Author Topic: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank  (Read 9001 times)


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Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« on: 02 May 2011, 07:52:42 »
Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank

The first (and depending on how you characterize a change in Omni base chassis design also the second) reasonably standard production vehicle stealth armor design in the game, the Bolla Stealth Tank is covered this week by request of the inimitable Weirdo, one of the lucky souls responsible for keeping the madness down to a dull roar around here and one of the board's largest proponents of wacky antics unconventional tactics.  First introduced in Jihad Hot Spots: 3076 and followed up like other material in that book with an entry in TRO3085, the Bolla is, as noted, a stealth armor design.  Vehicular stealth armor works just like the 'Mech version, including the fact that the ECM needs to be turned on to work, and you also need heat sinks, limiting the possibilities for OmniVehicles mounting energy weapons and stealth armor due to the fact that an OmniVehicle has to mount heat sinks for all energy weapons and the armor itself, not being able to juggle heat loads the way a 'Mech or aerospace fighter can.  Potential operators should note that due to the vehicle stealth armor they feature, each and every Bolla uses experimental rules, meaning this is not something for pure tournament games.  This particular optional rule doesn't impose any real difficulty in play, though - if you know how to run 'Mech stealth, you know how to run vehicle stealth since it uses the same rules.

As to the Bolla itself, the design was apparently based on captured samples of Capellan vehicular stealth armor and intended to allow the infiltration of enemy lines with a Level I of battle armor, the first and, at posting date, only known member of the rumored Serpentus vehicles, the equivalent to the Word's Celestial OmniMechs, Sepctral OmniFighters, and Demon battle armor suits.  As a Manei Domini tank, it saw extensive service on Galatea, and the stealth functions evidently provided for some very unpleasant ambush scenarios.  Inevitably, some of these stealthy OmniVehicles fell into allied hands, with the former FWL, Combine, Suns, Lyrans, and Republic all winding up with at least a handful, but Stone's Coalition got the grand prize when they got their hands on the research center where the Bolla was built.  A second manufacturing line for the design was set up in a quiet spot on Terra, creating a new variant for the Republic of the Sphere's special forces to use.

There are two Bolla chassis designs, not one, though they're very similar, putting it into the select group of Omnis that have more than one base chassis design at a level that affects gameplay.  (The only other ones I'm aware of off the top of my head is the laser heat sink variant of the Night Gyr and, arguably, the Inner Sphere model of the Battle Cobra.)  The older of the two is the Word of Blake model at 60 tons, just barely nudging it into the heavy vehicle class, and a number of features are shared between them.  A VOX 280 extra-light engine, similar to those on certain models of Warhammer, provides both ten free heat sinks to accommodate the stealth armor's cooling needs and the motive power to drive a wheeled vehicle at 86 kph in open terrain.  The armor on both models is Krupp Stealth arranged 34/32/30/40 - unusually, the front armor is not the heaviest, and the turret armor pokes over it by a full six points.  I prefer a little more armor on the body myself, but at 10.5 tons, it's a bit over a sixth of the available tonnage, and it does the job decently with the stealth armor's contribution to survivability.  Naturally, ECM was included to 'power' the stealth armor and offer its own defensive benefits.    The fixed equipment load is where the two platforms diverge.  The Manei Domini variant fixes a C3i module to the base chassis along with a forward-mounted machine gun with a full ton of ammunition, then permanently dedicates six tons to hauling a Level I of battle armor around, with 15.5 tons of podspace, 15 tons of which can go in the turret.  The Republic dropped that to a C3 slave and 4 tons of battle armor space as well as dropping the machine gun ammo by a half-ton, freeing up another four tons for 19.5 tons of podspace, though the turret is unchanged.  Before any of you can ask, no, the C3 modules do not work under stealth - that point has been made painfully clear in the rule books and a number of rules questions by now.  Neither design uses CASE but for once, I can see some benefits since neither the Word nor the Republic want their Bollas recovered by anyone else.  Granted, on a battlefield level, this tells your crews to pound sand in the event of an ammo explosion, but there's a method to the madness here.

The first family of configurations, associated with the original Bolla design, has the same configuration designators found on other Manei Domini designs.  As with TRO3085, I'm attaching more traditional designators, but will mainly refer to
them by the MD names since those are on the record sheets which feature the original JHS3076 artwork.  The Invictus (Prime) has two MML 9s in the turret along with a machine gun, with three tons of MML ammo added.  The firepower is not the most impressive thing in the world - with ten percent of the tonnage going to hauling suits and the inability to use energy weapons very well, damage per ton is not something a Bolla is going to do well - but the damage is decent and the number of SRMs should make disabling other tanks fairly simple.  The main issue is that ammo endurance isn't great when you have to split for both types, so this one is definitely an ambusher - once the MML ammo is out, your main ability to hurt the enemy goes away, so pick your opportunities to make the shots count.

The Dominus (A) configuration uses two class 5 light autocannons fed by two tons of ammunition along with a heavy flamer with its own two tons of ammo.  Personally, I think I'd prefer another ton of autocannon ammo most of the time - if nothing else, the ability to use AP or precision ammo more aggressively is probably worth it - but it's definitely got more endurance and damage concentration than the Invictus.

Apparently I'm not the only one who finds the ammo on an Invictus short sometimes since the Infernus (B), rather than being the incendiary monstrosity some of you were probably hoping for with a name like that, packs in three Streak SRM 6 launchers with two tons of ammo.  While that's not an extraordinary amount of ammo, the fact that the launchers don't fire on a miss makes this one a very, very dangerous close-in ambusher.  Tanks are likely to get disabled in a point-blank shot while 'Mechs will face a scattering of light fire that's certainly going to annoy even an assault 'Mech.  Add in the fact that there's probably a whole Level I of BA firing at the same target and this one gets scary.  The only real problem I have is that point-blank ambushes aren't something stealth armor benefits from - at the ranges where the Streaks are getting really nice shots, the stealth armor bonus is gone for most if not all weapons - but you can't have everything.  As a knife-fighter, the larger, nastier suits may be a good pair here since an Infernus wants to be right in someone's face to begin with and the extra firepower will make ambushes that much less pleasant.  The stealthy Purifier may also be handy.

The configuration other than the Invictus to offer some real range is the Comminus (D).  A single light Gauss rifle comprises the main offensive armament, generously supplied with two tons of ammunition for over five minutes of sustained fire.  With the stealth armor to increase the range penalties, this one is going to be obnoxious in open terrain where it can leverage the weapon's strong points and has no reason to want to close after dropping the battle armor off.  Given the need to stay at a distance anyway, this one may be very profitably paired with Djinn, which can do some of the footwork themselves, or with the heavier suits to use the Comminus to draw an enemy into an ambush.  An AMS fed by a single ton of ammo provides some extra defensive oomph.

Starting off the Republic configurations is something midway between the Invictus and the Dominus.  The turret has a RAC/5 and two MML 3s along with TAG.  A second machine gun was installed to eat up a half-ton.  Two tons of MML ammo were provided along with the standard three tons for the autocannon.  You lack the ability to really leverage special munitions, although you can get around that to some extent by packing semi-guided LRMs as a standard LRM load despite the light launchers.  As usual, save your rapid fire for good shots - getting jammed because you felt like showing off on an 11 is a great way to generate laughs for the other people at the table and force you to burn time unjamming the RAC.  The TAG can be used for some truly unpleasant ends, as anyone familiar with the system well knows, and can make ambushes from a Bolla Prime staggeringly unpleasant if the setup is executed properly.

The A is much like the Comminus, but adds a targeting computer and another TAG module.  It's used exactly the same way, although you won't have Djinn and will need to find another mobile suit if you're planning something nasty.  Unlike the Prime, which is pretty well suited to using the TAG aggressively, the A's designator often functions more as a deterrent - get into short range and you get lit up for something unpleasant.  If you're a known user of things like laser-guided bombs, precision artillery, or semi-guided LRMs, just putting the red dot on someone can be worthwhile from a psychological point of view even if it won't do anything as noted during discussions of the point with ItsTehPope.  If you suspect someone's playing that game with you, pay careful attention to fire declarations and thrust use by overhead fighters.  You may not get any clues to semi-guided LRMs before they're announced without inspecting someone's BV figures, but bombs of any type will cause thrust penalties (which a savvy, experienced player can easily fake for another level of mind games, especially if you don't have any air assets to poke his fighters with) and artillery fire declarations will be made beforehand.

The B is probably the strangest yet, an actual stealth C3 master.  Yes, you read that right, a C3 master in a stealth tank.  Two MML 7s fed by three tons of ammo provide a somewhat lighter version of the Invictus's warload while three MagShots fed by a single ton of ammo offer some additional short-range fire.  My recommendation is to either use stealth defensively or to infiltrate, then flip it off in a safe spot to let your lance mates run wild.  Those of you considering ECCM should remember that ECCM mode turns stealth off anyway, but the presence of the module can offer some additional options once you've flipped stealth off.  Another little rules note - the Bolla B can either run its own lance, even acting as part of a company-level network, or it can use the slave, not both.  It can't flip the master on to replace a blown or jammed one in the middle of combat, either, since networks have to be declared before the game; for that, you need a C3 emergency master.  A load of Infernos to give infantry and vehicles a reason to back off may be advisable.

The C is a little more conventional, blending the Dominus and Infernus configurations from the original Blakist model.  Two Streak 6s were combined with a LAC/5, each weapon type receiving two tons of ammo.  An extra machine gun was added to burn a half-ton.  This opens up some real options for special munitions, including precision and armor-piercing given the depth of your ammo bins, and I recommend you act on them.  It can even do a passable job of annoying fighters, VTOLs, or WiGEs with flak ammo in a pinch, providing the option of stealth anti-air ambushes.

Using Bollas depends so heavily on the configuration that I can't add too much here aside from a few general points.  Remember the vulnerabilities of the wheeled motive type - you can't go into rubble or forests, so pay attention to your maneuvers as you go.  Don't offer anyone any free side shots if you can help it, either.

If you want to counter a Bolla, it's more or less like any other reasonably sized, passably armored vehicle: disable it and swat it.  LB 10-Xs are an excellent choice and the accuracy bonus will come in handy against stealth armor.  As unimpressive as they are in firepower terms, Bollas present their opponent with some interesting tactical conundrums.  Something to consider if you know ahead of time you're running into Bollas is whether or not to try and block C3.  Ordinarily, I'd recommend that hands down, but if you don't have the accurate weapons and dice luck to counter the stealth bonuses, it may be better to accept the risks and take better shots for everyone if you can convince your enemy to do it.  If the enemy is being coy and hiding behind the stealth, you want to strongly consider charging them.  It may invite a lot of pain given how dangerous several of the knife-fighter configurations are but it will shut the stealth bonuses down.  On the other hand, the Bollas may simply drop a nest of battle armor in your face at that point and switch to C3, so consider if you know some of the battle armor is loose already, whether or not there are good spots where it (or other Bollas) could be hiding, and similar issues before you commit yourself to reenacting a certain Tennyson poem.  At the very least, get to medium range for your own weapons if at all possible - most battle armor will be out of range or at long range against most IS weapons, but it will cut the stealth penalty down a bit.

Image References: A miniature is available from Iron Wind Metals, with one example painted up colorfully from the 2nd Ceti Hussars and the artwork and other usual information from is available on the MUL database.
« Last Edit: 15 June 2011, 20:51:00 by Moonsword »


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2011, 09:08:58 »


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #2 on: 02 May 2011, 09:14:53 »
Thanks for the miniature reference.  Hopefully CamoSpecs will get one out there.  Either that or Weirdo will post some pictures and I can be nicely recursive and reference the guy who requested it.

Also nice to note is that while that's pointed at the Bolla Invictus, if you're willing to kitbash the turret and possibly the machine gun mount that sometimes turns up there, the body will work just fine for either variant.  It's reasonably close to the Bolla D as it is, actually.
« Last Edit: 02 May 2011, 09:16:27 by Moonsword »


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #3 on: 02 May 2011, 10:39:35 »
The Bolla has always struck as as too much going on at once with the C3 and stealth both fixed and the mixed bag of configurations. I guess the cost of each really isn't that high, and it can be nice to have the option of using as part of a network or being stealthy, but it seems like it would be more efficient for it to specialize, especially on something as relatively cheap as vehicle.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #4 on: 02 May 2011, 10:51:05 »
"Relative" cheapness fades fast when you're talking about relatively limited production runs of very rare hardware, which we are, so I'm not sure how much cost savings you're really getting.  If I were going to do anything at all like that, I'd yank the battle armor slots and add them into configurations as needed rather than split them out.

Looking at it another way, I think this is the Powers That Be's way to presenting an odd tactical choice to people.  Stealth and C3 is a strange combination but this might actually be a bit of twisted genius or at least an odd-but-interesting option.  I don't have someone to test against lately (nor time to coordinate against someone else's schedule given the end of semester madness going on here) and these systems aren't the kind of thing I can evaluate against the bot, so I'm not sure how it works in practice.  It certainly forces the opponent to pay attention and be adaptable since tricks that work well against stealth don't necessarily cross over that well to C3 and vice-versa.  If the Word and Republic are handing these things to elite forces (and they are) for unusual operations, I think it could pay off very well even though it may not fit well into normal operational paradigms.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #5 on: 02 May 2011, 11:19:49 »
Either that or Weirdo will post some pictures and I can be nicely recursive and reference the guy who requested it.

I actually finished a pair recently, I'll post them when the weather gives me enough sunlight for pictures(read: not soon, likely).

Great article! I'll post a proper response to it when I'm not running off to pick my wife up from class.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #6 on: 02 May 2011, 11:48:26 »
I can understand there might be times when you want an infantry fighting vehicle, a stealth tank and a C3 spotter available to your forces, but having the capacity to only build one unit you put all on the same chassis as their combine masses is still relatively small (10 tons in the extreme for ECM/C3i/6 man Level I). However, I don't really see the WoB MD units as starved for resources. I could understand the choice more for the resource starved RAF at its inception.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #7 on: 02 May 2011, 11:52:56 »
I've used Stealth and C3 together before, and there are some ways it can be good.  On in fighters, one can leave the stealth on at range, and then turn it off as short range dawns, when it has no real bonus anyway and C3 is at its maximum potental.  The Bolla has a few veriants that do well in close quarters, so that's a possability.  Another is on support units, where stealth is kept on as spotters close, when there's no better targeting data to use, then turned off once the brawlers are engaged, and the enemy has something better to shoot at.

Its possible to see the Bolla in this role, with stealth on untill all the units are in positon, then stealth off.  Its still a bonus for ambuses and for getting set.  But, if it was me, I wouldn't probably set my whole force as such units, and especaly not my master.  I suspect that master is around so you can do an all Bolla force, but I think I would try to avoid that as much as possible, and use a more WoB/ComStar like deployment with strong combined arms, with these supporting other mechs and armor, perhaps celestials.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #8 on: 02 May 2011, 12:33:21 »
I can understand there might be times when you want an infantry fighting vehicle, a stealth tank and a C3 spotter available to your forces, but having the capacity to only build one unit you put all on the same chassis as their combine masses is still relatively small (10 tons in the extreme for ECM/C3i/6 man Level I). However, I don't really see the WoB MD units as starved for resources. I could understand the choice more for the resource starved RAF at its inception.


I keep forgetting about the machine guns.  Yeah, I'd yank those, too, if given a free hand.  The C3 systems don't bother me that much and are a quirk shared with the Celestials as well as making people pay attention.  The slave is small enough I'm willing to shrug it off.  The machine guns and BA, on the other hand?  Not that useful unless your mission calls for them.  Any more detailed discussions for modifications should probably go to a Fan Designs thread.

I've used Stealth and C3 together before, and there are some ways it can be good.  On in fighters, one can leave the stealth on at range, and then turn it off as short range dawns, when it has no real bonus anyway and C3 is at its maximum potental.  The Bolla has a few veriants that do well in close quarters, so that's a possability.  Another is on support units, where stealth is kept on as spotters close, when there's no better targeting data to use, then turned off once the brawlers are engaged, and the enemy has something better to shoot at.

Its possible to see the Bolla in this role, with stealth on untill all the units are in positon, then stealth off.  Its still a bonus for ambuses and for getting set.  But, if it was me, I wouldn't probably set my whole force as such units, and especaly not my master.  I suspect that master is around so you can do an all Bolla force, but I think I would try to avoid that as much as possible, and use a more WoB/ComStar like deployment with strong combined arms, with these supporting other mechs and armor, perhaps celestials.

You're probably right about that master, but the reason they'd want it is that these aren't normal operations units.  A non-stealthy master trying to manage a stealth lance means that someone has an opportunity to spot you that you wouldn't need to give them or forces you to not use C3.  Ditto for operating alongside other Blake units - there are times the stealth considerations force Bollas to operate alone, so you have to plan around that, and the MD tends to use C3i aggressively.  They might mix in one of the Raijin IIs as a scout, though - the RJN-200-B has   The BV cost of all this is of course going to be frightful, but then, that's not something the Word even knows exists.

As to the rest of it, it's nice to get a hands-on view of the practical considerations of mixing C3 and stealth, something I don't really have.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #9 on: 02 May 2011, 12:53:07 »
I found this link when I was searching for something I could've sworn I read a while back when 3076 first came out, but now I can't seem to find it...,73225.0.html

I could've sworn at some point that Herb suggested that the Bolla was actually built by the WoB Militia instead of the Manei Domini, hence why the designations don't match between the Celestials and the Bolla, but I can't find anything to suggest that now, so I may be misremembering (especially since the fluff suggests MD are using it, though doesn't say outright).

I can see how I'd use the design, but it seems like no matter how I use it, I'm going to be wasting atleast one aspect of the design, if not two. For instance with the Comminus, if I'm hanging back using Stealth, then I'm not dropping off infantry anyplace and no c3i link. If I use the c3i link, then no long range stealth modifiers. And considering the BV cost associated with both Stealth AND c3i, not getting full use out of them is rather harsh.

As an out of combat unit, or perhaps a mission based scenario i could see it working out, but it really seems like a hassle to use on the field.

Probably the best use I can see with it right now is to use the Stealth when its out in the open, then once its behind cover it can drop off its infantry without worrying about them being shot at, and since c3i doesn't need LOS, it can spot now that its behind cover. Weaponry is used just incase anything tries to hunt it down, or to support the BA.

I just look at the Bolla and wonder if the few advantages it has over the Magi (UCSV) (Stealth and ECM, can carry two BA Level Is) is really worth the 200+ extra BV (not including the c3i cost) that the Bolla will run you. The Bolla could use some tweaks as well, especially since only one of the variants even attempts to address the 200 rounds of machine gun ammo that comes with the base chassis.

Perhaps another case of "Shiny, but meh"?


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #10 on: 02 May 2011, 13:11:06 »
Moonsword already touched on my feelings bout the fixed MG ammo when he pointed out the absence of CASE. I see those 200 rounds as the explosive component of the Bolla's self destruct when caught where they shouldn't be.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #11 on: 02 May 2011, 18:05:09 »
Moonsword already touched on my feelings bout the fixed MG ammo when he pointed out the absence of CASE. I see those 200 rounds as the explosive component of the Bolla's self destruct when caught where they shouldn't be.


I believe it's only 100 rounds in the Republic version.  They'll do the job just fine, though, since you only need about 20-25 or so to guarantee destruction.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #12 on: 02 May 2011, 18:18:02 »
Bolla has great optioons for RPG games, where the Stealth is needed for outside of combat.   And you can bring non-Stealth Battle Armor in close using the Bolla's Stealth, then drop them off where the enemy least expects them.  You send something to defeat the Battle Armor plaguing your supply line, only to find they've disappeared.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #13 on: 03 May 2011, 13:22:41 »
A fine point, but if you're using Purifiers, they'll have done that anyway. :P
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #14 on: 03 May 2011, 13:59:18 »
A fine point, but if you're using Purifiers, they'll have done that anyway. :P

A week later :).  Purifiers aren't that fast...
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #15 on: 03 May 2011, 14:30:55 »
But they do have some nice stealthy armor there. O0

Man, RPing a unit of Bollas and Purifiers, with maybe a couple Stealth 'Mechs on top would be fun. (kinda like that unit posted in the RotS thread upforum.)
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #16 on: 03 May 2011, 14:43:20 »
The Bolla is a bit of a conundrum. As a freshly minted Republic player, it's virtually guaranteed a place in my infiltration/specops units alongside Raptor IIs. (It doesn't hurt that a team of 2 Bollas, 2 Raptor 2s, and 2 squads of Purifier suits almost perfectly matches the normal BV limit for games in my group.) The trick(that I have not yet perfected) is learning how to use it properly. The stealth armor makes you think of ranged tactics(as does the rather thin shell for a 60-tonner), while the speed, troop bay, and mid-to-short-range guns on most configs leans towards close-range combat, as does the infiltration/specops mission that usually revolves around the idea that the enemy doesn't see you until it's too late, aka ambushes. The wheeled chassis doesn't help, as it means that the tank will likely be immobilized early in the fight.

Upon reflection, I've come up with three general strategies to use.

The first is using the tank as an ambush fighter, waiting and then engaging a high-value target at point-blank range along with the Raptors and BA, hopefully disabling/destroying most threats before they can rally and disable the Bollas. Not all that likely to happen in most pick-up games, but in a scenario or campaign this should be devastating, with every Bolla config save the A being well-suited to this.

The second approach is to use the Bolla's stealth armor to maximum potential, keeping them in the backfield and providing fire support. The A and B would work best here, though the other two RotS configs could also be used, providing token ranged fire, but acting mostly as an escort for heavier fire support units. The downside to this approach is that it seems to waste your infantry bay. Either the BA must stay back and provide additional local security(though a cargo of Hauberks can provide additional ranged fire), or they must close with the enemy under their own power, protected by the Bolla's support salvos. If you're the defender in a scenario, a friendly GM might let you forward-deploy the suits, either having moved forward on foot, or having the Bolla deploying them, and then pulling back to a support position.

The final approach treats the Bolla as a heavy IFV, which really, it is. You dash forward, relying on your speed to get you to cover when you can, or stealth and movement mods when you can't, and then drop off the battlesuits when you get to close range. After that, your job is to support the suits, so find a nice spot in the open with wide firing lanes, and get there as fast as you can. You're likely to be disabled by the time you get there(or on the way if you're unlucky), but that's part of the plan. Now you're a Bubble o' Doom®, providing close-range fire support for your buddies. My favorite config for this is the Prime, as the RAC gives you a 15-hex radius to threaten people, and nobody wants to deal with that chainsaw if they can avoid it. The TAG of just about every version is also useful here, as nobody wants to be near you when you can call down hyper-accurate S-G or Arrow fire. (Bollas backed up by JES IIs. My tingly bits are all a-ponder. }:)) The main downside to this is obvious: It ends up with you at close range to the enemy in an immobile and relatively lightly-armored target. While the rewards may be great, it is NOT for the faint of heart. It's also not a very good idea for special operations raids, as they're often interested in getting out unseen as they are getting in, and having a transport that ain't going nowhere is a liability.

Like I said, I have not yet perfected my Bolla tactics, so I'll probably have many spectacular defeats before I can perfect these ideas. Any other ideas would be much appreciated, especially ones that don't involve parking the tank in the middle of a firefight.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Bolla Stealth Tank
« Reply #17 on: 04 May 2011, 00:00:22 »
I'd have to play around with them, but in a C3i net I have a few ideas how to deploy a stealth unit.

Opening stages use it to close while making the machine harder to hit, and getting ready to drop off the BA.

Duck behind cover as the range gets close, drop the Stealth, and start spotting as you through out the 'little friends'.

If using a pair of them there is potential to 'rope a dope' the enemy, one on either flank, and switch off stealth and spotting between them.  Either he concentrates on one (allowing the other to skulk behind him calling in fire) or splits his forces to try and nail down both.

