the market regulated in a pure market economy?"

Maggie rolled her eyes, "as if by an invisible hand-is Liz still preaching that Adam Smith garbage?"

Pol shrugged, "Not sure, but you gave the right reply." he took his hand out of his overcoat pocket, "Who's the blonde?"

"That, is Daphne Rowe...she was one of Lizzie's friends as a girl, and she has something to confess to the Baroness-when we are less public."

Margaret Doons turned her attention to Debra again, "It's good to finally meet Elizabeth's first sponsorship, come, tell me all about your trip..."

Pol signalled the Marines and they, too, safed their concealed weapons and followed, keeping a wary eye on the Duchess' own security men, the spaceport's security, and the crowd.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #51 on: 26 March 2016, 08:10:57 »
Later, at the Nashan compound in the Triad city suburbs...

"...didn't know what they found, I swear to god they thought it was an advanced guided missile." Daphne Rowe was almost in tears.

Deb stared at her impassively.  "Ah awreddy knew thet." she said, "Y'all din' make th' Call to open et up, y'all din' know Raght 'way."  she turned, and opened one of the drinks cabinets, selecting a bottle and some glasses. "you had no idea, but when you found out, you owned up."  she set the first tumbler in front of Daphne, and poured.  "You were 'ones about et..." then she poured her own glass, and set the decanter on the table.

Debra sat down across from her.  "It ain' mah place t' Forgive you, because you did nothing wrong." her tone was still flat, cold, as she focused on being understood.  "AH know it feels you did, Miz Daphne.  Because your family owned the facility an' your men salvaged that missile, but that's not where the sin is, that's not the thing that needs balancing."

Daphne looked up, her wet eyes almost as red as Debra's plague-scarred eyes.  "but...what is, if it isn't that?" she asked.

"Somebody made it." Debra said, "Someone set it out for your folk to find, someone erased it from every data store in the Inner Sphere, so whoever found it, would not know what it was, would take it somewhere it could be turned loose on people, Daphne...and we may never find the people that did that but god knows them, and they will have much to answer for from a judge that has no appeals.  There be a host of crimes, here, but not on you."

"I should have said something..."

"ANd what? gotten tried in the press, or shut up by Nondi Steiner?" Debra countered, "no. you'll pay the rest of your life for not speaking sooner-but it's no less than you'd pay if you had-you're used to life here in the core, there aren't the tyrannical types like the Old Duke ruling, not here...not since Katherine's gone, and Victor's gone, you're only now safe to speak the truth...the only one can forgive you for that, is you.  now have a damn drink, enough have suffered...just...don't tell Her Grace Elizabeth Ngo." Debra stated.

"Wh-why?" Daphne asked.

"Because...she doesn't 'get it'." Debra explained patiently, "She will hold ever' second of et against you-because she can, because she'll have a target-it's part of who she is, you can see it in her writings-she is driven by her anger, and it eats at her all th' time-she married that Clanner fellah expressly to make his life on Kowloon absolute hell-because she hates them all for what happened to her brother, and what it made her momma do to her...she actually said it in one of her 'advice' letters to me...something twisted whatever love she's got in her, into something foul."

Daphne sipped her drink.  "Harsh words...she sponsored you!"

Debra shrugged, "I know... and she sends me advice a lot, and she's helped a lot...but Daphne, from how she writes sometimes?  she wants to' thet ain' right-it's all 'goals and death'."

Daphne didn't smile, "your advice sounds like her advice...Liz told me that telling you would make you an enemy, that I should bury it."

"Burying it is a good idea-but too late." Debra said, masking her surprise, "ah found out when we retook Brightsville-an' she prob'ly knew about that time or short after...You ain't the enemy."

The door to the study opened, and Maggie Doons flowed in-that is, walked with incredible poise and grace that commanded a room to acknowledge her in...

"Girls? stop that crying, Daphne Rowe, you've confessed, and she's accepted it, it's time to prepare-I've already sent the boys to get proper attire, and quite frankly, Debra, you need a better wardrobe, so we're going shopping, and then, to a tailor's..and a stylist."

Debra looked up.  "out there? in th' city?" she hoped the rampant horror of the thought wasn't in her voice.

"yes. NOW." Maggie didn't brook the balking, and used a tone her mother had used, from time to time, on her and the boys when enforcing some arcane requirement-like going to church.

"Yes'm." Debra's reaction was instant, instinctual, and meek.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #52 on: 26 March 2016, 08:24:36 »
I dunno, do you? do you?? mwahahahahahahhaha!!!

Lets experiment.

Star One.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #53 on: 26 March 2016, 09:09:27 »
Debra looked up.  "out there? in th' city?" she hoped the rampant horror of the thought wasn't in her voice.

Being forced into a social situation like this, in a heavily populated city, and then forced to go out in that city for, well, any reason is every redneck's nightmare come true.

Debra's going to be on edge, super sensitive to slights and, frankly, I would hate to see what happens to the poor jerk who thinks it's okay to mock her.  I'd rather face a bear in the woods at night with a switch than face a real redneck woman who thinks she's being mocked by a city-slicker.  I've been there and seen that, it's not pretty and doesn't end well.

With Maggie and Daphne along, it will be contained a bit and Debra will get an ear full from Maggie about what she can and can't do now as a noble, but it's still not going to keep it completely contained. 

Rednecks don't think and react like normal people, especially if those people are from an urban area.  If you make them feel boxed in and embarrassed, they're just as likely to come out swinging as anything.  Take a redneck that is already dealing with new societal pressures, who is still unsure of her place in the wider world and who is more intelligent than most other people, especially those who normally would look down on her type of people, and you've got the makings of a truly epic encounter.  At the very least, you're going to see just how inventive an intelligent redneck can be when they feel like their heritage is being insulted and mocked.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #54 on: 26 March 2016, 13:00:35 »
Better hope the LCAF minders are a little more useful than usual.

So is the SLS Cordon Caffrey sitting in orbit somewhere in the Arluna system, or the DropShips got hauled back, or just salvaged materiel?  Debra seems to think the Caffrey was left to be found by actors unknown, presumably WoB.  Looking back at the Watery Silence, I don't get that vibe.

""Somebody made it." Debra said, "Someone set it out for your folk to find, someone erased it from every data store in the Inner Sphere, so whoever found it, would not know what it was, would take it somewhere it could be turned loose on people, Daphne...and we may never find the people that did that but god knows them, and they will have much to answer for from a judge that has no appeals.  There be a host of crimes, here, but not on you."

Prelude: Uninhabited system, Coreward of the Lyran Alliance, October 11, 3059, Rowe-McClaren exploration and salvage vessel Sharktooth Comb...
"Mother's a ****** treasure chest!"  Ozzie Whirter announced, as he looked over the readings from the survey, "We're SLDF munitions transport!"
A spacewalk later, and the find is confirmed.  SLS Cordon Caffrey, a Monolith that had been purchased by the Star league's logistics command in 2715, with three intact assault dropships and six cargo module dropships, parked here.  The log's last entry was in 2729.  According to the orders on board, she was bound for a Rim Worlds Republic base at Eagle's Nest...with a cargo of Munitions, spares, and non-perishable consumables to resupply the SLS Belleau Wood when a misjump apparently stranded her here.
It might not be the find of the decade, but it was definitely a Career enhancing find-the charts alone were worth ten year's salary as an executive for Rowe-McClaren, but the cargo...
It took them a week to catalogue what was still loaded aboard, while engineering staff looked over the jump drive, and controllers.
"The Core is in good shape, they apparently lost the seals though..."
"We've got seals." he said, "Let's fix her and bring her home."
"Yah-hey, there's a couple weird ones in dropper two-maybe experimental stuff."
The salvagers eventually gathered in the sealed hold of the number two cargo dropper.
The casing had standard 'book' markings for white shark munitions, but the color codes weren't in the book at all, and neither was the serialized numbering.  They opened one of the weird missile transport tubes, and looked it over.
"oversize manuevering jets, big guidance module...we should take this to the lab boys." Capt. Whirter announced.
"Which lab though?" one of the others asked, "If we take to the Mainstreet facility, you know the government's going to want to confiscate..."
"Company has a lab on Arluna." He announced, "I'll clear it with Rowe when we make port...guys, this...this could be the next big thing...looks like some of those big-deal Royal munitions the stories talk about."
Operation: Holy Shroud made a mistake-some knowledge should never be lost, some warnings should always be heard.
« Last Edit: 26 March 2016, 13:39:42 by mikecj »
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #55 on: 26 March 2016, 20:00:38 »
Sieman und Kohl, Fine clothiers (by appointment)

"Henri, Magda!"  Maggie Doons greeted the floor clerks warmly.  Debra eyed the goods on display, and whispered "ah don' see no prices..."

Daphne leaned close and answered "If you have to know it before you buy, you can't afford this place-I think maybe I'd have a hard time..."

"What have you brought me?" the male clerk asked, then he stopped and visibly recoiled "Mon deu! Margaret, a...Sayle Paisan?"

Debra knew what that meant-and she shifted her stance immediately with a glare as her fist curled reflexively, "Perra, Ah k'n break you one-handed you overpriced snobby Hijoputa, and ah won't brek a nail doin' it."

everyone froze.

"Debra..." Daphne said in a cautionary tone.

Debbie took a step forward, glaring, her temper-flush actually made the scar-marking stand out more "Ah know what ah look lahk, pendejo, Death warmed over an' wrapped clothes you wouldn't give your dog t'sleep on. An' ah know how I soun', lahk someon' you'd flip a phennig at on th'streets and feel dirty doin' et..."  she got right in his face, which was pale and frozen in fear.  "Ah'm dangerous to yore kind. but your froggy accent is gillipoleces, 'fin yo' french, ah'm a cameron t' show some respec', or ah will break' th' Polizei won't even lif' a fingah none."

"my apologies..." he squeaked. 

"not to me." Debra stared into his eyes with a promise of extreme violence, she pointed to Daphne, "to Her...and To Her Grace, whose honah y'all jes' insulted by insulting her guest."

Henri backed away, "I am so, so, very sorry, miladies..." he groveled, "Please excuse me!" and then, he hurried to the tastefully marked door that said "lavatory".

Debra licked her lips and smacked them, then looked at 'Magda'.  "Is theah gon' be a problem?"

"No, Milady..though Henri may need some time to calm down." the statuesque blonde managed to stay ice-cool.

Debra relaxed, "thet's fahn then."

Daphne continued to stare, a little dumbstruck.

Margaret gave Deb a sly look.  "a little over the top, Deborah."

"puttin' mah learnin' into practice-'if they don't love you, they should fear you, if they don't fear you they should love you'."

Maggie nodded approval, "Either way, don't be a doormat." she asserted, "It was the first lesson I drilled into Elizabeth's head after the incident with her mother...the phrasing-that was Liz?"

Debra nodded.

"" Margaret announced again.

Magda looked over Debra with a keen eye.  "you're going to be hard to coordinate for...your...complexion, very difficult to present properly." the woman was all business, "Elizabeth had a tough figure to make flattering as well."  she mimed a flat-board, "AND she was demanding, which I have come to expect from Margaret's friends..."

she led them to the back of the boutique, and showed Debra several holoslides of current fashions.

"She's to appear before the Archon, Magda, not clubbing in Kaiserslaughtern." 

"That makes this much more difficult." Magda was still all-business, " tone..."

"Ah look lahk a three-days corpse, Ah know.  dealt wi' enough of 'em." Deb said.

"There is a solution, milady." Magda stated, "instead of following Fashion..."

Deb nodded, "Lana said somethin' similah-'if the current vogue doesn't work, make your own'."

"Standing out worked out rather well for Duchess Ngo..." Magda noted, adding, "and Margaret's often made the scene by standing against the grain as well...we need to design a look...I'll be right back, I must fetch Henri..."

With Magda fetching the clothier, Deb shot a look to Margaret, "es et jes' me, or are all these people crazy?"

Daphne stifled a giggle, "Deb, you didn't look down." she said. "Henri peed himself."

"oops." Debra replied sheepishly.

"nonsense-Henri has a host of awards, it's fitting to see him knocked down a notch." Margaret stated, "He's an artiste...which means an enormous ego with a tendency to complacency-you shook him up, the product should come out fantastic."

"Fo' don'-ask prices, et bettah be." Debra glowered.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #56 on: 26 March 2016, 20:47:07 »
 O0  ;D Awesome scene!

qc mech3

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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #57 on: 26 March 2016, 21:26:47 »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ; ;D [wildandcrazy] [wildandcrazy] [wildandcrazy] [watch]

Little nitpick, it's ''Mon Dieu'', not ''Mon deu''. Still great fun!  O0


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #58 on: 26 March 2016, 21:40:08 »
So nice to watch a fashion snob taken down
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse v. 4.0- "The Politics of Compromise"
« Reply #59 on: 26 March 2016, 21:52:48 »
Deb is of the very Jacksonian mold.  Personal honor and respect is a major point.  This is the last group to preserve pistol duels in the States.  Look down your nose at someone like that and they'll want to see if they can reach through you nostrils and if they are feeling merciful only extract your tonsils.  How deep they reach depends on how ornery they feel when the insult is offered.