Author Topic: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules  (Read 5821 times)

Lyran Archer

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Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« on: 01 June 2011, 22:48:46 »
Here's an idea I have for a campaign.

There is no skill progression or such, but there is spending from a warchest. Tell me what you think. Phell and I just finished a very loose FedCom Civil War campaign but for our upcoming Clan Wolf Invasion of 3069 campaign, I was thinking of something along these lines:

Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules

Each player starts with a 40 000 BV warchest.

A player spends from this warchest to field his units. The player does not have to decide on all her or his units for the whole campaign but can spend freely from this warchest on a game-to-game basis.

For every battle won, a player adds 2000 BV to her or his warchest. This is to simulate resources gained from taking possession of factories, cities, or other valuable targets.

For every battle lost, a player loses 1000 BV from her or his warchest. This is to simulate resources lost from losing possession of factories, cities, or other valuable targets.

Before a battle is played, scenario objectives should clearly define what constitutes a victory or loss at the end of a game.

‘Mechs destroyed or otherwise lost in battle have their BV subtracted from a player’s warchest. This includes the MechWarrior upgrade BV if the MechWarrior is killed or captured. If the MechWarrior successfully withdraws or is rescued, the extra BV paid for the MechWarrior is not deducted from the warchest.

A player gains 500 BV for each captured enemy MechWarrior plus the BV, if any, spent to upgrade that MechWarrior. This is to simulate ransom or intel gained from the captured enemy. MechWarriors, which have 1 MP, can be captured if picked up by enemy infantry or ‘Mechs or if they did not withdraw off their own side and were on the losing side of the scenario. Vehicles cannot capture. MechWarriors cannot commit suicide to evade capture unless they are Kuritan or Word of Blake. Whole cockpit ejection systems, such as that of the Hatchetman, automatically take the MechWarrior safely off the battlefield.

Salvaged ’Mechs return half their BV (not counting pilot upgrades) to a player’s warchest. Players can salvage enemy ’Mechs to increase their own warchest. A player who defeats all enemy units or forces them to withdraw can claim all salvage left on the battlefield. Salvage can also be dragged off the battlefield by the losing side across their deployment line if done before or as the game ends. ‘Mechs can be salvaged as long as their center torso was not completely destroyed. Three engine hits shuts down the engine shielding but does not destroy the ‘Mech utterly.

Vehicles with any destroyed location cannot be salvaged. The crews of immobilized vehicles can take a turn to scuttle (destroy) their vehicle. The crew of a scuttled vehicle then counts as an ejected MechWarrior but are only worth 100 BV plus upgrades.

Infantry facing unavoidable destruction can surrender rather than be destroyed and will only cost half the BV loss to the controlling player. Bandits, pirates, WOB, and, under certain circumstances, other units, can refuse a surrender to murder the surrendering infantry in order to cost the opponent more lost BV.

A campaign ends when one side can no longer field at least 6000 BV worth of units. A player with a warchest with less than 6000 BV can fight one last battle fielding what she or he can but if she or he loses that battle, the campaign is lost as well. The winning player then gains control of a planet or some other significant prize. If neither player can any longer field a 6000 BV force, one last battle can fought to decide the winner.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #1 on: 02 June 2011, 16:27:23 »
Thanks for this! I am just starting to piece together my own campaign from all manners of information Ive gathered. This is a great guide on keeping it simple!


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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #2 on: 03 June 2011, 11:14:25 »
Really good rules for a good, simple campaign.

Leaves out the supply trains and cuts out the concept of hit and run attacks against an invader...  but really simple.  A bad miscalculation might end a campaign right fast.

Would purposefully falling back off board from a fight constitute a defeat in terms of using fast skirmishers meant to wear down an attacker's supplies?
"Any sufficiently rigorously defined magic is indistinguishable from technology."  - Larry Niven... far too appropriate at times here.

...but sometimes making sure you turn their ace into red paste is more important than friends.

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Lyran Archer

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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #3 on: 03 June 2011, 16:40:39 »
Would purposefully falling back off board from a fight constitute a defeat in terms of using fast skirmishers meant to wear down an attacker's supplies?

It dependes on the scenario objective. Here's a scenario example:

Scenario: Hit and Run
A recon lance has been sent out to hit an important supply depot (CF 150). The supply depot is guarded by a lance of larger 'Mechs. 

Attacker: A recon lance of 4 'Mechs worth a total of 4000 BV.
Defender: A lance of 4 'Mechs worth a total of 6000 BV.

Objectives: The attacker wins if the supply depot is destroyed. Otherwise, the defender wins.

The scenario is played with this result:

* The supply depot is destroyed. The attacker thus gains 2000 BV and the defender loses 1000 BV. The attackers destroy one enemy 'Mech but lose two of their own and withdraw from the field but are still victorious because it was never their mission to capture the land or wipe out the stronger lance.

* The defender lost one 1500 BV 'Mech but it is salvagable, so only loses 750 BV.

* The attacker lost two 1000 BV 'Mechs but one is salvagable, but it was left on the battlefield after the attacker withdrew so the defender gets another 500 BV.

* The attackers rescued one downed pilot but another was captured so the defenders gain another 500 BV.


Attacker: 40 000 + 2000 (victory) - 2000 (two 'Mechs) = 40 000

Defender: 40 000 - 1000 (loss) - 750 (salvage) + 500 (enemy salvage) + 500 (captured pilot) = 39 250

The attackers gain a pyrrhic victory. They accomplished the mission but lost half their lance. The defender lost but can did recover some measure of dignity by capturing enemy salvage and a pilot.
« Last Edit: 05 June 2011, 23:33:56 by Lyran Archer »
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #4 on: 03 June 2011, 21:46:26 »
Okay... that sounds fair.
"Any sufficiently rigorously defined magic is indistinguishable from technology."  - Larry Niven... far too appropriate at times here.

...but sometimes making sure you turn their ace into red paste is more important than friends.

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Lyran Archer

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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #5 on: 05 June 2011, 14:59:41 »
I just finished our first battle using these campaign rules.

Here's the batrep:,6653.0.html

So here's the result:

For Clan Wolf:

40 000 + 2000 (win) + 1733 (captured pilots plus upgrades) + 528 (enemy salvage) = 44 261

For the Davion mercs:

40 000 - 1000 (loss) - 2375 (WHM plus upgraded pilot) - 1457 (HBK plus UP) - 1207 (JR plus UP) = 33 961

It was a lopsided victory. The Wolves took out three enemy 'Mechs and captured a city for no losses and the campaign results reflect this great victory. The Davion mercs have suffered a devestating loss and need a big victory next time to recover from such a huge hit.

I really enjoyed using the campaign rules. It really gave incentives to playing in character. You really don't want to leave a downed pilot or salvage behind and you really want to capture other people's salvage. It was simple and a lot of fun.

LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!


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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #6 on: 05 June 2011, 18:07:46 »
Quick question about the rules... and it is something that has always been a bit of a bugbear of mine when it comes to campaign rules...

If someone is the attacker, is there a proper way to represent the fact that they had to get to the planet in the first place?

Not for paying to use the dropships in terms of BV2 but keeping a moderate limit on the number of mechs, pilots, and units transported to battle with the invaders.  Not every invasion comes with a fully loaded monolith or star lord worth of dropships supporting it.  Or is that asking too much of a simplified rule set?  If it is outside the purveyance and scope, I understand and accept it...

But it does sound like it is playing out well, do hope to hear more as time continues.
"Any sufficiently rigorously defined magic is indistinguishable from technology."  - Larry Niven... far too appropriate at times here.

...but sometimes making sure you turn their ace into red paste is more important than friends.

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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #7 on: 05 June 2011, 19:47:43 »
I really enjoyed using the campaign rules. It really gave incentives to playing in character. You really don't want to leave a downed pilot or salvage behind and you really want to capture other people's salvage.

Where are the rules for this? Just getting back into the game...

Lyran Archer

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Re: Simplfied BattleTech Campaign Rules
« Reply #8 on: 05 June 2011, 20:10:44 »
Where are the rules for this? Just getting back into the game...

I made them up. They are in the original post of this very thread.
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!