Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174787 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1410 on: 12 April 2021, 00:02:49 »
“So these are the pics you took of the area?” Asked Chu-i Shinozaki
“Yes. The sensor scans we took on the way in also.” Lojnant Segol Lundmark informed the Chu-i “I dropped my BA at these four spots.” The Lojnant points out four areas of trees. “Blitz dropped BA here.” Pointing out the last drop point on the map.
“Well from the look of the foot prints in this one these are from Kage armor.” Sho-ko Yeung points out. “You can tell by the tread pattern of the feet. These are from troopers moving around. The down wash from the VTOLs have made a mess of this.”
“You stated in your report that you picked up a total of eight VTOLs but only got eyes on one.” Shinozaki asks.
“Correct Chu-i, we did get engine signatures from the other seven but not good readings. We had a lot of electrical interference.”
“You stated that the one that your Warrior crew spotted was a Ferret.” Yeung asks.
“Yes, from what they saw down range were four Karnov and three more Ferrets. They all moved out of the area at hi-speed.”
“So we have four light scout VTOLs and four transport VTOLs.” Yeung looks over the map and photos. “What were they doing? Four squads of infantry and a platoon of light battle armor is a lot for a listing post. They were too far away as a scout mission.”
“I was going to see if Kapten Bjomsen will let me team go back out and give the area a better once over.”
“That sounds like a good idea. I will offer that you go out with Gunsho Kinkao and Go-cho Yao.” Shinozaki offers.
“That is a good start Chu-I, but I think a larger joint mission is a better off. “Sho-sa Kalakaua adds. “We are working for the same thing so we should work together. Send Gunsho Gottschalk so that this mission has some fire power. Have Shujin Tanaka also take part in this operation.” She walks around the table. “Lojnant your unit with the Jackal and Warrior would be most useful on this operation.” She looks at all around the table. “Lojnant please see if your Kaptan is willing to this joint operation.”
« Last Edit: 12 April 2021, 22:21:41 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1411 on: 12 April 2021, 00:04:31 »
OK people we have under two weeks to the next mission and I need a head count and units that will be on this mission.


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1412 on: 12 April 2021, 21:45:33 »
I'll probably be dropping by, but I wont be playing. :'(
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1413 on: 12 April 2021, 21:48:18 »
I'll probably be dropping by, but I wont be playing. :'(

NP. Thanks for the heads up.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1414 on: 12 April 2021, 22:03:22 »
OK people we have under two weeks to the next mission and I need a head count and units that will be on this mission.
8) :thumbsup:
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1415 on: 12 April 2021, 22:14:56 »
"Now then, gentlemen."  Euron takes a sip of his drink and turns back to the VTOL crew.  "It just so happens that I have a Hawk Moth that requires a proper crew.  It might be a little faster with a slightly smaller main gun, but I'm sure it shouldn't be beyond the scope of your abilities.  As Caesar is no more and Cornelius here is vouching for you personally, I may be willing to overlook your, shall we say, "checkered past" and give you regular work as part of the Ironborn.  However, I will have to subject you to evaluation by the Governor before hiring you.  Most likely, she will grant you amnesty provided you were not culpable in any major war crimes or terrorist acts.  Then, if you pass muster, we can talk turkey."

Euron receives a call from the BA soldiers outside.  "Sir, we're attracting a crowd.  Some of them are wanting to take pictures."
"Let them."  Euron responds.
"I think some of them want selfies too."  The trooper adds.
"So long as they keep their hands off the equipment, I'll allow it, Corporal."
Victarion looks out the window.  "Colonel, I think the press are here too."  He points to a news van just arriving.
"Perfect."  Euron exclaims, finishing his drink.  "Corporal,"  He says back into his communicator.  "Tell the press I'll be out shortly to make a statement.  Gentlemen,"  Euron returns to the VTOL crew.  "if you'd be so kind as to get in the Badger outside, I'll be with you so I can deal with the other reason my friends and I came in force.  Cornelius, you and the others go with them for now.  If you'll excuse me."

By now, the warrior otakus are snapping photos left and right as Euron and Victarion walk over to the news van where the lead BA trooper, Corporal Tranh, is holding the news crew in place, his armored bulk intimidating a few of them.  Euron waves off Tranh and speaks to the press.

"First, I would like to make a sincere apology to the Dai-Ishizoku in charge of this city for bringing my vehicle and Armored troops within the city limits.  It was not my intention to alarm them or the militia."  He says into the camera.  "Second, my business here was the taking into custody of a pair of pilots who are suspected of being former members of Caesar's Legion.  They will be taken to the proper authorities for verbal depositions and evaluation.  Third, I'm sure many of your viewers have seen the vids of the Ironborn engaging in war games with forces from the Com Guard and the GSF.  Allow me to give the purpose of said war games.  They were meant as training trials for a new group of Ironborn Mechwarriors.  I encourage you as well as representatives of the local Ishizoku and Dai-Ishizoku to come to Camp Haken in three days time for the formal reveal of our new graduates as well as the machines they will be operating going forward.  Thank you.  That will be all."

Euron turns away any questions with curt replies and tells the viewers to tune in in three days.

"And that, dear brother,"  He says to Victarion, smiling.  "is how I play at being a politician."

Kapten Bjornsen grimaced at the Ironborn's commanders words on the playback, "Any word on when the ceremony is to be held exactly, and where, Sergeant?" He was addressing his aide and wondering where his next appointment was, "And is there any chance our invite got lost in the move?" Marius sighed, "Not much we can do about it... but i'd still like to send a delegation if they'll have us. See if the X.O. and our esteemed chief tech would like to lead our team there. I'll be here working on some ideas I have for the command going forward. Send in the next appointment when he gets here, before you let the XO know."

Lojtnant Lundmark walked in after nodding to Sato, and knocking on the door. He saluted and addressed the commanding officer, "Kapten, there's something I need to discuss with you about the last patrol my unit went out on. We found eight VTOL aircraft that withdrew as soon as they spotted our energy signatures. One was positively IDed as a Ferret. The other 7 were apparently, but unconfirmed to be, four Karnovs and three more ferrets. Upon inspection of the likely takeoff zones, we found signs of possible infantry and battle armor tracks. When we got a chance to discuss our findings with local base command, they informed me that the battle armor was most likely Kage armor. The base and militia commanders want to get a better once over of the area. They want to get my guys and gals back out there, along with the Jackal and Warrior. If you are amenable, I'll get my armor squads turned around ASAP. I'll also let Sten and Ismo know. They'll be providing troops as well. Not sure exact units, but they did say we may need good firepower along with us that they would provide. Kapten, what do you think? Should we get our teams back out there and work a joint op, or do you want to go it alone?"

Marius sighed, "Of course we'll do the joint op. Maybe with all those eyes on it, we can figure out what in the frozen grip of Hela was up with those VTOLS. It was more than a litle strange. I'll get the Commanders on the horn and work up a plan with them. Get your troops debriefed and ready to go back out ASAP. Dismissed." Kapten Bjornsen shook his head and wondered out loud, "What were they doing out here?"

Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1416 on: 12 April 2021, 22:57:45 »
Anya Tereshskaya looked down at the plans for the Ironborn's reveal ceremony before looking back up at Euron.  "Are you sure about this, sir?  That's a lot of people for even all our infantry platoons to handle."

"If anyone can handle it, Sergeant, it would be you."  Euron replied.  "That's why you'll be coordinating security efforts while the officers will be talking to the public."

"This looks more like a hostage taking than a formal ceremony."  Anya frowned.  "You have Chao providing music from his Raven and Isolde wandering around in Meifeng's Anubis.  I also see the LoD are posting their Wolfhounds.  And also you have our Goblins in plain sight.  What exactly are you going for here?"

"Our people will be talking up the representatives of the other clans.  We want to know who has sympathies for who and which members of the press are BlackDrac plants and which ones work for the WoBblies.  We can then pass this information along if we learn anything."  Euron answered.  "Additionally, we just presented a massive bullseye at our base with so many dignitaries present.  If the robes or the regressives wanted to cause trouble, I want there to be a way to counter them.  They might also try to hide either among the press or with the aformentioned dignitaries."

"And if they are or if they do cause trouble?" Anya pressed.

"We take them into custody."  Euron returned.

"Can I threaten them?"  Anya was interested.

"With extreme prejudice."

Anya was very interested.  "Can I shoot them?"  She asked the obvious question.

"If at all possible, I'd rather you not."  Euron countered.  "A dead prisoner isn't much of a prisoner."

"I see."  Anya nodded curtly.  "You do realize Lady Saganami isn't going to forgive you for this if things go haywire, sir.  Plus, you'll give the public a reason to hate and mistrust us.  Franks will also have your balls in a jar."

The Colonel winced for a second at the image before assuring her.  "It's only if things go pear-shaped.  Otherwise, nobody threatens anybody.  We get free press coverage, and Asha, Theon, Jurgen and Fuka will be introduced to the world."

"I don't think the world will ever be ready for Jurgen, sir."  Anya joked before adding.  "I also still can't believe that tech girl made ready-five.  In any event, this should be an intriguing experience.  Is there anything else, sir?"

"No, Sergeant."  Euron shook his head.  "Dismissed."

Anya saluted and left the room.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1417 on: 14 April 2021, 00:32:03 »
All across Nijero the different News outlets scramble to get someone to Camp Haken to find out just what the Ironborn have to say. News groups work with each other to see if they will share the information. Most of the smaller outlets setup so that one reporter can go. They work out who will send in a reporter and who will cover what bills. The larger news corps work on who they will send and how many.
For the Ichizoku they too have to pick people that will be on hand. Most have militia members set to go. A few will have family members attend.
It dark quiet places others yet try to find ways they can attend this media event so they too can send a message.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1418 on: 14 April 2021, 23:05:03 »
Col. Greyjoy will RSVP that he will attend the Sugai Cherry Blossom Festival.

OOG: Is this happening before or after the reveal ceremony.  I want to know if there's a conflict.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1419 on: 15 April 2021, 00:01:27 »
Col. Greyjoy will RSVP that he will attend the Sugai Cherry Blossom Festival.

OOG: Is this happening before or after the reveal ceremony.  I want to know if there's a conflict.

This is after.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1420 on: 15 April 2021, 01:42:28 »
Sho-sa Kalakua picks up the innovation to Hanami celebration and reads it. She takes out her special paper and colliery set and writes her acceptance to the event.

Honored Amalaa Sugai
I am humbled and honored to join you for this celebration of Hanami.
I am looking forward to meeting you.

Sho-sa Kono Kalakaua

“Gunsho see to it that this is delivered to Amalaa Sugai ASAP.” She hands the Gunsho the sealed envelope. “Also see that my dress uniform is cleaned and pressed.”
“Hai Sho-sa.”
« Last Edit: 15 April 2021, 01:44:43 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1421 on: 15 April 2021, 02:28:00 »
Nejiro News 1
“Colonel Grayjoy has offered to hold a press conference to explain the wargames outside of Hilo the other day. He has opened Camp Haken to present new personal to Nejiro.” The reporter showing the clip from the night before. “I know that the News 1 team will be on hand to cover this for you.”

Hilo TV3
“Colonel Grayjoy has opened Camp Haken to the press to inform us about the wargames held just outside Hilo the other day.” The reporter shows the clip from the other night. ‘I am looking forward to being on hand for this.”

Tairiku Broadcast Channel News
“The commander of the GSF unit stationed out side of Hilo has opened his base to the press to show the people of Nejiro some of the new warriors of his unit.” Showing the clip from the other night. “We at TBCN will have a crew on hand to bring you this news.”

The Dakuu-orianyusu
Oh look the sell swords will have a press conference after playing wargames. They do not defend this world just take its money. They play at being warriors but do not fight. They call themselves defenders of this world so when will they defend this world? Good people of Nijero you need to stand on your own. You can get help if you want. True warriors are willing to help keep this world save all you need do is ask and they will stand up for this world.

Shin no wadopuresu
Yet more games from the defenders of Nejiro. Mercenary press conference after playing wargames. When will they stop the bandits that raid this world. When will these money troops do what they are paid to do?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1422 on: 15 April 2021, 19:39:00 »
Hamada Koichizoku {seashore,beach}

colors: grey, purple
kamon: five floating raptor feathers - eagle, hawk, falcon, raven, owl
Delm: Kristoffer Hamada
Matrona: Ceridwen Hamada
Founders MP: Kristoffer Hamada
Spokesperson: Cui Mingkai
Militia: Tsuki Junkai {moon patrol}
Militia Commander: Cosmo Hamada - Zhao 

Associate Member Families: Zhao, Honda, Kawano, Imai, Miyazaki, Cormaq

Territory: [map 30] (650 sq km) landhold located west of Marena on the coast of Koiru-ryu Hanto {dragon coil peninsula}, plus (250 sq km) property to the south of the landhold, plus (250 sq km) property on the coast of the island of Fia in the Three Sisters chain 

Dragon Tor - harvests salmon, trout, shellfish, salt, cedar, cypress, wheat, pigs, sheep, goats, elk, deer, rice, hemp, tea, japanese maple trees and syrup, hickory, bamboo, somei yoshino sakura {nearly pure white blooms edged in pink}, fuyuzakura {winter sakura}, yaezakura {large pink blossoms}, shidarezakura {weeping cherries}, also offers accommodations, photo safari, fishing tours, and seasonal hunting

Framework - design, engineering, and implementation of large building projects, roads, bridges, tunnels, canals, public buildings, high rises, schools, industrial parks etc.

Haya Otoya {clockwise, outwards; anticlockwise, inwards} - crafts traditional, fiberglass, aluminum, and carbon fiber yumi {bow}, ya {arrow}, yazutsu and yebira {quiver}, uniforms and gear, also operates kyudo dojos {martial art of archery} 

Maki-ito {winding thread} - crafts blankets, rugs, window panels, tapestries, and manufactures knitwear from wool and hemp 

Divine Rhythm Repertory Company - classical japanese and chinese dance and music touring company with a school and theater located in Marena

Starfish Association Football Club, Marena

Starfish Seaside Resorts

Starfish Yacht Club & Marina

Trajectory - engineers and manufactures guidance, navigation, control, and imaging systems,  hardware, and software for military and civilian markets 

Peregrine - engineers and manufactures naval weapon systems, lasers, munitions, with large research and development labs 

Hamada Ships - shipyards designing, engineering, building, and repairing military combat vessels, naval weapon systems, military and commercial cargo ships, research ships, emergency response ships, submarines, cruise ships, pleasure yachts, commercial passenger ships, and tugs; one yard is on the landhold, the other is on Fia

Mind Sport - maker of games of strategy, tactics, and chance - chess, shogi, go, paisho, mahjong, etc., boards, cards, and apps

Battle Chess - animatronic, VR, and/or CG chess pieces fight over spaces

Battle Chess Evolution - adds advantages, edges, traps, field effects, and algorithms that help determine the winner of spaces by calculating data such as previous movements, predicted movements, time of movements, pieces captured etc.

Traps - target shooting ranges for firearms and bows that are up to one thousand meters and may include traps, helices, standard targets, pop up targets, obstacles, shoot houses, safety and training courses, armory and gear, and pro shops located in most towns and cities on Tairiku

Eyrie - real estate and property management firm with two point eight million square meters across the world

Realtek - consumer electronics and media stores that also offers repairs, upgrades, and classes located in most towns and cities on Tairiku

Mindful Yoga - offers over fifty classes per week in a variety of styles and levels as well as mat pilates, barre classes, reiki and massage therapy, plus a full service yoga boutique and smoothie cafe with locations in most cities on Nejiro

April Fresh Cleaning Service - provides green cleaning services to residential and commercial customers of the landhold, Marena and other regional locations, and offers franchises

Mayu Waste Management {cocoon} - sanitation services, recycling, biowaste energy production, dumpsters, junk and bulk removal for landhold, Marena, and other regional customers 

Superior Food Trucks - designs and fabricates one of a kind custom mobile kitchens, and mobile businesses for experimental marketing, as well as stage and concert production, delivers trucks worldwide

Alpha - designs, engineers, and manufactures electric passenger, sports, and race cars

Anzende Yoku {safe and well} - property, casualty, and life insurance firm

Mogul - movie and television production studios and networks

Arendonk Iji Suru Soshite Enjinia {eagle hill maintain and engineer} - metal mechanical engineering group that produces ironworks, machinery for steel plants, industrial heat recovery equipment, boilers, shunting locomotives, equipment for steel coil treatment, hot dip and electro galvanizing lines, rolling mills, reheating furnaces, heat recovery steam generators and boilers, high temperature solar receivers, molten salt boilers for thermo-solar power plants, turrets, low weight modular turrets, ninety millimeter guns, one hundred five millimeter guns, one twenty millimeter guns, autocannons, APCs, water and waste treatment, sewage sludge recycling for bioenergy and compost, industrial filtration and ventilation, the production, storage, and distribution of green hydrogen, research, development, and production of batteries and energy storage, does maintenance, refurbishment, and repair of equipment, also conceives, develops, integrates, deploys, and supports onboard and training simulators, and simulations for combat vehicles

Sunseeker - luxury performance motor yacht designer and builder   

Silver Screen Cinemas - worldwide movie theater and cinema salon chain

Carmike Theaters - drive-in theater chain 


« Last Edit: 17 April 2021, 02:46:35 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1423 on: 15 April 2021, 21:11:31 »
                                                                             Nejiroan Banker
                                                                             Market Analysis

Up and coming technology firm Beacon Advanced Industries with a wide base of research and products ranging from computer software, advanced avionics, telecommunications, materials research, robotics, and molecular science has raised their EPS by twenty six percent according to their recently released quarterly earnings report (ten percent higher than projected) which includes the successful launch of the NightNight Gun. Lightweight and versatile, basically a miracle born of engineering and biochemistry. These custom tranquilizer weapons are the perfect tool for stopping someone without killing them. Constructed of new proprietary compounds the weapon weighs just under one kilogram. The weapons fire nonlethal 'bullets' with heavy stopping power. The pistol utilizes eight forty five caliber cartridges in a semiautomatic firing mode that break up under the subcutaneous tissue releasing a therapeutic dose of the proprietary formula of the GMO dendrotoxin of one hundred nanoliters, incapacitating the target long enough for them to be secured without any harmful side effects in the process.                                   >>>continue reading>>>

Kapten Bjornsen sent a text message to Quartermaster Quist and Chief Tech Odden. "Interesting new non-lethal option available for sale. Going to try to procure a dozen or so for testing. I'll be sending them to the Kobold troopers if we can get them modified for trooper-sized gloves. After all, out of public view + stealth + non-lethal options = touchdown. If they work out, they may become a sidearm for our troopers if they need to operate around civvies. LMK if you guys think this’ll work out. We may need to work out a better name for them though. Nightnight gun isn’t going to fly.”
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1424 on: 16 April 2021, 06:27:52 »
Kapten Bjornsen sent a text message to Quartermaster Quist and Chief Tech Odden. "Interesting new non-lethal option available for sale. Going to try to procure a dozen or so for testing. I'll be sending them to the Kobold troopers if we can get them modified for trooper-sized gloves. After all, out of public view + stealth + non-lethal options = touchdown. If they work out, they may become a sidearm for our troopers if they need to operate around civvies. LMK if you guys think this’ll work out. We may need to work out a better name for them though. Nightnight gun isn’t going to fly.”

Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1425 on: 16 April 2021, 13:29:02 »

Thinking something more appropriate IC. Looking at Sova or something similar. It's sleep in Swedish.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1426 on: 16 April 2021, 23:50:37 »
Hayashi Koichizoku {woods, forest}

colors: forest green, celadon green
kamon: pine needles
Delm: Jehan Hayashi
Matrona: Merddith R. Hayashi, PhD, PhD
Founders MP: Meyrick Merediz
Spokesperson: Valla Diablo
Militia: Fukushu PMC {revenge}
Militia Commander: Mitchell Camaron

Associate Member Families: Kodo, Sakai, Hara, Kaneko, Sakamoto 

Territory: [map 10] (650 sq km) landhold is southeast of Leaf, plus (13000 sq km) adjacent property east of the landhold

The Greenheart - sustainable organic forestry and tree plantations that harvests stone fruit, nuts, mushrooms, deer, elk, natural dye materials, ferns, and lumber from greenheart, yew, willow, aspen, cottonwood, birch, alder, oak, ash, madrone, prunus, rosaceae, spruce, hemlock, maple, dogwood, pine, fir, larch, cedar, juniper, cypress tree varietals

Somateria - sustainable organic eider duck farm for down, from colonies on Curry Lakes

Corporate:  Greenheart Group - 'always growing'

Plum Creek Timber Company

Plum Creek Sawmill

Plum Creek Construction - builds residential homes, communities, condominiums, and apartment buildings

Plum Creek Carpentry - does finish carpentry, crafts custom cabinets, furniture, storage, instruments, deco and art pieces; runs a carpentry school from apprentice to master in all aspects of the craft traditional and modern in several styles 

Plum Creek Bioenergy - produces electricity for the landhold and local customers from waste biomass

Plum Creek Produce - sells packaged plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, almonds, walnuts, and ornamental foliage to wholesale and retail buyers

Plum Creek Basketball Club

Green Zen - organic cannabis growers and chain of dispensaries

Midori no Kyusai {green relief} - organic biochemistry and pharmaceutical labs, organic plant pain relief, remedies, compounds, homeopathic medicinals, conducts research and development

Onshitsu {greenhouse} - hydroponic and aeroponic grow houses for medicinal plants, herbs, and spices, many imported from interstellar sources 

Miyadaiku {traditional school of japanese carpentry} - constructs shrines and temples around the world, occasionally has interstellar customers   

Alchemy Boulder - mines the asteroid belts primarily for diorite, nephrite, magnetite, titanium, aluminum, zinc, nickel, iron, and ironsand

Mount Satseto {jade dragon snow mountain} -  mines jadeite, olmec blue, serpentine, quartz, turquoise, copper

Fukushu PMC - is responsible for the security and safety of the ichizoku, landhold, and the Greenheart Groups property and resources; they also conduct (mostly off world) objective raids, pirate hunting, and bounty hunting 

Subetenoiro {all colors} - makes natural dyes and pigments for textiles, art supplies, and commercial use

Tsumetai {cold, cold-hearted} - manufactures APCs and combat vehicles including the:
                                Attaccante {striker} for 500,000 C-bills [local versions of a standard, SRM, LRM striker light tank]
                                Anfibio {amphibious} for 500,000 C-bills [local version of a wet striker light tank]
                                Totsugeki {assault fire} for 2,000,000 C-bills [local version of a sturmfeur 3018 variant tank]                   
                                Bakemono {goblin} for 600,000 C-bills [local version of standard, LRM, mg variants of the goblin medium tank]

Hagane Smithcraft - crafts and manufactures combat, commercial, medical, and industrial blades; also firearms, armor, tools, hardware, utensils, cookware, bakeware, cast iron cookware and bakeware, ironworks, large block cast steel striking tools, fencing, decorative fencing; runs a school teaching smithing from apprentice to master in all aspects of the craft, traditional and modern

Precision Industry - electronics engineering and manufacturing producing components, products for information and communications equipment and systems, power systems, household appliances, industrial infrastructure systems, internet based solutions, one of the largest vendors of semiconductors, and personal computers on Nejiro

Wadget {eye of horus, egyptian sky god} - satellite technology and development, custom builds satellites, GPS monitoring location and tracking services, and tracking, sensor, and camera technology and development 

Midori Terebi {green tv} - streaming media service showing television, movies, games, digital manga, and sports, also produces original content 

Acme Building - formulates, manufactures, distributes, and sells clay bricks, concrete block, cut limestone, and architectural coatings   

Happy Feet - premium quality flooring service does custom design, installation, refinishing, sealing, and polishing

Plum Creek Flooring - quality flooring retail and wholesale stores sell hardwoods, laminates, bamboo, vinyl plank, tiles, cork, waterproof distressed butcher block, molding, accessories, and tools

Star Home Furnishing Mart - retail stores selling furniture, decor, electronics, home appliances, mattresses, bedding, and window treatments

Forest River - retail stores that sell RVs, ATVs, campers, cargo trailers, utility trailers, converted buses, pontoon boats, tools and accessories

« Last Edit: 17 April 2021, 05:10:44 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1427 on: 17 April 2021, 00:17:37 »

Kachi ni Fushigi no Kachi Ari. Make ni Fushigi no Make Nashi   
            There are mysterious victories. There are no mysterious losses.

                                        kendo saying
« Last Edit: 17 April 2021, 00:22:03 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1428 on: 17 April 2021, 00:46:42 »
                                                                                  search stub: Nejiroan sexual mores 

Flower Leader {oiran, courtesan, top-level prestigious sex worker} - a person for whom the art of dignified etiquette is the means of attracting wealthy, powerful, or influential clients. Clients expect oiran to be well read, able to converse and write with wit and elegance, and able to match them in intellectual conversation. A courtesans prestige is based on their own beauty, education, and artistic ability.

Consort - a secular legally contracted marriage of a primary, secondary, or tertiary partner

Concubine {distinct kanji for each role} - is contracted and maintained exclusively by a wealthy patron for their own gratification and/or for the purpose of producing heirs 

Spouse - a religiously ordained marriage of partners, some religions allow you to have up to four

« Last Edit: 17 April 2021, 01:31:31 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1429 on: 17 April 2021, 01:54:54 »
[light text over a photo of a forest path in autumn colored leaves] 

As temperatures dip the colors of the leaves change into vibrant shades of orange, red, yellow, and brown. It is a magnificent sight which has inspired poets and artists for centuries. The natural phenomenon is called koyo or momiji meaning red leaf. The activity of searching for the most striking shades of leaf is known as Momijigari, red leaf hunting.
According to Shinto beliefs, spirits - including spirits who live in trees and the earth - all call nature their home, for most going to view the maple trees is a form of communion with Nature and the spirits who live in it. The viewer on a proper leaf viewing excursion should try to achieve a personal communion with the leaves, in a bond akin to the private communication between man and god at the heart of many religions. As Prince Genji once wrote to a lover "A sheaf of autumn leaves admired in solitude is like damasks worn in the darkness of the night." By entering nature one hopes to internalize the beauty of the leaves in one's heart. Man enters nature, and nature in turn, enters man. For Buddhists momijigari is a moment which is important both spiritually and symbolically as it reminds us life is ephemeral.
The maple leaf symbolizes fall in Nejiroan culture and its use is widespread. It is typical to find screens, dishes, kimono, and other fabrics bearing the symbol of the maple leaf. Maple shaped cakes are typical during the fall and the leaves themselves are often eaten as tempura, a delicious deep fried, sweet snack often accompanied by a cup of tea.
Witnessing koyo is a moment of the year which Nejiroans spend time anticipating. There are no shortages of stunning places to enjoy. Momijigari may be enjoyed in many ways including hikes, picnics, rides, and camping trips. Like many regions Hoshizora peaks in November, but some areas change as early as September or as late as December. The type of maple tree determines whether the leaves are red {koyo}, yellow {oyo}, or brown {katsuyo}.
Likely, you already plan to travel from place to place using your rail pass. Between stations you will see the countryside in all its autumn glory. For a truly unique koyo experience at a relaxed pace consider a ride on the Hoshizora Scenic Railway. 

« Last Edit: 17 April 2021, 01:56:51 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1430 on: 18 April 2021, 15:54:11 »
I will bring my Griffin, Archer (with less experienced pilot), Pegasus, and Karnov Bravo with BA to this weekend's game.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1431 on: 18 April 2021, 19:22:30 »
I am going to be telling the story of the reveal ceremony in a few parts in case anybody plans on adding their two cents (stares suspiciously at shadhawk).  The following is part one.  With that out of the way, on with the story:

Camp Haken had been opened to the public.  As the press, GSF and clan members filed in, they took note of the armed infantry soldiers and Battle Armored troopers who were taking note of everyone's credentials.  Anya's Goblin tank had been driven to the front gate to "welcome" the participants.  Delta Goblin had been parked on the opposite side of the gate.  The unit's Po and Zhukov tanks had also been deployed, their newly polished surfaces sitting out of their hangars in plain sight.
"Whoa, are those Fa Shihs?"  One of the Otaku press asked, seeing the Liao BA trudge by.  His staring was cut short as the unarmored infantry ushered him and his partner through.

A tarpaulin had been set up with food and drink for the guests.  It wasn't fancy, most of it being standard base food served by Haken's own cooks.  The members of the Ironborn were dressed either in their dress uniforms or civilian finery.  Tristan and Maria Botley was talking to a few of the Ichizoku members, Meifeng Zhou nearby, similarly mingling.  Alannah Harlaw was speaking with Grandmother's party, while Euron and Victarion were talking to Jack and the Governor's group.  Even old Tyr Blacktyde and his wife, Gudrun, had been coaxed to return to the base to watch the Colonel reveal their son as one of the Ironborn's newest Mechwarriors.

Alannah asked Miyamoto.  "By the way, I was wondering if we could borrow your artistic expertise for a project involving our Grand Dragon?"

Looking down on the party, standing next to the entrance of the 'Mech Bay, warding prying eyes away, was the appropriately named Boom Box, Chao Yang's Raven.  It had had external speakers fitted to it and was currently playing calm, reception-style music, music which Chao personally despised.

Chao sighed in annoyance.  "Gods, this sucks.  Stuck up here, no food, no drinks and having to play this f*cking tripe for a bunch of stuck up aristocrats."

"How do you think I feel?"  Came the voice of Isolde Botley, standing at the opposite end of the base, aboard Night Witch, her sifu's Anubis.  "I have to stand allllll the way over here while everybody else gets to socialize.  I'll bet even my nerdy  little sister is probably having more fun than me."  Lourdes, Isolde's sister had come from school to take part in the event.  Even now, the bookish teenager was striking up a conversation with one of the representatives of Bully's group.

Inside the hangar bay, Julia and Fuka were readying the Grand Dragon for operation as part of a "surprise" that Euron had mentioned.  Fuka was dressed in her pilot garb, her neurohelmet sitting in the cockpit.
"So many people out there."  Fuka stared wide-eyed at the assembled throng.  "I hope I don't get stage fright before I have to go out."
"It'll be fine."  Julia assured her.  "Besides, the others are going out before you.  Nobody's gonna know you're in this cockpit until you make your grand entrance."
"I'm still not too comfortable about this."  Fuka worried.  "I mean, I didn't even make full Mechwarrior, but the Colonel is going to make such a big deal over my new position."
"Like he told us,"  Julia reminded her.  "sometimes a little propaganda can be a good thing.  Plus, think of how the Black Dragons are going to have kittens when they see a native of Nejiro, a commoner, and a woman no less, pilot and appear in front of the symbolic 'Mech of the Draconis Combine.  It's too perfect a way to show how we're embracing the new way on this planet."
"I suppose."  Fuka agreed.  "I just don't want my family to become targets of them.  There's still so much that can go wrong."
"Welcome to the GSF, Fuka."  Julia remarked.  "Where almost anything that can go wrong, usually does."
Fuka looked at Julia with even less confidence than before.  "I hope that's a joke, nee-san."
Julia shrugged.  "We've had more than our share of mishaps, and boneheaded decisions.  Just ask Lorren and Dagmer.  Don't worry so much, Fuka-chan, if things here go well, your family will be so honored and proud of you for your accomplishments."
"And if they don't go well?"  Fuka asked.
Julia looked out at the clan and press representatives.  "Then may God have pity on everybody out there who isn't a member of the GSF or the Governor's party once the Colonel is done with them."
"You really think he'll go through with the contingency plan, nee-san?"  Fuka was scared.
"Ohhhhh yeahhhh." Julia answered, a sense of dread entering her voice.  "And Anya and Chao will have no problem carrying it out.  They hate nobles with a passion.  Those clan leaders out there, they remind them of the privileged a**holes in the CCAF who got their positions not through achievement, but through family and title.  The ones who treated them like they were dirt beneath their fingernails because of their humble status.  The Colonel knows that, that's why Anya was put in charge of security instead of Delta Platoon."
Fuka looked down at Anya's quiet Goblin, painted in it's parade colors, and covered her mouth with her hands.  It's a trap.  She thought, her fearful mind racing.  Tereshskaya-dono just needs an excuse and then, that's it.  BOOM!

Aboard Beta Goblin, Anya sat back bored, her fingers softly tapping against her cheek as guests filed in.  Just try something.  She thought.  I dare you.

OOG:  The Ironborn have been ordered to talk to members of the press and the Ichizoku's representatives and ask them a few specific questions in addition to standard small talk.  These questions include:
1) What is your overall opinion of the GSF?
2) Do you think we're (The GSF) doing a good job?
3) How do you feel the Governor is handling the protection and governance of Nejiro?
4) Any problems regarding individual units of the GSF?
5) Do you think one unit does a better job than the others?
If the representatives don't want to answer or if some of their responses are negative.  The Ironborn officers will make a mental note of it and flag them as potential anti-Government sympathizers.  Positive responses will also be noted for future reference.

End of Part I

PS: Devondra, I don't remember if Kiah was sending a coterie of representatives to the ceremony.  I know jimdigris, Obnoxious Twerp, Maranthain, ogremage and shadhawk give me their parties.  Please inform me ASAP if Kiah did send representatives to Camp Haken for the ceremony.
« Last Edit: 18 April 2021, 19:25:22 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1432 on: 18 April 2021, 20:47:17 »
Miyamoto's eyes flicker back from where one of the Ironborn girls and Hikari are no doubt hatching plans to take over the entire planet, and smiles as he bows slightly.   "I would be honored to assist you in any way possible to bring your Grand Dragon to life, assuming of course", his eyes flickering over to where Grandmother stands and his tone acquiring a more meaningful weight, " that such a vision is shared by the warrior whose true spirit brings forth the Spirit of the Dragon." 

Grandmother's face freezes for a moment, then she smiles serenely and nods...


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1433 on: 18 April 2021, 20:49:51 »

End of Part I

PS: Devondra, I don't remember if Kiah was sending a coterie of representatives to the ceremony.  I know jimdigris, Obnoxious Twerp, Maranthain, ogremage and shadhawk give me their parties.  Please inform me ASAP if Kiah did send representatives to Camp Haken for the ceremony.

was just informed that Kiah has indeed can be there she dose arrive with her security force(her squad of elementals) she arrive a little early gives her complements and presents you with a large bottle of very nice champagne for yourself and one for each of the new warriors so they can privately celebrate later with whom they choose
« Last Edit: 18 April 2021, 21:12:33 by Devondra »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1434 on: 18 April 2021, 22:44:16 »
I am going to be telling the story of the reveal ceremony in a few parts in case anybody plans on adding their two cents (stares suspiciously at shadhawk).  The following is part one.  With that out of the way, on with the story:

what little old me have something up my sleeve  >:D

to the event  :thumbsup:

As the members of the press that could make it to Camp Haken in the three day time limit line up to have their IDs checked by the Ironborn’s security personal they talk to each other as they wait to be checked in. Most are supprised by how well the “Sell Swords” are dealing with the many different members of the press that have made it. Some are over heard talking of the lesser press groups that are let in. A couple are of them are a bit too full of themselves as they are the “True” press.
The security detachetment will have fun with a few of the smaller press companies as they are given better seats for the event. They will also have to see to it that the “Otakus” have to be ushered to the seats as they almost trip because they are not looking at the path they are walking.
The Hilo 3 crew will do quick interviews with different members of the Ironborn and members of the different Ichizoku.
Nejiro News 1 will ask if Colonel Grayjoy will speak with them later on.
Major Harlaw will escort a couple to a place of honor for today’s event. Julia from her vantage point will see this and get Fuka into the Grand Dragon.
Jack and Tekeda will be off to one side talking with eachother.
The different Ichizoku members will greet Colonel Grayjoy and give him something from the Ichizoku they are from.
Tai-i Halevi thank the Colonel for inviting the Militia and express the regrets of Sho-sa Josef.
Tai-i Roberts will inform the Colonel the Cho-sa Westfield could not be on hand due to DCA matters. He will give the Colonel a felt bag.

OOG:  The Ironborn have been ordered to talk to members of the press and the Ichizoku's representatives and ask them a few specific questions in addition to standard small talk.  These questions include:
1) What is your overall opinion of the GSF?

your people will find that they for the most part have a higher regard for the GSF then your people were ready for

2) Do you think we're (The GSF) doing a good job?

the press members that are from close are to Hilo will say that the GSF is doing a good job. those that are not local will be neutral.

3) How do you feel the Governor is handling the protection and governance of Nejiro?

They will all have a positive response to this.

4) Any problems regarding individual units of the GSF?

no problems with any single GSF members at this time. some will express that some units can be heavy handed.

5) Do you think one unit does a better job than the others?

some will express that some of the GSF units handle things better but will not pick out single units.

as a FYI the short time to get to this event will force many to miss it.
« Last Edit: 19 April 2021, 12:31:45 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1435 on: 19 April 2021, 23:57:39 »
Time for part two:

Once she was strapped in to the Grand Dragon, Fuka keyed the 'Mech's radio and called Anya's Goblin.

"Da?"  Came the disinterested reply.

"Tereshskaya-dono."  Fuka began, being respectful.  "I know you have orders from the Colonel to deal with the clan members and reporters in a harsh manner should the need arise.  I know you don't like these people at all, but I want to ask you to please stay your hand, if only a little."

"Don't you have your own orders to carry out, Hiyami?"  Anya countered flatly.  "You worry about what you have to do and let me worry about what I need to do."

"Onegai shimasu, Tereshskaya-dono."  Fuka begged.  "I don't want to see anyone hurt unnecessarily.  Our allies are down there too.  We can't just indiscriminately start shooting at the slightest disturbance, we'll be hitting our friends."

Strangely enough, Anya began to laugh.  Fuka was confused by this until the older woman said, "I'm not sure what Goodbrother or the others have told you, but we've been told to hold fire if at all possible.  If anything actually does happen, the plan is to scare the civvies with overwhelming force and bring them into custody.  Why else do you think we have all these tanks and 'Mechs deployed?  If something goes down, the men on the ground can deal with a bunch of stiff-shirted aristocrats and reporters who'll be too scared sh*tless to do anything in non-lethal manners.  However, we are fully loaded with live ammunition and fully powered-up weapons.  Nothing can be left to chance.  But no, we are not going to fire on defenseless civilians.  If they fight back--"  She shrugged and trailed off.  "well, we have plenty of back-up on the ground with all the GSF personnel that are here."  Lastly, she pointed out.  "By the way, look to the stands.  Front row. On the right."

Fuka did so, and her eyes widened in horror.  "Mama...PAPA!  Tereshskaya-dono, YOU CAN'T!!" (OOG: I assume that's what you were going for with the couple Alannah brought to the place of honor, Anthony.  Am I right?  If not, I may have just killed Fuka's parents.  :'()

"Relax."  The Russian woman assured her.  "Do you REALLY think the Colonel would risk bringing them here if he knew they wouldn't be safe?"
"But, why do it in the first place?"
"He thought that they would want to be here to see their little girl achieve her dream."  Anya replied.  "If you need more assurance of their safety, the men of my platoon are sworn to protect them with their lives, and so am I.  Now stop worrying so much and concentrate on your part on this."
Fuka breathed out in relief. "Hai!  Arigato, Tereshskaya-dono, ie, Anya-san."  She signed off.

Aboard Anya's Goblin, her driver teased.  "Aww, she called you by your first name.  That's so sweet."
Anya responded by kicking the back of the driver's seat.  "Oww!"
Anya sighed.  "She's a good kid.  But she's still terribly naïve.  She doesn't know what war really is, not yet.  But she will, eventually.  The galaxy has a way of chewing kids like that up and spitting them out."
"Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience, boss."
"I'm Russian."  Anya said matter-of-factly.  "We understand these things better than most.  Now, no more chatter.  Just drive the tank."
"Yes, ma'am."

At the party, the time had almost arrived for the main event.  Euron excused himself from the others and stepped up on to the stage to take his place at the podium.  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please.  First of all, thank you all for coming on such short notice.  I'm sure you were, no doubt, understandably caught for a loop having to respond within only 3 days, but I can assure you that whatever trouble it may have caused you shall be worth coming to see us tonight.  So, without any further adieu, let us begin..."

End of Part II
« Last Edit: 20 April 2021, 00:23:43 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1436 on: 20 April 2021, 11:11:12 »

Fuka did so, and her eyes widened in horror.  "Mama...PAPA!  Tereshskaya-dono, YOU CAN'T!!" (OOG: I assume that's what you were going for with the couple Alannah brought to the place of honor, Anthony.  Am I right?  If not, I may have just killed Fuka's parents.  :'()

correct they are to see her big day.

A couple of klicks outside of Camp Haken two groups of men will be watching the camp. They will be setup on different sides of the camp. Well camouflaged and watching. The group watching the west will spot a vehicle heading to the camp.
“Two to One have a V moving west to east.”
“Roger Two, if it takes the road to camp stop it.”
“Roger One.”
The vehicle turns on to the road that will take it to Camp Haken. The driver presses the accelerator and it picks up speed.
“Two to One looks like we got a speeder.”
“Show the driver how we feel about speeders.” Switching channels. “One to Joō four you are on.”
“Two to one, on the way.” The vehicle swerves to the left hard and goes into the dirt at the side of the road.
The vehicle comes to a full stop and a squad of jump troops are arching in to land next to it. One member gets to and opens the driver door another does the same on the passenger side, weapons ready. The driver is still stunned from the bouncing around he just took. From the trooper on the driver’s side. “Seeding and not wearing a seatbelt. This is just not your day.” He will pull the driver out. The others will check over the vehicle.
“One to Two nice. Keep your eyes open we may have more.” Switching channels. “Joō four get that clear.”
‘Roger one.” The troopers pull the driver further off the road.
“Gunsho we got party favors.” The Go-cho looking into the trunk. “Some grenades, a rifle and a bunch of mags, looks like this one was not happy about not getting an invite.”
“Well the boss lady will want to have a talk with him. Get a transport and get him out of here.” Looking over the vehicle. “Get that tire changed and get this thing out of here too.”
A small hover truck shows up. Three people get out, one get into the vehicle the other take the drive and put him in the back of the hover truck they drive off. One stays in the back of the truck and start checking his ID. They Jump troopers bounce.
« Last Edit: 21 April 2021, 11:54:52 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1437 on: 20 April 2021, 12:12:16 »
“Son of a …… Adept you said this just came in.” Wilkes asks his comminutions officer. “Just great!” He looks over the message. “Get all field and support commanders on the horn now!” He looks back at the message. “They can tell us things sooner.”
“Sir.” The Adept hands Wilkes a hand set.
“I just got informed that Case White has happened and it was a disaster. We are now on alert one. All support personal will have a security escort when they go off base. All personal will carry side arms at all times. No one and I mean no one is to be out alone.” He looks at the data pad and shakes his head. “We will be getting even less support due to what just happened so take care of the supplies we have. I want all department heads to prepare lists of needed equipment and supplies so I can look for new sources.” He looks over the message still not believing it. “That is all.”
« Last Edit: 21 April 2021, 12:36:19 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1438 on: 21 April 2021, 11:56:55 »
OK so Sunday is the next mission and still need units and players for the mission.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #1439 on: 21 April 2021, 14:07:38 »
in holding pattern waiting for clearance to land.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."

