Author Topic: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30  (Read 17801 times)


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Hey guys, it's time for another release. Quick and dirty due to final exams, but it's out here! Hammer will be back next week with another release as well!

MegaMek 0.41.20
MegaMekLab 0.1.56
MekHQ 0.3.30

Enjoy! Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle during the 2nd half of the summer semester ;)
Damn Senior classes are so much more time consuming than the last "years" worth!


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #1 on: 27 June 2016, 23:21:16 »
People who followed my live coding streams or rambling on IRC already got a small glimpse of two new features in MekHQ's interstellar map, but I think it's a good idea to introduce them and explain what they will be doing to the wider audience here - in particular because you can help filling them with content.

The first is a visual clue: You'll note a small circle in the upper right corner of a planet's detail view. This will be a placeholder graphic for almost all of them but Terra in this release.

What is it for?

It's a visual aid to identifying a planet. For now, the plans are to give each planet a random image fitting its type, climate and so on. As you can see with Terra, the planets can also have their own, custom image. In the near future, when planets will belong to systems, those icons will also help identifying them in the system overview screen.

How can it be customised?

You can put the pictures anywhere in the "data" folder. The default size of the icon is 64x64 pixels, and usually a multitude of them are packed together into one bigger picture. The ideal format is PNG, due to the ability to add "soft" transparency around the planet's border. There is one such image already provided in this release, in data/images/universe/planets.png

The second part is to tell MekHQ which icon names belong to which image. For this, open the file data/images/universe/planet_icons.txt with any text editor and look at the contents. For now, they will consist of just those two lines:

Code: [Select]

The first, "default" line is mandatory. All the others are for your custom planetary icons. The format consist of a unique icon name followed by an equality sign (without any space around it!), followed by the file name relative to the "data" directory, optionally followed by parentheses containing the position and size of the part of the image which this icon represents (upper left corner of the image is at position 0,0).

The third part consists of telling MekHQ to use the specific icon for a specific planet. This is done by adding an "icon" data element to the planet data. For an example, see the file data/universe/planets/0001_terra.xml, where near the end there is one line like this:

Code: [Select]

Similar can be done for any other planet. For example, if you created an image for New Avalon and defined the icon name "new_avalon" for it, you could create a new XML file which would assign that icon to this specific planet:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<id>New Avalon</id>

Save it as an XML file in the "data/universe/planets/" folder and you're done.

The second feature is a new map overlay, "HPG Network". You can access it via the light blue "hamburger icon" in the lower right corner of the interstellar map.

What is it for?

It shows all the links between A-class HPGs as thick, light blue lines and all the links from B-class HPGs to A-class HPGs as faint turquoise lines.

This is very much a work-in-progress feature. Right now, the only areas with a "proper" coverage are the clan homeworlds and some space around Terra, and even so our current data set includes an A-class HPG on New Dallas even though the planet was abandoned near the end of the 2nd Succession War.

For this reason, the HPG network doesn't have any in-game functionality yet. The plan for the future is for it to determine when you get to hear news, if you are capable of placing orders and how long it'll take for someone to fulfil them and similar communications-related game features. But we need a few passes through the data to ensure it can be actually used for that purpose. For now, using just the official data, no major worlds can communicate with each other via the HPG network.

How can it be customised?

For one thing, you can turn on GM Mode, mark a planet and right click to edit its historical events. There, you can put, change or remove an HPG at any date. This change will be saved with your campaign, but not propagated to other campaign files.

You can also create custom XML files in the "data/universe/planets" folder, as shown above, and either add a line like ...

Code: [Select]

... to the planets you want to, or if you want to be more precise, lines like the following to add or change the HPG class of a planet at any given date.

Code: [Select]

I realise the features are a little bare-bones right now. How you can help, if you care to, is with suggestions about how to deal with the outstanding issues: The planetary classification and images, and the HPG network connectivity. You can also provide us with nice images for the planet's icons if you wish, but please keep the copyright law in mind.

Also, feel free to visit me on my coding streams and influence the direction MekHQ is taking life and in person. ;)
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #2 on: 27 June 2016, 23:35:41 »
And yet you don't leave a link??


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #3 on: 27 June 2016, 23:36:14 »
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!  But why is it that the communication network doesnt work?  It wasn't realistic in Battletech now that MM/HQ has actually applied scientific math to it for a program?


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #4 on: 28 June 2016, 00:01:51 »
Don't know if this is wrong or not.  I have already downloaded mekhq 3.30.   building a new command for an AtB game, per my normal for a new build, I came across an icarus in the unit market during a 3029 game. 

see attached word document with screen captures. 

If you need anything else just let me know. 
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #5 on: 28 June 2016, 01:22:41 »
The icarus has two models with intro dates before 3029. Don't know if its really a bug, but some star league units do show up in the market from time to time. What was the exact model?
Icarus ICR-1X is from XTRO Primitives II intro 2470
Icarus II ICR-1S is from TRO 3075 intro 2518
The 3rd models intro is during the Jihad


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #6 on: 28 June 2016, 01:34:56 »
ok, thanks.  it was the 1S.  I had never heard of the icarus before the Jihad stuff started so I was wondering.  didn't know if it was a bug so didn't want to write one until I knew.  thank you. 
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Set him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life!

The secret to winning the land/air battle is that you must always remain rigidly flexible.

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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2016, 03:30:04 »
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!  But why is it that the communication network doesnt work?  It wasn't realistic in Battletech now that MM/HQ has actually applied scientific math to it for a program?

For the most part, because it's lacking data. And barring the highly unlikely event of CGL releasing full network maps for the various eras, it will stay that way, at least officially. Unless I somehow missed them doing exactly that ...

The first step is making sure that the data in MekHQ actually is consistent with the fiction - this includes no network nodes before 2630, a good part of it going down during the Amaris Civil War and being rebuild post-2780, and finally almost all of it going down on Gray Monday, 3132-08-07. This will be the "official" part of the planetary data.

The second part will be adding HPG network nodes where there is no official data and it makes sense. This will create a kind of "alternate universe" network, which means that we'll put it into a separate XML file so that everyone can easily disable it or replace it with their own version - same as we do with the "connecting" star system for interstellar travel right now.

And only then there will be rules implemented using that network. Playing before 2630, after 3132 or deep in the Periphery will be the most impacted then, with ordering parts and units not produced locally or even getting a list of current possible contracts being very hard outside of a few specific planets like the regional capitals.

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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2016, 08:48:46 »
MKHQ turning .30? Aww, I remember when it was .2...
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #9 on: 28 June 2016, 09:25:56 »
For the most part, because it's lacking data. And barring the highly unlikely event of CGL releasing full network maps for the various eras, it will stay that way, at least officially. Unless I somehow missed them doing exactly that ...

The first step is making sure that the data in MekHQ actually is consistent with the fiction - this includes no network nodes before 2630, a good part of it going down during the Amaris Civil War and being rebuild post-2780, and finally almost all of it going down on Gray Monday, 3132-08-07. This will be the "official" part of the planetary data.

The second part will be adding HPG network nodes where there is no official data and it makes sense. This will create a kind of "alternate universe" network, which means that we'll put it into a separate XML file so that everyone can easily disable it or replace it with their own version - same as we do with the "connecting" star system for interstellar travel right now.

And only then there will be rules implemented using that network. Playing before 2630, after 3132 or deep in the Periphery will be the most impacted then, with ordering parts and units not produced locally or even getting a list of current possible contracts being very hard outside of a few specific planets like the regional capitals.

IS there a line somewhere that ties hpg class to the ABC... tech dev level of each planet?


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #10 on: 28 June 2016, 10:01:52 »
IS there a line somewhere that ties hpg class to the ABC... tech dev level of each planet?

Not exactly. It's basically "whatever the Star League ministry of communications and later ComStar decided to put there." There can be class-A HPG facilities on planets with a population of a few hundred farmers living near starvation if it's required for the network to function properly and a high-tech, high population planet can be stuck with class-B HPG if there are already some two or three class-A nearby covering the area.

Class-C and class-D HPG service is not an installation but more of a promise how often a ComStar courier will jump into the system to deliver and pick up messages, and so don't contribute to the network itself.

If you feel like doing it randomly for any single system or planet, the rules are in the "IOBeta: Solar System Generation" PDF, page 32. For MekHQ, we can't assign those classes randomly - the network as a whole has to make sense.
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #11 on: 28 June 2016, 12:01:07 »
<snip>For MekHQ, we can't assign those classes randomly - the network as a whole has to make sense.

Can I suggest a thread where people can post where HPGs are found in Sourcebooks and Fiction?
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #12 on: 28 June 2016, 12:39:56 »
Can I suggest a thread where people can post where HPGs are found in Sourcebooks and Fiction?

No need to reinvent the wheel, we already have the data for any that come from sourcebooks. There will likely be gaps since only something like 25-30% of planets have published, canon, data.

If I recall correctly, the rest default to C.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #13 on: 28 June 2016, 14:06:53 »
No need to reinvent the wheel, we already have the data for any that come from sourcebooks. There will likely be gaps since only something like 25-30% of planets have published, canon, data.

If I recall correctly, the rest default to C.

Does that mean you already know all the HPGs mentioned in all the sourcebooks or you have a spot for it?  If you have a spot for it, and not HPG locations where would someone post them to contribute?
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #14 on: 28 June 2016, 14:27:51 »
It's already in planets.xml - the only problem is it was originally a static code, so it couldn't change. As a result it won't be accurate for every time frame if an HPG was improved/destroyed or going back far enough that they don't exist, however, the data for when they were created/upgraded/downgraded/destroyed, etc. is limited so it shouldn't be a big lift to change (or a big event like grey monday). And everything else is essentially a guess anyhow because there is no data.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #15 on: 28 June 2016, 18:01:19 »
If I remember the lore correctly most worlds were class C with major worlds being B while highly developed worlds, regional/national capitals were class A.

Mostly it was a matter of transmission scheduling. Class C were on a weekly schedule, B was daily, and A was hourly I think. As far as using the HPG network for parts orders... Within the fluff, and to some extent the game rules, parts orders were handled by the employer and not the unit. How else would an employer trap a unit in the company store.

I like the idea of a vaguely usable HPG network but it is really beyond the scope HQ (or even BT). There are just too many missing variables.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #16 on: 28 June 2016, 21:38:17 »
I know this will be frustrating but I am old and do I make changes to the planets and have those changes show up in another campaign.  I think you told me but I don't remember sorry 


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #17 on: 28 June 2016, 21:49:50 »
I remember seeing the answer somewhere.. probably in the PR this was introduced with. I know previously you would have to edit the planets.xml file. Now... will see if I can find it before Akjosch responds.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #18 on: 28 June 2016, 21:57:16 »
Didn't take long, though I would hope Akjosch comes along for a better explanation.
4th bullet point is what you want I think, though editing the planet data in game... not sure if it is saves in the campaign or not. Giving the code a quick skim didn't provide me with an answer.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #19 on: 29 June 2016, 00:10:44 »
I know this will be frustrating but I am old and do I make changes to the planets and have those changes show up in another campaign.  I think you told me but I don't remember sorry

Let's break it down into two parts:

How to make changes to planets?

Well, if you are "just" after planetary history (changing factions, fluff detail like population and USILR code and so on), select (left-click) the planet, make sure GM Mode is active, right click inside the interplanetary map and pick the edit option from the GM menu. Don't forget to save the campaign.

Generic editing is more complex but also can edit pretty much all of the planet's details - you can even remove a planet from the game (but don't do that if the campaign references a planet in any way). The details are described in the planets.txt file in MekHQ's "doc" folder. Those changes "stick" automatically.

How to make changes made inside MekHQ's editor apply to all campaigns?

Open up the campaign file in a text editor. Near the end are the planetary changes - a list of <planet>...</planet> data sets with just events inside. Copy those lines into a new file, surrounded with a few lines like this:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
(replace "<planet>...</planet>" with your text here)

Save the new file with an "xml" extension into your MekHQ's data/universe/planets/ folder.
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #20 on: 29 June 2016, 04:03:46 »
Speaking of adding and modifying the map, Harebraided Schemes just published an update to their setting of the BattleTech game they are developing. The map they are using is adding a total of 14 systems (... as well as having roughly a third of the existing systems under a wrong name or with spelling mistakes, but that's beside the point). If they will be ever confirmed by CGL to be cannon, they will be added to the released MekHQ map, but for now I created a quick-and-dirty addon for MekHQ which puts them (without any further data, since we have none) on the map. Just unpack the btg_planets.xml file into your MekHQ's data/universe/planets folder and you're good to go.

This doesn't add the new faction they are introducing (the Aurigan Coalition), since MekHQ currently doesn't have the capability to extend factions quite as easily yet.

Two planets are added to the Taurians (Mystras and Ahlat), one to the Canopians (Balawat) and the remaining eleven are independant worlds (Cassilda, Bonavista, Alloway, Bellerophon, Chadan, Mantharaka, Sacromonte, Tiverton, Tarragona, Peratallada and Gaucin).
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #21 on: 29 June 2016, 04:25:50 »
No, but it can still be done in factions.xml Think there might be one additional file that needs to be changed as well I think


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #22 on: 29 June 2016, 04:38:12 »
No, but it can still be done in factions.xml Think there might be one additional file that needs to be changed as well I think

Yes, but telling people to replace their factions.xml (overriding their customisations there and breaking once again as soon as they update MekHQ) with my version would defeat the purpose of it being a "copy the file(s) to install, remove the file(s) to uninstall" type of modification. So I won't do it.
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #23 on: 29 June 2016, 04:52:06 »
And those kind of bug reports have been popping up for a few years from those who do it and forget to update the files  [face palm]


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #24 on: 29 June 2016, 07:16:48 »
If I remember the lore correctly most worlds were class C with major worlds being B while highly developed worlds, regional/national capitals were class A.

Yes, that's correct at least for the C rating. That's why MHQ defaults to C for all planets without data. However, there are quite a few with actual data in there, so any A or B is accurate. C's could be canon or not (you'd have to look in planets.xml to see if there's an HPG entry or not unfortunately).

I also think that 'in general' rule breaks down since there are some relatively insignificant planets with A/B HPGs and I think it's more based on where comstar needed them for their network / random decisions with no backing by TPT at the time of the various sourcebooks.

There are also systems with X in their HPG class, which is supposed to represent 'no hpg' but still isn't coded to work as far as I know, so those likely still show up at C.

Speaking of adding and modifying the map, Harebraided Schemes just published an update to their setting of the BattleTech game they are developing. The map they are using is adding a total of 14 systems (... as well as having roughly a third of the existing systems under a wrong name or with spelling mistakes, but that's beside the point). If they will be ever confirmed by CGL to be cannon, they will be added to the released MekHQ map, but for now I created a quick-and-dirty addon for MekHQ which puts them (without any further data, since we have none) on the map. Just unpack the btg_planets.xml file into your MekHQ's data/universe/planets folder and you're good to go.

This doesn't add the new faction they are introducing (the Aurigan Coalition), since MekHQ currently doesn't have the capability to extend factions quite as easily yet.

Two planets are added to the Taurians (Mystras and Ahlat), one to the Canopians (Balawat) and the remaining eleven are independant worlds (Cassilda, Bonavista, Alloway, Bellerophon, Chadan, Mantharaka, Sacromonte, Tiverton, Tarragona, Peratallada and Gaucin).

According to this:

So what we’ve ended up with is a set of systems that appear in Star League sources but nowhere else, that have only minimal pre-existing history: a perfect canvas onto which you’ll paint your own tale of mercenaries, power struggles, upheavals and betrayals.

In theory, those planets are canon. We are missing a decent number of worlds in MHQ if they disappeared early in the succession wars. (Originally it was set up with major sweeping changes from 3025-3067 essentially, we've added since then but likely not caught everything from every timeframe prior to 3000) I'd have to go check some of the older sourcebooks to confirm though. However, it seems unlikely that we would have been missing any Taurian/Magistracy planets from 3025 so I'm not completely convinced (even if it's just one each.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2016, 07:20:18 by Jayof9s »


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #25 on: 29 June 2016, 07:40:09 »
Yes, that's correct at least for the C rating. That's why MHQ defaults to C for all planets without data. However, there are quite a few with actual data in there, so any A or B is accurate. C's could be canon or not (you'd have to look in planets.xml to see if there's an HPG entry or not unfortunately).

I also think that 'in general' rule breaks down since there are some relatively insignificant planets with A/B HPGs and I think it's more based on where comstar needed them for their network / random decisions with no backing by TPT at the time of the various sourcebooks.

There are also systems with X in their HPG class, which is supposed to represent 'no hpg' but still isn't coded to work as far as I know, so those likely still show up at C.

Actually, a missing HPG class entry means literally "we don't know, but probably none" in MekHQ right now. "X" is not a valid value and is parsed down to "C", same as any other invalid value (that is, not A, B, C or D).

Not that it matters - for now, the HPG class is essentially fluff. Due to the new network overlay mode, this will change soon, and the values will be corrected to what they actually are.

Too bad nobody bothered to record the sources of the current values, which means running through all the source books again for things like when the node was established, its rating changed or when it was abandoned.

Also, most of the IS worlds have a B-rated HPG node; the further away from Sol the more C-rated services show up (it's -1 per full 100 ly from Terra on a 2d6 roll, and only on a result of 1 or less the planet ends up with something less than a B-rated HPG).

In theory, those planets are canon. We are missing a decent number of worlds in MHQ if they disappeared early in the succession wars. (Originally it was set up with major sweeping changes from 3025-3067 essentially, we've added since then but likely not caught everything from every timeframe prior to 3000) I'd have to go check some of the older sourcebooks to confirm though. However, it seems unlikely that we would have been missing any Taurian/Magistracy planets from 3025 so I'm not completely convinced (even if it's just one each.

MekHQ uses the data of 3141 planets compiled by Bad_Syntax and Volt, down to the positions of the planets they determined. None of the planets I listed are in that data, and when you look closely at the "work in progress" maps the HBS guys linked, they aren't there either.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2016, 07:42:32 by Akjosch »
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #26 on: 29 June 2016, 08:33:06 »
You do know I'm the map-data guy for MHQ right?


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #27 on: 29 June 2016, 08:59:40 »
You do know I'm the map-data guy for MHQ right?

Yes, I know. Did you check their work-in-progress maps? The ones where they overlaid all the available, canon maps?

Because those planets aren't on these maps either. Which means they are not canon unless CGL declares otherwise.
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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #28 on: 29 June 2016, 10:40:34 »
Yes, I know. Did you check their work-in-progress maps? The ones where they overlaid all the available, canon maps?

Because those planets aren't on these maps either. Which means they are not canon unless CGL declares otherwise.

I was more referring to the rest of it where you appeared to be explaining to me where I got various information from. Otherwise, no, I did not compare what they had on the various maps. They made one claim in the explanation that the planets existed so I was going to check against actual sourcebooks and not just rely on what they showed or the maps they had in the article.


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Re: New releases MegaMek 0.41.20, MegaMekLab 0.1.56, MekHQ 0.3.30
« Reply #29 on: 29 June 2016, 10:57:54 »
I was more referring to the rest of it where you appeared to be explaining to me where I got various information from. Otherwise, no, I did not compare what they had on the various maps. They made one claim in the explanation that the planets existed so I was going to check against actual sourcebooks and not just rely on what they showed or the maps they had in the article.

Don't worry, the explanation was more for the other people in the thread. :)

Back to the topic at hand:

* How much *would* people care for the "HBS faction" to appear in MekHQ (as an optional "Alternate Universe" kind of deal)?

* Anybody knows what release date they aim at, so I know when we'll have finalised data on that part of the universe?
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