Kindraa mick Kreese
They become Kindraa Mick-Kreese-Kline in 3067 so bear that in mind if you're playing in or after that year.
1) Can a kindraa leader do such a big operation without khan level approval? The control of warships was a very touchy issues amongst the mandrills as it was feared that any kindraa which had too many warships could then have too much sway...
Individual Kindraa pretty much do whatever they like. They're effectively autonomous. They might face Trials of Grievance from the Khan or other Kindraa if what they're doing is unpopular, other Kindraa might cancel any trade pacts or joint research projects with them, and there's a chance of getting censured by the Clan Council. Plus, any Kindraa that gets a windfall of isorla and doesn't want to share it can expect a lot of unfriendly Trials of Possession coming their way from their peers. But if a Kindraa wants to do its own thing then there's precious little a Khan can do about it unless they can unite the rest of the Clan. An example of that happening would be how the Mandrills reacted when they found out about Matilla-Carrol's dealings with Clan Coyote.
In your scenario, I'd expect the Khan and other Kindraa to put a lot of pressure on the Mick-Kreese-Klines to share the wealth. In the short term it would probably be in Kindraa MKK's interest to do so since I doubt they have the facilities to support a half-dozen extra Warships. If they didn't feel like doing so then you're going to go down the classic Fire Mandrill path: bad-tempers and bloody noses. If the other Mandrills couldn't match the MKK's new naval might then they'd probably just go after their enclaves instead.
2) say the operation is consider dodegy from a chain of command POV as long as it is successful doesn’t that wash away all wrongs?
Success certainly helps, but it can make a Kindraa seem like more of a dangerous rival too, breeding jealousy and paranoia among their peers.