Author Topic: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II  (Read 22443 times)

Xiwo Xerase

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Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« on: 12 February 2017, 23:53:55 »
One of the iconic 'Mechs of BattleTech, the Marauder has been with us since the very beginning.  There have always been Marauders, except for their brief hiatus between when they became Unseen and TRO: Project Phoenix with the Reseen.

A 'Mech as old as the Marauder has had many different miniatures.  This is a long list and I'm sure I'm going to miss a few.  I'll list the ones in ColBosch's spreadsheet, grouped into Unseen, Reseen, and Classic/Modern:
  • Unseen:
    • There were three Unseen sculpts in metal, all with product code 20-843.  I don't know the difference between any of these.
    • The third edition boxed set contained a plastic miniature for the Marauder, probably based on the third Unseen sculpt.  The miniature required assembly since it was distributed in two halves and, unfortunately, the halves didn't always align completely.  (But, for those of us who weren't working with metal minis at the time, they were still awesome.)
    • The last of the Unseen sculpts may have also had a resin version.
  • Reseen:
    • The two Reseen sculpts are for the MAD-5L (20-994) and the MAD-9S or MAD-5R (20-264), depending on which torso cannon you want to use.  The arms appear to be the primary difference between the two.
    • There is a battleforce-scale release of the MAD-5L as well (20-9134).
  • Classic/Modern:
    • There is only one modern release available for purchase right now, the MAD-4X (20-5085).
    • We have seen a prototype for the Classic Marauder.  There isn't one available for purchase quite yet but hopefully we'll have one soon.

The Marauder's bigger sibling, the Marauder II, has been with us for many years as well.  The first appearance I'm aware of was in the Wolf's Dragoons sourcebook, predating TRO 3050.  There have only been four miniatures for this 'Mech:
  • There was only one Unseen sculpt (20-893).
  • There are two general Reseen sculpts, the MAD-4H (20-260) and the MAD-4S (20-234).  The torso appears to be the major difference between the two.
  • The Bounty Hunter lance pack contains a sculpt for the Bounty Hunter's personal Marauder II.

So please post those Marauders and Marauder IIs in salute to their long service!

Thank you in advance to everyone who posts and everyone who reads.

Our next installment will feature the Adder (Puma).


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #1 on: 13 February 2017, 10:04:50 »
I just realized all the Marauders I've painted are mercs... I need to get some house units some Marauder love!

Gray Death Legion

Illician Lancers Camo (Blue Resin Marauder)

Blackstone Highlanders

Blackstone Highlanders Marauder II

12th Vegan Rangers MAD-SD


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #2 on: 13 February 2017, 11:33:56 »
I'll do a longer post in a bit, but you did miss one sculpt:

Yes, that's the old plastic model kit! I'll get a couple more shots, including scale comparisons, with my longer analysis later. O0
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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #3 on: 13 February 2017, 11:57:15 »
Custom MADs... I swapped-in upper leg portions from the 2nd sculpt Blood Asp. Both painted by Ogre.

Custom MAD II w/HGR conversion. Painted by JJpens007.


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #4 on: 13 February 2017, 12:00:53 »
Here's two Marauders I had painted by the late, great Amalor Myrnnyx/rpgsheets. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
« Last Edit: 13 February 2017, 12:07:53 by Sharpnel »
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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #5 on: 13 February 2017, 12:08:04 »
Oh there are many Marauder around in my collection.

My very first painted Marauder - and one of the first minis i've painted with acrylic colors and a sense of technic - a plastic Marauder in Marik Militia colors.

Next one i painted a Lyran Guard metal sculpt.

Next in the timeline i painted a reseen Marauder IIC for the Star Adder Tau Galaxy.

Followed by an unseen Marauder IIC for Goliath Scorpions Delta Galaxy.

More to come with another posting ...


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #6 on: 13 February 2017, 12:14:26 »
Then i have an unseen Marauder modded to an inofficial variant for the old Team Banzai.

Coming back to reseen versions, there is a Marauder II for Wolf Dragoons Zeta Battalion.

But i fell in love with the unseen, so the next one is again an old school Marauder for the 5th Crucis Lancers.

There should be more pictures. But i don't find them now ...


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #7 on: 13 February 2017, 13:08:49 »

three unseen Marauders
the one on the left is a third edition plastic painted around 1993 - i think i got better over the years  :)
the Arcturan Guard Marauder was among the first mechs i painted after getting back into BT and miniature painting after a decade long hiatus (well actually it was more like twelve or thirteen or years) and the Capellan March Militia Marauder was finished last year.

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #8 on: 13 February 2017, 13:32:28 »
Maybe it is because the Marauder was on the cover of the original TRO:3025, or maybe because it was featured so prominently in the Gray Death Saga, but for me the Marauder is the most iconic of all the Mechs. The funny thing about that though is that while I've been playing BattleTech since the late 80's, I didn't actually paint my first Marauder until mid 2009.

Albion Military Academy

This is the first Marauder I ever painted. It represents a period of time before I started swapping parts in my bashes (technically this is suppose to represent a MAD-3D), and was still experimenting with my painting style (I hadn't really gotten my transitions down, as evident by the sudden change from light grey to white, and I was playing with glints of light on raised surfaces). This is also one of the intermediate steps in my Albion Military Academy set, as I have changed to the official blue/white/gold scheme (my earlier works were done in the early 90's before the scheme had been set and therefore ended up being brown), but have not yet adopted the official unit patch and instead am using the insignia from House Book: Davion. My bases were also much weaker back then, as I they were more of an afterthought then they are today.

Personality - Duke Hassid Alexander Ricol

This Mech was painted for the Lords of the Battlefield May 2010 monthly miniature contest. It is a simple repose, my first attempt at red and has a freehand insignia. While not pictured here, it also has a companion piece, Baron Harimandir Singh's Crusader, which fits behind and to the right of Ricol's and has the second half of the runway.

Custom - Stormbringers / 349th Dragoons

Built in August of 2010, this represents a custom Marik built MAD-4M Marauder (Large lasers instead of PPCs, a LRM-15 instead of the AC/5, and 4 extra heat sinks). At this point I have abandon the glints of light on raised surfaces style and settled into the style I pretty much still use today. I've begun to replace parts in my bashes and am using green stuff to integrate the parts in more seamlessly. I'm experimenting with more dynamic poses based on the way things should move and using rods to support a single leg. I've also started my habit of jeweling certain laser lens (those about to fire), have my color code down (Large Lasers = purple, Medium Lasers = red, Small Lasers = green) and am starting to experiment with flames... Where this Mech falls short though, is due to a misconception. I figured the head/torso area would bob up and down, but it has since been point out that it would be a very wild ride if it did that and that animals like the ostrich do not have that much upper body motion when they run. So instead of it looking like it is running, I get a "what did I just step in?!" look.

Custom - Stormbringers / 349th Dragoons

This Mech represents a Marik built MAD-3M Marauder and was done in February of 2013. Constructed mainly from the torso of a Reaper Nightshade, the legs of an IWM Marauder IIc 2 <20-236>, Mad Cat E arms and a few other parts thrown in for good measure. It was part of my reimaging project as a means of making Mechs to represent the unseen, since I wasn't a fan of most of the Project Phoenix stuff or many of the variants that had been released. Since the Classics have started to come out and I like them enough that the need to create something better has abated. Also, Reaper has converted their CAV line over to the new Bones material (which I'm not sure I want to mix and match with metal parts) as well as having discontinued their Robot Supply Depot. This makes parts scarce and between the Classics and Reaper, may be the death of this whole project.

Custom - Stormbringers / 349th Dragoons --- <abandon>

As I mentioned above, CGL's release of the new Classics images and the miniatures based on them has given those of us that love the Unseen something to look forward to. But just before all the Classic goodness was teased and released to the public, the MAD-4X showed up. Lots of people took the -4X and converted it to -3Rs, but no one had produced a version that I really liked, so I did one myself... Below is what was going to be a Davion built MAD-3D, made from -4X torso and legs, with the arms of a Reaper CAV Tomahawk and a MFUK variant dorsal cannon. Now that the Classics are coming, and all the trouble getting Reaper parts, I'm not sure I will even finish it. Added to that, is my Caz-a-Verse project, that defines not only which Mechs come from which Houses and where, but also which facility makes which image of each Mech. The Marauder is already the most varied Mech in my universe and I'm not sure if I need yet another image. So for now, the mini sits unfinished and abandon. Normally I don't show WIPs, but since this one is as likely to be converted back to parts as it is to be finished, I figured I would throw up a couple of pictures of it.

Anyway... These are all my Marauders

« Last Edit: 13 February 2017, 14:39:04 by Cazaril »


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #9 on: 13 February 2017, 14:02:13 »
Your Stormbringers Stealth armor works perfect! ;)

Amazing Paintjobs all around.


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #10 on: 13 February 2017, 14:50:39 »
Your Stormbringers Stealth armor works perfect! ;)

Amazing Paintjobs all around.

I'll assume this is a reference to the fact that I had the title for the first Stormbringer Marauder typed and then hit the "post" button, so while I finished my post (hence the "Last Edited"), that is all you saw without any pictures...

Operator error - the reason us tech guys have jobs...  ;)



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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #11 on: 13 February 2017, 16:07:32 »

There's also the Battledroids era Marauder - considerably oversized compared to other BD or IWM minis, and in two forms - the very rare oval base, and the more common hex base.

(I've got one frankenversion, one pile of bits, and two recently aquired in trade, as well as my other MADs of all seasons ...)
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #12 on: 13 February 2017, 16:45:38 »
I'll assume this is a reference to the fact that I had the title for the first Stormbringer Marauder typed and then hit the "post" button, so while I finished my post (hence the "Last Edited"), that is all you saw without any pictures...

Operator error - the reason us tech guys have jobs...  ;)


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #13 on: 13 February 2017, 16:50:00 »
Here's mine, two MAD of the 1st Regulan:


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #14 on: 13 February 2017, 16:51:43 »
Over did it on the wash, but I opted not to fix it because I liked how it gave the mech a used look.  Worked out well since I'm too lazy to fix it anyway.   ;D

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #15 on: 13 February 2017, 19:30:58 »
Here's mine, two MAD of the 1st Regulan:

Wow...just, wow... :o  That is...beaut..gorg...damn impressive.
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Burning Chrome

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #16 on: 13 February 2017, 19:34:35 »
Custom MADs... I swapped-in upper leg portions from the 2nd sculpt Blood Asp. Both painted by Ogre.

Always thought these should be put into production/sold as actual minis...
« Last Edit: 13 February 2017, 19:42:49 by Burning Chrome »
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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #17 on: 13 February 2017, 22:36:17 »

man lighting in this picture looks horrible, mech looks much better in person

sorry for group shot but only picture I have of this one

Don't remember where I got this Marauder, I painted it and did the base, think it might be one of the old plastic model kits from the 80's
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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #18 on: 13 February 2017, 23:13:43 »

Mwahdah from the old 3rd ed plastics. Required some work with model putty since the two halves didn't fit together very well.


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #19 on: 14 February 2017, 08:25:04 »
There's a trick to the plastic, 3rd edition Marauder: cut off the pins. If you do that, I've found that the top half aligns very nicely, and you only need to putty the bottom.
BattleTech is a huge house, it's not any one fan's or "type" of fans.  If you need to relieve yourself, use the bathroom not another BattleTech fan. - nckestrel
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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #20 on: 14 February 2017, 15:32:31 »
This is my unseen Marauder. It is painted my old friend, whose hobby is scale models


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #21 on: 14 February 2017, 17:22:54 »
Shockingly, no lack of love for the MAD.

My contribution, the 3rd Edition Plastic painted in the LCAF 2nd Bolan Guards, after their name/color change in the early Republic era.  Also one of the first miniatures I've painted in my adult life, after I rediscovered my love for the hobby.

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #22 on: 14 February 2017, 18:07:17 »
Never had an unseen Marauder, so only reseens.  :-\

First one is ugly as sin, not only because being a MAD-6L, but also because being one of my first mechs ever painted. To be more precise, it is the oldest mini in my possession still in its original colors. Scheme was a try at a camouflage pattern resembling older fighter planes with the top green and the bottom more brown (as only foot infantry would see the sky upside a Marauder, so no need for a blue bottom).

One of the reasons, i never repainted that Mini was the acquisition of an MAD-5T/-9S variant kit. Using magnets allows me to interchange the torso gun and field the mini as what I wish to display. Colors are that of Lyran Regulars.

The Marauder II was painted as part of my 100-ton-club within the Lyran Guard. Magnets were only used for torso twist, but this allows an easier transport as well.

And finally an reseen Marauder IIc. Another example of an early attempt at painting, maybe the first time i tried something like lense/window glaring. Colors are that of Diamond Shark Sigma Galaxy.


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #23 on: 15 February 2017, 21:32:25 »
My contribution. Marik Militia MAD-3R and 4th Skye Rangers MAD-5S and a custom from a long time ago "Take No Prisoners".


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #24 on: 15 February 2017, 22:46:35 »
I love the Unseen Marauder. And the "Classics" Marauder looks amazing; I can't wait til that gets released.

I actually have a 3rd edition plastic one somewhere, unpainted, at my parent's house. Sadly I doubt I'll get out there for a while, but when I do I will tear through my stuff until I find those plastic unseen...


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #25 on: 16 February 2017, 11:28:54 »

Here's my three Marauders, nothing fancy here. The paint jobs are at least ten years old, and I still haven't decided on what to do with the black one yet in terms of design.

This one is a work in progress, had pieces of a couple different miniatures that I inherited, so to speak.  Paint and glue were just caked on, and I had to use Marauder II arms and the gauss cannon to complete it. It's currently in the primer phase now, which I'll spend a day or two on.

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #26 on: 16 February 2017, 22:07:11 »
Here are my Marauders.

The one on the left is the resculpt Marauder II. The next three are all lead Battledroid Marauders with the one painted like a Warhammer 40K Harlequin. The face on it was painted like the canopy of the original Harlequin jetbike. The Marauder on the right is an original "Ralidium" model.


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #27 on: 16 February 2017, 22:46:26 »
Love the Harlequin, but I aint' touching chequers for no-one ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #28 on: 18 February 2017, 02:52:24 »
Here is my set of Maraudi? 

Original sculpts of the Mad and Mad II

Phoenix Marauders

Phoenix Marauder II and Bounty Hunter Mad II

And how did we forget the Marauder IIC?

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Re: Miniatures of the Fortnight #11: Marauder and Marauder II
« Reply #29 on: 18 February 2017, 21:26:33 »
Definitely on my list of 'mechs to home brew--though I'm making sure to practice up on lesser 'mechs first before I tackle the ol' classic.

Those old box set plastic Marauders really don't look right to my eye.  They're leaning way too back on the legs, like if they had dug their feet in pulling on a tug-of-war rope or something.  I'll be using the cover of TRO 3025 for my reference art, where the legs are more properly up under the body for balance.

Although I got to say I like the MWO remix just fine too, with its more angular shaping, and more robust arms.  Those skinny pipestems on the original Glaug Battle Pod derived version look a bit fragile for a miniature in regular use.  I might go for something more towards the MWO style, actually.
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