Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174763 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #750 on: 03 October 2019, 01:09:22 »
Marius looked over his new orders, and chuckled. He said to no one in particular, “Looks like the commanders are going to have to roll out on this one.” He pulled a communication device out of his pocket, and spoke into it, “Get me Lojtnant Mikelson, Lojtnant Dammerung, Sergeant Hultgren, and The 11th Combat Engineers squad sergeants too. We have a mission that requires us being a bit of an anvil. Luckily we can be that.” He put down the communication device on his desk, and looked out his window again. I just hope that we can survive. He picked up the communication device again, “also, get me an update on Sjalbranna’s team.”

((OOC- pulling out all the stops. Sending my Marauder Mad-5s, Demolisher(gauss), Schrek PPC Carrier, and the Blizzard with combat engineers.))
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #751 on: 03 October 2019, 05:28:55 »
Jack looks over the e-mail.

Wilks and Westfield are also looking over the e-mail.

Kiah looks up from her own personnel tablet meets the eyes of Euron and trys to cool the anger in her own face as she turns to Jack, Wilks and Westfield.

"well it seems that our meeting to try and come to a way of working together is not happening today. I am frankly discussed that the Arkab are so arrogant that......" Kiah stops and takes a breath "my apologies to all my temper almost got the better of me there." she sighs "well i suppose this meeting has now turned into something other then its original intent. please lets all sit and come up with a strategy on how we are going to field and work with this Arkab unit when they will not even come and met with us and i wish to assure you all that the purpose of this meeting was to review the battle footage, and try and come up with a way that we could work together. The Arkab seem to think very little of anyone outside their purview and i must say i am now even more concerned they will cause undo damage and loss of life during a situation we all respond to. they seem even more unwilling to try and understand any way of battle that is not thier own and they seem to not understand that there way might not be the only and best way. Any suggestions you all care to give will be most welcome. I will be calling the other commanders in after this to try and do some damage control before tempers get the best of everyone. however recklessness that will endanger personnel , both the civilian and the security force needs to be addressed." kiah turns to Jack "if the invite coming from Euron was worded improperly in anyway i take full responsibility for it and i will myself send another invite to a strategy meeting to the Arkab if you and the governor wish me to.  Frankly after reading this i feel stronger then ever that a sit down is very much needed. and i want to ensure all of you this was in no way going to be any kind of dressing down, we know we have no authority to do such a thing, we simply wanted to discuss and come up with a way to mesh our vastly different ways of engagement on the field in order to work together in a fashion best for all."   


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #752 on: 03 October 2019, 12:25:25 »
After reading the e-mail Jack Cho-sa Westfield look at each other. “I think Cho-sa would be the better one to “ask” the Arkab commander to this meeting.”
“I would agree with you on that.” With that Westfield walks out of the room.

“This is Cho-sa Westfield I would like to talk with Tai-i Kroger ASAP.” As he calls over to the Arkab HQ.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #753 on: 03 October 2019, 16:51:38 »
Euron looks to Kiah.  "Unfortunately, my Warrant Officer's digging into the origin of the enemy 'Mechs has proven fruitless.  I was hoping that I could have provided Major Bannson with the clear target he's been searching for these many months, but alas, nothing came of it."

Turning to Jack, he added, "There is the matter of the Tokugawa tanks, which I believe may have come from here, though Julia has informed me that it would be next to impossible to find out all the people on-world who could have bought them since they made their official debut here.  However, I know you have at your disposal individuals and bureaucrats who could make the job easier.  Perhaps you could make some inquiries with the manufacturers as to who may have bought a pair of model 150s and a pair of model 151s for their own use?"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #754 on: 03 October 2019, 18:09:58 »
After reading the e-mail Jack Cho-sa Westfield look at each other. “I think Cho-sa would be the better one to “ask” the Arkab commander to this meeting.”
“I would agree with you on that.” With that Westfield walks out of the room.

“This is Cho-sa Westfield I would like to talk with Tai-i Kroger ASAP.” As he calls over to the Arkab HQ.

Arkab 6 here. Yes sir? be Certainly sir, I'd gladly like to attend sir. Be there in 5 sir."
The last comment is completed as the door is opened by a 6'3" 200 lbs+ black man wearing the rank of Tai-i and branch Insignia of Infantry in full combat gear. Helmet, web gear, knife, 4 grenades w/ blue markings, assault rifle with magazine, again with blue marking. Jack and Westfield share a knowing look after spotting the markings. "I'm here. I'm busy. Meetings and "ride alongs" with vehicles in 90 mikes,  and mechs after that. Let's get this started.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2019, 22:51:59 by ogremage »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #755 on: 04 October 2019, 00:31:13 »
Euron looks to Kiah.  "Unfortunately, my Warrant Officer's digging into the origin of the enemy 'Mechs has proven fruitless.  I was hoping that I could have provided Major Bannson with the clear target he's been searching for these many months, but alas, nothing came of it."

Turning to Jack, he added, "There is the matter of the Tokugawa tanks, which I believe may have come from here, though Julia has informed me that it would be next to impossible to find out all the people on-world who could have bought them since they made their official debut here.  However, I know you have at your disposal individuals and bureaucrats who could make the job easier.  Perhaps you could make some inquiries with the manufacturers as to who may have bought a pair of model 150s and a pair of model 151s for their own use?"

Jack looks at Euron. “I will have our investigative unit look into this.”

Fuka Hiyami walks into the office of Chief Warrant Officer Hoare. “Is Warrant Officer Goodbrother around?”
From the secure storage locker in his office. “In here. She walks out.
“May I have a word with you in private?” Fuka asks and looks at Hoare.
Hoare gets up from behind his desk. “If you two do not mind I will check out things on the floor.” He heads out closing the door behind him.
“Well I guess that is a yes.” Julia watches as her boss walks out. “What can I do for you?”
Fuka fumbles a bit. “Well I may be of some help in your quest.”
“What quest are you talking about?” Julia asks.
“Your search for the owner of the ‘Mechs you are asking about. I know many of the people you have talked to and they asked me about you.”
“Really. And what did you tell them?”
“Well not much as I do not know you that long. But I did tell that you are OK.” Fuka looks around the room. “I may know someone that may be of help. But they will need protection. If others find out …. Well it could be very bad for them.”
“OK. I will have to talk with the Colonel and see what can be done.” Julia looks at Fuka. “Hay kid relax I know the Colonel will do what he can. And if he cannot get it done he will talk to someone that can.”
Fuka looks at Julia. “Thanks. I should get back to work.” She heads back to her work station.
Julia looks at her watch. “The boss is still in that meeting.” She heads to the building that the meeting is in.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #756 on: 04 October 2019, 18:44:47 »
"Tai-i, welcome."  Euron greets the Akab officer.  "Now we can truly begin."  Turning to regard everyone in the room, he activated the hololith to bring up the data from the recent battle and began his briefing. "As we are all aware, traffic at a critical highway has been disrupted by the self-detonation of a Battlemech's fusion plant near the refueling station, allowing the retreat of a combined arms force previously unknown to any of our forces.  The incident has caused significant damage as well as great deal of PR damage to the Governor and her ability to effectively govern."  Euron shows the highlights of the battle, including the explosion of the Chameleon.

"Also of concern,"  Euron continued, "are the actions of the Arkab Harid forces assigned to the battlefield.  As you can see here,"  he turns to a set of footage showing the Arkab Bandit transport speeding ahead of the GSF forces' lines and being immobilized.  "the Bandit hover transport here charged far ahead of the rest of the advance without any support and was immobilized by enemy fire.  Furthermore,"  Another piece of footage is shown of the Arkab Battle Armor emerging from the Bandit and being cut down by the enemy tanks and 'Mechs.  "the Inner Sphere Battle Armor carried on the Bandit, rather than breaking for cover, ran directly into the enemy crossfire and suffered heavy casualties.  My sympathies for those who were lost, Tai-i.  Ironborn Captain Botley, who was in operational command of the mission, attempted to warn your forces about advancing too far ahead, but his communications were being inexplicably disrupted by what I later learned was one of your 'Mechs, sir.  I shouldn't have to remind anyone here of the need for effective communications with all units on the battlefield.  I know we haven't known each other for too long, Tai-i, but could you perhaps provide an explanation for what occurred and why communications were being scrambled?"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #757 on: 04 October 2019, 21:03:37 »
  Rising to stand and pacing around the conference room, clicking five beads on his combat gear in a consistent methodical manner as he walked.
 1)  You were informed personally by "sPECTRE" before the encounter of the capabilities. Don't claim ignorance nor look

 for a scapegoat for your incompetence nor the incompetence of your forces. TYpical Capellan looking to blame others for

thier errors. Tai-i Koger plays the communication recording and sensor readings between "Spectre" and the commander of

 the capellan merc force describing and demonstrating the capabilities of the Star League era Exterminator.

  2)  Since you are uneducated and ignorant, despite your self claimed battlefield experience and education, on how to

perform your duties on the battlefield under any extreme battle conditions, up to and including the lack of any


emphasis, not shouting/ or yelling) . We are willing to be your diligent schoolmaster to your, the unruly student, and the

rest of the GSF.

  3) If you had even advanced forward 100 meters it would have given the "Bus" the support it needed, rather than

cowering craven behind the hills. The movement profiles of your units are faster than the Comstar forces that were there,

 and yet they advanced and even managed to provide support for units twice their speed.(I have pics and texts on my

phone proving  that although I was moving Cirfed's Comstar forces it was how he wanted them moved.)

  4) The "Bus" was following my orders. If any unit in the Arkab is carrying/escorting Infantry PRIORITY(emphasis) ONE is

 getting them to wherever they can cause the most chaos and Mayhem. In this case, Tai-i Koger pulls up the holo, right in

 the middle of two "Toks" and the Merlin, the enemy commander.  Unlike you, "CAPPELLAN" WE HAVE FIRST HAND


 MASTERS. NOVA CAT, SMOKE JAGUAR, GHOST BEAR. maybe you've heard them."

   If you had shown even a little backbone, initiative, what have you. Those three squads would have thrown the enemy

line into a panic frenzy and making a hole in their line of battle. turning their flank, putting  a dent in their combat forces,

 maybe even manage some salvage. I question your competancy.

  5)I have read the reports, listened, and watched every situation the GSF has encountered(locking eyes with every GSF

 commander). The whole of the Arkab Harib has., better with popcorn and beverage of choice; best comedy I've EVER

SEEN. Your all F****** Idiots! You all arrive on site from different vectors and YOU ALWAYS FORM A GIANT AMOEBA and

move en masse and expect the enemy to withdraw and or surrender JUST BECAUSE YOU ARRIVED. Your commands are

fortunate to still exist, let alone have any personnel still living. Why you haven't had to deal with aerospace, by fighter,

dropship, or even capital bombardment. Nor have you had to deal with an enemy with artillery. IF YOU F****** haven't

been paying attention the foes you are dealing with have the capabilities:
  Example 1) a close up of the Epona used in the Hilo hospital raid appears. " The epona Alpha variant, 2 LRM  20s, 2 clan medium lasers, AND  TAG.

 Example 2) an image of a strange battlemech appears, "The ICESTORM. A clan light battlemech weighing in at 25 tons, great speed, light on armor, respectable firepower for a non omni. Oh and equipped with TAG.

 Example 3) imagery from the Arkab's compound fight shows the Arkab's Schiltron taking a direct hit to the crew compartment in a continuous loop. "If they didn't have it already, the Word of Blake and their allied forces on "porkchop" now have artillery capability.  The Arkab chief tech and former DCMS techs confirm that the schiltron can be made operational again.

Your PREDICTABLE(emphasis) clusterf*** amoeba strategy can effectively be dealt with and eliminated by the enemies

use of artillery, not even specifically targeted with smart rounds,  a good old fashioned saturation barrage would be more

effective, efficient and  certainly more cost effective.

6 )Infantry whether Mechanized, Mobilized, Jump or Battle armor are not security forces. We are the most ARROGANT

 ****** IN THE UNIVERSE. Our average life expectancy is 3 seconds on the modern battlefield, we know this  and

accept it. WE are dead men walking. Infantry is near unanimous spere wide VOLUNTEERS for the job. We have two

priorities in combat. TO KILL AND DESTROY. To treat us  as your personal bodyguards, look of disgust at the Lyran

commander, or "flechette armor" with a LETHAL stare at the FWL commander not only disrespects  but also dishonors

 us. Sure we would like, NO! LOVE to live to retirement age for a fat pension. But we know its not realistic for most of

 us. We are not suicidal, nor homicidal it just comes with the job. (With daunting and haunting clarity some of the leaders

 of the GSF realize that the click of the beads is one every three seconds.)

Ask your infantry, your clan bondsmen. They will tell you the same.

7) Another time or place Capellan(heavily ladened with scorn and disgust) you would be dead.  WE, The Arkab Harib "own the night."  tossing a FAT RED PERMANENT MARKER ON THE TABLE.

  With a roar the room erupts in chaos as  several of the GSF commanders notice that the cappellan commander has a fat

 red mark going from ear to ear on his neck. NOT blood, ink.

Tai-i Koger leaves the room after saluting Jack and Kensington 90 minutes later.

Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #758 on: 04 October 2019, 22:54:10 »
Euron wipes at the red mark on his face and turns to the remaining commanders.  "He's not wrong.  Jack, Kiah, please be honest.  Do you think I've become too soft-hearted?  Do you think me incompetent?  Or cowardly?  Or ignorant?"

OOC: Devondra, shadhawk, your responses will determine what Euron says next, because I have a couple different ideas here where this will go.

Also OOC: Anthony, did we know about the capabilities of the Exterminator before the battle.  If so, then I (the player) forgot and that's on me.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #759 on: 04 October 2019, 23:05:05 »
I heard anthony tell you through the phone call
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #760 on: 05 October 2019, 00:01:32 »
Also OOC: Anthony, did we know about the capabilities of the Exterminator before the battle.  If so, then I (the player) forgot and that's on me.

during the battle you were given limited information about the 'mech. you were informed that it will cause coms problems.

But Ogre you have to keep in mind that none of the player units would know what this 'Mech can do. Most ComStar and WoB units would not know. and the ones that do ..... well not they have something to put on their X-Mas list  ;D Blakeclaus pleassssssseeeeeeeeeeee can you getr me that  :drool:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #761 on: 05 October 2019, 00:09:56 »
Jack looks at Westfield. “That could have gone a lot better”.
“That it could have. I think I have a few things that will need to be done. If you all will pardon me.” Westfield heads out.
Looking over at Grayjoy. “Soft, no. You and your people have done well under the rules of engagement that we have here. We have a commander that has been in combat too long and forgets that limits are set. Here you fight by our rules not your home realm’s.” Jack looks around. “I will be speak with you after this next mission. I must speak with my wife now.” Jack heads out.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #762 on: 05 October 2019, 00:10:46 »
On the grounds of the Drop Port a young officer in DCMS dress uniform is looking around. “Sho-ko Nakatomi, Sho-ko Nakatomi.” He calls out getting Jack’s attention.  “Sho-ko I have been instructed to give this to you personally by Tai-sho Tanaka.” He hands Jack a DCA data pad. “The first message is for you and has instructions for you as well. It is highly classified so you do need to be in a secure location when you read it.”
Jack looks over the young Sho-i. “Understood, Sho-i you should not be calling me by that rank, I am a civilian at this time.”
“I think you need to read this.” The young officer points to the pad.
Jack turns it on and starts to read it. “I see. Anything more I should know about this?”
“No Sho-ko. The Tai-sho did say that you need to read all of this ASAP.”
“Thank You, Sho-i. I will.” Jack heads to a security office in the ports main control building to read the pad.
The young officer walks with him. “Sho-ko so you understand somethings, we took a longer route here due to transport problems.”

Once inside the office ‘What does the Tai-sho want with us now?” Jack reads the pad. After reading all of the message Jack pulls out his com unit and makes several calls.

In her office Tai-i Kalakaua reads the last message that come in. Looking at the Go-cho that brought her the message “Go-cho inform the unit to standby for new orders”.
“Yes Tai-i” He turns and heads off.
“Times are going to be interesting”.

Cho-sa Westfield looks over his new orders. “Gunsho you have double checked these orders?” he asks.
“Yes Sir. The security code is the Tai-sho’s.”
“Very well, inform all the officers that we will have new orders.”
“Yes Sir.” The Gunsho turns and heads back to his desk.

On board the DropShip Heaven’s Eagle Sho-sa Armstrong reads his new orders. “Well looks like we are in for some interesting times” he informs his crew. “Standby we will be getting new orders.”

Two hours later Jack and his team walk in to Government’s office building they are in dress uniform one has a garment bag over his shoulder.
Everyone in the lobby look on as the team marches to the elevators.
When they get to the floor with Meiyo’s office they march to her office. Joy looks over the bunch. “Party later boys?” she asks.
“No.” Jack states “We are here on the business of the DCMS and wish to speak with Chiji Saganami.”
Joy calls into Meiyo’s office. “Chiji I have.” Jack gives a look to Joy. “I Have a DCMS Sho-ko here on official business.”
“Send him in.” she answers.
The group walks in.
Meiyo looks at them with one eyebrow up. “So why are you boys in that?”
Jack and his team snap to. Jack pulls out the data pad and reads it to her.
“To: Chu-sa Saganami Meiyo” he starts.
He now has her full attention.
“Re: Actions happening in the Draconis Combine and on the planet Nejiro.”
“As of 0001 hours 3068/03/01 you are now on active duty status.” He gives her that look of I know they are late.
“You are ordered to take command of all DCMS units and facilities on the planet Nejiro.” Jack knows that look all too well, Meiyo is not liking this little one bit.
“You are promoted to the rank of Tai-sa with all the privilege and responsibility that goes along with it.” She looks at Jack like he is pulling her leg.
Jack finishes “Signed Tai-sho Tanaka Hiro commander DCA 3rd training area.” He hands her the data pad and a small box.
She looks over the data pad and then inside the box. Inside is an apple green metal rank tab with 3 bars and a hand written note.
These were Kazuki’s before he made Sho-sho. They belong in the Saganami family.
Omedetōgozaimasu (congratulations) Doragon o nagaku ikiru (long live the dragon)
She looks up at Jack. “So now what?”
Jack is handed the garment bag and he places it over her desk.
“As per Tai-sho’s Tanaka’s orders, these orders have been sent to all DCMS commands on planet and in system.” He looks at his wife. “We are back on active duty. As the senior NCO I await your orders Chu-sa …. I mean Tai-sa.” As one the group snaps to.

All across Nejiro people are looking at orders they have been sent. All in-active reserve DCMS/DCA personal are now on active reserve duty and active reserve duty personal are now active duty.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #763 on: 05 October 2019, 00:50:51 »
Euron's actions on the field are supported by Governor Saganami. You were moving into position to assess situation and support other units until lost comms with Arkab and mech went critical, retreating out of blast range. Doing otherwise would not have saved those men and would have cost more tactically then gained.
To pull off the maneuver Arkab was trying needs tactical cooperation and coordination established beforehand. It was not established in ROMS, was there a meeting or communication to establish off comms?

« Last Edit: 05 October 2019, 01:01:47 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #764 on: 05 October 2019, 01:20:32 »
Omedetōgozaimasu (congratulations) Doragon o nagaku ikiru (long live the dragon)!
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #765 on: 05 October 2019, 02:29:41 »
Quoted from earlier:
Fuka Hiyami walks into the office of Chief Warrant Officer Hoare. “Is Warrant Officer Goodbrother around?”
From the secure storage locker in his office. “In here. She walks out.
“May I have a word with you in private?” Fuka asks and looks at Hoare.
Hoare gets up from behind his desk. “If you two do not mind I will check out things on the floor.” He heads out closing the door behind him.
“Well I guess that is a yes.” Julia watches as her boss walks out. “What can I do for you?”
Fuka fumbles a bit. “Well I may be of some help in your quest.”
“What quest are you talking about?” Julia asks.
“Your search for the owner of the ‘Mechs you are asking about. I know many of the people you have talked to and they asked me about you.”
“Really. And what did you tell them?”
“Well not much as I do not know you that long. But I did tell that you are OK.” Fuka looks around the room. “I may know someone that may be of help. But they will need protection. If others find out …. Well it could be very bad for them.”
“OK. I will have to talk with the Colonel and see what can be done.” Julia looks at Fuka. “Hay kid relax I know the Colonel will do what he can. And if he cannot get it done he will talk to someone that can.”
Fuka looks at Julia. “Thanks. I should get back to work.” She heads back to her work station.
Julia looks at her watch. “The boss is still in that meeting.” She heads to the building that the meeting is in.

Returning to his office, Euron is met by Julia in the hallway.  "Colonel,"  Julia says excitedly, then notices the smear on his cheek.  "Sir, what happened?"
"A hard-case infantry commander who really hates Capellans."  Euron answers.  "Was there something you had to tell me, Julia?"
Snapping back to why she'd come, Julia responds, "Yes, sir.  I may have a lead on our mysterious BlackDrac 'Mechs and their pilots from the last mission."
"Oh?"  Euron quirks an eyebrow.  "What have you got?"
"Our new cadet, Miss Hiyami might know somebody who can give us some answers, but she said they're going to need our protection before they're willing to tell us anything."
Euron smiles.  "Finally, some good news.  Tell Cadet Hiyami to meet me and you in my office when her training is over for the day.  Tell her I'll give her informant full protection here at Camp Haken in exchange for whatever leads this person can give me.  I'll also need to pick them up from wherever they are.  I also need to discretely inform Governor Saganami and Jack of what we intend.  The problem is we won't have any infantry transports available to ferry Fuka's informant back here."
Julia had an idea.  "What about Lady Musashi?  She has medical trucks that could get someone out quietly without arousing too much suspicion.  Then there's the Rasalhaguians based with us and whatever they've got for transports."
Euron considered.  "I would hesitate to involve Grandmother or Bully in the plan for the simple fact that it would mean more people who know about the informant.  Plus, Shiro's a bit too...talkative.  The Rasalhaguians might be a possibility as we share a base and we'd have to let them know anyway.  I won't share anything with Bonanno and Bannson yet as they're based in different parts of the continent.  Telling Franks might be prudent, but not until I see Cadet Hiyami.  And I'm not telling that Kroger fellow anything after the "gauntlet" he threw down at me today.  This thing with the Arkab is getting more and more out of hand, and right now, I need some kind of win after the debacle at the refueling post."
Julia nodded.  "I'll make sure the cadet gets the message, sir."
"Good."  Euron opened the door to his office.  "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone."  Julia saluted and went on her way as Euron shuts the door.
« Last Edit: 05 October 2019, 02:31:21 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #766 on: 05 October 2019, 06:28:26 »
Euron wipes at the red mark on his face and turns to the remaining commanders.  "He's not wrong.  Jack, Kiah, please be honest.  Do you think I've become too soft-hearted?  Do you think me incompetent?  Or cowardly?  Or ignorant?"

OOC: Devondra, shadhawk, your responses will determine what Euron says next, because I have a couple different ideas here where this will go.

Also OOC: Anthony, did we know about the capabilities of the Exterminator before the battle.  If so, then I (the player) forgot and that's on me.

Kiah looks at Euron and snaps out "no i do not , one moment" she steps to the door "Miller" her chief of security snaps to "i want no engagement but i want confirmation that the Arkab is leaving this base"

"yes Jarl" the man walks off talking into his comm

kiah walks back in

Jack looks at Westfield. “That could have gone a lot better”.
“That it could have. I think I have a few things that will need to be done. If you all will pardon me.” Westfield heads out.
Looking over at Grayjoy. “Soft, no. You and your people have done well under the rules of engagement that we have here. We have a commander that has been in combat too long and forgets that limits are set. Here you fight by our rules not your home realm’s.” Jack looks around. “I will be speak with you after this next mission. I must speak with my wife now.” Jack heads out.

Kiah starts gathering the hard copies of the reports and looks up at Euron

 "rest assured your actions have never come into question as far as i am concerned, we are following the orders of those who have hired us and now that we are no longer line units but have chosen the path we are now on we can not be reckless or stupid with our personnel or equipment as replacing either would not be easy." she looks Euron in the eye " is such a loose cannon and frankly needs a psyc eval. but if we are fielded with him again we will need to be careful a man so full of himself , thinking his is the only way , a man who has nothing but distain for any people who are not his own is a danger and a liability on any battlefield, a man who rushes toward death like that is dangerous to all around him. We will have to wait to see what the governor and Jack dose regarding him and I will back you to the wall if you wish to press formal charges against that individual. We may have to deal with him at the bridges and I am certain he will not be following the governments orders regarding that situation. Those bridges need to be kept open and protected.”
Kiah shakes her head
“the last time I encountered a person such as this was on my home world and things got very bad before the situation was resolved.”
She salutes Euron
 “I continue to find it a honor and pleasure to serve with you sir and my respect for you at the way you handled that encounter is immeasurable.”
Kiah’s link chirped she listens for a moment then nods “our joint security forces says he went right to his transport and is gone, we will need to come up with a way to deal with this loose cannon of a commander…for since he will not work with us our jobs just got harder.”
Kiah hands the documents that are hers to her secretary “we will see what jack and the governor do first , I will talk to you soon if you need me call and If you need any assist in the investigation let me know and by the way excellent work on that front as well” Kiah leaves and heads to her transport her security detail around her miller has seen the look on her face before and hopes she calms down before she next gets into her mech"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #767 on: 05 October 2019, 11:33:44 »
OOC: Anthony, please note that Euron's conversation with Julia about Fuka and the informant happens after the meeting (and Devondra's last set of comments) as we now have things being said and done out of chronological order.

Euron thanks Kiah for her assurances.  "Having served in the Capellan military, I've dealt with commanders like him.  When one's own government sees you as nothing but pawns on a game board, you tend to develop a kind of fatalism about it.  But my men and I are no longer pawns.  Furthermore, we refuse to be treated that way.  Also, as a DCMS unit, the Arkab can request reinforcements far easier than the Ironborn can.  However, as we are, to him, filthy gaijin mercenaries, it's not surprising he treats us as less than pawns.  It would seem the legacy of Takashi Kurita remains strong in them."

"You mean the "Death to Mercenaries" thing, sir?"  Lorren asks.

"Yes, Captain."  Euron looks to Jack.  "No offense meant."  Sighing, he continues, "In any case, it would seem this meeting is closed.  Thank you all for time, ladies and gentlemen."  Euron and Lorren leave the meeting room.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #768 on: 05 October 2019, 22:01:43 »
I hope everyone can make it. Looking forward to playing with you and seeing you again
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #769 on: 06 October 2019, 06:48:06 »
I hope to be there, barring any further outbreaks at school.  Ogre, I think I'll have most of your minis painted.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #770 on: 06 October 2019, 18:52:10 »
the whole case? dammmmmnnnnn!

The Arkab will be fielding:
blizzard with two infantry platoons
fourth unit is currently undecided
« Last Edit: 06 October 2019, 18:57:35 by ogremage »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #771 on: 06 October 2019, 19:22:32 »
Adept Allen.
Yes, Precentor.
Take Hedona, Gershwin, Krotche and yourself to defend the bridge. Show them how it's done.
10-4 Precentor.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #772 on: 06 October 2019, 22:22:38 »
Now all I need are are the other 5 units to post what they are sending.
« Last Edit: 06 October 2019, 22:28:05 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #773 on: 07 October 2019, 00:59:50 »
Anthony, I need a record sheet for the Striker for the game next week.  It's the one I got from Caesar's men, so I don't know what version it is.



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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #774 on: 07 October 2019, 09:02:48 »
Anthony, I need a record sheet for the Striker for the game next week.  It's the one I got from Caesar's men, so I don't know what version it is.


Got you covered


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #775 on: 07 October 2019, 16:34:44 »
Why are we defending the bridge? Why is it tactically/strategically important?

What is weight capacity of the bridge? CF factor? Although the thought has crossed my mind already. >:D I am not planning on destroying the bridge, but as a worse case scenario I do expect the enemy to  make the attempt, remember mech seppuku on the road anyone.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #776 on: 07 October 2019, 21:02:14 »
What is weight capacity of the bridge? CF factor? Although the thought has crossed my mind already. >:D I am not planning on destroying the bridge, but as a worse case scenario I do expect the enemy to  make the attempt, remember mech seppuku on the road anyone.

CF is 200 per inch. These are heave duty roads.
« Last Edit: 08 October 2019, 18:28:19 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #777 on: 08 October 2019, 18:24:26 »
What is weight capacity of the bridge? CF factor? Although the thought has crossed my mind already. >:D I am not planning on destroying the bridge, but as a worse case scenario I do expect the enemy to  make the attempt, remember mech seppuku on the road anyone.

That's why i'm bringing my combat engineers and having them check the bridge asap, just in case they put charges or did other things to the bridge ahead of time.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #778 on: 09 October 2019, 15:29:35 »
  Can I bring the elementals from the wrecked Karnov by means of a different vehicle?
While that is being decided, I am bringing my Piranha, Alacorn, and Maxim with LRM jump infantry.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #779 on: 09 October 2019, 16:37:41 »
  Can I bring the elementals from the wrecked Karnov by means of a different vehicle?
While that is being decided, I am bringing my Piranha, Alacorn, and Maxim with LRM jump infantry.

You have 3 out ofthe four picked if you want them and have something with the tonnage sure but if you do not the walk and you only get one squad as that would be one unit.