Author Topic: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*  (Read 23862 times)


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Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« on: 15 March 2018, 19:34:56 »
Spartan SPT-N*

Rhonda's Irregulars, pg 31 (Scenario Pack)
Technical Readout: 3058, pgs 136-7
Technical Readout: 3058 upgrades, pgs 220-1

Following up on the SLDF Lancelot this slightly early Mech of the Week will focus on what is undeniably one of the rarest battlemechs of the entire universe, not to mention rarely used by players on tabletops worldwide. The Spartan is entirely a product of the Star League, and a very tangible vision of the approach favored by the SLDF. "When push comes to shove" sums up nicely the development cycle of the Spartan, as it is a reaction to the events of the time.

Rewind back to the halcyon days of the Star League, and its ignominious end. The Periphery tasked General Alexander Kerensky to no end, and had clearly demonstrated the limits of the SLDF's force projection. Matinson Armaments rose to the occasion, carrying the SPT project from the drawing board to manufacturing. However, in such uncertain times it is necessary to look at the big picture, and this is a picture of going with the familiar. Unrest in the Periphery left the SLDF with a need for something NOW; everything about the Spartan infers haste. Faced with a very immediate challenge Martinson Armaments responded with a somewhat cookie cutter approach, but as I hope to express in so many words this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The Spartan exemplifies the approach started by the Terran Hegemony with battlemechs such as the Orion and Thunderbolt, and is frequently described/derided as a 'Fast Battlemaster`.

Nuts & Bolts

   Every political entity that has battlemech technology tends to develop a certain style; specific solutions for specific problems. A corollary of this is the appearance of the battlemech. The Draconis Combine is well known to be all about PPCs and swords, Davion loves its autocannons, and so on, the Terran Hegemony designers had come to favor what can best be described as a walking egg. No anthropomorphic or animalistic robots here, only form following function. At eighty tons the mech is on the low end of the assault category, sharing the weight class with such illustrious designs such as the Victor, Thug, and the Awesome. Despite the weight, the mech has the soul of a high-end medium mech such as the Wolverine or Shadowhawk with its blend of speed and flexible weapon suite.
   Canon says that The SLDF generals issued the challenge for the Spartan as a response to the unrest in the Periphery. The design suggests a copy/paste approach to the design process, as well as availability. The chassis lacks many of the technological advances that had become common. Was this because of time constraints, or something else? In any case, the Spartan would have been a good choice for a succession war-era downgrade due to its familiar design and off-the-shelf components.

   The Spartan, as previously mentioned, is in many ways a retread of a tried and true model.The design suggests haste. Martinson Armaments didn't break any new ground, nor took any risks in answering the SLDF's call for a new battlemech. The chassis is standard, with the only extravegance being the engine. A massive Dantrus 400 extralight engine pushes the Spartan to 86 kph, nearly unheard of for an assault mech of the period. Today it is common, but in its day only the Charger could match it.
   Fourteen tons of armor protect The Spartan, making it one of the tougher mechs of the period. The armor is evenly distributed, so that every location can take multiple hits from PPCs or large bore autocannons; even the rear locations can resist anything short of a PPC. On top of this the Spartan mounts an AntiMissile system with two tons of ammunition. Despite a tendency to jam the AMS can often mean the difference between victory and destruction. The only drawback to the design is the lack of CASE in most models. Carrying four tons of unprotected ammunition all but guarantees a messy end; the high casualty rate of the Amaris Civil War attests to that. 


    The Spartan boasts a payload that is very similar to the famous Battlemaster: a single PPC backed by SRMs and medium lasers. In this case however, all of the weapons are enhanced. The PPC is the Kinslaughter model, that has extended range and special insulating cones. The lasers are pulse models, and the missiles are Streaks. Three medium Pulse Lasers and twin Streak-2 racks pack enough punch to knock a battlemech down, or rip open most vehicles. All in all, the Spartan is geared toward short ranged engagements, but with the ability to shoot its way in. The mix of short range missiles, PPC, and pulse lasers is flexible and above all quite accurate. The icing on the cake is the Target Acquisition Gear mounted in the left torso. The Spartan can spot for artillery, further increasing its value.
    Thirteen double strength heatsinks keeps the heat under control. While not enough for nonstop Alpha Strikes, such an all out attack only causes problems if the Streaks fire. Even in the modern age many mechs cannot make this claim. An interesting detail is that the Streak launchers each have their own ton of ammunition. The experience of the Reunification War still burned bright in the minds of the SLDF, and the Spartan is an example of this. Carrying a mix of primarily energy weapons and oversized ammunition bins the mech boasts enviable battlefield endurance. At least, as long as it takes no hits to those magazines.


   With the destruction of Martinson Armaments'manufacturing complex at the outset of the Amaris Coup the Spartan never had the chance for many variants. Even so, a few have made their appearance. The standard model, the SPT-N2, was preceded by the SPT-N1 model. The -N1 differed only by way of standard heatsinks. Double strength heatsinks are a necessity for a mech based primarily on energy weapons, and so the -N1 never saw service.
   Perhaps thinking along the same lines as most readers, the SPT-NF attempts to rectify the problem of vulnerable ammunition bins. Accounting for nearly a quarter of the total production, this variant removes the TAG in exchange for CASE in both torsos, which goes a long way in protecting the mechwarrior and preventing the total destruction of the mech. Everything in life is about tradeoffs, but this is a questionable tradeoff at best. The Target Acquisition Gear is one of the most valuable elements of the Spartan. Losing it reduces the mech to just another low end assault. Far better would have been to reduce the magazine of the AMS or Streak launchers. Although the Dantrus extralight engine is destroyed in an ammunition explosion, even with CASE, the -NF variant can reasonably claim to be a slight improvement defensively.
   Fast foward to the modern era and the SPT-N3. Both the ComGuards and the Word of Blake have modified a number of their Spartans to better fit in with their combat doctrines. Swapping the pulse lasers for Extended Range Medium Lasers and removing the AntiMissile System it adds C3i gear and incorporates three additional double heatsinks. Again, tradeoffs. The expanded heat dissipation can keep up with the extra thermal output, and the extra range of the lasers can and will make a difference. The C3i link, like the TAG, is a force multiplier that should not be underestimated. This variant lacks CASE, which is worrying on a mech that by definition wants to put itself in harm's way as much as possible. All in all, the -N3 model a decent modification even though it doesn't address the Spartan's weaknesses.
   Entering the SLDF's To&E just in time for the Amaris Coup, the Spartan began its carreer on the wrong foot; Martinson Armament's factory was destroyed by Rim Worlds Forces in the opening stages. About six hundred were manufactured, and of that total only a third survived the Civil War. Kerensky took fifty or so of them into exile, and ComStar saw nineteen survive Tukayyid. Outside of that, a handful have appeared in the hands of mercenary commands, most notably Rhonda's Irregulars.
   The original specifications for the Spartan were a response to the increasing unrest in the Periphery, and this is relected in the design. The mech is a generalist, equipped to deal with a wide range of opponents. The pulse lasers and Streaks are good for dealing with fast moving targets, and the PPC is all range threat. The Spartan is a good choice for independent operations, since it can stay in the field longer than most mechs of the period. The TAG  is invaluable for such missions: send the Spartan out as a roving hunter-killer, such as anti-insurgency strikes. Find the enemy, tag him, and watch the artillery rain down. A good choice for this type of mission is to pair the Spartan with the Padilla (the original SLDF model) for a highly mobile force.

Gee, this far without a single 300 reference? Not cool. How do you use the Spartan in practice? Like a Spartan

   The short range of most of the armament makes the Spartan a poor choice for cavalry operations- just the author's opinion, but cavalry units should not need to get right up in the enemy's face- but those same weapons make the mech well suited for slashing attacks. The speed and accuracy of the mech gives it a degree of control over the engagement, and the heavy armor allows it to survive such tactics ( or not, if the Amaris Uprising and Tukayyid are any indication ). Always pair the Spartan with Arrow IV units, don't let that TAG go to waste. The SLDF could pair the Spartan with other high-endurance, high mobility mechs such as the Flashman and Lancelot; this is probably the origin of the heavy cavalry tactics employed by several clans. The children of Kerensky took the SLDF's concept and ran with it, while the Inner Sphere reverted to a seige mentality during the succession wars.
   While on the surface it may appear that fighting a Spartan is similar to fighting a Battlemaster, the Spartan is the tougher opponent. Faster, and with more accurate weapons the mech could run down most mechs of its day and dictate the range and angle of the fight. Only in the modern age, post Operation Revival, do we see mechs able to meet the Spartan on even terms. The mech is somewhat undergunned by modern standards, but for the period it was a very capable weapon array. Tactics for facing Spartans hinge upon restricting its mobility and overwhelming firepower; once the armor is breached the mech quickly crumples. Be wary: both the SLDF and ComStar/Word of Blake are well versed in the use of Arrow IV artillery, so the Spartan should be a priority target. Box it in, and hammer it until it breaks.
Final thoughts

   By today's standards the Spartan doesn't impress many of the younger players, accustomed to MadCats, Executioners, and Falconers. But when viewed with its contemporaries of the SLDF the Spartan was an impressive machine. Even eschewing technologies that we now take for granted such as endo-steel and ferro-fibrous armor the assault mech delivers outstanding performance. It really was an early lesson in the impact of new technologies on battlemech design. And to be honest, it's just plain fun to use.

« Last Edit: 16 March 2018, 19:01:43 by lucho »
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2018, 08:45:17 »
I've always had a soft spot for the Sparty. The SPT-N3 has served as the point man for many of my C3i networks. While not flashy, it never disappoints either. With the change to the ammunition of the AMS, I was happy to see the 2 ton bomb replaced by the electronics. On the other hand the loss of the abilities to pack inferno's hurt.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2018, 08:54:23 »
Swapping one of the Medium Pulse lasers for a small pulse laser or a standard medium laser would allow you to install CASE on the base chassis. That's a big improvement right there.

August 24, 2020 update: re-reading the SPT-N2 sheet it looks like there's two tons of Streak ammo. Remove one and you get CASE in the side torsos without any weapon swaps.
« Last Edit: 24 August 2020, 09:24:18 by mbear »
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #3 on: 16 March 2018, 09:13:56 »
ahhh... the spartan. the star leagues answer to the charger. i never cared this mech like AT ALL. and 2 years ago i took a closer look at it in a boring hour. and suddenly regretted i never played it. i still havent. but it seems like a really good medium wheight scout lance leader and awesome infighter. along with 16 damage kicks. i would like to know how this one ages in the times of heavy gauss, reflective armor and transformers. anybody played it recently in a jihad or later era?


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2018, 10:42:27 »
I always had fond thoughts about the 5/8/X 80 tonner.s  And I do like the looks of it.

Colt Ward

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #5 on: 16 March 2018, 11:19:29 »
What is funny is that the N2's weapons load is sort of reflected in the Timberwolf A that everyone loves, taking into account some origin style differences and Clan tech weight differences.  Its really too bad we did not get a Gargoyle from someone like the Scorpions copying the Spartan.

With that said, I think I have seen it used once or twice in MM.  Its really too bad we were given such limitations for its use and it did not make a Blakist production come back.  Did the Irregular's Spartans even survive the FCCW?
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #6 on: 16 March 2018, 12:35:28 »
Rewind back to the halcyon days of the Star League, and its ignominius end...
This line hooked me like a bigeye off the Grand Banks. Bravo!

I think your analysis is right, it is a very well-armoured cavalry medium. Reframing it that way makes it a lot more palatable. I'll try to incorporate it next time I play a Jihad game.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #7 on: 16 March 2018, 21:06:41 »
Swapping one of the Medium Pulse lasers for a small pulse laser or a standard medium laser would allow you to install CASE on the base chassis. That's a big improvement right there.

Or just remove a single ton of AMS ammo for CASE. No need to reduce the firepower for it  :)
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #8 on: 16 March 2018, 21:23:11 »
i'm surprised there was never a version that yanked the AMS and and SRM for a pure energy weapon armament.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #9 on: 16 March 2018, 21:43:52 »
i'm surprised there was never a version that yanked the AMS and and SRM for a pure energy weapon armament.

The SLDF had the Flashman and Lancelot for that. The Terran Hegemony liked their mechs to sport a mix of BFG, medium lasers and missiles, such as the Orion, Thunderbolt, Guillotine, Warhammer, and Battlemaster. The Spartan adheres closely to that.
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Colt Ward

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #10 on: 16 March 2018, 21:52:07 »
Yeah, I was about to say then it would be a fatter Flashman.

I think the other way to take it might have been interesting- give it some LRMs along with either FF or ES, it has a lot of crits free.
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #11 on: 16 March 2018, 22:26:28 »
With that said, I think I have seen it used once or twice in MM.  Its really too bad we were given such limitations for its use and it did not make a Blakist production come back.  Did the Irregular's Spartans even survive the FCCW?


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #12 on: 17 March 2018, 04:33:46 »
Great write up, the Spartan is a pretty darn good machine, the N3 is the best of the lot though.  What makes it stand out is that speed, you don't expect that on an 80 ton Mech and that makes it dangerous.  it can zip around at Medium Mech speed and that's rare for an 80 tonner.  Hell i'd rather have one of these than a Gargoyle Prime.  Great write up for a sadly under-used Mech.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #13 on: 17 March 2018, 07:30:07 »
Thanks! I wish I had time for more writeups  :-\

I agree, the N3 variant is a solid pointman for C3i networks. I would argue that it's a bit oversinked, and I'll never understand why ComStar/Wob never upgraded the armor to ferro-fibrous, but that's nitpicking  ;)
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #14 on: 17 March 2018, 15:31:32 »
Use it like what it is: An overweight 55 tonner.   :thumbsup:
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #15 on: 17 March 2018, 22:52:10 »
Great right up!

Never used one myself, the looks of yet another walking trash pal (man, the Urbie fans should be all over the Spartan) and a Assault with a XL. The XL shouldn't be a deal breaker considering it will be sharing the ranks with the Berserker BRZ-A3 and keeping pace with mechs like the Falconer FLC-8R... but I prefer the Berserker BRZ-C3 and never feilded the Falconer ether.

The machine defiantly has Hero's mech written all over it for any inspiring writing looking for a unique ride for a protagonist that's not too over the top. No, I wasn't the first to come to this conclusion:

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #16 on: 18 March 2018, 07:46:46 »
That's some cool art  8)

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #17 on: 18 March 2018, 11:17:29 »
As far as I'm concerned, the Spartan commits the number one sin for over engined mechs that have passed the optimal mass for their movement curve - it doesn't mount more armour than could be mounted on a more efficient chassis weight.

Further, it wastes tonnage on two tons of ammo for both the streaks and the AMS (admittedly relics of bygone rule sets).  If one of those tons had gone into armour - giving it more than can be carried by a 75 tonner - then the other inefficiencies of the machine can be forgiven because it succeeds in coupling the best possible armour with a given movement curve.  If the other had gone into CASE then so much the better - although I'm less fussy about CASE on XL engined machines as I am on something were the explosion would be survivable.

So near, yet so far...

That said, I wouldn't go so far as to call the Spartan a bad machine - in fact it's quite potent and compares reasonably well with similar IS heavy cavalry machines like the Rakshasa or Maelstrom.  As a ComStar/WoB player, I find the C3i version particularly intriguing and could easily find myself using one as the point man for an assault weight Level II.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #18 on: 18 March 2018, 11:31:43 »
So how does the Spartan stack against the Flashman, anyway?
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #19 on: 18 March 2018, 11:43:18 »
Pretty sure the mech's origin was after the time when Streaks could not load Infernoes, so really its just a fluff bit.
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #20 on: 18 March 2018, 12:10:49 »
We got our first look at it in Rhonda's Irregulars back in 91. That's Battletech Compedium years when any unit carrying a 2 rack can pack them. Really made the Spartan a great quick response unit against breakthroughs by vehicles.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #21 on: 18 March 2018, 12:26:03 »
Ah, my mistake then . . . I saw it first in '58 with the other Star League releases.
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #22 on: 18 March 2018, 15:57:48 »
Pretty sure the mech's origin was after the time when Streaks could not load Infernoes, so really its just a fluff bit.

Streaks can carry Infernos now? THAT's a rule I missed somehow!

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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #23 on: 18 March 2018, 16:08:05 »
No, as stated before BMR Class 2 launchers were the only ones able to carry infernoes- so SRM2 or SSRM2.  It is why you see some old designs with a bunch of SRM2 launchers since they were intended to start fires- like the Cavalry (SRM) which has 4 SRM2s along with a SRM6 and wastes some tonnage.
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #24 on: 18 March 2018, 19:29:19 »
As far as I'm concerned, the Spartan commits the number one sin for over engined mechs that have passed the optimal mass for their movement curve - it doesn't mount more armour than could be mounted on a more efficient chassis weight.

Further, it wastes tonnage on two tons of ammo for both the streaks and the AMS (admittedly relics of bygone rule sets).  If one of those tons had gone into armour - giving it more than can be carried by a 75 tonner - then the other inefficiencies of the machine can be forgiven because it succeeds in coupling the best possible armour with a given movement curve.  If the other had gone into CASE then so much the better - although I'm less fussy about CASE on XL engined machines as I am on something were the explosion would be survivable.

So near, yet so far...

That said, I wouldn't go so far as to call the Spartan a bad machine - in fact it's quite potent and compares reasonably well with similar IS heavy cavalry machines like the Rakshasa or Maelstrom.  As a ComStar/WoB player, I find the C3i version particularly intriguing and could easily find myself using one as the point man for an assault weight Level II.

As a blood spirit collector I love staffing my units with ols school SLDF designs like this! I am hoping as the golden era is more flushed out we get more canon clan refits of this unit. Can any point me to a homebrew IIC version?


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #25 on: 18 March 2018, 22:32:45 »
So how does the Spartan stack against the Flashman, anyway?

Almost apples and oranges; almost but not quite. The Flashman was designed as a barrage unit, and the Spartan more of a generalist. The Spartan is tougher and more versatile
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #26 on: 18 March 2018, 22:45:12 »
How is the Spartan more durable?  Compared to the SL Flashman it has four times the ammo locations, both have XLs, the Spartan has just 8 points more armor and neither are crit-padded?

Though . . . why the Flashman did not get the Royal treatment I do not know . . . Golden Century?
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #27 on: 19 March 2018, 08:04:00 »
As a blood spirit collector I love staffing my units with ols school SLDF designs like this! I am hoping as the golden era is more flushed out we get more canon clan refits of this unit. Can any point me to a homebrew IIC version?

Homebrew variants really should go down in the Fan Designs/BattleMechs board.  That makes it easier for the authors and other CGL types to mix freely without potentially seeing fan designs.

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In fact, you might even try posting something to drum up a competition of sorts down there to see what people come up with.!


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #28 on: 19 March 2018, 08:12:08 »
Streaks can carry Infernos now? THAT's a rule I missed somehow!

Other way around. They USED to be able to. An odd rules quirk in the old day said that inferno ammo could only be loaded in two-packs of SRMs, but that included Streaks. The updated rule removed that stupid restriction so SRM=4 and 6 racks can carry them too (why WOULDN'T they?), but removed the ability for the Streak SRM-2 (and the later larger iterations) from using them. Nicely cleaned-up rule, there.

As for the Spartan... honestly, I should love this thing. I love fast heavies, and this is just a heavier fast heavy, right? But... man, everywhere I look I see problems. MPLs are accurate, but the range blows- standard mediums would be a huge improvement here, maybe a Black Hawk-style six pack around the wrist. The XL engine is a necessary evil- you can't make this thing work without it- but the lack of CASE is very worrying- the engine is popping either way if the ammo goes off, but the CASE-less body means the Mech is a total loss if that happens, and this thing is a HUGE investment. That sucks.

However, it's not all bad news. It's a great centerpiece of a fast-strike lance, particularly backed by Ost-weirdos or good mediums like Griffins. The AMS helps make it a little tougher, which is always nice. The ER PPC means that if you can't close in the way you probably want to, you likely outrange most Periphery opponents, so you can at least pick at them safely (and move quickly enough to either hold the range or bum-rush as you wish).

The real gem here though is the TAG. Ohhhhhhh yeaaaaaaahhhhh. Look, if you don't have Arrow IV units in your army, screw it, it's a waste of a ton, right? (We'll leave semi-guided LRMs out of this discussion since they don't come along until the Spartan is near-extinct). Well, so make sure you attach Spartans to Arrow-heavy forces. That TAG is a sweet trick to have- use it. The Spartan is far, far tougher than most TAG-carrying units of the day- so let it be the spotter that faces down the core of an enemy formation, guiding down the long bomb from afar and surviving the attacks with its tough hide and AMS long enough to crack a tough target. Its own weaponry can then finish the job, or cover its retreat. In this role of heavy spotter, it's honestly hard to think of a better unit in its day, and even in the later eras a surviving Spartan (rare as it is) is hard to not like in the role. Just don't get attached to it, because it's got almost Crusader-abilities to explode at the worst possible moment. ;)

(Side note- hey kids, ever try building a Spartans' basic loadout on a Black Hawk-KU? Just sayin', if you can't get the real deal, this is an option worth trying. The loss of toughness is made up for nicely by the jump jets, and you don't come up much short on the full loadout.)

One more thing. We made it that far in the article without a 300 reference, fine. We went the WHOLE article without this guy? For shame.  :thumbsup:

"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+


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Re: Mech of the Week: Spartan SPT-N*
« Reply #29 on: 22 March 2018, 10:11:31 »
          Fair points. The Spartan shows signs of being a rush job, as it largely lacks advanced construction materials. The -NF variant seems to acknowledge the problem of exposed ammo bins, but removing the TAG to do it...  :(

As far the MPLs and their short range: A great post-Jihad update would be to upgrade them to X-Pulse lasers. For the existing models, the mech's speed and armor allows you to get close enough. My only real gripe is that an 80 ton mech relies principally on only 3 MPLs and 2 SRM-2 Streak launchers as its main armament  :-\ Lose some of that generous ammunition and/or mount ferro-fibrous armor in order to add more MPLs or Streak launchers

How is the Spartan more durable?  Compared to the SL Flashman it has four times the ammo locations, both have XLs, the Spartan has just 8 points more armor and neither are crit-padded?

Though . . . why the Flashman did not get the Royal treatment I do not know . . . Golden Century?

Yes, I should have clarified. The Spartan is somewhat tougher than the Flashman due to a half ton more armor and a bit more internal structure. This is offset however, by more and exposed ammo bins.

If mechs such as the Crab and Flashman are any indication, the SLDF seemed to be on the verge of a major shift in its deployment doctrine. The Periphery uprising cut that short, however, and the SLDF fell back on the familiar doctrines, as seen in the Atlas and Spartan.

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