Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174781 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #150 on: 24 September 2018, 13:52:05 »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #151 on: 24 September 2018, 14:31:25 »
OK just a heads up, any units that are in the Shinrin Forest will not  be in play for the next mission so put on your thinking caps ladies and gentelman.

You have time to work on this soooooooo

And yes more to come  ::)

« Last Edit: 25 September 2018, 16:11:20 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #152 on: 24 September 2018, 16:26:58 »
Something Moved happened 67/12, recon near Leaf, Hand of the Goddess not present, dealing with avalanche in patrol area
Jack in the Box, the next mission happened soon, 67/12, after, recovery mission still near Leaf, Hand of the Goddess forces present Griffin, Warrior, Karnov alpha, IS BA laser C and D
What does 67/12 mean?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #153 on: 24 September 2018, 16:59:57 »
What does 67/12 mean?
3067 12th month


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #154 on: 24 September 2018, 18:13:36 »
Out in the Eastern Desert
Riku is watching the screens when he large EM reading on his secondary monitor. “WHAT THE?!”
“Hay what is going on back there?” asks Reo from the driver’s seat.
“I have a major EM reading in quadrant 3” Riku informs Reo.
“What kind of EM reading.” Asks Touma from his weapons console.
“One that has the needle pegged to max.”  Riku answers back.
“OK all of you calm down. Riku feed your readings to my station.” Niko tells Riku from her command station.
“Tawagoto that is a lot of EM moving south east. Riku give me a plot of what that might run into.” Niko looking at her screen.
“Well if it does not change course it will hit the Camp Haken in a couple days.” Riku informs Niko.
“Anything along that path?” She asks.
“OH BAKA, yes the Mushashi estate is before the Merc Camp!” Riku stares at his maps.
“Keep an eye on the EM track Riku.” Niko switches over to her comms station.
“Maijkkubokkusu to Firebird. Come in Firebird.” Niko watches the EM reading as it keeps moving south.
“Maijkkubokkusu to Firebird. Come in Firebird.” Niko switches channels. “Reo get this thing moving and find us some hi-ground so I can get a better signal.”
“Yes mam!”
“Just one more reason I hate recon patrols in the area.” Niko states more to herself then anyone.
“Maijkkubokkusu to Firebird. Come in Firebird.” She tries once more
“Niko I just lost the feed. Something must have happened on the other end as all my gear is working.” Riku states as all he now has is static.
“OK people we have to get this info to Firebird so keep your eyes open.” She informs her crew.
“Maijkkubokkusu to Firebird. Come in Firebird.” Once more she hits the com button.
“Control to Maijkkubokkusu we read you.”
“CONTROL GET FIREBIRD ASAP!” She barks over the line.
In the central control center.
“Were is Firebird I have Maijkkbokkusu on the line and she is demanding to speak with him now.”
“He’s at the Drop Port.”
“Then get the Drop Port to get him on the line now. Niko does not rattle easy and she does make demands like this.”
Over at the Drop Port
“Sha-so I am glad that you will be personally leading your unit on this mission.”
A young man running with a sat-phone and half out of breath interrupts the two men talking.
“Sir we have Maijkkuokkusu on the line. She need to speak with you ASAP.”
“Sha-so please forgive me. I know you will want to get back to your unit.”
The officer turns and heads to the DropShip that just brought him to this world.
“Go-cho can I have that phone.”
“OH Yes sir.” He hands over the phone.
“Firebird to Maijkkukkusu go”
“Firebird we have a large EM track heading to The Dragons Clutch. Over’
“Roger that. ETA? Over”
“At present speed one day. Over”
“Roger that ETA one day. Any idea on what it maybe. Over”
“If I had to bet about a company of Kokuryu-kai, maybe more. Over”
“Understood. Get you team to a safe spot and try to keep an eye on them. Over”
“Roger that Firebird. We have lost one toy already, do you want us to send another? Over”
“Roger one toy broken. Yes use one more to track but only one. Keep the others out to watch your six. Over”
“Copy that Firebird. One to watch, the others watch our six. Out”
Jack hands the sat-phone back to the young man. He then heads to the Drop Port control center.
“Get my wife on the line now.”

“Firebird to all commands you are now on code red. I say again code red. Orders to follow.”

OK crew it is now on  >:D

Euron Greyjoy is writing out a priority HPG message when he receives the call from Jack.

"Yes, sir?  Yes....ugh!  Understood, sir.  We're on our way!"
(into intercom): "Master Sergeant Saltcliffe, scramble all available units.  Find Stygg and Dagmer and get "Cleftjaw" and "Squire" underway.  I'm on my way to "Crow's Eye" now."
Oleg Saltcliffe: "What's the sitrep, sir?"
Greyjoy: "The Saganami estate is under attack and we'll be next on the menu unless we stop the BlackDracs in their tracks.  So, we're going to help the Dragon's Clutch."
Saltcliffe: "What about the other commands, sir?"
Greyjoy: "Contact them immediately, but we're the closest to the Saganami castle, so we're going to get the jump on this while we can.  Tell Julia she can use "Bad Sister" as well.
Saltcliffe: "Bad Sister?"
Greyjoy: (sighs) "It's what she calls our Falcon Hawk.  Order the Blizzard, Goblin Bravo and Badger Bravo to accompany "Crow's Eye", "Cleftjaw", "Squire"  and Regulators Alpha and Bravo to the Saganami estate.  "Bad Sister", your Zhukov, our Po and the remaining Goblins will defend the base."
Saltcliffe: "Isn't that a bit overkill, sir?  Plus, we'd be leaving our base a bit bare."
Greyjoy: "If we stop them there, the base should be safe. Also the 3 infantry transports will be to evacuate the personnel to Haken just in case.  There's an estimate of a company of enemies heading there now, so we're the first response until the others arrive.  Backing up the estate forces with what I intend to bring should place the odds squarely in our favor.  Besides, our enemies have had the advantage of terrain, surprise and always escape while taking only minimal damage.  This time, I want to crush at least one of them completely before they can slither off again. It may seem like overkill, but I want to get the drop on them for once."
Saltcliffe: "I see your point, sir."
Greyjoy: "Good.  Now, get everybody ready to move out, Master Sergeant.  We're going BlackDrac hunting."
Saltcliffe: "Yes, sir."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #155 on: 24 September 2018, 21:07:43 »
kiah shut down her mech and climbed out after returning from patrol. She was heading toward her command building when the alert siren sounds, she enters the nearest building punches her code in  as soon as the line is picked up
"report" kiah says
"just got com from Jack we are code red"
"dragon's clutch"
"ill be in command immediately have all shifts of security man defenses scramble all available and recall long patrols back to base."
kiah slams the phone down, and enters the controlled scramble of her base coming to full alert, as she jogs toward her command building she is pleased that the drills she has been running has made her people respond so smoothly to this alert.

as she entered command her exec hands her portable com and e pad to her she puts the set on and calls for reports of ready status up on her tablet
she scans the reports and projections that roll over her screen
"inform Greyjoy and the other commands of our projected eta and get thier's and be sure that Jack is informed as well"
"who do you think it is?"
kiah looked up at carl "i think that who it is matters very little the only thing i am wondering is where the other factions that are on this planet may attack while we are all responding in force to this threat."
"there is that"
"nothing we can do about it.." kiah walks to the com panel and sends a private band message to bully

[don't take unnecessary chances my love, give grandmother my affection and know that i am on my way]

she hits send they turns back to the job


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #156 on: 24 September 2018, 21:23:25 »
Aboard "Crow's Eye", Euron is powering up his 'Mech.

Oleg Saltcliffe: "I've sent the message to the other commands, sir.  By the way, what do you want to do about the two crews we "inherited" from Caesar?"
Greyjoy: "Did Harald install the kill-switches in their machines?"
Saltcliffe: "Yes, sir."
Greyjoy: "Good, send them out to defend the base.  You and Julia will have control of the remotes.  If they get out of line, shut 'em down."
Saltcliffe: "Yes, sir.  Anything else?"
Greyjoy: "Put me on the line with Bully and Madam Saganami.  Tell them we're on the way to reinforce them."
Saltcliffe: "Yes, sir."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #157 on: 25 September 2018, 00:59:26 »

This is Col. Greyjoy of the Ironborn.  Saganami-sama, my forces are on the way to support you.  I have 3 'Mechs, 2 Tanks and 3 Infantry Transports coming to reinforce your position which will arrive as fast as we can.  This is a larger force then I usually deploy, but I am looking to, in conjunction with your own household forces, overwhelm and annihilate your attackers.  The other commands are also responding, but we will arrive first.  We are making the survival of you and your family our primary concern.  The Kokuryu-kai will not commit another atrocity against your bloodline.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #158 on: 25 September 2018, 01:10:17 »

This is Col. Greyjoy to Kiah's Hammers, Hands of the Goddess, Eagle's Tears and Arkad.  A company-sized force is approaching the Saganami estate.  Preliminary reports indentify them as the Kokuryu-kai.  As the closest command to the estate, I have taken "Crow's Eye" alongside my 2 Hammers, "Cleftjaw" and "Squire" as well as my 2 Regulators, my Blizzard, a Badger with my IS Standard battle armor and one of my Goblin tanks to hopefully overwhelm the enemy there with the help of Bully and the household troops.  I am requesting additional forces from your commands to crush these snakes who call themselves dragons once and for all.  I know my force is oversized compared to other missions, but I want the odds to be solidly in our favor.  Don't worry, Kiah, I'll make sure your new husband doesn't get murdered along the way.  We'll hold down the fort until your arrival.  Greyjoy out.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #159 on: 25 September 2018, 03:11:00 »
“Firebird to all commands standby for orders”
“All Ichizoku forces are to take up their defensive duties.”
“All Nejiro militia units are to report to their garrison posts.”
“All Police, fire service and rescue personal are to report to their station houses.”
“All commands will keep security in place at all installations.”
Switching to the GSF comms
 “All GSF units are to ready a combat force that will ready to move out in three hours.”
“This force will have a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) combat units.”
“The force makeup will be up to the unit commander.”
“This force will be transported to a location to engage what looks to be a Kokuryu-kai assault force.”
“We are going by incomplete intel, but our best guess on enemy force size is one (1) company of combat equipment.”
“Our recon unit has lost contact with this force. Going by its last course and speed it should arrive at the Mushashi estate in 22 hours.”
“Our plan is to intercept them about 12 hours out from the Mushashi estate in the Eastern Desert at a place of our choice.”
“Transport assets are inbound to all GSF bases. They will get to the interception location so you can setup.”
“We will be rolling comms so that others cannot take advantage of this event.”
“If things do not go well our fall back points are the Mushashi estate, then the city of Hilo.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #160 on: 25 September 2018, 03:11:42 »
“Sho-sho to what do I owe the honor?” Nicolas Corado looks at his personal comm.
“I have it on good authority you have in your inventory a couple of items that would be of use to the Dagon’s defense.”
“I have many items that can fit that deception Sho-sha.”
“Look to your data pad. You will see what the Dragons needs are.”
Looking at his data pad. “Yes I do have these items, but they are not on my ship.”
“I was informed of this. The Dragon understands that to get these items to the place need and in a timely fashion will offer challenges to you. The Dragon will see you are properly compensated for your help in this matter.”
“Sho-sho you honor me more then I deserve. I will see to it that this is handled to your needs.”
“As always Mr. Corado you honor us with your service.”

Walking on to the bridge Nicolas moves over to the skipper. “I need the locations of the Storm Hammer and Lightning Rod.”
“Yes Sir.” The skipper walks over to his nav officer. “Were are the Hammer and Rod.”
“The Rod is in the Nowhare system and the Hammer is in the Farstar system sir.”
“Sir?” As the skipper looks back to Mr. Corado who is typing in his data pad.
“Send these messages to them both alpha priority and scrambled to them both.” Nicolas hands the pad to the comms officer.
In the Farstar system the skipper of the Storm Hammer looks over the message that has just come in from ComStar.
“The Boss wants us to wait here for the Lightning Rod for a cargo transfer. Then we are to go to Nejiro System.”
The engineer looks to the skipper. “How long do we stay here?”
“Going by the time stamps the Rod should be here in a couple weeks. Why?”
“If we are going to stick around then I can do some of the upgrades on the electrical system that has been on hold.”
“That is a good idea. Have you team start right away.”
“I wonder what is so importin about the cargo the Rod has?”
“Hay if the boss is paying us to stay put of a couple weeks then I’m all for it.”
“You are right. I will offer the rest of the crew a week liberty while you get that electrical work done. But the cargo crew will have to get this item into the main hold.”
“That will work out well. Less people to get in our way.”

In the Nowhare system the skipper of the Lightning Rod reads his message.
“OK everyone we have new orders from the boss. We are to pull these items out of the lower hold and get the ready for transfer to the Hammer. We will meet up with the Hammer in the Farstar system in a couple weeks.”
“Skipper that pulls us way off our normal run.”
“Yes, but when the man that signs your pay check tells you to go to Farstar you go to Farstar.”
“Sir what items do I have to get out of the lower hold?”
The skipper goes over to his cargo master. “These item numbers.”
“OK but they have been on board for some time. I know it will be a pain to get them moved.”
“Look mister the boss wants the ready to go when we get to Farstar so jump to it.”

On the Lightning Rod as she is getting ready to jump out of system.
“JumpShip Lightning Rod, hold your jump. DCA command has an inspection team inbound to your location.”
“Great what do they want now? They just gave us the OK to jump and now they are holding us. Dracs.”

“Captain, may I come aboard?”
“Ove course Tai-i.”
“I am sorry to delay you departure but it was necessary.”
“OK Tai-i but why? “
“I have some cargo that you must take with you. It needs to get to Nejiro and you will be in the area that a different JumpShip that is heading to Nejiro will be in.”
“OK. Have your cargo moved into the number one hold.”
“Thank You Captain.” Over his wrist comm the Tai-i orders the cargo transferred. “We will do our best to not delay you too long.”
“Thank you Tai-i.”
“Captain will you see to it that this letter also makes it to Nejiro with the cargo.”
“No problem.” The letter is addressed to Nicolas Corado. “I will be with the cargo.”

“Captain we are done may your journey be swift and without problems.” The Tai-i bows and takes he crew back to his DropShip.
“This trip will have more going on then I want to know. Cargo master just how much extra cargo did they add?”
“Skipper the number one hold now has an extra 600 tons.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #161 on: 25 September 2018, 15:58:28 »
OK just a heads up, any units that are inthe Shinrin Forest will ne be in play for the next mission so put on your thinking caps ladies and gentelman.
Autocorrect is often not your friend.  Does this mean that the forces on the last mission may not attend this one?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #162 on: 25 September 2018, 16:01:34 »
It turns out that the Karnov that was shot down was not bad luck.  The other one was shot down.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #163 on: 25 September 2018, 16:13:28 »
Autocorrect is often not your friend.  Does this mean that the forces on the last mission may not attend this one?

OK fixed.

No units form the last mission can be used in this mission.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #164 on: 25 September 2018, 17:20:07 »
En route to the Saganami Estate, the Ironborn task force receives the message from Firebird.

Stygg Blacktyde (aboard "Squire"): "Maximum of 6 units, huh?  Colonel, what do you intend to do about this?  We're 2 units over the max."
Euron Greyjoy (aboard "Crow's Eye"): "Well, we're not going back, Lieutenant.  We'll most likely beat the BlackDracs to the Saganami estate regardless.  Once we get there, I'll call up Kiah and Jack and sort this out.  Until then, we keep up the march.  Understood."
Blacktyde: "Yes, sir."

Out Of Game: Anthony, how soon can we make it to the Saganami estate and by how much are we beating the BlackDracs there by?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #165 on: 25 September 2018, 19:14:38 »

Out Of Game: Anthony, how soon can we make it to the Saganami estate and by how much are we beating the BlackDracs there by?

You are going to the Mushashi estate (10 hours)

Saganami estate (the castle) (6 days)

Mushashi is about 10 hours out going by your slowest units walking speed. Why transport has been sent.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #166 on: 25 September 2018, 21:26:40 »
Sorry, Musashi Estate.  I got the names mixed up.  Please adjust all the times I said Saganami to read Musashi.  Now I feel stupid.   xp


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #167 on: 25 September 2018, 21:30:21 »
In any case, the transport will find us by all the dust my troops are kicking up.  I guess they can pick us up en route since the Ironborn jumped the gun.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #168 on: 25 September 2018, 21:32:47 »
Sorry, Musashi Estate.  I got the names mixed up.  Please adjust all the times I said Saganami to read Musashi.  Now I feel stupid.   xp

Not stupid ... Over zealous that is all  :thumbsup:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #169 on: 25 September 2018, 21:45:57 »
In any case, the transport will find us by all the dust my troops are kicking up.  I guess they can pick us up en route since the Ironborn jumped the gun.

Transport was on its way before you got to far off base. They will have you at the Mushashi estate in a hour and a half. It helps being close.
The reason for the 12 hour out intercept point is to get all commands to that point together so you can hit them in force.

Units will arrive in this order
Eagle's Tears
Arkrad Harib
Hands of the Goddess
Kiah's Hammers

Maybe John's friend  (Maine) and/or for people that want to sit in.
« Last Edit: 26 September 2018, 16:13:06 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #170 on: 25 September 2018, 22:50:49 »
okay so my force will get there at turn 4??

kiah calls up maps of the area for review by her force as they are inbound

kiah to all commands Col. Greyjoy, Hands of the Goddess, Eagle's Tears and Arkad. I am coming as fast as my transport can get me there to join the party with my wolverine, archer, great wyrm, morningstar, pegasus and striker, since my ETA will be after most of you get there i do not  plan to take command of the field when i arrive as to do so might disrupt our forces and needed responses to the aggressors so the field is yours Col. Greyjoy, please keep me informed as to best place to deploy so in flight adjustments to inbound flight path can be made...i am in total agreement it is time to crush these creatures.

[private transmission to Greyjoy... my compliments and gratitude to your fast and assertive response to this threat. what ever the outcome i stand indebted to you. may your sights be clear and your aim true this day and may our enemies fall and be crushed under our boots.... kiah out]


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #171 on: 26 September 2018, 15:42:57 »
Transport was on its way before you got to far off base. They will have you at the Mushashi estate in a hour and a half. It helps being close.
The reason for the 12 hour out intercept point is to get all commands to that point together so you can hit them in force.

Units will arrive in this order
Eagle's Tears
Arkrad Harib
Kiah's Hammers

Maybe John's friend  (Maine) and/or for people that want to sit in.
Is my unit not invited?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #172 on: 26 September 2018, 16:09:34 »
Is my unit not invited?

Thought your crew had that big party going on in the mountains  ;D

Ya guys got an invite. Just missed you on that list.

All fixed.
« Last Edit: 26 September 2018, 16:16:11 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #173 on: 26 September 2018, 16:18:13 »
We'll host the post-battle party, for the survivors at least. :thumbsup:
I'm still thinking of which forces I will commit to the battle.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #174 on: 26 September 2018, 20:39:42 »
I realize this is almost 3 weeks out BUTTTTTTTTTTT  last fight at this location was 3d terrain.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #175 on: 26 September 2018, 21:05:28 »
I realize this is almost 3 weeks out BUTTTTTTTTTTT  last fight at this location was 3d terrain.

No sir. This is set to be an arid site. We are looking to keep this fight away from the estate number 1 and if you too are thinking of a battle around a castle you are wrong.

Just to make it very clear the estate belongs to the Mushashi family (Grandmother) not the Saganami family.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #176 on: 27 September 2018, 01:38:58 »
Transport was on its way before you got to far off base. They will have you at the Mushashi estate in a hour and a half. It helps being close.
The reason for the 12 hour out intercept point is to get all commands to that point together so you can hit them in force.

Ironborn units still inbound to the Musashi Compound

Stygg Blacktyde (aboard "Squire"):  I've got our transports on radar, they'll be here in about 10 minutes."
Euron Greyjoy (aboard "Crow's Eye"): Excellent.  All units halt!"

The Ironborn task force slows to stop.

Greyjoy: "Alright, take five and prepare to mount up once the transports arrive.. In the meantime, I've decided how we're going to deal with our force being "oversized".  Sergeant Kwan."
Ho Sang Kwan (aboard the Blizzard Transport):  "Yes, Colonel?"
Greyjoy:  "Once we reach the Musashi Compound, Platoon Alpha and your vehicle will remain there and back up Bully's troops.  You can use the extra space in the Blizzard to assist in evacuating the premises should it come to that."
Kwan: "Very good, Colonel."
Greyjoy:  "Next, Sergeant Tereshskaya."
Anya Tereshskaya (aboard Goblin Bravo):  "Yes, sir?"
Greyjoy:  "Your tank and Platoon Bravo will also remain at the Musashi estate and help with the defense.  It's time to put your training with the Governor's marines to the test and see what you've learned."
Tereshskaya:  "Understood.  I won't let you down, Colonel."
Greyjoy:  "See that you don't, Sergeant."
Dagmer Harlaw (aboard "Cleftjaw"):  "I hope the transports have enough room for all of us."
Greyjoy:  "I told them what we have out here, Dagmer.  If they don't, I'm going to have to have a talk with Jack.  Now, cut the chatter.  We still have a job to do."
Harlaw: "Yes, sir."
Greyjoy:  "Right, let's go stomp some snakes.  What is dead may never die..."
All others in unison: "...but rises again, harder and stronger!"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #177 on: 27 September 2018, 02:49:38 »
No sir. This is set to be an arid site. We are looking to keep this fight away from the estate number 1 and if you too are thinking of a battle around a castle you are wrong.

Just to make it very clear the estate belongs to the Mushashi family (Grandmother) not the Saganami family.

there are desert maps released long ago, it's a shame you don't have any mapmaster maps, see attachments
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #178 on: 27 September 2018, 12:49:28 »
                                     SECURE SAGANAMI ICHIZOKU COMMUNICATION


Obaasan, I am sending six NPO Peacekeeper's, three from Hilo (ETA 20 minutes) under the command of VIPSS Inspector Masato Suzuki, and three from Baja (ETA thirty minutes) under the command of VIPSS Inspector Reika Sato, each trio will evacuate up to 30 noncoms and civilians to the Hilo NPO Bunker.

« Last Edit: 20 January 2019, 21:00:20 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #179 on: 27 September 2018, 15:43:03 »
"Poseidon to Lothlorien.  Respond."
"Lothlorien copies Poseidon."
"Task force returning from Yeti fight.  Harpy Alpha crashed and burned by magic poo flingers.  The chimps made it out.  Small herd of unicorns are inbound to Rivendell, but we will not be able to intercept.  Dispatch Athena, Aphrodite, Cereberus, Harpy Gamma, Black rain, and Aladdin Alpha.  We'll be hosting the after-party.  Over."
"Roger that.  Should we bring fairy dust for gremlins?  Over."
"Why not.  Over and out."

I expect to bring my Hussar, Piranha, Alacorn, Cavalry with BA, Pegasus, and Maxim Alpha.

