Author Topic: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)  (Read 58856 times)

The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #30 on: 21 July 2017, 17:25:37 »
Lyons, Isle of Skye, March 18, 3018

The Battle of Bier

Tai-Sho Count Sukenori Kabayama arrived in the combat control centre of his flagship, the DCS Luthien, a Vengeance Class aerospace carrier, in full dress uniform. Around the center his staff officers and the combat control officers were likewise attired and ready for battle. The Tai-Sho knew his carrier division had its work cut out for it today as the Lyran fleet bore down on his position above the moon circling the planet Lyons. Seven days behind what was a clearly a battle fleet came a massive collection of dropships that was the invasion fleet. The transports he had escorted to Lyons were themselves scrambling from the planet surface and would soon be burning their way out of the system to jump clear and out of harms way. The Lyrans had more dropships and probably more fighters. After a brief pause to return the combat centers staff's salute Kabayama moved immediately to the tactical display where he saw the deployment of his 48 assault dropships and nearly 140 aerospace fighters.

Kabayama had chosen to engage the Lyrans away from the planet itself in order force their fleet to fully deploy and prevent any of the enemy dropships from deploying troops on the planet before being full engaged. While outnumbered he was certain of his fleet's superiority in combat. At the same time he was not delusional about the odds. His goal was to prevent the enemy from gaining aerospace superiority and if necessary he would fall back to the planet. The two Vengeance class carriers that were the core of his fleet were rare and expensive assets and could not be risked lightly. If he could not stop the Lyrans he would ensure the ground forces had aerospace support and then disengage so as to harass the Lyran operations from within the system and call for assistance.

The four wings of fighters belonging to Luthien and Kirishima were deployed in a tight wedge in front of the hemisphere formed by the dropships, heavy fighters in the centre, light fighters on the wings. Deployed behind the dropships were the three ground based wings, mainly consisting of inexperienced pilots, whose job it was to engage any Lyran craft that made it through the lead fighters and the dropships. Tai-Sho Kabayama was certain that the Lyrans would manage to batter their way into the core of his fleet due to their numbers but he intended to make their assault as expensive as possible.


Just over one hour away aboard the LCS Indefatigable  Admiral Drucilla Montecuccoli was also putting the final touches to her battle plan after advising General von Krasnik that plans had changed. Where the original plan had been for the fleet to sweep the system clear and then place itself in a blockade position over the planet, the discovery of the Combine carrier division had changed priorities. Admiral Montecuccoli now had confirmation that she had the advantage of numbers and she planned on using it to bring down the Draconis carriers.

Very shortly the fleet would deploy and her 84 assault dropships would form a phalanx support by all eight of the aerospace wings. The naval staffs insistence in using the ground support wings as part of the naval attack force was about to pay off. The Lyran light fighter squadrons were swifter and more agile than their mixed Kurita counterparts and they were tie up as many of the enemy heavy and medium fighters as they could. The medium and heavy fighter wings would follow the dropships into the battle and protect them from enemy fighters and any dropships that got too close.

Less than an hour later the two fleets met in battle.


The Kurita globe, tipped by the wedge of aerospace fighters cut into the centre of the Lyran formation in a blinding series of laser flashes, missile strikes and autocannon impacts. At the same time the wings of the Lyran phalanx tried to envelope the Draconis fleet and crush it by weight of firepower and numbers. Neither side was entirely successful in its plan of attack.

The lead Draconis fighters paid a stiff price against the Lyran dropships and fighters and the inexperienced rear echelon could not prevent the globe defence from being penetrated and the dropships within it taking a heavy pounding. At the same time the wings of the Lyran formation could not close in on the flanks fast enough to prevent the Draconis globe from punching through the other side of their own battle lines. The Lyran formation began to come apart as it tried to wheel and come about for a second pass at the enemy. Fighters from both fleets were locked in dogfights that prevented them from maintaining station and these combats broke down into dozens of pairs or groups of twisting and turning craft trying to break away from each other to reform, or, striving to prevent the others from doing so.


Aboard the Luthien Tai-Sho Kabayama knew his ship was in serious trouble. Alarm klaxons were blaring, the ship trembled and seem to stagger in space as missiles, autocannon and beam weapons raked it from bow to stern. Explosions penetrated as deep as the combat centre as displays burst into a shower of sparks and flames erupted from behind consoles. As the Draconis fleet emerged through the Lyran formation its did so minus five dropships and nearly thirty fighters. Luthien was crippled and it was time to get her away from the battle.


Over on the Lyran side Admiral Montecuccoli was not pleased. The wings had mistimed their wheel and failed to catch the Draconis dropships in a deadly vice. The impact of the dense wedge of fighters and the globe of dropships on the centre of her fleet was far worse than anticipated. Nine dropships had been destroyed and the light fighters had suffered terribly in the initial contact. Still, numbers mattered and every Lyran vessel and fighter in range poured their weapons fire into the nearest enemy craft with satisfying results. Recognizing that turning the fleet and maintaining the phalanx would take too long, Montecuccoli ordered each division to manoeuvre on its own and engage targets of opportunity.


As his fleet came around and began to reform Tai-Sho Kabayama knew he could not reach the Kirishima in time to transfer his flag and retain command of the rest of the battle. Being slaughtered in a shuttle in the middle of a battle involving more than 300 craft was not a wise expenditure of the life of one of the Coordinator's admirals. Signaling the captain of Kirishima that he was now in command until he could transfer his flag, Sukenori used the rest of the fleet to screen the withdrawal of the crippled carrier wing and five other severely damaged dropships. All the remaining fighters were transferred to Kirisihima's control along with the order to make another run at the enemy. If that failed to break the Lyrans Kirishima was to follow the plan to fall back on the planet, transfer the ground support wings to the spaceport and then pull back to harass the Lyran fleet and its line of communication within the system. The Lyrans would have the unhappy choice of either covering the planet, the routes to the jump point or trying to chase down the carrier group.


Admiral Montecuccoli was frustrated. Sensors clearly showed part of the Draconis fleet pulling away from the battle, including the a much sought after carrier, but the bulk of formation was coming around for another pass. While the two carrier wings, one assault dropship wing and the bulk of the fighters were still with her division, the rest of the fleet would likely not be back in position to assist as the enemy made contact. Acknowledging that there was nothing else to do the Admiral pulled the formation in tighter and ordered the fighters out in front. The numbers were still in her favour and if the last enemy carrier could be put out of action the battle would be decisively won.

Once again the fleets bore down on each other.


Sho-Sho  Mikawa Gunichi abort the Kirishima angled his fleet on an oblique approach across the incoming Lyran division with the intent to hit and then bypass the remaining enemy fleet elements and make for the planet. His orders were clear and with Luthien limping away under a dangerously weak escort he had to draw the enemy towards the planet before he made his own withdrawal. This exposed his left flank to the heaviest of the incoming fire and seven more dropships and nearly twenty fighters were lost. Other dropships took hits, including Kirishima, but once through the Lyran fleet Mikawa still had an intact if battered carrier wing and two equally battered assault wings capable of fighting. Fifty-six fighters were transferred to the ground forces commander while thirty-two remained on Kirishima fit for action. As he withdrew from the planet Sho-Sho Mikawa was hopeful that the bloody nose the Lyrans had received would make them timid and this would buy time for reinforcements and the inevitable riposte.


In the combat information centre aboard Indefatigable Admiral Montecuccoli was fuming. By all rights the Draconis fleet should have been gutted by the massed firepower of the fleet under her command. While the enemy had certainly been defeated the cost was higher than anticipated and the enemy, bloodied and weakened, was still 'a fleet in being'. With the transports and supply dropships only seven days away the task now was to secure the approaches to the planet and escort the invasion force to its insertion points.

Thirteen assault dropships were lost, eleven more were badly damaged and many would likely need to be withdrawn. Thirty-one more dropships had received hits of various sorts that did not effect operations. Of the eight fighter wings with the fleet Indefatigable now hosted just twenty-six craft, twenty-two more were on Dominance. Being refitted and repaired on other dropships were sixty-eight more fighters that were to join the ground forces for the coming invasion. The suggestion to immediately strike the spaceport at Clovis' Point was declined as the ground based defences were intact and the enemy carrier still in the area.

The invasion corridor was secure and the enemy forces on Lyons were now, at least technically, under a close blockade. It was now the turn of the army to complete the liberation of Lyons.

« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 13:14:57 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #31 on: 22 July 2017, 13:09:10 »
<<Game Note: The result of the battle near Bier in the Lyons system and the condition of the two combatant aerospace fleets. These are the CU (Combat Unit) values from ACS after the two fleets disengaged.>>

Week 3b, March 3018

Dieron Carrier Division:

DCS Kirishima CV Wing [r]- exp: r16; Arm - 27:34; S:9; M:10; L:7
   1st Attack Wing [r]- heavy; exp: r18; Arm - 21:23; S:8; M:8; L:3
   2nd Attack Wing [r] –  heavy; exp: r18; Arm - 20:23; S:8; M:8; L:3

Vega Aslt Wing – exp: r14; Arm - 21:36; S:9; M:12; L:9

Kessel Aslt Wing – exp: r14; Arm - 23:36; S:9; M:12; L:9
(Detached; withdrawing) DCS Luthien CV Wing [r] - exp: r16; Arm - 7:34; S:9; M:10; L:7
          11th Interceptor Wing – light; exp: r15; Arm - 2:20; S:4; M:4; L:1
          12th Interceptor Wing – light; exp: r15; Arm - 1:20; S:4; M:4; L:1

23rdDieron Aerospace Regiment

Clovis’ Point Spaceport:

1/23rd Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: g10; Arm - 19:20; S:4; M:4; L:1
2/23rd Aero Wing [r] – medium; exp: g10; Arm - 19:21; S:6; M:6; L:2
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: g10; Arm - 22:23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3

Lyran 3rd Fleet:

LCS Dominance CV Wing [r] – exp: r17; Arm - 30:34; S:9; M:10; L:7
          21st Attack Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r20; Arm - 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6
          22nd Attack Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r18; Arm - 17:24; S:9; M:12; L:6

LCS Indefatigable CV Wing [r] – exp: r15; Arm - 29:34; S:9; M:10; L:7
          1st Interceptor Wing [r] – light; exp: r18; Arm - 10:18; S:3; M:3; L:0
          2nd Interceptor Wing [r] – light; exp: r18; Arm - 11:18; S:3; M:3; L:0

III Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp: r18; Arm - 20:36; S:9; M:12; L:9

XIII Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp: r14; Arm - 25:36; S:9; M:12; L:9

XIV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp; r14; Arm - 28:36; S:9; M:12; L:9

XV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp; r14; Arm - 21:36; S:9; M:12; L:9

(detached; withdrawing) IV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp: r14; Arm - 4:36; S:9; M:12; L:9
4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment:
1/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r19; Arm – 20:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; (attach: III Nav Aslt Wing)
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r18; Arm – 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; (attach: XIII Nav Aslt Wing) 
3/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – medium; exp: r14; Arm – 21:27; S:6; M:6; L:0 (attach: XIV Nav Aslt Wing)
4/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: r15; Arm – 13:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; (attach: XV Nav Aslt Wing)

By time the Lyran transports arrived at the planet the main Combine fleet had withdrawn into the M7 zone of the SSR Map while the crippled DCS Lucien would be in O13. The Lyran Fleet would be in the Central Zone with the transports while the crippled IV Nav Aslt Wing is withdrawing through O1.>>
« Last Edit: 01 August 2017, 08:34:31 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #32 on: 23 July 2017, 09:31:51 »
<<Game Note: As ACS uses 8 turns per month (3.5 days) the turns will be noted by a week #a or #b. For example, turn two will be noted as Week 1b, turn five will be noted as Week 3a and so on. The ACS Combat Unit strengths noted below show the strength at the end of the monthly ISaW turn when the End Phase is completed and salvage/repair are complete if applicable.>>

Lyons, Week 4a, March 3018

As the dropships carrying Lyran assault forces began their final approach to Lyons the four army cooperation wings were deployed to cover entry into the atmosphere while the larger fleet elements burned away from the planet to engage the Combine carrier task force that was moving towards the planet on an intercept vector. Knowing it could very well be a feint, Admiral Montecuccoli could not take the chance and moved to prevent any interference with the landings. In any case, the army cooperation regiment was in better shape than her carrier fighter wings to deal with the Combine fighters based on the planet. This was especially so after it was decided to transfer the bulk of the spare fighters held in cargo bays to the planet based wings. All the same, the blockade was in place, the invasion was in progress and follow on supplies and spares were already assembling at Skye to move to Lyons in April.

Leutnant-General von Krasnik would have preferred that the Combine fleet had been destroyed or forced to withdraw but was reassured by the Admiral’s word in guaranteeing no Kurita naval forces would interfere with the drop. The sporadic intelligence received from operatives on the planet had advised that the Kurita defenders were deployed with mech forces on all four continents but actual strength was not known. If the enemy had Mechs to spare to garrison each continent it meant they had been heavily reinforced. Judging from the number of dropships that burned away from the planet in the hours before the naval battle the Kurita general was prepared to make a major fight for the planet.

The plan for the assault called for landing the 4th Lyran Brigade on Leuben and the 6th Donegal Brigade on Pairse. The 1st Provisional Brigade would stand by in reserve and reinforce or relieve either assault brigade as required. Once the first two continents were secured Glastone would be liberated and secured. After a brief pause the entire force would assault Fedkirk and finally end the Combine occupation.

Leuben Continent, Lyons, Week 4a, Mar – Week 2a, Apr, 3018

22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v22/v22/v21; lt/lt/med; 22:27/24:27/33:36


4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r17/r17/r15; hvy/hvy/hvy; 35:43/38:43/37:43
17th Skye Armoured [q] – v23/v22/v25; hvy/hvy/hvy; 27:32/30:32/26:32
14th Lyran Mech Infantry [r] – v24/v22/v25; 18:21/20:21/19:21

For nearly two weeks Sho-Sho Tatyana Sobiroff led the 4th Lyran Brigade on a merry hunt over the varied terrain of this small continent. Sobiroff broke her regiment into its component battalions and used mobility to deny the heavy Lyran elements a chance to close the range and pound her lighter Mechs into scrap. Still, each skirmish that could not be avoided resulted in damage and by the end of the first week of April the 22nd Dieron was running out of room to manoeuvre. With Lyran air support becoming more effective as the regiment was compressed into the narrower terrain of the northern part of the continent retreat was now a priority. As the second week of April began Sobiroff called for her dropships from Clovis’ Point and, escorted by the entire 23rd Aero Wing, her regiment was pulled back to Fedkirk after suffering nearly 15% losses.  The Lyran fighters in orbit managed to engage the Combine fighter escort on the return trip exchanging further losses but without serious damage to the dropships.

The Lyran 4th Brigade were surprised to find a full regiment on Leuben but nonetheless tried to pin down the Combine defenders, albeit with little success. The regiments of the brigade had not made good all their losses from February and the skirmishes further picked away at the already damaged equipment. It was the mechanised infantry, more fleet of foot than the heavy tanks or mechs, that finally helped corral the defenders in the north of the continent. Even so, the infantry and their carriers never strayed far from the heavy firepower of their larger comrades. After the 22nd Dieron withdrew, the 4th Lyran Brigade was moved into reserve to await replacements and spares that were to be delivered by the follow on convoys in May.

To be continued…
« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 13:31:24 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #33 on: 23 July 2017, 09:46:44 »
Pairse Continent, Lyons, Week 4a, March - Week 3b April, 3018

3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r15/r15/r16; lt/med/med; 21:27/28:36/25:36


6th Donegal Guards [r] – r15/r15/r16; med/hvy/hvy; 30:33/40:43/43
5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g11/g10/g10; lt/med/hvy; 16:19/24/29:32
17th Arcturan Mech Infantry [r] – v23/v23/v23; 18:21/21/21

Replaced week 2a by the 1st Provisional Brigade

1st Mechanised Brigade [r] – r16/r15/v22; med/lt/lt; 43:49/24:33/26:31
Lyons Militia Regiment (-) [r] – r14/-/-; 12/0:9/0:9

Like the 4th Lyran Brigade on Leuben the 3rd Dieron Regulars and 1st Mechnaised Brigade on Pairse were still understrength from their efforts on Fedkirk in February. The 3rd Dieron were heavier in nature than the 22nd and chose instead to conduct a fighting withdrawal to the east of the Lyran landings. While the light mechs screened the open terrain to the north the two medium battalions conducted ‘fire and move’ overwatch tactics to try and keep out of reach of the Lyran heavy mechs. Both sides exchanged long range fire scoring only a few solid hits. After only 10 days in action Leutnant-General von Krasnik ordered the 6th Brigade to disengage and be prepared for a quick hop to the Glastone continent. Their place would be taken by the 1st Provisional Brigade with orders to complete the liberation of the continent.

No sooner had the 1st Provisional Brigade relieved the 6th Donegal than the 3rd Dieron Regulars changed tactics and counterattacked. The light Mechs were looped around the mercenary’s left flank but were intercepted by CC R’s light mechs and hovercraft. What followed was a series of high-speed hit and run skirmishes over the next ten days. On the main front along the coast Combat Commands A and B absorbed the counterattack supported by aerospace fighters and the brigade’s artillery. The two heavier commands switched over to their own attack in week 3 launching set piece attacks, still supported by the brigade’s artillery company, and advanced tactical bound by tactical bound against the now retreating Dieron Mechs. By week four the 3rd Dieron Regulars were ordered back to Fedkirk.

As on Leuben the Combine fighters rose en masse to escort the dropships and were once again intercepted by the Lyran aerospace support, trading more damage and losses. The withdrawal was successful but attrition was beginning to seriously bite into the Combine aerospace assets. For their part, the 1st Mechanised Brigade were thankful to recover small but badly needed quantities of salvage and at least a modicum of revenge for the February retreat.

23rdDieron Aerospace Regiment:

Clovis’ Point Spaceport

1/23rd Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: g10; Arm - 15:20; S:4; M:4; L:1
2/23rd Aero Wing [r] – medium; exp: g10; Arm - 15:21; S:6; M:6; L:2
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: g10; Arm - 17:23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment:

1/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r19; Arm – 16:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; (attach: III Nav Aslt Wing)
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r18; Arm – 17:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; (attach: XIII Nav Aslt Wing) 
3/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – medium; exp: r14; Arm - 18:27; S:6; M:6; L:0 (attach: XIV Nav Aslt Wing)
4/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: r15; Arm – 11:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; (attach: XV Nav Aslt Wing)

Out in near space the Lyran fleet kept itself interposed between Lyons and the Kurita carrier task force, maintaining the close blockade by occupying the inner ring. Tai-Sho Kabayama, his fleet deployed in the middle ring, launched his fighters and feinted towards the planet each time the ground based fighter wings and dropships on the planet launched to withdraw a Mech regiment from Leuben and Pairse. This prevented the Lyran carriers from committing their own fighters to reinforce the operation on the planet and kept their focus on his task force. By the end of April both the Lyran and Kurita crippled naval formations had limped out to safe areas, rendezvoused with their jumpships and departed for safer harbours.
« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 13:21:36 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #34 on: 25 July 2017, 01:16:56 »
Divodurum, Pairse Continent, Lyons, Weeks 1a, May 3018

Sitting in his tactical headquarters on the outskirts of Divodurum on Pairse, Leutnent-General von Krasnik finished reviewing the campaign objectives to be achieved by the end of May. These included the liberation of Glastone, complete the transfer of the army cooperation wing to the new air bases on Pairse and rest both the 1st Provisional and 4th Lyran brigades as well as at least one of the army cooperation aerospace wings. The supply situation on the planet was adequate for the moment but the level of fighting since March had depleted the supplies carried by the fleet by more than sixty percent. The rate at which supplies were consumed in April confirmed to the general that his plan to withhold part of his combat forces from action was correct. It meant supplies could be stretched until the expected arrival of a series of large convoys in mid-May.

The assault on Glastone would begin in a few days and the timing was intended to tie down the Combine aerospace forces while the convoy approached. The fleet was responsible for escorting the convoys to the planets but von Krasnik did not want any planet based forces having a free hand to strike the transports. The inbound convoys carried new equipment and supplies for all of the commands including the mercenary regiment. The militia regiment commander refused to accept new recruits to build up his command as he felt his remaining companies had achieved a high level of espirit de corps that new blood would dilute. He did accept a transfer of Vedette and Galleon tanks crewed by retired or former veterans on the planet. With these tanks he formed a second mixed battalion of motor infantry and armour and a small regimental command company. He insisted that his regiment be given its proper role in the coming battles to liberate the planet
Colvis’ Point, Fedkirk Continent, Lyons, Week 1a, May 3018

Across a wide expanse of the Hibernian Sea the newly minted Rikugen Tai-Sho Ueda admitted to a grudging respect for this new Lyran commander. He was neither a plodding amateur nor did he line up his heavy Mechs and simply march forward trying to crush everything in his path by sheer weight of numbers or firepower. The Lyran plan of attack was coordinated and professionally executed thus far and that was a concern. The naval battle and the blockade was a further setback that was preying on the General’s mind. The large supply deliveries in March had been intended to last the defending forces three months but the early return of the Lyrans and intense fighting that followed had consumed half of what was available in just over one. Worse was the fact that the last deliveries were composed mainly of ammunition, food, medical supplies but precious few spare parts and replacement armour. The close blockade of the planet meant there was little hope of getting a new convoy through without outside help and if combat in May was as intense as April the last of the supplies would be consumed.

There was little doubt the enemy would come for Glastone next and Ueda was tempted to reinforce its garrison. In the end, he decided to continue as planned and would use the 2nd Dieron to fight another delaying action to buy time, withdrawing only when the defence was risking destruction. The 3rd and 22nd Dieron would repair what they could while a request for more supplies and support was sent to Dieron. Aerospace support would be minimal until the retreat in order to preserve the remaining strength of the aerospace wings. If help could not fight its way through the blockade the final defence would be on Fedkirk and the Rikugen Tai-Sho intended that the Lyrans would have to push him into the sea or off the planet step by bloody step.

Monapia Bay, Glastone Continent, Lyons, Week 1b, May 3018

The first Mech carrier dropships were already boosting back into low orbit as the troop carriers began landing the infantry and tanks of the 6th Brigade. The medium Mechs of the 6th Donegal Guards were moving towards the gaps in the cliffs leading inland while the heavy Mechs formed up to follow. The light armour of the 5th Donegal Armoured Regiment would land on the plateau above the coastal plain and form a security screen while the landing was complete. Above the landing zones a full wing of aerospace fighters orbited the bay looking to intercept any enemy interference. The liberation of Glastone had begun.

Glastone lay approximately 2500 kilometers west and north of Fedkirk and nearly 4000 kilometers northeast of Pairse. Its geography had the high volcanic highlands in the south with the land sloping away to the north in a series of steppes to well watered, open lowlands. Monapia Bay in the south was not the ideal place to land as the terrain was restricted by cliffs as tall as 200 meters with only two valleys leading from the broad coastal plain up into the highlands to the north. These two valleys, both with well developed roads, were the reason why Leutnant-General von Krasnik chose this location to land his assault forces. While not ideal the enemy would likely be concentrated to cover the more open ground to the north. This region was an outdoor enthusiasts paradise and its infrastructure was well developed. He would take the high ground and then march to the two major cities of Dubrae and St Albans followed by an advance into the lowlands further north. The broad coastal plain of the Manopia Bay and interior plateau would allow the quick development of both air and supply bases to support the ground forces advance.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: 27 May 2018, 13:24:02 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #35 on: 25 July 2017, 19:56:59 »
Mons Graupias Highlands, Glastone, Lyons, Week 1b, May 3018

The first Combine officer to spot the invasion force descending on Glastone was Tai-i Gustav van den Haas, commanding the 2nd company, 2nd battalion of the 2nd Dieron Regulars. His company had recently been sent into the highlands south of city of St Albans to monitor the region and secure the flank of the regiment. The regiment itself was deployed in the narrow neck of land between St Albans and Dubrae with one battalion in open steppes to the north of the cities. Warnings had come from the brigade headquarters on Fedkirk that the new Lyran commander was no fool but most officers in the 2nd Dieron were sceptical. The accepted wisdom was that the Commonwealth troops would take the easy route and land in the open plains to the north of continent. The ground was primarily open farmland and ranches which would be perfect terrain for the long range firepower of most Lyran tanks and Mechs. Van den Haas was one of those officers until he saw the multiple flares of the dropships to his south. Even before he received a response to his sighting report he was already mustering his company and preparing them to begin marching south to conduct reconnaissance probes aimed at identifying the approaching enemy forces.


Hauptmann Myles McIntyre had his company of light armour deployed in a wide arc more than fifty kilometers from the top of Glen Tay, the northern most river valley leading up from Monapia Bay. His job, along with the rest of the 1st Battalion, 5th Donegal Armoured, was to screen the deployment of the brigade while it completed landing and formed up to advance north. The rest of the battalion was pulling into line to his left and right while the attached infantry company from the 17th Arcturan Infantry were building sangars and setting themselves in place in the small stands of pine trees and rocky outcroppings that covered the highland plateau. Word had been received that Mechs of the 6th Donegal Guards were climbing the glens and they could expect relief within a few hours. In the meantime, the light tanks were to hold the screen and protect the landing zones. To add depth to the screen remote sensors were deployed a few kilometers in front of the battalion in defiles and other choke points to provide additional ‘eyes’ to spot any enemy probes. Shortly after ten o’clock, after routine radio checks were completed, one of those sensors sounded the alarm, then another, and then another.

First Contact -  Scout versus Screen

2nd Battalion, 2nd Dieron Regulars [vet/ques]–

Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm - 27; S: 9; M: 6; L:0; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; 


1st Battalion, 5th Donegal Armoured Regiment [gr/rel] –

Mov:7; TMM: 3; Arm - 16:19; S; 6; M; 9; L:3; Tac: 4; Skill: 5

The two light forces were both conducting classic cavalry roles, one conducting reconnaissance to gain information, the other screening the main body from the prying eyes of the enemy, denying them information they so badly wanted. Sensors on Mechs and tanks on both sides sounded the alarm as contacts firmed up with additional information. The Kurita Mechs tried to force their way through or around the Lyran armour while the Lyrans strove to prevent their opposite numbers from slipping through their screen. The Lyrans were able to force the engagement and close the range on the mechs before the Combine formation could react. Neither side managed to score any appreciable damage and the Kurita battalion attempted to disengage so it could press forward but the Lyran armour was able to maintain contact. As the skirmish continued both sides called for reinforcements.
« Last Edit: 21 February 2020, 12:56:41 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #36 on: 26 July 2017, 22:51:16 »
Mons Graupias Highlands, Glastone, Lyons, Week 2a – 2b, May 3018

Finding its attempts to get past the Lyran screen frustrated and facing additional Mechs and armour arriving from the landing zones, Tai-Sho Galberston committed his third battalion’s medium mechs to even the odds. The 1st battalion was left in reserve near the bend in River Dee midway between the cities of St Albans to the east and Dubrae to the west. Galberston’s intent was to conduct a fighting withdrawal toward the reservoir half way down the Dee Pass leading from the highlands to lowlands. If necessary, the dam could be destroyed, flooding the low ground below the pass as well as the city of Dubrae, and making the Dee impassable for at least a week or more, thus restricting the front to be covered. The fact that this flood would cause havoc downstream and potential kill thousands of civilians was hardly considered in the Kurita planning for extending the campaign for Glastone. When and if the 2nd Dieron was forced away from the Dee it would withdraw to Fedkirk.

That the Kurita command would destroy the Dee Reservoir dam was not lost on the Lyran commander, Colonel Seamus Kinnell. In fact, looking at the map and the routes down to the lowlands it was an obvious move. Rather than throw the full weight of the 6th Brigade at the Kurita regiment to try and overwhelm them in close terrain he decided to keep up the pressure with a portion of his force while preparing to flank the Kurita defences and neutralize the threat to the dam and the population downstream.

The pinning force was to be composed of the medium mech battalion from the 6th Donegal Guards and the medium and heavy tanks of the 5th Donegal Armoured. Ten days after the attacks on the pass began two heavy mech battalions from the 6th Donegal Guards and two infantry battalions from the 17th Arcturan would be loaded on dropships and would execute a short 1500 mile in-atmosphere hop, under heavy fighter escort, north of the bend of the River Dee and deploy between St Albans and Dubrae, enveloping the Kurita defences. A third force composing the bulk of the light hover tanks of 1/5th Donegal Guards, with a reinforced infantry company attached, would move by sea and come ashore at Dubrae on the west coast. This left a small ad hoc reserve battalion to cover the unexpected or reinforce success.

The problem with the plan was execution. If the vertical envelopment and left flanking move were launched too soon the Kuritas would simply blow the dam and retreat to the north, leaving the Lyran forces with a civilian disaster on their hands. Wait too long and the Kuritas would choose their moment to retreat, blowing the damn as they withdrew to St Albans to the northeast.   

Lyran Pinning Force

1/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r15; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm - 20:33; S: 7; M: 7; L: 2; Tac: 5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g10; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 24; S: 7; M: 9; L: 4; Tac: 3; Skill: 5; Mor: 8
3/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g10; hvy; Mov: 5; TMM: 2; Arm – 19:32; S: 10; M: 12; L: 6; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor 8

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 6; Mor: 8; Skill: 5

Kurita Rear Guard

2/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 27; S: 9; M: 6; L: 0; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6
3/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 29:36; S: 9; M: 9; L: 3; Tac: 5; Skill: 3; Mor: 6

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 3; Mor: 6; Skill: 3

For a full week the Lyran pinning force tried to push the Kurita rearguard down the pass and away from the reservoir but the veteran Combine mech pilots refused to give way. As losses mounted Colonel Kinnell decided to take advantage of the Kurita stubbornness and advance his planned flanking moves by three days. As the third week of May began Lyran dropships were spotted on radar arcing across the sky Tai-Sho Galbertson realized he may have overplayed his hand. The likely drop zone was plotted to be north of the River Dee almost on top of his reserve battalion, which he ordered to move as fast as possible to positions northwest of St Albans to link with the regimental headquarters and form blocking positions. The rear guard in the Dee Pass was ordered to disengage immediately and also move back to St Albans to concentrate the regiment. Finally, Galbertson sent an immediate request to Fedkirk for every aerospace fighter that could fly to provide cover lest the 2nd Dieron be trapped and destroyed. Back at Clovis’ Point, Rikugen Tai-Sho Ueda, realizing the danger, ordered the 1st and 2nd wings of the aerospace regiment into the air to support the 24th Dieron and for dropships to stand by for an emergency evacuation of Glastone.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2018, 13:31:21 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #37 on: 28 July 2017, 19:40:39 »
Trier, Pairse Continent, Lyons, Week 3a, May 3018

As the dropships descended one after the other to the makeshift landing zone outside Trier, Major John de Ligny’s truck companies of the 1st Service Battalion were waiting. The technicians and other maintenance crews were already making good use of the spare parts received the day before and others were ‘uncrating’ the new equipment received prior to issuing it the brigade’s companies. For his part Colonel Bedford was greatly pleased that the brigade would be much better equipped for the coming battles in June, including the arrival of the Hi-Scout Drone Carriers which were to become part of the regiment's headquarters company. Having these drone carriers would greatly benefit the brigade's ability to conduct reconnaissance and screening operations. The heavy armour and medium mechs of CCA would now muster roughly eighty-five percent of its strength while CCB would muster just over eighty percent. Combat Command R, which would be heavily tasked come June, was best off with just over ninety percent of its full strength. The Lyons militia had also been training with their new tanks and conducting short, focused exercises with the brigade. The militia tank company had many old veterans but to make up the numbers a fair portion of the crews were very green. The militia now formed a small tactical reserve for the 1st Provisional Brigade.

The 1st Mechanised Brigade had four combat loads of ammunition on hand along with fuel and spare parts to match. With additional supplies and equipment due in June, July and September the brigade’s logistics were in good shape provided the supply ships could land. Finally, the arrival of twenty-five new tech teams meant that, at last, the brigade was almost self-sufficient in support for the main line elements. Only the small supply of spare tanks, APCs and a handful of light and medium mechs would require support from the Lyran military or local technical teams. All of these details were important considering Colonel Bedford had just that morning signed an amendment to the contract extending service to the end of the campaign or six months, whichever came first.

1st Mechanised Brigade [r] – r16/r15/v22; med/lt/lt; 43:49/27:33/28:31
Lyons Militia Regiment (-) [r] – r14/-/-; 9/9*/0:9   *2nd bn has 1 inf coy, 1 lt tk coy

Near Space, Lyons System, Weeks 2a - 4b, May 3018

Above the planet the Lyran fleet and Dieron carrier task force still stalked each other. The Lyrans had to keep their larger force close enough to deter the Combine carrier from trying slip in close to strike the planet or get passed their own carriers to attack the series of convoys making their way towards Lyons. Using the 'interior lines' the Admiral Montecuccoli managed to deflect each of a series of lunges and feints made by her opponent aboard the DCS Kirishima.


For his part Tai-Sho Kabayama was content to keep his opponent's eyes on his depleted carrier division. As long as the Lyran carriers and their fighters danced with him up in space they could not tip the air battle in the planet's atmosphere decisively in their favour. While it was frustrating to see the near steady stream of supply dropships landing on the planet Kabayama knew help was coming and that soon he would have the tools to truly challenge the blockade and clear a path so that four large convoys could bring desperately needed supplies, spares and replacements to the defenders of the Coordinator's latest planetary acquisition.


Plains of St Alban, Glastone, Lyons, Week 3a – 3b, May, 3108

The late order to launch the aerospace wings caught the Combine air base at Clovis’ Point by surprise. The fighters of the 2/23 medium wing had most of its fighters undergoing repair and were thus unserviceable. This left only the first (light) and third (heavy) wings to immediately scramble and head across the Hybernian Sea to support the 2nd Dieron Regulars. As they approached Gladstone they were advised that the Lyran dropships were already grounded and troops were assembling for a likely advance on St Albans. The wing commanders were further advised to be on the lookout for Lyran combat air patrols. They did not have long to wait for their sensors to come alive with contacts as they closed on the coast.


Like their Kurita counterparts the Lyran aerospace regiment also had a fighter wing out of service being repaired. This reduced the available air support to three wings, one each of light, medium and heavy fighters, to cover the ground forces engaged on Glastone. Of these only the heavy wing carried bombs but the pilots were ordered to be prepared to jettison those bombs if Kurita aerospace fighters made an appearance. As events transpired, the 2/4th Wing was about to respond to a ground contact report involving approaching mechs, when the fighters on top cover sounded the alarm that enemy aerospace fighters were inbound. The bombs fell away from the heavy fighters as they climbed for altitude to join the approaching air battle.

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment (-)

2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: r18; Mov: 5; Arm – 4:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill:4; Mor:7 (broken)
3/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – medium; exp: r14; Mov: 6; Arm - 18:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac: 4; Skill:4; Mor: 7
4/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: r15; Mov: 11; Arm – 3:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac: 0; Skill: 4; Mor: 7 (retreating)

23rd Dieron Aerospace Wing (-)

1/23rd Aero Wing [r] – light; exp: g10; Mov: 6; Arm - 2:20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8 (broken)
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – heavy; exp: g10; Mov: 6; Arm - 1:23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8 (broken)

The less experienced Kurita pilots acquitted themselves well but paid a heavy price in protecting the ground forces. Later in the week the Lyran’s struck at the spaceport itself and when the remaining serviceable aerospace fighters rose to defend the grounded fighters and dropships both wings were effectively rendered hors d’combat. The Lyrans did not get off lightly as a combination of air-to-air and ground fire effectively crippled two of three wings involved. By the end of May both sides planet-based aerospace forces were badly depleted. Unfortunately for the Kuritas, this was to have a drastic impact on their ability to contest the air and space around Lyons in June


To be continued...
« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 13:47:25 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #38 on: 28 July 2017, 19:53:42 »
Plains of St Alban, Glastone, Lyons, Week 3a – 4a, May, 3108

Leutnant General von Krasnik, not being happy with the way the battle on Glastone was progressing, flew to Colonel Kinnell’s headquarters to find out what was going on and to ‘inspire’ the 6th Donegal Brigade’s senior commanders. The Lyran forces now forming up on the Plains of St Alban were organised into two regiments, the first contained two heavy mech battalions from the 6th Donegal Guards. The second regiment was composed of two mechanised infantry battalions from the 17th Arcturan Infantry and the hover tanks from the 5th Donegal Armoured that came ashore at Dubrae the previous morning. It was planned for the mechs to pin whatever Kurita forces were between themselves and the city of St Albans while the infantry and armour covered the right flank and, with luck, cut off their retreat.


For his part Tai-Sho Galbertson knew he had a major problem. With only the regiment’s first battalion in a position to block the Lyran force on the plains he marched out of St Albans with his own command company and split the battalion into two detachments (Shitai). The first shitai under Sho-sa Kaneuji Tadeki held the first and second companies along with the battalion command lance while the second shitai held the third company and the regimental command company. He had fifty-two light and medium Mechs to face seventy-two or more Lyran heavy Mechs and their conventional consorts. The goal was to buy time for the regiment's other two battalions in the highlands to disengage, blow the dam and fall back on St Albans for withdrawal to Fedkirk.

6th Donegal Brigade (-): Task Force 1-6

Task Force 1-6.1
2/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r15; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 40:43; S:11; M: 11; L: 8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7
3/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r16; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M: 11; L: 8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7

ACS Stats - Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7

Task Force 1-6.2
2/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v23; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 16:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6
3/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v23; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6
1/5th Donegal Armoured (+) [r] – r13; Mixed; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 15:24; S:6; M:9; L:3; Tac: 3; Skill: 4; Mor: 7

ACS Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 7

1st Battalion, 2nd Dieron Regulars (+)

Kaneuji Shitai [q] – v24; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 0:22; S:7; M:5; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6
Galbertson Shitai [q] – v24; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 12:18; S:6; M:4; L:0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6 (broken)

ACS Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6

The Kurita rearguard formed a broad skirmish line that was assaulted directly from the front by the Lyran heavy Mechs while the armour and mounted infantry swung around the flank intent on blocking its route back to St Albans. Kaneuji Shitai could not shift itself quickly enough as it was attacked in front by heavy mechs and from behind by infantry and armour. By the end of the week it had been shattered and Sho-sa Kaneuji was killed in the fighting. Galbertson’s shitai managed to avoid any serious damage in the opening rounds of combat while hitting the Donegal Guard’s 3rd battalion hard at close range before dashing out from under the guns of the conventional support battalions. Unfortunately, by the end of the week his own losses had reached a critical level. With the noose drawing around the remains of the battalion, and recognizing his orders were to delay the enemy, not fight to the last man, he ordered the shaken unit to dash to the rear and rendezvous with the rest of the regiment now moving into St Albans.


Mons Graupias Highlands, Glastone, Lyons, Week 3a – 4a, May 3018
As the task force on the plains below moved to engage the Combine light mechs the Lyran force up in the highlands went over to the attack once more. The pinning force was reorganised into two short regiments, the first consisted of the two tank battalions of the 5th Donegal Armoured. The second regiment would consist of 1/6th Donegal Guards and the ad hoc combined mechanised infantry and light armour battalion drawn from 17th Arcturan infantry and 5th Donegal Armoured regiments.

6th Donegal Brigade (-): Task Force 2-6

Task Force 2-6.1
1/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r15; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm - 17:33; S: 7; M: 7; L: 2; Tac: 5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7
5/17 Composite Bn [r] – v23; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 16:19; s:6; m:3; 1:1; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor: 6

ACS Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Skill: 4; Mor: 7

Task Force 2-6.2
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g10; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 24; S: 7; M: 9; L: 4; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8
3/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g10; hvy; Mov: 5; TMM: 2; Arm – 19:32; S: 10; M: 12; L: 6; Tac: 6; Skill: 5; Mor: 8

ACS Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 6; Skill: 5; Mor: 8

2nd Dieron Regulars (-)

2/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 27; S: 9; M: 6; L: 0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6
3/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 29:36; S: 9; M: 9; L: 3; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; Mor: 7

ACS Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Skill: 4; Mor; 7 

The veteran Kurita battalions above the Dee Reservoir dam managed to hold the pass for another 3 days and avoid any more serious damage. They used the time finish preparing the damn for demolition and when ready blew the structure, releasing millions of cubic yards of water down the valley. In the ensuing chaos, they managed to break contact by using the rough ground on the eastern side of the pass. The Lyran tanks and infantry were slowed by the terrain and their mechs too few to do more that chase the Kurita force with salvos of missiles and furious invectives. Once the Kurita force reached St Albans the Lyrans abandoned the chase, they were on Lyons to liberate the planet not blast the cities into ruin. It was with cold fury that the Lyrans, officers and enlisted men alike, watched the Combine dropships carry away the 2nd Dieron Regulars to Fedkirk in the early days of the fourth week of May.
« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 13:59:09 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #39 on: 29 July 2017, 18:02:09 »
Taking Stock - Part I - Lyran

LCAF - Lyons

Lyran house regiments/wings – 2 mech, 2 armoured, 2 mechanised infantry, 1 militia, 4 aerospace wings

Non-combat supply requirements: (12.5) 13 RP
Combat supply requirements: 50 RP

Supply expended for May, 3018: 28 RP Combat Supply/6 RP Non-Combat

Supply stockpile, Lyons, week 1a, June 3018: 13 RP
Repair point available, Lyons: 27

Mercenary regiments – 1st Mechanised Brigade; basic monthly expenses – 3.45 M C-Bills; monthly consumables (ammunition/spares) – 347,000 C-Bills; Excess consumables on hand; 2.42 M C-Bills   

6th Donegal Brigade   

6th Donegal Guards [r]
1/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r16; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm - 17:33; S: 7; M: 7; L: 2; Tac: 5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2
2/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r16; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 40:43; S:11; M: 11;L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2
3/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r17; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2

5th Donegal Armoured Regiment [r]
1/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g12; lt; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 15:19; S:6; M:9; L:3; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g11; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 24; S:7; M:9; L:4; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2
3/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g11; hvy; Mov: 5; TMM: 2; Arm – 19:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac: 6; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2

17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r]
1/17 Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 16:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
2/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 16:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
3/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

4th Lyran Brigade

4th Lyran Regulars [r]
1/4th Lyran Regulars [r] - r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
2/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
3/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r16; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 2

17th Skye Armoured [q]
1/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v23; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2
2/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v22; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2
3/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v25; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2

14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r]
1/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
2/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v23; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
3/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

1st Provisional Brigade

1st Mechanised Brigade [r]
CC A (+) [r] – r17; mix med; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 43:49; S:17; M:15; L:9; Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
CC B (+) [r] – r16; mix lt; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 27:33; S:8; M:10; L:4; Tac: 3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
CC R (+) [r] – v23; mix lt; Mov: 8; TMM:3; Arm – 28:31; S:9; M:10: L:3; Tac: 0; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2 – Spec: RCN
Brigade Cmd (-) [r] - r18; mix med; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 19; S:5; M:4; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2 – Spec: LT8-ART, DRN, RCN
13th Commando (-) [r] – v27; a/m inf; Mov:11; TMM:5; Arm – 4; S:2; M:1; L:0; Tac:0; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat: 2 - Spec: RCN, (VTOL)

Lyons Militia Regiment (-) [r]
1st Lyons Mil [r] – r14; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
2nd Lyons Mil [r] – g10; mix, lt; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat: 2

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment [r]
1/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r17; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 5; Mor: 7; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB6
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r19; hvy; Arm – 4:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 5; Mor: 7; Fat: 3 – Spec – BOMB6 (shaken)
3/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r15; med; Arm - 18:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac: 4; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3 – Spec – BOMB3
4/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r16; lt; Arm – 3:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac: 0; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3 – Spec – BOMB3 (unsteady)

Fleet supply is provided from non-planetary depots

Lyran 3rd Fleet (Lyons)

LCS Dominance CV Wing [r] – r17; cv; Mov: 4; Arm - 30:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7
          21st Attack Wing [r] – r20; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 21:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7
          22nd Attack Wing [r] – r18; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

LCS Indefatigable CV Wing [r] – r15; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 32:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7
          1st Interceptor Wing [r] – r18; lt; Mov:11; Arm - 12:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7
          2nd Interceptor Wing [r] – r18; lt; Mov: 11; Arm - 13:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

III Nav Aslt Wing [r] –r18; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 24:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

XIII Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 29:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

XIV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 32:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

XV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 25:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

3rd Lyran Fleet – 3rd Division (Skye)

IV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 13:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7
V Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r16; aslt; Mov:4; Arm – 36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7

« Last Edit: 09 August 2017, 12:38:19 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #40 on: 29 July 2017, 18:22:00 »
Taking Stock - Part II - Kurita

DCMS - Lyons

Kurita house regiments/wings – 4 mech, 1 armoured, 1 militia, 3 aerospace wings

Non-combat supply requirements: (12.5) 13 RP
Combat supply requirements: 50 RP

Supply expended for May, 3018: 16 RP Combat Supply/9 RP Non-Combat

Supply stockpile, Lyons, week 1a, June 3018: 3 RP
Repair point available, Lyons: 0

9th Dieron Brigade

2nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 4:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 1 - Spec - RCN(broken)
2/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 27; S: 9; M: 6; L: 0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 1 - Spec - RCN
3/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 29:36; S: 9; M: 9; L: 3; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; Mor: 7; Fat: 1

3rd Dieron Regulars [r]
1/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r15; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 23:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN
2/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r15; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 30:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2
3/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r16; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 30:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2

22nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN
2/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1 – Spec - RCN
3/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v22; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 34:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1

9th Sun Zhang Academy [r]
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g9; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 19:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec - RCN
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g9; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:0 – Spec - RCN
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g9; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:0 – Spec – RCN

86th Armoured Reg’t [r]
1/86th Armoured [r] – r14; med; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 18:21; S:6; M:9; L:3: Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1
2/86th Armoured [r] – r14; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 19:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1
3/86th Armoured [r] – r14; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 24:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:0

Dromini VI Militia [r]
1st Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1
2nd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1
3rd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1

23rd Dieron Aerospace Regiment [r]

1/23rd Aero Wing [r] – g11; lt; Mov: 6; Arm - 1:20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat:3 – Spec – BOMB3 (unsteady)
2/23rd Aero Wing [r] – g10; med; Mov:6; Arm – 21; S:6; M:6; L:2 ; Tac:5; Skill: 5; Mor 8; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB4
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – g11; hvy; Mov:6; Arm - 1:23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat:3 – Spec – BOMB5 (unsteady)

Fleet supply is provide from non-planetary sources

Dieron Carrier Division (Lyons)

DCS Kirishima CV Wing [r]- r16; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 30:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7
             1st Attack Wing [r] - r18; hvy; Mov:6; Arm - 21:23; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4: Mor:7
             2nd Attack Wing [r] –  r18; hvy; Mov:6; Arm - 20:23; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4: Mor:7

Vega Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 25:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7

Kessel Aslt Wing [r] – r14; aslt; Mov: 4; Arm - 28:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7

Dieron Carrier Division – Moore Detachment (Moore)

DCS Luthien CV Wing [r] - r16; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 16:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7
          11th Interceptor Wing – rg7; lt; Mov:6; Arm - 20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:6; Skill:6; Mor:9
          12th Interceptor Wing – rg7; lt; Mov:6; Arm - 20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:6; Skill:6; Mor:9

Dieron Carier Division – Dieron Detachment (Dieron)

Moore Aslt Wing [r]; g9; aslt; Mov:4; Arm – 36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:5; Mor:8
« Last Edit: 09 August 2017, 12:05:10 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #41 on: 31 July 2017, 10:32:30 »

Sector M4, Lyons System, Week 1a - 1b, June 3018

In the early days of June the naval forces in the Lyons system remained in a stand off. The carriers and assault dropships of the Lyran 3rd Fleet continued to interpose themselves between the Combine carrier division that shadowed the moon’s orbit while the supply dropships of the latest Lyran convoys withdrew towards the star’s zenith jump point and their jumpships. That all changed in the space of 33 hours between late June 3rd and June 5th as space came alive with the jump signatures at multiple locations around the system. At the Zenith point six large Lyran convoy groups escorted by the IV and V Assault Wings emerged carrying supplies and spare parts that would be needed for the coming battle on Fedkirk. A few hours later the hastily (and incompletely) repaired DCS Luthien with its two rebuilt fighter wings emerged from a pirate point in Sector M8 and began to burn towards the Kirishima’s location. At the Nadir point eight convoy groups carrying desperately needed supplies and spare parts for the Kurita regiments defending Fedkirk emerged and began their run in-system. The return of Luthien took Tia-Sho Kabayama by surprise as he did not expect the carrier wing to return so soon nor at the location at which it emerged from hyperspace. The Luthien’s wing had emerged closer to the considerably larger Lyran fleet than to the rest of the Combine fleet in the system. The Combine admiral ordered both sections of the fleet to rendezvous in Sector M6 at which point they would turn to fight the convoys through to the planet.


High above the north pole of Lyons Admiral Montecuccoli ordered her fleet to action stations. While the arrival of the supply convoys at both the Zenith and Nadir points could not be missed it was only by a bit of good luck that XIII Naval Assault Wing was completing a patrol sweep through Sector I5 that spotted the arrival of the Combine carrier wing in the adjacent sector. While tempted to order XIII Wing’s commander to immediately intercept she decided to recall the wing to join up with the rest of the fleet in Sector I4. At that point, the Lyran fleet would have the planet and the army’s supply convoys behind them and the enemy carrier fleet and their convoys in front of them. She would have the initiative, the advantage of position and numbers. Knowing that the returning IV Naval Assault Wing was only partially repaired she sent orders for it to remain with the convoys. The V Naval Assault Wing, recently transferred from its station at Denebola, was ordered to increase its rate of burn and head for the planet.

St Albans, Glastone, Lyons, Week 1a – 1b, 3018

On the surface of Lyons Leutnant-General von Krasnik and his army were making their final preparations for the assault on Fedkirk scheduled the second week of June. The original plan was for the assault to take place in the first week but the destruction of the Dee Reservoir dam had meant the diversion of dropships and other emergency supplies to aid the civil population in the rural flood zones and the heavily damaged city of Dubrae. The general insisted that the delay be as minimal as possible as he did not want to lose the momentum gained during the liberation of Glastone.

As much as von Krasnik wanted to rest the formations of the 6th Donegal Brigade he knew he could not leave such a large portion of his ground forces out of the June fighting. Instead he ordered the brigade organized into two formations, the first consisting of the army’s reserve would hold the battered 1/6 Donegal Guards, 3/5 Donegal Armoured and the 2nd and 3rd battalions of the 17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry regiment. This force would remain on Glastone to refit, only being called into the fight in an emergency. The first wave assault formation from 6th Brigade would consist of 2/6, 3/6 Donegal Guards, 1st and 3rd battalions of the 5th Donegal Armoured and 3/17 of the Arcturan Mechanised Infantry.  Also in the first wave was the entire the 4th Lyran Brigade deploying two combat formations, the 4th Lyran Regulars in the first and the combined 17th Skye Armoured and 14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry regiment in the second. Also joining the first wave assault would be the entire 1st Provisional Brigade, save one scout company, deploying one combat formation of five combat battalions and the mercenary regiment’s ad hoc Command battalion. The ground assault formations would be covered by the operational wings in a formation labelled 'Aero Task Force One' with 1/4 and 3/4 of the 4th Army Cooperation Aerospace Regiment. The other two wings were formed into a second aerospace formation and stood down to rest and refit throughout June. Additional support might be expected from the naval wings in the system if they could defeat their Combine opposite numbers and secure aerospace supremacy.

Clovis’ Point Spaceport, Fedkirk, Lyons, Week 1a – 1b, 3018

Rikugun Tai-Sho Ueda knew the Kurita position on Lyons hung by a thread. The last of supplies had been distributed and the brigade deployed in five formations in the southern half of Fedkirk to cover the spaceport and capital city. At the spaceport the battered 1/2nd Dieron was attached to the Dromini militia so it could recover some of its strength and rest from the mauling it received on Glastone. The remaining battalions of the 2nd Dieron were deployed in heavy woods 200 miles to the northeast of the spaceport where they could cover any landings in the open terrain north of Garondis Bay. The 9th Sun Zhang Academy and 86th Armoured regiments were deployed near Tolosa screening the approaches to the north of Clovis’s Point. From this central location the two regiments could also move to support other formations to the south or west. Due west of Tolosa, in the wooded foothills of the Centrale Massif stood the 22nd Dieron Regulars, placed to guard against a landing north of the capital. Finally, the 3rd Dieron was deployed in heavy woods south of the Sequana River, 200 miles from Clovis’ Point, covering the approaches from any advance along the south shore of the Garondis Bay.

Unfortunately, the 23rd Dieron Aerospace Regiment was nearly a spent force. Only one wing had strength remaining to support the ground forces. The other two wings would require major rebuilding before they could hope to become operational again. The western side of the spaceport complex resembled a salvage yard more than repair depot. The hangers, bays and warehouses were filled with battered aerospace fighters and mechs in various states of disrepair, many already scavenged for parts. There were also a number of heavy tanks that were missing critical parts in order to make them serviceable. The eastern side of the complex held the brigade's dropships, huddled on their pads, as well as the armoured revetments, fuel and ammunition bunkers for aerospace fighters. As the review of the brigade and its components was completed, there was the clear realization by all in attendance that if the supply convoys could not fight through the blockade all the preparations for defending Fedkirk would be for nought. Lyons would be lost to the Combine.       
« Last Edit: 26 October 2020, 14:05:34 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #42 on: 31 July 2017, 23:11:45 »
Draw,… (Part I)

Sarmia Island, Garondis Bay, Lyons, Week 2a, June 3018

The 1st Mechansied Brigade’s 13 Commando company was composed of three platoons of airmobile scout infantry who specialised in reconnaissance and special operations. Late in week 1b their four Karnov transports crossed the Hybernian Sea and deployed one platoon at three different locations in the southern part of Fedkirk. One platoon landed in the rugged hills northwest of Clovis’ Point, a second in the forests south of Tolosa and the third platoon, along with the company headquarters under Major Thomas Burgh, was dropped on the heights of the volcanic Sarmia Island off the northern coast of Garondis Bay. Their role was to observe and report on deployment and movement of Kurita troops around the capital and the spaceport. Their equipment was almost all passive save for the directional radios with which they reported their observations to dropships in orbit for relay to the army headquarters now on Glastone. By the time the ground forces began to board their dropships in the second week of June all three platoons were in place and reporting.

Sector M6, Lyons System, Week 2a, June 3018

Aboard her flagship Admiral Montecuccoli almost hoped the Kurita taskforce would turn away once her intention to intercept became obvious. That the Kurita admiral would not try to avoid a battle this time came as no surprise as the fleet’s sensor’s showed a mass of dropships closing on the planet at high speed only a few hours behind the carriers. The 3rd Fleet had conducted what repairs it could from the contents of its supporting fleet train's cargo bays but more serious damage could only be patched. The plan of battle this time was for the Lyran fleet to deploy in a series of echelons that would strike the enemy formation like a series of rogue waves. The first echelon consisted of three wings of assault dropships to take the brunt of the first contact with the enemy and pin the enemy’s escort formations. The second echelon would consist of the carrierr wings escorted by both heavy fighter wings and a fourth assault wing charged with pounding the enemy’s main line. The third echelon would consist of the two light aerospace fighter wings tasked with mopping up cripples or pinning any formation that was still dangerous until heavier units could engage. A terse message was also sent to the V Naval Assault Wing, “Hurry up!”


Seated in his command chair in the combat information center on Kirishima Tai-Sho Sukenroi prepared his fleet for battle. The status report from DCS Luthien advised that she was only partially repaired and her aerospace fighter wings were composed of mostly raw recruits that had barely completed their carrier training. As such Luthien would be placed in the centre of the globe formation with other dropships and fighters stacked around her. With this in mind all four dropship wings were combined into one formation led once more by the four fighter wings in a second. The coming battle would determine whether the blockade remained in place or was broken.


In Sector M8 Sho-Sho Charles de Champs and his Moore Naval Assault Wing blinked into the Lyons system only to find themselves in empty space. His command consisted of a newly raised naval assault wing named for the planet Moore, recently completing its concentration at Dieron. With orders to rendezvous with the fleet his command had risked using a pirate jump point following the course of the DCS Luthien but all sensor sweeps reported there were no other ships in range, including the Luthien and her carrier wing. This could only mean the fleet and the convoys had chosen a different course on which to approach the planet. After finally exchanging of messages with the Kirishima, delayed some minutes by distances involved, the Moore set course for Sector I4. If Moore could catch up to the fleet she might just tip the scales in the Combine’s favour and break the blockade of Lyons.

To be continued....
« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 11:50:05 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #43 on: 31 July 2017, 23:28:07 »
Draw,... (Part II)

Battle of the Convoys, Week 2a – 3a, June, 3018

Lyran 3rd Fleet

Division 1 -

XIII Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 7:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2 (shaken)
XIV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 10:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2
XV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 2:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 1.5 (retreating)

ACS Formation - Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Division 2 -

LCS Dominance CV Wing [r] – r18; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 27:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
          21st Attack Wing [r] – v21; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 21:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat: 3
          22nd Attack Wing [r] – r19; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
LCS Indefatigable CV Wing [r] – r16; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 29:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
III Nav Aslt Wing [r] –r19; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 18:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 (shaken)         

ACS Formation – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor:7; Skill: 4

Division 3 -

1st Interceptor Wing [r] – r19; lt; Mov:11; Arm - 12:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
2nd Interceptor Wing [r] – r19; lt; Mov: 11; Arm - 13:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3

ACS Formation – Mov: 11; Tac: 0; Mor: 7; Skill: 4   

Division 4

V Nav Aslt Wing [r] –r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3

ACS Formation – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


Dieron Carrier Division

Division 1 -

DCS Kirishima CV Wing [r]- r17; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 18:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
DCS Luthien CV Wing [r] - r17; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 4:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2 (broken)             
Vega Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 13:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2 (unsteady)
Kessel Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov: 4; Arm - 28:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2

ACS Formation – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Division 2 -

11th Interceptor Wing – rg8; lt; Mov:6; Arm - 1:30; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:6; Skill:6; Mor:9; Fat: 2 (routed)
12th Interceptor Wing – rg8; lt; Mov:6; Arm – 3:20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:6; Skill:6; Mor:9; Fat: 2 (routed)
1st Attack Wing [r] - r19; hvy; Mov:6; Arm – 1:23 S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4: Mor:7; Fat: 2 (routed)
2nd Attack Wing [r] –  r19; hvy; Mov:6; Arm – 2:23; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4: Mor:7; Fat: 2 (routed)

ACS Formation – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor: 8; Skill: 5

Division 3

Moore Naval Assault Wing [r] – g10; aslt; Mov:4; 16:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:6; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat: 2.5 (retreating)

ACS Formation – Mov: 4; Tac: 7; Mor: 8; Skill: 5


As the two fleets engaged the Combine appeared to have had gained the upper hand once again, pressing home their attacks, and often avoiding potentially punishing return fire from their Lyran opposite numbers. Driving the Lyans back towards the planet Tai-Sho Sukenori bought time for the newly arrived Moore assault wing to catch up to his fleet. Despite excellent discipline and accurate gunnery the Lyran numbers began to tell and damage started to mount up. As the Lyrans were pressed back their own reinforcements in the form of the V Naval Assault Wing arrived to buffer the defence. The Kurita fleet drove almost to the planet’s atmosphere before the assault was finally broken. The aerospace fighters were reduced to only a handful of cripples that had managed to limp back to their carriers while Luthien was hammered almost to the point of being abandoned.

The fleet had done all it could and Sukenori ordered the carrier division to break off and withdraw from the system covered by Moore acting as a rearguard. Sho-Sho de Champs placed his wing directly in the path of Admiral Montecuccoli’s 2nd Division and defied every attempt by the Lyrans to push past his battle line even though his dropships took heavy damage for their defiance. The screen held all the way to the systems outer zone where the Lyrans finally gave up the chase and turned back towards the planet.

Over Lyons, just as the Combine fleet turned away, the first of the supply dropships were entering the atmosphere now protected only by the 2nd wing of the 23rd Aerospace Regiment. These dropships were met by the combined strength of the Lyrans ground based fighter wings, the two light aerospace wings from the Indefatigable and both the IV and V assault wings. What followed was little short of a slaughter as the available fighters could not hope to protect the incoming dropships. Only the earliest arrivals had a chance of reaching the spaceport unopposed and late arriving dropships were forced to fight their own way through thickening defences with many being shot to pieces. Eventually the merchantmen had had enough and the remaining dropships scattered, the survivors making their way back to their jumpships as best they could. More than fifty per cent of the supplies failed to arrive, either destroyed in their dropships, jettisoned in the scramble to escape or, infrequently, still aboard dropships that aborted their approach. The Kurita regiments on Lyons were now well and truly cut off.

In all the chaos surrounding the battle in and above the atmosphere almost no one noticed the lift off of dozens of dropships from Glastone, Leuben and Pairse carrying the Lyran assault forces, now delayed more than two weeks, to their landing zones on Fedkirk.
« Last Edit: 01 January 2020, 12:34:20 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #44 on: 03 August 2017, 08:41:05 »

Part I - Aerospace Engagements

Upper Garumna River, Fedkirk, Lyons Week 3b – 4b, June, 3018

The prolonged naval battle for the Lyons system had caused Leutnant-General von Krasnik to delay the assault on Fedkirk from the second week of June until well into the third. As long as the Combine fleet was near the planet he could not risk the assault troops being intercepted in mid-flight to their landing zones. It was only after word had been received that the enemy fleet was in retreat that the order was given to launch the assault. As the assault forces crossed the seas to Fedkirk they could see flashes in the sky and trails of burning debris high in the atmosphere as Kuriuta dropships carrying supplies exploded or were shot out of the sky. Those who witness the destruction of the Kurita convoys were conscious of the fact that their fate could have been similar had they attempted the invasion while the enemy fleet was still overhead.

The landing zones for the 1st Mechanised Brigade were along the banks of the upper Garumna River located 300 miles north of the city of Tolosa. The river wound its way down from the wooded hills of the Centrale Massif and through dense forests on the upper plains before emptying into the Middle Sea more than 400 miles to the east. The mercenary regiment and its militia support were on the far right of the Lyran line, to their immediately left was the reduced strength TF 1-6.1 consisting of elements of the 6th Donegal Guards and 17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry regiments. To the left of TF 1-6 was TF 1-4.2 which, lacking any Mech battalions, had the one available armour battalion of 5th Donegal Armoured regiment and the infantry of 4th Lyran Brigade. On the coast of the Middle Sea were the Mechs of the 4th Lyran Regulars in TF 1-4.1. Once all the formation's elements and their supplies had landed and concentrated, the four task forces crossed the river and headed south towards the city of Tolosa, Clovis’ Point and the spaceport.

The regiments forming the Dieron 9th Brigade were initially ill-placed to oppose the landings but they quickly concentrated in an arc covering Tolosa and the hills to the west and north. From east to west the Combine deployed the two battalions of the 2nd Dieron Regulars on the plains northeast of the city. Covering the direct road and rail routes from the north were the formations containing the 9th Sun Zhang Academy and 86th Armoured regiments. Their left flank was covered by the 22nd Dieron Regulars in the hills to the northwest of the city. The western end of the Kurita line, further into the hills, covering the open left flank towards the Centrale Massif, were the battalions of the 3rd Dieron Regulars.

Five reduced regiments of Combine mechs and armour were set to face off against a force of five and one half mixed Lyran regiments and the mercenary 1st Mechanised Brigade. In the last week of June, the final ground battles that would decide fate of the Lyons campaign began with a series of Lyran aerospace strikes against the defender’s position along the highway leading into Tolosa. The remnants of the 23rd Dieron Aerospace Wing were flying combat air patrol over the defences waiting to oppose the Lyran strikes as best they could.

Fighting For Air Supremacy

Air-to-Air Strikes versus Combat Air Patrol:

23rd Dieron Aerospace Wing
2/23 Wing [r] – g10; med; Mov:6; Arm – 11:21; S:6; M:6; L:2; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 1.5

ACS Formation 1 – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor:8; Skill: 5

12th Interceptor Group
1st Interceptor Wing [r] – r18; lt; Mov:11; Arm – 6:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
2nd Interceptor Wing [r] – r19; lt; Mov: 11; Arm – 13:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3

ACS Formation 1 – Mov: 11; Tac: 0; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Elements of 4th Lyran Army Cooperation Aerospace Regiment
3/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r16; med; Arm – 16:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac:4: Skill:4; Mor: 7; Fat:3.5

ACS Formation 2 – Mov: 4; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Ground Strike versus 2/9th Sun Zhang Academy

Elements of 4th Lyran Army Cooperation Aerospace Regiment
1/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r17; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 5; Mor: 7; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB6


Elements of 9th Sun Zhang Academy
2/9th Sun Zhang Academy [r] - g9; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 21:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1.5 – Spec - RCN

Despite being badly outnumbered in the air the Combine pilots deftly avoided the Lyran medium craft in the initial battles and engaged the light fighter wings left behind by Indefatigable to support the ground attacks. Already weakened, one of the Lyran wings was withdrawn due to losses but the final result was not long in the making and Kurita fighters were forced to withdraw. There was nothing the Kurita aerospace fighters could do to stop the heavy Lyran fighters from pressing home their attacks against the 9th Sun Zhang and 86th Armoured regiments. The 9th Sun Zhang took damage but their return fire scored against their tormentors. By the end of June, the Combine aerospace regiment, while badly depleted, was still able to challenge Lyran dominance of the skies over Lyons.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 11:58:36 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #45 on: 05 August 2017, 14:06:53 »

Part II - The Ground Battles

The Battle of the Tolosa Line, Weeks 3b – 4b, June 3018

The 1st Mechanised Brigade’s reconnaissance was able to scout both the 3rd Dieron and 22nd Dieron regiment’s position so that the Brigade was not faced with potential surprises. Despite the advantage of knowing where their opponents were the 3rd Dieron Regulars were managing to hold their own until the second battalion was mauled at close range. Not wanting to get pinned down by the heavier mercenary force Tai-Sho Sen Ti Ch’uan ordered his regiment to disengage to retain some tactical flexibility

Task Force 1-1.1 [r]
CC A (+) [r] – r18; mix med; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 34:49; S:17; M:15; L:9; Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
CC B (+) [r] – r17; mix lt; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 16:33; S:8; M:10; L:4; Tac: 3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
Brigade Cmd (-) [r] - r19; mix med; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 11:19; S:5; M:4; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 – Spec: LT8-ART, DRO, RCN

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Task Force 1-1.2 [r]
1st Bn, Lyons Mil [r] – r15; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
2nd Bn, Lyons Mil [r] – g11; mix, lt; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat: 3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor: 8; Skill: 5


3rd Dieron Regulars [r]
1/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r16; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 19:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3 – Spec - RCN
2/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r16; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 13:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3 (unsteady)
3/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r17; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 30:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

The 22nd Dieron Regulars had superior speed and manoeuverability but were unable to capitalize on these advantages despite facing much slower heavy mechs. However, by keeping the range open the Combine mechs managed to score a few hits and avoided any real damage in return. Like the 3rd Dieron on their left the 22nd were able to avoid being pinned down and disengaged by the end of the month.

Task Force 1-6.1 [r]
2/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r17; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M: 11;L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3
3/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r18; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3
3/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4 


22nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:3 – Spec - RCN
2/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN
3/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 34:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:2

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 3


In the open fields north of Tolosa the Kurita 86th Armoured Regiment, its losses from earlier battles never having been made good, was mauled by the Lyran heavy armour and mechanised infantry. The first battalion collapsed and withdrew to the capital. The second battalion, outmanoeuvered and pinned against the city was crippled and forced to surrender. Only a very much reduced third battalion remained in the field by the end of June and it was ordered back to the capital to reform with the remnants of the regiment. The 9th Sun Zhang Academy’s cadets put up a solid fight despite taking some heavy damage and they too were ordered to retreat south of Tolosa to reform the line. The Lyrans did not get off lightly as two heavy tank battalions were badly damaged in the fighting. These losses did not, however, stop the Lyran troops from rolling into Tolosa and liberating the city.   

Task Force 1-4.2[r]
1/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v23; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3
2/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v22; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3
3/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v25; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 6; Skill: 3

Task Force 1-4.3[r]
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g11; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 24; S:7; M:9; L:4; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2
1/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
2/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v23; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
3/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 4; Mor: 8; Skill: 4


86th Armoured Reg’t [r]
1/86th Armoured [r] – r15; med; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 6:21; S:6; M:9; L:3: Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1.5 (retreating)
2/86th Armoured [r] – r15; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 7:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1.5 (surrendered)

3/86th Armoured [r] – r15; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 9:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

9th Sun Zhang Academy [r]
1/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 9:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:2 – Spec – RCN
2/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec - RCN
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 17:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec – RCN

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor: 8; Skill: 5


On the costal plain the 4th Lyran Regulars pressed their attacks hard in order to close the range on the outnumbered 2nd Dieron. The Combine mechs made good use of their speed to avoid the worst of the incoming fire but the Lyran mechs did score a number of hits in exchange for light damage. As ordered by the brigade commander the 2nd Dieron also disengaged to avoid becoming pinned down and to keep its tactical options open.

Task Force 1-4.1[r]
1/4th Lyran Regulars [r] - r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 39:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
2/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 39:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
3/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r16; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 42:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


2nd Dieron Regulars (-) [q]
2/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 22:27; S: 9; M: 6; L: 0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2 - Spec – RCN
3/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 23:36; S: 9; M: 9; L: 3; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 3
« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 12:05:34 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #46 on: 05 August 2017, 17:57:08 »
I noticed the 9th Sun Zhang has 3x3rd battalions, typo error.
Interesting fight.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Sir Chaos

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #47 on: 06 August 2017, 07:02:53 »
I noticed the 9th Sun Zhang has 3x3rd battalions, typo error.
Interesting fight.

No, they´re just so green they haven´t learned how to count properly yet.  ;D
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #48 on: 07 August 2017, 12:01:02 »
I noticed the 9th Sun Zhang has 3x3rd battalions, typo error.
Interesting fight.



Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #49 on: 07 August 2017, 12:33:07 »
Taking Stock - Part I – Lyran, July 3017

LCAF - Lyons  

Lyran house regiments/wings – 2 mech, 2 armoured, 2 mechanised infantry, 1 militia, 4 aerospace wings

Non-combat supply requirements: (12.5) 13 RP
Combat supply requirements: 50 RP

Supply required for Jun, 3018: 42 RP Combat Supply/2 RP Non-Combat

Supply stockpile, Lyons, week 1a, June 3018: 13 RP
Supplies received, June 3018: 58
Total Supplies available end June 3018: 71
Total Supplies used end June 3018: 44
Remaining Supply stockpile, start July 3018: 27

Repair points available, start June 3018, Lyons: 27
Repair points delivered, June 3018, Lyons: 160
Total Repair points available, end June 3018: 187
Repair points used, end June 3018: 78
Repair points available, start Jul 3018: 109

Potential Salvage available, Fedkirk, June 3018: 132
Salvage collected, June 3018: 52

Mercenary regiments – 1st Mechanised Brigade; basic monthly expenses – 3.45 M C-Bills; monthly consumables (ammunition/spares) – 347,000 C-Bills; Excess consumables on hand; 1.38 M C-Bills

6th Donegal Brigade

6th Donegal Guards [r]
1/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r13; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm - 33; S: 7; M: 7; L: 2; Tac: 5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 0
2/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r17; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M: 11;L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3
3/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r18; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 37:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 3

5th Donegal Armoured Regiment [r]
1/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g12; lt; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 19; S:6; M:9; L:3; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 0
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g12; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 24; S:7; M:9; L:4; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2
3/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g9; hvy; Mov: 5; TMM: 2; Arm – 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 0

17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r]
1/17 Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat:0
2/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 0
3/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 3

4th Lyran Brigade

4th Lyran Regulars [r]
1/4th Lyran Regulars [r] - r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 39:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
2/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 39:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
3/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r16; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 42:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 3

17th Skye Armoured [q]
1/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v23; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2
2/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v22; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2
3/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v25; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:2

14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r]
1/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
2/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v23; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2
3/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

1st Provisional Brigade

1st Mechanised Brigade [r]
CC A (+) [r] – r18; mix med; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 34:49; S:17; M:15; L:9; Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
CC B (+) [r] – r17; mix lt; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 16:33; S:8; M:10; L:4; Tac: 3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
CC R (+) [r] – v24; mix lt; Mov: 8; TMM:3; Arm – 28:31; S:9; M:10: L:3; Tac: 0; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 3 – Spec: RCN
Brigade Cmd (-) [r] - r19; mix med; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 11:19; S:5; M:4; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 – Spec: LT8-ART, DRO, RCN
Lyons Militia Regiment (-) [r]
1st Lyons Mil [r] – r15; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
2nd Lyons Mil [r] – g11; mix, lt; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat: 3

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment [r]
1/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r17; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB6
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r13; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 0 – Spec – BOMB6
3/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r17; med; Mov: 6; Arm – 16:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac:4: Skill:4; Mor: 7; Fat:3.5 – Spec – BOMB3
4/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – g12; lt; Mov: 11; Arm – 18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac: 0; Skill: 4; Mor: 7 – Spec – BOMB3 (shaken)

Lyran 3rd Fleet

LCS Dominance CV Wing [r] – r18; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 27:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3
          21st Attack Wing [r] – v21; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 21:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:3
          22nd Attack Wing [r] – r19; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3

LCS Indefatigable CV Wing [r] – r16; cv; Mov:4; Arm - 29:34; S:9; M:10; L:7; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3
          1st Interceptor Wing [r] – r19; lt; Mov:11; Arm - 6:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 (Rest/Refit)
          2nd Interceptor Wing [r] – r19; lt; Mov: 11; Arm - 13:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac:0; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 (Rest/Refit)

III Nav Aslt Wing [r] –r19; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 18:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3
IV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – exp: r14; Arm - 13:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 0
V Nav Aslt Wing [r] –r14; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2
XIII Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 7:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2 (Rest/Refit)
XIV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 10:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:2 (Rest/Refit)
XV Nav Aslt Wing [r] – r15; aslt; Mov:4; Arm - 2:36; S:9; M:12; L:9; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 1.5 (broken) (Rest/Refit)
« Last Edit: 09 August 2017, 12:47:44 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #50 on: 07 August 2017, 12:49:34 »
Taking Stock – Part II – Kurita, July 3018

DCMS - Lyons

Kurita house regiments/wings – 4 mech, 1 armoured, 1 militia, 3 aerospace wings

Non-combat supply requirements: (12.5) 13 RP
Combat supply requirements: 50 RP

Supply required for June, 3018: 40 RP Combat Supply/3 RP Non-Combat

Supply stockpile, Lyons, week 1a, June 3018: 3 RP
Supplies received, June 3018: 38
Total Supplies available end June 3018: 41
Total Supplies used end June 3018: 39
Remaining Supply stockpile, start July 3018: 2

Repair point available, start June 3018, Lyons: 0
Repair points delivered, June 3018, Lyons: 78
Total Repair points available, end June 3018: 78
Repair points used, end June 3018: 65
Repair points available, start Jul 3018: 13

Potential Salvage available, Fedkirk, June 3018: 132
Salvage collected, June 3018: 0

9th Dieron Brigade

2nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – g11; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 0 - Spec – RCN (unsteady)
2/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; lt; Mov: 6; TMM: 4; Arm – 22:27; S: 9; M: 6; L: 0; Tac: 3; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2 - Spec - RCN
3/2nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v25; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 23:36; S: 9; M: 9; L: 3; Tac: 4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

3rd Dieron Regulars [r]
1/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r16; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 19:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3 – Spec - RCN
2/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r16; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 13:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3 (shaken)
3/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r17; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 30:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:3

22nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN
2/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 25:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1 – Spec - RCN
3/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v22; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 34:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1

9th Sun Zhang Academy [r]
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 9:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec - RCN
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g10; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 17:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec – RCN

86th Armoured Reg’t [r] No Supply
1/86th Armoured [r] – r14; med; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 6:21; S:6; M:9; L:3: Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1.5 (broken) (rest/refit)
2/86th Armoured [r] – r14; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 0:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1.5 (surrendered)
3/86th Armoured [r] – r14; hvy; Mov:6; TMM:2; Arm – 9:27; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:1

Dromini VI Militia [r]
1st Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1
2nd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1
3rd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1

23rd Dieron Aerospace Regiment [r]
1/23rd Aero Wing [r] –vg6; lt; Mov: 6; Arm - 20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac: 6; Skill: 6; Mor: 9 (shaken)
2/23 Aero Wing [r] – g11; med; Mov:6; Arm – 11:21; S:6; M:6; L:2; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1.5
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – vg6; hvy; Mov: 6; Arm - 23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac: 6; Skill: 6; Mor: 9 (shaken)
« Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 18:28:22 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #51 on: 08 August 2017, 12:59:08 »
Final Plans, Final Moves

Tai-Sho Ueda accepted the news from Dieron with calm resignation. The damage inflicted upon the fleet in the June battles meant months worth of repairs to the assault dropships and fighter wings. With no other naval assets in the region this meant the blockade could not be challenged and the supplies delivered at such a high cost would be the last for the foreseeable future. The replacements and spares that were delivered had been used to refit and rebuild a few damaged units not immediately engaged but the number of new faces in the aerospace wings and 2nd Dieron’s first battalion meant a sharp decline in combat effectiveness for those units. Two of three fighter wings were now manned by pilots with extremely limited experience while the remaining wing was barely at half strength. The first battalion of the 2nd Dieron, once a veteran unit, had received so many new replacements that it could not even be classed as a 'regular' battalion.

Of the units that were in the line the 86th Armoured regiment, mauled in the June fighting, had only remnants of its third badly reduced battalion in the field near Tolosa. The regiment's first battalion was all but shattered in the same fighting and was doing its best to recover and refit in Clovis’ Point while the second battalion surrendered after being overrun. The four Mech regiments were still in the fight and the line near Tolosa was intact despite each regiment showing signs of fatigue and the effects of damage and losses. Rather than hold the line the Mech regiments would conduct a fighting withdrawal towards the capital and the spaceport. If a final stand was to be made it would be made as close to the spaceport and city as possible. With that in mind the Tai-Sho ordered his command post moved from the capital to the administrative buildings at the spaceport’s western end.


For his part Leutnant-General von Krasnik was quite pleased with the results of the June fighting. It was hoped that the ground forces would have gained more ground but the de facto liberation of Tolosa as well as the losses inflicted on the enemy made up for the perceived lack of progress. The mercenary reconnaissance battalion and the reports from the scouts deployed behind the enemy lines provided the Lyran commander with a fairly clear picture of what was going on in the enemy camp. The first priority was to smoother the remains of the enemy aerospace force and the spaceport in high explosive and armour piercing shot so that nothing could make it off the tarmac. This effort would be supported by the fleet aerospace arm where possible as Admiral Montecocculi had advised that a number of her assault dropships would be grounded for repairs. Nevertheless, the ground forces could count on the heavy fighter wings and one of assault dropships for added firepower. If possible, the runways were to be spared but all other facilities supporting air operations were to be destroyed with the exception of the launch pads and the dropships parked there. If the enemy decided to leave he would provide an open door to do so. The last thing he wanted was final battle against a trapped Kurita force facing ‘death or glory’ in city streets of Clovis’ Point or warehouse sector near the spaceport.

In order to accelerate the pace of the ground campaign the five battalions from the 6th Donegal brigade that had been refitting on Glastone would form two new formations. These would be lifted behind the enemy defences and dropped between their line near Tolosa and the spaceport. Task Force 1-6.2 would consist of 1/6 Donegal Guards supported by 1/17 and 2/17 from the Arcturan Mechanised Infantry with a landing zone behind the 22nd Dieron Regulars' position in the foothills. Task Force 1-6.3, with 1/5 and 3/5 of the 5th Donegal Armoured regiment, were to land behind the 2nd Dieron and support the 4th Lyran Regulars' attacks. The remaining task forces were to continue to press the enemy hard and write down their strength in a series of running battles designed to attrition the enemy into collapse. With twenty-four battalions facing and estimated maximum of sixteen Kurita battalions, the weight and numbers were certainly on the side of the Lyrans and it was hoped the Kurita advantage in manoeuvre would not be enough to balance the scales.

To be continued…
« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 12:13:57 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #52 on: 10 August 2017, 16:00:36 »
Winning Air Supremacy – Week 1a – 1b, July 3018

Despite facing a totally untenable situation the Kurita pilots rose into the air above the Clovis’ Point spaceport to challenge the Lyran forces but lack of numbers and experience finally resulted in the defeat of the 23rd Dieron Aerospace regiment. It took until the end of the first week in July but the Lyran aerospace forces finally reduced the Combine aerospace forces on Lyons to ineffectiveness. With the hangars and control buildings in ruins and the wrecked and crippled aerospace fighters scattered around the base the Lyrans placed a light wing on combat air patrol over the base and sent their remaining fighters to conduct close air support for the army regiments’ offensive that was making headway down from the north. 

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment (-) [r]
1/4th AC Aero Wing [r] – r18; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2 – Spec – BOMB6
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r14; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB6
3/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r18; med; Arm – 16:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac:4: Skill:4; Mor: 7; Fat:4.5 – Spec – BOMB3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor 7; Skill: 4

LCS Dominance Aerospace Group [r]
21st Attack Wing [r] – v22; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 20:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:7 – Spec – BOMB6
22nd Attack Wing [r] – r20; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 18:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:7 – Spec – BOMB6

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


23rd Dieron Aerospace Regiment [r]
1/23rd Aero Wing [r] – vg6; lt; Mov: 6; Arm – 3:20; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac: 6; Skill: 6; Mor: 9 – Spec – BOMB3 (routed)
2/23 Aero Wing [r] – g11; med; Mov:6; Arm – 2:21; S:6; M:6; L:2; Tac:5; Skill: 5; Mor:8; Fat:1.5 – Spec – BOMB4 (routed)
3/23rd Aero Wing [r] – vg6; hvy; Mov: 6; Arm – 5:23 ; S:8; M:8; L:3; Tac: 6; Skill: 6; Mor: 9 – Spec – BOMB5 (routed)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 6; Mor: 9; Skill: 6


Breakthrough at Tolosa - Week 1a - 2b, July 3018

The 9th Sun Zhang Academy tried to cover the retreat of the 86th Armoured regiment’s remaining battalion but was immediately attacked by the tanks and infantry of Task Force 1-4.3. The Lyrans pressed their attacks hard with the infantry taking significant losses but the fighting delayed the Kurita Mechs long enough for the heavy armour of the 17th Skye Armoured to engage with their massive advantage in firepower. Try as they might the green cadets, now totally unsupported and outnumbered were picked apart and within a few days the 9th Sun Zhang Academy had been crippled. With the remnants finally managing to put some distance between themselves and the Lyran forces the 9th Sun’s withdrew quickly down the highway to the capital. The road to Clovis’ Point and the spaceport was open. 

Task Force 1-4.2[r]
1/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v24; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm - 32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3.5
2/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v23; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3.5
3/17th Skye Armoured [q] – v26; hvy; Mov:5; TMM:2; Arm – 11:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat:3.5

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 6; Skill: 3

Task Force 1-4.3[r]
2/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – r13; med; Mov: 7; TMM: 3; Arm – 17:24; S:7; M:9; L:4; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2.5
1/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 12:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2.5
2/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 12:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2.5
3/14th Lyran Mechanised Infantry [r] – v26; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2.5

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 4; Mor: 8; Skill: 4


9th Sun Zhang Academy [r]
1/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g11; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 7:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:2 – Spec – RCN (retreating)
2/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g11; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 6:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1.5 – Spec – RCN (broken)
3/9th Sun Zhang Acad. [r] – g11; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 9:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Spec – RCN (retreating)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor: 8; Skill: 5


The Line Collapses – Week 1a-3a July 3018

The 1st Mechanised Brigade and the Lyons Militia supported by a wing of aerospace fighters struck hard at the 3rd Dieron, inflicting losses on the Combine regiment and suffering damage in return. Midway through the first week of July the Lyons Militia were able to disengage first one and then their second battalion and move south and southeast in order to get behind the enemy. The mercenary battalions continued to pressure the 3rd Dieron Regulars in order to keep them engaged, making good use of air support and their heavy artillery. Between the second and third week of July the 1st Mechanised Brigade had driven the battered 3rd Dieron back into a pocket that also contained the 22nd Dieron Regulars north of Clovis’ Point. The militia, free to manoeuvre, looped around the encirclement and placed their second battalion south of the pocket in blocking positions along the highway while the first battalion turned to face the spaceport and capital city.

1st Mechanised Brigade [r]
CC A (+) [r] – r19; mix med; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 28:49; S:17; M:15; L:9; Tac:3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:6
CC B (+) [r] – r18; mix lt; Mov: 5; TMM:3; Arm – 15:33; S:8; M:10; L:4; Tac: 3; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 6
Brigade Cmd (-) [r] - r19; mix med; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 11:19; S:5; M:4; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 6 – Spec: LT8-ART, DRO, RCN

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Lyons Militia Regiment (-) [r]
1st Lyons Mil [r] – r16; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 4:9; S:6; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 3 (shaken)
2nd Lyons Mil [r] – g12; mix, lt; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 6:9; S:4; M:4; L:1; Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat: 4

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 5; Mor: 8; Skill: 5

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment (-) [r]
4/4th AC Aero Wing– g12; lt; Mov: 11; Arm – 17:18; S:3; M:3; L:0; Tac: 0; Skill: 4; Mor: 7 Fat: 2– Spec – BOMB3 (shaken)

4/4th was withdrawn after the first week of July to perform CAP/Recon duties over the spaceport and capital

Additional air support as of week 2a:

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment (-) [r]
1/4th AC Aero Wing [r] – r18; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2 – Spec – BOMB6
2/4th Lyran AC Aero Wing [r] – r14; hvy; Mov: 5; Arm – 22:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 1 – Spec – BOMB6


3rd Dieron Regulars [r]
1/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r17; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 8:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:6 – Spec – RCN (retreating)
2/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r17; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 10:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:6 (unsteady)
3/3rd Dieron Regulars [r] – r18; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 12:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:5; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:6 (broken)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


To be continued,....
« Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 19:00:51 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
Page 168 - Reunification War

The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #53 on: 10 August 2017, 16:28:25 »
Wandering Pockets – Week 1a – 3b, July 3018

With the situation on its flanks changing so quickly the 22nd Dierion Regulars were ordered to begin withdrawing towards Clovis’ Point as soon as word came that both the 9th Sun Zhang and 3rd Dieron had been heavily engaged. The retreat was accelerated once it became clear the two formations on the flanks would not be able to hold. Unfortunately, the 22nd Dieron ran straight into TF 1-6.2 that had landed behind them and a major engagement ensued. The Lyran blocking force was supported by heavy fighter support and then reinforced as TF 1-6.1 arrived behind the Kurita battle line. For the next ten days, the 22nd Dieron managed to use manoeuvre to avoid being trapped but eventually the battered regiment was compressed into a pocket along with what remained of the 3rd Dieron Regulars north of Clovis’ Point.   

Task Force 1-6.1 [r]
2/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r17; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 34:43; S:11; M: 11;L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 5
3/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r18; hvy; Mov: 4; TMM:2; Arm – 31:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac: 6; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 5
3/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v25; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 5

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 6; Skill: 4

Task Force 16.2 [r]
1/6th Donegal Guards [r] – r13; med; Mov: 5; TMM: 4; Arm – 19:33; S: 7; M: 9; L: 4; Tac: 5; Skill: 4; Mor: 7; Fat: 2 (unsteady)
1/17 Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 15:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat:2 (shaken)
2/17th Arcturan Mechanised Infantry [r] – v24; Me Inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 15:21; S:8; M:5; L:1; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor: 6; Fat: 2

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor: 6; Skill:3

LCS Dominance Aerospace Group [r]
21st Attack Wing [r] – v22; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 19:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:7 – Spec – BOMB6
22nd Attack Wing [r] – r20; hvy; Mov:5; Arm - 16:24; S:9; M:12; L:6; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat:7 – Spec – BOMB6

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 5; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


22nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 7:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:4.5 – Spec - RCN (unsteady)
2/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 4:27; S:; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:3.5 – Spec – RCN (broken)
3/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v22; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 13:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor:6; Fat:3.5 (unsteady)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 6; Skill: 3

A Forgotten War – Week 1b-4a, July 3018

The 2nd Dieron Regulars, short its first battalion, quickly lost contact with friendly forces to their left as the 9th Sun Zhang Academy was driven back south of Tolosa. The heavy forest to its south and southwest forced the regiment to withdraw towards the open plains far to the east of Clovis’ Point and its spaceport. The 4th Lyran Regulars gave chase and were supported by TF 1-6.3, which was landed behind the Kurita formation, and a medium fighter wing. At the same time, the first battalion of the 2nd Dieron Regulars rejoined the regiment adding mobility and strength, if lowering over all experience. Far to the east of the main battles along the road and rail routes the two Lyran task forces, with little support from the main army, fought a series of running battles against a recombined 2nd Dieron across the eastern plains for the remainder of July. When word came to cease hostilities the Combine regiment, badly depleted and all but out of consumable munitions, had been pinned with their back to the sea against the coast of Garondis Bay nearly 300 miles from the spaceport.

Task Force 1-4.1 [r]
1/4th Lyran Regulars [r] - r18; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 31:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 5.5
2/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r18; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 29:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 5.5 (shaken)
3/4th Lyran Regulars [r] – r17; hvy; Mov:4; TMM:2; Arm – 35:43; S:11; M:11; L:8; Tac:6; Skill;4; Mor:7; Fat: 5.5

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 4; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 4

Task Force 1-6.3 [r]
1/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – r13; lt; Mov:7; TMM:3; Arm – 15:19; S:6; M:9; L:3; Tac: 4; Skill: 5; Mor: 7; Fat: 2
3/5th Donegal Armoured [r] – g10; hvy; Mov: 5; TMM: 2; Arm – 30:32; S:10; M:12; L:6; Tac: 5; Skill: 5; Mor: 8; Fat: 2

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 6; Mor: 7; Skill: 5

Air support available as of week 2a:

4th Lyran Army Cooperation Regiment (-) [r]
3/4th AC Aero Wing [r] - r17; med; Mov: 6 Arm – 16:27; S:6; M:6; L:0; Tac:4: Skill:4; Mor: 7; Fat:3.5 – Spec – BOMB3

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 4; Mor: 7; Skill: 4


22nd Dieron Regulars [q]
1/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 7:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:2 – Spec - RCN (broken)
2/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v24; lt; Mov:6; TMM:4; Arm – 4:27; S:9; M:6; L:0; Tac:3; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1 – Spec – RCN (broken)
3/22nd Dieron Regulars [q] – v23; med; Mov:5; TMM:4; Arm – 11:36; S:9; M:9; L:3; Tac:4; Skill:3; Mor:7; Fat:1 (unsteady)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 5; Tac: 4; Mor: 6; Skill: 3

Coup de Grace

Combat Command R of the 1st Mechanised Brigade had slipped through the Kurita defences in June and had been conducting reconnaissance missions throughout the battle, the hovercraft and fast light mechs avoiding every attempt to engage them in a stand-up battle. Once it became clear the Kurita defences were beginning to crumble and the pockets began to form, Colonel Bedford ordered the battalion to make for the spaceport and try to take the facility, along with whatever equipment, salvage and supplies they could by ‘coup de main’. As the Lyran militia regiment was also breaking loose of the Kurita defence the Lyran liaison officer insisted it be in on the attack and one battalion was to join the drive for the spaceport. For the defenders, the mercenary hovercraft and light mechs seemed to come out of nowhere as they hit the dug in infantry of the Dromini VI Militia’s 3rd Battalion at the western end of spaceport in an early morning assault in the last week of July.

Reinforced by Major Burgh’s air mobile scout company, and soon after by the first infantry battalion of the Lyran militia, the defenders were brushed aside. The militia were so eager to be in on the assault they literally drove their trucks loaded with infantry right into the battle. After quickly deploying the militia treated the shocked mercenary force to the spectacle of a classic bayonet charge into the Kurita militia’s trenches. The ferocity of the assault shocked the unsteady Combine militia and the defence of the spaceport soon crumbled, the defenders began throwing their weapons down and raising their hands in surrender. More than a few attempts at surrender were met by a hail of bullets before the Lyran NCOs and officers asserted their control and began rounding up the prisoners.

Lieutenant-Colonel Talbot, commanding the mercenary battalion, was very careful to direct the mercenary infantry and two lances of Mechs to move to secure the administrative, warehouse, maintenance and repair facilities at the west end of the complex. He then volunteered his hover tanks and remaining mechs to help the militia secure the operations centre and hangar facilities at its eastern end. Everyone was careful to keep out of range of the cluster of dropships huddled on their launch pads, knowing how dangerous their massed firepower could be to light forces.

It was during the mopping up operations among the administrative building that the light infantry of 13 Commando made a surprise discovery. Once Major Burgh was advised of the new development he advised Lieutenant-Colonel Talbot, who in turn placed an immediate call to the Militia’s commanding officer. The building was sealed and a full platoon of the veteran scout infantry set to guard its perimeter. As the mercenary major left the building he turned to the platoon commander.

“No one in or out until the CO arrives, Lieutenant.” The lieutenant nodded his understanding, knowing not to salute a senior officer in what was still an active combat zone. The area had not yet been declared secure and there was no point in letting a hidden sniper know who the senior officer was.

1st Mechansied Brigade (-) [r]
CC R (+) [r] – v24; mix lt; Mov: 8; TMM:3; Arm – 28:31; S:9; M:10: L:3; Tac: 0; Skill: 3; Mor: 6; Fat: 5.5 – Spec: RCN
1st Lyons Mil [r] – r16; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 2:9; S:6; M:3; L:0; Tac:4; Skill:4; Mor:7; Fat: 2.5

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 6; Tac: 1; Mor: 6; Skill: 4


Dromini VI Militia [r]
1st Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 8:9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Dug In
2nd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 7:9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 – Dug In
3rd Dromini Mil [r] – g9; mot inf; Mov:6; TMM:3; Arm – 4:9; S:6; M:3; L:0: Tac:5; Skill:5; Mor:8; Fat:1 (surrendered)

ACS Formation Stats – Mov: 1; Tac: 10; Mor: 8; Skill: 5

« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 12:29:48 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #54 on: 10 August 2017, 17:31:59 »
Bayonet charge? Yikes!  :o

The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #55 on: 10 August 2017, 18:54:45 »
Bayonet charge? Yikes!  :o

Well,... put yourself in the place of the Lyons Militia after their planet has been occupied for two years, their regiment reduced to a handful of infantry platoons and a company of armour, annnnnnd... the deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure that resulted in the death of thousands of the citizens on Glastone. A little bit of 'temporary' fanaticism would not be out of line.   :)

As far as describing a "sprint" (see pg 269 of IO) as a 'bayonet charge',.... that was literary licence. The interesting thing about ISaW is that a small battle can be drilled down from ACS to Scaled SBF or even to Adv SBF (in this case) for more detail. After the battle you just 'scale up' the losses and adjust the ACS Combat Unit (battalion).
« Last Edit: 22 February 2020, 12:30:34 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #56 on: 10 August 2017, 18:57:55 »
I'm all for literary license... It just invoked "We were Soldiers..." for me...

The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #57 on: 10 August 2017, 19:16:48 »
Surrender – Clovis’ Point Spaceport, Week 4a, July 3018

When Colonel Ferdinand von der Goltz arrived at building A4 he and his aide were escorted by Lieutenant-Colonel Talbot and Major Burgh to an upper floor executive office with two guards outside the doors and two more guards and a mercenary lieutenant inside the office. A Kurita junior officer stood next to a leather couch on which a grey-haired officer of Japanese origin was being attended to by a medic. Upon the colonel’s entrance to the office the Kurita senior officer waived off the medic and stood up with the assistance of an improvised cane. The younger Kurita officer made to move and assist his senior but a single look stopped him. As he rose, Tai-Sho Ueda recovered his Katana from his aide and limped over to the Lyran officer, bowed as much as his wounded leg would allow and handed his sword to his opposite number.

“Colonel, I am Rikugun Tai-Sho Kenkichi Ueda, commanding officer of the 9th Dieron Brigade and all other Draconis military forces on Lyons. I have been authorised by my Warlord to offer the surrender of the forces under my command and place myself in your custody.”

A thousand emotions flickered over the Lyran officer’s face as he took in the scene and what was transpiring in front him. With a nod of comprehension Colonel von der Goltz brought his heals together in an audible clack, saluted the Kurita general and accepted the sword.

In a voice that held a clear note of suppressed anger, he replied,

“Herr, General. I am Colonel Ferdinand Eugen Karl von der Goltz. I am commander of the Lyons Militia Regiment, as the senior officer present and on behalf of Leutnant-General von Krasnik and the Lyran Commonwealth I accept your surrender. I expect you or your staff to transmit orders to all your forces to cease all resistance immediately.”

The Kurita general nodded acceptance and turned to his aide to issue the order.

Colonel von der Goltz continued, “I must also advise you that I am placing you under arrest for violations of the Ares Conventions and complicity in the deaths of thousands of Commonwealth civilians in the Dee River Valley on Glastone as a result of the deliberate destruction of the reservoir dam.”

The Kurita general bowed once more but said nothing.

Turning to Lieutenant-Colonel Talbot the Lyran colonel announced,

“Until my own guards,” he paused only for a moment before adding, “and my medical officer arrive, I trust you will look after the prisoner.” Looking at the general once more he added, “See to it nothing happens to him before then. That wound looks serious.”

The implication was clear but Major Burgh had already ensured the Kurita officers had no means of injuring others, or themselves. 

With a click of his heals and sharp salute von der Goltz pivoted on his heals and left the office. The battle for Lyons was over.
« Last Edit: 07 February 2021, 13:54:04 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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The Purist

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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #58 on: 11 August 2017, 22:42:26 »
Taking Stock – Fedkirk, Lyons, August, 3018

The surrender of the 9th Dieron Brigade and the negotiations concerning the repatriation of the Combine troops and their functioning equipment was wrapped up by the Lyrans in relatively short order. All equipment that could not move under its own power was forfeit as salvage. All remaining supplies and spare parts were forfeit. The officers were ransomed as per their station with the exception of the commander of the 2nd Dieron Regulars, Tai-Sho Galbertson, and the brigade commander, Rikugun Tai-Sho Ueda. Both of these officers were still in custody pending a board of inquiry into the events surrounding the destruction of the Dee Reservoir dam and subsequent massive loss of civilian life a destruction of private property. The common soldiers were currently in prison camps awaiting the Lyran Command’s decision to either release them under parole or under a much reduced ransom along with a shorter period of parole. A number of the prisoners-of-war were conscripted into construction gangs to help clear away rubble and repair damage caused by combat. Comstar representatives were present, where possible, to ensure that the prisoners were paid a fair wage for their labour and rules of the Ares Conventions were followed.

Most of the Lyran regular army regiments had collected the salvage they could, made hasty repairs and then lifted off planet to return to Skye for proper refitting and to absorb replacements. The mercenary unit “Miller’s Marauders” was due to arrive by mid-month and take over official duties as planetary garrison and to help rebuild the militia. Colonel Bedford, realising his brigade needed down time to rest, refit and replace losses worked out a deal to remain on the planet to reinforce the garrison while the unit rebuilt. This also gave the command time to plan what to do with their share of the ransom and, more importantly, the huge amounts of salvage that fell into their hands as a result of the revised contract modifications made before the final campaign.

Clovis’ Point Spaceport Adminstrative District, Building A4

As Colonel Bedford entered the boardroom, he returned a casual salute to the assembled officers as their various aides and administrative staff members took their places in a circle of chairs one ring away from the oval board room table. The battalion commanders and RHQ officers were arrayed around the highly polished table adorned only with stainless steel water pitchers sweating with condensation. Taking his place at one end of the table Bedford called the staff meeting to order and moved quickly to the agenda’s first item – casualties.

“Major Ligny, do you have the casualty reports from the hospital company?” Bedford asked.

“Yes, sir.” The CO of the Service Battalion referred to his small computer. “Major Proctor has confirmed 223 total casualties with 57 dead. Most of the casualties fell on line companies of the 1st Rifles with the tankers in 11th Hussars also suffering significantly. Most of the wounded will recover but about 40 may need long term rehab or will be on light duties for some time. The doctor noted that the conversion of the spare tracked APCs into field ambulances staffed by paramedics saved a lot of lives.”   

Turning to John Talbot, Bedford asked, “John, how is your battalion?”

“Colonel. A Company is down 37% with five carriers written off and seven more needing repairs. B Company is down about 20% in manpower and needs two replacement carriers. C Company is in good shape, only nine casualties and two hover APCs lost. The Mech lance at BHQ needs some touch up paint.” The infantry battalion’s commander managed a quick smile with the last comment.

Bedford nodded and turned his attention John Fastolf, commanding officer of the 11th Hussars, the brigade’s armoured battalion. “Mr. Fastolf?”

“Sir. Nine dead about twenty more wounded. The heavies in A Company had three Manticore’s destroyed with a Partisan missile boat and three more Manticores badly damaged but repairable. B Company’s Vedettes and Scorpions took the worst damage. Seven write-offs, five heavily damaged. C Company must have Teflon armour. Only one Scimitar and a Saracen lost, a few minor hits on most of the others.” With a shrug he concluded, “In their case, ‘speed means life’.”

A brief pause to bring up more information and the tanker continued, “We have three salvageable Manticores from the Kurita tank regiment we found in a maintenance shed so it’s really a matter of spare parts, money and time. We should be up to strength once the new mediums and lights can be procured and delivered”.

Next to report was the brigade’s Mech battalion commander, Lieutenant-Colonel de Scalles.

“We lost a Wyvern and a Hunchback from A Company with major damage to a Phoenix Hawk, Rifleman and a second Wyvern. These will take some time to repair even if we can scavenge parts from the salvage we’ve acquired. Of the remaining medium Mechs all took damage except the Trebuchets and one Shadow Hawk in the company HQ. B Company lost two Javelins and a Panther with seven more mechs badly shot up. The Locusts, Jenners and Hermes of C Company got away with mostly light damage but the entire company needs attention.”

Turning to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Montagu, Majors Thomas Bedford and Thomas Burgh, the colonel looked for the report covering the brigade’s ‘command battalion’, fighting as a combat unit for the first time. The fact that all three officers had the same first name was something of running joke in the regimental mess and Bedford had taken to calling them by their surnames rather than waste time with the inevitable confusion. ‘Montagu’, as senior officer, took the lead.

“Well, Colonel, your decision to combine the RHQ company and artillery into a combat unit proved helpful, especially with the hovercraft and lightest Mechs detached for reconnaissance, but it did mean that units not normally at the ‘sharp end’ were in the thick of it.”

Calling up a spread sheet the artillery commander continued.

“Three of the artillery trains were damaged, two quite badly, but with the purchase of the spare parts the company can be up to full strength again. Three of the Mechs at RHQ took damage, Major Bedford’s Archer and a Crusader quite badly I am afraid. As you know your own HQ escort lost two of three Pack Rat’s, complete write-offs and both SRM squads took losses. Major Burgh’s commandos, on detached independent operations, did very well, just seven casualties with few bullet holes in the Karnovs.”

Setting aside the small computer pad the artilleryman added, “I might suggest, sir, that if RHQ is going to be committed in front of my guns, we beef up the combat strength somewhat. Four heavy mechs, the drone carriers and your command vehicle’s escort are a bit thin for a screen.”

Pausing for a moment he continued, “And sir, we cannot have you running about the battlefield in your ACV, head and shoulders protruding from the top hatch with headset and binoculars, just a few hundred meters from the bad guys. You stand out like a soar thumb and it only takes one sniper and that’s it, your done. Your loss in combat would disrupt command and control at the very least and shake morale down to the last trooper at worst. You are not commanding a company of tanks anymore,… sir.”

“The room had grown silent as the Lieutenant-Colonel finished his admonishment of his commanding officer.

Colonel Bedford looked around the room for a three count while flipping a stylus between his fingers before he smiled slowly and said, “Thank you, Montagu. Your concern for my safety is noted. I will agree that under many circumstances I do not need to be up front but there are times when I need to see what is going on first hand and not rely on reports and computer projections. However, a twenty ton armoured box on tracks with an SRM-2 added as an afterthought may not be the best means of touring the front. We will have to look at options.”

Before Major Bedford, the commander of the RHQ Mech lance, and the brigade commanders brother, could say anything Colonel Bedford added, “No major, I’m no Mechwarrior. My time in the cockpit is minimal and barely more than a cadet’s. Let’s save the Mechs we do have for the trained pilots.”

Turning once more to the service battalion chief, he changed the subject. “Major Ligny, you’ve been bursting at the seams to share the results of the inventory of captured equipment and other salvage captured at this spaceport.” Opening his arms, he gestured to his Master Technician, “Please enlighten the group”.

Major John Ligny II, smiled broadly and stood to make his presentation. He had neither notes nor his computer pad in his hands and was clearly relishing the opportunity to spread the word about the brigade’s bounty after the battle for the spaceport was concluded.

“Thank you, sir. Let me begin by stating that Lieutenant-Colonel Talbot pulled off a coup, nothing short of brilliant, in securing the warehouses and maintenance facilities before any of the Lyran government forces could get there. Using that store of paint found in one hanger to marks every piece of equipment and spare part with a “1MB” was as nice touch. I am sure Hauptmann McAlerny has some explaining to do over the loss of so much salvage. Not just the numbers but the variety.”

He emphasised the last word.

With that the Major broke into an even broader smile and began his inventory of the captured salvage.

The regiment captured sixty-seven Mechs, both on the battlefield and at the spaceport. They were mostly light and mediums and the majority of these were officially catalogued as ‘destroyed’. However, each Kurita medium Mech battalion possessed a number of heavy Mechs and the brigade now had seventeen, battered though they may be. Of these, many were not beyond hope and could be repaired.

The major went on to explain, “If the bank account permits, we could repair almost all of these over a period of three or four months. We could use these to replace losses and either expand the brigade or sell the repaired Mechs for a tidy profit. I’ll admit, the idea of a full Mech regiment has appeals but the brigade is not currently staffed to maintain such a force and cannot be for some time.”

Which was true. The proposed costs would exceed 200 million C-Bills, which was close to total cash available to the brigade. There would not be enough cash left to meet expenses much less hire the necessary tech teams to maintain such a fleet. The decision on how to proceed was still to be made but initial forecasts noted that selling the repaired Mechs would more than recoup costs by the millions of C-Bills. This profit would allow replacement of all losses and perhaps permit a modest expansion, with the balance keeping the ledger in black for some time into the future.

The major had more good news. “Alright, setting the Mechs aside for the moment we also have more exciting news.”

Pausing for a moment to let the tension build the tech commander then added, “We also have 29 aerospace fighters.” Holding up both hands to ward of a barrage of questions he continued, “Again, many are badly banged up but aerospace craft are fussy creatures. A broken widget that a Catapult might shrug off could very well ground an aerospace fighter. As with the mechs, with the right amount of money, the brigade could have its own fighter wing of twenty or so craft with a few spares.”

Looking at the brigade commander with a half grin the tech commander added, “Or, since the Colonel likes to overmatch his opposition with ‘bigger battalions’ we could field a reinforced wing of twenty-two to twenty-four aerospace fighters. We have options.”

The major summed up his report by adding they had found one Demolisher heavy tank and, still crated, six Scorpion and six Hunter light tanks. These were perhaps meant for the planetary militia if the Combine managed to hold on to the planet. Summing up, there were also two tracked APCs and four more SRM variants.

Predictably, once he concluded his presentation the officers around the table all tried to speak at once. Realizing that the command staff – and the accountants – would need to mull the options over, Colonel Bedford rose from his seat and called the room to order.

“Gentlemen, much good news and much more to consider. We won’t decide anything this afternoon so we will wrap up this meeting and reconvene again in a few days once the options have been examined.”

Reaching for his cap and tucking it under his left arm the brigade commander stated simply, “Dismissed.” With that he headed for the door and his private office.
« Last Edit: 07 February 2021, 14:03:30 by The Purist »
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of thought upon the unthinking - John Maynard Keynes.

"...Remember also the two "prime directives" in playing BattleTech:
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Re: The First Mechanised Brigade (The Rams Head)
« Reply #59 on: 12 August 2017, 18:27:59 »
After the end of a hard battle time for celebrations as you count the profits of victory.
Sometimes it feels so good to be a merc. ::) >:D O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

