Author Topic: Cavalli’s Cavaliere  (Read 85967 times)


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #30 on: 28 June 2016, 22:30:13 »
And we know how well it worked out for all involved. Though I love the theme naming

Rather! Yeah, I decided to go back and fill out the Boozefighters' history as I drew up Cavalli and co. So I'll do updates for both here. It's kinda like the good and the bad. Just need an ugly now...

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #31 on: 29 June 2016, 19:56:10 »
When we last left our intrepid crew from the Cavaliere they were knee deep in the muck with the Cappies.

The shattered remains of the fire lance (Arccher and Lineholder) were still trapped in the capital Lorelai and the command lance was moving to relieve them.
The CapCon have made a major push for the capital and have thrown a full battalion of the Hussars at the defenders.
Felix and his lance (minus the still recovering XO) start well outside the city and push forward, while the Archer and Lineholder started things in the city.
Both mechs have not been repaired since their last clash and are low on ammo.

The Capellans are advancing two lances of mixed mediums and heavy mechs, supported by a mechanised infantry platoon with towed Thumpers.

A mixed company of Styk militia is holding the bag - they're mostly dug in.
And to cap it all off, I've designated six hexes that will get periodically shelled by off map Long Toms.

And.... It went pretty well. Cavalli and co smashed three Cappie mechs and only the Victor suffered any real damage.
The command lance rushed forward, linked up with our stragglers and got them the hell out of dodge.
Unfortunately for the Styk militia... We left them for the Cappies. The contract on Styk is over and the Capellans have successfully taken over

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #32 on: 29 June 2016, 20:12:18 »
Dropship Damnthing

"And I'm telling you, I don't give a damn if we don't have clearance to boost - we're going!" Cavalli all but screamed into the bridge com link.
Around him the Union class dropper's bridge crew scurried frantically with final preperation work.
"Who the hell is this? You must be the only bastard still at your post anyway."
The mercenary leader was about to launch into a tirade at the starport tower officer when the line suddenly broke into static.
With a muttered curse in Italian he dropped the mic.

Next to him Captain Fran Molloy sighed. "I'm feeling that could have gone better."

Her commander was engrossed in the main viewer however. It was pulling in images from the main Styk news network.
Three senior members of the Styk planetary council were being led down the steps of government house. All three had been shackled together and looked well worn.
Capellan infantrymen in Han inspired, full face helmets and wielding rifles shoved and corralled the group forward.

"I'd say our contract is null and void, based on those pics," Felixstowe said, nodding towards the screen.
"We need to get out of here."

Outside there was a series of loud explosions.
"We really need to get out - get ready to boost."

Molloy rushed forward.
"Force Commander! We've just secured comms with a Kym Caine off the merchant jump ship Portland. She's willing to take us out of the system if we make a hard burn"
But Felix ignored her - on the main news screen, the camera was zoomed in on an empty flagpole in the city square. Suddenly, the green Capellan flag surged to the top of the poll and extended with a slight flutter.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #33 on: 29 June 2016, 22:48:05 »
Definately time to exit dodge 'fore them pond scum crappies come a-gunnin' fer ya !!!  [run away]
"Remember kids, Ammo explosion's are as much fun as friendly fire and incoming fire has the right-of-way." - ShadowSeraph
Avatar by Wombat, Thanks again to the blue fuzzy marsupial of wanton destruction.
"SRM Carrier. It's actual combat value is irrelevant; the face of a player when one of their 'mechs takes a point-blank shot from one is priceless!  ^-^" - Fireangel
"What's a little canon-deviation amongst friends and enemies" - Self
Quote from: DarkSpade on August 10, 2022, 15:23:40
If you think about it, the perfect merc lives long enough to complete the objective, but not long enough to get paid.
Well, there's an Obi-Wan level point of view comment for you ...  xp
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 15:35:06 by Wolf72 »


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #34 on: 30 June 2016, 10:12:27 »
So with tech conclusion of the Styk contract, I ended up with the following additions.

No pilot:
MLN-1A Merlin (head destroyed)

WHM-6L Warhammer (missing arm and leg)
VND-3L Vindicator (cockpit destroyed, almost no other damage)
HEL-3D Helios (pretty much just spare parts)

X2 Brutus tanks

With the Merlin pilot dead and the Ceaser totally destroyed I'm down half of the fire lance.
Unsure how to group my three new salvaged mechs together or if I shoudk just sell them?

I'm going to spend some supply points and hire a new mechwarrior. While LT Paige will have to take over a new machine with the loss of his ride.

If I have the points I might even go on a spending spree and try for a whole new lance, bring us up to four mech lances.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067

Sir Chaos

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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #35 on: 30 June 2016, 11:05:59 »
I say sell the Vindicator and Helios, and keep the Warhammer as a replacement for the Caesar. Maybe see if you can get the Warhammer upgraded to -7M or -7S; neither would be an equal replacement for the Caesar, but both would still be improvements over the -6L.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #36 on: 30 June 2016, 19:28:15 »
Yeah, it was a shame about the Ceaser - a Hot Hammer isn't a respectable trade.
The Helios is a wreck and not worth repairing. I'd figured on just selling it

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067

Sir Chaos

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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #37 on: 01 July 2016, 02:50:59 »
Yeah, it was a shame about the Ceaser - a Hot Hammer isn't a respectable trade.
The Helios is a wreck and not worth repairing. I'd figured on just selling it

On the other hand, if you have the funds, also keep the Vindicator, and see if you can get three more cheap-ish mechs.

Merlin, Vindicator and two more jumpers (Whitworth, Catapult, Enforcer or something like that) make a jump-capable medium/heavy lance, while Archer, Lineholder, Warhammer plus X make a new fire lance.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #38 on: 01 July 2016, 08:46:48 »
That is kinda what I was thinking about.
That would expand us to a full company plus command lance

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #39 on: 04 July 2016, 05:55:13 »
With the salvage and a bit of a hiring spree I was able to re-equip the Fire Lance and expand to a slightly under strength Pursuit Lance. Asha, our former Lineholder pilot did very well - both in holding it together after the first fight and then the pursuit through the city.
So she's moved up to the Merlin and now commands her own lance.

Eugen Cannavaro is far from pleased and once again getting passed over for promotion...

Fire lance
LT   Joe Paige - WHM-6L Warhammer
SGT Eugen Cannavaro - Archer ARC-4M
MW Rufus Le Marquid - BNC-3M Banshee
MW Sueellen Tores - Lineholder KW1-LH2

Pursuit lance
LT Asha Akouayn - Merlin MLN-1A
MW Bobby (Roberto) Singh - Lynx LNX-9Q
MW Georgia Calosso - VND-3L Vindicator

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #40 on: 04 July 2016, 06:04:55 »
New recruits!

Rufus Le Marquid is a veteran's veteran. War of '39? Saw action with the 3rd Davion Guards. Clan War? Yep. On exchange with the 3rd Lyran on the border. Bulldog? Oh hell yeah - 1st FedSuns Armoured Cav. Even brought home a commendation.
He's seen more combat than most jocks will even dream of. So retirement on Le Blanc didn't sit well and he jumped at the chance when an old buddy lured him into  merc work in the Chaos March.
He's brought an ancient Banshee out of retirement.

Bobby (Roberto) Singh - brought a Cicada with him from his last posting in the 1st Regulan Hussars. A veteran of The FWL's contribution to Operation Bulldog, he's a talented warrior.
However his attitude and big mouth has seen him demoted numerous times and eventually busted out of the service following a public brawl with an Atrean officer.
Shortly after washing up on Outreach he managed to win a pristine Lynx in a high stakes game of Four Card Drax and traded up.

Sueellen Tores is a native of Tarus but left that world at age four with her mercenary parents. For the next 20 years she grew up as a "merc brat" as her parents moved from unit to unit.
Her family were slain holding off Clan Wolf in the FRR and she wandered for several years before arriving in the Chaos March. Broke and dispossessed she was working as a bar tender when the Cavaliere arrived on Outreach in late 3062 following the Styk contract.
Felix saw her talent and signed her.

Georgia Calosso is the 17 year old daughter of Jorge, the Locust pilot in the pursuit lance. Eager and obviously talented at the controls of a mech her proudest day was the day the unit allowed her to actually pilot one.
Tall and graceful with a lustrous mane of dark hair she's already breaking hearts.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #41 on: 04 July 2016, 23:24:30 »
The Cavaliere are off to Saiph to work a short term contract for the Saiph Triumvirate. The Triumvirate need some help cleaning up insurgents on Saiph.

Saiph: Intelligence summary August 3062

Saiph is a sparsely inhabited, temperate planet. Heavily forested mountain ranges cover 90% of Saiph's landmass and produce numerous freshwater lakes and rivers. The heavily forested, mountainous terrain of the world has discouraged development, and the planet's population rely primarily on mining, subsistence farming, livestock herding and hunting to provide the necessities of life. Two small cities and a few small communities are scattered among the mountain ranges, along with the planet's two small spaceports.

Lacking much in the way of heavy industry and a high quantity of undulating mountain formations, thick rainforest and jungle Saiph has never boasted a high population.
What population it ha, however had led to numerous ethic troubles and revolutionary movements.

Settled originally from migrants mainly from Terra's Malay and Indonesian populations, Capellan annexation saw a considerable injection of Chinese extraction settlers and a English/Welsh/Scots settlers from the Chesterton region.
The FedSuns invasion of 3028 saw those Anglo communities appointed to positions of power because Davion overlords favoured "less Capellan influences".
This created considerable friction, which boiled over in 3058.

Current threats:
While there's consistently pro-Liao sentiment (and many rebel groups claim Capellan backing) the only active Capellan group is relatively toothless after being effectively eliminated by the Canned Heat in late 3059.

Up to eight armies are currently working against government forces, ranging from platoon sized units of insurgents up to multiple regiments worth of fighters and vehicles.
Only four actively threaten the government's control on the capital.
Thankfully, all of the various insurgents and militias work against each other as much as they work against the government.

The Southern Peoples' Liberation Army claims to speak for the people who live in the capital's surrounding Southern Highlands and Southern Tablelands regions. It claims it's purely fighting a defensive war against government invasion. And it claims to be a stabilising force in the region.
In reality, it's a savage autocracy run by militia deserters, criminals and off world pirates who teamed up and seized the region as their own personal fief.

The SPLA carry out regular raids against the capital and surrounds: raping and pillaging.
The Liberation Army also controls all roads leading to the capital: demanding tribute and frequently just seizing whatever they like.
Major Linus Xiang is a militia defector who is probably the brains behind the Army but he rarely leaves their highlands stronghold.

The Septimius Coalition holds the Septimius Peninsula and raids both the Southern Highlands and capital areas indiscriminately.
Boasting only a few companies of infantry, its troops however are canny jungle fighters and all attempts to attack the peninsula have met with disaster.
Membership is confined to the ethnic Malay population of the Septimius region, making it hard to get any intelligence assets inside the movement.

Freedom for Saiph claims to be a planetary wide insurgency striving for independence but is little more than a couple platoons of insurgenat and some urban street gangs with a slick PR pitch.
The remains of the old Capellan insurgency FfS is a shadow of its former self but still receives a trickle of arms, equipment and cash.
They've carried out numerous bombing against government and militia targets but also operate an effective political wing that is actively on its ways to becoming a legitimate part of Saiph's Planetary Council.
The politician wing publicly disallow all knowledge of the violent attacks however.

Saiph Citizens Alliance was originally nominally pro-Capellan but in recent years appears to have received an injection of arms and funds. This change in rhetoric coincided with a change in message and leadership after government forces received a tip off about the whereabouts of one Jing O'Shea (O'Shea was captured and hung last year). Since then the group appears to be calling for the rise of proto-Hegemony like state and has stepped up its tempo of attacks, complete with a new standard of training and equipment.
Where previously this group would periodically shell the local spaceport and then fade away they've recently handed the SPLA a series of bloody noses before turning around and carving a sizeable portion out of former government territory.
Based out the agricultural district to the capital's west the SCA appears to be attracting real support from the native population.
« Last Edit: 07 July 2016, 07:18:11 by Nav_Alpha »

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #42 on: 05 July 2016, 01:23:20 »
MISSION: Beachhead

Pursuit lance,  Cavalli’s Cavaliere + armoured lance
The attacker divides its force in half. One portion enter the track from the designated home edge at the start of the battle.
The remaining portion enters from the same edge of any turn between 5 and 10 as long as at least one operational attacker remains.

DEFENDER: Elements of the SPLA who have occupied a ruined village just outside Saiph's capital. They are deployed no further than four hexes from their home edge.

Track cost +400
+100 complicated weather (heavy rain)
+ Sensor interference

Hammer! - Cripple or destroy 50 per cent of the opponent's force (+300)
SALVAGE: Only if hammer is achieved

Elements of the Southern Peoples' Liberation Army have pushed forward out of the highlands region to take up a position only a few kilometres from the capital. Saiph intelligence believe they intend to strike directly at the capital.
The Cavaliere pursuit lance, along with armoured elements are dispatched to eliminate them.
The armoured company of the SPLA (along with a Guillotine) didn't expect the mercs to cross a deep river under the cover of a heavy rainstorm.
After half of their tanks were brewing up and the Guillotine went down with a shattered gyro the rebels started popping their hatches and surrendering.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #43 on: 05 July 2016, 03:44:16 »

This is how the unit now looks. You'll notice a couple of promotions. Unfortunately, one of the Gladius hover tanks was lost during the opening Saiph mission

Command lance

Marauder MAD-5M
Force Commander Felix Cavalli

Anvil ANV-3M
CPT   Capri Francesca Palma

Victor VTR-9B
M/SGT Travis Banerjee

Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
MW Stefan Hostigos

1st company - Captain Aurora Weathers

Recon lance

Aurora Weathers - Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
MW Jorge Calosso - Locust LCT-3M
MW Ling Hoan - Raven RVN-3L

Fire lance
LT  Joe Paige - WHM-6L Warhammer
SGT Eugen Cannavaro - Archer ARC-4M
MW Rufus Le Marquid - BNC-3M Banshee
MW Sueellen Tores - Lineholder KW1-LH2

Pursuit lance
LT Asha Akouayn - Merlin MLN-1A
MW Bobby (Roberto) Singh - Lynx LNX-9Q
MW Georgia Calosso - VND-3L Vindicator

2nd company

Cpt Aubrey Ito-Hostigos
(Headquarters squad)

Foot Infantry platoon
   Lt Alex Zarco

Foot Infantry platoon #2
   LT Rich Reisenauer

Heavy Hover APC (Standard)
   Tosya Ivaneev

Heavy Hover APC (Standard) #2
   Neema Baya

Maxim (I) Heavy Hover Transport (Standard)

Armoured lance
Gladius Medium Hover Tank (Standard)
LT Mostafa Mirza

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (3058 Upgrade)
   Ipatia Siranosian

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (3058 Upgrade) #2
   James Timbrell

Savannah Master Hovercraft (Standard)
   Amber Mori

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #44 on: 06 July 2016, 01:33:44 »
Do you keep the Guillotine as salvage, if you have a gyro for it.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #45 on: 06 July 2016, 01:50:37 »
100 per cent salvage on this contract as it pays so poorly and employer wants a rush job.

Also, Snakespinner! Really sorry - I've not been dodging your call. Just busy with work, you seem to call every time I'm flat chat

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #46 on: 06 July 2016, 05:16:07 »
I know the feeling, work is killing me at the moment. [cheers]
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #47 on: 07 July 2016, 23:36:37 »
"CHARLIE-six, roger that. Acorn out."

Rufus Le Marquid listened to his lance commander communicate with the CO as he peered into the gloom trying to pick out the rapidly departing command lance.
While it made perfect sense for the command lance to set up a counter ambush out in the jungle as Marquid and the rest of Fire Lance escorted the convoy.
It did leave him feeling just a little naked.

"Alright Acorns. Let's move out," Paige's voice crackled through the comms.
Around Marquid, engines growled to life as seven long haul trucks and a hulking tanker rolled forward. But he left his Banshee still as the convoy - and his three lance mates moved forward.
The former Federated Suns warrior was tail end Charlie. The last man in line.

Finally as the last truck - a scarred and battered six wheel rig hauling close to four tonnes of coal - passed out the compound's gates Marquid shoved his control yoke forward.

When the Banshee moved the world around him felt it. He could see workmen in bright high visibility tunics turn and stare and he knew for a fact windows were rattling and groaning in protest as the 95 tonne mech strutted forward.
Spotting two Canned Heat tanks positioned near the centre of the compound's concrete grinder - a Patton and a Scorpion - Marquid offered them a cocky wave of his left arm.
"That's right guys, sit back here behind your walls," he muttered, just low enough that the com link pick ups wouldn't register it.

As the gigantic machine stepped from the compound proper he caught a final glimpse of the convoy as it turned the first corner and deeper into the jungle.
"I'm getting too old for this shit."

Corporal Neema Baya flicked out her long frizzy hair and craned her neck to catch her reflection in the glass window of the bar she was seated outside.
With the same critical eye she used to run down the checklist in her Heavy Hover APC she noticed the half dozen contrasting arm rings and fresh looking long red dress she'd bought at the South Market last week. Minimal makeup but just enough to set off her ebony skin. Hair: perfect.
Now she just needed her damn date to turn up!

She'd meet Juan two days ago and fallen head over heels. Obviously, if she had lied to Corporal Timbrell to get him to switch shifts. And then snuck off base despite the curfew.
Well the riots weren't going to stop her from seeing Juan and having a little fun.
Neema was Outreach born and bred but hoped a couple years of mercenary service would save her enough cash to enter Outreach University.
But she was still determined to have a little fun during those years.

Just then she saw Juan walking down the street towards here.
She was so distracted as she rose to greet him she never heard the high pitch whine of  the sonic stunner right behind her.

Unrest after mercenary's body found

There have been ugly scenes today as off world mercenaries in the employ of the Saiph Triumvirate clashed with legitimate protesters following a week of unrest across the capital.
A mercenary Battlemech opened fire on protesters - injuring five - after clashes outside the main Mercenary compound.
Earlier groups of mercenaries had instigated brawls in several residential neighbourhoods - attacking civilians and threatening several merchants.
Following these ugly incidents protesters descend on the mercenary compound to demand justice.

The violence comes after a female mercenary was found dead a short distance outside the city two days ago.
It's understood the  woman - a 20-year-old armoured personnel carrier driver - was sexually assaulted before being shot twice in the back of the head.
Police sources have told this publication they suspect the she may have been killed by one of her own following a domestic argument inside the merc unit, making this recent violence even more reprehensible.

- Saiph Planetary Telegraph

HEADLINES: Saiph InterWeb Network

Mercs go home! Why the Siaph Triumvirate was wrong to throw money warriors at us

Is Liao the answer? New Canton sure isn't

The Word of Blake and Saiph: Ten reasons we should look to Terra

We're losing the war against insurgents - and the fault lies with New Canton

Lady Shu strips off at County Po garden party and shows off her racy new look

BREAKING: Blast kills two merc astechs, four civilians in downtown pub bombing

Lady Shu: 'I'm voting out of the Triumvirate!'

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #48 on: 07 July 2016, 23:43:37 »
So the convoy mission went well - roll out and protect a convoy of coal trucks as they head towards the capital.
I used the Hidden Unit rules to drop the command lance out in counter ambush while Fire Lance played bait.
And we did damn well! We only lost the Sh-Hawk (pilot knocked out but machine ok)

Survivors are:
Marauder MAD-5M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Felix Cavalli [3/3]
Kills : 2

Anvil ANV-3M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot :  Capri Francesca Palma [4/5]
Kills : 0

Victor VTR-9B (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Travis Banerjee [2/3] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 2

Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot :  Stefan Hostigos [4/5] ( 5 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0

Warhammer WHM-6L (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Joe Paige [2/3]
Kills : 1

Archer ARC-4M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Eugen Cannavaro [4/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Banshee BNC-3M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Rufus Le Marqui [4/4]
Kills : 1

Lineholder KW1-LH2 (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Pilot : Sueellen Tores [4/5]
Kills : 1

Coolant Truck 135-K (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Keisha Tichawonna [4/5]
Kills : 0

Flatbed Truck (Standard) (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Bai-luo Zhou [4/5]
Kills : 0

Flatbed Truck (Standard) #2 (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Jake Salajov [4/5]
Kills : 0

Flatbed Truck (Standard) #3 (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Timotheus Stenissen [4/5]
Kills : 0

Iveco Burro II Super Heavy Cargo Truck (Standard) (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Ameena bin Rahman [5/5]
Kills : 0

Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K70 #2 (CapCon)
Driver : Eileen bin Fawwaz [4/5]
Kills : 0

Blackjack BJ-3 #2 (CapCon)
Pilot : Oscar Dvorak [4/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Zhen Juan Hang (CapCon)
Gunnery Skill : Zhen Juan Hang [4]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Raven RVN-3L (CapCon)
Pilot : Valerius Hahn [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Warhammer WHM-6L (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

Cataphract CTF-3D (CapCon)
Pilot : Rebekka Samarjian [4/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Marauder MAD-5M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (CapCon)
Driver : Theron Pattakos [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Lineholder KW1-LH2 (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

Po Heavy Tank (Standard) (CapCon)
Driver : Olga Stevic [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Victor VTR-9B (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K70 (CapCon)
Driver : Harmeni Pane [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Victor VTR-9B (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

Iveco Burro II Super Heavy Cargo Truck (Standard) #2 (Cavalli's Cavaliere)
Driver : Willow Byrne [5/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Blackjack BJ-3 (CapCon)

Blackjack BJ-3 (CapCon)
Pilot : Valien Alonso [4/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Marauder MAD-5M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Warhammer WHM-6Rb (CapCon)
Pilot : Zhen Juan Hang [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Banshee BNC-3M (Cavalli's Cavaliere)

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #49 on: 08 July 2016, 02:11:34 »
Is that Warhammer a royal variant.
Good battle.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #50 on: 08 July 2016, 05:55:36 »
Is that Warhammer a royal variant.
Good battle.

Huh. Random MegaMek roll I guess? Sadly destroyed and can't be salvaged
MG ammo went boom
« Last Edit: 08 July 2016, 18:45:04 by Nav_Alpha »

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #51 on: 08 July 2016, 18:35:18 »
WHM-6Rb, the b at the end signifies SL royal variant.
Interesting that MM has those in the lists.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #52 on: 12 July 2016, 19:35:54 »
“Merc baby killers go home! Merc  baby killers-“
“It’s nice to be loved, eh?” Felix Cavalli mused out loud over his Marauder’s commlink.
Two lances of his mercenary company were strung out in a staggered column as they approached their main base on Hui’s outskirts.
Surrounding that base looked to be several hundred protesters chanting slogans and hoisting placards – all of the rhetoric directed at the mercs.
As the mercenary leader’s  75 tonne machine took another step forward an object arched out from the crowd. Instantly the Marauder’s targeting system whirred to life and began tracking the bottle.
Watching the bottle – flame and oily dark smoke pouring from one end – Cavalli barked into his commlink.
“Hold fire! No one fires! Hold fire!”
The Molotov cocktail struck his Marauder  high up on its rounded side and instantly exploded, spreading flames across the mech’s torso.
Instantly Felix’s cockpit lit up red and alarms rang out as his heat briefly surged before returning back to normal.
“Merc baby killers go home!”

Cavalli’s Cavaliere have enjoyed success on Saiph – in just a month they have succeeded in opening up the highways around the capital and pushing bandit forces back considerably.
Rebel activity has dropped considerably since their joint offensive into the Highlands region with the native Canned Heat unit.
However, they have been facing an orchestrated campaign of resistance, including riots and even sniper attacks and bombings. This in direct threat has actually claimed more mercenary lives than combat operations.
Impressed with their performance however, Count Lado Balatine renewed the Cavaliere’s contract and transferred them to New Canton for defensive operations.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #53 on: 12 July 2016, 20:23:25 »
The Word of Blake is funding Count Balatine

TECHNO-cultists the Word of Blake has provided billions in cash and technology to Saiph Triumvirate’s leader Count Lado Balatine.
Large sums of cash have been transferred into both the Count’s personal accounts and the accounts for companies including TransFlex, New Development Corporation and Ventuere Cranes – all indirectly owned by the Count or members of his families.
How else do you think Balatine afforded to expand the spaceport, redevelop all that outer city land, dredge the harbour or hire all those new mercs?
The question remains –what does the Word of Blake want with New Canton?
-   Unfiled report by freelance journalist Asher Mokbel

Activist and journalist murdered in double shooting

Prominent activist and journalist Asher Mokbel is among two people slain in a downtown shooting tonight.
Mokbel, 33, was gunned down after getting off the Smith St Maglev line about 9pm. An unidentified man was also shot dead a short distance away.
It’s believed the second victim may have disturbed Mokbel’s killer and been shot in return.
The activist was shot once in the back of the head and a further time in the back, police sources have confirmed.
Mokbel , best known for her series attacking the New Cantonese government and advocacy for refugees, was a prominent activist.
It is understood she was working on another piece, highly critical of the government, when she was murdered.
Detective Senior Sergeant Pitor Vilkonov of the New Canton Federal Police said there were no suspects at this stage.

- New Canton Post-Dispatch

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #54 on: 13 July 2016, 17:15:16 »
Nice, Great sitrep and storyline. Way to go Nav_Alpha !!!
"Remember kids, Ammo explosion's are as much fun as friendly fire and incoming fire has the right-of-way." - ShadowSeraph
Avatar by Wombat, Thanks again to the blue fuzzy marsupial of wanton destruction.
"SRM Carrier. It's actual combat value is irrelevant; the face of a player when one of their 'mechs takes a point-blank shot from one is priceless!  ^-^" - Fireangel
"What's a little canon-deviation amongst friends and enemies" - Self
Quote from: DarkSpade on August 10, 2022, 15:23:40
If you think about it, the perfect merc lives long enough to complete the objective, but not long enough to get paid.
Well, there's an Obi-Wan level point of view comment for you ...  xp
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 15:35:06 by Wolf72 »


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #55 on: 18 July 2016, 19:00:06 »
High command knew we needed a break - a break from the brutal winter campaign on the northwest coastline. A war of ambushes and burnt out ranches, and endless cold, mud and sea air that was seasoned with continuous frustration and then sudden spikes of pure terror.
The Liao insurgents would slip in by small boat over the beaches and raid. And we'd counter raid. And then they'd fade back to their island holdfasts we didn't have the power to take out.
We were tired and command finally pulled us out to garrison a small fort in the Oakes District - no sea air, mud or wet there, must be the only place on New Canton!
Then the Harloc Raiders came.
- excerpt from PBI: An infantryman's look at the lead up to the Jihad, by Captain James Jamieson, Stalwart Support (retired)
Solaris Free Press 3087

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #56 on: 18 July 2016, 19:10:25 »
I played through this scenario last week but didn't get the chance to post it!

Upon arriving at New Canton' Nadir jump point the Cavaliere received an urgent comm signal from the planet - Liao insurgents who were stuck in a bloody stalemate with on world forces had got some serious help in the guise of the Liao mercs turned house troops - the Harloc Raiders. Additionally, a smaller mercenary command called Bartin's Boozefighters had been retained by Liao.
And these new troops were spearheading a big offensive that had broken out of the northern coastal region aimed directly at the capital of Merrick City.
The Balantine Guard had suffered a serious blow after being hammered by the Raiders and several battalions of green militia were now in all out retreat. Veteran mercenary infantry Stalwart Support were the only real resistance but were being hammered.

The Cavaliere were ordered to perform a hot drop on a Stalwart Support position in the Oakes District - a heavily forested nature reserve.

Cavalli and his command and fire lance dropped directly in the same of a Raider company, while Pursuit and Recon dropped in on the left flank.
Rushed into battle command and fire had not had the time to repair any of the previous battle's damage and were running short on ammo.

Facing them was a Harloc Raider heavy mech lance, a light/medium lance an augmented armoured lance - three Pos, a Devestator and two squads of Fa Shi. Cappies also had two Sniper launchers.

And we won... It was bloody. the CO's Marauder is a mess - gyro gone, one arm missing and he punched out.
The Victor is destroyed - artillery hit turned it into scrap.
Shadow Hawk was once again a victim of bad piloting rolls and got badly banged up.

But the salvage.... oh the salvage: TMP-3G Tempest, MR-5M Cerberus and a VND-5L Vindicator.

I'm thinking of putting the CO in the Tempest as it's still very mobile? Or the Cerb?

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #57 on: 19 July 2016, 01:13:01 »
The Cerb, definitely the Cerb !!!

All hail the god of war!!

Avatar by ShadowRaven. Thanks SR.


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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #58 on: 19 July 2016, 02:34:18 »
The Cerb is a better command mech.
Also once the Gauss ammo is gone the Tempest is a brawler.
The Cerb has the erppc if the CO wants to stay out of it.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Re: Cavalli’s Cavaliere
« Reply #59 on: 19 July 2016, 09:54:24 »

Some allies! These guys have also been hired by the New Cantonese as part of their defensive campaign.

The Jotunns' Bastards Mercenary Collective

Formed from a collection of shattered mercenary commands in the late 2990s the  Jotunns' Bastards maintain an eclectic command and staffing style.
New recruits are required to purchase their spot in the unit - with most new members deferring the "dues" to be taken from their salary in a series of payments throughout their probationary period.
These dues are based on a sliding scale determined by the recruit's experience, possession of equipment and other variables.

A complex system of points and dues determine a soldier's eligibility for command positions, new equipment and even seating position in the mess.
Points are acquired from kills,  experience, time in grade and even direct purchase.

Once a full member, each unit member can vote on nearly every decision - ranging from election of officers to contract choices and even combat orders.
This equality extends from the CO down to astechs, as long as they're full members.
New employees spend anywhere between three months to a year on probation before they're accepted by a vote.
Corporal Hal Glitzkin holds the record for longest probationary period of five years and one month. Still an astech, he somehow managed to annoy almost every other unit member and has repeatedly been stripped of his accumulated points.

While this sense of Liberty is popular to mercenaries it has resulted in some poor battlefield performance. On Spica in 3025 one lance after another voted to not engage the enemy, leading to a critical defeat for their Capellan paymasters.

Initially starting with a surplus of dispossessed mechwarriors (this would be repeated following the Bastards string of Clan Border contracts in the mid to late 3050s) the unit  places a great emphasis on getting dispossessed warriors back on their feet. Unless owning a mech on arrival recruits will spend a year or two with the Bastards' infantry or tank elements while they work up enough points to buy into the mech ranks.
It's not unknown for teams of soldiers to pool their resources to get a mech assignment - resulting in three or four warriors rotating through the cockpit.

The Bastards boast a full Battlemech company plus an independent command lance.
This is supplemented by a full armoured company (two hover tank lances and lance of assault tanks with attached mobile artillery) and an infantry company.
While the mech company is rated as veteran, the support elements are a real hodgepodge - most members see it as just marking time until they get their points up. A handful of dedicated tankers and footsloggers round out these units but they've never been able to develop any special abilities.

The mech company's core is its command lance and assault lance - all veteran Bastards who have a large wealth of points and as such can sway most of their comrades.
The recon lance is an obvious weak point however - every mech is shared between three and six pilots, meaning none have developed a real rapport and typically act alone.
The fire lance tries to remain aloof but suffers from two experienced warriors who control a major voting bloc. Their green lieutenant appears to have been voted in purely for them to exploit.

The Bastards boast an efficient tech corps under Lieutenant Angella Rizzo, a former Wolf's Dragoon tech who split from that command after learning of their Clan origins.
Experienced techs do most of the actual work while prospective members and full members building up their points perform the astech grunt work.
Most prospects prefer to apprentice with a combat unit, knowing kills can help them work off their debt quicker. But the more in the know embrace a tech role knowing it's a lot safer and easier.

The Bastards do not posses their own transport, forcing them to rely entirely on their employers. They do however have several good contacts among independent captains since arriving in the Chaos March in 3059.

Harkening to their namesakes - the Giants of Norse mythology - Jotunns' Bastards paint their machines in electric blue with ice blue/white highlights.
Their insignia depicts the Norse fire giant Surtr sitting cross legged, a massive great sword laying across his lap.
The black Titan appears to be sitting on an icy landscape, picked out in dark blue.

Office holders typically paint their position - Commander, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, etc - under the unit patch in gothic black lettering on their machines.

Commander Gillian LeSabre has run the Bastards for 15 years, since joining just prior to the Clan Invasion. A canny fighter who possess the ability to fight down and dirty, the former FRR Kapten is also a skilled negotiator and administrator who has mastered the art of getting the various power blocs inside the unit to work together.
She's become increasingly frustrated with having to work with those blocs however and there's rumour she would like to see the end of the whole system.
She pilots a modern Charger, purchased during the Bastards tenure in Kuritan space during operation Bulldog.

Captain Ansel Leroux was once a mechwarrior in the FWL but made the mistake of backing the wrong Marik during the 3030s civil war. Dispossessed he joined the Bastards as a crewman in a Manticore, but despite racking up enough points, choose to stay with the armoured company. Now commanding the entire armour company, he's realised his voice means much more than it would have as a simple mechwarrior.
He's a harsh disciplinary and has personally executed several crewmen for being drunk on duty, talking back and other infractions.
He thinks it's high time a tanker ran the unit.

Karen Wei is just a mechwarrior in fire lance driving a Hunchback but is one of the unit's most powerful people. A career Bastard she has is well know for "leasing out" her points to more junior members to allow them to easily make full member or buy equipment. Provided they can pay back her high interest loans.
Wei controls a powerful voting bloc that can get you elected or kick you back to infantry depending on how mouth you've sucked up to her.
Wei really runs the Fire Lance, everyone knows that - apart from her LT who doesn't appear to realise she got him voted in. He's also heavily in debt to her.
She's nominally allied with the commander. For now.

Lieutenant Angella Rizzo served throughout the Crucis March Militia as a tech before joining the Dragoons in the early 3040s. When they revealed their origins she fled in horror and was quickly snapped up by the Bastards. A short time ago the chief tech was also elected as unit treasurer, a thankless task doing the books that she's actually thrived at.
Her only issue is her tech pool's occasional "stop work" vote that occasionally gets in the way of critical work.

"Hold your position, conserve ammo... and wait for the Dragoons to go Feral"
- last words of unknown merc, Harlech, 3067