Author Topic: 2nd Armored Cavalry  (Read 20842 times)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #90 on: 03 June 2017, 22:40:14 »
 10  July 2787 (uninhabited system near Alnadal)

 The repairs on the Leopard CV had been completed the day before and she was brought back to the Tramp. The fleet had recharged their drives and were ready to jump.

 Since they now knew Olancha was in Combine hands, the only 2 options were, make a jump to another uninhabited system or to jump into deep space. Deep space was deemed too risky so the jump was plotted to another uninhabited star.

 The jump was plotted, all the ships had the information, the order was given and the Cavalry began the long journey to safety.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #91 on: 04 June 2017, 16:04:56 »
Sounds like you could run at least one false flag op...

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #92 on: 05 June 2017, 01:35:04 »
 1 Nov 2787 (Bristol)

 After months of travel, the Cavalry arrived at the Zenith jump point of Bristol. The had traveled all the way using uninhabited systems which increased the recharge time of the Fleets drives.

 Receiving permission to make planet fall, the Cavalry Dropships detached and headed for the planet's surface. Directed to a AFFS controlled space port. Colonel Mitchell and his men were anxious to get solid ground under their feet again.

 6 Nov 2787 (Bristol)

 Colonel Mitchell strode down the ramp finally with firm ground under his feet. An AFFS ground car awaited to take him and his XO to the planets AFFS military headquarters. Reaching the foot of the ramp, he stopped and briefly watched the last of his units Dropships touching down on their landing pads. After a few minutes of watching the landing process, he finally turned and both of the Cavalry officers headed for the awaiting ground car.

 15 minutes later, the ground car halted at the AFFS headquarters. Colonel Mitchell watched as a lone AFFS officer approached the ground car. After a couple seconds, Colonel Mitchell and his XO exited the ground car.

 "Colonel Mitchell, I am Subaltern Smyth and will escort you to General Paulson. If you will follow me sir."

 Climbing the step of the headquarters and entering the building, he could not help but notice the bustle of activity. Making their way to a back office whose door was open, Colonel Mitchell could see several AFFS officers inside. Knocking on the door frame, Subaltern Smyth announced them.

 "Sir, Colonel Mitchell is here" Subaltern Smyth announced.

 The AFFS officers turned to face the mercenary officers. "Come in Colonel, I am General Paulson. I had to look thru our database to figure out who you were."

 "Sir, 2nd Armored Cavalry reporting" Colonel Mitchell and his XO came to attention and saluted.

 Returning the salute, General Paulson gestured them to chairs. "Please gentlemen, have a seat" General Paulson said.

 While the Cavalry officers sat, General Paulson continued "Your unit was feared lost with months of no contact. You were last posted on Scheat, mind filling me in on what transpired and how you come to be here on Bristol."

 "Well General, we held Scheat for 3 months with little to no outside support. We engaged and destroyed the 25th Dieron Regulars, then fought a major delaying action against follow on Combine forces. Fearing nuclear or orbital bombardment, and with agreement of the planets AFFS commander, I withdrew my unit. We used uninhabited systems on our journey here." Colonel Mitchell stated slightly defensively.

 "Colonel, I am not accusing your unit of anything, I have the last report from Scheat's commander and he recounts your actions. I was just curious how your unit survived the journey." General Paulson stated. "You made quite an impression on Colonel Harrison on Scheat, he stressed, in his opinion, that your unit should be offered a new contract by the AFFS."

 "Colonel Harrison was a good officer, he refused to leave with us." Colonel Mitchell said.

 "Colonel, I have spoken with AFFS high command and your unit will be offered further contracts. Your unit is hereby released from your previous contract. Subaltern Smyth will give you several contracts to consider when we are done here. Let me bring you up to speed on the situation. Come on over to the holomap." General Paulson waved the Cavalry officers over.

 Rising, Colonel Mitchell could see that a huge swath of House Davion planets had fallen. "Wow, I did not know it was that bad." He stated.

 "Yes Colonel, it is that bad. That was why you never got help on Scheats. We have been pushed back all the way to New Avalon. From looking over your transmitted reports, your unit is one of the very few to actually increase in strength during this invasion."

 "Well General, we owe the AFFS their share of our salvage we took." But General Paulson waved him off before he continued.

 "Colonel, Harrison included that he awarded your unit all salvage taken up to the moment your unit returned to AFFS lines. What your unit has taken, your unit keeps." General Paulson said.

 Colonel Mitchell was stunned by this discovery. He had hesitated drawing up a new TOE until he found out what the Cavalry would be left with. This revelation changed things.

 The meeting lasted another 2 hours. Finally General Paulson excused the Cavalry officers to return to their unit, he offered the unit use of the on base repair facilities while the unit was on planet.

 Returning to their unit, Colonel Mitchell said to his XO "XO, we got a ton of work to do."


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #93 on: 05 June 2017, 03:09:40 »
Wow that Colonel Harrison did the unit a big favour.
Some training time would be useful to get your unit up to speed but it will probably be on the job training. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dave Talley

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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #94 on: 05 June 2017, 11:38:55 »
Yep, keep the jumpship as a tip!   ;-)
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #95 on: 05 June 2017, 17:53:27 »
 Oh, they will put everything to good use. The Tramp is a huge plus, the Union (always use a mech hauler), Danais (always use a cargo ship) and the Leopard CV (allows me to add another squadron for a full wing).

 I used a simple dice roll 1-3 I get it all, 4-6 I have to give up 1/2. I rolled a 2 and could not believe my luck. I have to do that on some choices as it would be too easy to just wave stuff in. I am now trying to buy 2 more Nightstars and foresee quite a few "not found" before I land them both.

 Still working on the new TOE. Having trouble deciding how to organize my Mech Regiment. I am going to Command Lances in the BN's and a Regimental Command Company (Prob 1 Mech Lance, Mobile HQ and 3 light Mechs as escort, not sure on 3rd lance). Trying to decide on a pure Assault Battalion, Heavy Battalion, Light/Medium Battalion or go with a Assault, Heavy, Light/Med Company in each Battalion. I am going to assign my Panther Company to the Infantry Regiment though, give them organic Mech support. Lot's of choices to make now.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #96 on: 05 June 2017, 18:11:52 »
It depends on how you plan to use your battalions.  If you ever intend to rush a whole battalion somewhere, you want that entire unit to have as close as possible to the same movement all the way through.  If you only ever intend to rush a company, mixing the companies in the battalions is probably better.  What level and character of operational flexibility do you want?

I suppose what I'm really saying is focus less on tonnage and more on mobility capabilities. Speed is life for more than just light 'mechs...


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #97 on: 05 June 2017, 18:49:45 »
 I got almost, if not a full company of Thug, 8 or so Emperor, 1 Battlemaster, 1 Pillager, 1 Crockett, 5-6 Stalker, think I salvaged 2-3 Victors, 1 Longbow, 2 Night Star (2 more planned), 2 Highlander.

 Toying with a all Jump Capable Battalion, 1 Assault Company, 1 Heavy Company, 1 Med Company.

 I fight a bunch of Battalion sized fights mainly. So each Company plays it's part. Even full on Regiment on Regiment.

 If I did Company on Company, mixing my companies makes more sense.

 Still sorting thru all my salvaged mechs to see what I can make work etc. I will work on posting a full Mech count.



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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #98 on: 05 June 2017, 19:15:48 »
Sweet!  The Pillager, Crockett and two Highlanders would make an excellent command lance for a 3/5 company.  And if you're short a Thug, that Battlemaster would fit nicely with them.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #99 on: 05 June 2017, 19:39:22 »
 Current Mech List

5X EMP-6A Emperor (3/5/3)
1X PLG-3Z Pillager (3/5/3)
2X NSR-9J Nightstar (2 More trying to be bought for 4 total) (3/5)
3X STK-3Fb Stalker (3/5)
2X HGN-732b Highlander (3/5/3)
8X THG-11Eb Thug (4/6)
4X THG-11E Thug (could convert to 11Eb and prob will) (4/6)
3X VTR-9B Spec Victor (4/6/4)
1X LGB-7Q Spec Longbow (3/5)
1X CRK-5003-1b Crockett (3/5/3)
1X BLR-3Gb Battlemaster (4/6)

3X AEM-03 Dragoon (4/6)
4X TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt (4/6)
3X TDR-5S Spec Thunderbolt (4/6)
1X GHR-5H Grasshopper (4/6/4)
2X CPLT-C1 Spec Catapult (4/6/4)
1X AEM-02 Dragoon (5/8)
5X BMB-12D Spec Bombardier (5/8)
2X EXC-B2 Excaliber (5/8)
2X ARC-2Rb Archer (4/6)
1X ARC-2R Spec Archer (4/6)
4X CRD-2R Spec Crusader (4/6/4)
3X WHM-7A Warhammer (4/6)
1x WHM-6Rk Warhammer (5/8)
4X MAD-2R Marauder (4/6)
4X GLT-3N Spec Guillotine (4/6/4)
3X BL-6b-KNT Black Knight (4/6)
2X CTS-6Y Cestus (4/6)
4X LNC25-01 Spec Lancellot (6/9)

4X GRF-2N Griffin (5/8/5)
2X TBT-3C Trebuchet (6/9)
9X PXH-1Kk Phoenix Hawk (6/9)
1X DV-6M Dervish (5/8/5)
2X KY2-D-02 Kyudo (5/8)
2X WVE-5N Spec Wyvern (4/6/4)
3X CRB-27b Crab (5/8)
4X CRB-27sl Crab (5/8/5)
1X SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk (5/8/3)

12X PNT-9R Spec Panther (4/6/4)
2X NTK-2Q Night Hawk (6/9)
1X STG-3Gb Stinger (7/11/7)
2X SPR-4F Spector (7/11/7)
4X TLN-5W Talon (8/12)
1X MON-66b Mongoose (8/12)

 That is my current Mech counts. I am thinking of buying more light Mechs. I am weak on those. Maybe more Night Hawks or Talons. Currently 129 Mechs.........131 if I get my 2 other NightStars.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #100 on: 05 June 2017, 19:50:13 »
 All Mechs marked (Spec) are my configs and are undergoing refits now. All are maintenance level refits.

 The 4 CRB-27sl Crabs are salvage. All are repairable only 1 needs a new engine and it is on the way.

 Oh, and Pillager, Crockett are Cavalry Commander and his "bodyguard". They will prob be in Regiment Command Company.

« Last Edit: 05 June 2017, 19:52:19 by 2ndAcr »

Dave Talley

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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #101 on: 05 June 2017, 22:16:09 »
what do the Panthers have?  as dedicated infantry support I could see quite a few things as ideas
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #102 on: 06 June 2017, 06:08:47 »
 PNT-9R Spec

 Outfitted with 10 double heat sinks, ERPPC, 2 Med Pulse, 1Sm Pulse. Totally energy based. Can jump and fire ERPPC all day long.

Sir Chaos

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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #103 on: 06 June 2017, 09:01:28 »
PNT-9R Spec

 Outfitted with 10 double heat sinks, ERPPC, 2 Med Pulse, 1Sm Pulse. Totally energy based. Can jump and fire ERPPC all day long.

Neat. And the pulse lasers, especially the small one, give it anti-infantry capability - which it´ll need in the infantry support role.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

Dave Talley

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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #104 on: 06 June 2017, 12:51:25 »
Nice, not as messy as my idea, is split the normal Srm4 into 2-2packs with inferno ammo
Yeah any SRM can use infernoes, but I like splashing multiple hexes, or starting multiple fires to create smoke
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #105 on: 06 June 2017, 17:12:49 »
 Well, I actually built that config specifically to support the Infantry Regiment instead of breaking off a unit from the Mech Regiment. That way it is always under the Infantry Regiment Commander control, provides anti vehicle and some anti mech capabilities to the Infantry on top of their organic vehicle compliments. The 2 Grunt Battalions each have a full company of Tuhans attached to them. The Jump Infantry Battalion has organic VTOL support.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #106 on: 06 June 2017, 17:30:30 »
 Current "Spec" Mech Configurations.

 PNT-9R Spec Panther (4/6/4)
10 Double Heat Sinks
2 Med Pulse
1 Sm Pulse

 VTR-9B Spec Victor (4/6/4)
12 Double Heat Sinks
4 Med Pulse Laser
3 tons AC20 ammo

 CPT-C1 Spec Catapult (4/6/4)
13 Double Heat Sinks
2 LRM15
4 Med Laser
4 Tons LRM15 Ammo

 BMB-12D Spec Bombardier (5/8)
10 Double Heat Sinks
2 LRM15
2 Med Pulse
1 Med Laser
6 Tons LRM15 Ammo
1 Ton AMS Ammo

 ARC-2R Spec Archer (4/6)
11 Double Heat Sinks
2 LRM15
5 Med Laser
8 Tons LRM15 Ammo

 CRD-2R Spec Crusader (4/6/4)
10 Double Heat Sinks
2 LRM15 w/ ART
5 Med Laser
4 Tons LRM15 ART Ammo

 LNC25-01 Spec Lancelot (6/9)
13 Double Heat Sinks
2 Large Pulse
1 Med Pulse

 GLT-3N Spec Guillotine (4/6/4)
17 Double Heat Sinks
1 ER Large Laser
6 Med Pulse
1 SRM6
1 Ton SRM6 Ammo

 TDR-5S Spec Thunderbolt (4/6)
15 Double Heat Sinks
1 LRM15
4 Med Laser
3 Tons LRM15 Ammo

 WVE-5N Spec Wyvern (4/6/4)
10 Double Heat Sinks
1 ER Large Laser
1 LRM10
1 SRM6
3 Tons LRM10 Ammo
2 Tons SRM6 Ammo

 LGB-7Q Spec Longbow (3/5)
14 Double Heat Sinks
2 LRM20
1 Large Pulse
2 Med Pulse
8 Tons LRM20 Ammo


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #107 on: 06 June 2017, 17:44:54 »
 As you can see, I mainly have rebuilt my missile boats. I hate running out of ammo. Plus I hate having near defenseless Mechs if they do run out or someone gets too close. So I have mainly boosted LRM ammo, some massively. I will range combat as much as I can, but I also want to put the hurt on anything that gets close.

 The Guillotine was built as a mugger, and pure and simple. I can range combat as I close, then even jumping have decent to hit numbers and put the hurt on anything I smack. I plan to operate them either in team of 2 or a full Lance when I mug someone.

 The Longbow, well my light Mechs gave it fits at close range. So I added some heavier pulse armaments to counter jump/fast lights plus boosted ammo a bunch.

 The Crusader and Catapult, designed as jumping fire support Mechs but with decent close range ability.

 The Lancelot, well just a fast heavy that gets good to hit numbers no matter what. Prob be teamed with the PXH-1Kk Phoenix Hawks who also move 6/9.

 The Thunderbolt, ranged combat with decent close in ability but way better cooling.

 Wyvern, just a long range fighter with a SRM6 for close in defense.

 Victor, close in expert. Can jumping Alpha with a plus 3 on heat scale. But can get good to hit with the Med Pulse weapons while jumping and staying neg heat. But can jump alpha for a plus 3, jump away and fire all Med Pulse and going back to heat neutral and repeating the Alpha strike.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #108 on: 07 June 2017, 19:50:53 »
 1 January 2788 (Bristol)

 Colonel Mitchell had just signed the Cavalry's newest contract. They would garrison the planet Lexington for the AFFS. They were offered 100% transportation, Liaison Command Rights, 80% salvage, and 50% Battle Compensation. All fair terms for the Cavalry. The Contract put the Cavalry within 1 jump of Combine forces. The contract pay was only 60% of what the Cavalry needed monthly and Colonel Mitchell argued hard and long for the heavier salvage rights to help offset the low pay.

 Of the 4 contracts offered, this one might give the Cavalry time to re-organize their unit structure. The AFFS repair facilities on Bristol had been a huge help in repairing the Cavalry equipment. All Mechs were 100% repaired and refitted. The Cavalry was placing 80 million in equipment and parts orders before they left Bristol for Lexington. The fleet engineers had worked hard and long repairing the battle damage suffered but every naval asset was at 100%.

 The unit would boost for the Jump point on the 8th of January and head for Lexington taking a longer route due to the Combine forces between Bristol and Lexington.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #109 on: 07 June 2017, 20:09:33 »
Looking over your current 'mech list, only a few companies immediately suggest themselves.  Unfortunately, outside of your company of Panthers, you have exactly four lances of 4/6/4 'mechs, and they split most naturally into two pairs of lances (Crusaders/Catapults/Wyverns and Guillotines/Grasshopper/Victors).  Also, if you could convert two of your three non-jumping Crabs into jumping variants, you'd have a natural company of 5/8/5 'mechs.  Aside from that, here are the four easy companies to identify:

8X THG-11Eb Thug (4/6)
4X THG-11E Thug (could convert to 11Eb and prob will) (4/6)

3X WHM-7A Warhammer (4/6)
4X MAD-2R Marauder (4/6)
3X BL-6b-KNT Black Knight (4/6)
2X CTS-6Y Cestus (4/6)

1X AEM-02 Dragoon (5/8)
5X BMB-12D Spec Bombardier (5/8)
2X KY2-D-02 Kyudo (5/8)
2X EXC-B2 Excalibur (5/8)
1X WHM-6Rk Warhammer (5/8)
1X CRB-27b Crab (5/8)

4X LNC25-01 Spec Lancelot (6/9)
8X PXH-1Kk Phoenix Hawk (6/9)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #110 on: 07 June 2017, 21:32:08 »
 Yeah, been playing with the organizations. Bad thing about the jumping Crabs is I would have to buy the dang XL engines and it would be a factory refit. I am trying to avoid the factory refit right now.

 Bombardier is more difficult as I am spreading them out some in pairs to my fire support lances.

 I have decided I will have to make some sacrifices on speed right now. I do have the 4 Lancelot, 6 PXH-1Kk and 2 Trebuchet in one company. Basically one lance of Lancelot, one of PXH-1Kk and a fire support lance of 2 PXH and the Trebuchet's. They are 6/9 movers too.

 Maybe I will salvage some more goodies in the new contract and will allow me to organize a little better. I am holding off on my Command Lances right now too. Currently have my extra Mechs crewed and formed into a 4 Lance company attached to my Support Battalion.

 I actually had a Griffin 2N show up on Factory list for 85% cost........needless to say I bought it quickly. Major re-organization will prob wait until after this contract. Much easier to dump the entire TOE and rebuild from scratch. I even toyed with maybe forming the unit into a Brigade with 2 Regiments.......One with Mech Regiment and Infantry Batt..............other with Infantry Reg and Armor Batt...............Different idea's keep popping up, so decided to wait until after new contract to see what I salvage and stuff.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #111 on: 08 June 2017, 16:00:18 »
 23 April 2788 (Lexington)

 The 2nd Armored Cavalry made landfall today. Meeting with the AFFS Liaison officer Major Crawford and the planets AFFS commander Colonel Buford, Colonel Mitchell found both to seem competent. Colonel Buford commanded 2 Regiments of AFFS Infantry on planet. The Cavalry would be the only heavy forces assigned to Lexington.

 One thing about Lexington that Colonel Mitchell knew that he hoped the AFFS did not know was that several of his men had served on this planet when it had a major SLDF base on it. These personnel knew of several hidden (at the time of their posting) caches and he was curious if they were still there or had been plundered.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #112 on: 08 June 2017, 19:34:21 »
All Mechs marked (Spec) are my configs and are undergoing refits now. All are maintenance level refits.

What's so special about the SPR-4F, Spec tor ?

TT. ;)
Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Sir Chaos

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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #113 on: 09 June 2017, 05:15:05 »
What's so special about the SPR-4F, Spec tor ?

TT. ;)

That´s the one with all the fancy stealth stuff in it. Chameleon LPS and Null Signature System.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #114 on: 09 June 2017, 18:16:45 »
 24 April 2788 (Lexington)

 Colonel Mitchell stood at the gate to the Cavalry's new home, it was the old SLDF Fort Ballycastle. Over 1/2 the old Fort was overrun with weeds and in places the forest had encroached and reclaimed it's territory. It was going to take some work to get the old place up to speed.

 The AFFS occupied a small portion of the once sprawling base. The AFFS had shifted to using the commercial Space Port for incoming Dropships. But Colonel Mitchell wanted to use the Fort's landing zone. But first they needed to get stuff cleaned up and checked out. It had been years since it was used. He did not like his Dropships being based away from the unit. Already his troops were starting the clearing of the Fort. Mechs with hands were helping uproot smaller tree's and carry them away. Techs were cleaning up the long unused maintenance bays. Other teams were clearing, cleaning quarters for the units personnel, the long unused ammo bunkers were being re-certified to store the units ammunition stocks.

 He had already contacted a civilian engineering firm to come out and certify the old landing fields. They would arrive tomorrow. Plus he had a couple VTOL's unloaded and tomorrow they would fly out to a few of those caches and see what remained in them, if anything of use. Already, in one of the bunkers, 1200 Mauser 960 rifles had been found still in their original shipping crates. But the Cavalry played fair and notified the AFFS of their find and was turning 600 of the rifles over to the AFFS forces. Colonel Mitchell was curious what else would be discovered. The base was once a Corps headquarters and had kept a huge amount of supplies and equipment on hand.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #115 on: 11 June 2017, 16:35:26 »
 18 May 2788 (Lexington)

 The Cavalry had settled into their new home for the next 2 years. The Fort's landing pads had been certified and the Cavalry's Dropships had made the move to the Fort from the civilian space port. 3/2 Mech Battalion was currently running field exercise's to both get used to working together and to get a feel for the terrain. Colonel Mitchell had shifted 14 Mechwarriors from both 1/2 and 2/2 Mech to help bring 3/2 up to speed and some of the newer members were spread out between 1/2 and 2/2 Mech.

 4 Chameleons purchased had arrived and were slotted into the Cavalry Support Battalion attached to the unit's headquarters company as a security force. Also purchased were enough tanks to bring the Armor Battalion to full strength. With a company of Alacorn, Von Luckner and Manticore's. The unit's mechanics were currently retro fitting the Von Luckners to Star League configuration. The units 8 Zypher Hover tanks were currently assigned to an independent recon Company with a VTOL scout lance.

 3rd and 4th Grunt infantry were conducting operations close to the Fort working with the newly assigned Panther company of the Infantry Support Company. In 2 weeks a Dropship carrying over 1000 tons of spare parts, ammo and armor was slated to arrive. A month from now, 8 newly purchased Aerospace Fighters would arrive bringing the Cavalry Aerospace Wing up to a full 20 Aerospace fighters. Capt Gonzalez was in orbit working out emergency jump destinations and taking detailed maps of some uninhabited star systems within 1 jump from Lexington, just in case. 2 Companies from Jump Infantry Battalion were also in orbit training with the Fleet's Marines on boarding actions. It was Colonel Mitchell's intent to transfer them to Marine duty aboard the 2 Intruder's and recruit 2 replacement Companies to fill Jump Infantry Battalion back out to full strength.

 Of the 2 AFFS Infantry Regiments on planet, only 2 Battalions were based with the Cavalry. The other units were spread out across the planet.

 Overall, Colonel Mitchell was pleased with the current situation. Chief Tech was tinkering with some new idea's he had, but so far had not asked for permission to conduct any. But mainly Chief focused on training up his newer techs on advanced technology the unit used. Several Astechs were finally given his blessing to become full techs and allowed greater access to working on some of the unit's Mechs, but under close supervision.

 Only one of the "hidden" supply caches had been found with anything useful and that contained 40 double heat sinks, 30 tons Ferro armor. But 1/2 was turned over to the AFFS since it was their planet. All the others were empty.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Clan Hells Horses 666th Mech. Assualt Cluster
Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #116 on: 11 June 2017, 16:43:54 »
That´s the one with all the fancy stealth stuff in it. Chameleon LPS and Null Signature System.

Oh I know, he said that anything with Spec was a mod.

So I ask again, what's so special about SPR-4F, that desrives a mod?


Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


  • Captain
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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #117 on: 11 June 2017, 20:27:17 »
 The 1/1 pilots in them...............LOL

 Not, one is a 3/2 and the other a 2/2 though. I have toyed with giving them an ER Large Laser though. Dang sure will not be able to Alpha strike though.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #118 on: 13 June 2017, 20:37:40 »
 25 Aug 2788 (Lexington)

 After 4 months on Lexington, Colonel Mitchell was extremely pleased with progress. All of the Cavalry's equipment was at 100%, spare parts, ammunition, and basic supplies were fully stocked. Replacement equipment had arrived, enough tanks to fully equip the Armor Battalion with a full company each of Von Luckners (upgraded to Star League), Alacorn and Manticore. The hover company of 8 Zypher were filled out with a VTOL lance as the Cavalry's independent scout force. 8 Corsair's had arrived to bring the Cavalry Aerospace Wing to a full 20 fighters. (all this was posted in a previous post)

 After several months of field exercises the newest troopers were fitting right in. Half of the Jump Infantry troops sent into orbit for Marine training were fully ready as Marines. The rest were very close to being ready. Almost a full company of green recruits had enlisted into the Cavalry and were undergoing training as Infantry by some of the Cavalry's most senior Infantry troops. But they had months to go before they were certified ready to take to the field in the line units. While training would not last near as long as it did for SLDF, it was as close to it as they could make it.

 Feelers had gone out to the various worlds where Mercenaries gathered that the Cavalry was recruiting ex-SLDF troops. It was Colonel Mitchell's intent to try and bring in some more seasoned Infantry trained troops. Quality recruits of any branch would not be turned away though. The Cavalry could always use experienced Mechwarriors, Aerospace pilots, Armor crew and support personnel.

 Capt Gonzalez was chomping at the bit to go into Combine occupied space and do some raiding, but Colonel Mitchell held him in check. But Colonel Mitchell did put feelers out to the Cavalry's AFFS Liaison officer about maybe launching a Battalion sized raid into Combine occupied space. But so far, no word had come authorizing such an action.



  • Captain
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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #119 on: 03 August 2017, 21:04:05 »
 Sorry for the long delay, I have not had time to do an update or really play with the unit due to work. 16 hour days does not leave much time to play. But here is a new update.

 1 January 2789 (Lexington)

 Almost a year had passed since the Cavalry had seen combat. The closest they had come to combat was in November when a Combine Jumpship arrived in system but had the bad timing to arrive right in the middle of a Davion naval squadron passing thru the system. Within 20 minutes the Combine Jumpship and the 2 Dropships being carried were scattered atoms.

 The new Cavalry Marine Battalion was fully manned and trained up. Capt Gonzalez had even convinced the Davion Naval commander to let his forces attempt boarding of one of the Davion warships. Seven boarding actions were staged across a week. The first was a disaster. The second was better, but no Marines made it aboard the warship. The third saw 1 company of Marines actually make the boarding, only to be defeated by the defenders. Only the sixth attempt actually saw the Cavalry Marines make it aboard the warship with enough forces to over power the defenders. The seventh was a repeat of the first attempt, a disaster. Capt Gonzalez knew any boarding attempt of an actual warship in combat would be a near suicide mission with little hope of success.

 The Cavalry Mech forces were fully trained up, fully combat ready. Once again they were a well trained, well equipped force to be reckoned with. They were aching to get back into some action.

 The Cavalry Infantry Regiment was at 100% strength.

 The Cavalry technical support was actually at 125% strength.

 Overall Colonel Mitchell had his hands full keeping the troops occupied. He organized and ran as many field problems as he could. Base attacks, base defense, movement to contact, fighting withdraws, even several emergency evacuations. Anything to keep the troops busy and their minds occupied. Live fire exercises consumed tons of ammunition, and some ammunition was becoming hard to find and what could be found was very expensive. The Cavalry logistics staff was constantly looking for the advanced ammo, armor and weapons the Cavalry used. Davion Quartermaster helped some, but even then, if the Cavalry requested 100 tons of, say, Swarm ammo, they were lucky to see 10 tons arrive. And even then it was 3X as expensive as it once was.

