Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174743 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #990 on: 13 April 2020, 16:25:41 »
Who is stationed at Camp Senshi?
Players: You should be looking at the landmass on top right.

i have no idea
per my notes
camp hakan is ironborn

camp kaki is hand of goddess

camp maru is eagles tears

camp kurawa is kiahs hammers

in mushashi compound is the dragons clutch

comstar compond has the phoenix brigade

camp yasei no sogen is/was akuma no inu

camp shinrin is 6th ghost

i have no idea who is in senshi


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #991 on: 13 April 2020, 19:32:02 »
i have no idea
per my notes
camp hakan is ironborn

camp kaki is hand of goddess

camp maru is eagles tears

camp kurawa is kiahs hammers

in mushashi compound is the dragons clutch

comstar compond has the phoenix brigade

camp yasei no sogen is/was akuma no inu

camp shinrin is 6th ghost

i have no idea who is in senshi

Camp Senshi is the 6th Ghost. the cam is on Shinrin.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #992 on: 13 April 2020, 20:03:31 »
On board the transport King Maker troops gather in the main hold. “OK people listen up.” The leader of the group yells out. “Our recon in in place and we go if five days. All unit commanders have the maps of the area and know what they are to do when we hit the ground.” Looking over his data pad. “Now we keep the damage to a minimum, we want this place operational. That goes for the structures and personal. If things go well we will have reinforcements on site within a couple of hours. If they do not those same units are our ride home. Any Questions?”
“Sir what about the locals? We know they have a few combat units in the area.”
“The main force will have other things to deal with. The others will in the area are more worried about themselves and should not be a problem.”
“Sir what if the recon shows things are not as we have been told?”
“We have other targets and if things are real bad we can head back the way we got in or our reinforcements have space for us.”
“How long are we going to hold the site? We are not all that large of a force and if the locals want it back they have a lot of fire power,”
“We do have the reinforcement force and as I stated before the main defense force will have other problems to deal with. They will not be able to launch a counterstrike for quite some time. The other personal forces in the area are not looking for a fight and if they want one, we have the firepower to deal with them. Now as for how long, We hold until told to pull out.”
“Sir I understand that the reinforcement force is also our fallback. But what if the locals do not act as we have planned?”
“We have other targets that we will hit. We also have a couple of other pickup points. The targets are smash and grab so the mission is not a loss.” Looking over the group. “Any more questions?” None are asked.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #993 on: 15 April 2020, 09:49:09 »
“Recon Alpha to base, we have movement east of point two.”
“Roger that Alpha. Keep a track on it. We will send some heavies your way.”
“Roger base. ETA for heavies?”
“Beta in two. Four in three and Three in four.”
“Have Beta come in low so they do not spook the track.”
“Roger Alpha, Beta low. Three and Four will contact when they are one out.”
“Roger base.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #994 on: 16 April 2020, 12:20:59 »
“Mam we have some scrambled comms traffic north of us.”
“Any IDs?”
“No mam. Just heavy encoded short burst.”
“Keep an eye on it. I will bet our Friends are up to more than the Karnov.” She looks at the radar screen. “Keep me informed on how Kochi is doing. I will be moving out to the north. Have Seishin ready if that Karnov gets past Kochi.” Over her personal comm. “Supekuta mount up we are taking a walk to the north.”

“Sir, we got trouble. The Warriors that are in coming are packing L/10s.”
“That just put a wrench in our mission.”
“They are also moving to port and starboard.”
“OK people look sharp. Keep messing with the electrical. We may have to mix things up.”
“The lead bird wants us to come to 250. They have a LZ three mikes out.”
“Ya make us head away from the base” He looks over the area map. “OK people get ready to jump on my order. We will play along for a bit then I will swing this thing around and push it to full throttle. I will put it on auto and hope for the best.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #995 on: 17 April 2020, 18:46:08 »
“Alpha Recon to base, we have two squads of jumpers and a Blizzard east of point two. What are your orders?”
“Alpha, maintain contact. Beta will be on site in one. If need be both you and Beta can engage, but would prefer you have three and four as backup.”
“Roger base will wait for Beta. I do not think they will wait for Three and Four. Three and Four may have to deal with the Blizzard.”
“Roger Alpha. Three and Four will deal with Blizzard.”

“Supekuta one to unit, people keep it tight and at double nickels.”  Looking over the map. “If they have more friends we will back off. We do not have any support so we will not engage.”
“Two copy.”
“Three copy”
“Four copy.”
“OK I have point. Beagle on.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #996 on: 18 April 2020, 15:33:46 »
“Alpha one to Beta one. Beta you have the left, we have the right.” Alpha leader signals his two squads to spread out. “We will take the infantry and the transports will keep an eye on that Blizzard until the heavies get to it.”
“Roger Alpha. We have the left.” Beta leader signals his two squads to fan out. “I will click when we are ready to go.”
“Roger Beta.” Looking at his troops Alpha leader signals them to be ready to go. “After your signal we will go on my signal.”
Beta squads move in to position and the leader signals Alpha with a click of his radio button.
Alpha leader looks over his HUD and gets green for the four squads of Kaga Battle Armor in a V shape attack formation. Looking over the two platoons of infantry in front of them he give the attack order. “All squads GO” The woods that they infantry were using for cover turn into hell as laser fire strikes them from behind.

As the two platoon leaders work on the missions for the next day the woods around them open up with laser fire. “Get to cover.”
Jump packs and troopers scream and the lasers find their targets. “Get Hammer on line. Squad leaders get you people to cover and return fire.” Looking around. ‘What is hitting us?”
“Sir we don’t know yet. Whatever they are they are hitting us hard.” The radioman switching to the main attack force. “Hammer on line sir.”

“Poor it on people.” Alpha commander pushes forward. “Beta let that Blizzard go the heavies will deal with it.” Watching the jump troopers scramble. “Don’t kill them all, we want some able to talk later.”
“Roger Alpha.” Beta leader switches to the line for the two inbound ‘Mechs. “Beta to heavies, you have a Blizzard heading your way. Try not to melt it too bad, they may be our only prisoners.”
“Three to Beta Roger that. We will do our best to keep the heat down.”

“Eagle Eye to Hammer we are under attack. We have Kage BA striking from our rear.” The recon commander signaling his troops to scatter. “They came from nowhere.”
“Hammer one to Eagle Eye Roger. Can you hold?”
“Negative Hammer. They hit us with a full platoon. My people are hitting the four winds.” Loades up the data his unit has on the site. “Sending you the data we have but it is not much. We only had two days to look around.”
“Roger Eagle Eye. Good luck we will see what we can do to pick you up.” Looking at the maps. “Make contact in three hours and I should have a rescue boat in bound.” Shaking his head and thinking to himself, that witch is going to be a major problem.
“Roger Hammer, will bugout and make contact in three hours.” Switching to the Blizzard. “Get that thing out of here. Base is going to work on a rescue. Three hours is the next contact time.”
The Blizzard commander looks over the maps. “We will head to point three. Get you butts over to it and you can ride. We will drop some fire when we get the range opened up. Good luck.”
“Hammer to base, Eagle Eye is in trouble. They have a full platoon of Kage BA making trouble. Need rescue ASAP.”
“Base to Hammer Roger. We will have Nail work on the rescue. Your new orders are to hold.” The duty officer looks over the maps. “Swing around point S. Move to point X-ray you will be the second ExFill for Eagle Eye.”
“Roger base.” Hammers leader has all his unit leader move to the wardroom. “Hammer one to bridge. We have new orders, swing around point S and move to point X-ray.” As he enters the wardroom. “OK our mission just turned into a rescue for Eagle Eye. We are the secondary ExFil for them. I want all units ready so that if we are the ones to pull them out we are ready. Get you teams ready.
« Last Edit: 19 April 2020, 00:15:57 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #997 on: 20 April 2020, 17:37:22 »
“You do understand that this is a cargo transport not a combat ship?” The skipper of the DropShip looks at the unit commander.
“Look we have two platoons of troopers on that rock that need help and fast. We go in just east of the objective. The road will be your landing strip.” Looking to the other vehicle commanders. “We will deploy and provide security. We get them and hit the air and head home.”
“I hope you are correct. This bird is thin on armor and if they hit us hard we may not get out.” The skipper calls to his helmsman. “OK drop this bird on the road east of the objective.” Looking back at the armor commander. “It is going to take us a couple of hours to get the LZ. Best you make use of the time and get you plan together. You and your boys will have ten from when that ramp drops to get back on board. So don’t get lost or you will be swimming home.”
“Understood, if it does get to hot get this thing in the air and we will find some other home.”
“Just don’t let it get that hot.” Walking back to the bridge. “Good luck to all of us.”
“Amen brother.”

“Recon Alpha this is heavy one I have heavy two with me and we will be joining up with you.” Looking at the map. “We should in on site in five.”
“Roger one. We hit the infantry hard but they were jumpers and are scattering to the winds. The Blizzard took off heading into three and four.”
“Roger that Alpha.” Looking at the data from his recon troopers. “Three and four will handle it. Two brake left and I will break right so we can try and sweep up the frogs.”

On board the Karnov. “OK people look sharp and be ready to jump.” The Karnov turns hard to starboard and launched forward as the pilot pushes the throttles full.

“Kochi one to base they just pulled a hard turn and are full throttle. Two and I will do our best to splash it but you may want to have some ground units ready.” To her wingman. “Two time to splash that bird.”
“Roger one, weapons hot.”
“Control to Kochi the boss had Seishin move out when we picked up the Karnov on radar.”

“Hay Boss I got two lances on the move. One is heading north and the other is going west.”
“Do you think they spotted us?”
“Not sure. The one going north has some heavy electronics running.”
“Do you know what it is running?”
“No. I can pick up the noise but not what it is.”
“OK look sharp they may be on to us and those two units are looking to flank us.” Looking over the maps. “If they are on to us they will be swinging around to hit our flanks so get ready to move to point zeta.” Checking over the area. “First sign of them heading our way we move out.”

With the sound of weapons fire and vibroblades in the background. “Alpha to heavy one, we have a couple still able to talk. You have a few stragglers in the woods. How did three and four do with the Blizzard?”
“One to Alpha, copy that. We will mop up the strays. Three and four disabled the Blizzard. They need one of your squads to get the crew out.”
“Roger one, will send Beta two to open the can.”

“Supekuta hold, I have four sets of contacts. Three of them are north and one is west.” Looking at the Beagle’s screen. “The three north are battle armor and infantry in a fire fight and the other looks like a ‘Mech lance supporting the BA. The one to the west is something powered down.” She adds the base to the comms link. “OK so this is what I want to do. Four you are with me, two and three you and three move 20 meters to the right and we will swing to the contact to the west. Base have Foji and Arbiru move to the west side and be ready.”
“Mam what about the group to the north?”
“We will let them be. They maybe be a distraction to get us away from base. We have that Karnov already and I do not like this single contact to the west. Plus the northern contact will not like it if they stray east.” Once more looking over the map. “Move people, now.”

Lieutenant Tan looks over the security report. “Sergeant so the security teams found no one in or around bunker 4?”
“Correct mam. Who or whatever tripped the sensors did not stick around.”
“OK I want the techs and your team going over everything in that area. Inside and out.” Looking at the sergeant. “Nobody brakes into a military facility just to run off.”
“NO mam I would not think so. I have Alpha platoon walking the area to see if they can find any tracks.”
“Very good, I want Sergeant Ray running the perimeter to see what she can find. All other units are to stay on yellow alert.”

“Hay boss looks like they are swing our way.”
“OK people move it. All they get to find is a lot of empty. MOVE!”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #998 on: 22 April 2020, 08:01:53 »
“Recon one to base, we have some of the PBI that were poking around point 4. They are not local by the gear they have. We will bring them back to base so you can have a talk with them. We also need a recovery vehicle. From what recon Alpha reported and what the rest of the team has tallied up about a squad got clear.”
“Roger recon, we will send out a security force.”

“OK people slow it down whoever they were they took off.” Linking in her base. “Supekuta one to base the contact to the west just moved out. They are running some heavy ECM. I want recon units to start running regular patrols no more than 5 klicks out and support units ready in case they find something. Make sure everyone keeps in contact.”

“Two to one that just ripped the rotors of the bird.”
“Roger two, did you get a fix on when they bailed?”
“Sure did, sending it to base.” Both attack helicopters watch as the Karnov spins in. When it hits the ground it goes up it a large explosion. “What the ….. what was on that thing?”
“Don’t know but the Sho-sa will want to get people out here.”

“Control to Kochi what was that explosion?”
“That was the Karnov. You felt that? We are about 2 klicks out?”
“We sure did. I will get a team out that way to see what just happened.”
“Roger base, we need to head in for fuel.” Looking at the fuel gauge. “You will also want to get a couple of squads to the location that two just sent you. That is the spot the crew bailed out.”
“Roger Kochi we will get teams ready. You will provide escort.”
“Roger base.”

“Eagle Eye to Nail, we are a squad strong. Blizzard taken along with others. Request LZ point. We are still mobile.”
“Nail to Eagle Eye, Roger. LZ point Oscar. We will be on the ground in twenty.”
“Roger that Nail down in twenty at Oscar.”
“Do you have any company?”
“Negative Nail, they did not follow.”

As the DropShip comes to a halt they ramp drops and the armored vehicles move out and setup a security perimeter. A squad of jump troopers make for the DropShip. The armored units make sure that the troopers get on board then they board the ship. When all are locked down the ship fires up its engines and gets airborne.
When the DropShip gets back in space the commander of the armor looks in on the infantry troopers. “So son what happened?”
“Sir we got hit by a platoon of Kaga armor. They came out of nowhere. They cut down two squads when they opened up.”
“You are the only ones to get out?”
“Yes sir. We moved to the fall back points to see if any of the others made it out, but no one showed or linked in. The Blizzard crew linked in when they took heavy damage that crippled them. After that we do not know what happened to them. They reported that a Griffin was attacking them.”
“OK let the medics look you over and give a full report to my XO.”

“OK this is the point that they jumped from the Karnov. We should start a search pattern to see if we can pick that crew up.”
“Roget that one, I will take Bravo and look to the east so you and Alpha can cover the west.”
“Sounds good two Move out.”

“Recon to base we will be taking the long way home. Alpha and Bravo spotted some movement south of us. We will make sure they are not following us.”
“Roger recon. We will have security ready and a support force in case you need help.”
“Roger that base, we should be home about 1900. I will have the small fry head in so you can talk with our guests.”
“Roger that recon, we will have the welcome mat out.”
“Roger base. OK small fry you know what to do. Get moving.”
“Roger heavy one, we will make sure the bar is still open when you get back.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #999 on: 02 May 2020, 08:05:02 »
“Alpha to Lieutenant Tan, we have some vehicle tracks about 200 meters from bunker 4.” Alpha’s sergeant reports in. “They are using wheeled vehicles. They are heading east. Do you want us to follow?”
“Tan to Alpha negative. You do not have they firepower to deal with vehicles.” She looks over the holomap. ““Sergeant Ray I need you to get over to the area that Alpha spotted the tracks.” Looking at the duty sergeant. “I want all units on alert. Keep the civilians in the safety bunkers. Have Charlie and Delta battle armor setup as the last line security for our civvies. Lieutenant Ash and Lieutenant Baines will be the primary security for the base.”
“Roger that Mam.” The sergeant brings the units on line and gives them their new orders.
“Ray to base roger, I am on my way.” She gets her ‘Mech moving.
“Sergeant, make sure the Captain has full reports of all that has been going on. I will get a roster together for a search force.” Tan pulls up the units T.O. & E. to put a force together to track down the people that just violated the Hands base.

“Hay Sarge, these are light wheeled vehicles we are tracking. From how deep in the ground I would figure they are some of the zoomies we have had trouble with in the past.”
“OK corporal keep looking to see if your team finds anymore.”
“You got it Sarge.”
“Alpha to base our visitors are running zoomies.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1000 on: 07 May 2020, 22:12:42 »
Inside Camp Maru’s control center. “Major the seismic sensors have picked up some heavy movement is sector 15.”
Looking over the map table. “That is down by the river.”
Yes sir. The sensors are having trouble making out just what is moving in that area.” Looking over the readouts. “Something is blocking the transmitters.”
“Major Cranson to all units I want a recon mission ready to move in five. All other units are on yellow alert. All crews prep your rides.” Over the units comms. “Get Nejiro control on line.” Looking to his comms officer.
“Right away sir.”
“Security teams stand ready to escort the recon mission out the south gate.” Looking at the maps. “I do not want any of the civilians injured. If they interfere you are to use nonlethal force. I they use lethal force you may then respond in kind.” Looking over at his XO. “Have medical standing by. They may be needed.”

“Commander I have a report from Baja that a truck convoy saw some ‘Mechs in the southern outskirts of Baja.”
“Do we have any Militia units in that area?”
“No Sir. The only units near that area are GSF out of Camp Haken.”
“Then get the GSF liaison on line and see what they can send over there.”
“Yes Sir.”

“Elisio Tekeda to Kapten Bjomsen we need you to send a recon unit to area 507. We have reports of ‘Mechs in that area.”
“Roger command. We will dispatch a recon force to check on the ‘Mech sighting.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1001 on: 08 May 2020, 15:51:16 »
Kapten Bjornsen turned off his communication device, and looked up at the ceiling of his office. "Hopefully the recon isn't too hard on these units. It better not be a wild goose chase or the higher-ups won't hear the end of it," he said to no one in particular. He then brought up his unit's TO&E and began searching for units that would fit the mission. "Looks like there may be more action for Ice Queen this time. I'll send the Gale, the Blood Moon with the 72nd, and may as well send Laughing Wolf as well," he mutters.

((Sending the Griffin, The Goblin with the Heavy LRM Infantry, The LRM Carrier, and the Jackal. Recon in force.))    :D
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1002 on: 16 May 2020, 06:28:48 »
“Command this is security one ready to roll with the recon team.” Looking over the area maps. “We should be good until point bravo. After that we will see what we have.”
“Roger security one. You are to escort the recon force to point bravo and see to it that they get out with as few problems as possible. Recon once past point bravo you are on your own. But do keep the damage down. Both of you keep the civilian problems to a minimum.”
“Will do Boss.”
“Roger Boss.”
“Do remember to let us know when you are back recon one so we can have security ready. You will need them so that you get back to base.”
“Roger that.”
‘OK recon let’s get this show on the road. One to security team, keep it tight and hope we don’t have to break anything.”
“Recon one to team lets rolling out.”

“Firebird six to all birds hold. We will see what this leads to.” Jack watches the different personal moving in and out of bar.
“Boss we have clean targets.” The second team leader reports. “We can drop three of our top HVTs right now.”
“Sure we can and what happens to the others? Wait!”

In the hills outside of the FOB that the GSF just hammered a lone figure watches to see if the unit she is hunting shows up. The different groups of Battlemechs form up and move out. The main walls of the base to the south are destroyed along with many of the buildings. After searching the area and picking up what salvage the Battlemechs move off. The bounty hunter keeps watching the area for a few more hours then moves in to retrieve her equipment that she placed in the sensor tower. Looking over the place she can see that the artillery bombardment destroyed the power station, repair bay, Helipad and some vehicles that were at the base..  The rest of the base took heavy damage. She looks around to see if anything of value or use is still around. Looking over what was a Battlemech she starts to head out when she hears something. Drawing her sidearm she moves slowly to the area the noise came from. Looking around she spots a small animal moving around. It looks like it was a pet of one of the people that just moved off. It moves towards her. She puts her weapon away and picks it up. The animal starts to make a trilling sound. As she starts to move off the animal’s ears flatten and it give off a growl. She pulls her weapon slowly and moves toward the area that the animal is looking. She rounds a corner of what is still standing of the repair bay and sees a man on the ground. She checks him over. He is breathing but has some wounds and no weapons. Putting the animal down she looks around and notices the hatch from what was a Firestarter is open. She looks inside and finds the medical kit. She gives the man a sedative and works on his wounds. Sha then pulls out the survival kit from the wreckage.  She then moves to her hover bike and brings it to the wounded man. She loads her gear and the new friend she has into the saddle bags. She then places cuffs on the man she found and places him on the back of the bike and heads back to her own Battlemech.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1003 on: 16 May 2020, 21:05:07 »
Inside the Sebundoragonzuin (Seven Dragons Inn) in the back end of the Inn two people are talking.
“No you need to understand my Lord is willing to bring you on but not at the price you are asking.”
“You tell your Lord that I am not just some sell sword. If he wants my services he will pay what I ask.”
“NO you are not some ordinary sell sword, but you cannot demand that kind of pay. We know of your troubles and are willing to look past them but our offer is what it is. Take it or be gone!”
“Your Lord will not like it if I work for others.”
“You will not be able to work for others on this world. You are known and your past is also known here. None will take that chance. You cannot even get off world. You do not have the money to buy passage. My Lord will give you shelter and keep you in a safe location. When it is time your skills will be put to good use. When he is in charge you will find him willing to offer you a new contract.”
“How do I know that he will just not try and collect himself?”
“If my Lord wanted the bounty you would not be here. You have talents that my Lord can use. He is willing to bring you on. Yes what he offers is not what you commanded before, but then you are not in the position you use to be in. If you will not be happy with this offer then do try and find others. But as I said before none on this world will take you on. Well maybe some might but I do not think you want to work for them. Now do you?”
“No I would not but you know this. So what do I need to do?”
“Be at this location.” Handing over a note. “At that time and we will have transport ready for you. OH do not think that you will be able to betray my Lord. If you try you will find yourself in more trouble then you are in now. What will happen to you will make the bounties on your head now look like nothing. Do keep in mind that we are of the Dragon.”
“You have made your point. I will be on site and on time. Just make sure you are. I may not have the power I used to but I can cause your Lord a lot of trouble before I go down. Do not forget that.”
“We have an understanding. I look forward to work with you.”
They both take their leave of the Inn each of them using different exits.

“Steve its Trevor, that guy your lady friend is looking for I just saw at the Sebundoragonzuin. He was talking to some Corp type. She may want to get over to Yakan fast. Looks like he just cut some kind of deal.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1004 on: 19 May 2020, 10:04:55 »
“Shujin please give me a report on the mission, I know that you did so for the GSF but I would like a direct report.” Sho-sa Kalakaua asks the the vehicle commander sitting at the table. “As you are the ranking member of this unit that was on the mission I would like your view of the mission.”
“As you know Sho-sa our mission was to find out what happened to the local recon unit coded 227.” The vehicle commander starts his report. “We moved into the last known area that 227 reported from. The sensors did not pick them up and we started to search. As we were looking for the recon unit we picked up ECM ahead of us. Due to the terrain the Hammers commander had the wheeled and tracked vehicles take the left side due to the terrain. The hover and VTOLS took the right and the Battlemech took the center. I was in charge of the right as the ranking NCO on that side. The ComGuard Hawk Moths acted as out eye and long range fire support. The Hammers Bandit and my Blizzard rounded out the unit. The Hammers Striker commanded the left and had the ComGuards Packrats and our Manticore. All the Battlemechs worked as the center force. All units moved up at the best speed of the Manticore as it was the slowest unit.”
“So MechWarrior Asher did not keep the different commands together he split them and grouped them into different teams?”
“Correct Sho-sa. Given the terrain and units we had it made the most tactical sense. My group moved along a route that the other two could not have. The other vehicles were limited in the areas they could move and the Battlemechs made a potent center force. This was a very by the book deployment and it was the best due to the battlespace.”
“I see that the ComGuard provided IDs on some of the unknown units due to the ECM.”
“Yes Sho-sa. Our war books did know some of the designs and we have not seen or worked with them. MechWarriors Asher and Reece said that they had seen them in history books but not in real life. Due to the ECM some of the models are unknown. What we do know is that they had A Crusader 4D, Griffin 1DS, Valkyrie QA, Locust 3M, two Demon tanks standard model. The Karnov and Zephyrs are not known. Adept Wood nd I do think that the Karnovs are the Battle Armor model due to the ECM and the fact when we found recon 227 they were killed by Battle Armor armed with machine guns.”
“Do you have any other information?”
“Yes. The unknowns fired on us first. We did return fire but no one hit due to the range. We also had a Ceallach Defense Force join us and they did damage to the unknown’s Valkyrie. I also think that MechWarrior Asher made the correct call in not folling these unknown forces deeper into the mountains. The gauss rifles on the Demons plus all the large missile racks they had would have made short work of our recon team. It would have been too easy for them to ambush with the ECM and terrain had we followed them. It was an honor to serve with the other two units.”
“Very good Shujin. See to it that your people get food and rest. I have a unit wide meeting set in a few hours.”

“Adept Wood I know that you were de-briefed by the GSF and I have a copy. But I would like your firsthand account of what happened on the mission.” Precentor Wilkes asks his Level II commander. ‘As the commander of our QRF I want you to tell me how the mission went.”
“Well sir we moved into the area the recon unit reported from. We did not pick them up on sensors or comms. Do to the fact that they had taken fire this was not unexpected. Going to ground and off comms would make sense.” The young ComGuard Officer starts her report. “As we moved further into that area we picked up ECM on our sensors. Two different areas in front of us and moving away from us. MechWarrior Asher had us split up due to the terrain. The tracked and wheeled vehicles were to the left the ‘Mechs the center and the VTOLs and hovercraft to the right. The left was the only for the tracked and wheeled vehicles to move forward due to the water ways in the area. The hovercraft and VTOLs would cover the right.” She looks at her commander. “We then moved slowly ahead.”
“So MechWarrior Asher inter-mixed units from all the commands?”
“Yes sir. Due to the terrain it made the best use of the units we had. I did not see any problems as all three units have worked together before. My unit has worked with both units on a number of missions and had no problems what so ever.”
“Very well, go on with your report.”
“As I said we moved in slowly. The Ghost Manticore was the slowest unit on the mission and we did not want to outpace it. It was also out heaviest unit and a major part of our weapons support. Out VTOLs worked as our eyes and snipers. Due to the ECM our sensors were not of much help. They did spot the units moving deeper into the mountains. The unknowns were four battlemechs, later ID as a Crusader 4D, Griffin 1DS, Valkyrie QA and Locust 3V. Four vehicles two Demons, standard model and two Zephyrs what models unknown due to the ECM and two Karnovs also what model unknown due to ECM. The ground vehicles I will not guess what models because of the ECM but the Karnovs I will due to the ECM. I think they are late model Battle Armor carriers. This model is known to carry ECM.”
“Did you try to engage these units?”
“We did sir. But none of our units hit due to range and terrain.” She looks down. “We were keeping the range open due to the fact we were much lighter then this force and they had weapons that could take out our units with a single shot.”
“I see from the GSF report that a recon unit from the Ceallach Defense Force did score some damage to the unknowns.”
“Yes sir they did. The Striker they fielded scored a hit on the Valkyrie doing some armor damage.”
“You know this how?”
“They were outside of the ECM at this point.”
“So why did you knot follow the unknowns and do more damage to them?”
“Sir they had heavier armor and weapons they we did. MechWarrior Asher did the correct move in holding back. If we had followed them deeper into the mountains they could have setup an ambush that could have taken all of us out. We also need to find the missing recon unit.” She looks her commander in the eye. “Sir it was the correct call. I would have done the same if I was commanding the mission. We know now know of this force and can make plans to deal with it.”
“Adept I am not questing what happened. To be honest I would have done the same.”
“The only regret I have is that we could not help the recon team. We did find them and it looks like they were taken out by Battle Armor armed with MGs. This also why I think the Karnovs are the late model Battle Armor transports.”
“Very good. Return to your unit and see to it you all get chow and rest.”
“Yes Sir.”
« Last Edit: 19 May 2020, 10:07:10 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1005 on: 19 May 2020, 10:17:55 »
On both desks of Kiah’s and Meyio’s desks is a bill for a Firestarter class omnimech.
The bill states that the Arkab Harid is looking for payment for the destruction of said equipment.
They are holding both responsible for the equipment being destroyed and want them to pay for said equipment.
They are looking for said payment to be settled by the end of the month.
The payment should be settled using currency issued by Parker Brothers.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1006 on: 19 May 2020, 16:17:33 »
 8) :o ;D
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1007 on: 19 May 2020, 18:35:44 »
It could take a while to get that much Monopoly money shipped to this system.  :fine_print:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1008 on: 23 May 2020, 20:34:23 »
Inside the barracks at Camp Kaki some of the troopers are looking over the Battle ROM from the latest mission. “You have to watch this from the start.” Sergeant Sighn looks over at Lieutenant Ash. “Some of these guys get some major air.”
“This is from your last mission?”
Yes mam. These were the guys we think were poking around. If they were not then they sure were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
As they look over the ROM with the other troopers in the room. “For one thing they sure do need to improve on handling vehicles off road. The trikes are not the best thing at turning at hi-speed. They tip over very easy.” Watching as the troopers are driving the small ATV vehicles. “You are right that they do get major hang time when they crash. They are lucky that the plates in the vests they have on that impact well or they all would be dead.” Lieutenant Ash notes. “The two that went into the trees could have been speared by the branches.”
“Well they made out job so much easier due their bad driving skills.” Sergeant Sighn looks as one more of the ATV riders slam into a hillside with a grin on his face. “This is one ROM that is a keeper just for the wrecks.”
“The doc thinks that the ones we have should live. They may not be happy with all the cracked and broken bones but they should live.”
“Well for as long as we have them. When the locals get done with them … Well maybe not so much.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1009 on: 27 May 2020, 14:43:53 »
On both desks of Kiah’s and Meyio’s desks is a bill for a Firestarter class omnimech.
The bill states that the Arkab Harid is looking for payment for the destruction of said equipment.
They are holding both responsible for the equipment being destroyed and want them to pay for said equipment.
They are looking for said payment to be settled by the end of the month.
The payment should be settled using currency issued by Parker Brothers.

Kiah sits back and takes a deep breath to cool her temper she flips the switch on her desk and monuments later her great uncle Jarrod entered with out a word she hands him the document.
"very interesting" Jarrod said sitting back.
"yes, interesting is but one of the words i would use" Kiah pours each of them a drink and pets the head of one of her large wolf hound as the dog wanders over to her. "it seems that the Arkab contingent is going to continue to be a problem, i have to toast there nerve as well as there stupidity in equal measure. they are so inept to loose equipment to the enemy then try and collect funds for it when it was in the control of enemy forces and received justified damage. i am beginning to think that we should be providing baby sitters for the children."
"how this dose not look like a child's tantrum is beyond me"
"well this is yet again another very unprofessional act that the Arkab is pulling and i am getting very....annoyed in thier general direction, it is a good thing they...."
"take a breath."
"I have taken several, i did not drop that ass when he pulled that stunt at the meeting as my instincts screamed for me to do and if i did not hold the position that i do i would have pressed for court martial hearings and assault charges." kiah  stood and nudged the dog aside as she rounded the desk "draw up a response, forward a copy to our new lesion officer as it states an additional.....respondent, inform that unless other wise ordered in two days time it will be delivered to the Arkab." she  sat on the edge of her desk "i am finding my temper is very much wanting to loose itself in the direction of these children, for they have yet to act like adults let alone a professional military unit and frankly if they were under my direct command and continued to act like this they would have all their pretty little toys taken away from them. the sad part is it seems that no matter what person is put in charge of the Arkab they are unstable."
"ill get right on this"
"thank you uncle"
"Well it will be interesting to observe what Meyio’s response will be"
"oh to be a fly on that wall uncle."

Dear Honored sir please find attached the response that will be delivered to the Arkab in two days unless otherwise ordered to the contrary. We are respectfully informing all concerned that Kiah's Hammers are not now nor will we in the future be forwarding any funds to the Arkab for any claimed loss of equipment.

(the attached document is written up by Kiah's legal team stating many legal presidents that equipment that having been captured by hostile forces is legally viewed as part of the hostile force.
    the document goes on to set legal terms that a contracted force, legally hired and in the act of preforming the duties for which they were hired are not responsible to the equipment's original owners for its loss or damage, since the original owner having lost the control of their equipment is no longer legally considered the legal owner of the equipment.
    the document also states if the Arkab continues to pursue this course of action and declare that the said equipment was still in their control and ownership at the time in question then charges will need to be considered against them, that they were working with said terrorist of the legal government and all legal action pertaining to those actions will be recommended to the government. 
    unless the Arkab see the error they have made and issue a formal apology, Hampton Kiah on behalf of the forces under her command, will have no choice but to strongly recommend that an investigation be started to investigate the actions of the Arkab's apparent working with enemies of the state as they could not have retained control and ownership of the said equipment unless they were working with said terrorist and enemies of the government)

footnote> Kiah also goes to Greyjoy's compound and informs her 2nd in command of the situation in person so it can not be intercepted as a call might be to ensure it remains a private conversation between the 2 of them. they have to figure out if they will ever be able to work with the arkab in view of the actions the arkab continue to take <


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1010 on: 27 May 2020, 18:30:21 »
In the hills outside of the FOB that the GSF just hammered a lone figure watches to see if the unit she is hunting shows up. The different groups of Battlemechs form up and move out. The main walls of the base to the south are destroyed along with many of the buildings. After searching the area and picking up what salvage the Battlemechs move off. The bounty hunter keeps watching the area for a few more hours then moves in to retrieve her equipment that she placed in the sensor tower. Looking over the place she can see that the artillery bombardment destroyed the power station, repair bay, Helipad and some vehicles that were at the base..  The rest of the base took heavy damage. She looks around to see if anything of value or use is still around. Looking over what was a Battlemech she starts to head out when she hears something. Drawing her sidearm she moves slowly to the area the noise came from. Looking around she spots a small animal moving around. It looks like it was a pet of one of the people that just moved off. It moves towards her. She puts her weapon away and picks it up. The animal starts to make a trilling sound. As she starts to move off the animal’s ears flatten and it give off a growl. She pulls her weapon slowly and moves toward the area that the animal is looking. She rounds a corner of what is still standing of the repair bay and sees a man on the ground. She checks him over. He is breathing but has some wounds and no weapons. Putting the animal down she looks around and notices the hatch from what was a Firestarter is open. She looks inside and finds the medical kit. She gives the man a sedative and works on his wounds. Sha then pulls out the survival kit from the wreckage.  She then moves to her hover bike and brings it to the wounded man. She loads her gear and the new friend she has into the saddle bags. She then places cuffs on the man she found and places him on the back of the bike and heads back to her own Battlemech.

out of curiosity what kind of animal is this and is the man wearing battlemech gear?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1011 on: 27 May 2020, 18:45:40 »
Kiah also goes to Greyjoy's compound and informs her 2nd in command of the situation in person so it can not be intercepted as a call might be to ensure it remains a private conversation between the 2 of them. they have to figure out if they will ever be able to work with the arkab in view of the actions the arkab continue to take <

Bored by the lack of action, Maria Botley strolled into the office of Major Alannah Harlaw as the GSF Liaison was filing reports.

"Hey, Alannah,"  Maria began.  "I just saw the viking queen storming into Euron's office.  You know what's going on?"
Harlaw sighed.  "She's informing the Colonel of the stance she has decided to take with the Arkab Harid.  Based on what's been handed to me, it's not good."
"The Arkab Harid?"  Maria puzzled.  "You mean the guys who pretty much emasculated Euron in front of everybody a month or so back?"
"The same."  Alannah replied.  "They got all pissy that we obliterated one of their 'Mechs that had been captured by the enemy.  They billed Hauptmann Franks and the Governor for their lost equipment."
Maria laughed loudly.  "Well, they got balls, I'll say that.  If they'd tried that sh*t with me, I'd have probably shot the man in the face.  Say, 'Lannah, you wouldn't happen to have--"
"No, Maria!"  Harlaw growled in annoyance at the bellicose older woman.  "For the last time, I don't have anything you can do until AFTER the tourney.  You're not allowed to jump the line just because you have seniority."
"Hmph, spoil-sport."  Maria mumbled under her breath.  Getting another idea, she said, "Well, I guess I'll leave you to your filing, Major.  Have fun."

Leaving Alannah's office, Maria walked into the hangar bay where Kiah's car waiting for her to return from Euron's office.  Pulling out her phone, she texted both Julia and Fuka, a mischievous smile on her face.
Meet me in the hangar bay ASAP.  I think we should have a talk with Kiah.  I have an idea for us all to see a little action before you have to give up your 'Mechs.

Sure enough, both Fuka and Julia came to the floor of the hangar within 10 minutes of receiving the text.  Fuka seemed nervous while Julia came right up to her cousin, a suspicious look on her face.
"OK, Mari," Julia eyed her.  "What d'you have in mind?"
"Don't worry, Jules,"  Maria smiled, "I think you're gonna like it."
Maria caught sight of Kiah walking out to her car and looked the woman up and down, taking stock of her strong build, long hair and fierce gaze.  It's too bad my dance card is so full up nowadays.  I wouldn't mind challenging THAT goddess' thunder one day.

Kiah looked at the trio of women in front of her car puzzled.  "Can I help you?" She asked.
"Hauptmann Franks."  Maria smiled and offered her hand.  "I don't think we've met before.  I'm Maria Botley, Lorren's mother.  And I wanted to ask you if you wanted my, Jules' and Fuka's help with the Arkab Harid?"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1012 on: 27 May 2020, 19:47:16 »
out of curiosity what kind of animal is this

A cat like furball

and is the man wearing battlemech gear?

Cooling vest, shorts, boots and gloves.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1013 on: 27 May 2020, 20:06:10 »
Point of Fact it is ARKAB  HARIB. not Harid. Continue this track and you will not like the derogatory terms I create and use for your units.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1014 on: 27 May 2020, 20:46:23 »
Point of Fact it is ARKAB  HARIB. not Harid. Continue this track and you will not like the derogatory terms I create and use for your units.

That is on me. I am the in that started the miss-spelling. 


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1015 on: 27 May 2020, 21:02:23 »
Sorry, John.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1016 on: 27 May 2020, 21:42:45 »
Kiah looked at the trio of women in front of her car puzzled.  "Can I help you?" She asked.
"Hauptmann Franks."  Maria smiled and offered her hand.  "I don't think we've met before.  I'm Maria Botley, Lorren's mother.  And I wanted to ask you if you wanted my, Jules' and Fuka's help with the Arkab Harid?"

"The Arkab Harib?" Kiah's elemental body guards step forward before the women reach Kiah "excuse me whom did you say you are and what are you offering me?" Kiah stands in a seemingly relaxed posture but the warrior in Maria sees the shift in kiah's posture and realizes that this women is ready for anything and fully able to defend herself, also the fact that Kiah is able to address her civically and with a pleasant tone, while still extremely angry is impressive, Kiah is obviously more skilled in diplomacy then she first estimated. "and why would you think i have any issue with Arkab Harib?"


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1017 on: 28 May 2020, 17:00:30 »
"The look in your eyes is all the answer I need."  Maria continued undaunted.  "They're like a tiny pair of stars about to go supernova.  You really don't like the Arkab Harib (OOG: see I spelled it right  ;D).  They're not exactly very popular here either, seeing as how they all but tried to cut the Colonel's balls off in front of his peers, yourself included."  She leans forward conspiratorially.  "I bet you wouldn't mind seeing them kicked off the planet, but you don't have a case to bring against them.  You need to know if they're dirty or not.  Maybe we can help each other there."

Behind Maria, Fuka inched toward Julia and whispered.  "Nee-san, I don't like this.  Why were we listening to your cousin again?"
Julia bit her bottom lip before answering.  "She said we could see some kind of action.  At the time, I'd figured Mari had thought this out a bit more, but I'm starting to see that wasn't the case, which is very Mari."
"Should we do something to stop her before Franks-sama decides to report us?"  Fuka asked nervously.
"I don't think the Hauptmann or her friends would hurt Mari if it came to that.  Just as well, try to look as non-aggressive as possible.  As far as those Elementals are concerned, we're just a pair of knuckle-dragging techs, not warriors.  We're beneath them."
Fuka nodded, wincing at what the genetically engineered super-soldiers could do to them if roused.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1018 on: 28 May 2020, 18:51:09 »
"The look in your eyes is all the answer I need."  Maria continued undaunted.  "They're like a tiny pair of stars about to go supernova.  You really don't like the Arkab Harib (OOG: see I spelled it right  ;D).  They're not exactly very popular here either, seeing as how they all but tried to cut the Colonel's balls off in front of his peers, yourself included."  She leans forward conspiratorially.  "I bet you wouldn't mind seeing them kicked off the planet, but you don't have a case to bring against them.  You need to know if they're dirty or not.  Maybe we can help each other there."

Behind Maria, Fuka inched toward Julia and whispered.  "Nee-san, I don't like this.  Why were we listening to your cousin again?"
Julia bit her bottom lip before answering.  "She said we could see some kind of action.  At the time, I'd figured Mari had thought this out a bit more, but I'm starting to see that wasn't the case, which is very Mari."
"Should we do something to stop her before Franks-sama decides to report us?"  Fuka asked nervously.
"I don't think the Hauptmann or her friends would hurt Mari if it came to that.  Just as well, try to look as non-aggressive as possible.  As far as those Elementals are concerned, we're just a pair of knuckle-dragging techs, not warriors.  We're beneath them."
Fuka nodded, wincing at what the genetically engineered super-soldiers could do to them if roused.

Kiah makes a sub vocal noise and the elementals step slightly aside as she motions the others closer "you are Julia and Fuka" she waits for the two women to take a step forward and nod. "and i see you had no idea what Mari here was about to purpose to me." Kiah raises her hand to stop Mari from speaking and smiles a smile that gives all the woman pause. "While your obvious loyalty to your commander is admirable, i know he would not be pleased with this conversation, and "as the commander of the Governors forces i am stating in plain langue that you are to take no, i repeat no action of any kind. and i assure you that the problem is being handled. i command you all for what you would try to attempt to do but you are to do nothing, further more rest assured i will have no conversation with your commander about this since as i said i am viewing it as an act of loyalty on your part." kiahs private com beeps and she pulls it out but dose not glace at it she makes eye contact with each of the women "i would strongly suggest that you prepare for the upcoming trials , get as much practice in as you can. i hope that your successful in the trails that are upcoming for each of you can be an asset to your commander." she looks down briefly to see an urgent message from carl and looks up "and let me be clear , i am NOT making an sub message of any kind here you are to stand down and do nothing regarding this matter in any way shape or form do you understand me."

Kiah takes note of Mari's outrage and locks eyes with the woman "stirring up trouble at this juncture will not be tolerated i will not have any shadow cast on your commander even if it was done from loyalty" Kiah notes that her security team are receiving messages as well from slight shifts in their posture to subtle for any but her to notice. "now if you will excuse me i have other meeting to attend" she heads for her car and then pauses "but rest assured i will remember your names and your offer and since your commander has a way of finding things out you all may want to explain this meeting to him he, as i have said, will not hear it from me but others may have seen us speaking"   

once in the car and it i underway Kiah reads Carl's message

you are making a huge mistake re that bill you got i am waiting in your office to explain urgent that we talk ASAP

"My kahn Carl is asking if you received his message ... he is very agitated"

"Yes i have , best speed home"

Kiah sits back frowning at her com

on my way

she presses send and feels a rather large headache starting to form as she opens her tablet to review a few reports on the way home


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1019 on: 28 May 2020, 21:03:09 »
Kiah makes a sub vocal noise and the elementals step slightly aside as she motions the others closer "you are Julia and Fuka" she waits for the two women to take a step forward and nod. "and i see you had no idea what Mari here was about to purpose to me." Kiah raises her hand to stop Mari from speaking and smiles a smile that gives all the woman pause. "While your obvious loyalty to your commander is admirable, i know he would not be pleased with this conversation, and "as the commander of the Governors forces i am stating in plain langue that you are to take no, i repeat no action of any kind. and i assure you that the problem is being handled. i command you all for what you would try to attempt to do but you are to do nothing, further more rest assured i will have no conversation with your commander about this since as i said i am viewing it as an act of loyalty on your part." kiahs private com beeps and she pulls it out but dose not glace at it she makes eye contact with each of the women "i would strongly suggest that you prepare for the upcoming trials , get as much practice in as you can. i hope that your successful in the trails that are upcoming for each of you can be an asset to your commander." she looks down briefly to see an urgent message from carl and looks up "and let me be clear , i am NOT making an sub message of any kind here you are to stand down and do nothing regarding this matter in any way shape or form do you understand me."

Kiah takes note of Mari's outrage and locks eyes with the woman "stirring up trouble at this juncture will not be tolerated i will not have any shadow cast on your commander even if it was done from loyalty" Kiah notes that her security team are receiving messages as well from slight shifts in their posture to subtle for any but her to notice. "now if you will excuse me i have other meeting to attend" she heads for her car and then pauses "but rest assured i will remember your names and your offer and since your commander has a way of finding things out you all may want to explain this meeting to him he, as i have said, will not hear it from me but others may have seen us speaking"   

Fuka breathes out a sigh of relief and asks Julia to be excused, which Julia agrees to, leaving the two cousins alone.

"Are you REALLY that bored that you decided to cause inter-unit problems just so you could get back in a 'Mech faster?"  She asked.
Maria pouted at Kiah's rejection before changing tack.  "I thought you were the one who didn't want to give up her baby because you were disqualified from competing in the trials by Euron's order."
Julia tilted her stance.  "That may be true, Mari, but I wasn't the one who decided it'd be a good idea to go up to the CO of the GSF to try and con her into giving her permission for us to sortie on whatever mission you envisioned she'd give us because you don't want to wait until after the trials were done.  Or were you scared that you wouldn't win?"
"What'd you say?"  Maria glared at her cousin, trying to avoid clenching her fists.
"Look, I get it."  Julia stood up to the older woman.  "You want to fight.  You've been wanting to fight again for years ever since GUERRERO.  I've seen that look on your face lots of times, but at the same time you're worried that you're going to get beaten by one of the others.  Jurgen, Freyja, even your own daughter."
"Be very careful with what you're going to say next, Julia."  Maria said through her teeth.
Swallowing, Julia pressed on, "But cutting the line is no way to do it.  I want to be warrior too, but I'm willing to follow orders even though I know the boss will never let me do that.  And what about Fuka?  She's not a warrior in any sense of the imagination, nor is she going to be in the trials either, yet you dragged her into this anyway.  She's a good kid who finally got her dream job working for us.  Why'd you think she'd jeopardize that to help you, or us for that matter?"
Finally, Maria sighed in absolute frustration.  "I thought she'd help you because she calls you nee-san.  You think I DON'T know what that means?  I figured she'd be more helping you than me,  if you had been with me on this, that is."
"At first I was."  Julia admitted.  "I was hoping for something like hunting bandits or something to show my skills so that the Colonel would relent and let me in the tournament.  But you had to try and invent a crisis and pulled me and Fuka into it.  I love you, Mari, but I also love keeping my job.  And your idea might have cost all three of us."
Scratching her head in annoyance, Maria's expression softened.  "I love you too, Jules.  Also, I doubt Euron would have punished you or Fuka.  He likes you two.  Anyway, my idea's flushed.  You should get back to work and I guess I'll go the gym.  Gotta keep this bod of mine looking this good."
"Sure."  Julia nodded, and headed back to work.

Above them, Euron stared at the women as they separated while Alannah looked on.
"Colonel,"  The Major asked.  "What are we going to do about Maria?"
Euron chuckled before responding, "Nothing.  Honestly, I'm surprised that this didn't happen sooner."
Alannah was not convinced.  "But what she did was insubordination, sir.  Someone needs to deal with her."
"I remember Balon saying that disciplinary action doesn't really work with Maria."  Euron shook his head.  "Maria is going to be Maria, no matter what we do."
"We should at least disqualify her from the tournament." Alannah suggested.
Euron turned and looked at her as if the liaison officer had just grown a second head.  "Are YOU going to tell her that, Alannah?!  I'd just as soon not LOSE my liaison officer weeks after she took the job.  I have enough problems as it is.  No, Maria will be allowed to compete."
"And what if she wins?"  Alannah asked.
"Then at least I know she'll be contributing useful to the Ironborn."  Euron quickly responded.  Believe me, all that woman wants right now is to step out on to the battlefield and fight again.  We can trust her desire to want that, at least."
"If you say so, Colonel.  What if she loses?"
Euron shrugged.  "I have a feeling that won't stop her for long either."

