Author Topic: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders  (Read 12792 times)


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #30 on: 16 September 2018, 15:13:46 »
 October 15, 3053

 It was noon when Colonel Patterson arrived for the scheduled meeting. Colonel Mitchell rose from his desk and offered his hand to Patterson. As they shook, he said "Welcome Colonel, sorry the meeting had to wait, but I needed to check on my wounded this morning."

 "No apologies needed Colonel, you people come first. On that note, is there anything I can do to help out more?"

 "I think you and the FedCom folks have been quite helpful already, but thank you for the offer. So I have a proposition for you to relay to your superiors concerning the salvage split, can you do that for me?"

 Suddenly on guard, Colonel Patterson hesitated before answering "I can so relay the message, may I ask what it concerns?"

 "Sure, it is no secret. We captured 33 Omni Mechs repairable and another 9 as salvage quality. In addition we have 3 Clan Dropships in great condition. On top of that, we have 200 tons of FF armor, 30 tons of BA armor, and roughly 100 tons of weapons, 150 tons ammunition, 100 tons assorted parts. I propose that my unit keep all armor, ammo, weapons and repair parts, we will keep the following 10 Omni Mechs:
 3 Gargoyle
 1 Daishi
 2 Madcat
 3 Thor
 1 Gladiator

 In exchange, the FedCom gets the remaining Mechs, Dropships valued at 2,394,876,548 which I would normally get 40% of which is 957,950,619. Instead, I will take 30% for 718,462,964. But in return, I want to be able to, bump the line so to speak, when I buy equipment, supplies from manufacturers. I don't want to hear "it will be 1 year for delivery because the AFFC is ahead of you". I want to be able to get my hands on the latest and greatest whenever I buy for the next 3 years. I also want first dibs on any Jumpship or Dropship the AFFC decides to retire/sell off for the next 3 years. I will pay market value for any item, but I do not want to wait in a long line. For the next 3 years, when I decide to purchase, I want it to be as if the AFFC was doing the buying."

 "Wow, Colonel Mitchell, you want the entire cake and eat it too. I really don't see my higher ups going for this deal." Colonel Patterson said, as he made some notes.

 "And why would they balk Patterson? I am giving them a 200 million dollar discount to be able to purchase sooner than I normally could. 200 million just for the "right" to get stuff sooner. I am still paying fair market value for everything, I just don't want to wait behind the big dogs for my toys. I am not asking for a discount on anything, just the ability to "cut in line" on purchases. It will cost the AFFC nothing expect a HPG message to a manufacturer."

 "You type the message up Mitchell and I will send it."

 Colonel Mitchell opened a folder on his desk and took out a already typed up letter, he handed this across to Colonel Patterson. "It is all in this letter Colonel."

 Taking the letter, Colonel Patterson read it, it said exactly what Mitchell had just told him. Sliding the letter into his briefcase, he then stood "I will send it out today"


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #31 on: 16 September 2018, 15:40:16 »
Trading clan mechs for some good inner sphere mechs?


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #32 on: 16 September 2018, 17:55:18 »
 Yeah, those 10 put me at 21 Clan Omni Mechs total. I have another 8 Clan 2nd Line Mechs. In addition, almost every Mech I have is using some kind of Clan weapon, some all Clan weapon, my Heavy armor company Manticore is modified all Clan weapons. Not so much trading as being able to "justify" fielding a bunch of newly released Mechs even before House armies.

 So, supplying what I have is already getting to be a chore. I had to think long and hard, I almost kept all the Daishi as they use standard armor, same for the Loki. But right now, I am super on the heavy weight scale. Once I un-mothball my previous captured Talons and Vipers, I will be able to fully field a swift powerful "Lightning" company, I will even be upgrading the Talons (think I have 6-8 of them) with some Clan spec weapons. I still field some older 3025 Mechs with single heat sinks but have Clan Spec weapons on them. About 12 actually. They worked well, but new versions are out with Double Heat Sinks and such.

 Plus the cash never hurts me. Besides, almost a year to go on this contract, who knows maybe my dice rolls will score me another big battle. I am mainly training up my BA troops. Got a ways to go before they all reach regular status. I do not put green into the field unless I must. I have been deleting all the MekHQ generated battles...…damn thing is generating like 3-6 battles each week. Each battle has roughly a star of Omni in the dang Trinary she throws at my lances.

 I am trying to be "realistic" in my play. So I am thinking logistics first.
« Last Edit: 16 September 2018, 18:04:04 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #33 on: 16 September 2018, 17:59:03 »
 After this Contract I will be doing a full TOE re-organization and listing.


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #34 on: 16 September 2018, 19:23:38 »
 November 14, 3053

 Colonel Mitchell sat in his office waiting for the ex Viper commander to be brought to him. He had just been released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. He needed to get a feel for this guy. Jared was also in the room waiting.

 The door finally opened after a short knock and in walked the ex-Viper commander dressed in a set of Raider coveralls. He drew himself to attention and smartly saluted.

 "Star Colonel Horace Andrews reporting as ordered." Colonel Mitchell waited a few seconds before returning the salute and answering.

 "Take a seat Andrews." As Andrews sat down, Mitchell could tell he bristled at the no rank, but said nothing. "I called you here to find out if I am going to have a problem with you and your people, some of our previously captured Clan people had trouble adapting, we released those people on Outreach with the Dragoons. So, am I going to have trouble with anyone?"

 "Neg Colonel, you bargained well and defeated us in a honorable battle. You did not use normal Freebirth tactics of ambush but met us in open battle. Though you did not fight with Zell, you and your warriors fought well. I and my people are yours to command."

 "That is good to hear, but I caution you and your people on using the terms Freebirth and Freeborn. It will take some hard work to remove those words from your normal usage. Pretty sure you will not like being called a Test Tube Baby." That caused Andrews to stiffen and his face flushed with anger, Jared could not hold it back and cracked up laughing, which made Andrews even madder.

 "Forgive Captain Jared Merrill, he used to be a Wolf, now he is a Raider. He once sat in front of me, just as you are, and called me a Freebirth. I replied with better than a Test Tube Baby. He reacted much the same way you are. Now I consider him one of my closest friends. I apologize calling you that, but you need to know where you stand from now on."

 Andrews calmed himself before talking again "Aff, I understand and will do my best to refrain and will so advise my, correction your new members."

 "Jared has briefed me on Clan Viper ways, and how your Touman did not include any Freeborn as warriors, we have many in this unit. I needed to get that out in the open for you. As of now, you are a Captain in the Phantom Raiders, all former Viper personnel report to you. Capt Jared will work with you on getting your people briefed in, I am not ready to field any of you as warriors, yet, but ask Jared he will give you info you desire. Your people will assist wherever needed. Jared will have daily assignments for you to detail out. Any questions?"

 "Neg Colonel, I nor our new people will let you down, we are Raiders now."

 "Good to hear, Jared, take Capt Andrews to supply and get him outfitted. Make arrangements and see that our new folks are taken care of."

« Last Edit: 16 September 2018, 19:38:11 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #35 on: 16 September 2018, 21:50:21 »
 December 22, 3053

 A knock at the door brought Colonel Mitchell's head up from the paperwork he was working on, seeing Colonel Patterson, he waved him to a seat and put away from the paperwork.

 "What can I do for you Colonel Patterson?"

 "I thought I would swing by and deliver AFFC Commands response to your letter in person. I am surprised but they agreed to everything. They request that you submit purchases thru them and they will make the arrangements for you with manufacturers. You pay the manufacturers directly."

 "Well how about that, it is going to be a Merry Xmas after all. I have my first purchase ready to go, I heard rumors of new Dropship about to hit the market. Please relay to AFFC Command that I would like to have 2 Hercules Dropships as soon as possible please. I believe the money from our salvage will cover the bill nicely." Mitchell said with a cat ate the canary smile on his face.

 Clearly shocked Colonel Patterson took a second to compose himself "How did you know about them, the first Dropships are slated to go to AFFC Regimental Combat Teams, they need them badly."

 Colonel Mitchell leaned back in his chair "I hear things, but they agreed so I am cutting in line, I am buying 2 of them and would like them as soon as possible."

 "Colonel Mitchell, I will relay your purchase to AFFC Command, but be assured they are going to be a little pissed about the security slip and that you are cutting in line, as you say, in front of them."

 "Thank You Colonel Patterson, now I really must get back to this paperwork."

Dave Talley

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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #36 on: 16 September 2018, 23:52:34 »
"Once I un-mothball my previous captured Talons and Vipers, I will be able to fully field a swift powerful "Lightning" company, I will even be upgrading the Talons (think I have 6-8 of them) with some Clan spec weapons. I still field some older 3025 Mechs with single heat sinks but have Clan Spec weapons on them. "

hmm as part of the un mothballing process you could probably do heatsink rebuilds, or if you can recruit enough techs/astechs locally the entire process could be part of class, heck start a votech school, you get labor, they learn, then when you move on the AFFC has a trained tech unit to handle whatever and you recruit a few of the best to go with you
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #37 on: 17 September 2018, 00:48:02 »
 I currently employ 1306 local Astechs. Got a pretty big Votech school going as it is, they are getting lots of work repairing all the battle damage and such. I only have 286 Astechs on full time staff. Future plans are to have all armor, infantry personnel cross trained as Astechs.

Dave Talley

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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #38 on: 17 September 2018, 08:05:16 »
you have enough manpower to upgrade and rebuild a company in 24 hours or so

heck if you get enough of the right components you could do full mech assemblies from parts alone
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #39 on: 17 September 2018, 14:16:27 »
 January 25, 3054

 Colonel Mitchell was once again in his office but today he did not mind the paperwork for things were looking up. He had received word that his Dropships would be delivered to Chahar on May 7, 3054. He also got a message from AFFC Command that they were retiring a Invader Jumpship that only had 300 years on her. He arranged a short term loan (10 years) for the 300 million it would cost. Only 20 years ago the Invader had undergone a complete over haul so was in top shape. It would arrive June 3054.

 Yesterday he had placed an order for 12 Gauss Rommel's (his mechanics had a Clan Gauss ready for each of them and 4 tons ammo) and for 12 Patton (his mechanics had come up with a Clan LBX10 modification that would pack 2 tons slug and 2 tons cluster and also had a Clan LRM 10 in the turret with 2 tons ammo they would perform). He also placed an order for 12 Sturmfeur Assault tanks that would be modified at the factory to his specifications, already 3 of his top Mechanics and 36 Clan LRM 20 were on the way to the factory. The new tanks would have 3 (C) LRM20 installed in turret with 9 tons of ammo stored in the body in CASE.

 Soon after arriving at Chahar, he had placed an order for 4 new Corsair fighters (and had been told it would be over a year before delivery, hence his deal with the AFFC). 2 Slayer had arrived that were bought at a Mercenary Auction, and 4 New Sparrowhawks were finally on the way, another (it will be a year BS). This would bring the unit up to a short Wing of Aerospace. The Corsair and Sparrowhawks would arrive in March June 3054.

 The final piece of his current plan finally arrived with a knock on the door frame.

 "Mike (Major Mike Spencer the infantry BN commander), come in and have a seat. I have a mission for you."

 "Yes sir, and what would this mission entail."

 "I need you to head for Outreach. I need you to start a recruitment drive, I need a Battalion of tank crewmen, more exp the better of course. You will also recruit 2 BN of Infantry, you are going to be the Infantry Regiment commander so choose wisely. You will also take a Elemental point with you, they are going to help select new candidates for BA school. Once our boys see combat we will need replacements in the pipeline so that is their mission. Also you will escorting the Daishi to Colonel Wolf of the Dragoons. You will present him with this letter. Await his answer. The letter is sealed and for his eyes only. You will also take delivery of 200 suits of Standard BA while there. Our mission here ends in November, so I need the process started ASAP. If we are lucky, we can all link up at our next duty station."

 "Yes sir, you know this mission sucks right?"

 "Yes, yes I do. But you have been with me longer than anyone else on the command staff. Your basically my XO, we have never needed one before but we are growing leaps and bounds so we might have to make it official soon. You have my trust and full faith to make the hard choices while there. I plan to field 2 heavy tank BN, the Hover company. A full Infantry Regiment, your call on make up for now. Your Battalion already has the Goblin support company in it. Each new Battalion will have a support company in it. In addition, we will field probably a full Mech Regiment of 3 Battalions. We have 81 Mechs right now, we hold off on pilots for now, we have the ex-Viper pilots when we need them. Emil is sending his right hand man along and he will help you on the support side. We are massively weak on support. We need support vehicles, support troops and such. That is his task, but he reports to you."

 "Tall orders boss. But I will get it done."

 "I know you will, take the Crow (Seeker Dropship), she is already prepping for launch. You leave in 2 days. The Orbital folks have arranged a partial Command Circuit that will have you on Outreach in less than 3 months."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #40 on: 17 September 2018, 14:20:28 »
 I don't scrimp on the tail if I can afford it. Every Mech, Vehicle, Aerospace etc has a tech/mechanic assigned to them. Each Company has an Elite Tech and 2 Vet techs as floaters. I have another 20 green Mech Techs and 8 Mechanics to assist in battle damage.


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #41 on: 17 September 2018, 18:53:54 »
 July 7, 3054

 Colonel Mitchell stood on the ridge watching a full Trinary of Omni Mechs rapidly approaching his position, beside him Capt Marshall stood tall as ever in his BA. As they watched, the BA began deploying from the Trinary. Both began engaging targets and within minutes it was over.

 "They look good Capt Marshall, are they combat ready?"

 "The pups are as ready for combat as I can make them. Only true battle will sort them out, not unless you let me put them thru full Clan Trials."

 "No, we are not going that route. I know it turns out fine or even great warriors, but I do not think it will work well for us. Even if we did, out of 90 candidates, how many do you think would pass?"

 "No more than 25 would make warrior. Probably be closer to 10."

 "So you spent over a year training these people almost every day and we would get 10-25 troops out of 90. See at that pace we would never fill out the forces we plan on fielding."

 "You asked, I answered sir. I agree it would make our task that much harder, I would lead this group into battle at any time you wish. They are good soldiers, not true warriors but good soldiers. They have done all that I have asked of them during training."

 "Good, our contract here is almost over. I got word from Outreach that Mike has recruited a full Battalion of infantry and is putting them thru the paces, he wants to fill out a Jump Infantry Battalion also. He also has recruited 2 companies worth of tank crews. He has had over 800 applicants, so far he is about 1/2 way thru the stack. Your people have about 60 selected for BA training. So get your trainers ready for a new crop of pups."
« Last Edit: 17 September 2018, 19:02:42 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #42 on: 17 September 2018, 19:02:20 »
 August 19, 3054

 "Colonel, we have a HPG message from AFFC Command, your eyes only."

 "Okay, give it here." Colonel Mitchell accepted the message slip and dismissed the runner. Opening it, he was surprised to find a contract offer in it.
 Jade Falcon
 Relief Duty
 5 months
 100% Transport
 100% Damage Compensation
 Independent Command
 Start Date Oct 10, 3054

 But the part that kept drawing his eye was the whopping 90% salvage. It was unheard of lately. AFFC was mainly offering exchange rights, or low percentage under 40%. It meant the unit could basically keep everything it killed or made off with. But 5 months behind enemy lines. That was the part that worried him.

 Picking up the phone, he said "Call an immediate commanders meeting, my office 30 minutes."
« Last Edit: 17 September 2018, 19:04:22 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #43 on: 17 September 2018, 19:54:57 »
 August 19, 3054

 The conference room was packed with all the units commanders, there was quiet talk as all eyes stared at the Star Map with Golandrinas circled on it. The talk silenced as Colonel Mitchell entered.

 "Okay everyone, I see everyone has spotted the big red circle on the map. It is behind enemy lines, we would have to use uninhabited systems to have a prayer of getting that deep. We have been offered a contract by the AFFC for 5 months of Relief Duty. It is everything one could want in a contract and more, they are offering 90% salvage."

 At the mention of 90% salvage, the room exploded with talking.

 "Easy folks, there is a reason they are offering that kind of salvage. There is at least a full Galaxy of Falcon troops within 2-3 jumps of that world. Odds are slim of anyone getting out alive. But, I really think we have a shot. One, we have been fighting the Clans since the beginning. Two, almost all of our Mechs feature Clan weapons. Three, we are just dumb enough to do it. No one would have expected us to survive the way we did for those first 3 years, deep behind enemy lines, surrounded by an enemy that so out gunned us it was not even funny. But we did, and we grew and we won and we survived.

 Now I am going to accept this contract, but only combat personnel and combat support will be going. Tech teams will be pared down to the minimum. I want supplies for an extended campaign loaded up. Draw from the AFFC storehouses if we have to. We will be on our own there, so we are going to use every trick we can to get planetside safely and away again. Once we hit the ground, I expect the garrison to call for help. And no telling who or what will arrive to help them. So let's get cracking people, we have to leave within 2 weeks to arrive on our target date."

 As the commanders left the room Colonel Mitchell called out "Emil I need you for a minute in my office."

 Once the 2 men were in the office, Colonel Mitchell turned and asked "Is our secret weapons combat ready for a sustained fight?"

 "Yes sir, they have been practicing with them in the back forty. They enter and leave in the dark. We have good ammo stock for them."

 "Good, we are going to need them. I know you were not keen on me buying them when I found them, but they are going to be our ace in the hole."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #44 on: 17 September 2018, 20:06:07 »
 August 19, 3054

 Colonel Mitchell was just leaving HQ for his quarters when he saw Capt Horace Andrews approaching fast.
"Colonel can I talk to you?"

 "Sure but it has to be on my way to the mess hall, I am starving. So what's on your mind Capt."

 "Sir, I heard you are going to be hitting a Falcon world. I request permission for me and my people to travel with you and if possible to take the field. The Falcon's are old enemies of the Viper, I know we are not Viper's any longer, but the hate for Falcons runs deep."

 "Look Capt Andrews, I appreciate the offer, but I do not have the spare Mechs or BA for all your people...…."

 Capt Andrews interrupted "Sir, we can act as replacements for wounded, we can assist in repairs and if need be fight as infantry. We must be given the honor of going into battle, we must prove our loyalty to you and the others. That we are fully Raiders now."

 "Okay Capt Andrews, get your people together and report to Emil, he will direct you in what needs to be done and where you all will ride. I will inform Jared, so he might come looking for you."

 Capt Horace Andrews drew himself to the best position of attention he ever did and saluted his new commander "Aff Colonel, we will not let you down."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #45 on: 18 September 2018, 16:50:22 »
 August 30, 3054

 "Colonel Patterson, it has been a pleasure working with you the past year and a half. Maybe we will work with each other again some day." Colonel Mitchell meant every word of it, Patterson had been easy to work with and always helpful.

 "Colonel Mitchell, I too must say it was a pleasure working with you and your people. It is a rare Mercenary unit that is easy to work with, your unit is one of them. I must confess, when I saw this was your first contract as a Mercenary unit and had a "checkered" past, well I was ready for the worst. I have seen that your people staying here are quartered, I see you are leaving the 2 Hercules here, those also will be kept safe."

 Colonel Mitchell reached into his pocket and withdrew a sealed envelope "In this envelope is everything that needs to be done if this mission goes wrong. I sent a similar one to Major Spencer on Outreach." With that he handed the sealed envelope to Colonel Patterson.

 "I hope I get to give this back to you at the end of this mission. I will see that everything is handled."

 "After my Jumpships are recharged at our destination, I am sending them back here to await our extraction date. Well it is time to board and launch, see you soon Patterson."

Iron Grenadier

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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #46 on: 18 September 2018, 18:25:18 »
So what's your TO&E look like now going into this contract?


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #47 on: 18 September 2018, 18:26:34 »
 Hefty, working it up now. How do we want it, full break down by lance or just a rough TOE count? By lance is going to long.

 Rough breakdown:
 Command Company
 2 Mech Battalions
 Assault Company
 Full Trinary (Mech)
 Heavy Armor Company (12 Manticore (C) ERPPC, 2 SSRM4)
 Hover Company
 Infantry Battalion (includes Goblin (C) LPL support company)
 Full Elemental Trinary
 Full IS Standard Trinary (5 squads per platoon)
 6 extra BA squads
 3 Full Aero Squadrons

 28 Omni Mechs
 79 Mechs (65 armed with Clan Weapons)

 Part of my force I have not crewed so not using them. 12 Gauss Rommel, 12 Patton, 2 Hercules, Invader Jumpship.

115 MechWarrior
171 BA Pilots
252 Armor crew
152 Mech Techs
59 Mechanics
30 BA Techs
283 Astechs with 1340 local hires (I am running this contract astech light, so maintenance could be a problem.
336 Infantry (going on mission, 2nd Battalion created and staffed but on Outreach so I have to pay them)
 Support Battalion staffed but mothballed most equipment (on Outreach, people being paid)
Current payroll roughly 3.2 mil
« Last Edit: 18 September 2018, 18:48:03 by 2ndAcr »

Iron Grenadier

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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #48 on: 18 September 2018, 18:50:05 »
Nope that's cool.

Your "assault" company runs independently?


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #49 on: 18 September 2018, 18:54:19 »
 Currently in it's own company attached to the Mech Regiment. They plug any breaches in my line. Since I fight large battles it works. I cannot believe MekHQ actually gave me this contract. The Salvage might be mind blowing.


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #50 on: 19 September 2018, 04:30:45 »
 October 12, 3054

 The Phantom Raiders emerged at the Zenith jump point on October 4, 3054. Lucky for them, no other space traffic was detected. Detaching their Dropships, they began the 4.9 day burn to the planet. The unit grounded on October 9 at the planets space port and overran the Falcon garrison there. A 2nd line Trinary of Mechs and a infantry Trinary put up a spirited defense but were just overwhelmed by the Raiders. The Raiders suffered 1 Mech loss (Panther (C) destroyed Gyro) and 6 infantry were killed in the assault. A Bombardier 12D and a Cestus were salvaged as repairable, a Vulture, 2 Vixen, 2 Conjurer, 3 Peregrine were pure salvage, techs were already stripping the hulks down for any salvageable parts. Best of all 3 Donar VTOL, 4 Anhur VTOL and 2 Avar B Aerospace were captured at the space port.
 Colonel Mitchell studied a captured Falcon map and turned to Capt Marshall, "Take our fast Omni Star, your BA star and the Lightning Company (6 Talon, 6 Vixen) take out this out post here" he tapped the map, "shows to be an infantry trinary, you can batchall if you desire or just take them out, your choice, it is 400km away so that would put you there roughly 6 hours from now."

 "Aff, I will leave right now, we could be there faster if we could trust the Falcon VTOL pilots, but since they are not Bondsmen, they would just as soon crash us into the ground."

 "Don't take chances Marshall, if the Falcons have more than you can handle, pull back and call for help."

 "Aff, I will call if it is too much for my force to handle."

 "Good, hit the road and get it done, I am going to have the captured VTOL and Aero taken back to the Jumships for transport back to Chahar. We do not have pilots for them anyway. Now we wait for the Falcon response to our presence. Also sending back the Panther (C) as Emil says we don't have a spare gyro anyway"

 Panther (C) (Gyro)
 6 KIA (Infantry)

 Bombardier 12D (repairable)
 Cestus (repairable)
 3 Donar Recon VTOL (intact)
 4 Anhur VTOL (intact)
 2 Avar B (intact)
 2 Vixen (salvage)
 1 Vulture (salvage)
 2 Conjurer (salvage)
 3 Peregrine (salvage)



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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #51 on: 19 September 2018, 05:00:13 »
 October 24, 3054

 The Raiders Jumpships left the system yesterday for the return to Chahar. The Union was on it's way back from delivering the equipment to the Jumpships. 1 Day out from the planet, the Union detected a jump signature at the Nadir Jump Point, a very small jump signature.

 Colonel Mitchell and Jared studied the message "Wonder if they detected our leaving Jumpships?" Colonel Mitchell mused. "I know danged well it has detected our Union heading in. We have not heard any communication from it so far. Send for Matra (ex Viper Dropship commander) maybe he can tell us what it might be."

 "Yes sir, it could be just passing thru the system."

 2 hours later, Matra studied the jump signature "Has to be a Hunter Jumpship, signature that small. It has a HPG on board so it probably sent out a message. It could be wither a LF Battery one, which means we have no prayer of capture or it could be recharging. Either way, I would say we can expect a response soon."

 Colonel Mitchell thought for a few minutes "How long do you think we have for a response Matra?"

 "There are several planets within a single jump of here that we know have substantial garrison forces. Wotan, Black Earth, Malibu, Somerset. If they have Jumpships standing by, call it a week for the fastest response, Wotan. It has the quickest travel to Jump Point, only 3 days time. 3 days to prep for launch and load the response, 3 days to jump point, and they are here."
« Last Edit: 19 September 2018, 05:08:55 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #52 on: 19 September 2018, 19:49:49 »
 Okay, question for everyone...…...What kind of response do we think the Falcons would have to my "invasion"? Single Cluster, 2 Cluster, Galaxy? Short of an orbital bombardment that is.
 There are 4 frontline Clusters close by (3 within a single jump of me) 4th is 2 jumps. I guess I could hail the jumpship and toss down a "come and take it" challenge.

 Or would they send say the Peregrine Solmalha at me? Even though any of my companies would eat their mech force for lunch......the 150 elementals might give me some trouble. I would even trial for their Jumpships and 9 Union C assigned to them. LOL
« Last Edit: 19 September 2018, 20:03:17 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #53 on: 19 September 2018, 20:17:05 »
 October 25, 3054

 0500 hours
 Colonel Mitchell was awakened with a radio call from Capt Marshall "Capt Marshall, what is your situation?"

 "Area secure sir, we have taken the outpost, no losses on our side. We captured 2 more Anhur, and we appropriated some civilian hover transports to haul back the captured Falcons. The Anhurs I have a point of BA in each ready to blow the Falcon pilots to bits if they try anything. We are returning to base now."

 "Great, I was getting nervous with no word."

 "We took our time, caught most of the Falcons asleep, only took out the guards and most survived that."

 "Look forward to your return, we might have company soon."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #54 on: 20 September 2018, 00:27:15 »
 October 27, 3054

 In the early morning, out of no where a patrol from A Company, 1st Mech Battalion was ambushed by a Falcon Trinary and Elemental Star. Within minutes a Raider Thunderbolt TDR-5SE was destroyed. The other 3 mechs fought a desperate retreat until help could arrive. Bounding from heavy wood cover to heavy wood cover they managed to hold on until the rest of A Company arrived. There the tide turned in Raider favor. A Company only had 1 Mech (Thunderbolt 5SE) without Clan weapons.

 During the ensuing melee, several Raider mechs sustained serious damage, but they did more damage to the Falcon's. Several Falcon Mechs escaped the carnage.

 Raider Losses
 Thunderbolt 5SE
 Quickdraw QKD-5A (C) (gyro destroyed)
 Falcon Losses
 Ryoken (Total loss engine explosion)
 Wolfhound 1B (salvage)
 Ryoken (captured repairable)
 Talon 5W (captured repairable)
 Hellhound (salvage)
 Ryoken (salvage)
 Griffin 2N (salvage)
 Sentinal (salvage)

 6 Mechwarriors
 16 Elementals

 "I want to know where that unit came from Jared. Was it part of the planets garrison and if so how many more are there. Or is this a new unit that slipped in without us knowing? You question these new prisoners. I want answers. Double the guards and double the patrols. Lightning Company to be on ready alert, 10 min notice for rapid response. In the morning I want a standing CAP over this base and combat patrol scouting 200km around this base at all times."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #55 on: 20 September 2018, 00:31:11 »
The falcons are not going to know your force composition.
So I would guess a full frontline cluster, I don't think any more than that as they would assume it is a raid.
The Falcons are very arrogant so they will consider that force more than enough.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #56 on: 20 September 2018, 00:37:18 »
 They gonna get curb stomped then. I will chew up a single Cluster. Even with Elite pilots in them. I think I have 6 Mechwarriors at Reg, rest are Vet or Elite. Their Aero Trinary might give me some problems but I will chew up their ground formations.

 Guess they will send more after I chew that one up.

Dave Talley

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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #57 on: 20 September 2018, 08:28:21 »
and generally, without an adult in the room (a khan for instance)
the green birdies aren't known for thinking ahead or cooperating with other commands
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #58 on: 20 September 2018, 19:07:50 »
 October 29, 3054

 A knock at the door brought Colonel Mitchell's head up, Capt Marshall stood in the doorway, behind him he could see a man in dirty fatigues escorted by 2 of Marshall's Elementals.

 "What have we got here Capt?"

 "Sir, this man approached the front gate and asked, demanded to see the commanding officer. He is quite irritating."

 "Well, bring him in and let's see what he has to say."

 With that Capt Marshall moved into the room to make way and one of the Elementals gave the man a "light" shove into the office.

 Colonel Mitchell studied the man before him, he was dressed in what were once FedCom fatigues or what looked to be the remains of them. He was dirty and skin and bones.

 "What can I do for you mister, I am Colonel Mitchell of the Phantom Raiders, and you are?"

 "Sir, I am Hauptmann Kluge, I lead a guerrilla force of roughly company strength. That last Falcon force that hit you were closing in on our small camp, when they suddenly turned and headed here at full speed. I followed at a distance to see what was going on. I watched what I now see was a small fraction of your strength slice the Falcons apart. Yesterday I received a message on my Black Box, I am MI4, informing me that you were sent as relief. I was sent here in 3050 right before the Falcons hit. I have been on the run and doing what I can ever since."

 "So you are what we were sent in as relief to. And you have a black box so you can communicate with higher ups. How interesting. Command never told me who was here for us to act as relief to or we would have been looking for you."

 "Yes sir, I can communicate with command, it takes longer than normal HPG, but messages get thru."

 "Well, how about you take Capt Marshall and some of his people and collect your people and bring them in. Capt Marshall, think you can convince those 2 Falcon VTOL pilots to fly you out?
 "Yes sir, I think I can convince them to be on their best behavior."

 It was then that Kluge interrupted "Sir, no offense but any of my people see Elementals and they are going to open fire or run like the wind. It would be best if I return in my car and collect them."

 "And how far might your band be?"

 "2 days travel to get there, probably 2 days to gather/convince everyone, 2 days back here."

 "So a week, there are Falcons still about Kluge. I am not going to risk you solo. I am going to send a company of my Infantry and my Infantry Support Company with you. How many people we picking up?"

 "There are 83 of us left"

 "They can carry that easily. Capt Marshall I want you to take your Binary Nova and escort them at a distance, never more than 1 hour away. If they get in trouble, I want some serious firepower close by."

 "Yes sir, I will make the arrangements and we will leave at first light."


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Re: Mitchell's Phantom Raiders
« Reply #59 on: 21 September 2018, 06:08:54 »
 November 4, 3054

 Alpha Company and Infantry Support Company (12 Goblin (C)) were on the way back to Raider Base with the surviving members of the resistance. Suddenly incoming fire struck the lead Goblin, light damage was taken, as 4 Falcon Mechs (Hellhound, 2 Vixen, Peregrine) emerged from the tree line and rushed the rapidly deploying Support Company.

 By the time Support Company deployed from column, the Falcon Mechs were among them, but that just made it easier for the Support Company, 1st Platoon focused on the Peregrine and all 4 CLPL and SRM6 struck home on the hapless mech, which was destroyed in the first volley. They engaged the 2nd Vixen next and quickly destroyed it.

 2nd Platoon focused on a Vixen, which went down in 2 volleys and the Clan pilot ejected.

 3rd Platoon engaged the Hellhound, which proved to be a hard target, but ultimately the combined fire of the entire Company and the deployed Infantry Company brought down the Mech. No vehicles were lost, but many sustained some damage.

 The battle was over before Capt Marshall arrived with his "escort" Binary. His appearance caused some serious apprehension on the resistance survivors, but they calmed down as their Infantry Escort calmly mingled with the hulking Elementals as they secured the immediate area while temporary repairs were made to the most seriously damaged Goblins. Several hours passed and the now combined force resumed the journey back to Raider Base.

 Notes: These are the last escaped Falcon Mechs from the previous battle. Even though they escaped heavily damaged, I allowed them to fight this engagement at full strength.
« Last Edit: 21 September 2018, 06:11:36 by 2ndAcr »