Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174737 times)


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #720 on: 23 September 2019, 21:17:07 »
We can do this here, in the forum, or when I come down in October.  Your option

My vote is here


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #721 on: 23 September 2019, 22:29:12 »
you don't get one
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #722 on: 23 September 2019, 23:15:42 »
We should do it when everyone is there in person (assuming Chris can show up too).  I just don't want to see your men get killed.  If Chris can't make it, then we do it on the forum, where everyone involved can respond.



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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #723 on: 24 September 2019, 02:28:31 »
          Since I know quite a few of the bigger issues Chris'  dealing with at home(besides being married to Anthony :D, forums are best.
We should do it when everyone is there in person (assuming Chris can show up too).  I just don't want to see your men get killed.  If Chris can't make it, then we do it on the forum, where everyone involved can respond.

Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #724 on: 24 September 2019, 17:09:32 »
OK, we'll do it here.  Devondra, since Euron is going to Kiah as well as the Arkab's commander, you need to be in on this conversation.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #725 on: 25 September 2019, 06:42:48 »
Kiah left the hydroponics greenhouse and bit into the apple that was the first harvest from the fruit trees they had planted the  sweet juices if the apple turned sour in her mouth as she turned to the shouts of her people and followed the direction they were pointing with her eyes.

Kiah swallowed hard and het the comlink over her ear. "petra get on the horn to hq im  looking at a reactor plume(kiah gives the cordernets) find out what the hell is going on i believe that is the direction of the call for assist at the rest stop"

"was just about to call you Jarnel seems one of the hostiles mechs went up alot of chatter going on the coms."

kiah's people made a hole on the crowed as there commander started some very colorful cursing in Norse and German.

"i want battle reports yesterday and i get Euron for me i need to know if medical assist is needed and which of our people was neer that thing when it went up."

"actualy Euron is sending a priority transmission with battle reports now as is holding for you on line 4"

"rodger almost to command now get secure base till we know more"

Kiah went into her office called up the battle reports and hit the com for Euron's call

"I am watching the footage and reviewing your  recommendations now and i totally agree the Arkab's do seem to be risk takers and reckless and a sit down is defiantly in order. please set it up and inform Jack of the local in case he wishes to join. if we are expected to work with this group we need to all get on the same page on procedures and tactics, just when we were all starting to form a good group this contingent comes along." with a sigh Kiah sat back in her chair "we need to find out there combat record if this is there mode of operation it may be a problem, as to our men what is there condition? i will dispatch my medic vac to get any needed personnel to hospital if needed"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #726 on: 25 September 2019, 17:33:30 »
Kiah left the hydroponics greenhouse and bit into the apple that was the first harvest from the fruit trees they had planted the  sweet juices if the apple turned sour in her mouth as she turned to the shouts of her people and followed the direction they were pointing with her eyes.

Kiah swallowed hard and het the comlink over her ear. "petra get on the horn to hq im  looking at a reactor plume(kiah gives the cordernets) find out what the hell is going on i believe that is the direction of the call for assist at the rest stop"

"was just about to call you Jarnel seems one of the hostiles mechs went up alot of chatter going on the coms."

kiah's people made a hole on the crowed as there commander started some very colorful cursing in Norse and German.

"i want battle reports yesterday and i get Euron for me i need to know if medical assist is needed and which of our people was neer that thing when it went up."

"actualy Euron is sending a priority transmission with battle reports now as is holding for you on line 4"

"rodger almost to command now get secure base till we know more"

Kiah went into her office called up the battle reports and hit the com for Euron's call

"I am watching the footage and reviewing your  recommendations now and i totally agree the Arkab's do seem to be risk takers and reckless and a sit down is defiantly in order. please set it up and inform Jack of the local in case he wishes to join. if we are expected to work with this group we need to all get on the same page on procedures and tactics, just when we were all starting to form a good group this contingent comes along." with a sigh Kiah sat back in her chair "we need to find out there combat record if this is there mode of operation it may be a problem, as to our men what is there condition? i will dispatch my medic vac to get any needed personnel to hospital if needed"

"In the meantime,"  Euron adds, "Warrent Officer Goodbrother is making calls to Metalstorm and the other arms merchants on-world to find out if any of them sold the 'Mechs involved in the attack to the Black Dragon sympathizers who carried it out.  And if one of them did, we're going to try and find out who bought them so we actually have a place where we can focus our attention on.

No one from our forces was hurt in the explosion as Capt. Botley called a general retreat when the enemy Chameleon went critical.  Also, thankfully, no civilians were harmed either.

As for the meeting, I'll set it up as soon as I can get hold of the Arkab Harid's commander.  I'll keep you posted.  Greyjoy out."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #727 on: 26 September 2019, 11:42:03 »
“Mr. Nakatomi a Colonel Grayjoy left a message that he is setting up a meeting about the last mission and you may want to be on hand.”
Looking at the new receptionist “Jack will do. Mr. Natatomi is my father.” He gives her a smile. “Inform Colonel Grayjoy I will be at that meeting.”
He pulls out his phone and hit auto-dial. “Cho-sa Westfield I am going to Hilo and you just might want to join me.”
On the other end “This is about what just happened?”
“That is correct. I will inform you when I touch down.”
Jack turns back and heads to his wife’s office.
“Joy is my wife in and is she free?”
Joy looks at her screen “She is finishing a call with Isao Nakazawa and has Kazimir Zakharovich holding on the other line.”
“That is OK I will wait. Just let her know I am here.”


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #728 on: 30 September 2019, 12:36:37 »
OK people with the NE crew dropping down for the next mission it will be a 3D game ... no maps.

You the GSF and attached units will be defending a pair of bridges.
You forces will be
1 Mech
1 Armored
1 Infantry
1 Choice
Any units in the field from the last 2 missions are still out in the field so they can not be used. Yes the units from the Hand of the Goddess and Winters Dream are in the field.

work out what you are fielding this will be a good one  >:D


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #729 on: 30 September 2019, 13:50:36 »
Why are we defending the bridge? Why is it tactically/strategically important?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #730 on: 30 September 2019, 15:06:56 »
Why are we defending the bridge? Why is it tactically/strategically important?

Lets see a small nuke going off at the rest stop last mission shutting down the roads in that area. The bridges you are now defending are the only open roads is the area. People need the goods that travel over these now only open roads.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #731 on: 30 September 2019, 18:51:59 »
     I have gathered the combat reports from my unit that deployed to the rest area. I find the reports very worrisome. The mercenaries in support of the house troops failed to be effective in the covering of the DCMS troops, causing them undue losses. They even failed to keep pace with my troops, and I know what they fielded could out pace and out maneuver Hamler's Hunchback And Heckler's Rommel. Yet they never ventured near the battle. If they had actually Joined in, we could've handedly defeated our opponents. They may have been in breach of their contract. I suggest you should look into it with the Merc liaison and GSF officers.
    Failing to perform contracted duties to the best of it's abilities
    Displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy
    Willfully disregarding contractual obligations
    Misrepresenting it's qualifications or assets
  All can be a breach of contract.......

   Now I think there might be something fishy going on at the "clean up". I mean it seems awefully odd that the attack gets call off as soon as the Chameleon overheats and cooks off it's MG ammo bins. Like it was a prearranged signal..... In all of my time in the Guard I have never heard of fallout from an engine blowing up. Also fishy cover story...  I found this.
                                                                                         Adept Allen

An exert Taken from the Comstar Archives on Sarna on fusion reactors.....
   Fusion engines usually will only shut down if damaged or if heat is uncontrolled. Unlike popular belief, there is absolutely no risk of a fusion engine accidentally becoming a nuclear weapon. [17] There have been a number of cases of fusion engines being "over revved" and exploding with devastating force, but this is more akin to a boiler explosion than a true nuclear explosion. More often a destroyed engine will be punctured by weapons fire. Because the plasma is held in a vacuum chamber (to isolate the superheated plasma from the cold walls of the reactor; contact with the walls would super-chill the plasma below fusion temperatures), a punctured reactor can suck in air where the air is superheated. Normal thermal expansion of the air causes the air to burst out in a brilliant lightshow often mistaken for a "nuclear explosion". This thermal expansion damages anything within 90 meters of the destroyed 'Mech.

Such dramatic failures are rare, though. It is difficult to sustain the fusion reaction and very easy to shut down. Safety systems or damage to containment coils will almost always shut down the engine before such an explosion occurs. The massive shielding of the engine (in the case of standard fusion engines, this is a tungsten carbide shell that accounts for over 2/3 of the weight of the engine) usually buys the safety systems the milliseconds needed to shutdown the engine when severe damage is inflicted.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #732 on: 30 September 2019, 20:42:10 »
Be advised that the reason that my troops were hanging out on the outskirts of the battle was because I was home sick with a fever. I suppose that I could have attended the game, but I would have infected the other players.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #733 on: 01 October 2019, 01:01:49 »
     I have gathered the combat reports from my unit that deployed to the rest area. I find the reports very worrisome. The mercenaries in support of the house troops failed to be effective in the covering of the DCMS troops, causing them undue losses. They even failed to keep pace with my troops, and I know what they fielded could out pace and out maneuver Hamler's Hunchback And Heckler's Rommel. Yet they never ventured near the battle. If they had actually Joined in, we could've handedly defeated our opponents. They may have been in breach of their contract. I suggest you should look into it with the Merc liaison and GSF officers.
    Failing to perform contracted duties to the best of it's abilities
    Displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy
    Willfully disregarding contractual obligations
    Misrepresenting it's qualifications or assets
  All can be a breach of contract.......

   Now I think there might be something fishy going on at the "clean up". I mean it seems awefully odd that the attack gets call off as soon as the Chameleon overheats and cooks off it's MG ammo bins. Like it was a prearranged signal..... In all of my time in the Guard I have never heard of fallout from an engine blowing up. Also fishy cover story...  I found this.
                                                                                         Adept Allen

Adept Allen
   I will bring up your concerns to the Governor next time I speak with her.
                     Precentor Wilks

An exert Taken from the Comstar Archives on Sarna on fusion reactors.....
   Fusion engines usually will only shut down if damaged or if heat is uncontrolled. Unlike popular belief, there is absolutely no risk of a fusion engine accidentally becoming a nuclear weapon. [17] There have been a number of cases of fusion engines being "over revved" and exploding with devastating force, but this is more akin to a boiler explosion than a true nuclear explosion. More often a destroyed engine will be punctured by weapons fire. Because the plasma is held in a vacuum chamber (to isolate the superheated plasma from the cold walls of the reactor; contact with the walls would super-chill the plasma below fusion temperatures), a punctured reactor can suck in air where the air is superheated. Normal thermal expansion of the air causes the air to burst out in a brilliant lightshow often mistaken for a "nuclear explosion". This thermal expansion damages anything within 90 meters of the destroyed 'Mech.

Such dramatic failures are rare, though. It is difficult to sustain the fusion reaction and very easy to shut down. Safety systems or damage to containment coils will almost always shut down the engine before such an explosion occurs. The massive shielding of the engine (in the case of standard fusion engines, this is a tungsten carbide shell that accounts for over 2/3 of the weight of the engine) usually buys the safety systems the milliseconds needed to shutdown the engine when severe damage is inflicted.

yes safety system are in place to stop a fusion engine from going up. But when the pilot of said unit is actively over-riding said safety systems nothing will stop the explosion.

the reason for the damage reaching as far was the 'Mech suffered severe damage not the reactor. it had no crits so it got to go at full power. said damage is fallout and heat.

the problem with Zealots they do things that most will not do.

OH and yes the machine gun ammo is still corking off  >:D

Be advised that the reason that my troops were hanging out on the outskirts of the battle was because I was home sick with a fever. I suppose that I could have attended the game, but I would have infected the other players.

no need to explain why your unit was not on the field.
All players have been told many times by me that real world comes before the game. If you can not make I will have a reason that takes care of why your unit was not on mission.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #734 on: 02 October 2019, 01:19:08 »
As jack heads to the airfield to get a flight to Hilo he informs Captain Bonanno and Kapten Bjornsenthat the units they have at the rest area are to stay on station and provide security for the repair teams that are outbound until local security can be setup.

Jack has his driver go by the DCA building in Hilo to pick up Cho-sa Westfield so they can sit in on the meeting of the GSF and Arkab Harid.

Precentor Wilks informs the Adept on duty that he will be heading to Yosai for a meeting with the Governor. He also reminds the duty officer that the troops that just returned have to remain in decom for the next few days.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #735 on: 02 October 2019, 01:19:45 »
At the offices of Metal Storm the office manager informs Warrant Officer Goodbrother that they have not sold or had in inventory the Battlemechs she is asking about. She is informed that Metal Storm only deals in line combat equipment and that training units are not something they handle due to the fact that out this way no one in interested in training equipment.
As she moves from vendor to vendor they all inform her of the same thing, training units are not items that are in demand out this way.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #736 on: 02 October 2019, 01:20:19 »
On the Bounty Pages a 50 million C-Bill for a Battlemech on Nejiro is posted. The bounty is for the destruction of said ‘Mech.
A few pages later a 75 million Ryu bounty for the same ‘Mech is listed.
Both are from blind accounts.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #737 on: 02 October 2019, 10:09:26 »
Looking over the battle ROMs from the last mission are the Governor, Tai-i Roberts Sho-sa Josef and Precentor Wilks.
“So Precentor do you think that GSF units were doing anything that fall under the charges you Adept spoke of?” Josef asks.
“Well many of the GSF units did not have personal in this mission.” As he looks towards Josef.
“Correct certain units were performing other missions just vital to the security of this world.” Josef looks back at the holo-table.
“I understand that you cannot go into the details of these missions.”
“Correct. We do always appreciate the help you send. You know of one of the missions as you sent forces to help with it.”
“Yes. I am well aware of that mission and watching two of the units on this mission taking flanking positions did force the enemy unit to pullback in only direction.”
“Cho-sa can you inform me why the Arkab heavy was able to block comms and fade from sight?” Josef asks Roberts.
“That I cannot. I am a naval officer not a ground commander, so I do not know the equipment they field.”
“From what I have been told this is not the first time this ‘Mech has done this.” Josef states rather flat.
“Precentor as you watch the ROM you will see that most of the units on this mission move together to provide cover fire for each other. Most. The Arkab Bandit moves up at a speed none of the other units cannot give them cover fire.” Josef looks over to Roberts.
“Enemy units then take advantage of this and fire on the Bandit disabling it. They then get to pick a part the Battle Armor as they try to move on the enemy units.”
‘Correct. I also noticed that after the enemy Tokugawa was disabled the Warrior used inferno rounds that caused a fuel explosion that totaled it. A bit of over kill if you ask me.”
“Also notice that two of the units are training units. Why someone would field them is beyond me tactical experience. If we were in such a bad way I think I would commit trainees but my back would have to be to the wall.” Josef states.
“I see that the Chameleon was also over shot but units from all forces on this mission. This could explain why it went critical. A trainee pilot and all.” Robert offers.
“Well when my husband gets back from Hilo we should have more answers to just what happened but for now all we have is the battle ROM.” Meiyo states as she moves across the room. “All commanders have been informed many times how we place the life of our people first and other things after this. If anyone cannot follow this they need to be off world.”

As Wilks heads back to his plane he thinks to himself the pilot of the Exterminator now has a price on his or her head. To show that is a fully functioning Exterminator like that has many looking for it.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #738 on: 02 October 2019, 10:20:09 »
Nejiro News 1
Today the government has posted that the area around rest stop 829 is off limits due to combat with unknown forces. One of the units of these forces had a power plant explode. This explosion caused major damage to one of the roads in that area. Due to the fallout from the explosion the other road is also closed. Teams are being sent to the area to clean up the Hazmat and repair the roads. They also will make sure the hills in the area are also clear. At this time the government does not how long the area will be closed. If you are looking to travel please look for other ways to get to your destination.

The Dakuu-orianyusu
Brothers and sisters of the Dragon take a look around and see that the people that are now in charge do not care about. They let sell swords destroy cities, roads and they people they should be protecting. These leaders tell you that others are behind all that has happened during the time that these sell swords have been on world. They tell you that these sell swords are here to see to the safety of the world but so far all they have done is bring destruction.

Shin no wadopuresu
Good people look now what the so called protectors have done. They have caused the shutdown of a major commerce rout. These protectors do not care for your world. They only care for the coin they are paid. Good people maybe it is time for a change. Maybe it is time for leaders that care for this world.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #739 on: 02 October 2019, 10:21:06 »
OK so when do we start the meeting?
« Last Edit: 02 October 2019, 14:53:48 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #740 on: 02 October 2019, 17:27:41 »
It was 0900 hours in Hilo as Euron and Lorren were setting the table for the arrival of Kiah, Jack and the commander of the Arkab Harid.  The hololith table had had the relevant battle vids and data input into it and everything was ready as Julia came in to report to her CO.

"Colonel," Julia began, "I have the info you requested from Metalstorm and the other arms dealers.  None of them sold any of the 'Mechs used by the BlackDracs in that battle.  They must have gotten them from off-world, along with their Mechwarriors."

Euron sighed in defeat.  "I had hoped the 'Mechs could have led us to who it was who attacked us that day.  What about the tanks they used?"

"Do you know how many orders the manufacturing plant here has gotten for Tokugawa tanks since they made their debut here, sir?"  Julia replied.  "It would be like sifting through sand looking for a pearl.  Also, have you heard that the Com Guards are accusing Lorren and the others of cowardice if not outright collusion with our enemies?"

"Oh, they have, have they?"  Euron spat back.  "Lorren, it looks like Comstar is still holding a grudge against us from your mistake with them that one time."

Lorren didn't reply, but looked back at Euron like a dog that was about to be punished.

"Relax."  Euron smiled, "I know you're neither coward nor a traitor."  Lorren looked relieved.

"In any event, sir," Julia continued, "the GSF is asking for the units we're going to send to defend the highway bridges while the hazmat teams clean up the fallout from the last mission.

"We'll send our remaining two Goblins and their troops.  Tell Anya and Kristoff to get ready to move out.  Also, I think it's time we gave the Striker crew a chance to see some action."  Euron decided.

"And for 'Mech support?"  Julia reminded him.

"We'll send Stygg in the Squire."  Said Euron.  "Cleftjaw's still damaged and I don't want Dagmer being in command of our unit."

"Very good, sir.  I'll make sure they know."  Julia turned and left.

"Colonel, Mr. Nakatomi has arrived and Hauptmann Franks is right behind."  Came a voice over a loudspeaker.

"Good, send them in and keep an eye out for the Arkab Commander."  Euron straightened, motioning for Lorren to follow him.  "Now let's see if we can reach an understanding with our new allies."

OOG: Anthony, I will be sending the Hammer Bravo (Squire), the Striker, and my other two Goblin tanks (Alpha and Bravo, or Bravo and Charlie, depending on how you have them marked).  My Blizzard and my other infantry platoon are still in Scout Sniper Basic training.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #741 on: 02 October 2019, 18:56:29 »
Over secure comm line from Arkab Home base to an undisclosed impromptu training training site somewhere in Hilo.
  "Hey Boss! I got the prelim report from "Spectre" and its fugly."

 One of the enemy battlemech pilots decided to commit  mech seppuku when their ride became crippled and over heated.
None of our people were in the blast radius when it went up. We lost three battle armor troopers, KIA,  and  6 suits when

 their bus, as per your standing order,s advanced into a target rich environment for them. Two toks, and a Merlin.

"Spectre" and Beck advanced to help cover but the mercs being short on their contract and more worried about their

bottom line cowered behind some hills rather than use their Reg effectively, which has the same movement profile as the

 bus. "Spectre" isn't sure if the Hollie, Wolvie, or their infantry ever engaged. "Spectre" reports that Beck and her ride will

need to be in the shop for awhile, Only Armor and reloads fortunately. The bus is "parked". And the merc Cappie is

demanding you answer his call and attend a "meeting" he is orchestrating to demand answers to, and I quote " the

reckless callous indifference to human lives for honor's sake alone."
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #742 on: 02 October 2019, 19:07:36 »
Roger XO, tell "Spectre" well done and bring the troops home. I have a decom site set up close by, but not in Hilo, and yet out  of "possible" contamination range even if the wind blows wrong. Let the Chief know, matter of fact have the chief pick the site, then tell "Spectre" and her force to use their personal decon kits just to be safe after they arrive, oh and  have "Camel toe" fetch the bus. ROE for the site is; if they are not Arkab shoot first ask later. Risk is too high! As for the cappie, send him to voicemail. I'm too busy.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #743 on: 02 October 2019, 20:48:36 »
Honorable Governor.
  We of the Arkab have served LOYALLY and with Honor to the Dragon for centuries. Please put a leash on your dogs or will we will be forced to put them down. We of the Arkab Harib are specialists as hunter/killers of enemy commanders or units. It is not with  callous indifference to human life or for Honor. It is our goal, mission, duty, honor to eliminate by kill or capture the enemy. We will  gladly work alongside them, they as the bird dog, us as the hunter. We are not part of the GSF, WE ARE DCMS SOLDIERY. We don't work for them, they as GAIJIN do not comprehend, or are not competent enough to understand.

                                                                                                            Arkab 6

 the Above letter was "inadvertently, "accidentally"? sent to all members of the GSF, DCMS, Comstar allied forces, Governor, "Jack", DCMA Westfield.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2019, 20:53:36 by ogremage »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #744 on: 02 October 2019, 22:10:42 »
Honorable Governor.
  We of the Arkab have served LOYALLY and with Honor to the Dragon for centuries. Please put a leash on your dogs or will we will be forced to put them down. We of the Arkab Harib are specialists as hunter/killers of enemy commanders or units. It is not with  callous indifference to human life or for Honor. It is our goal, mission, duty, honor to eliminate by kill or capture the enemy. We will  gladly work alongside them, they as the bird dog, us as the hunter. We are not part of the GSF, WE ARE DCMS SOLDIERY. We don't work for them, they as GAIJIN do not comprehend, or are not competent enough to understand.

                                                                                                            Arkab 6

 the Above letter was "inadvertently, "accidentally"? sent to all members of the GSF, DCMS, Comstar allied forces, Governor, "Jack", DCMA Westfield.

Jack looks over the e-mail.

Wilks and Westfield are also looking over the e-mail.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #745 on: 02 October 2019, 22:57:46 »
On the Bounty Pages a 50 million C-Bill for a Battlemech on Nejiro is posted. The bounty is for the destruction of said ‘Mech.
A few pages later a 75 million Ryu bounty for the same ‘Mech is listed.
Both are from blind accounts.

a little confused here which of us is the mech in the bounty?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #746 on: 02 October 2019, 23:04:03 »
     I have gathered the combat reports from my unit that deployed to the rest area. I find the reports very worrisome. The mercenaries in support of the house troops failed to be effective in the covering of the DCMS troops, causing them undue losses. They even failed to keep pace with my troops, and I know what they fielded could out pace and out maneuver Hamler's Hunchback And Heckler's Rommel. Yet they never ventured near the battle. If they had actually Joined in, we could've handedly defeated our opponents. They may have been in breach of their contract. I suggest you should look into it with the Merc liaison and GSF officers.
    Failing to perform contracted duties to the best of it's abilities
    Displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy
    Willfully disregarding contractual obligations
    Misrepresenting it's qualifications or assets
  All can be a breach of contract.......

   Now I think there might be something fishy going on at the "clean up". I mean it seems awefully odd that the attack gets call off as soon as the Chameleon overheats and cooks off it's MG ammo bins. Like it was a prearranged signal..... In all of my time in the Guard I have never heard of fallout from an engine blowing up. Also fishy cover story...  I found this.
                                                                                         Adept Allen

An exert Taken from the Comstar Archives on Sarna on fusion reactors.....
   Fusion engines usually will only shut down if damaged or if heat is uncontrolled. Unlike popular belief, there is absolutely no risk of a fusion engine accidentally becoming a nuclear weapon. [17] There have been a number of cases of fusion engines being "over revved" and exploding with devastating force, but this is more akin to a boiler explosion than a true nuclear explosion. More often a destroyed engine will be punctured by weapons fire. Because the plasma is held in a vacuum chamber (to isolate the superheated plasma from the cold walls of the reactor; contact with the walls would super-chill the plasma below fusion temperatures), a punctured reactor can suck in air where the air is superheated. Normal thermal expansion of the air causes the air to burst out in a brilliant lightshow often mistaken for a "nuclear explosion". This thermal expansion damages anything within 90 meters of the destroyed 'Mech.

Such dramatic failures are rare, though. It is difficult to sustain the fusion reaction and very easy to shut down. Safety systems or damage to containment coils will almost always shut down the engine before such an explosion occurs. The massive shielding of the engine (in the case of standard fusion engines, this is a tungsten carbide shell that accounts for over 2/3 of the weight of the engine) usually buys the safety systems the milliseconds needed to shutdown the engine when severe damage is inflicted.

wow that is one take of the battle i did not see coming interesting


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 474
Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #747 on: 02 October 2019, 23:05:47 »
Meiyo texts Jack on his way to meeting

Please remind the acting commander of the Arkab unit that to our understanding, the unit was assigned here, under the direction of the Governor, to assist in the defense of planetary resources and civilians, to assist in the removal of black dragon and WOB units, to insure that the DCMS continues to enjoy the use of the MAWs training facilities and personnel, also the use of our excellent R&R facilities. That they are not subordinate to the GSF; nor are the GSF subordinate to them; but are supposed to cooperate and work with them. Please clarify with said commander if they have different orders, what they are, and from whom the orders originated.
Remind all parties that it is to our understanding that this meeting is to further the communication and cooperation of disparate units so that they may work effectively together. That this meeting is not to be punitive or to accuse others for past actions or perceived past actions, if such was the case then the ranking DCMS officer and/or the employer of record would attend
Please emphasise to all parties that Nejiro is not now and never has been a Kuritan held world
Also make clear to all parties what the resupply situation is, for both material and personnel. That for the moment we can only count on locally sourced tradeships and their schedules and routes have been
rearranged and pushed back.

« Last Edit: 03 October 2019, 11:31:15 by eilidhdawn »


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 267
Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #748 on: 02 October 2019, 23:31:56 »
Nejiro News 1
Today the government has posted that the area around rest stop 829 is off limits due to combat with unknown forces. One of the units of these forces had a power plant explode. This explosion caused major damage to one of the roads in that area. Due to the fallout from the explosion the other road is also closed. Teams are being sent to the area to clean up the Hazmat and repair the roads. They also will make sure the hills in the area are also clear. At this time the government does not how long the area will be closed. If you are looking to travel please look for other ways to get to your destination.

The Dakuu-orianyusu
Brothers and sisters of the Dragon take a look around and see that the people that are now in charge do not care about. They let sell swords destroy cities, roads and they people they should be protecting. These leaders tell you that others are behind all that has happened during the time that these sell swords have been on world. They tell you that these sell swords are here to see to the safety of the world but so far all they have done is bring destruction.

Shin no wadopuresu
Good people look now what the so called protectors have done. They have caused the shutdown of a major commerce rout. These protectors do not care for your world. They only care for the coin they are paid. Good people maybe it is time for a change. Maybe it is time for leaders that care for this world.

after reviewing the news feeds several times the pr department Kiah had established sends reports and recommendations to Kiah that further interviews maybe needed and that the negative smear actions are still going strong.

on the way from her transport  to the meeting building her security detail fanned out Petra, her personnel secretary handed kiah a data pad. "when it rains it pours Jarl"

Kiah paused briefly to read the report. "well can not say i m surprised. send my regards and compliments to the governor and that i can be ready for any further interviews she deems fit"


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 267
Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #749 on: 02 October 2019, 23:43:16 »

"Colonel, Mr. Nakatomi has arrived and Hauptmann Franks is right behind."  Came a voice over a loudspeaker.

"Good, send them in and keep an eye out for the Arkab Commander."  Euron straightened, motioning for Lorren to follow him.  "Now let's see if we can reach an understanding with our new allies."

Kiah and Petra entered the room greeted Euron and Lorren and settled into the assigned seats she and Euron rose as Jack and his group came in

"we are just reviewing the reports again and waiting for  Arkab Harid seems he is late"