Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack  (Read 7221 times)


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'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« on: 01 December 2016, 16:33:55 »
Can Cossacks do the Cossack dance?

Today we take a look at one of the few 'Mechs designed and produced by the St. Ives Compact during it short life, the Cossack.

In the late 3050s, St. Ives Military was looking for new lighter 'Mech designs to complement its traditionally heavy-weight forces. Its procurement was something of a mess, originally St. Ives Military Command requested a fast recon design from Ceres Industries but later changed the requirement for a slower but more heavily armed recon design, and then more people added their requests. The finally result entered service in 3060 and is based on the second request. The 'Mech is named for Khorsakov’s Cossacks, a mercenary unit that has long and faithfully served the St. Ives Compact, with first produced Cossacks being gifted to the unit.

Do not be fooled by the name, the Cossack is a bug 'Mech in new clothes. At 20-tons and with maximum speed of 96 KPH and jumping distance of 180 meters, the C-SK1 Cossack is very much like the ancient Wasps and Stingers. Armor is equal to those ancient designs as well, though slightly differently arranged with weaker back and stronger head and center torso. Unlike those bug 'Mechs, the Cossack uses extralight fusion engine and endo-steel internal structure and the weight freed goes toward armament: Twin small lasers in the side torsos, a medium laser in the right arm and a SRM-6 in the center torso with a ton of ammo located in the right torso. Only ten single heat sinks are used, which is unfortunate as the 'Mech can produce 50% more heat than it can dissipate. Curiously the art shows the left arm having what looks like a medium laser housing, perhaps a result of the changing design goals.
Initially, this variant served the St. Ives and was offered to mercenary market, and after the Capellan-St. Ives War, the design entered service in the CCAF and ComStar. After the Jihad, the Cossack is also used by Magistracy of Canopus.

In 3076, in the middle of the Jihad, an advanced technology variant emerged. The C-1FC Cossack upgrades the armor to 3.5 tons of light ferro-fibrous, increasing protection just about everywhere by a point or two. The armament was overhauled, the medium laser being replaced with a medium variable speed pulse laser and the torso-mounted weapons being replaced with a trio of ten-pack rocket launchers.
Considering the variant's still low endurance, the rocket launchers are a welcome upgrade, offering range and firepower in compact package, just use them while you can. The MVSPL is somewhat questionable due to its weight, but considering the heat woes larger arsenal would cause and the accuracy bonuses it offers, it is acceptable weapon for this 'Mech. It also differentiates the Cossack from newer Wasp and Stinger models.
It is unclear if this variant is a factory-produced model or a refit-kit. Either way, it is only found in hands of mercenaries. Considering the 'Mech's nature as a cheap militia and second-line unit, I suspect the C-1FC is indeed a refit kit used by mercenaries to increase the 'Mech's potential, while nation-states simply aren't bothering with due to expense involved.

Use of the Cossack should be simple. Use it as if it were a Wasp or a Stinger. Unfortunately it is as easy to kill (or perhaps easier, thanks to the XL engine), and its greater firepower does make it more of a threat, which isn't something Cossack pilots like hearing.
I'd be inclined to pick the Cossack in its either form over the old Wasps and Stingers, it is but little more expensive in C-bills and BV. And looks pretty nice too. Unfortunately, compared to upgraded Wasps and Stinger the Cossack becomes considerably less attractive option. For example, the Wasp WSP-8T and Stinger STG-5G offer a light PPC but are about as expensive with similar mobility and double heat sinks.
All in all, the Cossack is mostly useful for militia units and small, cash-strapped mercs, everyone else is better off with more advanced and better recon and strike 'Mechs.

What are your thoughts about the Cossack? Any experiences?

Cossack is featured in TRO3060 and at...
« Last Edit: 05 April 2020, 15:00:45 by Empyrus »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #1 on: 01 December 2016, 16:49:10 »
An ugly mini, with unattractive art, and a pretty poxy loadout. One can only assume the St. Ives designers were still coming to grips with basics. I mean, who puts small lasers on a 20-tonner any more!

Still, let's be generous and assume some arbitrary restriction on available equipment. Yes, one-on-one, it's a minor improvement combat-wise over a 3025, or even 3050, bug design, but cost-wise two or three SW era bugs are a better buy for the cost-concious mercenary.

Question re the VSPL on the 1C - at 3076, I wouldn't have guessed this weapon as available on the merc market. Not sure where it'd be coming from, or how mercs would get hold of it & sufficient parts to keep them going.

And I know it's 5 tons heavier, but I'd rather have a Duan Gung.

Remember, all negativity is about the 'Mech, not the article. Good reading, just confirms my predjudices ;)

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #2 on: 01 December 2016, 16:56:11 »
The C-bill price difference between old bugs and the Cossack is pretty small... though admittedly it adds up.

As for the MVSPL, the weapon did spread pretty quick, as did other new tech during the Jihad. Ironically, despite being a WoB/FWL invention, it is first used by an experimetal Davion unit (can't recall the type though, ASF maybe?)!

Of course, it is possible the Cossack C-1CF is used by mercenaries employed by the FWL and WoB... at first anyway. Rockets+LFF+MSVPL kinda hints at that.

I have a soft spot for the Cossack for some reason. Might be because the Capellan Solution duology was one of the first BT novels i read, and the 'Mech is featured there... well, out of combat anyway.

EDIT The Cossack really doesn't use the XLFE well. Stripping the Small Lasers, it is possible to increase speed to 7/11/7... With no other changes except some component moving.
« Last Edit: 01 December 2016, 17:04:25 by Empyrus »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #3 on: 01 December 2016, 18:33:09 »
I'd settle for a new head assembly. Looks like someone tried to ram on a Quickdraw cockpit using a hydraulic press ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #4 on: 01 December 2016, 18:41:01 »
I'd settle for a new head assembly. Looks like someone tried to ram on a Quickdraw cockpit using a hydraulic press ...

I don't see anything wrong with it.

But speaking of the mini, have you kitbashed it with another head? Could make an interesting FrankenMech, add the head of Wasp or Stinger there.

Or better yet, give it an ushanka. You know, the Russian fur hat.
Damn, that's something i'm going to do. Just need to figure out how to make a miniature ushanka...


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #5 on: 01 December 2016, 19:43:33 »
Green stuff/modelling clay will do it - I once did up some of these for a 40K Imperial Guards unit. A bit of a fiddle and getting the colours right is interesting - but looks good

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #6 on: 01 December 2016, 19:48:46 »
I'd make the core in clay/putty, then roll it in dust/fluff (washing machine lint filter springs to mind), then press the fluff down onto the clay.

After-painting sealing should keep it in good order.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #7 on: 01 December 2016, 20:00:41 »
A very generic Mech with a very generic look. The art made me laugh a little, it's like a Atlas just picked one up a chucked it across the battlefield.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #8 on: 01 December 2016, 23:14:51 »
The MVSP version is a 'carnage out of all proportion' 'Mech if you'e playing with limited intel (eg opponent knows what chassis, but not which variant). Few people expect a highly accurate nine-point shot from a Bug Mech. Of course, after that shot, odds are everyone will try to kill you...

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #9 on: 01 December 2016, 23:31:33 »
A very generic Mech with a very generic look. The art made me laugh a little, it's like a Atlas just picked one up a chucked it across the battlefield.
Viable tactic!


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #10 on: 02 December 2016, 00:57:47 »
I never thought of the Cossak as a Bug+ or Super-Bug but it does fit :) Great article on a rather dinky and unremarkable machine. The VSP one is something I didn't know about, but is that a Word variant seeing as VSP's were their 'thing'

And yeah the art work for looks like its been thrown or its this.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #11 on: 02 December 2016, 09:38:30 »
I'd settle for a new head assembly. Looks like someone tried to ram on a Quickdraw cockpit using a hydraulic press ...

It's not pretty but I don't have a problem with it myself.  It is a 20 ton mech after all, and that head needs to be big enough to contain the entire cockpit - there's no way it could be partially buried in the neck and torso with that six rack directly underneath it.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #12 on: 02 December 2016, 19:29:57 »
Is the C-SK1 really just an updated WSP-1L Wasp? (Or maybe a WSP-1L/WSP-1D mashup?) To me, the SRM-6 says its ideal role is against infantry and vehicles, especially when using infernos.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #13 on: 02 December 2016, 19:43:33 »
Maybe not in fluff but functionally, yeah, it is a lot like the Wasp.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #14 on: 05 December 2016, 11:25:12 »
The fact that it's kind of underwhelming actually makes sense to me. The Cossak strikes me as being a Ceres engineering team's first foray into light Mech production. So they looked to the classic designs that have worked for centuries like the Bug Mechs, but I'd also add the Commando to the list. The Medium Laser is obvious, and the SRM-6 gives some good crit-seeking, while the small lasers are useful for anti-battlesuit work, at least in theory.

I mean the defense contractors of St. Ives were almost as heavy and assault oriented as the Lyran Commonwealth industries. So does it really surprise you that they came up with a misfire as they explored their light options? (Granted it's less of a misfire than the Stiletto/Fire Falcon.)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #15 on: 05 December 2016, 11:38:35 »
I may be insane but i kinda like the Stiletto. Looks cool, is fast, carries ECM. Sure, the armament is a bit light but whatever. Not a fan of the variants though...  Especially the odd ones with arms. Who the heck adds arms to an armless 'Mech?

Regarding that that the Cossack was Ceres' first light 'Mech... Yeaah, their light 'Mech selection is a bit limited. The Cossack and Gùn only, it seems. One light 'Mech and one really specialized 'Mech that is more of a infantry support walker than a real BattleMech.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #16 on: 05 December 2016, 14:08:14 »
Yeah, the Small Lasers are a poor choice for anyone who ends up with this in a campaign.  I would also agree with Worktroll in perfering the Duan Gung except the whole its really Capellan thing.  I also think its too fragile or slow to put a VSPL like that on.  I think it might have been a more interesting mech if it was 7/11 as a light as that speed is not used much.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #17 on: 05 December 2016, 14:44:19 »
As i said above, if the small lasers had been ditched, the speed could have been brought to 7/11/7. At that speed, a medium laser and a SRM-6 are pretty respectable, and the 'Mech would have been a real upgrade over Wasps and Stingers. Yet since it would be a 20-ton 'Mech with poor armor, i wouldn't have called it optimized.
The variant wouldn't be intact though.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #18 on: 05 December 2016, 14:58:45 »
Yeah, the variant would not work . . . but I think that is too much 'gun' for something so slow & fragile.  Strip out the RLs to make it 7/11 or give it MASC or SC . . . and it gets interesting.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #19 on: 05 December 2016, 15:10:45 »
i'd say drop the small lasers for more armor then.

and interesting idea for an upgrade/variant might be to swap to drop the SL's for extra armor, drop the SRM and ammo for a Light PPC, another ML, and a remote sensor dispenser. upgrading to doubles would be recommended.

then it becomes a handy long-endurance scout and scout hunter.
« Last Edit: 05 December 2016, 15:16:20 by glitterboy2098 »

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #20 on: 05 December 2016, 20:26:57 »
I'm not a fan of the jump jets on this design.  Yes, they give it some capabilities it could never have if it was groundbound, etc, but I'd like it to have stuck closer to the theme of its name.  Be more of a totem mech, if you will.  What are Cossacks known for?  Rolling cavalry charges.  Galloping across open ground, hitting the enemy, then wheeling off and coming around again.  So I'd drop the jets to pump the ground speed, possibly throwing on MASC or TSM.  It couldn't quite be a Fireball with that much weight sunk into guns, but it could be pretty close.  The armament fits the theme too: sweep in, fire off a volley at close range, then wheel away.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #21 on: 05 December 2016, 20:30:46 »
So, strip JJs, add MASC, increase engine to 8/12 speed, add a ton of armor? Basically up-gunned Mercury/Locust rather than up-gunned Wasp/Stinger?

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #22 on: 05 December 2016, 21:38:56 »
Forget MASC, Supercharger!  7/11 . . . 2 SRM4s rather than a single SRM6 and a XMPL.  Light Horse for raiding armor formations . . . or even infantry.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #23 on: 06 December 2016, 09:37:10 »
I just realized I never replied here!

+Head. Seriously, the gyro must work overtime to keep this thing upright. No small cockpit to be found here! (Though that would make for an ironic upgrade)

+Weaponry. Small lasers? Come on. Drop those for another medium, or a flamer if you like the sound infantry make when roasted. Solid choice on the SRM though, versatile and powerful- makes this a pretty decent tank hunter. Hop in, deliver half a dozen warheads to a Demolisher, hop away after you (hopefully) immobilize it. If it didn't work, try again.

+Heat sinks. It's 3060 (when this debuts), everyone outside the DCMS is all in on double heat sinks. Stop being overly thrifty, it doesn't even save much money!

+Armor. Mulligan here, at this weight you don't really expect to take many hits, particularly in an era of pulse lasers and precision AC ammo. It's solid enough to take a couple of hits, and that's all I can ask of it.

Movement. 6/9/6 is okay. 7/11/7 is better though. Dropping those small lasers would sure help here if we don't install a second medium, and for very little loss of combat potential.

Really, it's not bad. The small lasers are a waste of space, but it really feels like it's a Commando that dropped the second SRM rack for jump jets. I dig that- particularly with all the Commando testing I've been doing for an upcoming article. As a vehicle killer, this is surprisingly useful. Also makes for a good 'vulture', going after already-damaged units for the finishing blow with the crit-seeking missiles, allowing other units to find a new target that much sooner. It makes a bad choice in secondary weapons and it looks awkward, but it's not nearly as bad as its reputation suggests.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #24 on: 06 December 2016, 10:16:55 »
It actually cannot use DHS with the chassis as is- not enough crits.  So its not exactly 'thrift' its space that constrains it since 6 heat sinks are located outside the engine and it only has 9 free crits which leaves you one short.

But make it 7/11/6 with the Smalls dropped and suddenly that engine can take one more heat sink in allowing them to be Doubles with a half ton and 2 crits left.  I think the best improvement to stay true to to the design is give it a ERML, make it 7/11/5 and a pair of SRM4s.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #25 on: 06 December 2016, 20:38:14 »
Would boosting to a 7/11 movement allow it to mount DHS?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #26 on: 07 December 2016, 08:04:16 »
Would boosting to a 7/11 movement allow it to mount DHS?

20 * 7 = 140 rated engine; 140/25 = 5 internal heat sinks. Not by itself. But if you drop the Small lasers, swap the engine, and reallocate the Endo Steel crits I think it could work.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #27 on: 07 December 2016, 10:27:53 »
Dropping the smalls and making it 7/11 does it, I do not remember having to switch any Endo crits but I am away from HMP.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: C-** Cossack
« Reply #28 on: 08 December 2016, 01:12:44 »
You know, I would have described it as a bug crossed with a Commando. Two questionably highly regarded 3025 design concepts.