Author Topic: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks  (Read 99810 times)


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #390 on: 31 March 2019, 22:45:18 »
Well, if no no hatchet wielding Mechs (I had included Tai Maeda, Elite, Ono [Calderon] because it was brand new mech design might screw with clan fighting choices) I would replace with

Catherine Kennedy, Elite, GHR-C Grasshopper [Dragon Cat]

Born on the world of Midway Catherine Kennedy it seems was always destined to be a MechWarrior and to join the Order of the Five Pillars.  Born to an abusive drunk of a father and of a mother who was known to be a "lady of the night" who was often visited by visiting DropShip crews.  With a home life that was not what she desired Catherine often stayed out for hours on end hanging around the 14th Galedon Regulars base on Midway.

As she got older Catherine was hired by the base commander as a civilian worker running errands and showing she was useful to the base and the command.  However tragedy struck for Catherine when a DropShip crashed at the Midway Space Centre in 3042 causing the death of the base commander, much of the Fourteenth's command and Catherine's mother killed in a nearby hotel that was caught in the fire.  With a new commander came new rules and the civilian workers were culled Catherine was fired from her job but little did she know she had already impressed with her determination and dedication in her minor job those that mattered.

Catherine felt like she needed to get back into the action but didn't know how instead she got to work in a local coffee shop and remained there for six months until she delivered a coffee in 3043 that changed her life.  Delivered to a O5P recruiter's table Catherine's life changed overnight as she was brought from Midway to a top secret 05P training facility and trained in the ways of the secretive order.  Over the course of the next the next nine years she was schooled in martial arts, sword fighting, Mech piloting and gunnery and the art of seduction.

In 3052 she joined the unit arriving with her GHR-C Grasshopper.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #391 on: 01 April 2019, 02:55:08 »
Watanabe would be out then... she's only a 3 Gunner.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #392 on: 01 April 2019, 05:35:29 »
Some good thoughts folks and opened to more comments but here is my thoughts on who shouldn't be here and why

Walter Kato & Tai Maeda - piloting prototype Ono which wield hatchets they would not be welcomed in this Clan style duel

Battle Lance 3 & Strike Lance 2 - while Battle Lance 3 in particular is hard to pass up their upgraded lance sized C3 networks make them a no no in this trial

Strike Lance 3 - these LAMs would be well suited in reserve not in the duel

Siriwan Kuna - as I envision McAlister taking part in the duel this wise elder I see being in charge of the reserves (rest of the unit) while the duel is being conducted


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #393 on: 01 April 2019, 13:34:20 »
I avoided the Commander Daniel McAlister as well a XO Siriwan Kuna, to avoid the chance to if we mess up we don't loose overall Command Structure, which will hurt more if we have to go round two... with them we could be down, worse case all of these units
because we follow my plan I have all 3 AL commanders, as well as the whole of MAL3
BL1 2 members, BL2  lance commander
SL1 member

Not all Elites (9 out 12) but the Pilots and the Mechs I think could allow us a chance to win and the reason why.

From the
   Command Lance
Hitomi Barca, Elite, Battlemaster [Takiro]
She has tactical mind, hopefully can "help us" win by out thinking them on the fly

      Mobile Assault Company
   Mobile Assault Lance 1
Takehiko Kurita, Elite, Highlander [Takiro]
A duelist already
Haruna ‘Katsuo’ Takahashi, Elite, Katana [Takiro]
Already an Ace vrs Clan Omni
   Mobile Assault Lance 2
Hisoka Matsumoto, Elite, VTR-9K Victor [Daryk]
Will be driven to win because of Turtle Bay
   Mobile Assault Lance 3
Reika Sato, Elite, MAD-5D Marauder [Takiro]
One of the best Mad pilot out there
Shiori Noriko, Elite, CTF-1X Cataphract [Ice Hellion]
Has clan fighting experience
Catherine Kennedy, Elite, GHR-C Grasshopper [Dragon Cat]
No known clan exp, but is rated an Elite and I have seen Grasshopper survive
Arturo Santiago Guzman, Veteran, CRD-3L Crusader [Sharpnel]
20 year Vet, guessing he served in combat and who knows what tricks ghe got up his sleeves

      Battle Company (Tanaka's Tanegashima)
   Battle Lance 1 (Surejjihanmā Lance - Sledgehammer)
Jak ‘Two Guns’ Warren, Veteran, WHM-6D Warhammer [Doc_Agren]
Properly modified his Popcorn Popper 3 will be killer and he already been shot out of his last ride by a clanner
Jeremiah ‘Bulldog’ Bullton, Veteran, TDR-7M Thunderbolt [Doc_Agren]
A Zombie Mech, plus if even a bit of his stories are true he might be a killer...  I mean dropping a Locust with his handgun???  If not, maybe he can talk them to death   ;D
   Battle Lance 2 (Bravo Lance)
Aika Gunma, Elite (2/3), WHM-7K Warhammer [O5P Ghost]
He looking for a rematch vrs clanners
      Strike Company   
   Strike Lance 1 (Double Nickel, all Mechs 55 tons)
Katsumi Watanabe, Elite, Wolverine [Daryk]
Fought Ghost Bears and her Mech survived means she knows how to engage and win
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #394 on: 01 April 2019, 15:36:50 »
I could just simplify it by having McAlister and Barca swapped for Korushima and Derdowski (sorry Doc I know they are your guys) call it a day. While Sainze, Ishikawa, and Werner didn't make your list they are elite Mechwarriors piloting Assault Mechs. Of course this leaves out two of our favorites which are Nakamora and Tagai.

Having solid elements in reserve should the Jaguars break their bid is vital to the survival of the unit as a whole.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #395 on: 01 April 2019, 16:13:53 »
Doc, Watanabe was able to beat the Bears because she was a melee machine... if melee is out, she won't do so well.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #396 on: 01 April 2019, 19:17:01 »

I'm guessing this will be fought by zellbrigen, what we need are 12 mech to their 10.
I doubt a backwater rock like Rockland will have anything other then what Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster had in canon 3054.

We should not be having to deal with frontline troops, but lets not plan on a small # of them being here.

If we bring in nothing but Assault Mechs..  They will will feel free go 1 on 1 with no limits,  But having mechs like Katsumi Watanabe's wolverine is going to leave us someone that their faster mechs can play with and challenge with "honor" even though most will select a heavy mech to start with, but if they are all heavy or assaults they might bid away part of their firepower at the start to engage our machines.  I have played a few games set in this time frame and Zell is the key..
My next thought is if we loose, and vrs clan tech we have to fighter smart then the average Smoked Jag warrior, we lost the 12 pilots to them (either as POW/Bond(wo)men or as KIA's) so while selecting our best options I need to look at what gave a strong reserve force, and more important that was the command structure, because while this is a O5P unit, this is our 1st major engagement vrs Clan Forces as a Whole.
What would stop someone from pulling a Tai-sa Mark Graham of 9th Pesht Regulars fame, and use our conventional forces as a "roadblock force" to allow the rest of the mechs to get away, this would become doubly important when/if we start loosing command members, command will fall to 2nd or lower, in the field when you start loosing command structure, sometime it hard to recover it until you can get a "breather".

I could just simplify it by having McAlister and Barca swapped for Korushima and Derdowski (sorry Doc I know they are your guys) call it a day. While Sainze, Ishikawa, and Werner didn't make your list they are elite Mechwarriors piloting Assault Mechs. Of course this leaves out two of our favorites which are Nakamora and Tagai.

Having solid elements in reserve should the Jaguars break their bid is vital to the survival of the unit as a whole.
Tanaka ‘Shadow’ Nakamora, Elite, WHM-6Rk Warhammer [Takiro]
Iraho Tagai, Elite, Shadow Hawk [Takiro]
I will be honest, I left them both off my list, because between them if the round 1 goes sideways, they will have to reform 2 Companies from what left and having good command structure already in place will be very helpful..  I would rather have Tagai job at the point then Nakamora, as I only removed 1 mech from that company, so thing should reform smoothly.
But it is your call Takiro, I just gave my 2 Cbill worth based on "fluff background" and backed it up with my reasoning why I selected who I did.  Besides Daryk putting out Hisoka Matsumoto, Elite, VTR-9K Victor [Daryk] no one else put out a list of 12 options, and why they selected them.  I would be interested in seeing others and reasons why pilots are selected.

Doc, Watanabe was able to beat the Bears because she was a melee machine... if melee is out, she won't do so well.
Would it help if I said I believed in her, she still an Elite rated mechjockey.   
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #397 on: 01 April 2019, 21:01:04 »
Doc, Watanabe was able to beat the Bears because she was a melee machine... if melee is out, she won't do so well.

What melee machine (Hatchetman?) was she in Daryk? I only see the Wolverine mentioned in the write up or does she prefer to mix it up in this style??

I'm guessing this will be fought by zellbrigen, what we need are 12 mech to their 10.
I doubt a backwater rock like Rockland will have anything other then what Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster had in canon 3054.

We should not be having to deal with frontline troops, but lets not plan on a small # of them being here.

If we bring in nothing but Assault Mechs..  They will will feel free go 1 on 1 with no limits,  But having mechs like Katsumi Watanabe's wolverine is going to leave us someone that their faster mechs can play with and challenge with "honor" even though most will select a heavy mech to start with, but if they are all heavy or assaults they might bid away part of their firepower at the start to engage our machines.  I have played a few games set in this time frame and Zell is the key..

You are correct on the second line nature of your foe Doc but don't under estimate them. Their commander is a bad ass (Clan veteran, 2/2) piloting a customized Behemoth (aka Stone Rhino). I was actually thinking of giving McAlister a specialized Atlas for the express purpose of dueling him. Similarly but in a lesser fashion the 10th will feature stock second line equipment (TROs) in most cases (perhaps a singular example of a frontline Omni) whose pilots will be Clan Veteran (3/2 which equates to InnerSphere Elite). Now not all the Mechasenshi of the Sohei have known skill ratings so in some cases they may indeed be more skilled. Technologically even though the Jaguars are second line in nature and the Sohei will have top of the line InnerSphere equipment the edge goes to the 10th. Further more I believe the Jaguars will select the battlefield for the Trial as the defender, aff? Likely an open plain with few obstructions which will give their superior ranged weapons another advantage. Obviously one on one combat prevails so the Sohei will have two machines in reserve for the drill likely giving them a weight advantage. Selecting lighter assets such as the Wolverine or the Shadow Hawk in Tagai's case may deal away one of their few edges here.

Plus let me give you another insight into this scenario the Jag commander who has been particularly effective as a garrison leader has seen the InnerSphere's "honor" first hand several times. Tales of the deceptions on Wolcott by Genyosha as a "Green" unit not to mention numerous others, after action reports of Tukayyid where the ComGuards moved a city versus the Jade Falcons, and perhaps most personally the betrayal by ComStar during Operation Scorpion. These experiences have left him a cynic when it comes to any Spheroids true intentions on the battlefield. I actually think it maybe the Jags who break the bid first rather than the Sohei but we will see...… of course O5P has reports of his actions but this growing behavioral detail could escape their analysis again we will see.....

My next thought is if we loose, and vrs clan tech we have to fighter smart then the average Smoked Jag warrior, we lost the 12 pilots to them (either as POW/Bond(wo)men or as KIA's) so while selecting our best options I need to look at what gave a strong reserve force, and more important that was the command structure, because while this is a O5P unit, this is our 1st major engagement vrs Clan Forces as a Whole.
What would stop someone from pulling a Tai-sa Mark Graham of 9th Pesht Regulars fame, and use our conventional forces as a "roadblock force" to allow the rest of the mechs to get away, this would become doubly important when/if we start loosing command members, command will fall to 2nd or lower, in the field when you start loosing command structure, sometime it hard to recover it until you can get a "breather".

Reading my mind here brother as the rest the unit is in overwatch for lack of a better term with artillery fire by spotters just waiting to break things up should the need arise. Providing cover for the duelists should the need arise while the rest engage.

Tanaka ‘Shadow’ Nakamora, Elite, WHM-6Rk Warhammer [Takiro]
Iraho Tagai, Elite, Shadow Hawk [Takiro]
I will be honest, I left them both off my list, because between them if the round 1 goes sideways, they will have to reform 2 Companies from what left and having good command structure already in place will be very helpful..  I would rather have Tagai job at the point then Nakamora, as I only removed 1 mech from that company, so thing should reform smoothly.
But it is your call Takiro, I just gave my 2 Cbill worth based on "fluff background" and backed it up with my reasoning why I selected who I did.  Besides Daryk putting out Hisoka Matsumoto, Elite, VTR-9K Victor [Daryk] no one else put out a list of 12 options, and why they selected them.  I would be interested in seeing others and reasons why pilots are selected.
Would it help if I said I believed in her, she still an Elite rated mechjockey.   

Oh I hear you Doc and thanks for your input. Hopefully more folks will chime in. Ice Hellion did over on OBT saying perhaps assigning an entire company might be the best approach.

I do have to say that individual Mechwarrior wise Sainze should be included in the 12 as he is elite and does have perhaps the greatest knowledge of the Clans without having faced them in combat.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #398 on: 02 April 2019, 03:29:31 »
I figure Watanabe was in the Wolverine then... three six point punches per turn can do a number on even a clan 'mech (the SPA gets you an extra melee attack).


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #399 on: 02 April 2019, 08:17:56 »
Ah, very good. Not to change the subject but to seek comments on Kurita Dueling vs. Clan Zellbrigen. Does the Kurita dueling style have a name? What are its principles? The Knights of the InnerSphere follow a chivalrous code so they will not attack an enemy when their back is turned for example.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #400 on: 02 April 2019, 16:09:08 »
Wouldn't it just be Bushido?  ???


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #401 on: 02 April 2019, 16:22:18 »
Duh! I guess that answers that.

But what specific code of conduct would that entail? One on one duels? Any behavior against the rules??


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #402 on: 02 April 2019, 17:01:19 »
Google and Wikipedia aren't particularly helpful here... there seems to be some disagreement as to exactly how many tenets of Bushido there actually were (7 or 8).  Maybe the House Kurita book can illuminate what it meant to the Draconis Combine?


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #403 on: 02 April 2019, 21:35:08 »
Perhaps I can find something in FM Draconis Combine. There has to be an old school unit that follows the precepts of Takashi.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #404 on: 04 April 2019, 16:28:55 »
Honestly I didn't see anything to explain what it meant to the DC, but then again it is kinda what Zell mean to a clanner..  I think it "up to the person" within a "Code of Conduct"

and no Takiro I was not overconfidence that we should have an easy time with the Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster, but I am "surprised" to hear we are dealing with mostly Clan Vet Pilots, I was expecting this far back, that we are not dealing with a Few "vets" and mix of older Solhma and newer pilots, in mixed of 2nd line and well honestly Inner Sphere "C" models.  It is 2 years post Tukayyid, and as is canon "Like all Clans, the Jaguars' future was shaped by their performance on Tukayyid. The heavy losses suffered by its most elite Galaxies could not be easily replaced and unceasing raiding from both the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery and Clan Nova Cat prevented them from fully regaining their pre-Tukayyid strength." from here, near the end I was expecting most of them to be transferred to "Frontline forces in need" forces.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #405 on: 04 April 2019, 16:52:04 »
I started looking up the 1st Hidden War and the Ronin, they were 1 on 1 duels of honor with live fire, the same idea was the Star League "Gunslinger" Program which was design to counter the Ronin.
But I'm not sure how well that will do as a "battlefield" Company on Binary as a function.  I mean they talk Ronin vrs Gunslinger battles might go 30 mins.  Also if they play by Zell, we might not have any mechs "free" as they might choice to choice I will take more then one of our mechs as away to gain honor.

I know someone here, did a fanfic about a Gunslinger and Ronin. The Sword Will Never Depart by Dubble_g.  It was well done and can give you a kinda POV for ideas.
« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 10:51:30 by DOC_Agren »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #406 on: 04 April 2019, 16:55:45 »
Honestly I didn't see anything to explain what it meant to the DC, but then again it is kinda what Zell mean to a clanner..  I think it "up to the person" within a "Code of Conduct"

Yeah I looked but didn't find much. Probably gonna ask the question on the greater forum just to get everyone's opinion.

and no Takiro I was not overconfidence that we should have an easy time with the Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster, but I am "surprised" to hear we are dealing with mostly Clan Vet Pilots, I was expecting this far back, that we are not dealing with a Few "vets" and mix of older Solhma and newer pilots, in mixed of 2nd line and well honestly Inner Sphere "C" models.  It is 2 years post Tukayyid, and as is canon "Like all Clans, the Jaguars' future was shaped by their performance on Tukayyid. The heavy losses suffered by its most elite Galaxies could not be easily replaced and unceasing raiding from both the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery and Clan Nova Cat prevented them from fully regaining their pre-Tukayyid strength." from here, near the end I was expecting most of them to be transferred to "Frontline forces in need" forces.

I think you may be in large part correct when describing their forces but the 10 here should probably be their best available, aff?

I started looking up the 1st Hidden War and the Ronin, they were 1 on 1 duels of honor with live fire, the same idea was the Star League "Gunslinger" Program which was design to counter the Ronin.
But I'm not sure how well that will do as a "battlefield" Company on Binary as a function.  I mean they talk Ronin vrs Gunslinger battles might go 30 mins.  Also if they play by Zell, we might not have any mechs "free" as they might choice to choice I will take more then one of our mechs as away to gain honor.

I know someone here, did a fanfic about a Gunslinger and Ronin. [url] The Sword Will Never Depart[/url] by Dubble_g.  It was well done and can give you a kinda POV for ideas.

The Sohei and the Jaguars are in large part a continuation of this historical conflict. Thanks Doc!

Anyone else have input on the duel?


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #407 on: 04 April 2019, 19:49:43 »
Yeah I looked but didn't find much. Probably gonna ask the question on the greater forum just to get everyone's opinion.
just make sure to share the question so I know where to read, please and hanks

I think you may be in large part correct when describing their forces but the 10 here should probably be their best available, aff?

That a very Inner Sphere POV, clan normally bid via following as I understand, I could be wrong.  Star Capt Xander Simon of Smoked Kats Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster, bid my Binary for the honor smacking these wantabee warriors.
 then maybe
Star Capt Jess Diamond of Smoked Kats Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster, bid my Binary, less the ERPPC on my "Mech" for the honor smacking these wantabee warriors.
  hopefully then
Star Capt Xander Simon of Smoked Kats Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster, bid my Binary, less warrior Larry in his Horned Owl for the honor smacking these wantabee warriors.
But they don't normally mix up their force structure to get the win.
« Last Edit: 04 April 2019, 20:13:39 by DOC_Agren »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #408 on: 04 April 2019, 21:06:20 »
True enough but the commander could forgo bidding

Here is the link!


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #409 on: 17 April 2019, 06:12:48 »
Still mulling over the Bushido posts folks as thanks to all it was a pretty interesting talk on the subject. Research continues there and hopefully I will be able to post something more there in a week or two.

I have decided that the battlefield chosen for the Trial will be the new BattleMats produced by Catalyst. Last week I received the first two and was pretty impressed with the quality. Just ordered the next two yesterday and will probably link two of the grasslands together for the battle. The Smoke Jaguar commander who will doubtlessly be part of the affair pilots a customized Behemoth which likes open terrain to take advantage of its extreme range arsenal (4 ER Larges).

As O5P is aware of this I was planning on having McAlister equipped with an Atlas I worked up. EndoSteel structure, standard 300 Fusion Engine, 3 Large Lasers (one each in the arms and center torso), and two Gauss Rifles (side torsos). It is a pretty solid variant which will hopefully provide him with some chance of taking down his opponent but might still be a tall order.

As for the rest I have some choices now for the Jaguar force of ten. I could field an assault star (standard Behemoth, Supernova, Thunder Stallion, Warhammer IIC) including the customized Behemoth which will represent the Command Star. Pretty tall order for the Sohei to beat in a duel but then we get a lot lighter (Hunchback IIC, Hellhound, Peregrine, Jenner IIC, Vixen, Locust IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, Peregrine, Sling [Clan upgrade], Hunchback IIC [missile variant], Griffin IIC, Baboon, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Clint IIC, Great Wyrm) or InnerSphere mods but there is one more possibility. Should I give the Jaguars a Star of Elementals here? It is a second line force true which may preclude their involvement and if they are part of the planetary defenses these Elementals would likely be the only ones present. Some of my players have yet to square off against these foes and could provide interesting play. What do you think??
« Last Edit: 17 April 2019, 08:43:17 by Takiro »


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #410 on: 17 April 2019, 20:36:31 »
I don't think Elementals would be in the spirit of dueling, but that's just my thought...


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #411 on: 20 April 2019, 15:40:50 »
I don't think Elementals would be in the spirit of dueling, but that's just my thought...
I have to 2nd that..  unless you are removing a mech for them

Also remembering this is a Provisional Garrison Cluster, who should be limited on "Decent Mechs" because Smoked Kats, were in canon struggling to restock front line forces, they should reassigned most clan designs to the front lines.  Instead we might be facing more WHM-6R (C). ARC-2R (C), MAD-3R (C) and other Inner Sphere mechs retrofited intended for second-line and solahma troops, this variant did not alter the 'Mech's structural components but replaced most of the Inner Sphere-tech weaponry of the originals with Clan equivalents
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #412 on: 21 April 2019, 08:33:00 »
I don't think Elementals would be in the spirit of dueling, but that's just my thought...

I have to 2nd that..  unless you are removing a mech for them

Thanks for opinions guys. More practical considerations also make Elementals a no go for this duel. If OmniMechs were present I'd say they could more easily deploy across the board but armed with normal BattleMechs which can't help transport them the Toads could be easy targets for their opponents. So I'd rather go with 5 other BattleMechs. They will be much lighter though then the Galaxy Command (Assault) Star.

Also remembering this is a Provisional Garrison Cluster, who should be limited on "Decent Mechs" because Smoked Kats, were in canon struggling to restock front line forces, they should reassigned most clan designs to the front lines.  Instead we might be facing more WHM-6R (C). ARC-2R (C), MAD-3R (C) and other Inner Sphere mechs retrofited intended for second-line and solahma troops, this variant did not alter the 'Mech's structural components but replaced most of the Inner Sphere-tech weaponry of the originals with Clan equivalents

Well my minis are dictating that at least one trinary will be composed of Clan BattleMechs (Hunchback IIC, Hellhound, Peregrine, Jenner IIC, Vixen, Locust IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, Peregrine, Sling [Clan upgrade], Hunchback IIC [missile variant], Griffin IIC, Baboon, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Clint IIC, Great Wyrm). Here are the rest of my thoughts on the Jaguar composition -

Psi Galaxy Command Trinary
   Typical Smoke Jaguar Command Trinaries seen in the Invading Clans Sourcebook (FASA 1645) averages one or two stars ‘Mechs (5-10, Command Star and Artillery), 0-25 Elementals, 0-10 Fighters. This is a second line command so I would not go too heavy on what they have which means three stars that I’d say are one BattleMech (5 Assault Mechs previously listed), an Elemental star (75 Elementals – yes frontline in nature but can see it), and a Fighter star (10 Aerospace Fighters – TRO3067).
   5 BattleMechs [Behemoth*, Behemoth, Supernova, Thunder Stallion, Warhammer IIC]
   75 Elementals
   10 Aerospace Fighters

10th Provisional Garrison Cluster
   Typical Smoke Jaguar Clusters seen in the Invading Clans Sourcebook (FASA 1645) average four stars of Mechs (60, including a Command Trinary which is Mech heavy similar to Wolf at this time). As my minis dictate one of these Trinaries (15, likely the Command Trinary will be Clan BattleMechs) and the rest (45) will be InnerSphere refits. Although I could substitute a Trinary with Conventional Clan Vehicles (30, TRO3060) which is a definite possibility. Two binaries of Solahma Infantry (25 a point means 125 a star and 250 total for this formation) while another Fighter star (10 Aerospace Fighters – TRO3067) would almost certainly be present.
   45 BattleMechs
   30 Conventional Vehicles
   250 Solahma Infantry
   10 Aerospace Fighters


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #413 on: 21 April 2019, 11:29:22 »
*sotto voce* We're going to die. All of us.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #414 on: 21 April 2019, 11:39:11 »
Gloriously, or not at all!  8)

Seriously, I think we have a good chance of accomplishing our mission.  At the very least, we'll convince them they should honor the Dragon's bids in the future.

I find it interesting we're already seeing the differing approaches to fighting the clans.  Matsumoto is very much "beat them at their own game", while Watanabe is more "if you're not cheating, you're not playing".  I think both have a place in the Sohei (the latter for when the clans refuse to accept a bid... literally club them to death like the worms they are).  I also think Watanabe is definitely out of this first battle, too.  Her methods just don't mesh with what the clans consider honor.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #415 on: 21 April 2019, 22:14:50 »
Nope, they will die.. why to quote Sarna
"A Provisional Garrison Cluster is a Clan military formation. They are typically considered one tier below second line forces and are typically used to hold rear areas, perform cleanup tasks too dishonorable for front line or second line Clusters, or hold minor objectives. Typically the troops used by a PGC are freeborn warriors or trueborns who are too old or disgraced by their actions."
So if we have trueborn clanners they are most likey going to be looking for personal glory or death. 
Freeborn clanners are going to be looking for the same..

and Takiro
I buy the Command Trinary (Mech Star[5 Clan mechs (disagree on it being an Assault Star)], Elemental Star [25 Elementals], Fighter Star[ten fighters])
but then a disagree with you on the rest
2 more Trinary of Mechs (30 mechs Most Inner Sphere refits maybe a few IIC as well)
2 more Trinary of Vee (60 vee mix of Clan and Inner Sphere units)
1 Binary of Infantry (2 Stars of Conventional Inf)
1 Star of Fighters (10 fighters)

This gives enough fighters to hold off most forces attacking without Wing of Fighters.
They should be able to match up their mech force with a IS Batt
Elementals can be mech killers or heavy Inf to break any rebel forces (and 1 force we aren't able to match)
and 250 Solahma Infantry, thankfully we are back to looking for personal glory or death. 
then the Armor, well that digs in like a tick and we have to find them.

but I also understand that you want to make this a fun battle on both sides

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #416 on: 21 April 2019, 22:36:11 »
Well this isn't going to be a walk over for sure. Without the possibility of failure what success can there be? And yes we are all going to die but not today!  >:D

In line with Kuritan Bushido there are always possibilities as I am finding in my research...

Good thoughts on the opposition Doc. So far I have just three Bloodnamed warriors for the entirety of the formation and they are either viewed as too old or disgraced in some fashion to earn their position. Two Cloud Cobra abtakha who came to the Jaguars to find glory during the Crusade only to now find themselves outsiders with a new Supremacist saKhan in power.

The rise of saKhan Nahuel Montizima could well be the start of a great transfer of all non Jags to these lesser units in order to make way for the true warriors of the Clans.

Jaguar Freeborns I had not considered given their inability to make the warrior caste of the Clan but said formations maybe beneath Trueborns. Alternatively these warriors could be Seconds or failures of their initial Trial of Position who have been given another chance in this Trueborn only Clan.

Testdowns or Solahma would certainly be a possibility but Bondsman I see as a no go as the Jags probably don't trust them enough yet.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #417 on: 24 April 2019, 13:18:05 »
nope no Bondsmen... in mechs
but on the other hand, you just might have some locals serving in the Inf, there are always those who might serve the new master to be able to bully those they disliked

Freeborn, yep this is where they might serve, for there is no Honor to be gained here..  plus to hold the planet you need more then Mechs or you need a lot of them and can never leave them.  You need armored vehicles to park on the corner, you need a few bully boys walking the streets, while Elementals are nice, betting that there are places those suits just won't fit easy and you can see/hear them father away.   It is 1 of the things that should give the Sohei forces a chance.
On the other hand, this is a unit who might have cheered on Turtle Bay as the correct answer..  why because they know what dealing with locals is like.

It won't be a cake walk
, those mechs are still piloted by clan warriors...  Most of them older who are serving out to death, just lets be thankfully they are not all in  Clan Omni but Inner Sphere design modified with Clan Tech, trust me... Jak ‘Two Guns’ Warren would love to salvage a pair of clan PPC for his ride, even better then getting 2 IS ERPPC

Bushido, is a hard topic to fully get because well it seem while there is "general agreement" what the most important parts are personal.. If you have access to in your gamer friend to Legend of 5 Rings they do a good "Game related" view of it, overview is Here

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #418 on: 24 April 2019, 21:30:14 »
I thought the Jags didn't allow freeborns to serve, period. Could be Trueborns only here in that case.

Testdowns - warriors who tested downward into second line service after time in frontline service

Seconds - warriors who failed their initial Trial of Position could be given a second chance to serve in these lesser units


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #419 on: 25 April 2019, 00:08:25 »
Well there is from Sarna
Despite this ruling freebirth warriors were never totally removed and still fought in the Touman. The 22nd Freebirth Cluster participated in the Battle of Luthien
So there were freebirths serving, and given how little they were care about being turn to "garrison" behind the line planets is within their ability, freeing their better for frontline service.

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"