Author Topic: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"  (Read 29562 times)


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Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« on: 01 April 2016, 04:19:59 »
LAS Arluna, Tharkad System orbit, November 7, 3067...

"You're sure you want to do this-once the transfer is approved, It'll be hell getting it reversed, and impossible once you're inside the Quarantine."  The LAAF re-enlistment officer asked. 

Chief Warrant Officer (Engineering specialty Jump Drive) Giao Pham nodded, and reached for the stylus.  "This is what I want." she said, applying her name to the paperwork, followed by a thumb-print for the electronic copy.

Captain (Rear Admiral) Michael Collins shook his head, and said what the LAAF's re-enlistment man was thinking, "You're making a huge mistake, Chief." he said, adding, "Not to mention screwing a department that needs you."

"Hefner's not bad, sir." Giao told him, "He's got a good grasp of KF physics and raw mechanicals, and he's been waiting for a promotion-and-transfer for five years."

"Yeah, and he doesn't have your hand with the crewmen."  Collins shot back, "I really, really wish you were staying."

"Sir, everything is going to be fine." She told him, "at least, for the Arluna-O'ryan has a good team on the 'A' Shift and Hefner's not as bad with the crew as you seem to think, and even if he were, Barty's got Lomax and Trieler to cover him, not to mention Jinny-Jean and Needles-that department practically runs itself now."

"Your word, Chief, to god's ears." Collins told her, "now, how are you planning to get there?"

"Commercial to New Capetown, from there, catch one of the picket boats from Coast Guard." She told him, "Based on patrol and shipping schedules, I should make it just about the time that the LCGS Dinh Diep is delivering the replacement delegates from Winter and Arluna for their pre-transit screening."

"We're scheduled to patrol in that sector, Chief..."

Giao shook her head,  "You know what would happen, sir-the ship can't afford to have confusion in that department, and I'm far too prone to meddling, it's better if the Crew ship with me gone-better for them, since it gives Hef a chance to get his boots wet, better for me, because I won't be stressing out over changes or getting P-mails from the crewmen over policy changes, better for you, because you won't be distracted dealing with the discipline problems that we both know would crop up with me on the boat."

Collins shook his head, "That sounds like you don't think Hef's ready to run the department..." he said.

"Hef's ready-except that he's gotten comfortable with having me in charge." Giao told him, "He needs to be, me on, even as a passenger, and he's going to be second-guessing even if i don't say a word, when he should be decisive.  Me gone and out of reach, and he'll start to be like his background, history, and scores at Pandora said he should...besides, he's a real officer-I was always a warrant, you gave me the department because he was new, but if he never gets to be an officer, he'll end up retiring as an ensign-if he isn't 'uporouted' for failing to meet promotion deadlines. Me gone and he's got the chance to be the officer he trained to be, and frankly, I think he's finally seasoned up enough to be a decent engineering officer-just my opinion as a jumped up enlisted, sir."

"and a promotion offer won't change your mind." Collins asked her.

"Sir, you've tried three times." Giao told him, "Bailey over in Commo told me about it at her retirement party last week-LAN wants academy trained officers, and the slots for blue-to-gold are reserved for aviators, Dropship commanders, and Landing party commanders."  she shrugged, "I can't fault that-I've run a department and had to learn on the fly things I would have gotten in the Frosh year at Coventry, Pandora, Nagelring...Hef's got the education, and he's got some experience, it's time for me to go home."

" a place you can't even step off the ship." Collins argued, "where you're risking your very expensively trained neck just doing the job you're transferring to do."

"all part of the service, sir, you told me that." she countered, "Fact is, how many compact-core jockeys do you think they have?  But they're building those little Sampan ships anyway, to patrol and enforce a quarantine that would otherwise require a couple of full battlegroups we don't have anymore since the civil war...if that virus gets out..."

he nodded sadly.  "Your reasons are sound, I just hate this."

"I'm going voluntarily when you and I both know LAAF would have to end up sending draftees...this is the best possible outcome for the service. keeping Lyran Miitary values alive in there, maintaining a handle on their procedures...besides, when I enlisted nine years ago, I was only going to be staying for five anyway."

He walked with her to the NCO deck and stayed at the door to her three-man room as she gathered her spacebag and cleaned out the bunk-locker.  "I remember-I swore you in at your first re-enlistment...we were over...where was it?" he prodded.

"Huntress." she said automatically, "On the LAS Ivanhoe, Star-Lord class transport, you pinned my warrant the same day and Prekovish sang that weird ass song in Russian.  One of our docking rings was slagged by that Clanner ship, and we were taking on the wounded from that Drac unit for transshipment home."

She stood, and Collins nodded, "when I got the Arluna I asked Sigurdssen for you by name." He told her.

She sighed.  "It's been a good run, sir."

"Let's get you to your shuttle...a civil transport though..?"

"it's cheaper than space-available when you factor in the possibility of something dropping in the pot." She noted.

"I'll expect you to write, Chief." He told her.

"I'll do that, sir." Giao said, as they crossed the centerline deck and headed for the docking lock.

Collins opened the lock himself, and finally said, "You're being stupid-brave going into the zone, Chief...Good luck." he told her, and rendered a hand-salute.

Giao returned it with near-academy precision, then the inner door closed and the outer door opened, and she left the LAS Arluna, and entered Fleet Base Tharkad's pressurized terminal.

It was time to go home to Kowloon.

« Last Edit: 01 April 2016, 04:35:04 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #1 on: 01 April 2016, 04:32:56 »
[out of story note]
I stabilized Giao's rank at Warrant officer, and invented a wet-behind-the-ears (okay, not really, just inferior) junior officer as her 'in house replacement', and fabricated a bullshittium answer for why she was the boss and not Ensign Hefner-basically, the Captain "Said so" and it was so on his boat.

(which, within limits, it is my understanding is a feature of both the American, and German, Naval traditions, as well as the British...)

The reference to difficulty with Promotions of enlisted-to-officer is also fitting with an Officer-heavy service like the LAAF as a whole.  Brevet Promotions in a service that includes Social Officers would be rare, tied to conspicuous 'gallantry' of the sort that armchair warriors would 'get' (aka "Runs the department better than a Kommandant" isn't enough-but "Stood bravely in the breach in combat" is-because the latter is associated with medals and the chain of command isn't entirely stupid...)

The paperwork Giao just signed is a transfer from her post in the Lyran Alliance Navy to the "Lyran Coast Guard" (aka the Kowloon Coast Guard, being as they provided the ships, most of the people, etc. etc.)  It's basically moving to a reserve commission from an active duty Warrant.

so, she's getting her Ensign bar-but it's in a "Lower" service.

In sports terms, it's moving from the third string of an NHL or NFL team to first string in a WHL or AAA rated farm team-at least, in terms of prestige among the wine-sippers at Mount Asgard.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #2 on: 01 April 2016, 05:07:11 »
HPG Transcription-Text msg, Military comm, Tharkad to Kowloon,

origin: Naval Station Tharkad
Recipient: Spider Moon Coast Guard Station, Kowloon

To: Adm Alicia Li, Lyran Coast Guard Special Duty Group A
From: R. Adm. Collins, Michael, LAS Arluna Task Group

RE: Personnel Transfers from LAAF(N) to LCG(N):

Per Directive dated June 7, 3067, voluntary transfer of personnel from LAAF(N) to LCG(N) approved at rank-equivalency.

The Following personnel have recieved promotion status under expedited conditions linked to voluntary transfer to LCG(N) SDG-A activity:

PO3 Sesska-Jones, Albert 43: Promoted to PO2, department Bosun's Mate
PO3 Jin Lam, Promoted to PO2, Department Life Systems Support
PO2 Linh, Dao Dai, Promoted PO1, Department Gunner's mate
PO2 Skullin, Neried 13, Promoted PO1, Department Gunner's mate (Missile)
PO2 Overseth, Carlos Pablo, Promoted PO1, Dept. Gunner's Mate (Missile)
PO1 Sixty-Seven, Jendidra Hayes, Promoted WO1, Dept Electronic Warfare Operator
PO1 Aguilera, Savindhra Loose, Promoted WO1, Dept. Data Management
WO4  Pham, Giao, Separated from service to accept Commission to Lt. Sr.Grade, Dept. Engineering

Yes, you read that right. I want you to take a good, hard look at Lt. Pham, because a three-rank jump is less than what she deserved and earned, and I burned a lot of contacts at Mount Asgard forcing the paperwork through.  I know you Coasties like keeping it in the Rockjack community, but Pham is an outstanding officer and she deserves a decent chance to prove it.

I can't make it an order since the Archon's asserted the Coast Guard is it's own sub-branch service, but I can by god tell you this young lady will make you a hell of a Chief Engineer, and maybe even ship commander, once she's done a tour as a staff officer or executive, and I can tell you as a vet with over thirty years in the black, that she's what you need, and I can remind you of a certain favour you owe me, and remind you that I still have the surveillance vid from that night twenty five years ago.

Consider it my revenge for you stealing my ace engineering snipe-you treat her good, Admiral, she's good people.

-R. Admiral Michael Collins,
LAAF(N) Melissia Theater Command

PS: We'll be stopping in at New Capetown in mid-December, if you want a chance to win that vid back in an honest blackjack game.


« Last Edit: 01 April 2016, 05:10:27 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #3 on: 01 April 2016, 06:46:54 »
An "honest" blackjack game?  O:-)

qc mech3

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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #4 on: 01 April 2016, 07:48:56 »
You know, the naval branch look less uptight then the regular army about your provenance or family status. Guess it's from all that travelling in the deadliest environment in existence.  O0 O0


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #5 on: 01 April 2016, 07:55:10 »
It's great to see this story continuing. Thanks Cannonshop!  O0

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #6 on: 01 April 2016, 09:45:05 »
"The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together, you and I." -- Cecil Palmer, "Welcome to Nightvale"


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #7 on: 01 April 2016, 13:06:02 »
Listen to your inner Lyran.
Take a Assault Mech!

Yes I was on the old boards.


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #8 on: 01 April 2016, 13:24:46 »
For great glory
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #9 on: 01 April 2016, 16:01:21 »
And anther good start...
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #10 on: 01 April 2016, 17:35:28 »
In the American Navy at least, the Ensign would just be assigned to a different Division/Department than the Warrant.  I've never seen (nor would expect to see) a formal arrangement where an Ensign would work for a Warrant.  Informally is another matter all together.

And to echo the others, another very interesting start!  O0


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #11 on: 01 April 2016, 18:44:44 »
Now I am interested to know what's on that vid of Admiral Li. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Growing up is optional.
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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #12 on: 01 April 2016, 21:34:23 »
Admiral Li was singing all the verses to "Banned from Argo", in six languages, with appropriate costume changes after drinking a lot of something green.

(Yes I know its a Trek filk but Firefly fits the Ngo-verse better)
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.

Dave Talley

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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #13 on: 01 April 2016, 21:44:32 »
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #14 on: 02 April 2016, 00:51:25 »
Once more unto the breach
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #15 on: 02 April 2016, 01:36:10 »
Nha Tranh...

The Duchess was reviewing material from a packet she'd ordered when Kelli came in.

"Sit." Liz told her, "Brown chair...what in the ****** is wrong with these people?  Are they out of their ****** minds?"  she kept paging through the reports.

"Your grace?" Kelli asked, nonplussed.

"Alright, it seems the 'go to' tactic with a million plus tonnes of warship, is to treat it like a Phoenician war-galley and try to ram..." Liz laid the reports down, "How ****** stupid is that? and how stupid does the other commander have to be, to sit there and let it happen?"

"Um...I don't know?" Kelli's answer was as befuddled as she felt, being confronted with something so totally out of left-field.

"Let's think it through logically, is three dimensional-and you don't see submarines doing that because it's ****** idiotic." Liz continued, "Three dimensions, but these after-action reports read like something out of a two-dee novel, and I can't figure out for the life of me how anyone could make it to a rank sufficient to command a dropship,much less several billion Kroner worth of jump-capable warship, without understanding that there is also a z-axis, or that it requires more fuel to maintain a fixed facing, than to roll in a frictionless vacuum environment."

"Um, Your grace, you summoned me-" Kelli started to say.

"Oh, right...Kelli, how long have you been working with Nathan's doctors behind my back?" Liz asked casually, setting the naval reports aside, "Take your time, I want to see if you think you can lie your way out of this."

Kelli froze, and swallowed, "Seven Months, Your Grace." she said.

"Well, a lie would've been more entertaining, but I appreciate the honesty-a little late, mind, but it's appreciated." Liz told her, "SO about a month before we knew for certain that the Foetus had taken hold?"


Liz angled with difficulty to give room for her oversized belly, leaning an elbow on her desk to prop her chin up.  "Of course, you did lie." she said, "You've got tells, Kelli, let me tell you how long, and we'll see if your reaction confirms it...February.  That checkup where they harvested the ova, it wasn't just a painkiller, was it?"

Kelli stared at the floor.  "No, your grace." she peeped.

"Did Li put you up to it?"

"No, Your Grace."


"No, Your Grace."

"So it was Dr. Huyn?"

"No, Your Grace..."

Liz flicked a pen at Kelli, "Look at me."

Kelli looked up.

"You took it on yourself, you set it up.  didn't you?" Liz demanded softly.

"Yes." Kelli admitted.

"I told everyone 'no more experimental treatments', I thought I was absolutely clear I didn't want to be a lab rat." Liz said evenly, "Didn't I?"

Kelli felt her eyes tearing up, "Yes your grace." she said.

"and you did it anyway." Liz scolded in the most reasonable, even tone Kelli had ever heard, "you violated my person, Kelli."

oh god, she's going to kill me... fear spiked in Kelli's heart, Liz was using the same tone she'd used before shooting the Regent...

Liz stared at her for a moment longer.  "Don't do it again." Liz told her, "Next time, you talk to me, and if I say 'no' you god-dammit will accept my answer."

"n-next time?" Kelli peeped out.

"Well, there probably won't be one, since your gambit seems to be working, but there's always the possibility it fails." Liz told her, "So...'next time'..god, Kelli, did you think I would shoot you for doing what you felt was right?" Liz asked incredulously, then shook her head, " I'm pissed about it, but I'll live with being angry with you a little bit...I'll admit, if it wasn't working, I'd be angry a lot...but I have this great thing I can do-I can forgive you-because you're acting on your actual morality, and you didn't try to use it to manipulate me for some other purpose."

Liz picked up the reports, "Get these collated and ready to deliver to Li out on Spider Moon." Liz told her, "I'll be including a cover letter that indicates my...disagreement with the so-called tactical doctrines revealed by the actions of our Lyran and FedSuns brethren when it comes to billions of Kroner worth public property-the first time I hear of an officer discussing ramming tactics, he's walking home from some distant system.  Possibly without a space suit."

"y-yes Your Grace...without a space suit..." Kelli repeated.

"how's Emma doing?" liz asked, "You never bring your wife over..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #16 on: 02 April 2016, 01:57:42 »
Spider Moon, 20 November, 3067...

"Hand delivered dispatches from Her Grace, Admiral."  Kelli Whyte looked a little pale and worn out as she stepped into the Wardroom.

Admiral Alicia Li was going through piles of paperwork relating to a lot of 'volunteers' separating from regular LAAF service and transferring in to fill billets on the Coast Guard's roster.

"Give it." Li said, without looking up.

The documents were handed over.  Li took a look at the cover-letter, and began to swear-right before she started to chuckle.


Alicia looked up, mirth dancing in her eyes, "This should be forwarded to those jackasses at Mount Asgard..." she finally said, "My god, she hit it dead center from orbit!"

" agree." Kelli asked.

"Hells yes!" Li said, "When I saw the AARs from New Avalon, I kept asking 'what were they taking that made that a good idea'?  I couldn't come up with a rational answer until I looked at the files on the commanding officers involved-landsmen, every one of them, with little to no idea how to manuever in a zero-gee environment."

"She wants a basic newtonian physics course added as a pre-requisite for all officers assigned to the Sampan program." Kelli said.

Li chuckled again, "heh...yeah.  We're getting a lot of dirtyfeet from LAAF transferring in, so it's probably a damn good idea..."

"She's also specifically putting a ducal order that ramming is not considered a viable tactic." Kelli stated.

"I was going to do that anyway." Li noted, "But it's good that the political side recognizes how utterly idiotic trying to make a ship into a kinetic weapon really is-though we'll be training in evasion."  Li sobered, "You know where the idea is from though, don't you?"

"No ma'am." Kelli shook her head.

"Kerensky used some jumpships as rams during the Terran offensive." Li told her, "Then, during the 1st war, everybody was copying it, because Kerensky did it first...never mind how wasteful and stupid the tactic really is... half the naval engagements in the first succession war were two landsman captains playing chicken with warships." she shook her head, "Stupid...but popular.  Most of those were indecisive because only a pure moron would hold position instead of rolling with it..."

"As Her grace would no doubt observe, the galaxy is full of idiots." Kelli deadpanned.

"Too true. Let's do our best to avoid having those idiots here." Li soberly stated.

"I believe that is Her Grace's deep intent."
« Last Edit: 02 April 2016, 02:02:38 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #17 on: 02 April 2016, 02:24:50 »
The Triad, Tharkad, 20 November, 3067...

" we've got the technology." Peter Steiner-Davion asked.

"Your Highness, we've got it, we've had it since your Mother married that Hanse fellah." Margaret Doons told him.

"ANd you want me to what?" Peter asked again.

"I want to convince you to supply it to the units in the Quarantine zone." Maggie told him, "Specifically the naval units-Liz's Coast Guard, with similar installations on LAAF Naval units in the rest of the Melissia Theater-and I want you to make Nashan Electronics the prime contractor for the refits." Maggie told him, "It's faster-than-light communications tech that doesn't weigh thousands of tons, doesn't require a spare fusion reactor that could power a city, and it works."

"And if the Clans get ahold of it?" he demanded.

"They already did." Maggie noted sourly, "There was one on Tamar, and we know it wasn't destroyed before that world fell-the Clanners aren't interested in something that limited...but it's something the Lyran Alliance can use in a wider distribution-like Wireless in the early 20th century-and it has the added benefit of not requiring a contract with Comstar or the Word of Blake to make it work."

"We're formally allied with Comstar." Peter said calmly, "Why not just contract for additional HPG's? or from the Word of Blake..?"

"Two long-distance companies in competition, but both of them require monopoly contracts, and they share tech-base." Maggie told him, "Sooner or later, business pressure alone is going to make them start screwing with each other's customers.  You're too young to remember the fourth war, we were put under an interdiction, and in the war of '39, Comstar was arming the Dracs and ****** with our imagine that, but instead of galactic-political reasons, having messages messed with because one or the other of them is angling to rook us as a client? I'm telling you this, because I've done it to has Ngo Industries, DefHes...we play at being all moral and patriotic, but when the chips are down, if you can screw another outfit's clients in a way that blows their relationship, you can take those clients and they'll thank you for only tacking on an extra five percent...we can't afford for the Quarantine enforcement to get futzed because the two Primuses can't come to an agreement and stick to it."

Peter mulled this over.  "For emergency and official use only." He stated.

"Of course." Maggie said, "God, the range sucks on it-like those little baby-warships Liz is having built, it's not a full-on replacement for HPG service, it's just a means to coordinate fleet operations over a limited area."

Peter nodded, "I'll sign the executive order...who's going to be your subcontractor in the Q-Zone?"

Maggie shrugged, "Probably one of the Rockjack outfits, maybe Zenas combine." she stated, "They're a long-time client and they know how to keep their yaps shut."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #18 on: 02 April 2016, 03:19:05 »
... Ramming with WarShips? Tell me it isn't so ... good grief, when you think the Successor States can't get any dumber ...


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #19 on: 02 April 2016, 04:34:35 »
... Ramming with WarShips? Tell me it isn't so ... good grief, when you think the Successor States can't get any dumber ...

Seriously.  Check out the FedCom Civil War book, and then, check out what happens to "The Invisible Truth" in Dawn of the Jihad.

(there's also the dark-age decision to ram a planet with a cruiser...but at least Malvina's got an excuse-she's blitzragingnutz)

"Ramming" seems to be REEEAAAALLLLLY popular in the Canon...which fails to make sense on SO many levels, unless....

1. Everybody that's doing it is doing it because while the engineering for a Warship is plausible/possible, tactics are being dictated by people who only think in two dimensions

2. Those people all got the same (poor) education regarding how objects in null-gee without an atmosphere work...

after going through lots of info from the products, I've come to the conclusion I needed to address this in a way that makes sense.  Luckily, there's the Star League Civil War book out, and I've got me a copy.  In the context of the setting, Aleksandr Kerensky is practically worshipped by EVERYBODY-with the Houses totally inexperienced in warship doctrine, the aftereffects of Holy Shroud (aka records on how it was really done purged in a rather dedicated process more than a hundred years prior), and even the Clans haven't been practicing since they haven't had to...

well, "It worked for Kerensky, it should, therefore, Work!!" seems to be a pretty good explanation for how a warship driver could see another warship on a collision course, and not only NOT fire any manuevering thrusters or weapons that produce recoil, but further, have the moronic tenacity to think "He'll turn...he'll turn...hold it steady..."

because that's the only way that even WORKS.

IOW: close proximity, and forgetting you're in a frictionless environment, playing chicken with millions of tonnes of public property (or Comstar property).

see, Ramming relies on Velocity and Mass, so a ship would need a fair distance of straight-line accelleration.  This is pretty easy to notice, even if you're only using windows.  A couple degrees off and he's passing under, over, or behind you-varying your thrust profile instead of drifting on a ballistic course? even better for NOT being hit.

It don't take much-hit the gas, hit the reverse, fire a dorsal or ventral thruster and that ramming attack will go right on by.

see, for it to work, you have to be stationary to his vector.  If you're in a warship battle, 'stationary' is NOT where you want to be-you want to be mismatched to his vector and thrust as often as possible, because it makes you harder to hit, and enables things like "Rolling to present fresh armor" to incoming fire, or to move your knocked-out batteries into line to fire, or...get the idea? Only guys who spent their whole career on the ground would think it's smart to hold a steady course/velocity in a vacuum fight, and only those kinda guys would forget there's a whole "z-axis" for manuevering if your lateral controls are messed up.

(hint: Roll sideways and you can still turn-like a pilot flying an F 104, you're 'climbing' horizontal to your original orientation.  This is how you get the 104 to turn in a radius less than 75 miles...)

the only explanation for HOW a ramming attack can even WORK, requires the target ship to NOT be manuevering OR thrusting-or firing anything that isn't an energy weapon.

and they have to be at very close quarters.

for example, a space station.  Space stations generally can't apply thrust, in any direction.  Kerensky (per the Canon) used 'fire ships' (ramming attacks) to knock out early warning/C3 centers in the Sol system.  THIS works-those stations are on fixed orbits, they're not moving out of them or reorienting, or changing aspect...

Avalon Class rammed by a Mjolnir (or vice-versa?) doesn't work unless both skippers are...well...not very bright, and think the other guy is either going to blink, or just don't understand their vessels can do things other than 'straight and level on the plane of the ecliptic."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #20 on: 02 April 2016, 05:30:09 »
A WarShip can be taken out by a single nuke. A WarShip is a massive investment of money, resources, shipyard slips and time, a nuke is almost laughably cheaper. Why in the hell ... Ah. Kerensky. That explains it ...


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #21 on: 02 April 2016, 06:04:16 »
LAAF Naval Base New Capetown...

"Ms. Pham?"

Giao looked up from the magazine she was skimming, and came to her feet with a snap.  The person addressing her was a 'silver bar' Coast Guard J.G, in full pressure suit with her helmet clutched under her arm.  The hair was shaved in a short, helmet-friendly crest that showed off a baroque tattooing, and the nameplate said "Celex 184"-which meant the officer come to collect her was a rockjack.

"Ma'am." Giao said, rendering a salute.

"Finagle tell me you're not another one..." the Rockjack said, "Alright, come on, you need to draw a P-suit and get fitted..and stop with the Heinie saluting, until they get the paperwork straight or you get yourself killed, you're supposed to rank me."

"But you're a Lt. Junior Grade..."

Celex handed her a hardcopy of her orders, "WHich means, you outrank me, and therefore get a trip to Command and staff at Spider Moon before you get your own boat." 

"My...own boat." Giao asked.

"Assuming you aren't totally dren, yeah."  Celex told her.  "Simple question first...if you're on a spacewalk, and you see someone's tossed a rock at you, what do you do?"

Giao followed.  "I...get out of the way if it's something I don't want to try to catch." she answered.

"Second question-you're driving a shuttle, and someone is vectoring to try and force a dock?" Celex demanded.

"I don't let them-I'll vary my thrust, either accellerate or decelerate, roll the ship and apply lateral." Giao told her.

"Alright, you're not a total many axes in vac flight?"

"Three.  Standard X and Y, but there's also Z...what's all this about?" Giao asked.

"Her Grace just finished digesting after-action reports from the civil war and she absolutely does not want boat captains that will stubbornly play chicken when they can manuever." Celex told her, "Ramming attacks-they're only for idiots."

"Oh..." Giao nodded, "Captain Collins holds similar views-we had to practice hard lateral and z-axis manuevering for weeks after that cockup at New Avalon."

"amazing, a Heinie with a brain." Celex cracked, "You're technically a senior officer, but the Ia Drang is my boat, that makes you cargo until we make port.  If you have a problem with my decorum, you're welcome to file your report once we arrive-I'd recommend if you're going to file a report on my conduct, you consult with the other cargo we're picking up here.  Once you've been through your eight weeks at the Spider, I'll salute you, but until then, you're a Prospective Officer, are we clear?"

Giao nodded, "I'm clear, ma'am." She said, "When I offshipped from the LAS Arluna I was just a Chief Warrant."

"What branch?" Celex asked.

"Engineering-a Warpcore snipe."

"Must've been running a department for some poor Academy bastard's your draw, check in with Hammersmith 22 before we ship-he'll fit you up so you don't get weird hickeys if we have to de-press the ship."

"Um...what would cause that?" Giao asked.

"We run hard vacuum if we get into combat." Celex told her, "It prevents fires and limits shockwave transfer from impacts-like, say, some jackoff's capital grade cannons."

"Has that happened?" Giao asked.

"We drill it." Lt. 184 told her, "we also drill hard manuevers-all of which means keeping your hat close to hand."

"I'll keep that in mind."

On the way to the docking ring, Celex explained a whole series of procedures and expectations.  Most of it was not new to her, but some of it seemed...excessive until she got a look at the ship.

After spending time on the Arluna, the Ia Drang was tiny.  it was almost scout like in it's compact format, with comically oversize engines and hard, armored lines that were clearly never meant to enter an atmosphere-even for bombardment.  The weapons ports were proportional along most of the length, with large 'torpedo' hatches where capital missiles slumbered.

Proudly painted on the prow of the vessel, was the numeral "5", followed by a distinctive red-and yellow diagonal stripe  with a roundel displaying a Killer whale superposed over the Lyran Commonwealth's 'fist' insignia.

"You'll be getting one like her-if you pass prequalification." Celex told her, "Which we'll begin before we ship for Kowloon."

"wha-" Giao was dumbfounded.

"okay, obviously nobody gave you the full brief..." Celex told her, "We've got seven slips in Boojum orbit building these-at a turnaround of one every six months, per slip, over the last year and a half-boats come out, do their first tour on the circuit-you'll learn what that is-then finish with a trip to New Capetown for passenger pickup and cargo drop-off, then back to the yard for a three week maintenance stand-down.  That many boats need crew, and since Coastie pay is less than commercial pay, we're scrabbling for officers to fill bunks-you, are an experienced compact-core engineering officer, so you get the eight week short programme of familiarization and vac training, while regular dirtyfeet with appropriate scores get the full two year apprenticeships-being A Leutenant Senior Grade means you're likely going to get one of those, especially since you're a Jump-Snipe and won't boil the drive core from total mindless ignorance."

"and for crew?" Giao asked.

"Probably going to be mostly greenies and dirtyfeet." Celex told her, "It's a crapshoot if there's even enough rockjacks that aren't pilots to fill in XO slots-we're still building the service, and Her Grace has been pushing hard on expansion, especially since last month."

"What happened last month?" Giao asked.

"I'm not privy to that, but when the Brightsville came into port, something they came across has the Admiral screaming for bodies, and it put the yard into overdrive." Celex said grimly, "WHich means you're going to get an officer's billet, alright...but it also means vets like me have to make sure you can do the job-which is harder, so I'm giving you apprenticeship time on the way in, training you need to do the job you've signed on for, or at least a leg up on that job."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #22 on: 02 April 2016, 07:07:27 »
I think TPTB were influenced by the real world fashion for ramming that resurged in the late 19th century.  I've been reading Mahan, and even he talks about the viability of the tactic thanks to steam power.  Of course, the tactic was really only applicable against (wooden) sailing vessels that couldn't effectively maneuver out of the way.  Once everyone was using steam, it died out again.  None of that excuses any application of ramming in space, but it may have been a factor in the writing of the fiction.

Trace Coburn

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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #23 on: 02 April 2016, 08:55:08 »
I think TPTB were influenced by the real world fashion for ramming that resurged in the late 19th century.  I've been reading Mahan, and even he talks about the viability of the tactic thanks to steam power.  Of course, the tactic was really only applicable against (wooden) sailing vessels that couldn't effectively maneuver out of the way.  Once everyone was using steam, it died out again.  None of that excuses any application of ramming in space, but it may have been a factor in the writing of the fiction.
  That, and ramming is a DRAMATIC tactic that shows how DESPERATE AND DETERMINED you are!  :D

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #24 on: 02 April 2016, 10:12:12 »
Yup.  Ever since they had Tyra Miraborg ram the Dire Wolf, ramming has been the tactic of dramatic desperation.  With WarShips, it's just trying to ramp it up to 11
"The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together, you and I." -- Cecil Palmer, "Welcome to Nightvale"


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #25 on: 02 April 2016, 13:54:45 »
Yup.  Ever since they had Tyra Miraborg ram the Dire Wolf, ramming has been the tactic of dramatic desperation.  With WarShips, it's just trying to ramp it up to 11

which event always struck me as more a homage to Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi-in particular the battle of endor...and by the time it was written, hundreds of Anime and Manga...

  That, and ramming is a DRAMATIC tactic that shows how DESPERATE AND DETERMINED you are!  :D

I think TPTB were influenced by the real world fashion for ramming that resurged in the late 19th century.  I've been reading Mahan, and even he talks about the viability of the tactic thanks to steam power.  Of course, the tactic was really only applicable against (wooden) sailing vessels that couldn't effectively maneuver out of the way.  Once everyone was using steam, it died out again.  None of that excuses any application of ramming in space, but it may have been a factor in the writing of the fiction.

well, we know Blaine Pardoe's a bit of a military historian, and we all know Battletech itself started life as a derivative of imported Japanese Manga and Anime products (which often featured "Anime Fiziks" like constant thrust=constant velocity, esp. in the seventies...)

But there's a difference in 'Drama'-see, Tyra Miraborg ramming the Dire Wolf kinda works-she's taking a double-digit tonnage vehicle with terriffic accelleration and manuevering up close to a slow moving vessel in a stable course/heading tht is unlikely to be significantly harmed by what she did under most normal circumstances.  "Sparrow dives an elephant" is a bit different from "playing chicken with something as big as you are."

IOW: the Drama starts falling apart when you get to the point of two near-equal scale combatants.  Instead of a "Dramatic Sacrifice" it becomes "Jesus are you stupid?"  (Dramatic Ramming only works when the contest is fundamentally unequal from the start-aka "Fighter vs. Warship" unequal.  Maybe dropship vs. Warship, but it's questionable.)

The problem comes from the combination of velocity (if you're getting that million ton warship up to sufficient velocity the other one can't dodge, you're spending a lot of time out of the fire envelope-and that means you probably do NOT have so much damage you lack other options, including retire-from-the-field for repairs...) and detectability.  (Fighter is basically a missile with a man in it, It's reasonable that such can get inside the defensive envelope of a poorly prepared opponent...such as a rassalhague pilot getting inside the ADA envelope of a Clan warship.)

I'll say I'm sticking with my hypothesis;  The various powers have discovered it is easier to build the warships, or salvage them, than to figure out how to actually USE them.

short form: "Technology Exceeding Tactics".  Which has a definite real-life example: World War 1.
« Last Edit: 02 April 2016, 13:56:38 by Cannonshop »
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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #26 on: 02 April 2016, 14:19:28 »
That's a lot of Sampans.  I wonder if Appy will regret handing over the sub-Caps' specs...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #27 on: 02 April 2016, 14:44:48 »
Grounds of Nha Tranh University, Kowloon...

Finally reopened.  Elizabeth was pleased, which even Nathan picked up on, when she'd reopened the campus. 

Nathan Roshak, for his part, was less pleased to see so many Jade-green uniform pieces among the students.

"Ignorance, Husband, suits nobody."Liz said, as she walked (waddled-eight months pregnant women don't walk, they waddle) to the reopened Univrsity Medical Centre.

"It is...chalcas." he objected quietly, "Warriors studying..."

"Alright, hold it there, husband-of-mine." Liz stated, "Knowledge, information, is, and I quote you here, 'Vital to the successful conclusion of military operations'. For example if your buddy Nigel had read more from more sources, I probably wouldn't have been able to lure him into range over the Western Ocean, and certainly I wouldn't have been able to shoot down over half a million tons of Clan Warship with two missiles and a fighter squadron."

"I just...Elizabeth, it should be controlled, focused." he told her, "with subjects that are...practical."

Elizabeth paused, and raised a hand, "one..." she counted off, "Clan system-you warriors administer justice, does knowing the law help or hinder that?"

"It helps..." He said.

"AND knowing the context of the law helps too, am I right?" she huffed.

"Yes...yes it does."

"Example Two: Science." Liz stated, "Do you suppose having an understanding of the technologies available helps guide a warrior-type in selecting the best weapon for the mission? or choosing between design proposals. or surviving an NBC environment?"

"Of course." He scoffed, "I would never deny that-but-"

"But nothing. The problem with dogmas is that they blind you to options." Elizabeth stated, "Solutions that should be blindingly obvious get overlooked in a politically-correct environment, dogmatic adherence to limited information leads to suicidal ignorance, it fails the mission.  There's a reason for the ancient saying about knowledge being power."

"So...why did you open it to everyone?" he demanded finally.

"Because it raises the average level." Liz told him simply, "Rising Tide, floats all boats. Somewhere on this campus, I foresee someone from a 'wrong' background who's going to come up with something so awesome and inspiring that it changes how we see the universe-and I want that to happen again, and again, and again."

"that kind of advancement almost killed us all once." Nathan countered, "recently."

Liz shook her head, "Ignorance and Stagnation almost killed us all." she argued, "Advancement is the only way out. 'Learn more', or, to quote those books you purchased for the baby, 'Run and find out'...if, as you still believe, the Clan will someday come back and reclaim your people and take mine, it'll only be because they advanced far enough to make it happen."

He helped her back to her feet.  "They will." he asserted.

"yeah, well I intend to make it a definite competition-they'll have to push themselves by that time." she vowed, "In the meantime, 'education for everyone' isn't a bad policy-it's a lot harder to erase knowledge when it's spread out.  I don't want another gorram Dark Age like we were under in my Grandfather's time, and in spite of everything else, I still intend to make my existence-or that of any noble redundant."

"My own observation is that you are failing in that second goal." He said wryly as they passed a group of students out enjoying early-spring sunlight, "Elizabeth, someone has to be what you are."

"I know." she said with a scowl, "it's frustrating."

They reached the medical center and went in for her examination.

Half an hour later...

"TWINS??" Elizabeth squeaked in shock, "How in the hell didn't you catch that six months ago??"

"Your grace, it's not that unusual..."

Liz closed her eyes, "it is going to ****** hurt, isn't it?" she asked.

"Presumably yes, your pain threshold is remarkably high for a woman your age and background..."

"Drugs." Liz said firmly, "I want the best damn drugs you have for the delivery.  'Miracle of birth' my skinny ass..."

"that's good, because we'll have to give you a c-section, your pelvic opening is a little too small..."

"LOTS OF DRUGS...sweet g_d lots of drugs..."

"Would you like to see the ultrasound?"

Liz nodded, "Hells yes...and get my husband in here, he's got questions to answer."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #28 on: 02 April 2016, 15:48:02 »
 :D O0 ;D
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Ngoverse V.4.0-"Spreading Darkness"
« Reply #29 on: 02 April 2016, 18:21:42 »
A lot of drugs isn't going to be needed, a simple saddle block and she won't feel a thing.