Author Topic: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks  (Read 99942 times)


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #540 on: 09 January 2020, 15:46:45 »
 Honestly I'm figuring if we get any of the repaired captured mechs into battle it either a long battle or they are going in battle damaged
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #541 on: 08 February 2020, 21:30:08 »
So any updates?
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #542 on: 09 February 2020, 16:57:18 »
Not as of yet Doc, thanks for the check up. Been busy and was still setting up the air battle before I see who gets lucky or who gets dead...


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #543 on: 23 May 2020, 18:44:27 »
Finally finished my written summary of the aerospace clash in orbit of Rockland and it's bad folks. Special thanks to Bradshaw who plugged these forces into MegaMek to slug it out. We did it a few times and I'll let you read the resulting carnage which is my attempt to combine it all. Big question for you guys is what do you think can be recovered in regards to pilots and craft. Let me know and I hope you enjoy the summary.

The Sacrifice of Angels

The lighter craft of Rogue Fighter Star from the 10th Provisional Garrison Cluster outpaced their heavier comrades from Psi Galaxy Charlie Command Star in typical Smoke Jaguar fashion intent on capturing glory. Some of the Jaguars were so overzealous and reckless in their high-speed approaches that they failed to maintain control of their craft. While everyone managed to recover prior to the start of the actual engagement it was an omen of things to come. Distant volleys by Clan fighters began the combat and were responded to in kind by Gauss slugs from the Draconis Dropships that quickly revealed their upgraded nature.

The first victory of the battle went to Yoko Kijo and the Fukuryu who skillfully coordinated one of the first attacks on Pilot Ayda and her Swift C. These dishonorable tactics only seemed to further incense the Smoke Jaguar pilots who mercilessly combined fire themselves for the rest of the engagement on the Tennyo. Both Sais of the Tennyo’s Second Flight Third Lance became the focus of this ruthless fury with Kim Mi Sun’s fighter rapidly taking many long-range strikes quickly neutralizing it for the rest of the engagement.

Attempts to punish the Fukuryu were not as successful as Point Commander Natas discovered when he was annihilated in his Issus approaching the massive Achilles. This appeared alter the Jaguars early targets to the Tennyo rather than the Dropships which they had run to for support. Dogfights erupted around these mammoths as Clan pilots tried to maintain space while eliminating the Kuritan fighters. The range of their weaponry helped the Jaguars separate the Draconis pilots from their Dropship escorts. 

A deadly dance ensued at the edge of the Achilles range where the Tennyo and Jaguar AeroFighters would duel for supremacy. The Clansman using their superior weapons whittled down the Draconis fighters despite their discipline and teamwork. The resulting clash would see ten Jaguars destroyed (Lobe, Killian, Belinda, Damien, Cerndal, Nakhesi, Zaesh, Ghaset, Rydric, Sindrol) at the cost of the remaining eleven Tennyo (Noriki Sorenson, Nana Yamada, Shizukana Kaze, Ju Juan, Zuzanne Agnika, Mariah Cassetti, Cecilia Utchakov, Donna Black, Haruka Uehara, Asuka Uehara, Yoko Kijo) leaving only the two Kurita Dropships operational.

Following the destruction of the last Draconis aerospace fighter the remaining nine Jaguars pounced on the more damaged Yakaze attempting to bring it down. However, the death of Star Captain August Furste in a burst of LRM fire from the Yakaze proved this would not be an easy task. The Clan pilots were not to be easily deterred as they all a made for the damaged Achilles virtually ignoring its sister ship. This allowed the Fukuryu to wipe out Point Commander Inazre and Pilot Ghaset in their assault fighters. Another pass cost the Jags Pilot Dreven, Point Commander Arora and finally Point Commander Inazre before they apparently thought better of it. 

Point Commander Vadro called an end to the battle with damage mounting and just four Jaguar fighters remaining. The Jaguars would control the skies even if they could not break the Dragon’s orbital blockade. Their repeated assaults had left the Yakaze barely operational and both Draconis dropships low on ammo. While this pyrrhic war had left both sides devastated the silver lining for the Dragon was their ability to recover downed pilots and salvage various fighters. Kuritan Small Craft not only saved their own wounded but retrieved several prisoners of war as well.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #544 on: 23 May 2020, 19:11:11 »
This did not go well for the Sohei.
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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #545 on: 23 May 2020, 19:12:33 »
The relevant rules appear to be in StratOps (page 26), and TacOps (page 197, under "Head Destruction"... though this is a stretch, the alternative is the pilots are simply dead).  It sounds to me like any pilots that actually survived ejecting from their destroyed fighters have taken 5 "hits".  That will take time to recover from.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #546 on: 23 May 2020, 19:48:18 »
Yeah, we did it three times in MegaMek which was an experience but at no time did any of the Tennyo fighters make it through the battle. The Dropships always remained and there were a various number of surviving Clan fighters.

There seems to be a real lack of ejection scenarios where pilots survive in space after battle. Love to hear what everyone thinks.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #547 on: 23 May 2020, 19:50:33 »
The main problem is that the ejection rules presuppose doing it in the movement phase.  If you still have a fighter in movement, why would you eject?  They MIGHT miss, after all...


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #548 on: 23 May 2020, 23:31:49 »
Yeah, we did it three times in MegaMek which was an experience but at no time did any of the Tennyo fighters make it through the battle. The Dropships always remained and there were a various number of surviving Clan fighters.

There seems to be a real lack of ejection scenarios where pilots survive in space after battle. Love to hear what everyone thinks.
I have some questions:
What was the skill rating of the the Clan Pilots, I mean we brought 8 Elite, 2 Vet, 1 Reg and 1 unknown ( Ju Juan) pilot skill.
Given that Clan Pilots were normally rated as Regs (mostly because they been bid away in combat).  I would honestly find it hard to believe that the 10th Provisional Garrison Cluster were anything more then Mixture of Green and and Regs given their status.
So how does that effect things in the MegaMek?  Because the range and weapon loadout are nearly equal.

Follow up, we had 2 flights who were trained to fly as 1 unit, Haruka & Asuka Uehara and Zuzanne Agnika and Mariah Cassetti.  Did that gain us any advantages?

Ejection: I have always assumed a Aerospace Pilot should be wearing basicly a light exosuit spacesuit with lifesupport (there was some reference to something like this back in the day for the Lryan Pilots).  I used to have my own design for it, 2 or 3 computer hardrives and boards ago.  Basicly should the craft come apart you have something to survive for a bit 12 hours (turn on your beacon and hope someone comes).  Other then that as long as the cockpit survives you stay in it, and turn on beacon (use bird oxigen limited protection and hope SAR comes and gets you (either yours or well your enemies) 

But the simple way to see who survived base of 2 on d6 then add in
Elite +2
Vet   +1
Reg   0
Green -1
Heavy +1
Medium 0
Light   -1

Zuzanne Agnika would survive on 5 out of 6  (+2 for Elite Pilot, +1 Heavy Fighter)
Mariah Cassetti would survive on 3 out of 6  (+1 Heavy Fighter)
Kim Mi Sun would survive on 2 out of 6   (+1 for Vet Pilot, -1 Light Fighter)
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #549 on: 24 May 2020, 03:23:31 »
StratOps page 26 says a pilot that ejects with an intact ejection seat can survive for 24 hours.  Without a seat, it's 8 hours (480 minutes) -80 minutes per box of damage.  The coolest thing on pages 26-27 though, is the PRU (Personal Reentry Unit)…  8)

Weirdly, the one external store Tech Manual describes (page 195) is for consumables. Granted, it's designed to extend an intact fighter's life support for 96 hours, but I'm pretty sure if you had an intact ejection seat, you could make at least partial use of it.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #550 on: 24 May 2020, 06:30:32 »
I'll try to summon Bradshaw as he did alot of the work setting this all up in MegaMek. Setting up all 34 units including the custom Achilles which help alot. Don't forget the setup two pages ago and some time ago.

The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks

As previously posted above 20 Clan Fighters versus 12 InnerSphere Fighters was a lopsided matchup. While I feel that there is more parity between forces here then anywhere else the Jags were pretty solid with a number of factors. Numbers is one, tech superiority is another with range and firepower going to their side by a huge margin and then there is skill rating. Remembering a Clan Green is equal to an InnerSphere Regular and so on the Tennyo's experience factor was somewhat negated. MegaMek did factor in tactics to its simulation as well with Jag aggression reflected in their reckless behavior and singular attack nature at least early on. The Tennyo and the Dropships worked as an effective team with discipline on the other hand. Unfortunately Clan stuff is just very good and sadly they were outnumbered at this time.

Good thoughts Doc on ejection possibilities and solid info Daryk. Please keep your thoughts coming on the search and rescue operation currently underway. The Achilles control the area and have launched their 4 small craft in the effort.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #551 on: 24 May 2020, 07:01:49 »
Rules for Search and Rescue operations start on page 45 of StratOps.  The way I interpret them, a 6+ on 2d6 means the SAR force (which includes both DropShips and Small Craft; btw, it's +2 harder if the recovery isn't taking place in planetary orbit) finds the ejected pilots, while the Small Craft reduce the target number for the Control Roll to recover them.  With 4 Small Craft, we should be able to collect everybody who ejected before their air runs out (assuming none are gravely injured).  The tricky bit is getting one of the Small Craft into the same hex as the ejected pilot with the same velocity and heading.  I would figure at least five minutes (turns) to make that happen per pilot.  On the Search end, I think you can reasonably make one roll per searching craft, though the Small Craft would need 7+ vice the 6+ of the DropShip(s).  I would also not allow a Small Craft conducting a recovery to search for other pilots at the same time.

So basically, the procedure I envision would be:
All craft conduct Search rolls (6+ for DropShips, 7+ for Small Craft; 8/9+ if the battle didn't take place in orbit).
Any successful Search rolls vector a Small Craft to attempt to recover a pilot (figure 5-10 minutes (1d6+4) per recovery with no additional Search rolls by that unit).
Recovery attempts are simply Control Rolls modified by the table at the bottom of page 46.  Failed rolls just mean you have to try again the next turn (1 minute later).
Pilots who succeeded on their ejection rolls with a MoS of 2 or more have intact ejection seats, and thus a full 24 hours of life support.  Those who make it by one or less have only the aforementioned 480 minutes-80 minutes per box of damage.  EDGE will matter here, as the "Head Destruction" rules from TacOps automatically mean a pilot auto-ejected by unit destruction (taking loss of the final point of SI as equivalent to "Internal Structure of the Head") is at 5 boxes of damage (the *good* news is that's a flat damage level, not affected by any previously sustained pilot damage).

Unless we roll REALLY badly, we should be able to pick up all of our pilots in 80 minutes or less with 4 Small Craft.  If it gets close at the end, the DropShips can try to pick up pilots too (it's just harder for them).


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #552 on: 24 May 2020, 07:27:08 »
What of salvage opportunities in orbit?


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #553 on: 24 May 2020, 07:52:13 »
StratOps page 191 has the rules for Salvage.  DropShips can salvage Fighters without special equipment (like a tug adaptor).  It takes 60 minutes to bring a wreck aboard, but any aerospace unit that has had its SI eliminated is "truly destroyed" (per page 175), and can't be restored to service.  Components may be salvaged unless the unit was killed by an ammunition explosion or a crash.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #554 on: 24 May 2020, 09:20:38 »
Very good Daryk, just waiting to hear from Bradshaw and Doc Argen here. Ice Hellion and Abele have commented as well over on OBT. So we will put it all together to see who survived and what got salvaged.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #555 on: 24 May 2020, 09:34:53 »
Cool... as long as we can get airframes, we'll at least be able to put SOME of the advanced tech back in service.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #556 on: 24 May 2020, 13:31:36 »
I'll try to summon Bradshaw as he did alot of the work setting this all up in MegaMek. Setting up all 34 units including the custom Achilles which help alot. Don't forget the setup two pages ago and some time ago.

The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks

As previously posted above 20 Clan Fighters versus 12 InnerSphere Fighters was a lopsided matchup. While I feel that there is more parity between forces here then anywhere else the Jags were pretty solid with a number of factors. Numbers is one, tech superiority is another with range and firepower going to their side by a huge margin and then there is skill rating. Remembering a Clan Green is equal to an InnerSphere Regular and so on the Tennyo's experience factor was somewhat negated. MegaMek did factor in tactics to its simulation as well with Jag aggression reflected in their reckless behavior and singular attack nature at least early on. The Tennyo and the Dropships worked as an effective team with discipline on the other hand. Unfortunately Clan stuff is just very good and sadly they were outnumbered at this time.

Good thoughts Doc on ejection possibilities and solid info Daryk. Please keep your thoughts coming on the search and rescue operation currently underway. The Achilles control the area and have launched their 4 small craft in the effort.
Yep even back in the day BT 1640, The BattleTech Compendium pg 77 states that the average Clan pilot is 4/4 to the Sphere's 4/5.  I was not expecting a win, there were just 2 many of them, but I was hoping for 2 or 3 of ours to still by operational.

Daryk found the real rules, mine were borrowed from the simple rules we use for Full Thrust fighters recovery.

And if we could have drawn in those lighter birds early before Clan Pirates Smoked Cat those heavier birds hit, we might have done better.

That being said, I am glad to see this had movement, I assumed with the world gone to hell, that this game was on hold.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #557 on: 24 May 2020, 13:34:44 »
Heck, that our DropShips were still operational after a 20 vs. 12 ASF engagement against us, I'd still call that a win.  WE held the field, not the pirates...


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #558 on: 08 June 2020, 08:59:33 »

I have been summoned. Boy was that a long bath

We used a mix of ranges for the skills for the Clans mainly Clan Regulars with a smattering of veterans and a few elites for the frontline fighters, easily based upon standards the IS had better skills but as Tak said Clan regulars are IS veterans. I'd have to reinstall Megamek I've recently had to reboot my laptop but did save all my custom designs, but the IS had a decidedly larger BV mainly due to the twin dropships which saved what would have been a trouncing otherwise to shear numbers.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #559 on: 08 June 2020, 17:20:43 »
BV continues to prove its uselessness...

More seriously, the clans prioritize tactical skills even at the operational and strategic levels.  That's exactly why they will eventually lose...  ^-^


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #560 on: 09 June 2020, 06:27:51 »
Because when you control half the IS with a way lower fighting caste you are losing. :P


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #561 on: 09 June 2020, 20:44:10 »

I have been summoned. Boy was that a long bath

We used a mix of ranges for the skills for the Clans mainly Clan Regulars with a smattering of veterans and a few elites for the frontline fighters, easily based upon standards the IS had better skills but as Tak said Clan regulars are IS veterans. I'd have to reinstall Megamek I've recently had to reboot my laptop but did save all my custom designs, but the IS had a decidedly larger BV mainly due to the twin dropships which saved what would have been a trouncing otherwise to shear numbers.
trust me, I didn't expect that we would win, just that we might have some still working beside the dropships.
I expected/hoped that some of those "local" clan pilots would have been green and might have been easier to handle/goat into dumb actions and that most of the Elite and Vets would have been moved to front line operations given the massive losses these pirates had taken in the past few years (canon)

But our next moves is arty on these pirates to keep them "busy" and well not focus on R&R their retreated units.  And then start Pirate Hunting
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #562 on: 14 June 2021, 22:51:21 »
Knock, Knock

So have you moved on this anymore?
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #563 on: 17 June 2021, 12:18:01 »
Soon!  ;)


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #564 on: 17 June 2021, 13:37:32 »
very cool
hopefully we can bring the pain to them this time.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #565 on: 17 June 2021, 17:39:25 »
Excellent news!  :thumbsup:


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #566 on: 28 June 2021, 10:23:28 »
I am drawing up a total of three after action reports on the aerospace battle which should put a bow on it and take us into the next chapter of the Battle of Rockland. Enjoy the first! My condolences to characters who didn't make it.

Report by Chief Medical Officer of the Sohei: Doctor Quincy Tsenovi

Medics on onboard the orbital dropships managed to save eight ( 8 ) of the Tennyo following their valiant battle with the Jaguars above the planet. I am most pleased to report that Shizukana Kaze received only the lightest of injuries during the battle and has already returned to duty in the aerospace bays helping Techs attempting to restore fighter craft to operation. Also, Donna Black and Yoko Kijo should be able to join Kaze in a matter of hours after under going additional treatment. Mariah Cassetti remains under observation and may return to duty in a few days depending on her physical improvement. Unfortunately, Zuzanne Agnika and Asuka Uehara will probably not be able to rejoin the fray as their injuries will require weeks to heal. Wounded even more grievously in battle was Ju Juan who has a long recovery ahead as I understand it. The Medics are hopefully of a return in a few months but I will have to personally evaluate his condition at a hospital following our action here. Cecilia Utchakov is something of a minor miracle as she was pronounced dead and later revived after being rushed to sickbay. Severely wounded in action she has lost both her right arm and leg in combat. Only time will tell if she can ever return to active flight duty. I regret to inform you that the following pilots did not survive the battle; Commander Noriki Sorenson, Nana Yamada, Haruka Uehara, and Kim Mi Sun. Their remains have been recovered and their heroic sacrifice in the service of the Dragon should be noted. 

A total of six (6) Clan Pilots were captured after the battle despite futile attempts to evade recovery. Of these, Point Commander Zaesh was in the best possible condition with only superficial wounds in spite of his completely uncooperative attitude. He has already been transferred to the brig for interrogation and transport to a holding facility following the operation. Pilots Sindrol and Belinda will join him shortly after undergoing observation for their injuries in sickbay. Pilots Cerndal and Dreven will have to remain in sickbay under guard until operations are concluded as their injuries are too severe. Point Commander Damien is in the worst shape out of all the prisoners and remains unconscious after losing an arm in combat. His return to minimal activity is likely months away at best and it is possible he could never fly again. Medics have informed me that many of the Clanners have talked about and actively tried to commit suicide rather than be captured. I would therefore humbly recommend that Guards be placed on extreme vigilance lest the Dragon lose potentially valuable prisoners.


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #567 on: 28 June 2021, 15:36:47 »
A good, if sad, report.  :thumbsup:


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #568 on: 28 June 2021, 19:15:55 »
Even with Yoko Kijo riding herd on Kim Mi Sun, I'm honestly not surprised she died.. she had it in for the the Smoked kitty Pirates.  I'm glad she didn't get Yoko Kijo killed as well.

Shizukana Kaze, now appears to be by default the Aerospace Commander.

      Flight 1
   1st Lance
Noriki Sorenson, Elite, Slayer [Takiro] {Flight Commander}
Nana Yamada, Elite, Slayer [Takiro]
   2nd Lance
Shizukana Kaze, Elite, Stuka [Bradshaw] {Lance Commander}
Ju Juan, Veteran, TR-13A Transgressor [Bradshaw]  WIA
   3rd Lance
Zuzanne ‘Būmubūmu’ Agnika, Elite, D36b Thunderbird [Doc_Agren] {Lance Commander}WIA
Mariah ‘Pikushī’ Cassetti, Regular, D46 Thunderbird [Doc_Agren]
      Flight 2
   1st Lance
Cecilia Utchakov, Elite, SL-17R Shilone [Takiro] {Flight Commander}  Out of Service due to wounds
Donna Black, Elite, TR-16 Transgressor [Takiro]
   2nd Lance
Haruka Uehara, Elite, SL-25 Samurai [Sharpnel] {Lance Commander}
Asuka Uehara, Elite, SL-25 Samurai [Sharpnel]  WIA
[/color]   3rd Lance
Yoko Kijo, Veteran, S-4 Sai [Ice Hellion] {Lance Commander}
Kim Mi Sun, Veteran, S-4 Sai [Doc_Agren]

Preposed redesign of the unit
    1st Lance
Shizukana Kaze, Elite, Stuka [Bradshaw] {Flight Commander}
Yoko Kijo, Veteran, S-4 Sai [Ice Hellion]
   2nd Lance
Donna Black, Elite, TR-16 Transgressor [Takiro] {Lance Commander}
Mariah ‘Pikushī’ Cassetti, Regular, D46 Thunderbird [Doc_Agren]

Assuming we can "reassemble" our fighters.  We will have soon 4 working pilots
until should we need 1st can fly a V formation with the Sai either in lead or the rear
Donna flies a similar design to what Mariah is used to flying support for

Lost 4, WIA need recovery 4 (1 may never fly again) 4 in Flight status..
If we can assemble a 5th or 6th fighters, we do have a 2 extra pilots in a pinch Natasha from our TIG-15 “Tigress” Close Patrol Craft

Natasha Vasquez “La Llorona" ("The Weeping Woman”) Vet Aerospace   She calls her ride "Maxulaw"
Natasha has served within the O5P Naval trading fleet for years growing up within it.  If it is capable of Aerospace flight she can pilot it or run the guns on it.  Her shooting style is that of a Zen Archer - aiming by deliberately not taking aim.  Yet it works for her.  She is currently the command pilot of a well maintained TIG-15 “Tigress” Close Patrol Craft assigned to the Dākusaidorirī along with her 3 person crew.
   Copilot: Rachel “Angel” Lee

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Sohei: O5P Warrior Monks
« Reply #569 on: 28 June 2021, 20:31:25 »
Excellent analysis and yes Kaze would be the default commander for the time being. If Utchakov ever recovers however I'd say the honor of that position would go to her.

Field repairs are gonna be tough. Might take a long while especially compared to the Smoke Jags aerofighters, although we may have a plan for them. ;)

Gonna work on the salvage report tomorrow Doc, do you have a name suggestion for our Chief Aerospace Tech?