Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174772 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1320 on: 20 March 2021, 19:58:06 »
I get "shot" on the 29th :P
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1321 on: 21 March 2021, 05:46:54 »
First or second?  The first just gave me a sore arm for a day or two.  The second one game me a two-day flu with vomiting.  I'm told it only happens a third of the time.  Lucky me.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1322 on: 22 March 2021, 16:48:16 »
OK just a reminder that part 4 of the Ironborn teat out is Sunday.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1323 on: 22 March 2021, 16:50:50 »
OK just a reminder that part 4 of the Ironborn teat out is Sunday.

You heard him folks he said "teat"s out on sunday :bang: :D ;D
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1324 on: 22 March 2021, 19:53:00 »
You heard him folks he said "teat"s out on sunday :bang: :D ;D

What you don't Luke teats  :-X.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1325 on: 25 March 2021, 20:14:23 »
Well, not the smoothest prose I've ever written, but I'm trying...

   I’m far from married to the proper way of doing things like some of the older members of the Sho-sa’s shitenno are, but some of these outlanders drive me crazy.  Is there really a good reason that Go-cho Tommy Shiguchi running the telemetry and video conferencing gear needs to have light green hair to match his rank bars, a shade of green not found in nature?  I haven’t yet seen people bringing pizza or wings from Chessie’s to eat on the three hundred year old ebony meeting table the Sho-sa brought with her all the way from McAlister, but I keep waiting.
   We were here to decide any actions to follow the recent exercise against the Ironborn.  The Sho-sa was at the head of the table with her new granddaughter next to her.  Tai-I Rhodes and Sho-ko Nakajima were next to each other, both looking like they’d prefer to be suffering at the hands of Oni.  Chu-I Nakamura and Talon Sergeant Hasagawa rounded out those sitting at the table, waiting for the malfing test pattern on the big screen to clear and connect us with Sho-Ko Kowalski.  We’d all seen the recording of the match multiple times until I could recite not only the events, but grow almost used to the raucous pretension of music coming across the feed from the Chimera for the entire match.
   Finally the crackle of static cleared, and Sho-Ko Kowalski and Chu-I Hikari appeared on the screen (Mental note:  exactly when will she turn 18?).  He looked peaceful, she looked apprehensive.  Getting blown out of an expensive Omnimech will do that to a person.   Somewhere in the background I could see all three of the boys who’d fielded with her, Hitoshi and Hiryur looking grimly triumphant and the new grandson Kiyosuke just looking grim.
   Kowalski changed abruptly to a cocky grin, but bowed appropriately to the Sho-sa.  “My reports were clear?”  Hikari winced, as did the granddaughter at the table.
   Tai-I Rhodes, however, just returned the smile.  “They were, Vince.  So, Hikari, how do you think you did?”
   Her grimace was more eloquent than her words.  “We did, all right,  Tai-i.  We pulled it out by the skin of our teeth.  Hitoshi and Hiryur pulled it out after Kiyosuke and I went down.  If not for them, we’d have lost.”  She bowed her head.
   Grandmother spoke next.  “That is why you are a lance, Hikari.  On as off the field of battle, we expect each member of the group to compensate for the weaknesses of the others.  While my own concern was more that in the beginning of the match, you seemed to have completely forgotten the assigned task, Tai-I Rhodes convinced me that Mechwarriors are expected to attempt to surpass their instructions whenever possible, although I was forced to remind him that in the past he too had suffered from an excess of ambition.” 
That brought a grimace and a nod from Bully.  “Yeah, I ignored the intel and saw what I wanted to see.  Lessons learned.”
   “Thank you, Sho-sa”.  Hikari bowed, with the expression on her face softening a little bit, even as grandmother’s own face softened into a small smile.
   Shiguchi interrupted, “Boss, I’m losing the link.  I keep telling you, patching the Hachiman gear into this relic from Shinjiro Kurita’s fourth birthday party is a hopeless cause.  We need to replace this ancient stuff.”  That brought a scowl from the Sho-sa and an outright glare from Nakajima, first to defend any slur against his equipment.  Bully Rhodes, however, was the first to speak.
“Tommy, disconnect the DCMS gear, just use the Hachiman hardware to make the link.”  A grimace was the first answer from the Go-Cho.  “You know I can’t do that boss, the system can’t encode like that.”
Nakamura scowled at him, “then perhaps instead of complaining, maybe you’d better come up with solutions, we use what we have.  If we had everything we wanted, we’d be Davions”  which triggered laughter and chuckling around the table.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   On the other end, Kowalski clapped Hikari on the shoulder, “See, told you, you did good.  Pizza?”
   Kiyosuke smiled at the idea of pizza, only to start frowning at the looks from the others.  Pretty much as one, the other three members of the lance headed for the noodle stall set up by some of the locals.  Kowalski shrugged and followed, the not entirely willing fourth member of the lance following behind him.  “All right, kids, your first time against the Ironborn was okay, but that only means they’re going to be looking for payback with the rematch.”
   Hitoshi shook his head.  “We’re all in this together, Sho-ko.  We’ll invite them to lunch after the second fight and see what kind of flavors they brought with them.  Anything but pizza.”  He smiled, and Kowalski laughed.
« Last Edit: 26 March 2021, 09:02:05 by ObnoxiousTwerp »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1326 on: 25 March 2021, 20:15:18 »
How does two pages turn into two short paragraphs?  Sigh...

Well, at least it didn't run as long as I was afraid of when posted...


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1327 on: 26 March 2021, 17:14:11 »
How does two pages turn into two short paragraphs?  Sigh...

Blame it on the font size  ;D

Well, at least it didn't run as long as I was afraid of when posted...

Try a long run on sentence  ;D

Dude it is nice work  :thumbsup:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1328 on: 27 March 2021, 10:54:28 »
I enjoyed it immensely! Once I got over the urge to correct all the double negatives. Good work
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1329 on: 27 March 2021, 15:14:41 »
Thanks!  Especially with Grandmother's bunch, I do that when I get formal.  Less so with Bully's bunch, but it still happens sometimes.  Part of what I wanted to remember with this was that Bully's people are young, adventurous, and mostly lower class from the Periphery, while Grandmother's people are for the most part DCMS retirees, former DCMS, or the children of the DCMS personnel.  There are going to be conflicts...

I enjoyed it immensely! Once I got over the urge to correct all the double negatives. Good work


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1330 on: 27 March 2021, 16:53:54 »
oh okay. Thanks for the clarification.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1331 on: 27 March 2021, 20:17:27 »
Somewhere in a secluded booth...

“Sister, England is here”.

“Good, let’s get a couple of drinks”.

“My dear Lady Ching, it’s good to see you again. What may this old warrior do for you?”

“Captain England, as you know, when we decided to go “legit” so to speak, a few of our fellows decided to go out on there own.”

“Yes ma’am, I do remember that.”

“Well, I would like to have a little chat with them. I would like to convince them to come back and work together again.”

“I have been in contact with Lai Choi once or twice since then.”

“I figured as such. You two were so close. Do you think you can arrange for a little get together.”

“I think that can be arranged. I’ll get on that right away. Is there anything else my Lady?”

“No Captain, thank you for your help.”

As Captain England walked out Ching Ch’i turns to her sister and with a raised eyebrow asks “are you sure you can trust him.”

“England was banging that uppity slut. I’m sure he would love to have her slinking back so they could resume “cross-training” again.”

“So, you want the bunch of traitors back?”

“I don’t care either way what they do. What I want is that Catapult and the other mechs. I have a feeling that we will need the extra equipment. We can get the meat anywhere, but the mechs are harder to acquire.”

“Then why do you want to get rid of that Clan mech?”

“Because it costs triple to get the spare parts for that thing. I could sell it and buy things that we need for what we have”

“So that’s what Jack is doing here?”

“Yes, I need his knowledge on who would buy it and the best price I can get. Send him over little brother.”

“Yes my Lady.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1332 on: 28 March 2021, 17:58:23 »
Jack will sit in the booth with Ching Shi. “I see that you made it with little problems.”
“Yes. The voyage was a bit cramped, but otherwise not bad.”
“So I have a place for you and your people to setup camp at. It is well away from others. It will need work but should do well for your needs.” Jack pulls out a real paper map and places it on the table. He points out a spot in the mountains. “Some others used this area some time back and have not returned. It has all the basic needs.”
“I figured working for you would have better living quarters. But this will not be the first or the last time I will live in caves.”
“The area has room for all of your equipment and personal. It also is well covered and easy to protect.”
“You said others used this before?”
“Yes, the GSF pushed them out and no one has returned.”
“Well then I need to know places and people to see about getting things.”
“The best place to meet people and get items that will be of use to you would be the Enclave. I have a couple of ID cards that will get you in and break the ice with the locals.”
“Good. But how do I get my people to out new home?”
“I have transport setup. Be at this location.” Jack points out a spot on the map. “You have three days.”
“And if we do not make that spot in three days?”
“Then you get to walk. So don’t be late.” He heads out.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1333 on: 28 March 2021, 18:01:02 »
Hilo TV3
“Live from outside Hilo we have video of GSF, ComGuard and 6th Ghost units in some wargames.” The feed shows some of the action from the last round of the Ironborn trials. “As you can see from the Hilo TV3 Helicopter four groups from the different units are involved in some form of combat exorcise.”

Nejiro News 1
Today from Hilo we have a report of a mixed wargame exorcise. These wargames involved units from the ComGuard, 6th Ghost and GSF. We have not had any word from the GSF about this. With all the different raids of late some wonder why they need to do something like this. Some are asking why the Nejiro Militia was not part of this event. Would it not be something that that the all the military forces should be doing together?

The Dakuu-orianyusu
Look at the Sell swords playing at being warriors. They should be out hunting bandits. That is why they are on world, is it not? They play these games while the Militia of Nejiro provides the true security for this world. They have GomGuard and lesser warriors playing in these GAMES. If the sell swords are to protect this world should they not work the true warriors of Nejiro?

Shin no wadopuresu
So the mercenaries, ComGuard and GHOST play games. They cannot defend Nijero so they play games. Why are these groups working with each other? Why are the militias of the planet not involved? That is easy, when the militias have spent their blood then these groups will take over.

Takada has a conference call setup for all the GSF unit commanders to inform them of some information that has come to light.
“To start off I would like to congratulate the new ‘Mech Warriors of the Ironborn, may you bring honor to your command.” Takada looks over his data pad. “This information is from both the Nejiro Militia and Rosslyn Militia.” He looks down and sets up a split screen. “These images are from a drone that was in the area and from the Militia pilots that responded to the Rosslyn units call.” The screen shows different images of an armored convoy moving through a crossroads area. Some of the shots have images of the Rosslyn unit that was also in the area. “These images come from a drone we had in the area. As you can see from the images this unknown unit has some very hi-end gear. The Tokugawa tanks are the latest issue for the DCMS.” He changes the images.  “They also have a pair of Badger transports with Standard Battle Armor riding on the outside. We do not know 100% if these transports had Battle Armor on the inside. We are going to go with they did as that would give them that much more firepower.” He changes the images once more. “The two trucks that are towing the field guns are a locally made vehicle. The guns we do not know. Out intel people figure they are a class 10 going by the size of gun and they had only two of them.” Takada changes the screen back to normal view. “The Rosslyn commander did not engage this unit. He was too far away from any heavy support and they had heavier equipment. His light hover vehicles and class 5 field guns were not up to dealing with them. The Militia VTOL section also did not engage as the light autocannons they have would not have held off this force.” He looks over his data. “As this took place well north of Yousai the Nijero Militia is on alert.” He checks over his data. “Just who this unit maybe working for, we do not know.” Checking over his information once more. “With all that is going on it could be most any of the ichizoku, Word of Blake or the Kokuryu-kai. We do know that they are not ComGuard, DCMS or us.” Looking at a pad just handed to him by someone off screen. “We have just been informed that around the time this event was happening, a Word of Blake strike unit moved on the ComStar HPQ compound. The ComGuard did stop the attack but a couple of parts of that force did get past the defenders and they are hunting them down.” Takada looks over the new data pad. “From the time stamps on the images from the Nejiro Militia and the information the ComGuard has given us both of these events took place about a week ago.” Takada looks directly in to screen. “With this unknow unit operating north of Yousai, enemy units still active around Camp Kaki and now the HPG compound all commands need to be extra vigilant.”

“Hi love, I hope you have been listing to what just happened down south.”
“Yes I have. Most interesting.”
“Indeed it is. You up for a road trip?”
“Packing my bags as we are talking.”

Nejiro News 1
Today we have learned that some form of bandit raid took place on the plains north of Nakazawa Castle. Lark Witherspoon, spokesperson for Ichizoku Nakazawa informed this station. An armored company raided the service and rest area about 300 kilometers northeast of the castle. Commander Najima dispatched a newly hired Mercenary unit to deal with them. When the bandits moved into the mountains they managed to ambush the Mercenary force. The firepower of the bandit unit overwhelmed the mercenary command and destroyed it. Isao Nakazawa has put all of the Nakazawa militia forces on full alert. He has also informed Zakharovic, Nejiro Militia and the GSF about these bandits and that they are loose in the mountains. Commander Najima said that the loss of this new mercenary command will be a big loss to the Nakazawa defense forces but they will do what they can to keep the areas under their protection safe. He also thinks that Nakazawa-sama will look to replace this unit in the near future. This was a new and untried unit and only arrived on world in the last few weeks. The loss of so many young people will be something he will not forget any time soon.

The Moro Sun-Times
Word is out about yet another bandit raid, this time closer to Nazakawa Castle. The bandits raided another service and rest stop. This is the second such raid in as many months. The Nijero Militia and GSF need to stand up to these events better. We the people of Moro need these roads to be open.

The Dakuu-orianyusu
More BANDIT raids on this world! What has your government done? Nothing! Once more it is up to the local Ichizoku leader to do the work that the governments sell swords should be doing. This Ichizoku leader had to bring in mercenary troops to protect the people. Why is it that the central government will not see to the protection of Nejiro? Maybe this government cannot or will not do the job of protecting this fine world.

Shin no wadopuresu
As we have pointed out many times your government has not and does not protect you the good people of Nejiro. More bandit raids on this beautiful world and said bandits are not punished. Once more it was up to the local clan to try and defend a valuable place. They used a mercenary force and they did not protect you. As we have pointed out before mercenaries do not have your best interests at heart. This time the bandits over powered them. How long before the bandits overpower or force the GSF off world? How long before these mercenary units think the cost will be too high and move on or join with the bandits?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1334 on: 28 March 2021, 20:36:48 »
The Ironborn candidates returned to their 'Mech bays to a mix of cheers from the current Mechwarriors and groans from the tech crews who realize that they have even more repair to do from what was supposed to be simulated damage.  Harald began directing the techs to get to work while the pilots disembarked.

Asha and Theon hugged once they saw each other, having ended the tourney in first and second place respectively.
"You made it, little brother."  Asha exclaimed.
"We made it."  Theon corrected.  "Now we get first pick."
"Oh, I already know what my choice is going to be."  Asha insisted.  "Though Julia's not going to be happy about it."  She gestured toward Bad Sister.
"Really?" Theon questioned.  "You want the runt of the litter?"
"Well, I've been driving her this long."  Asha replied.  "Seems only right I keep her."
"Hmm."  Theon thought about his choice.  "Maybe Fuka will let me have her Grand Dragon if I asked nicely enough."
"As long as you don't also try any lame pick-up lines when you're asking."
"My lines are NOT lame."  Theon retorted.  "I'll have you know they're quite successful most of the time."
"Only when you're trying them on empty-headed bimbos."  Asha said with a laugh.  "But the Grand Dragon would be best for you given what you've been driving up until now.  Long-range support suits you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jurgen Blacktyde was met by Freyja and Beryl as he descended from the Wraith.  He was uncharacteristically silent as he found his wife and his sister talking.
"Guess what, big brother?"  Freyja said.
"I'm not in the mood for teasing."  Jurgen harrumphed.
"No teasing, dear."  Beryl chimed in.  "You made it to third place.  You lucked out."  She showed him the final results.
"You get to continue your "illustrious" legacy as a Mechwarrior."  Freyja added.  "While we "poor women" have ended up in your shadow."  She continued with a false pout.
Jurgen was both surprised and elated to know he had placed high enough for a 'Mech, though seemed unsatisfied.  "And who has beaten me?"
"The Greyjoy siblings, Asha and Theon."  Answered Beryl.
"Which means I get to have their left-overs."  Jurgen grumbled.  "Still, if they have earned their positions, who am I to deny them?  At least Botley's idiot daughter or the tech didn't win."
"The tech made fourth."  Freyja responded.  "That means she's next in line, even she doesn't get her own 'Mech."
Jurgen shrugged.  "Hopefully my choice of machine is still available once the siblings make their selections."

Fuka was ambushed by Isolde as she removed her neurohelmet.  Maria's daughter was fired up by something.
"Guess what, ya lucky b*tch?  You made it to fourth place.  You're gonna be the ready-five!"  She said, putting an arm around Fuka's shoulder.
"I am?"  Fuka was shocked.
"Ya sure are, kiddo!"  Shouted Maria Botley as she and Julia strolled over to the Grand Dragon's bay.
"I knew you could do it, Fuka."  Julia added her admiration.
"Arigato, nee-san."  Fuka rose out of her seat, though she didn't seem altogether happy.  "I wasn't able to win my 'Mech, though.  Someone else will have the honor of naming him."
"Eh?  What's in a name?"  Maria asked.
Fuka explained.  "Every Dragon and Grand Dragon type 'Mech must be given a name, Maria-sama.  It is a Kurita tradition.  It is a special honor that can only be given to the 'Mech by its pilot.  Nee-san, please tell this to whoever inherits this 'Mech from me.  It is only proper that he have a name."
"How do you know it's a he?"  Asked Isolde.
"Just a feeling."  Fuka patted the 'Mech with a smile.
"Well, I still feel like celebrating."  Maria said boisterously.  "You made ready-five and my daughter didn't end up dead last."  This drew a sarcastic "Gee, Thanks MOM!" from Isolde.
Undaunted, Maria continued.  "Anyway, drinks are on me tonight, ladies."
"Yeah, I wish I could participate," Julia groaned, "but I'm gonna be up all night repairing the damage the other kids caused to our 'Mechs.  Which, by the way, Fuka and Isolde, thank you both for returning your 'Mechs without any actual damage."
Fuka bowed.  "Of course, nee-san."
"Nobody's nailing me with my Stealth armor down again."  Isolde added.
"Then it's settled."  Maria concluded.  "Julia can get dirty while we get drunk."
"Sumimasen, Maria-sama," bowed Fuka, "but I will stay here also to help Julia-nee.  I am still a tech after all."
"Well, I guess it's just you and me, kid."  Maria turned to Isolde.  "Unless you wanna stay and help them too."
"You know what?"  Isolde said.  "We should both help them.  Consider it an attempt at family bonding."
"We appreciate the help, Isolde."  Julia returned, "but you two would probably only get in the way.  You're not pros like us.  Go on, have fun.  We'll join you as soon as our shift is up.  I promise."  Fuka nodded in assent.
"Well, you heard your cousin."  Maria exclaimed.  "Let's save 'em a place at the bar.  But you'd better be there before last call, Jules."
"We will."  Julia replied.
"Don't have too much fun."  Fuka added.  "We don't want to have walk in on a barfight."
"HAH!!!"  Maria laughed out loud as she and Isolde left.  "As if me and my daughter would lose one a' those."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1335 on: 29 March 2021, 13:18:14 »
OK so we are set for 4/25  :thumbsup:

Standard mission setup. 1 Mech, 1 Armor, 1 Infantry and 1 you pick.


“This is Stark Security calling Nijero Militia control. Stark Security to Militia control.”
“Militia control we read you Stark Security. What is the problem?”
“Militia Control we have a large group moving our way and will need assistance.”
“Roger Stark. Do you have any IDs on the group is made of?”
“The best we get is Battlemechs, armor and some heavy trucks. Our war books cannot ID what they are. None are showing local IFFs.”
“How large is this force?”
“Our scouts have about a company of combat equipment and a dozen trucks.”
“Roger that Stark. A company combat and a dozen support.”
“A DropShip was spotted in the area that is why we had a scout unit out.”
“Roger Stark. We will get help out ASAP.”

“Nijero Militia control to GSF command. Nejiro Milita to GSF command we have a matter that you need to look in to.”
“GSF command to Militia control what do you have?”
“Stark Industries Security has a hostile force moving in on the armor plant in the Eastern Desert. Force has a mixed force Company of combat units and a dozen support vehicles.”
“Roger Militia control. Any IDs on the combat equipment?”
“Negative GSF. Starks war books could not ID  them.”
“Thank you control. We will roll a QRF ASAP.”

“GSF command to all GSF units. GSF command to all units, we have a unknown hostile force moving toward Stark Industries Armor Plant in the Eastern Desert. You will respond to the help request help from Stark Security. The force has a company of combat units. Mixed Battlemech and armor. They also have a support unit of a dozen vehicles.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1336 on: 30 March 2021, 00:22:11 »
Asha, Theon, Jurgen and Fuka entered Euron's office to find the Colonel and Major Alannah Harlaw waiting for them.  In front of the desk were four chairs, one for each of them.

"Sit."  Euron gestured.  The new Mechwarriors took their places and the commander of the Ironborn began to speak.

"First of all, congratulations to the four of you for surviving the trials."  Euron began.  "You each have proven your skills and are as such, worthy of the title of Mechwarrior."

"We're honored, uncle."  Asha nodded.

"I'm sure you are.  Which makes it difficult for me to have to discuss this matter with you."  Said Euron.  "As most of you are no doubt aware, your trials were filmed by a civilian news agency.  I'm certain at least some of you have already read the reactions from the anti-GSF factions."

"So what?"  Jurgen challenged.  "Why should we care what a group of propagandists and extranet trolls have to say about us?"

"We care because it creates sympathy for the Black Dragons among the populace and it places the GSF and the Governor in an increasingly difficult position."  Euron explained.  "There are many on Nejiro who see us as nothing more than a gang of filthy gaijin sellswords with no true connection to this planet or its people.  That is why I intend to alter this opinion."

"How?"  Jurgen rumbled, not liking where the conversation would be going.

"Consider this, Jurgen."  Euron continued.  "You are my brother-in-law by your marriage to my sister, Beryl.  Asha and Theon are my niece and nephew, respectively.  You are all my kin.  In the eyes of some, it would be as if I was intending to form my own clan on this planet.  In order to change this belief, I believe that we should elevate someone else.  Someone who is not a blood relative.  Someone who, in fact, is one of this planet's own people.  Someone the people can identify and sympathize with."  He turned to Fuka.  "Fuka, I know I'm forcing you into a very difficult position.  However, I believe you are the one who can bridge the gap between the Ironborn and the people of Nejiro.  I want to make you a full Mechwarrior."

Fuka was shocked by his words, beginning to worry what this would mean.

"OUT OF THE QUESTION!"  Jurgen growled in anger.  "She finished fourth behind the three of us.  You would ask one of us to just give up our position to her.  Unacceptable!"  She pointed at Fuka.  "I will not give my place up to a mere technician who was sponsored by that bog witch Botley.  She is not Ironborn.  She was not baptized in salt and iron as we were."

"Which is precisely why she's perfect for this, Jurgen.  Now sit down."  Euron ordered.  Jurgen, having not even realized he'd even stood up, returned to his seat.

"Loath as I may be to agree with Uncle Jurgen,"  Asha entered the conversation. "he does have a point, sir.  We all fought our hardest to get where we are now.  I mean, I like Fuka. I do, but what you're asking of us is simply impossible.  I won this tournament fair and square, so I have first pick of the available 'Mechs.  I intend to claim the Falcon Hawk for my own.  You made the rules of the trials, Colonel, it's too late to move the goal."

"You want Bad Sister?"  Fuka asked the other woman rhetorically.  She thought for a moment before adding.  "Julia nee-san might protest at first, but I think she would come to accept you as a worthy owner for her "baby".  I approve of your choice."

"Thank you."  Came Asha's reply.

"What about you, Theon?"  Euron turned to the younger man.  "Any thoughts?"

"You've placed us all in a fine pickle, uncle."  Theon remarked.  "How can you ask any of us to give up our chance of being Mechwarriors?  It'd be like asking Uncle Jurgen to chop off his other arm."

"I agree with them, Colonel."  Fuka interjected.  "Besides, making me your "poster child" may have the reverse effect of what you want.  First, I am a commoner, an...ashigaru, not one of the nobility or aristocracy.  Therefore, I am unworthy of the honor of being called a samurai.  Second, I am a woman, and would be considered..."less than", by the Kokuryu-kai and those who support them.  Lastly, elevating me in this way would make me and my family into targets for assassination.  I also would not want to be given a position I did not earnGomen nasai, Colonel, but I cannot agree to this."

"There, you see,"  Said Jurgen.  "even she refuses the idea.  What you want is but propaganda, brother.  Something that makes me quite glad we no longer exist in the Confederation."

"The point remains, though."  Alannah finally spoke up.  "We need to make a statement to the press, and we need to assuage the people's concerns about us and our mission here.  Woman or not, commoner or not, Miss Hiyami's elevation would show that we are with the people of Nejiro.  That we are of Nejiro.  I am sorry, Miss Fuka, but you may have no choice but to accept the position whether you like it or not."

Fuka was about to protest, but Euron cut her off.  "Regardless, you've all given me a lot to consider."  He sighed.  "For now, you're dismissed.  I will be conferring with Major Franks, Musashi-sama and Governor Saganami before I let you know my decision.  As you were."

The four got up and saluted before exiting the office, leaving Euron and Alannah to their own conversation.

"They're right, of course."  Euron admitted.  "But I need to make some kind of gesture to show Nejiro that we're not the enemy."
"Such is the difficulty of command, Colonel.  It forces one to become a politician as well as a leader."  Alannah returned.
"I really hate that fact."  Said Euron. 
"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, or so Balon used to tell me."  Alannah turned to leave.  "Good luck with your decision, Colonel."

OOG:  Euron will ask the advice of Grandmother, Kiah, Jack and the Governor about his idea to elevate Fuka to Mechwarrior as a propaganda move and whether or not it might work.  Let me know what they say.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1337 on: 30 March 2021, 12:03:33 »
Master Sergeant Saltcliffe waits outside Euron’s office for the meeting to break up. “Sir may I have a couple of minutes of you time?”
“Sure but only a couple, I have a lot going on right now.”
“Understood sir.” The Sergeant enters. “Sir with the Battlemech command now at full company strength you will need to look at the armor and infantry units.” He pulls out his data pad. “Sir at this time the armor unit is at company level. That is a mix of some support armor and a mix platoon of artillery and ADA assets. We can use some more support combat vehicles. I figure a platoon maybe two for now. Any of the combat vehicles made on world will do fine. As for the infantry they can use both light and medium battle armor. The mix that they are looking at is two more squads of Fa Shih as they and be used with any of the units other combat units, two squads of light BA to fill in the Bandit to be used as a fast recon unit. The last  two medium and light squads to be used for security and as needed for field use.”
“Thank you Sergeant. I will add this to the other things now on my desk.”
The Master Sergeant gives a crisp salute and exits Eruon’s office.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1338 on: 30 March 2021, 12:39:37 »
In a bar in Hilo the Hollander pilot and Striker crew are having some drinks and talking over “Old Times” when two people walk in and head right to the table they are sitting at. The four people at the table lift up the drinks they have and take a swig and when they notice the two heading to their table they all spit out the drinks. The Mech warrior if the first to speak. “Wow, how did you two get here and find us?”
“That was not easy.” They join them at the table. “We have been moving from place to place.” They both look around. “You know, keeping a low profile and such.”
“So why look for us?” The Hollander pilot asks.
“Well we found out you all went legit and were hopping you might know of someone that can use out skills.”
They four look at each other and smile. “We just might. Sit, have a drink and some food and I will make a call.” The Mech jock gets up and heads out side.
“So how is it on the other side?”
“Not bad. We have a good deal and the CO is good to us.”
“Not like the ‘Old Days”?”
“Not at all, better life all the way.”

Outside the bar the Hollander jock calls Euron. “Colonel I think you need to get into town ASAP.”
“I have a lot going on right now, can this wait?”
“I’m not too sure it can. I may have some help for one of your personal problems, but you will need to talk with them now.”
“Look I do not have time to play games. I have a lot going on.”
“I know that sir, that news report and all. But this is not something to be talked over open comms.” He looks around. “We are at the Hammer Head Bar and will be here for the next couple of hours. Trust me sir it is worth the trip.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1339 on: 30 March 2021, 18:07:53 »
In a bar in Hilo the Hollander pilot and Striker crew are having some drinks and talking over “Old Times” when two people walk in and head right to the table they are sitting at. The four people at the table lift up the drinks they have and take a swig and when they notice the two heading to their table they all spit out the drinks. The Mech warrior if the first to speak. “Wow, how did you two get here and find us?”
“That was not easy.” They join them at the table. “We have been moving from place to place.” They both look around. “You know, keeping a low profile and such.”
“So why look for us?” The Hollander pilot asks.
“Well we found out you all went legit and were hopping you might know of someone that can use out skills.”
They four look at each other and smile. “We just might. Sit, have a drink and some food and I will make a call.” The Mech jock gets up and heads out side.
“So how is it on the other side?”
“Not bad. We have a good deal and the CO is good to us.”
“Not like the ‘Old Days”?”
“Not at all, better life all the way.”

Outside the bar the Hollander jock calls Euron. “Colonel I think you need to get into town ASAP.”
“I have a lot going on right now, can this wait?”
“I’m not too sure it can. I may have some help for one of your personal problems, but you will need to talk with them now.”
“Look I do not have time to play games. I have a lot going on.”
“I know that sir, that news report and all. But this is not something to be talked over open comms.” He looks around. “We are at the Hammer Head Bar and will be here for the next couple of hours. Trust me sir it is worth the trip.”

Euron will tell Alvarez (the Hollander pilot) he'll be right over.  After placing Alannah in temporary command of the base,  he'll inform one of the Fa Shih squads and the Alpha Badger to drive him to the Hammer Head Bar (with their armor).  He'll also bring along Victarion.

OOG:  The Hollander pilot's full name is Cornelius Alvarez.  I haven't named the Striker crew yet.
« Last Edit: 30 March 2021, 18:11:56 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1340 on: 30 March 2021, 19:25:32 »
OOG: Anthony, just so you know, when Euron and Victarion arrive, the Fa Shih troopers will stay outside.  Euron doesn't believe Alvarez and the Striker crew are leading him into a trap, but he's worried there may be trouble anyway.

IG:  Euron and Victarion step in to the bar, finding a confused Alvarez and Striker crew and probably a worried group of strangers and patrons.

"Hello, Cornelius."  Euron smiles at the Hollander pilot.  "Don't worry, the guys outside aren't coming in, they're just security.
 I am a high-profile target, after all."  He turns to Alvarez's "friends".  "So, I hear you have an offer for me."  He and Victarion sit down and Euron orders drinks for everyone.  "Let's hear it."
« Last Edit: 30 March 2021, 19:52:31 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1341 on: 30 March 2021, 22:39:38 »
OK so we are set for 4/25  :thumbsup:

Standard mission setup. 1 Mech, 1 Armor, 1 Infantry and 1 you pick.

okay all food for thought so we can get the most bang for our buck

say you have a mech with battle armor riding on it, this can be considered as either your mech pick, your infantry pick or your "you pick"

similarly if you have an armor vehicle with battle armor or infantry inside , this again can be considered as either your armor pick, your infantry pick or your "you pick"

gives us much more flexibility doesn't it... makes your think of so many more options .... :D :D


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1342 on: 31 March 2021, 00:34:25 »
OOG: Anthony, just so you know, when Euron and Victarion arrive, the Fa Shih troopers will stay outside.  Euron doesn't believe Alvarez and the Striker crew are leading him into a trap, but he's worried there may be trouble anyway.

IG:  Euron and Victarion step in to the bar, finding a confused Alvarez and Striker crew and probably a worried group of strangers and patrons.

"Hello, Cornelius."  Euron smiles at the Hollander pilot.  "Don't worry, the guys outside aren't coming in, they're just security.
 I am a high-profile target, after all."  He turns to Alvarez's "friends".  "So, I hear you have an offer for me."  He and Victarion sit down and Euron orders drinks for everyone.  "Let's hear it."

Looking a bit unnerved with the BA just outside the bar. “Well sir, word has it that you have been looking for a VTOL crew.” Alvarez looks at the pair that joined his group before. “These two would fit the bill real well.” The Striker crew nods yes looking at the pair. “I have worked with them before and they do know their way around a chopper.”
“So why are they not working now?”
“Well that is the question is it not?” Alvarez scratches his head. “See they got stuck here when the last gig they had went bust.” The Striker crew all have grins on their faces. “They ran in to some transportation problems and well ……… “
The two VTOL crewmen look at each other and the pilot kicks in. “We got shot down and the unit we worked with got shot up bad. The DropShip did not stick around.” The two look at each other. “So here we are.”
“So how long have you been on world?”
“A few months. It’s hard to find Merc work if you don’t have your ride.”
“So just how hot are you two?” Euron asks.
“We know our job.”
“That’s not what I’m asking. So how hot are you two?”
They look at each other and the pilot answers. “Well we don’t know. We have not seen our faces on any posters.”
“So the locals don’t want your hides?”
“They may, but they are not looking real hard for us if they do.”
“OK so was it the Pinto or the Yellow Jacket?”
“The Jacket.”
“Boss they are like us.” Alvarez points to himself and the Striker care. “They had to do what they had to stay alive.” The others nod. “Look if they were going to be a problem I would not have called you. They are way better than the techs you got flying now. Give them the same chance you gave us. You won’t regret it.”
“Maybe, but first I have to make sure that they don’t problems here first. Then we will see.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1343 on: 31 March 2021, 02:02:07 »

Looking a bit unnerved with the BA just outside the bar. “Well sir, word has it that you have been looking for a VTOL crew.” Alvarez looks at the pair that joined his group before. “These two would fit the bill real well.” The Striker crew nods yes looking at the pair. “I have worked with them before and they do know their way around a chopper.”
“So why are they not working now?”
“Well that is the question is it not?” Alvarez scratches his head. “See they got stuck here when the last gig they had went bust.” The Striker crew all have grins on their faces. “They ran in to some transportation problems and well ……… “
The two VTOL crewmen look at each other and the pilot kicks in. “We got shot down and the unit we worked with got shot up bad. The DropShip did not stick around.” The two look at each other. “So here we are.”
“So how long have you been on world?”
“A few months. It’s hard to find Merc work if you don’t have your ride.”
“So just how hot are you two?” Euron asks.
“We know our job.”
“That’s not what I’m asking. So how hot are you two?”
They look at each other and the pilot answers. “Well we don’t know. We have not seen our faces on any posters.”
“So the locals don’t want your hides?”
“They may, but they are not looking real hard for us if they do.”
“OK so was it the Pinto or the Yellow Jacket?”
“The Jacket.”
“Boss they are like us.” Alvarez points to himself and the Striker care. “They had to do what they had to stay alive.” The others nod. “Look if they were going to be a problem I would not have called you. They are way better than the techs you got flying now. Give them the same chance you gave us. You won’t regret it.”
“Maybe, but first I have to make sure that they don’t problems here first. Then we will see.”

"Now then, gentlemen."  Euron takes a sip of his drink and turns back to the VTOL crew.  "It just so happens that I have a Hawk Moth that requires a proper crew.  It might be a little faster with a slightly smaller main gun, but I'm sure it shouldn't be beyond the scope of your abilities.  As Caesar is no more and Cornelius here is vouching for you personally, I may be willing to overlook your, shall we say, "checkered past" and give you regular work as part of the Ironborn.  However, I will have to subject you to evaluation by the Governor before hiring you.  Most likely, she will grant you amnesty provided you were not culpable in any major war crimes or terrorist acts.  Then, if you pass muster, we can talk turkey."

Euron receives a call from the BA soldiers outside.  "Sir, we're attracting a crowd.  Some of them are wanting to take pictures."
"Let them."  Euron responds.
"I think some of them want selfies too."  The trooper adds.
"So long as they keep their hands off the equipment, I'll allow it, Corporal."
Victarion looks out the window.  "Colonel, I think the press are here too."  He points to a news van just arriving.
"Perfect."  Euron exclaims, finishing his drink.  "Corporal,"  He says back into his communicator.  "Tell the press I'll be out shortly to make a statement.  Gentlemen,"  Euron returns to the VTOL crew.  "if you'd be so kind as to get in the Badger outside, I'll be with you so I can deal with the other reason my friends and I came in force.  Cornelius, you and the others go with them for now.  If you'll excuse me."

By now, the warrior otakus are snapping photos left and right as Euron and Victarion walk over to the news van where the lead BA trooper, Corporal Tranh, is holding the news crew in place, his armored bulk intimidating a few of them.  Euron waves off Tranh and speaks to the press.

"First, I would like to make a sincere apology to the Dai-Ishizoku in charge of this city for bringing my vehicle and Armored troops within the city limits.  It was not my intention to alarm them or the militia."  He says into the camera.  "Second, my business here was the taking into custody of a pair of pilots who are suspected of being former members of Caesar's Legion.  They will be taken to the proper authorities for verbal depositions and evaluation.  Third, I'm sure many of your viewers have seen the vids of the Ironborn engaging in war games with forces from the Com Guard and the GSF.  Allow me to give the purpose of said war games.  They were meant as training trials for a new group of Ironborn Mechwarriors.  I encourage you as well as representatives of the local Ishizoku and Dai-Ishizoku to come to Camp Haken in three days time for the formal reveal of our new graduates as well as the machines they will be operating going forward.  Thank you.  That will be all."

Euron turns away any questions with curt replies and tells the viewers to tune in in three days.

"And that, dear brother,"  He says to Victarion, smiling.  "is how I play at being a politician."
« Last Edit: 31 March 2021, 02:30:40 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1344 on: 31 March 2021, 11:09:00 »
Inside the Badger. “He set us up.” Both of the flight crew members say angrily. “How does he know we worked with Caesar?”
“No he did not and he knows you worked with us. Not hard to figure that one out.” Alvarez tells them both looking them both in the eye. “Look you will get checked out just like we did. You have to understand you are wanted and if any of the press that is around IDs you two and he did say just what he did we all get screwed. So sit back and keel cool.”
“You sure about this?” The pilot asks.
“Very. You two just like us hooked up with Caesar just before he hit this rock like us. And just like us you do have a price on your heads on a few other worlds, but not this one. Having the other worlds wanting you for theft is one thing they will overlook here as long as you don’t get stupid.” Alvares looks to the Striker crew. “This is a good thing. In a strange way Caesar did us a big favor.”
“How’s that.”
“He tried to hit this rock, got his ride shot out from under him …. With all of our help.” Alvarez points to all of them. “He did not get into town and shoot the joint up.” He looks out the back of the PC. “And just so you know the Boss lady of this rock will keep in mind that you did help bring the bastard down before he did some real damage.”
“Well robbing is one thing. Combat is another, but putting rounds in buildings just because you can is a whole different thing.”
“And that is why our boss is taking you in and not the local security.” Alvarez looks them in the eye. “And they’re Drac trained.”

It will take a couple of days to check them out. The checks will come back just like the others. No major warrants and nothing on world.
Just like the others they are yours. If the cross the line they go to prison.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1345 on: 31 March 2021, 18:52:50 »
Inside the Badger. “He set us up.” Both of the flight crew members say angrily. “How does he know we worked with Caesar?”
“No he did not and he knows you worked with us. Not hard to figure that one out.” Alvarez tells them both looking them both in the eye. “Look you will get checked out just like we did. You have to understand you are wanted and if any of the press that is around IDs you two and he did say just what he did we all get screwed. So sit back and keel cool.”
“You sure about this?” The pilot asks.
“Very. You two just like us hooked up with Caesar just before he hit this rock like us. And just like us you do have a price on your heads on a few other worlds, but not this one. Having the other worlds wanting you for theft is one thing they will overlook here as long as you don’t get stupid.” Alvares looks to the Striker crew. “This is a good thing. In a strange way Caesar did us a big favor.”
“How’s that.”
“He tried to hit this rock, got his ride shot out from under him …. With all of our help.” Alvarez points to all of them. “He did not get into town and shoot the joint up.” He looks out the back of the PC. “And just so you know the Boss lady of this rock will keep in mind that you did help bring the bastard down before he did some real damage.”
“Well robbing is one thing. Combat is another, but putting rounds in buildings just because you can is a whole different thing.”
“And that is why our boss is taking you in and not the local security.” Alvarez looks them in the eye. “And they’re Drac trained.”

It will take a couple of days to check them out. The checks will come back just like the others. No major warrants and nothing on world.
Just like the others they are yours. If the cross the line they go to prison.

When Euron returns to the Badger, he begins to explain his comments to the press about the VTOL crew.  "Sorry about blowing your cover like that, but I had to provide some justification for me bringing a tank and a squad of armored bully boys with me into Hilo City.  Not to worry, though.  You'll likely be cleared in a few days and we can discuss terms of employment and salary then.  For now, enjoy the ride and know that you are safe.  Welcome to Nejiro."

"THREE DAYS?!"  An exasperated Alannah said.  "How are we going to make this base presentable in THREE FRAKKING DAYS?"

"I'm going to enlist the aid of our new base-mates to help.  Plus, we're only going to allow limited access.  We want all eyes in front the 'Mech bay anyway.  Our unarmored infantry platoons can handle security AND I plan on having a few extra surprises.

At this point, Chao Yang and Isolde Botley enter the office.  "You wanted to see us, boss?"  Chao saluted.
"Yes."  Said Euron.  "Chao, I want you and your big walking boom-box to provide music for the ceremony.  Strictly formal reception-type music and maybe a march or two."
Chao looked ill at ease.  "Sir, my, uh...playlist doesn't exactly cover stuff like that."
"Improvise then."  Euron returned.  "There's plenty of downloadable material on the net.  I'm sure you can find something."
Chao scratched his head.  "OK, sir.  You're the boss."
"What's my role going to be?"  Asked Isolde.
"Since I need your parents and your sifu to mingle with the crowd, I want you at the controls of the Night Witch."  Euron told her, using Meifeng's pet name for her Anubis 'Mech.
"Sir?"  Isolde was perplexed.  "Why do you want me driving a 'Mech?"
"Night Witch and Boom Box both possess stealth armor and jamming equipment that can interfere with electronics.  I'm not saying someone we invite is going to cause trouble, but it something does happen, an ELINT bubble can keep enemy communications from inside the base from getting out.  Plus, well, you know how things can get loud when Chao's involved."
Chao claps his hands before Isolde can respond.  "Now you're talkin' my language, sir."
Isolde blinks her eyes a couple times, remembering the first time she was exposed to Chao's idea of "music".  "I'll be sure to pack earplugs then, sir."

"Taking hostages from the local clans doesn't sound a great way to win friends and influence people, sir."  Alannah interjected.

"No." Euron admitted.  "But if we get a couple of WOBbie or BlackDrac sympathizers in the exchange, it might be worth a little commotion.  However, like I said, I seriously doubt something will happen.  But if it does, setting a trap couldn't hurt.  Isolde, remember to stay at the far end of the base so you don't attract too much attention to yourself."

"Damn."  Isolde sighed.  "I don't even get to carouse with anyone?  Worst. Assignment. Ever."

"Don't worry."  Euron said.  "The representatives will probably all be too old for you."

"Yes, sir."  Isolde said flatly.

"Dismissed."  Euron said to the pair, who saluted and left.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Colonel."  Alannah said shaking her head.

"In a few days, we'll know the answer to that."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1346 on: 31 March 2021, 21:03:14 »
2 days before the "greenies" are revealed and put on display.

A "fireplug" of a man dressed in a well worn, well loved, tech's overall and name patch that reads Platt will arrive at the Ironborn manufacturing shop carrying a large heavy ball with three holes in it.
"I was informed that y'all make gauss slugs here. I'm "launchpad" and I am the chief tech for "Loyalty Disowned" and I am authorized to make arrangements and payment for our needs. I even brought a sample, in case you don't have anything that matches our specs." As he sets the large heavy ball with three holes down on the front counter it creaks and bows from the weight and size of the slug, defiantly defying to be crushed.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1347 on: 31 March 2021, 21:44:27 »
2 days before the "greenies" are revealed and put on display.

A "fireplug" of a man dressed in a well worn, well loved, tech's overall and name patch that reads Platt will arrive at the Ironborn manufacturing shop carrying a large heavy ball with three holes in it.
"I was informed that y'all make gauss slugs here. I'm "launchpad" and I am the chief tech for "Loyalty Disowned" and I am authorized to make arrangements and payment for our needs. I even brought a sample, in case you don't have anything that matches our specs." As he sets the large heavy ball with three holes down on the front counter it creaks and bows from the weight and size of the slug, defiantly defying to be crushed.

Launchpad will be directed to Tristan Botley, who runs The Kraken's Arms.  Tristan will provide a tour while the techs correctly size the slug Launchpad brought with him.  He'll be informed that they can manufacture both light gauss and standard gauss ammo easily.  If the slug is for a Heavy Gauss Rifle, it may take longer as they've never made heavy gauss slugs before.  They may also need the specs of the cannon itself.  Payment will be the standard cost for gauss ammo in the Techmanual.  Delivery orders will be by the ton.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1348 on: 01 April 2021, 00:10:20 »
Warrant officer Bobbie Franks adjusted several dials to  keep his Karnov hovering in place  just above the tree tops recording the road before him and the convoy coming into view

“There they are” his copilot Axel franks says with a low whistle.

Coming down the road below them from the south came a large convoy consisting of 2 heavy LRM carriers, 2 LRM carriers, 2 Schrek PPC carriers, 2 Bulldog medium tanks, 2 ifv Goblins (2 foot infantry platoon rifle)
2 heavy APC LRM (2 foot infantry platoon LRM, SRM foot platoon, rifle platoon). The convoy is traveling at best flank speed of the slowest veichle.

“Lets just stay out of fire range of that” Axel says.

“You think” Bobbie says with sarcasm as he flips on coms. “Convoy traveling north, state id, destination, and stop to be identified per Government Security Force authority”

“Captain Yohansn, of Steel Thunder Merchanary Company, Negitive on your stop, we’re heading North.”

“Sending that to HQ for conformation” Axel says as Bobbie adjusts their hover to record each vehicle of the convoy.

“Support is here” Bobbie opened unit coms, getting only static. “Damn those stones are a pain in the…Okay they are almost clear”

“There guns are facing to their 6,.”

Bobbie again tries unit coms after brief static they get the order to report in from Hammers Executive Officer Benjamin Dalton Baird.

“Captain, Large Convoy, Heavy Firepower, Id’ing themselves as Steal Thunder Mech company, Headed by a Captain Yohanson,  only state they are  heading North, refused stop and id order, guns facing rear, sent to HQ to confirm. Scans and visual transmitting to you”

“Copy Bobbie, hold there eyes peeled”

“copy that”

“Open general coms Josh.” Captain Baird waits for the channel to open. “This is Captain Baird, Kiah’s Hammers, State Northern destination and prepare for GSF inspection”

“unemployed, north, negative on stop”

“Scanned that Bridge sir max 90” his crewman Pia said in her quiet tone.

Baird flipped on unit coms. “Sergeant Reece , get your Wyrm over that bridge and top of that hill , Sergeant Reanne your Manteuffel is next, Sergeant Evan your Striker is last, ill set up this side, extend net”

Confirmation light blinked on his screen.

“Look at that” Axel said adjusting his scans

“Captain, Dead zone and a lot of dust coming up on convoys 6, they have company coming” Bobbie informed.

“well that explains why they are not stopping” Baird muttered.

“we are getting confirmation of their id, they are a legit unit, sir” Josh the Morningstar’s copilot states, “
Their bonifides confirmed per MRBC, currently unemployed, last reported paycheck from out world alliance.”

The crew of the Karnov get a cold feeling as the dust behind the convoy clears and they see a familiar unit come into view. They see 4 tokugawa heavy tanks, Merlin, Hitman(ecm), Wolftrap, 4 motorized field guns LB10x and 2 badger tracked transport barreling down on the convoy.

“Are they..” Bobbie starts to ask and is cut off by his scouts.

“Bobbie we are confirming those are the black dragon group from truck stop 829 that we encountered”

“wonderful send info to the Captain”

“this day just gets better and better”  Baird says “Josh call HQ, request permission to extend safe haven to the convoy, advise they are being cased by black dragons”

“Group approaching convoy stand down and identify per GSF instruction”

“this convoy has attacked our lord, do not interfere” came a snarling response.

“This is Captain Baird Kiah’s Hammers GSF, State name of your lord so claim of attack can be verified.”


“convoy GSF offers safe haven and escort, bridge is max 90 ton , confirm if accepted.” Baird Transmits

“accepted, heading to you.”

“all units move forward, fire at will, support convoy”

“send to base, tell Carl to put together team that may be needed for hot drop “

“with pleasure sir”

The hitman triggers their ecm on and the feed from the Karnov shows the dragons fire on the convoy and the convoy returning fire. Several shots slam into the Merlin and with a metallic grinding noise the mechs left arm is sheared off. Several vehicles also take fire.

“captain dust on west road” bobbie  informed “looks like Goblins”


“arrogant fools” Baird mumbles as another round of fire exchange shows on his screens.

The Merlin staggers like a drunkard and suddenly falls …. Right on top of one of its own tokugawa’s. the junior members of his crew give yells of pleasure, they blush heavily and turn back to their instruments when Baird looks at them sharply, he turns back to his own screens hiding a slight smile. His unit also fires , there shots fall slightly short, the units are advancing  however they should be in extreme rang in seconds.

Though the static kicked up by the Dragons ecm they hear “goblins are with us” from the convoy.

The hitman an the wolftrap start up the hill in apparent intercept course for the goblins

Baird transmits to the unit that the goblins are also with the convoy.

The Merlin attempting to get up falls twice more before they can regain thier feet.

The tokugawa the merlin landed on appears not to be able to move, additional vehicle damage to many units occurs.

Then suddenly as the convoy clears the ecm field a extremely ticked off voice from Yohansen barks out “Nakazawa Castle Militia stand down and back off”

Captain Baird sits stunned as he sees that the Merlin is destroyed and the field guns and the other black dragon unit members suddenly move off the field of battle.

Baird puts in for medivac for the injured, heavy transport to move the convoy to a secured debriefing site for the governor  and the crews of the defeated dragons to camp.

Battle report
Instructed to intercept and identify large force that was spotted by HQ intelligence

GSF Force sent on mission:
Morning star
Great Wyrm

Encountered convoy
2 heavy LRM carriers
2 LRM carriers
2 Schrek PPC carriers
2 Bulldog medium tanks
2 ifv Goblins (2 foot infantry platoon rifle)
2 heavy APC LRM (2 foot infantry platoon LRM, SRM foot platoon, rifle platoon)

Black dragon attack force
4 tokugawa heavy tanks
4 motorized field guns LB10x
2 badger tracked transport

The report of the karnov was originally hampered by the green crystalline stones we had to travel past to reach the bridge we had to cross to intercept the large force that was reported.     
   Side note to be aware of these stone emit a natural ecm field that interferes with coms and c3

Once we cleared the stones field we advanced to the road and the bridge, it being only 90 ton capacity we could only go over it one unit at a time, the convoy was challenged by the karnov as well as myself the convoy refusing to stop  and iid themselves as unemployed mech unit Steel Thunder under the command of a Captain Yohanson.

A second group id’d by the Karnov is a black dragon attak force, as the black dragons are attacking and harassing the convoy , I contacted HQ for permission to extend safe harbor to the convoy.

Ordered wyrm to cross the bridge first then get to high ground of nearby hill and support with fire at will order the retreat of the convoy to the bridge, informing the convoy of the weight limit of the bridge

Then ordered the Manteuffel and striker across bridge with orders to extend the c3 network to cover retreat.

Sent stand down order to the black dragon unit and their response is a very vague statement that the convoy has attacked their lord and they demand that we do not interfere, at this point I demand that they stand down and provide the name of their lord so the attack claims might be verified, they refuse to provide this and trigger ecm and attack the convoy

HQ send go ahead to offer safe haven, convey this to convoy and they accept and state they are heading our way

The black dragons fired upon the convoy which returned fire ,  the dragons fire missed, however the convoy’s fire dose connect doing damage to the Merlin causing it to have its left arm sheared off, and damaging a carrier as well.

Behind the black dragons field guns start to set up and dig in

At this time 2 additional vehicles moving at flank speed came charging down the west road, id’d as goblins, which the captain of the convey states are with him.

We give cover fire but range prohibits contact, all forces are ordered to advance and continue to fire at will.

A second salvo of fire occurs which causes the Merlin to fall onto its own tokugawa , which takes servre damage, the  wolftrap and hitman move up into the hill in the direction of the road the goblins are on

The merlin attempts to get up , falling two additional time before regaining its feet.

Additional fire caused Merlin to be destroyed, additional damage to several vehicles

Call to base for medical medivac

At this time the wolf trap , hitman and field guns leave the field , as soon as the ecm field moves away from the convoy  a transmission from the convoy is recorded in which the convoy id’s the black dragon forces as Nakazawa Castle Militia and demanding that they back off .

we advance , give aide , take prisoners back to base , full medical scans done to eliminate any suicide devices, each prisoner is secured separately, heavy guard to be questioned   

call placed to HQ for  heavy transport s to move the convoy will all due speed to Yoshia to be debriefed by the governor’s staff.

Captain Benjamin Dalton Baird , Kiahs Hammers XO


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 8805
Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1349 on: 01 April 2021, 06:59:14 »
For the Stark Industries situation, the lack of warbook identification suggests newer model attackers.  We should expect a tough fight.  As much as I'd like to try a C3 network, newer machines are more likely to be using ECM.