Author Topic: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.  (Read 22075 times)


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(slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« on: 11 August 2016, 15:16:04 »
The Fafnir

A faff – A hassle, or irritating thing to do.
Fafnir – A BIG problem if it’s at short range.

Background and design

Defiance Industries, producers of some of the most famous Mech’s in history including the fearsome Atlas and Berserker; in the mid 3060’s were looking to build a Mech that would mount their latest weapon breakthrough with an eye to the Lyran market.

By using a larger number of superconductors and magnetic arrays they had developed a weapon that could accelerate a huge version of the gauss rifle’s round to fantastic speed.  Whilst the weapon itself had drawbacks, the biggest being that the round lost velocity rapidly, along with the sheer size of the new ‘Heavy Gauss Rifle’ was just too promising to pass up.

What was needed was a chassis, and what emerged was a modern answer to close quarter killers like the King Crab or Demolisher tank. 

At 100 tonnes the Mech was a pure assault Mech and with its 300 rated standard engine, it had traditional assault Mech speeds with a maximum of 56kph.  But this machine was not built for speed, it was built for raw, throat ripping, chest crushing firepower.  And here Defiance certainly hit the mark.

With a pair of the new ‘Thor’s Hammer’ Heavy Gauss Rifles the new Fafnir packed an obscene punch at shorter ranges, capable of crushing many Medium Mech’s with a single hit whilst flattening a heavy with two.  The mass and size requirements of the new weapons had drawbacks though and limited its payload.  It became focused on the Gauss rifles and using them.

To this end the Fafnir also featured 19.5 tonnes of armour draped over its endo-steel skeleton, rivalling the legendary protection of the Atlas laid out as follows;

9/32/46/32 (10/16/10)

And with its standard engine the Fafnir can be very hard to actually disable, but with the huge and volatile capacitor banks for the Heavy Gauss rifles a hit on the torso can cause a huge explosion which would gut the torso.

Marketed to the Lyrans when it was introduced it became an instant success with the Lyran state practically going “GIMME!!!!” whilst making grabby gestures or flinging C-bills at Defiance Industries and it started entering service in 3063.

Unfortunately the FedCom Civil War interrupted the wide scale distribution of this machine but it saw most service in units loyal to Archon Katrina Steiner.  This saw the Mech remain a Steiner design after the two kingdom’s split and was used to replace older designs like the Banshee or Zeus in heavy assault Lances. 

Nicknamed the ‘Mugger’ by Lyran pilots the Fafnir is almost a caricature of the Lyran military, big, slow but tough and very hard hitting. 


FNR-5 – The first of the ‘Faff’s, the 5 sets the bar for the design and almost all its variants.  Its whole aim in life is to get into short range of the Heavy Gauss rifles and then start snapping arms off or caving in torso’s.  To fit two Heavy Gauss rifles though sacrifices had to be made and this is not a Mech that is in any way subtle.  It’s a club, it’s a kick to the groin followed by a knee to the face. Its brutal and thuggish.

Supporting the Heavy Gauss as best they can are the 5’s few defensive weapons.  A pair of ER medium lasers and a Medium pulse laser are joined by an ECM and that’s it.  And whilst the Fafnir has 8 tonnes of ammo, that’s a mere 16 shots per Heavy Gauss.  The bare minimum for a normal Gauss rifle and the shallow ammo bins tie the Mech to supply lines. 

Still if it gets close and there’s a good gunner at the things helm, pray very hard and close your eyes.

5B – With the civil war raging and trade disrupted Defiance found that it could not produce enough Heavy Gauss rifles to keep up with demand and found themselves with Fafnir chassis but no primary weapons.  A slightly ‘down market’ but less specialised version the 5B is more akin to normal assault Mech’s instead of the in your face punch of the 5. 

To this end a pair of Gauss rifles are fitted whilst the laser battery is enhanced considerably.  Now fitting three ER Mediums, along with the Medium pulse laser and finally an ER large whilst the Gauss rifles are fed by 2 tonnes of ammo each.  This is very much a ‘standard’ assault Mech loadout in tune with designs like the Pillager.  But, because of that, well it’s a bit boring.  And its also a serious heat hog,  although fitted with 14 double heatsinks (an improvement on the 5’s ten doubles)  slapping the big red ‘go away’ button is not recommended.  But then with no explosive ammo on-board you can be a bit more carefree with it. 

5WB – When Hespereus II fell to the Word they go their cyerbernetic mittens on the Fafnir and decided that they REALLY hated tanks and infantry.  In a heavy re-working of the weapons the Gauss rifles go away and in their place an unprecedented 4 Plasma rifles sit in their place, each gun fed by a ton of ammo.  ‘Supporting’ them are the ER Mediums but that’s it.  The ECM was also removed but a C3i was installed, as well as 22 double heatsinks to try manage the heat. 

Still basically a Fafnir with the goal of getting close and kicking you in the teeth the WB lacks the immense crunch of the Gauss rifles, but can still deliver four 10 point punches at a decent range. Along with all the heat woes that getting slapped by plasma weapons bring with them for added shenanigans.  This Mech does absolutely brutal things to tanks and infantry, and the C3i is a heaped spoonful of evil cinnamon on top of this scary cake. 

6U – U for Ultra, yep, it’s a Steiner machine, did you really think they’d not put a big bore autocannon on it?  Well this has two!  Although arm mounted instead of buried in the chest.  A pair of Ultra AC-20’s one in each arm deliver a terrifying short ranged punch that like the 5 can rip a Mech apart in the blink of an eye.  There’s also a considerable battery of supporting weapons, in the form of 4 Light PPC’s letting the 6U tickle at range as it lumbers forwards.  To fit all this the 6U had to have some considerable changes.  A light engine is fitted along with light Ferro-Fibrous armour to save weight.  Each cannon draws from 3 tonnes of ammo (6 in total) giving it adequate endurance but 12 double heatsinks mean you can only safely double tap the ultra’s as long as you fire nothing else. 

Personally I’m torn between this and the 5.  With the 6U you’re relying on luck when you double shot the ultra’s, but if you hit with all four shots that’s 80 points of damage vs 50 from the Heavy Gauss.  And unlike the 5, the 6U can engage at long range, all be it to tickle and harass. 

5X – A return to Heavy Gauss form the 5X takes features two of the new Improved Heavy Gauss rifles for gut punching, teeth kicking fun.  Whilst slightly less damaging than the normal Heavy Gauss, the Improved models are more consistent in their damage and don’t suffer the nasty fall off of damage at range.  Unfortunately, these new rifles are even heavier than the old ones and something had to go.  So off goes the Medium pulse laser but the ECM remains as do the pair of ER medium lasers in the near vestigial arms.  Six tonnes of ammo isn’t much considering the sheer size of the rounds, a mere 12 per gun in total, but heat’s not a problem.

Really this is like the ‘bands back together tour’ version of the 5.  I’d say the 5X is superior just because of the more consistent damage of the I-Heavy Gauss, and sure you lose a medium pulse laser, but really if you’re relying on either the 5 or 5X’s secondary weapons for major damage then somethings gone horribly wrong.

5A ‘Peter’ – The ride of Archon Peter Steiner-Davion in the Civil War the 5A is a unique Fafnir and a very different one from preceding variants at that.  Whilst armed with one Heavy Gauss rifle the rest of the weapons are stripped out for a pair of ER Large lasers and then a staggering 10 Rocket Laucher-10’s spread across the arms, torso and head.  Whilst only one shot weapons, I think many pants would need changing if you saw 100 rockets come thundering towards you.  Especially when their gunner is as good as Archon Peter was. 

The other weapons would make a formidable assault Mech but it’s rare to say that the advanced Heavy Gauss rifle is actually overshadowed by the very basic rocket launchers.  Oh and there’s a trio of medium pulse lasers for more close quarters nibbling.  To fit all this, very little changes, whilst 13 double heatsinks are fitted there is also a ‘new’ compact gyro makes the 5A even harder to disable.  The Guardian ECM is still there but it’s also joined by a C3 slave (odd considering that C3 seems to be rare in Lyran service) which also can allow you to pull off some nasty trick shots with the aid of a spotter.

This is a WEIRD Mech, what’s the main weapon? Sure its still basically a Faff and would be used like one, IE get in close and apply boot to groin but it’s got a sand blaster like nothing else save the Marauder II that is slathered in rocket launchers.  A full salvo of rockets followed up by a Heavy gauss slug would probably spell the end of anything walking though. 


To paraphrase Eddy Izzard “Its all martial and no art.”  The Fafnir is a VERY direct tool and save the 5B and 5WB it lives to get in your face and make life miserable and short.  The 5B is very much a ‘bog standard’ assault, a dual gauss boat and it’s not that surprising or interesting, sure its good but it’s just a bit dull.  The 5WB is also a bit odd, as I said it lacks the raw smackdown punch, but is also more flexible for it.  And no one likes the potential of an extra 4D6 heat if all four Plasma’s hit.  The others are all brutal short ranged beatsticks the 6U has the advantage of being able to shoot back at long range, but it’s still meant to get close and maul.

And yes you CAN use the Improved and Heavy Gauss rifles at long range, but with limited ammo and the normal Heavy Gauss’s damage drop off, you really don’t want to waste shots on trying to wallop someone at range unless you have really good numbers.

Fighting one is really a case of trying to stay out of range.  The Fafnir is slow and has no indirect fire weapons and most of them are built to get close.  Don’t let them.  In a larger battle, take out its escorting friends and engage at long range if you can.  If forced into a city fight against the Faff, well…assault Mech’s and luck are going to be needed.  You fight a Fafnir at close range and you’re doing what its pilot wants you to do. 

- Image used as the design layout for the Fafnir (probably) 

As always, thoughts and comments are most welcome!

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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #1 on: 11 August 2016, 15:48:20 »
EDIT Comment moved to schedule thread.

Anyway, now i'll read the article proper...
Though one note of the "definitions". I think Fafnir is a name from Norse mythology... though admittedly your joke is kinda funny.


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #2 on: 11 August 2016, 16:01:34 »
So, thoughts:

The 6U variant is terrible, for aesthetic reasons. They moved the weapons to arms... why? Ugh, i can't stand that.

Standard Fafnir is a nice take on dual-Gauss carriers. I don't usually care for that concept, unless it is a Vulture-C (style points for inefficiency), Pillager 4Z (Stealth+dual-Gauss!)... or Fafnir with its dual HGRs. Anything else, meh.

Not a fan of the iHGR version really. The range gain is nice but the limit on ammo is not, nor is the limited supporting armament (yeah, i miss the MPL). With such limited amount of ammo, fighting at long-bracket is not advisable without an expensive skilled pilot, and the standard Heavy Gauss is plenty good at medium-bracket, with more ammo.
« Last Edit: 11 August 2016, 16:08:45 by Empyrus »


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #3 on: 11 August 2016, 16:30:11 »
The 6U is interesting, wish I had a chance to play it. Can't really say I mind it messing with the tiny T-Rex arms aesthetic.

I actually like the 5B, it's not special but it's hard to argue with any mech with twin Gauss rifles.

Wasn't really a fan until I played MW4: Mercs, it was a blast hitting a mech with twin HG and watching it crumple

« Last Edit: 12 August 2016, 12:22:57 by SteelRaven »
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #4 on: 11 August 2016, 16:36:16 »
The Fafnir. An Exercise in excess, and what a beautiful excess it is.
Really a fun ride, very tough, very punchy, and there's something to be said about a gun that can separate a 30ton mech's center torso from the rest with a single hit.
Most variants have useful applications and fit into the fluff, so overall it's just a really solid machine. It even looks good.
And, obviously, it's a walking cliché. It's what a Steiner Pilot can point at and go "See? That's why!".
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #5 on: 11 August 2016, 17:07:14 »
Thomas Hogarth undoubtedly approves of the Fafnir.

Lord greystroke

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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #6 on: 11 August 2016, 17:49:18 »
I always decided it was a classic Lyran joke machine until in a RPG game were my character was placed in one as he was an elite pilot no falling over silliness and I saw the carnage it produced on the battlefield

I remember one battle were a untouched Nightstar walked round a corner to fined my Fafinr and both heavies hit the same side torso with the pules laser and bang the mech was dead to add insult to injury the Nightstar missed with everything but the ERPPC and it hit the leg doing nothing 


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #7 on: 12 August 2016, 09:53:26 »
6U – U for Ultra, yep, it’s a Steiner machine, did you really think they’d not put a big bore autocannon on it?  Well this has two!  Although arm mounted instead of buried in the chest.  A pair of Ultra AC-20’s one in each arm deliver a terrifying short ranged punch that like the 5 can rip a Mech apart in the blink of an eye.  There’s also a considerable battery of supporting weapons, in the form of 4 Light PPC’s letting the 6U tickle at range as it lumbers forwards.  To fit all this the 6U had to have some considerable changes.  A light engine is fitted

IIRC the same weaponsload can be achieved without resorting to a LFE, because the 6U got rid of the Endo-Steel, which didn't make any sense whatsoever. Clever crit management is a must however.

Oh, and... great fan article! You might want to consider the fact that the HGR does have a pretty serious minimum range though.
« Last Edit: 12 August 2016, 10:15:40 by Phobos »


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #8 on: 12 August 2016, 10:03:07 »
I like the design, one first minis i painted myself.  Playing with it is tricky when your slower than the rest of the crowd, especially when average mech speed is 5/8.  The base model 5A needs to get close to really bring to home that you have Heavy Gauss Rifles.  5B maybe boring, but it's useful especially if you need to do extended campaign and GR let you stay at range when you can close in the distance.

I think Fafnir is more urban fighter and of course a slow assault force type unit.  I think it has it's functions, but it going be darn hard working this thing in the Dark Age setting, with so many faster units out there.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #9 on: 12 August 2016, 10:26:24 »
Wasn't really a fan until I played MW4: Mercs, I was a blast hitting a mech with twin HG and watching it crumple

It was a blast alright. Literally.


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #10 on: 12 August 2016, 13:07:47 »
I love this mech.  The 5X is more than capable of blowing a side torso right off even a heavy mech at range.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #11 on: 12 August 2016, 14:55:24 »
I look at the Fafnir and think: this is what would happen if the Lyrans had designed the cicada. A scout mech with tiny, vestigial arms, and all the firepower in the side torsos. Of course, the Lyran idea of what the terms 'scout mech' and 'firepower' mean is a


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #12 on: 12 August 2016, 18:44:54 »
on the origin of the name..

Fafnir was the dragon Sigurd fought and killed in the Volsung saga. originally a Dwarf (and son of a Dwarven king), he falls under the sway of a cursed golden ring, hoards gold, and eventually becomes a dragon, which breathed poison and terrorized all around him.

the story was later adapted and expanded on in the Opera Der Ring des Nibelungen. (where "fafner" was made into a giant rather than a dwarf)

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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #13 on: 12 August 2016, 23:44:50 »
Good article, though I don't think I'd counter it the way you would.  Rather than Assault mechs and luck, I'd rely on light and mobile snipers.  The Phoenix Hawk 6D comes to mind.  Stay far enough away that it can't hit back with much (except the 6U, 5B, and 5X, to varying degrees) or very accurately, and bring your patience, because this is going to take a while.

Aesthetically, the 6U annoys me.  All the others put the big guns in the torsos, then this one comes along wanting to play king crab.  I can't help but feel she must've gotten teased by all the other Fafnirs growing up about her man-arms and flat chest.   :)

I actually like the 5B, it being more generally useful than the others.

Since we have HGR, GR, and iHGR Fafnirs, just to complete things I'd like to see the Mariks capture some and refit them with a trio of LGRs (compact gyro and put it in the CT?).
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #14 on: 13 August 2016, 06:44:33 »
Since we have HGR, GR, and iHGR Fafnirs, just to complete things I'd like to see the Mariks capture some and refit them with a trio of LGRs (compact gyro and put it in the CT?).

MW4 had me refitting my NHUA Fafnirs with quad light gauss rifles: I tried it with heat and limited ammo and the ammo killed me due to game mechanics: couldn't kill things fast enough: backed it up with twin CER mediums and since you couldn't melee things.... Well it turned out meh

Now a trio of light gauss an maybe an ER large???

Anyways , nice article I just wish the Lyrans came with a variety of AC toting Fafnirs or even an artillery variant to back the standards up.


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #15 on: 13 August 2016, 07:22:30 »
Since we have HGR, GR, and iHGR Fafnirs, just to complete things I'd like to see the Mariks capture some and refit them with a trio of LGRs (compact gyro and put it in the CT?).
Not possible without a Compact Engine or Interface-Cockpit and no gyro. Compact gyro frees only 2 slots, the LGR needs 5.
Two to a torso works, the 'Mech can always be fluffed to look like the one is centered (like the Marauder's lovely autocannon that isn't in center torso).
Compact Engine requires sacrificing some extra guns and adding Ferro-Fibrous (or just removing armor).
Not a bad concept though, fits the Fafnir pretty well.

If you're willing to replicate the Annihilator, down-rating the engine to 200 allows for quad-LGRs...

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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #16 on: 13 August 2016, 09:31:22 »
It wouldn't actually happen, though.  Mariks prefer 4/6 assault 'Mechs.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #17 on: 13 August 2016, 09:56:33 »
The Awesome would like a word with you.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #18 on: 13 August 2016, 10:38:40 »
We tried to get the old 8Q for a response, but the 9M got here first.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #19 on: 13 August 2016, 11:53:45 »
It's the assault gun of assault class 'Mechs.

BFGs, and point at the enemy.

Anyone painted one up with "FRONT TOWARD ENEMY" on it?
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #20 on: 13 August 2016, 15:16:33 »
We tried to get the old 8Q for a response, but the 9M got here first.

Boom!  Thank you, sir.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #21 on: 13 August 2016, 17:10:43 »
Is it just me, or would anyone else love to see a quad heavy PPC version?  Think it would require an XL and coolant pods to work, but could still be fun.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #22 on: 13 August 2016, 17:34:37 »
Is it just me, or would anyone else love to see a quad heavy PPC version?  Think it would require an XL and coolant pods to work, but could still be fun.

XLFE, no Endo, 18 DHS, 18 tons Light FF armor and a Compact Gyro for fitting a Radical Heat Sink. Trio of ER Mediums for close combat. Can sink 54 heat with RHS.
It works but not sure it is really worth it.

I'll make us a Fafnir workshop, we gonna need that...
« Last Edit: 13 August 2016, 17:40:36 by Empyrus »


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #23 on: 13 August 2016, 17:48:13 »
The only hypothetical variant I'm interested in is the one that swaps the HGRs for HAG-40s.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #24 on: 13 August 2016, 17:54:27 »
Hrmm, i believe i've tried that thing many times... But i never save it. I'll make one again.


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #25 on: 13 August 2016, 19:43:51 »
some other unexplored variants i can think of..
an artillery variant with dual Arrow-IV's.
or dual artillery cannons.
or just dual artillery..


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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #26 on: 13 August 2016, 20:00:24 »
First time I used it I was fighting a Archangel. Those Heavy Gauss Rifles still weren't enough to fight that zombie. But it sure helped!
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #27 on: 13 August 2016, 20:08:03 »
We tried to get the old 8Q for a response, but the 9M got here first.
The one that they phased out for the 9Q and/or 10KM?
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #28 on: 13 August 2016, 20:11:54 »
The one that's still on the IS General (which includes the FWL, naturally) well into the Republic Era.  Doesn't scream "phased out" to me.
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Re: (slightly Early) Mech of the Week - FNR-XX Fafnir.
« Reply #29 on: 13 August 2016, 20:34:49 »
Slapping a bunch of light Gauss Rifles on a Fafnir seems like a wast, like a Gausszilla knock off.

As for the U, you guys do realize that putting the Ultras in the arms gives the Fafnir a wider firing arc, right?
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