Author Topic: The Federated Sun's Reborn  (Read 258574 times)


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #750 on: 23 September 2019, 12:38:16 »
I have a bad feeling about the meeting with Teddy.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #751 on: 23 September 2019, 14:25:41 »
The new Duke of Panpour might find it valuable to partner with Dame Humphreys to reestablish  Andurien Aerospace to build the Riever, Stingray and most importantly the Shiva OmniFighter with financial aid from House Davion/FedSuns government grants with technical support from Jalastar Aerospace(in exchange for a Shiva production license)on New Andurien.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #752 on: 24 September 2019, 00:37:06 »
Teddy wants to show off his big new battleship?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #753 on: 24 September 2019, 03:44:05 »
Teddy wants to show off his big new battleship?

Whose engines will probably give out and it will require a tug  ;D
« Last Edit: 24 September 2019, 08:52:50 by kelgar04 »

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #754 on: 24 September 2019, 04:29:52 »
3068 - November - General Update

The evacuated Duchess of Andurien also meets with Conrad Davion on behalf of his cousin Victor Davion. Also present is Duchess Isis Marik, the First Princes's consort. Both promise her continued support not only for herself and her government in exile but also the flood of refugees who are mostly housed within the Capellan March. Conrad Davion promises that the Federated Sun's will attempt to retake the Grand Duchy, but admits that given the distance between the front lines and Andurien this will be difficult. In the meantime however and as a sign of good will the First Prince will gift a newly discovered and habitable world on the Periphery border of his realm to the Duchess and to the people of Andurien. New Andurien will be a protectorate of the Federated Suns and the FedSun's will happily aid in the movement of the exiles from the current refugee camps to the world and help set up a functioning colony for them. The handful of surviving Defenders of Andurien will be reequipped and set up as the planetary garrison. While the exiled Duchess is unhappy that the FedSun's refuses to commit to a full on crusade of liberation of her homeworld she is practical enough to realise that this was never likely and accepts with pained grace the offer of a new homeworld for those of her people who have fled into exile with her. Although she promises both Conrad Davion and Isis Marik that she fully intends to reclaim her lost homeland no matter the cost.

Unsurprising. Although there are possibilities ahead to be sure, she'd better settle in for a long wait and be fully prepared to make her home work here.


The Yeffter’s Weapons plant in orbit over Gulkana begins work on it's first of the huge new NAC-30's that it has been commissioned to provide for the growing Federated Sun's Navy. These huge naval autocannon are to form the backbone of the firepower of many of the ship classes currently either planned or under construction and the new plant is to help meet the demand.

And why, the question keeps getting asked, does the Federated Suns need THAT many NAC/30s pray tell? And why does Victor giggle like that every time we ask?  :))

The front lines on Andurien finally collapse and the last of the 1st Defenders are wiped out in their last stand at the Ducal Palace by a combination of orbital strikes and artillery barrages. A handful of infantry hold out in the cellars of the palace until the 4th of November, but they are finally burned out by specially outfitted battle armoured troopers. On the 5th of November the new self styled Duke Baxter announces the formal formation of the Andurien Commonality of the Capellan Confederation with himself at it's head. Sian remains silent on the matter but doesn't formally endorse his new title.

The new Duke's first order of business is to begin rebuilding work. Priorities are given for industrial sites, his Ducal Palace and the training facilities on the planet.

Yeah, um, good luck with that given that the locals despise you with the hate of a thousand suns, he has no Government, no industries supporting him. And if he tries to coerce the locals he will have the mother of all insurgencies on his hands across the place...

Unsurprisingly, Baxter is about to find that having cut his ties loose with Sian for all intents and purposes, he has SFA in terms of ability to actually Govern the place, enemies on all sides and probably a Mask officer close at hand just waiting for the termination order. Even as the Federated Suns continues their systematic obliteration of the Capellan Confederation as he squats on planets Victor has offically recognized and has a Government in exile waiting with him

I give him a year, tops.


Coordinator Theodore Kurita makes a major play on the 26th of November when he "invites" First Prince Davion to a secret meeting face to face to discuss the current crisis. The language in the invitation ruffles more than a few feathers with the AFFS officers and FedSun's diplomatic staff who see it, but the First Prince agrees almost instantly and suggests meeting in the Northwind system. However this is immediately refused and instead the Coordinator suggests the dead system of Lockdale, once a thriving Hegemony capital world, as a neutral meeting site. Reluctantly the First Prince agrees, but with the condition that he can bring a strong escort which is accepted...

Well this isn't suspicious in any way shape or form. And what exactly is so critical he wants a face to face instead of communication via HPG ...

Wonder if they'll have a real face to face, but I think the security teams on both sides would go utterly nuts. So just a direct video conference or something...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #755 on: 24 September 2019, 05:10:26 »
Just wondering if we could get a list of what units the MAC have in the Duchy of Andurien.
I don't think they have that much infantry or armour and they cannot recruit locally.
There would be so many uprisings on every world.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #756 on: 24 September 2019, 09:39:54 »
Teddy wants to show off his big new battleship?
Good then the ship can break when he tries to use it.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #757 on: 24 September 2019, 09:56:55 »
Good then the ship can break when he tries to use it.

I’m expecting either a Palmyra like event or an actual meeting with maybe Kitsune making an appearance. Those or a WoB style attack on the level of Outreach.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #758 on: 24 September 2019, 13:36:04 »
I’m expecting either a Palmyra like event or an actual meeting with maybe Kitsune making an appearance. Those or a WoB style attack on the level of Outreach.
Theodore is likely going to try and use Victor's bastard to try and get concessions from Victor or he will reveal his existence. Not that it would help Kurita at all. It will hurt them more than it will hurt Victor. He was told the child died everyone was told the child died. This just makes Theodore look like a scumbag.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #759 on: 26 September 2019, 12:45:24 »
3068 - December - Capellan Front

As December began the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces braced themselves for a Third Wave, however as the days passed no further attacks came. Instead reports from holdout forces on Davion conquered planets and the few garrisons who were still resisting reported that the AFFS was consolidating their positions and refitting/repairing their equipment, no doubt in preparation for further attacks. However just as the CCAF began to breath in relief the AFFS launched 4 limited attacks with mostly second line or mercenary formations, while completing military operations on 2 more.


The Valexa CMM landed on Remshield in mid December and immedietly began attacking the local Home Guard formations. The Home Guard formations had been built up since the world was reclaimed by the Confederation and built up around CCAF retiree's who were given land grants on the planet and as such was not only better equipped than most similar Home Guard formations but also had a hard core of veterans around the formations. Against a March Militia formation 10 years ago this would have given them a decent chance of defending the planet or at least holding out for some time. However the modern day March Militia's had been reequipped with cast offs from more prestigious regiments which had been largely replaced with brand new equipment, and indeed in a many cases the March Militia's had been the recipient of a fair amount of modern equipment either rebuilt or even new construction. Having suffered losses in the reprisal raids of 3063 and been brought up to strength in the last 5 years the Valexa CMM had more than it's fair share of new equipment and now used that tech advantage to their benefit.

Facing a much better equipped opponent with more recent battlefield experience even the better than average Home Guard on Remshield found itself swiftly outclassed. The Valexa CMM hit the Home Guard again and again and didn't relent. Finally around the 28th of December the Home Guard formations were forced to break up into smaller groups and go to ground in the no doubt vain hope that reinforcements might arrive to save them. The Valexa CMM settled in to root out the remaining Home Guard at their leasure.

Ulan Bator

This world was hit early in December when the Wild Geese followed the fleeing Harloc's Raiders from Second Try. Faced with once again fighting the elite mercenary unit which still outnumbered them massively the Raiders didn't even try to defend the planet before falling back again. This time they decided to fall back deeper into the Confederation and headed straight for Harloc to attempt to reclaim their homeworld from the 2nd St Ives Armoured Cavalry. Leaving Ulan Bator to be occupied by the Wild Geese.


Leaving the 2nd to hold Sakhalin the 3rd Lexington Combat Guards moved swiftly to secure the world of Tsingtao. Again like at Remshield the world was held only by Home Guard formations which while more fanatical than those at Remshield were worse equipped and trained. In a series of swift battles the mostly infantry formations were routed and destroyed by the 3rd Lexington Combat Guards within 2 weeks, although the unit dropped to around only 2 battalions of battlemech's during the fighting.


The arrival of the 5th Dragonlord RCT added a huge amount of firepower to the existing AFFS presence upon Palos, although the 5th was a newly raised formation that was still considered green by the High Command. However the risk to the unit under the careful eyes of the elite 1st Kestrel Grenadiers and veteran 1st Lexington Combat Guard was considered slight. Rather than give the Dragonlords their own sectors the 2 more senior units temporarily absorb the 5th into their own ranks as back up for their own battle hardened troops. Lance and Company sized formations of Dragonlords march into battle alongside the Grenadiers and Combat Guards and continue the relentless drive to destroy the Dynasty Guards, while the large formations of battle armoured troops of the 5th are used to bolster the Grenadier's own large scale battle armour formations in the heavy urban fighting.

The Dynasty Guards put up a good fight, but in previous battles they have already been reduced to around a battalion and even the addition of the local Home Guard does little to provide much in the way of effectiveness. Worse the AFFS troops have adapted their tactics and are now making it a particular point to knock out any Dynasty Guard troops, tanks or battlemech's that show themselves in preference to their militia allies. Every lost Guardsman or woman cannot be replaced. While the Guard do manage to use this to their advantage on a number of occasions by having Home Guard formations appear as Guards, there is little scope for this given the poor equipment and training of the Home Guard compared to the "real" Guard.

Outnumbered heavily against 3 almost full strength RCT's the Dynasty Guard can do little during December except sell their lives dearly. Finally on the 29th of December their Home Guard allies break and begin surrendering en-mass when the reality that no help is coming hits home. With their lines shattered and AFFS forces pouring in to isolate the remaining holdouts the Dynasty Guard attempt to fall back on the planetary capital building, but only a company of them make it. With so few defenders left the heroic last stand envisioned fizzles out in an overwhelming attack by 2 battlemech battalions of the 5th Dragonlords backed up by a 8 mixed battalions of armour and battle armour.


Similarly to their sister regiment the Dynasty Guard all the Prefectorate Guard could do on Victoria was make a last stand. All hope had by now faded and even the most fanatical of the troops knew that no help could possible arrive in time. Allocating his own 1st Crucis Lancers RCT and the 2nd FedSun's Dragoons RCT to the final attack with the 3rd Dragonlords RCT in support Marshal Rand-Davion orders the attack on the 11th of December. The engineering elements of the 3 regiments are all detached in preparation for the attack and are even reinforced by engineers from the 11th Avalon Hussars. After 2 days of brutal tunnel fighting the AFFS units have managed to drive the remaining Capellan's into a few small isolated chambers within the factory complex - which they promptly collapse on top of the last holdouts. Delaying until the 11th to launch the attack had allowed the Davion engineers to carefully map out the remaining tunnels and prepare charges to bring down a number of Capellan held areas's roofs. Most of the CCAF troops die in the cave in, however Marshal Rand-Davion orders that the engineers begin digging out any survivors that they can. No soldier deserves to die alone in the dark he tells his troops and soon volunteers from all of the AFFS formations on planet are digging out the few Capellan's who have not been crushed.


The Sirdar CMM is brought forward to attack the world of Madras in late December. On the 23rd of December the AFFS March Militia lands on the planet, just in time to receive the surrender of the garrison and planetary ruler. With word having leaked out that no fewer than half the Capellan Hussar Brigade has been destroyed and word coming through forbidden news sources of the CCAF facing defeat on almost every front the local Duke is under no illusions as to the likelihood of his world being able to hold out even against a second line formation like the Sirdar CMM.


This combined "demi-wave" has resulted in only 4 new worlds falling to the Federated Sun's, however it has also included the loss of both Victoria and Palos which had been hit in previous waves. Worse the 2 of the 4 worlds which had fell had done so with barely a shot fired, while the other worlds Home Guard had put up only ineffectual and short lived resistance. To both the High Command on New Avalon and to the Strategios on Sian the implications were clear. The CCAF had been stretched to breaking point and the outer shell of resistance had now been cracked. While a number of "fortress" worlds such as Sarna and Capella were being prepared to resist the invasions the CCAF was no longer able to contest the AFFS's attacks on a broad front. All that had potentially stopped dozens of worlds falling to the AFFS in December had been their own halt to refit their equipment, rest their troops and extend their supply lines. When, and it was a "when" not an "if", Victor Davion launched a third full wave the results were likely to be catastrophic for the Confederation.

Worse when the Marshigama’s Legionnaires were ordered from Drozan to take up post on Housekarle in order to prevent or delay a drive from Operation Rat III towards Sian they instead relocated to the Andurien Commonality and offered their services to Duke Baxter. The message to the Strategios was clear, morale was now collapsing within the CCAF even in units that had not yet been fed into the meat grinder. Ion Rush and Talon Zahn requested a meeting with the Chancellor in order to explain the reality of the strategic situation to him. While neither man had so much as whispered the word surrender in their request the Chancellor responded with rage and refused to see both of them. Neither man was arrested or removed, but their once free access to the Chancellor was now gone.
« Last Edit: 26 September 2019, 15:43:03 by Billy Boy Mark II »

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #760 on: 26 September 2019, 15:14:41 »
Welp I hope the soldiers of Marshigama’s Legionnaires are ready for the consequences. Even when the Capellan Confederation is having 'happy' days, that kind of out and out disobeying direct orders generally results in your family being very publicly conscripted into servitor infantry battalions with the honor of going in against Davion Devil mechs with rifles and orders to not take one step back!

And that's if you're lucky and they're not just all lined up against the wall and shot one by one, with the footage sent priority HPG to said soliders.

If they're lucky, their families are on a world that has already fallen to the Davions.

In any event, running from one part of the Capellan Confederation to the other only delays the inevitable. And if Baxter declares independence, then he paints a giant target on his back anyway. So good luck with that!

That Dragonlords attack was also hilarious. A company of Mechs against 2 Battalions of Mechs + 8 Battalions of Battle Armor with armored support?! The word 'curbstomp' is thrown around an awful lot these days, but...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #761 on: 26 September 2019, 15:46:11 »

That Dragonlords attack was also hilarious. A company of Mechs against 2 Battalions of Mechs + 8 Battalions of Battle Armor with armored support?! The word 'curbstomp' is thrown around an awful lot these days, but...

A damaged company that's watched it's entire regiment smashed and has been in combat against overwhelming forces on not one but two worlds... To say they would have been at less than full combat strength is an understatement... A company of walking wounded in crippled mechs with almost no ammo and tissue paper armour... Against 2 battalions of almost fresh troops in top of the line mech's backed up by 8 conventional battalions of troops. Ya think the AFFS were sending a message there...? :p

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #762 on: 28 September 2019, 09:13:46 »
3068 - December - General Update

Even as the AFFS consolidated it's position on the worlds it had seized from the Capellan Confederation the High Command on New Avalon continued to work to raise new regiments and reinforce existing ones with graduating warriors from the academies while also funnelling new machines and equipment to the front. In any given year the Department of Military Education, Department of the Quartermaster and Department of Military Administration always found themselves overstretched during December, but with a full war also taking place they are worked of their feet and end up borrowing staff from other administrative posts in order to stay on top of everything.

The first new units to formally be added to the rolls were the 1st and 2nd Lexington Military Academy Light Combat Teams. Each consists of a LCT style formation, with the cavalry styled 1st forming up on Lexington itself while the more heavy weight 2nd was formed up on the world of Sun Prairie to give additional protection to the factories there. The formation of the 2nd Lexington Military Academy LCT would allow the redeployment of the 9th Avalon Hussars RCT to Glenmora on the Draconis Combine border.

The single RCT sized formation planned for 3068 began forming up during December upon the world of Point Barrow. The return of the Point Barrow CrMM to the active rolls was welcomed with huge celebrations within the Point Barrow Combat Region. While since Prince Victor's return their region had not lacked for battlemech forces - with the 11th FedSun's Dragoons RCT bolstering the 2 training units currently - the fact was that the Regular Army formations which had been assigned to the Combat Region were liable to be called away to more active areas in the event of war. This was unlikely to happen to the Point Barrow CrMM and it gave the area a much greater level of not only security but continuity of defenders that was welcomed.

The AFFS also formed an entirely new Brigade in December the Avalon Borderer's Brigade, formed around the 1st Avalon Borderer's LCT and the 4 units which were to be formed up this month. The 1st would remain at it's posting on the world of Edwards and continue to train there was well as protect the factories on that world. The 2nd Avalon Borderer's LCT would take up a similar posting on the industrial world of Torrence, where it would use the nearby New Avalon Combat Training Centre to improve it's skills. The 3rd Avalon Borderer's LCT would be formed upon the world of Chirikof to protect the command post of the Chirikof Operational Area. The 4th would be formed upon the world of Clovis while the present garrison of the 2nd NAIS Cadre would be moved closer to the border, moving to the world of Mara. The 5th Avalon Borderer's would form up on the world of Benet III where unlike at most postings the current garrison of the 41st Avalon Hussars RCT would remain. The plan was that in the event of war with the Combine the 41st would be freed up for offensive operations while the 5th Avalon Borderer's would remain behind to protect it's base and the factories on the world of Benet III. These deployments would cement in the minds of not only the High Command but also the Avalon Borderer's themselves their role within the AFFS - they would be the reserves, holding key worlds to free up more prestigious units for offensive work. While a few of the new soldiers of the Borderer's would decry these deployments the vast majority realised that this was not only vital work but also work that would allow them to continue to train in relative security in order to later be transferred to commands such as the Avalon Hussars or Crucis Lancers.

The deployment of the 5th Avalon Borderer's LCT to Benet III was mirrored when the newly formed 3rd Tancredi Loyalist LCT was ordered to move to the world of Klathandu IV to back up the 1st Argyle Lancers who had been based on that world since 3063. Whether the 3rd Tancredi was to fufil a similar role to the 5th Borderer's and protect the world if the Argyle Lancers went on the offensive or were instead intended to join the Lancer's in any attack was left open ended for now. It did however merit some note within commentators that this was the first time that a Loyalist LCT had been deployed beyond the confines of the Bryceland PDZ.

Alongside the formation of the Avalon Borderer's Brigade the Tikonov Cossack's were upgraded from a single independent regiment into a demi-brigade during December with the formation of a 2nd Tikonov Cossack's. With the 1st Cossack's deployed to take part in Operation Rat II the 2nd was formed to replace them on the key world of Tikonov. Similar to the 1st the new unit would be largely a cavalry formation, however with a slightly heavier weight of battlemechs taking particular advantage of the new Tikonov produced Koschei. Unlike most of the new units the 2nd Cossack's would be massively under strength and would be added to the rolls while only at around half strength.

Similarly the 1st Bromhead Borderer's Cadre would be added to the rolls with the plan being that it would slowly expand until it became an active Borderer regiment. With the progress being made by Operation Rat III a few within the High Command had questioned the need for the Bromhead Borderer's to actually be formed given that the Capellan border was being pushed further and further back from the world. However given the recent problems with the Taurian Concordat and the nearby unsettled space between the Concordat and Canopian space the addition of a permanent Borderer unit is still felt to be worthwhile.

The final command to be formed during December would be the 1st Syrtis Hussars LCT on New Syrtis itself. The battlemechs and equipment used to equip this new unit were entirely sourced and funded by Duke George Hasek in his role as Minister for the Capellan March and Duke of New Syrtis, while the personnel would be drawn exclusively from the cold world of New Syrtis itself. Unlike most Syrtis Fusiliers the new formation is to be equipped with exclusively light and medium cavalry battlemechs and is designed to be a mobile formation that can be used for reconnaissance missions or raiding. They will also have a secondary speciality of arctic fighting due to their background and training at the New Syrtis Training Centre.

As the new formations began to take shape more personnel and equipment was routed to the units which had received damage in the ongoing battles on the Capellan front in order to replace losses. As per what was now standard doctrine the High Command attempted to avoid flooding a unit with newly graduating troops from the training cadres in order to prevent the loss of vital experience. For instance while the High Command had more than enough replacement personnel to bring the 4th Davion Guards RCT back to full strength they instead dispatched only a single company of battlemech mechwarriors with commensurate numbers of conventional personnel in order for the unit to retain it's elite status. A steady flow of replacements push into the former Sarna March and the occupied worlds of the Victoria, Sian and Capellan Commonalities.

In a surprise move the First Prince celebrates Christmas on Tikonov with his new wife at his side. Isis Davion had secretly been rushed from New Avalon to her husband's side in time for Christmas. The Duke of Tikonov places his own winter palace at their disposal and makes a great show of welcoming Isis Davion to his world, commenting on how good it is for families to be together at this time of year - strongly hinting to the First Prince that perhaps elements of the Wild Geese might be re-positioned to the world of Tikonov so that he might see his grandson...

On Demeter the new Lycomb-Davion plant to produce Guillotine class battlemechs for the AFFS and ComGuards goes operation and immedietly begins shipping the popular heavy battlemech to nearby ComGuard's formations and AFFS units. The production allocated to the AFFS is sent predominantly to help the rebuilding of the nearby 1st Aragon Borderer's and to the still forming 1st Bell Borderer's Cadre. Lycomb-Davion also see's their factory on June add an Awesome battlemech production facility this month. They consider whether or not to add an Awesome line to Demeter or a Guillotine line to June to add further redundancy to these 2 designs.

The Davion-Com plant on Defiance adds a Warhammer line to their existing production facilities in December. Far from the front lines this additional line still see's it's production rushed by the ever increasing numbers of jumpships plying Federated Sun's space towards the front lines to bolster not only the AFFS but also the ComGuards.

Corsara Weapon's on Northfield which had entered production in November begins to ship large numbers of Crab battlemech's to the ComGuards and lesser numbers to the AFFS - where they mostly end up in the Draconis March Militia's and Robinson Rangers brigades.

With the additional security provided by the new Point Barrow CrMM GM decides to upgrade their plant on that world by adding a new Blackjack-O line. This news is seen by many within the Outback that the investments in their security can lead to increased investments in their planets industries. As such a number of worlds rulers begin to make active efforts to bolster their militia formations or petitioning to form new units to protect their worlds.

On Torrence the Veridan Dynamic's plant's Pitbull truck lines are doubled to 6. Even with this increase demand is still higher given the huge industrial expansions going on throughout the Federated Suns. Further expansions are planned.

FedBoeing's shipyard over Verde see's the first Cargomaster and Cargoking dropships begin to complete. However the initial dropships will require a few hasty refits after their initial shakedown cruises within the Verde system. This will delay actual production until next month.

Even as the war continues the AFFS contacts various Military-Industrial Companies to discuss the rebuilding of the shattered Victoria based Shengli Arms facility. GM and Kallon both declare interest in buying the remnants of the facility to put it back into production, as does Johnston Industries. Bids are invited from all 3 companies.

Northwind see's the return of the 1st Kearny Highlanders and the Northwind Hussars from the Andurien front. Both units have taken heavy losses and accept garrison contracts with the AFFS for the world of Northwind to allow themselves to rebuild over time. The Northwind Hussars are somewhat reluctant to accept a contract with the FedSuns however the offer of free medical care for all wounded Northwind Highlanders at the NAIS and other elite hospitals swings them around to accepting the contract. As is the offer that the members of Jaffray's Own who have survived and been reabsorbed into the Highlanders will be granted full pardons - conditional upon them swearing to never take up arms against the Federated Suns or House Davion. While a few speak out against demanding Highlanders give such oaths, most accept that given that they joined the CCAF this is a generous offer from House Davion. "Colonel" Jaffray himself, still in a medical coma, is rushed to the NAIS to receive treatment.

Within the Capellan Confederation fighting comes to Sian itself, but not by any AFFS raid. Instead a company of Death Commando's attempt to take Sang-shao An Shennu of the Red Lancers into custody in a swift operation into the Red Lancers barracks. The Red Lancers's commanding officer is the daughter of the traitor Duke of Larsha and as such leaving her in command of the largest and most effective military formation on Sian is felt to be ill advised. Unfortunately for the plans to take her into custody quietly, a Red Lancer company returning from a training exercise see the Death Commando's arresting their commanding officer and attempt to free her. In a swift and brutal firefight the Death Commando company is overwhelmed and destroyed by the Red Lancers who at the sound of battle mobilise around them. For a few short hours the Red Lancers are on the verge of being declared traitors and attacked, until cooler heads prevail. Ion Rush himself arrives alone at the barracks of the Red Lancers and convinces them to stand down and for Sang-shao to voluntarily surrender herself into his custody. He gives her his own personal word of honour that she will not be mistreated. This incident does however leave the Red Lancers with a strong aversion to the Death Commando's and costs both units almost a company each of warriors who were killed in the aborted battle.

Duke Baxter during December petitions the Chancellor for the worlds of Sax, Principia, Niomede and Shiba all of which were historically worlds of the Andurien Commonality to be returned to his newly reclaimed Commonality. Sian makes no reply. They do however instruct the 1st and 2nd Capellan Chargers to head towards the Federated Sun's front and take up posts Wright and Nihal in preparations to retake Grand Base.

Sian also announces the formation of the 10th, 11th and 12th Sian Dragoons all on Sian. All 3 regiments are a mix of military graduates and Home Guard formations many of which are still equipped with their original equipment. All of the new formations are under strength and their officers mostly walking wounded from destroyed commands or retired veterans recalled to the colours. Sian's holo-news channels however point out that this brings the garrison of the world to an invincible 5 regiments of patriots bolstered by the Chancellor's own Death Commandos!

The Lyran Alliance-Free World League frontier see's the LAAF send the 10th Lyran Regulars to the world of Epsilon, the 7th Donegal Guards to Nestor, 7th Lyran Regulars to Nockatunga and the 2nd Donegal Guards to Promised Land - all for "security reasons" and to "ensure the security of the worlds in question". All factions within the fractured League decried the move as a blatant land grab.

The Duchy of Tamarind in particular is extremely concerned by these aggressive moves towards their frontier by the LAAF and immedietly announce the formation of the 1st and 2nd Tamarind Militia to counter this aggression and bolster their defenders. The Silver Hawks Coalition, also threatened by the seizure of Nestor announce that they too will add a new regiment to their active formations. The Eagle regiment is formed from militia drawn from the various worlds of the Coalition.

Coordinator Theodore Kurita arranges to meet with the First Prince Victor Davion at Lockdale. Both rulers will be entitled to bring a large escort to ensure their safety to the meeting which is scheduled to take place on the 24th January 3069.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #763 on: 28 September 2019, 10:19:13 »
it could be a Rocking New Year.   >:D


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #764 on: 28 September 2019, 17:19:46 »
I think one of the next brigades given consideration for reformation should be the Arcadian cuirassiers.  They were a small 2 regiment brigade which served from their home world of Demeter and lasted into 2nd succession war.  Perhaps reform them as the An Arcadian Borderers regiment?
Twelve Highlanders and a Bagpipe make a Rebellion.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #765 on: 28 September 2019, 19:32:31 »
Interesting, but why in the hell is Peter making waves on the FWL border right now? It doesn't gain him very much at all and just raises tensions considerably for no real purpose...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #766 on: 28 September 2019, 22:47:52 »
You assume that it's Peter & not one of his dukes or generals messing around. There's also the WoB infiltrators to consider. They might have messed around with the orders.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #767 on: 29 September 2019, 00:55:13 »
Honestly, that kind of 'oh it must have been one of the Dukes!' gets really old really quickly. Peter is more than strong enough now in his position that if anyone launched an unauthorized offensive into the FWL (and somehow he didn't find out before it went off which seems equally unlikely), he would be able to publicly rebuke them and order the troops back, with an apology to the FWL.

Multiple planets being attacked though is a lot more than one Duke making a play, thats a movement that could only realistically be sanctioned by Tharkad.
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #768 on: 29 September 2019, 04:53:39 »
Interesting, but why in the hell is Peter making waves on the FWL border right now? It doesn't gain him very much at all and just raises tensions considerably for no real purpose...

Peter is more than aware that right now a a large chunk of the Lyran nation are looking at the Federated Suns and thinking - "maybe we made a mistake...".

His brothers conquered "half the Capellan Confederation" and is "Hanse reborn" according to some... Peter managed to repel the Jade Falcons (nothing to be sneered at) but it isn't in the same league. He's looking for a few cheap gains to bolster his popularity. He's not intending any major invasion - just picking of some low lying fruit as it were. It's a PR stunt more than a genuine military invasion.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #769 on: 29 September 2019, 13:31:45 »
Well Victor is going to have to make a choice now stay true to his word and swing his forces to Terra or tell ComStar to hold off the attack while the war is on and he builds up more ships and resources. The second is is the smart choice but it depends on ComStar agreeing and not just going off on their own. The WoB is rebuilding the defenses in the Sol system but no one knows that because scouts and spies haven't been sent in to check.
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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #770 on: 30 September 2019, 00:33:00 »
There is no way FS can commit to assult on Terra now, it will have to wait until AFFS recovers from the Capellan war.
Shoot first, laugh later.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #771 on: 30 September 2019, 05:01:02 »
I duno, I actually think they could pull it off.

First, they've been building units non stop now and up-teching them non stop for so long that the strictly defensive units they have on the borders and backstopping key worlds are pretty damn considerable. The Combine Border is the only really dangerous border and even then, the Combine have their own problems, what with the Clans still waiting out there and the Truce timeline now over, meaning the Clans can attack anytime they want...

Secondly, the ComGuards are providing the bulk of the ground forces. Victor promised I think 20RCTs, but if Peter provides his troops too, even if Victor has to cut back to 15RCTs or 12RCTs, its still a pretty bloody overwhelming force. The Federated Suns even has the opportunity now with the new Capellan worlds, to quietly start building forward logistics bases, ostensibly to support the ongoing attacks, but far enough 'back' no attempt at an Operation Ripooste II could be made...which would put them very close to Terra. There are still a LOT of RCTs that have not been touched in this campaign, the key is going to be how quickly Victor can finish off Sian to be safe in taking a break.

Third, Terra is a hard target, BUT, it's a single target and logistically much easier to support an attack against than an entire Successor State. The key (and biggest help the Federated Suns can do) is orbital supremacy. The FSN has done its job more or less with the Capellans, they don't even really have a 'fleet in being' anymore. Victor can afford to concentrate his fleets heavily into an all out attack into the Terran system on schedule, along with the Comguard fleet and whatever Peter sends. Smash the crap out of the WOB defenses, gain orbital supremacy over a matter of a week or two, then he can withdraw most of his warships back into the Federated Suns (heading back home through the Draconis March as a pointed message to not ****** with him). Then at their leisure with Terra blockaded, you can start landing your troops.

In all honestly, AFFS casualties have been pretty light thus far - and more than offset by the new units being built up and replacements shipped into the damaged units. The overmatch is just that great.

The only real sticking point is how fast Victor can hit Sian and cripple the Confederation as a coordinated state. He can even afford to take his foot off their throat if they have both their legs broken, walk over to smash the WOB, then turn back to finish off the Confederation at his leisure. Just make sure you have a solid stop line and you eliminate any last reaction forces that might cause trouble and don't over-extend.
« Last Edit: 30 September 2019, 05:05:21 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #772 on: 30 September 2019, 14:31:14 »
I duno, I actually think they could pull it off.

First, they've been building units non stop now and up-teching them non stop for so long that the strictly defensive units they have on the borders and backstopping key worlds are pretty damn considerable. The Combine Border is the only really dangerous border and even then, the Combine have their own problems, what with the Clans still waiting out there and the Truce timeline now over, meaning the Clans can attack anytime they want...

Secondly, the ComGuards are providing the bulk of the ground forces. Victor promised I think 20RCTs, but if Peter provides his troops too, even if Victor has to cut back to 15RCTs or 12RCTs, its still a pretty bloody overwhelming force. The Federated Suns even has the opportunity now with the new Capellan worlds, to quietly start building forward logistics bases, ostensibly to support the ongoing attacks, but far enough 'back' no attempt at an Operation Ripooste II could be made...which would put them very close to Terra. There are still a LOT of RCTs that have not been touched in this campaign, the key is going to be how quickly Victor can finish off Sian to be safe in taking a break.

Third, Terra is a hard target, BUT, it's a single target and logistically much easier to support an attack against than an entire Successor State. The key (and biggest help the Federated Suns can do) is orbital supremacy. The FSN has done its job more or less with the Capellans, they don't even really have a 'fleet in being' anymore. Victor can afford to concentrate his fleets heavily into an all out attack into the Terran system on schedule, along with the Comguard fleet and whatever Peter sends. Smash the crap out of the WOB defenses, gain orbital supremacy over a matter of a week or two, then he can withdraw most of his warships back into the Federated Suns (heading back home through the Draconis March as a pointed message to not ****** with him). Then at their leisure with Terra blockaded, you can start landing your troops.

In all honestly, AFFS casualties have been pretty light thus far - and more than offset by the new units being built up and replacements shipped into the damaged units. The overmatch is just that great.

The only real sticking point is how fast Victor can hit Sian and cripple the Confederation as a coordinated state. He can even afford to take his foot off their throat if they have both their legs broken, walk over to smash the WOB, then turn back to finish off the Confederation at his leisure. Just make sure you have a solid stop line and you eliminate any last reaction forces that might cause trouble and don't over-extend.
No I also thought that the units assigned for the Terra attack had not been used but a lot have been used in the war. The OP said this on AH "A lot of the troops have been deployed - for instance the Davion Assault Guards, Kestrel Grenadiers, etc... But there is still a solid core of troops that could be used to attack terra. If Victor agrees to commit them - but they are his last reserves frankly." Which means Victor has used up the build-up in his war with only a much smaller core left that he wants to use in the current war as his reserve.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #773 on: 01 October 2019, 06:07:32 »

Victor doesn't NEED to use those units for the Terran attack, he can easily substitute others in.

I'll grant you Victor has thrown a lot of force at the Confederation, something on the order of 35 or so RCTs, 15 independent regiments and 10 or so Merc units. Which in 3025 would be a HUGE amount of the AFFS's force...

But this isn't 3025.

Keeping in mind I think I'm underrating the units that have been brought online as a whole heap have been stood up since the last OOB post;

RCT Brigades;
24 Avalon Hussar RCTs. 6 Committed.
8 Crucis Lancers RCTs. 3 committed.
8 Dragonlord RCTs. 3 committed.
9 FedSuns Dragoons RCTs. 3 committed.
6 Sytris Dragoons RCTs. 5 committed (although honestly they are going to be involved anyway and staying put so it makes sense).
6 Robinson Rangers RCTs. 1 committed (although that's probably as much a political gesture by Sandoval to Hasek and Victor).
10 Davion Guards RCTs. 6 committed.
6 Deneb Light Calvary RCTs. 2 committed.
6 DragonLords RCTs. 3 committed.
3 Ceti Hussar's RCTs. 1 committed.

Independent RCTs;
1st Kathil Uhlan's RCT
1st Revenant Guards RCT

Independent Regiment Brigades;
9 Borderer Brigade Regiments, 2 committed.
3 Lexington Combat Guards Units, 3 Committed
3 FSAC, 3 Committed
Note- these are the only two Brigade sized forces that committed all their units to the war.

Independent Units;
1st Capellan Dragoons
1st Tikonov Cossack's
1st Sheraton Knights
Sun Jaguars Golden Keshik
1st Sun Jaguars Guards Cluster

March Militia Units;
Valexa CMM
Sirdar CMM

Merc Units;
Vegan Ranger's Alpha Regiment
1st Illician Lancers
2nd Illician Lancers
3rd Illician Lancers
4th Illician Lancers
1st Cunningham Commandos
Hansen's Roughriders
1894th Light Horse
21st Rim Worlds Blue Star Irregulars
Wild Geese

So, we have 35 RCTs, 11 Independent regiments (which are a mixture of forces) and two Clan units. Then 10 Merc units.

The only defensive units committed are the two CMM units. That leaves twenty seven March Militia units around key worlds on the borders. It leaves 15-20 Merc units still in reserve, many of which are multi-regimental formations. It leaves all the training units, organized as LCTs spread out across the Suns that, are granted, pretty green, but well equipped and if attached to other units, perfectly well suited for defensive work. It doesn't include the bulk of the Sun Jaguars forces that are probably going to get blueballs if they don't find someone to go and beat up like their Khan is (don't want to even think of how much shouting she had to do to lay down the law on who got to go with her and smash crappies heads in in a REAL war - and who got to stay at home...). It doesn't include plenty of other independent commands still running around the Federated Suns. The Chisholm Raiders RCTs are untouched....

The Federated Suns has something North of 80 RCTs (could be a 100 if the March Milita units are organized as RCTs frankly).

Worse, the sheer overwhelming force Victor has smashed the CCAF, knocking out almost all their major mobile units and strategic reserves like the Big MAC, Warrior Houses and knocking off most of their warships, means that whats left are huddling onto a smaller and smaller number of planets. Even worse, Victors units (for the most part) have had a pretty damn easy time of it. So much so that Victor has already started to ship reinforcements to his units and rebuild them! In the field! He could easily chop half of his ground units out of the loop in favor of just leaving garrison infantry and armored units, sending the Mech and Aerospace units to Terra where they will be far more useful.
In short, if Victor wants to still commit to Terra, he has MORE than enough reserves to do so while holding his borders. The Concordant is neutralized as a strategic threat of any kind and is pretty clearly in its death throes. The Periphery regions are able to more than look after themselves now with the pirate threat crushed and enough local milita units able to easily crush any leftovers too stupid to find somewhere else to hit. There are still plenty of march milita units on key worlds blocking any deep strikes. The Draconis March is still very well defended based on deployments, with five of the six Robinson Rangers present and plenty of other units around in depth. The Combine OTOH has at least three, if not four, other powers to really worry about on its border meaning that the force Theodore might be able to commit if he thought for some crazy reason it was a good idea to poke Victor, would be frankly, insufficient to do more than take a couple of border planets if he was very lucky. If he is hoping to try and intimidate Victor with this meeting, he's really walking an incredibly dangerous line...

IMHO, Victor could easily pull back 10-15 of his RCTs now that he has crushed the Capellans mobile forces, they are overkill. Replace them with 5-6 fresh RCTs from his reserves, while sending those 10-15 units up to the Terran Regions. Officially, to rest and rebuild in peace (and perhaps give poor Sun Tzu a pathetic ray of hope that Victor is sending a message that he is willing to end this war at some cost??!!). Also seemingly sending a message to Teddy that just because Victor is fighting the Confederation, he can drop 15 RCTs into Dieron if you do anything stupid. And the WOB not having a clue, hopefully, that they are about to get sealed hand-delivered orders after they have arrived and had a month or two to rest and rebuild (material losses are frankly irrelevent given the AFFs's factories now!), that they are going for the Homeworld...

The even better news is that, as noted at the start of this war, the Federated Suns has a whole load of new naval construction about to finish. So you can very quickly move those ships in a shakedown cruise to the Confederation and still keep hunting for the handful of warships Sun Tzu has left, then release the veteran ships again to head North (with some clever MIIO misdirection with changed names and transponders from other ships showing them perhaps heading in a different direction??) via uninhabited but picketed systems, quickly, to place them at a jump off point to hit Terra on schedule...

The biggest problem is keeping WOB from finding out from agents in ComStar. Best bet might me ComStar and Peter moving units into the upper Sarna March, openly in support of Victors righteous crusade to finally take down the Liao monster. Making it look to the WOB like they are just trying to cash some free PR by getting in on the action in a perfectly safe REMF way...until suddenly everyone jumps to Terra.

Not that I'm trying to tell Billy how to write his incredibly fun story or anything crazy like that!

Just noting that the sheer absurd buildup of the AFFS means that unlike Hanse, Victor has a glut of units he can still move around, especially with his other borders pretty much dead quiet.

Frankly, the only thing limiting his ability to hit Terra at the same time, are his jumpships. They have been improving sure, in terms of their numbers and coverage, but ...
He might have to do what Hanse did and conscript some jumpships - if only for a month or two rather than years!- just to get his strike force into Terra. But its probably more logical to keep the ground forces back for the first waves and just focus on an overwhelming warship invasion. Secure space superiority - then supremacy- for the ComGuards and Peter to hit with multiple armies across Terra and Sol and Victor can send his ground forces into the fight a few months later as fresh troops. His warships are frankly far more critical to the operation than his RCTs, at least in the opening few months.
« Last Edit: 01 October 2019, 06:49:44 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #774 on: 01 October 2019, 06:49:49 »
Great updates as always and blimey, I didn't quite realise the AFFS had quite that reserve of forces available. The Cappies are pretty much screwed. The Davion's have their boot on their throat and its only a matter of applying pressure, until there's either a Palace coup and Sunny suffers a tragic accident whilst looking at his sword collection or cleaning his pistol. Or, Suns warships enter orbit over Sian and start landing troops. The latter would be a bloody endeavour though.

There's also the Sun Jaguars who would probably openly relish the chance at a fight.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #775 on: 01 October 2019, 08:11:19 »

Victor doesn't NEED to use those units for the Terran attack, he can easily substitute others in.

I'll grant you Victor has thrown a lot of force at the Confederation, something on the order of 35 or so RCTs, 15 independent regiments and 10 or so Merc units. Which in 3025 would be a HUGE amount of the AFFS's force...

But this isn't 3025.

Keeping in mind I think I'm underrating the units that have been brought online as a whole heap have been stood up since the last OOB post;

RCT Brigades;
24 Avalon Hussar RCTs. 6 Committed.
8 Crucis Lancers RCTs. 3 committed.
8 Dragonlord RCTs. 3 committed.
9 FedSuns Dragoons RCTs. 3 committed.
6 Sytris Dragoons RCTs. 5 committed (although honestly they are going to be involved anyway and staying put so it makes sense).
6 Robinson Rangers RCTs. 1 committed (although that's probably as much a political gesture by Sandoval to Hasek and Victor).
10 Davion Guards RCTs. 6 committed.
6 Deneb Light Calvary RCTs. 2 committed.
6 DragonLords RCTs. 3 committed.
3 Ceti Hussar's RCTs. 1 committed.

Independent RCTs;
1st Kathil Uhlan's RCT
1st Revenant Guards RCT

Independent Regiment Brigades;
9 Borderer Brigade Regiments, 2 committed.
3 Lexington Combat Guards Units, 3 Committed
3 FSAC, 3 Committed
Note- these are the only two Brigade sized forces that committed all their units to the war.

Independent Units;
1st Capellan Dragoons
1st Tikonov Cossack's
1st Sheraton Knights
Sun Jaguars Golden Keshik
1st Sun Jaguars Guards Cluster

March Militia Units;
Valexa CMM
Sirdar CMM

Merc Units;
Vegan Ranger's Alpha Regiment
1st Illician Lancers
2nd Illician Lancers
3rd Illician Lancers
4th Illician Lancers
1st Cunningham Commandos
Hansen's Roughriders
1894th Light Horse
21st Rim Worlds Blue Star Irregulars
Wild Geese

So, we have 35 RCTs, 11 Independent regiments (which are a mixture of forces) and two Clan units. Then 10 Merc units.

The only defensive units committed are the two CMM units. That leaves twenty seven March Militia units around key worlds on the borders. It leaves 15-20 Merc units still in reserve, many of which are multi-regimental formations. It leaves all the training units, organized as LCTs spread out across the Suns that, are granted, pretty green, but well equipped and if attached to other units, perfectly well suited for defensive work. It doesn't include the bulk of the Sun Jaguars forces that are probably going to get blueballs if they don't find someone to go and beat up like their Khan is (don't want to even think of how much shouting she had to do to lay down the law on who got to go with her and smash crappies heads in in a REAL war - and who got to stay at home...). It doesn't include plenty of other independent commands still running around the Federated Suns. The Chisholm Raiders RCTs are untouched....

The Federated Suns has something North of 80 RCTs (could be a 100 if the March Milita units are organized as RCTs frankly).

Worse, the sheer overwhelming force Victor has smashed the CCAF, knocking out almost all their major mobile units and strategic reserves like the Big MAC, Warrior Houses and knocking off most of their warships, means that whats left are huddling onto a smaller and smaller number of planets. Even worse, Victors units (for the most part) have had a pretty damn easy time of it. So much so that Victor has already started to ship reinforcements to his units and rebuild them! In the field! He could easily chop half of his ground units out of the loop in favor of just leaving garrison infantry and armored units, sending the Mech and Aerospace units to Terra where they will be far more useful.
In short, if Victor wants to still commit to Terra, he has MORE than enough reserves to do so while holding his borders. The Concordant is neutralized as a strategic threat of any kind and is pretty clearly in its death throes. The Periphery regions are able to more than look after themselves now with the pirate threat crushed and enough local milita units able to easily crush any leftovers too stupid to find somewhere else to hit. There are still plenty of march milita units on key worlds blocking any deep strikes. The Draconis March is still very well defended based on deployments, with five of the six Robinson Rangers present and plenty of other units around in depth. The Combine OTOH has at least three, if not four, other powers to really worry about on its border meaning that the force Theodore might be able to commit if he thought for some crazy reason it was a good idea to poke Victor, would be frankly, insufficient to do more than take a couple of border planets if he was very lucky. If he is hoping to try and intimidate Victor with this meeting, he's really walking an incredibly dangerous line...

IMHO, Victor could easily pull back 10-15 of his RCTs now that he has crushed the Capellans mobile forces, they are overkill. Replace them with 5-6 fresh RCTs from his reserves, while sending those 10-15 units up to the Terran Regions. Officially, to rest and rebuild in peace (and perhaps give poor Sun Tzu a pathetic ray of hope that Victor is sending a message that he is willing to end this war at some cost??!!). Also seemingly sending a message to Teddy that just because Victor is fighting the Confederation, he can drop 15 RCTs into Dieron if you do anything stupid. And the WOB not having a clue, hopefully, that they are about to get sealed hand-delivered orders after they have arrived and had a month or two to rest and rebuild (material losses are frankly irrelevent given the AFFs's factories now!), that they are going for the Homeworld...

The even better news is that, as noted at the start of this war, the Federated Suns has a whole load of new naval construction about to finish. So you can very quickly move those ships in a shakedown cruise to the Confederation and still keep hunting for the handful of warships Sun Tzu has left, then release the veteran ships again to head North (with some clever MIIO misdirection with changed names and transponders from other ships showing them perhaps heading in a different direction??) via uninhabited but picketed systems, quickly, to place them at a jump off point to hit Terra on schedule...

The biggest problem is keeping WOB from finding out from agents in ComStar. Best bet might me ComStar and Peter moving units into the upper Sarna March, openly in support of Victors righteous crusade to finally take down the Liao monster. Making it look to the WOB like they are just trying to cash some free PR by getting in on the action in a perfectly safe REMF way...until suddenly everyone jumps to Terra.

Not that I'm trying to tell Billy how to write his incredibly fun story or anything crazy like that!

Just noting that the sheer absurd buildup of the AFFS means that unlike Hanse, Victor has a glut of units he can still move around, especially with his other borders pretty much dead quiet.

Frankly, the only thing limiting his ability to hit Terra at the same time, are his jumpships. They have been improving sure, in terms of their numbers and coverage, but ...
He might have to do what Hanse did and conscript some jumpships - if only for a month or two rather than years!- just to get his strike force into Terra. But its probably more logical to keep the ground forces back for the first waves and just focus on an overwhelming warship invasion. Secure space superiority - then supremacy- for the ComGuards and Peter to hit with multiple armies across Terra and Sol and Victor can send his ground forces into the fight a few months later as fresh troops. His warships are frankly far more critical to the operation than his RCTs, at least in the opening few months.
You've listed the Dragonlords Brigade twice, were you referring to a different one with, one with eight RCTs?
« Last Edit: 04 October 2019, 12:43:29 by Seydlitz »

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #776 on: 05 October 2019, 05:02:43 »
December 3068 AFFS


31st December 3068

Independent Commands

1st Arcadians RCT – Veteran – 100% (Re)

1st Argyle Lancers – Elite – 100% - Klathandu IV

1st Capellan Dragoons – Veteran – 100% - Bell

1st Kathil Uhlans – Veteran – 90% (Re) – Kathil

1st Kestrel Grenadiers RCT – Elite – 90% (Re) –

1st Revenant Guards RCT – Elite – 90% (Re) – Outreach   

1st Sheraton Knights – Regular – 60% - Sheraton - attached support forces (veteran) at 100%

1st Syrtis Hussars LCT – Green – 100%

Avalon Borderer’s

1st Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Green – 100% - Edwards

2nd Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Green – 100% - forming Torrence

3rd Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Green – 100% - forming Chirikof

4th Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Green – 100% - forming Clovis

5th Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Green – 100% -

Avalon Hussars

1st Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 100% (Re) - Abbeyville

2nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 100% (Re) – Panpour –

3rd Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 80% (Re) – Islamabad

4th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 100% (Re) – New Valencia

5th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 100% (Re) -

9th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 100% (Re)

11th Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 70% (Re) – Yuris

12th Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 80% (Re) - Cooperland – Periphery 

14th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 70% – Woodbine Combat Training Centre

15th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 90% (Re) -

17th Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 60% (Re) - Cassias

20th Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 80% (Re) - Sun Jaguar Enclaves

21st Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 50% (Re) - Maram

22nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 80% (Re) - Talon

23rd Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 60% – June

26th Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 80% –

27th Avalon Hussars RCT – Green – 70% (Re) – Ruchbah

28th Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 60% - Gulkana 

33rd Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 70% (Re) –

34th Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 70% (Re) - Tortuga Dominions 

36th Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 90% - Lothair

39th Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 90% (Re) -

41st Avalon Hussars RCT – Regular – 80% (Re) - Benet III

42nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Veteran – 100% (Re) – Crofton

Potential new hussars –7th (generic), 8th (assault), 16th (light fast assault),

Borderer Brigade - with armoured regiment, infantry regiment, 2 fighter wings

1st Aragon Borderers – Elite – 60%

1st Bell Borderers Cadre – Green – 40%

1st Brockton Borderers Cadre – Green – 40%

1st Bromhead Borderers Cadre – Green – 20% - newly formed

1st Conroe Borderers Cadre – Green – 40%

1st Galtor Borderers Cadre – Green – 30%

1st Kittery Borderers – Veteran – 90%

1st Mitchel Borderers – Green – 100%

1st Tortuga Borderers – Green – 60% - 100% material

1st Woodstock Borderers – Regular – 100%

To be formed:

Chisholm Raiders

1st Chisholm Raiders RCT – Regular – 100% (Re)

2nd Chisholm Raiders RCT – Veteran – 80% (Re)

3rd Chisholm Raiders RCT – Green – 80% (Re)

Ceti Hussars

1st Ceti Hussars RCT – Veteran – 100% -

2nd Ceti Hussars RCT – Veteran – 100% -

3rd Ceti Hussars RCT – Regular – 100%

Crucis Lancers

1st Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 80% (Re) -

2nd Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 70% (Re) - Errai

3rd Crucis Lancers RCT – Elite – 100% (Re) –

4th Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 90% (Re) –

5th Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 90%

6th Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 100%

7th Crucis Lancers RCT – Elite – 100% (Re) – 

8th Crucis Lancers RCT – Veteran – 100% (Re) –

Davion Brigade of Guards

Davion Assault Guards RCT – Elite – 100% (Re) –

Davion Heavy Guards RCT – Elite – 100% (Re) –

Davion Light Guards RCT – Elite – 90% (Re) –

Davion Old Guards RCT – Veteran – 90% (Re) -

Davion Young Guards RCT – Green – 100% (Re) –

1st Davion Guards RCT – Elite – 100% (Re) –

2nd Davion Guards RCT – Veteran – 90% (Re) -

3rd Davion Guards RCT – Elite – 80% (Re) -

4th Davion Guards RCT – Elite – 80% (Re) -

5th Davion Guards RCT – Veteran – 90% (Re) –

Deneb Light Cavalry

4th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Regular – 100% -

5th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Green – 90% -

8th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Veteran – 100% -

10th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Veteran – 100% -

12th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Veteran – 100% 

15th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Regular – 100% (Re)

Dragonlords Brigade - officers drawn from Davion Brigades, rest drawn from Cadres – 3rd to go to Caldwell

1st Dragonlords RCT – Regular – 100% (Re) – Bromhead 

2nd Dragonlords RCT – Veteran – 80% (Re) – Lindsay 

3rd Dragonlords RCT – Regular – 70% (Re) –

4th Dragonlords RCT – Veteran – 50% (Re)

5th Dragonlords RCT – Regular – 80% (Re) – Novaya Zemlya  Combat Training Centre

6th Dragonlords RCT – Green – 90% (Re) – New Avalon Combat Training Centre

Federated Sun’s Armoured Cavalry – includes an armoured and BA regiment, 2 fighter wings

1st FSAC – Elite – 90% (Re)

2nd FSAC – Veteran – 60% (Re)

3rd FSAC – Veteran – 90% (Re)

FedSun’s Dragoons Brigade

1st FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Veteran – 70% - Epsilon Indi

2nd FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Veteran – 50% -

3rd FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Regular – 100% - Kittery

5th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Regular – 100% - deployed to St Ives

6th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Regular – 80% - Paris

7th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Elite – 80% - Genoa 

8th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Veteran – 50% - Frazer

11th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Green – 70% - Defiance

12th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Regular – 80% - Montour

Lexington Combat Guards

1st Lexington Combat Guards – 32nd Recon – Veteran – 60% (Re)

2nd Lexington Combat Guards – 241st Battle – Regular – 90%

3rd Lexington Combat Guards – 180th Dragoon – Veteran– 60%

New Avalon Cavaliers

1st New Avalon Cavaliers – Elite – 100% (Re) – New Avalon

2nd New Avalon Cavaliers – Elite – 70% (Re) – El Dorado

New Ivaarsen Chasseurs

1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs – Elite – 100% - Tripoli

2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs – Veteran – 100%

Robinson Rangers

1st Robinson Rangers RCT – Elite – 70% (Re) - Robinson

2nd Robinson Rangers RCT – Veteran – 100% - heavily upgraded with Omnimechs – Marduk 

3rd Robinson Rangers RCT – Green – 100%

4th Robinson Rangers RCT – Veteran – 90% - former Fighting Urukhai,

5th Robinson Rangers RCT – Elite – 90% - former Narhal’s Raiders, fanatically anti-Kurita.

6th Robinson Rangers RCT – Regular – 100% - Robinson – earmarked for task force victor

Syrtis Fusiliers

1st Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Green – 100% - New Syrtis – earmarked for task force Victor

3rd Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Regular – 50%

4th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Elite – 70% -

5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Veteran – 100%

6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Elite – 100% (Re)

8th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Regular – 100%

Tancredi Loyalists

1st Tancredi Loyalist LCT – Green – 100% - Tancredi

2nd Tancredi Loyalist LCT – Green – 100% - Kesai IV

3rd Tancredi Loyalist LCT – Green – 100%

Tikonov Cossacks

1st Tikonov Cossacks – Regular – 90%

2nd Tikonov Cossacks – Green – 50%

Capellan March Militias

Achernar CMM – Green – 100%

Alcyone CMM – Regular – 100%

Nanking CMM – Green – 100%

New Syrtis CMM – Regular – 100% (Re)

Ridgebrook CMM – Green – 100%

Sirdar CMM – Regular – 100%

Valexa CMM – Regular – 80%

Warren CMM – Green – 100%

Crucis March Militia

Anjin Muerto CrMM – Regular – 100%

Broken Wheel CrMM – Regular – 100%

Islamabad CrMM – Green – 100%

Kestrel CrMM – Regular – 100%

Malagrotta CrMM – Green – 100%

Marlette CrMM – Regular – 100% (Re)

New Avalon CrMM – Regular – 100%

Point Barrow CrMM – Green – 100%

Remagen CrMM – Regular – 100%

Tsamma CrMM – Regular – 100%

Draconis March Militia

Addicks DMM – Regular – 100%

Bremond DMM – Regular – 100%

Bryceland DMM – Regular – 90% - Niles

Dahar DMM – Regular – 100% - armour brigade formed

Kentares DMM – Veteran – 70%

Kilbourne DMM – Green – 100%

Mayetta DMM – Green – 100% - 2 training companies included

Milligan DMM – Green – 100%

Raman DMM – Green – 100%

Robinson DMM – Green – 100%

Albion Military Academy Training Cadre

1st Albion Training Cadre – Green – 100%

2nd Albion Training Cadre – Green – 100%

NAIS Cadet Cadre

1st NAIS Cadre – Green – 100%

2nd NAIS Cadre – Green – 100%

3rd NAIS Cadre – Green – 100%

Lexington Military Academy Light Combat Teams

1st Lexington Military Academy LCT – Green – 100%

2nd Lexington Military Academy LCT – Green – 100%

Academy Training Forces

Filtvelt Academy Training Regiment – Green – 100%

Goshen War College Training Battalion – Green – 100%

Hasek-Davion Martial Academy Uhlans – Green – 100%

Kilbourne Academy Training Battalion – Green – 100%

Point Barrow Academy Training Battalion – Green – 100%

Robinson Battle Academy Training Regiment – Green – 100%

Sakhara Academy Training Battalion – Green – 100%

Tancredi War College Light Combat Team – Green – 100% - LCT

Tikonov Martial Academy Training Group – Green – 100%

Warrior’s Hall Training Regiment – Green – 100%

Training Battalions – organised as LCT’s

1st Bell Training Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100% 

1st Brockton Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Bromhead Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Conroe Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Galtor Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Kittery Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Mitchel Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st New Aragon Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Sheraton Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Tortuga Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

1st Woodstock Reinforced Training Battalion – Green – 100%

Clan Sun Jaguar Touman

Alpha Galaxy

Gold Keshik (Trinary) – Elite – 100%

1st Sun Jaguar Guards – Veteran – 60% - Valois

2nd Sun Jaguar Guards – Regular – 80% - Valois

3rd Sun Jaguar Guards – Regular – 50% - Valois

Beta Galaxy – Galaxy Commander Russou Howell

1st Sun Jaguar Grenadiers – Elite – 50%

5th Sun Jaguar Guards – Veteran – 80%

6th Sun Jaguar Dragoons – Elite – 80%

Delta Galaxy

Silver Keshik (Trinary) – Elite – 100%

3rd Fidelis Jaguar Cavaliers – Veteran – 70%

1st Fidelis Jaguar Mystics – Veteran – 40% - Star Captain Inamma formerly a Nova Cat

4th Sun Jaguar Guards – Regular – 50% - entirely freebirth and mostly armour formation

Omega Galaxy

1st Sun Jaguar Militia – Regular – 50% - Fugeres

2nd Sun Jaguar Militia – Green – 50% - Frankson

1st Fidelis Jaguar PGC – Green – 80% - Frankson – mostly infantry and some armour

Clan Sun Jaguar Warships

CSJ Rebirth – Black Lion

CSJ Steve Showers – Potemkin

Mercenary Forces

Blue Star Irregulars – Firgrove

-          1894th Light Horse – Elite – 90%

-          21st Rim Worlds – Veteran – 80%

-          Avatar’s of Painful Death – Green – 30%

Kerensky’s Blues – Fredessa class corvette – 70% operable

Cunningham Commando’s

-          1st Cunningham Commando’s – Veteran – 100%

1st Federated Arcadians – Veteran – 70%

Fighting Urukhai

-          8th Striker – Veteran – 90% - Galtor   

-          Demestri’s Sluggers – Veteran – 80% - Cylene 

-          Roman’s Bar Hounds – Veteran – 80% - Paris   

Hansen’s Roughriders – Elite – 70%

Harlock’s Warriors – Green – 90%

Illician Lancers

-          59th Striker – Veteran – 100%

-          1st Rangers – Green – 50%

-          4th Ranger – Veteran – 90%

-          9th Ranger – Regular – 80%

-          21st Ranger – Regular – 80%

Lone Star Regiment – Regular – 110%

Longwood’s Bluecoats – Veteran – 90% - 2 Battalions

Medusan’s – Veteran – 100% - New Syrtis/Firgrove

Northwind Highlanders – All units garrisoning Northwind

-          1st Kearny Highlanders – Elite – 60% -

-          Stirling’s Fusiliers – Elite – 90%

-          Mulvaney’s Regiment – Elite – 90%

-          Northwind Hussars – Elite – 40% -

Regulators – Regular – 80% - Kansu

Screaming Eagles – Veteran – 90% (Re) – Niles

13th Stalking Horse – Veteran – 100% - Alta Vista

12th Vegan Rangers – Addicks and Nanking PDZ

-          Alpha Regiment – Elite – 80%

-          Beta Regiment – Veteran – 90%

-          Gamma Regiment – Veteran – 80%

-          Delta Regiment – Green – 60%

Wild Geese – Elite – 100% -

Wilson’s Hussars (battalion) Veteran – 100% – Bell

Wolf’s Dragoons – garrisoning Outreach

-          Alpha Regiment – Elite – 100%

-          Zeta Battalion – Elite – 100% 

Naval Forces

Fox Class Corvettes

1st Corvette Flotilla (Re) – Achernar and Nanking PDZ

FSS Dahar – Flotilla Flagship – Fox II

FSS Edwards – Fox II

FSS Galax – 1st Division Flagship

FSS Kittery II

FSS Woodstock – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Ridgebrook – Fox II

FSS Kathil

FSS Bryceland – Fox II

FSS Fox – 3rd Division Flagship

FSS Broken Wheel –

FSS Salem

FSS Northfield

2nd Corvette Flotilla – New Avalon Combat Region

FSS Indomitable – Flotilla Flagship

FSS Intrepid –

FSS Indefatigable –

FSS Addicks – 1st Division Flagship

FSS Chesterton –

FSS Tikonov – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Argyle

FSS Tortuga

3rd Corvette Flotilla – Capellan March – 1st Division New Syrtis PDZ, 2nd Division Valexa PDZ

FSS New Sytris – Flotilla Flagship

FSS Benet III – 1st Division Flagship

FSS Clovis

FSS Goshen

FSS Marduk – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Filtvelt –

FSS Sakhara

FSS New Haiti

4th Corvette Flotilla – Draconis March

FSS Robinson – Flotilla Flagship – Upgrading to Fox II by December 3068

FSS Antrim – 1st Division Flagship – Upgrading to Fox II by December 3068

FSS Murmansk – Upgrading to Fox II by December 3068

FSS Brest – Upgrading to Fox II by December 3068

FSS Kenatres – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Galtor –

FSS Warren –

FSS Malarn

5th Corvette Flotilla – Draconis March, Bryceland, Milligan and Kilbourne PDZ

FSS Sherwood – Flotilla Flagship

FSS Tancredi – 1st Division Flagship

FSS Hobbs –

FSS Rowe –

FSS Remagen – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Mirach

FSS Logandale

FSS Weldon

6th Corvette Flotilla – Sirdar PDZ

FSS Markesan – Flotilla Flagship

FSS El Dorado – 1st Division Flagship

FSS Redfield

FSS Talcott

FSS McHenry – 2nd Division Flagship

FSS Ulan Bator

FSS Ozawa – light damage

FSS Lothair – light damage

1st Destroyer Squadron – Valexa PDZ

FSS Davion – Squadron Flagship

FSS Defender –

FSS Defiant –

FSS Durban –

2nd Destroyer Squadron – 1st Cruiser Squadron

FSS Daring – Squadron Flagship

FSS Dryad

1st Patrol Squadron – Capellan march patrolling

FSS Congress – Squadron Flagship

FSS Churchill – Light damage

1st Cruiser Squadron – Assigned to First Prince – Tikonov

FSS Melissa Davion – First Prince’s Flagship

FSS Hanse Davion –

FSS Ian Davion –

FSS Richard Davion

2nd Cruiser Squadron – Draconis March

FSS Alexander Davion – Squadron Flagship

FSS Lucien Davion –

FSS Simon Davion –

FSS Carl Davion

3rd Cruiser Squadron – Capellan March

FSS Robert Davion – Squadron Flagship – home ported New Syrtis

FSS Andrew Davion –

FSS Joseph Davion –  Moderate damage

FSS Charles Davion

4th Cruiser Squadron – Tikonov

FSS Reynard Davion –

Detached Duties

FSS Covenant –

1st Carrier Battle Group – Tikonov

FSS Morgan Hasek-Davion – New Syrtis carrier

Billy Boy Mark II

  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 912
Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #777 on: 05 October 2019, 05:05:16 »

Draconis March

Addicks PDZ

Addicks DMM – Addicks
5th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Deneb Kaitos
2nd Crucis Lancers RCT – Errai
5th Robinson Rangers – Murchison
27th Avalon Hussars RCT – Ruchbah
12th Vegan Rangers Beta Regiment – Small World - M
Northwind Highlanders Stirling’s Fusiliers – Northwind – M
Northwind Highlanders Mulvaney’s Regiment – Northwind – M

Kentares PDZ

Kentares DMM – Kentares
12th Deneb Light Cavalry – Skat
Fighting Urukhai 8th Striker – Markab – M
Fighting Urukhai Demestri’s Sluggers – Cylene – M
2nd NAIS Cadre – Mara
4th Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Clovis

Raman PDZ

Raman DMM – Raman
2nd Robinson Rangers – Marduk
3rd Robinson Rangers RCT – Galtor
1st Galtor Reinforced Training Battalion – Galtor
1st Galtor Borderers – NOT ACTIVE
1st Argyle Lancers – Klathandu IV
3rd Tancredi Loyalist LCT – Klathandu IV
6th Feduns Dragoons RCT – Paris
1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs – Tripoli
8th Crucis Lancers RCT – New Mendham 
41st Avalon Hussars RCT – Benet III
5th Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Benet III
3rd Crucis Lancers RCT – Wapakoneta
Fighting Urukhai Bar Hounds – David – M

Le Blanc PDZ

Robinson DMM – Robinson
Robinson Battle Academy Training Regiment – Robinson 
1st Robinson Rangers RCT – Robinson
2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs – New Ivaarsen 

Dahar PDZ

Dahar DMM – Dahar
Sakhara Academy Training Battalion – Sakhara 
4th Robinson Rangers – Cassias
6th Crucis Lancers RCT – Cimeron 
9th Avalon Hussars RCT – Glenmora

Bremond PDZ

Bremond DMM – Bremond
2nd Lexington Military Academy LCT – Sun Prairie

Bryceland PDZ

Bryceland DMM – Bryceland
1st Tancredi Loyalist LCT – Tancredi
Tancredi War College Light Combat Team – Tancredi
Davion Heavy Guards RCT – Tancredi
1st Ceti Hussars RCT – Groveld
2nd Ceti Hussars RCT – Delacruz 
1st Conroe Reinforced Training Battalion – Conroe
1st Conroe Borderers Cadre – NOT ACTIVE
3rd NAIS Cadre – Kesai IV 
2nd Tancredi Loyalists LCT – Kesai IV
Screaming Eagles – Niles – M 

Mayetta PDZ

Mayetta DMM – Mayetta

Milligan PDZ

Milligan DMM – Milligan
14th Avalon Hussars – Woodbine
13th Stalking Horse – Alta Vista – M

Kilbourne PDZ

Kilbourne DMM – Kilbourne
1st Avalon Hussars RCT – Abbeyville
Kilbourne Academy Training Battalion – Kilbourne 

Capellan March

Achernar PDZ

Achernar CMM – Achernar
Tikonov Martial Academy Training Group – Tikonov 
2nd Tikonov Cossacks – Tikonov
1st Davion Guards RCT – Tikonov – earmarked for Task Force Victor
Regulators – Kansu – M
1st Arcadians RCT – Algol
17th Avalon Hussars RCT – Bharat 

Valexa PDZ

1st Aragon Borderers – New Aragon   
1st New Aragon Reinforced Training Battalion – New Aragon
1st Bell Borderers Cadre – Bell – NOT ACTIVE
1st Bell Reinforced Training Battalion – Bell
1st Chisholm Raiders RCT – Halloran V
Goshen War College Training Battalion – Goshen 
Lone Star Regiment – Axton – M

Kathil PDZ

5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Kathil 

Alcyone PDZ

Alcyone CMM – Alcyone
1st Kittery Borderers – Kittery – Detached to St Ives
1st Kittery Reinforced Training Battalion – Kittery
5th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Spica – based there but often in St Ives

Nanking PDZ

Nanking CMM – Nanking
33rd Avalon Hussars RCT – Zurich 
1st Sheraton Reinforced Training Battalion – Sheraton
7th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Genoa – earmarked for Task Force Victor
1st Woodstock Reinforced Training Battalion – Woodstock
Wolf’s Dragoons Alpha Regiment – Outreach – M 
Wolf’s Dragoons Zeta Battalion – Outreach – M 
12th Vegan Rangers Gamma Regiment – Acamar – M
12th Vegan Rangers Delta Regiment – Terra Firma - M
1st Federated Arcadians – Capolla – M 
3rd FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Nanking – Task Force Nanking 

New Sytris PDZ

New Syrtis CMM – New Syrtis
Warrior’s Hall Training Regiment – New Syrtis   
1st Syrtis Hussars LCT – New Syrtis
22nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Talon/Wernke
Medusan’s – New Syrtis

Sirdar PDZ

1st Dragonlords RCT – Bromhead
1st Mitchel Borderers – Mitchel
1st Mitchel Reinforced Training Battalion – Mitchel
1st Bromhead Reinforced Training Battalion – Bromhead 
1st Bromhead Borderers Cadre – Not active

Altair PDZ

Ridgebrook CMM – Ridgebrook
2nd Dragonlords RCT – Lindsay
4th Crucis Lancers RCT – Midale
Avatar’s of Painful Death – Firgrove – M

Warren PDZ

Warren CMM – Warren
10th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Hyalite
36th Avalon Hussars RCT – Lothair
12th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Montour

Crucis March

Archemar Combat Region

Marlette CrMM – Marlette
1st Albion Training Cadre – Markesan 
1st NAIS Cadre – Johnsondale 
Davion Young Guards RCT – Muskegon – 1 Battalion
1st Avalon Borderers LCT – Edwards

Kestrel Combat Region

Kestrel CrMM – Kestrel
Harlock’s Warriors – Kirklin – M
1st Lexington Military Academy LCT – Lexington

New Avalon Combat Region

New Avalon CrMM – New Avalon
3rd Davion Guards RCT – New Avalon 
6th Dragonlords RCT – New Avalon
1st New Avalon Cavaliers – New Avalon
2nd New Avalon Cavaliers – El Dorado
15th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Galax 
Davion Young Guards RCT – Salem/Talcott/Victoria – 1 battalion each
2nd Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Torrence

Nunivak Combat Region

Remagen CrMM – Remagen
2nd Chisholm Raiders RCT – Colorado
3rd Chisholm Raiders RCT – Colorado
28th Avalon Hussars RCT – Gulkana 
2nd Albion Training Cadre – Killarney 
3rd Avalon Borderer’s LCT – Chirikof

Islamabad Combat Region

Islamabad CrMM – Islamabad
2nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Panpour
3rd Avalon Hussars RCT – Islamabad

Malagrotta Combt Region

Malagrotta CrMM – Malagrotta
23rd Avalon Hussars – June

Point Barrow Combat Region

Point Barrow Academy Training Battalion – Point Barrow 
Point Barrow CrMM – Point Barrow
11th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Defiance
Hasek-Davion Martial Academy Uhlan’s – Defiance

Tsamma Combat Region

Tsamma CrMM – Tsamma
5th Avalon Hussars RCT – Cerulean

Anjin Muerto Combat Region

Anjin Muerto CrMM – Anjin Muerto
1st Brockton Reinforced Training Battalion – Brockton
1st Brockton Borderers Cadre – NOT ACTIVE
42nd Avalon Hussars RCT – Crofton

Broken Wheel Combat Region

Broken Wheel CrMM – Broken Wheel
Filtvelt Academy Training Regiment– Filtvelt 
21st Avalon Hussars RCT – Maram
1st Illician Rangers – Lackland – m

Periphery Combat Region – To be Tortuga Combat Region when fully integrated

12th Avalon Hussars RCT – Cooperland –
20th Avalon Hussars RCT – Sun Jaguar Enclaves
34th Avalon Hussars RCT – New Haiti –
1st Tortuga Borderers – Tortuga
1st Tortuga Reinforced Training Battalion – Tortuga

Detached Duty
Korsakov’s Cossacks – St Ives – M   
Operation Rat II
1st Kestrel Grenadiers RCT – Alderbaran – Palos
5th Dragonlords RCT – Palos   
4th Deneb Light Cavalry RC – Alderbaran 
Davion Light Guards RCT – Liao - Elnath
5th Davion Guards RCT – Liao – Yunnah
1st Lexington Combat Guards – Liao – Palos
2nd FSAC – Liao
12th Vegan Rangers Alpha Regiment – Liao – Wei
1st Revenant Guards RCT – Gan Singh – Shensi – Wei
4th Davion Guards RCT – Ningo – Shipka
1st Sheraton Knights – Ningpo
39th Avalon Hussars RCT – Pleione
1st FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Poznan  - Highspire
1st Woodstock Borderers – Poznan
8th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT – Shensi
1st Tikonov Cossacks – Styk
Davion Assault Guards RCT – Styk  - Corey
4th Dragonlords RCT – St Andre – Garrison 
2nd Lexington Combat Guards – Hunan – Sakhalin
3rd Lexington Combat Guards – Hunan – Sakhalin – Tsingtao
1st Capellan Dragoons – Menkar – mandate
Wilson’s Hussars – Mandate
Davion Old Guard RCT – Jonathan – Highspire
2nd Davion Guards RCT – Foochow – Highspire
5th Crucis Lancers RCT – Foot Fall – New Macao
Wild Geese – Second Try – moving on to Ulan Bator   
Valexa CMM – Remshield

Operation Rat III
Illician Lancers 59th Striker – Menke 
Illician Lancers 9th Rangers – Menke 
Illician Lancers 21st Rangers – Menke
Illician Lancers 4th Rangers – Menke
6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Menke 
2nd FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Victoria
1st Crucis Lancers – Victoria 
11th Avalon Hussars – Victoria
3rd Dragonlords RCT – Victoria 
1st Cunningham Commando’s – Victoria   
Hansen’s Roughriders – Rollis   
3rd Ceti Hussars RCT – Rollis – Muridox
8th FedSun’s Dragoons RCT – Rollis – Pojos – Quimberton
1894th Light Horse – Corodiz – Columbine
21st Rim Worlds – Zanzibar – Vard
1st Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Xeing Khouang 
3rd Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Zanzibar
4th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Zanzibar – Larsha
1st FSAC – Holloway – Holloway – Grand Base
4th Avalon Hussars RCT – Grand Base
1st Kathil Uhlans RCT – Necromo – Randar
8th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT – Randar
3rd FSAC – Necromo
7th Crucis Lancers RCT – Ares – No return 
6th Robinson Rangers RCT – Ares
15th Avalon Hussars RCT – Capricorn III – Minnacora
26th Avalon Hussars RCT – New Sagan
Sirdar CMM – Madras
Alpha Galaxy
Gold Keshik (Trinary) – No Return 
1st Sun Jaguar Guards – No return   
2nd Sun Jaguar Guards – Grand Base   
3rd Sun Jaguar Guards – Grand Base   

Billy Boy Mark II

  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 912
Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #778 on: 05 October 2019, 05:07:11 »
Industrial/Infrastructure Changes 31st December 3068

Capellan March

– Wangker plant: increased to 6 Corsair lines and 1 Tomahawk line. 

- Hasek Refit Centre - Former Bell Repair Yards,

-   Achernar Battlemechs: 1 Line Argus-o, 1 Dervish-O, Phoenix Hawk and Wasps – AFFS and ComGuards 50/50 split but not Argus-O or Dervish-O. Lorica Battle armour plant for ComGuards. 1 Dervish-O line finishing by February 3069.

-   Lycomb-Davion: 1 Guillotine line for SLDF/ComGuards

- Clyde Shipyards: Excalibur and Colossus dropships 
- Firgrove Consortium – Greenock School and Manufacturing and Clyde Shipyards: 1 Ahab and 1 Vulcan line for 50/50 split with AFFS ComGuards –Building a Riever fighter line – going operational in July 3069 

Kathil – expanding naval slips
-   GM: 2 extra Blackjack-O lines. Expanding Tunnel Rat lines.

-   Earthwerks: 1 Thug, 1 Archer, 3 Cataphract, 1Koschei, 1 Thunderbolt, 1 Quickdraw, 1 Thrus, 1 Ahab (former Transit), 3 Sabre (former Thrush) lines, Comguards/AFFS
-   New Independence Weapony: 1 Atlas, 1 Victor and 1 Battlemaster line. 1 Zeus line going operational in September 3069

New Syrtis
– Johnston Industries: 4 Dagger-O lines, 1 Caeser line, 1 Thunderbolt, 1 Axman line, 1 Hatchetman line, 1 Nightsky line, 1 Garm line, 2 Goblin tank lines, 3 Glory tank lines
-   Expanding naval slips and upgrading them

Novoya Zemyla
– Johnston Industries : 2 Dagger-O lines, 1 Nightsky line, 1 Hatchetman line, 1 Axman line. A further Caeser line being added by January 3069
– Kallon Industries: 1 Templar, Jaggermech III and 2 Enforcer III line. Cavalier battle armour annex.

-   Blackwell Industries: 1 Imp-C, 1 Gallowglass-WD and 1 Falcon-C line. Arguing over medium or Maruader II IIC line.

Crucis March

-   Bergan Industries: 3 Wayland Mobile Base lines,. Locust plans restarted – work commencing in September 3068 and finishing in August 3069. 

-   Corean Enterprise: 1 Centurion line and a fully automated Musketeer plant

-   Jalastar Aerospace plant: 2 Sabre and 2 Sparrowhawk – 1 Sabre line for Comstar. 2 Javelin-O lines.

-   Jalastar Aerospace plant: 1 Sparrowhawk line, 1 Javelin-O line, building Javelin-O line online August 3068. – to add a Sparrhawk line, completing in July 3069.


-   Kallon Industries: 1 Hornet line, 1 Wolverine, 1 Griffin, 1 Shadow Hawk, 1 Exterminator, 1 Penetrator, 1 Templar-O, 1 Partisan, 1 Challenger MBT, 1 Demon Tank line also operating. All production split 50/50 between ComGuards and AFFS except Templar-O.

-   Jolassa-Kumbold Armoured Weapons plant: building 3 lines for Fury command tanks – going online in January, March and April 3069.

-   Maltex Corporation: 1 Wyvern line – a Highlander line finishing in May 3069.

Broken Wheel
- Andoran Industries Ltd: 2 Clint lines, 2 Hussars and 2 Mercury lines split 50/50 between ComGuards/AFFS 
- Quickscell plant expanding to 2 pegasus lines, and adding a Hetzer, Vedette and ACP line – to be split between AFFS/ComGuards 50/50,

-   SunCorp Industries: 2 Warhammer lines, 1 Longbow, 1 Highlander, 1 Emperor, 1 Black Hawk, 1 Avatar, 1 Sunder and 3 Thanatos-O lines – a 3rd Warhammer line by march 3069.

-   Davion-Com: 1 Flashman, 1 Warhammer, 1 Crab, 2 Sentinel, 1 Mongoose, 1 Nexus 50/50 split between Comguards and AFFS except the Nexus which is exclusively for the ComGuards.
-   GM: A small battle armour facility building “Lorica” variant Cavalier BA

-   Universal Air – large scale production of Star Lord and Tramp as well as new monolith production in cooperation with Challenge. Ares attack craft being produced in growing numbers.


-   New Independence Weaponry – 1 Victor and Atlas line split between the AFFS and ComGuards.

El Dorado

-   Davion-GM-Kallon Cooperative: 1 Battlemaster line, 2 Templar line, 3 Ajax line, 1 Demon line (50/50 ComGuards/AFFS). 

- FedBoeing: A new dropship manufacturing complex being built with plans for a jumpship yard already in the works. Dropship yard entering production in April 3063, jumpship yard August 3064 – to produce Mules, Unions and Merchant jumpships. Cargoking and Cargomaster production being added by July 3068
- Wangker: 4 Corsair lines and 1 Tomahawk line. 
- Achernar Battlemechs: 1 Argus-O, 1 Dervish-O, 1 Enforcer, 1 Osiris lines, as well as a massive industrial mech production facility building a huge industrial mech factory and a battle armour annex – building Cavaliers, Grenadiers and Infiltrator II’s. Considering building a new Argus or Dervish line. 
– Outback FarmMechs: 1 Watchman, 1 Locust,1 Stinger line. Industrial mech production – 1 harvester ant line and 1 cattlemaster line

Galax – expanding naval slips and civilian jumpships. Colossus dropships entering production by the end of 3065. Large scale expansion of NAC-30s production. Dropship Cargoking and Cargomaster being added April 3068

-   Yeffter’s Weapons now producing major NAC-30 numbers for warships.

-   Jalastar Aerospace: 2 Sabre and 1 Sparrowhawk – 1 Sabre line for Comstar. 2 Javelin-O lines

– Lycomb-Davion: 3 Stuka, 1 Hellcat, 1 Lightning line and 1 Awesome battlemech line. Considering a Guillotine line or adding Awesome to Demeter.
– Corean Enterprises: 3 Centurion lines, 2 Valkyrie, 1 Hammerhead lines as well as an automated plant to produce Musketeers,
- Michaelson: 2 Yellow Jacket and 2 Hawk Moth lines.

– New Independence Weaponry: 1 Atlas, 2 Marauder II, 1 Cyclops, 1 Gunslinger, 1 Victor, 1 Marauder and 1 Jaggermech III line. 1 Zeus line going operational in July 3069 and then possibly a Battlemaster line.

– Arc Royal MechWorks: 3 Wolfhound lines and 2 Arctic Fox-O lines. Looking into increased Arctic Fox-O lines.

– Kallon Industries: 1 Penetrator, 1 Thunderbolt, 1 Crusader, 1 Enforcer III line added to existing plant.

- Salvatore Inc: Large scale production of Vengeance and Colossus dropships divided between the AFFS and ComGuards. 
- Quickscell: 2 Vedette, 2 Hetzer, 2 Heavy APC, 1 SRM Carrier, 1 LRM Carrier, 1 Laser carrier, 1 Autocannon carrier, 1 Scorpion, 1 ACP and 1 Pegasus line. 

-   New Earth Trading Company facility: 5 existing Alacorn lines, 5 Von luckner lines, 4 Karnov lines, 2 Engineering vehicles, 2 Gabriel lines. Production split between AFFS and ComGuards 50/50

- Michaelson: 4 Yellow Jacket and 4 Hawk Moth lines building for ComGuards – completing in January 3069.

New Avalon
-   Lycomb-Davion: 6 Stuka lines expansions of Stuka production (4 new lines), 1 Hellcat line, 1 Lightning line, 2 Huscarls lines, 1 Hammerhead line, 1 Awesome line, 2 Guillotine lines, 1 Lancelot line – half of Guillotine and Lancelot production to go to ComGuards. Building a Reiver line going operational in February 3069. 
-   Corean Enterprise: 1 Black Hawk KU, 1 Trebuchet line, 6 Centurion lines (2 of them new), 1 fireball line and a fully automated Musketeer plant as well as an automated Valkyrie plant.
-   Achernar Battlemechs: 1 Argus-O, 3 Dervish-O, 3 Enforcer III, 1 Phoenix Hawk, 1 Osiris, 1 Wasp, 1 Locust lines

New Damascus
-   Federated Suns Defence Industries: 1 Marauder, 1 Phoenix Hawk, 1 Stinger, 1 Locust, 2 Wasp line, 1 Fulcrum line, 1 Vedette, 1 J Edgar line, 1 Light SRM Carrier, 1 Pit Bull, 2 Bull Dog lines, Thunderbird aerospace line (March 3069),

- Corean Industries: 1 Devastator, 1 Centurion and 1 Fireball line for AFFS/ComGuards 50/50 split of the Devastator line. 
- Corsara Weapons: 1 Crab line – for AFFS/ComGuards

-   Jalastar Aerospace: 4 Javelin-O line,

- Challenge Systems: large scale production of Monolith jumpships.
- Jalastar Aerospace increasing production of sparrohawk and sabre fighters and Centurion, grasshopper and javelin battlemechs. Increases in sparrowhawk and centurion construction prioritised and starting from August 3063, further expansions going on into 3065, This will result in by December 3065 5 Sparrowhawk lines and 3 sabre lines and 3 extra Centurion lines. Spad and Zero lines being built – going into production January and March 3066 respectively. 3 existing Javelin lines being converted to Javelin-O – starting January 3067 and retooled by April-May 3067.

Point Barrow
-   GM: 1 Victor, 1 Marauder, 1 Flashman, 1 Stealth line along with a Grenadier and Cavalier BA plant. Both being expanded almost constantly. Adding a Blackjack-O line – finishing in November 3069

-   Gm plant added a Blackjack-O line

-   Andoran Industries Ltd – 1 Clint line. Sold to AFFS/Comguards 50/50 

-   Gm plant now producing Grenadiers and Cavaliers in record numbers. Continuing to be expanded continually. Blackjack refit centre upgraded to produce Blackjack-O.

-   Johnston Industries: 2 Dagger-O lines, 1 Caeser, 1 Thunderbolt-NAIS and 1 Nightsky lines.
-   Veridan Dynamics plant reopening to build Tiger medium tanks (starting in March 3067) and a new line for Vali artillery tanks (starting in April 3067). 6 Pitbull truck lines – increased Pitbull production being considered

-   Blackstone Industries: 1 Enfield line, 1 Talon line and 1 Ostscout line. 2nd Ostscout line being considered

-   GM: 1 Nightstar, 1 Maelstrom, 1 Cestus, 1 line of Blacjack-O and 1 line of Wasps – building for AFFS/Comguards 50/50. As well as a Lorica BA annex for Comguards.

Draconis March

– Johnson Industries: 2 Dagger-O lines, 1 Hatchetman, 2 Goblin line

Alta Vista
-   New Independence Weaponry: 1 Atlas, 1 Gunslinger and 1 Victor

Benet III
– Johnson Industries: 1 Dagger-O line

- Sandoval Refit Centre – being built, due to finish in March 3069

-   Maltex: 2 Thug, 1 Wyvern lines – 2nd thug line to sell to the ComGuards.


-   New Earth Trading Company: 1 Alacorn, 1 Von Luckner 1 Gabriel line.Production split between the AFFS/ComGuards. Considering expanding.
- Norse Battlemech Works: 1 Avatar-O, 1 Black Hawk KU, 2 Wolverine, 2 Shadow Hawk, 1 Firestarter-O

-   Achernar battle armour plant to build Infiltrators, cavaliers and Grenadiers. Expanding. 
-   Norse Battlemech Works: 1 Griffin, 1 Shadow Hawk and 1 Sling line to be built – starting in the New Year and finishing in February 3069 and March 3069 and January 3069 respectively.

-   Corsara weapons: 2 King Crab, 1 Black Watch and 2 Crab lines now being offered for sale to AFFS and Highlanders. Crab and King Crab new lines to be sold to the AFFS and Comguards

-   General Dynamics: 1 Ostsol line, 2 Kintaro lines, 1 Sentry line, 50/50 sales between AFFS/Comguards, but not a popular design with AFFS who will sell most of the mechs on to mercenaries.
-   Veridan Dynamics: 3 Tiger lines, 1 Vali line– Comguards and LA wanting Vali.

- Robinson Standard BattleWorks: 2 Sagittairre, 1 Battlemaster, 2 Black Knights (1 for Comstar), 1 Arus-O, 1 Ostsol, 1 Phoenix Hawk, 1 Sentry, 2 Watchman lines

Sun Prairie
- Wangker Aerospace: 4  Corsair lines and 1 Tomahawk line
- Michaelson: 2 Yellow Jacket, 2 Hawk Moth lines.

-   Expanding of Laser production to include ER variants and industrial and medical lasers. New models entering production by June 3064.
-   Joint Kallon-Prescision: 2 Rifleman lines, 1 Penetrator line and 1 Phoenix Hawk line.

-   FedBoeing: Colossus, Overlord-A3, Overlord and Union dropships being produced. Cargoking and Cargomaster production being added by December 3068-January 3069.
-   GM: 1 Demon tank line
-   Ranger Battlemechs: 1 Shadow Hawk line and adding a Warhammer line by December 3069.

- Robinson Standard BattleWorks: 1 Sagittairre, 1 Black Knight, 1 Sentry, 1 Watchman and 2 Battle Hawk lines

Clan Smoke Jaguar

-   Jaguar Industries – 1 Guillotine IIC, 1 Wyvern IIC, building a Clint IIC – finishing January 3069 and Mist Lynx line being built finishing in July 3069.
-   Yvonne-Isis Construction Plant – 2 Daedalus lines.

Billy Boy Mark II

  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 912
Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #779 on: 05 October 2019, 05:25:24 »
CCAF December 3068

Capellan Hussars

Red Lancers – Elite – 80%

Prefectorate Guard – Elite – 0% (Re) – Destroyed on Victoria

Holdfast Guard – Elite – 90%

Dynasty Guard – Veteran – 0% - Destroyed on Palos

Warrior House Orders – unless otherwise stated 1 battalion

House Imarra – Veteran – 80% - Two battalions

House Kamata – Elite – 60% - Two battalions

House Hiritsu – Elite – 40%

House Lu Sann – Veteran – 40% - Sadurni Invasion

House Dai Da Chi – Elite – 0% - Destroyed

House Fujita – Regular – 0% - remnants fighting as guerrillas

House Ma-Tsu Kai – Veteran – 70% - Two battalions

House Ijori – Regular – 60% - Two battalions

Death Commando’s

1st Battalion – Elite – 66%

2nd Battalion – Elite – 100%

Confederation Reserve Cavalry

2nd Confederation Reserve Cavalry – Veteran – 50%

3rd Confederation Reserve Cavalry – Green – 100% - Shuen Wan

5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry – Veteran – Destroyed

6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry – Elite – 30%

7th Confederation Reserve Cavalry – Regular – 40%

Capellan Defence Forces

1st Capellan Defence Force – Regular – 90%

2nd Confederation Defence Force – Regular – 30% - almost without officers

3rd Confederation Defence Force – Green – Destroyed

4th Confederation Defence Force – Green – 30%

Liao Chang-Cheng

Renshield’s Dragoons – Veteran – 0% - Destroyed

Vong’s Grenadiers – Regular – 60%

Syn’s Hussars – Green – 90%

Victoria Commonality Rangers

1st Victoria Rangers – Kingston’s Rangers – Regular – 50%

2nd Victoria Rangers – Sung’s Rangers – Green – 40% - surrendered

3rd Victoria Rangers – Green – 0% - Victoria – Destroyed

McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry

MAC Command Battalion – 60% - Task Force Andurien

1st McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry – Elite – 80% - Task Force Andurien

2nd McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry – Elite – 50% - Moving to Andurien

3rd McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry – Veteran – 40% - Task Force Andurien

4th McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry – Veteran – 60% - Moving to Andurien

5th McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry – Veteran – 30% - Moving to Andurien

Citizens Honoured

4th Tau Ceti Rangers – Veteran – 100% - Goodna

15th Dracon – Regular – 100% (Re) – Cronula

Lockhardt’s Ironsides – Regular – 30%

Laurel’s Legion – Veteran – 0% - Two battalions - Destroyed

Capellan Brigade

Ambermarle’s Highlanders – Regular – 90% - Two battalions - Destroyed/Surrendered

Harloc’s Raiders – Veteran – 50%

Marshigama’s Legionnaires – Regular – 90% - Two battalions

Shin Legion – Veteran – 80% -

St Cyr’s Armoured Hussars – Green – 90% - Two battalions

Sarna Martial Academy’s Training Cadre – Green – 80% - battalion

Sian Dragoons

1st Sian Dragoons – Green – 100%

2nd Sian Dragoons – Regular – 60% - heading for Andurien

3rd Sian Dragoons – Regular – 70%

4th Sian Dragoons – Green – 80% - Scarborough

5th Sian Dragoons – Green – 100% - Poznan – 40 home guard

6th Sian Dragoons – Green – 100% - Shensi – 40% home guard

7th Sian Dragoons – Green – 0% - destroyed on Necromo

8th Sian Dragoons – Green – 0% - Destroyed in 1st Wave, Andurien

9th Sian Dragoons – Green – 50%

10th Sian Dragoons – Green – 80%

11th Sian Dragoons – Green – 60%

12th Sian Dragoons – Green – 40%

Capellan Chargers

1st Capellan Chargers – Veteran – 20% -

2nd Capellan Chargers – Regular – 30%

3rd Capellan Chargers – Green – 40%

Liao Guard

1st Liao Guard – Veteran – 0% - Destroyed in 1st Wave Andurien

2nd Liao Guard – Veteran – 90%

3rd Liao Guard – Green – 00% - Absorbed into the Shin Legion

4th Liao Guard – Green – 0% - Destroyed in 1st Wave Andurien

Capellan Confederation Navy

Inazuma/Sian class Corvettes

4 Sian corvettes – 2 Andurien, 2 Sian

Impavido Destroyers

CCS Zhejiang – destroyed over Necromo

CCS Xizang – Sian

CCS Anhui – Capella

Feng Huang Cruisers

CCS Elias Jung – Capella

CCS Franco Martel – Sian

CCS Aleisha Kris – Destroyed over Palos

CCS Sundermann Rhys – Destroyed over Palos

CCS Ilsa Hyung – destroyed over Victoria

CCS Avatar of Kali – stolen by Thuggee destroyed over Necromo