Author Topic: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]  (Read 31886 times)


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #60 on: 24 August 2022, 12:51:10 »
Tag, good story.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #61 on: 27 August 2022, 18:54:11 »
Wolf Skinner bivouac around WSDS Mondez's impact site
1934 Local Time
25 July, 3024

Lieutenant Erica Summers sealed the hatch before taking her seat.  Major Skinner and Captain Harris were the only other two in the escape pod with her.  Skinner seemed to have aged in the few hours since their last meeting.

"All right, recon to the north is hereby good enough.  Tomorrow, send Stevenson northeast.  We need to know sooner than later if there's anything better than the unstable rock around here for shelter," Skinner said, a defeated tone in his voice.

"Roger that, boss.  I think we can spin the story that with what we obtained moving units in from the north, today's recon was good enough.  Right Erica?"  Harris said, trying to put on a brave face.

"Yeah," the spacer agreed, nodding.  She'd seen Ludak when he was pulled out of the tunnel, and it was still haunting her.  The Doc said he'd make a full recovery, eventually.  But he wasn't going to be any use until then, even if his exoskeleton could be repaired without his active participation.

Seeing her thousand yard stare, Skinner shook his head and tried to straighten his back.  "Things aren't looking good, but we'll get through this," he said, trying to convince himself too.  "When you two can look less glum, send Top in.  I think he needs to be read in."

"Aye sir," Erica said, taking a deep breath to try to clear her head.  Harris already had his hand on the hatch.  She stood to follow him out.

Top was waiting outside, a question written on his craggy features.  He saluted the officers as they left and the pair heard, "Shut the hatch and have a seat Sergeant Major..." from inside the pod.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #62 on: 03 September 2022, 05:16:17 »
37km NE of WSDS Mondez's impact site
0741 Local Time
26 July, 3024

Staff Sergeant Antonia Bianchi was more than a little confused by the change in recon plan from yesterday, but had shrugged her shoulders when Lieutenant Stevenson briefed her.  She was piloting her Mirage, Phantasmagoria, up a gentle rise expecting more of the same broken terrain.  When she crested the ridge though, her jaw dropped.  Halting, she absently reached to key her mic, her eyes fixed on the sight below.

"Sir, you gotta see this!" she said breathlessly.

Pulling up next to her in his Vulcan, Stevenson could only marvel himself.  "Holy shit..." he said on the local push before switching to the command frequency.  "WHISKEY, this is ROMEO... JACKPOT.  I say again, JACKPOT.  Pass to WHISKEY Actual, over."

Image credit: By Ben Stubbs -, CC BY 2.0,


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #63 on: 09 September 2022, 10:00:38 »
37km NE of WSDS Mondez's impact site
0917 Local Time
26 July, 3024

Even though he had some idea what to expect, Major Skinner was still amazed when the APC crested the ridge.  As the vehicle rolled to a halt a bit past where the distracted driver had intended, he ordered everyone outside so they could see it for themselves.  Lieutenant Novak's platoon whooped at the sight, but quickly got themselves back together.  Sergeant Major Shaan, Warrant Bowman, Senior Chief Levy and EM2 Wirth all expressed similar wonder before climbing back into the air conditioning.  The Major conferred with Lieutenant Steveneson about where to rendezvous at the base of the mountain, then resumed his seat in the APC.

A half hour (and almost 20km) later, the APC, Vulcan and Mirage were parked at the base of the mountain, in a shallow bay.  The Major had an ancient dog tag in his hand, and was looking around with uncertainty written on his face.  Motioning for Stevenson to join him on the ground again, he called Laura Bowman over and moved to the feet of the Vulcan.

"I'm not sure there's a pedestrian entrance at ground level.  Logically there should be, but I think the peak will give us a smaller area to search.  You'll take me up there, and Sergeant Bianchi will bring Warrant Bowman.  Once you drop the two of us off, come back down and bring Senior Chief and EM2 on the next trip.  Between the four of us, I think we'll be able to get the main entrance open, even if it takes some time.  While we're doing that, bring a squad and Sergeant Major up.  Any questions?" said the Major.

"Copy all, sir!  We'll have you at the top shortly!"

Five minutes after that, Major Skinner was grinning ear to ear as a likely looking boulder began to rise on a hidden hinge, revealing a clearly marked emergency escape staircase.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #64 on: 11 September 2022, 08:26:18 »
54km NE of WSDS Mondez's impact site
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1203 Local Time
26 July, 3024

Warrant Bowman, Senior Chief Levy and EM2 Wirth trudged back up the stairs to the "control tower".  It more resembled the bridge of a carrier DropShip, being that it lacked any windows.  In their place, huge projection screens lined the walls and ceiling.  All were sure it would be a fantastic representation of the surroundings if they could get the power back on.  Emergency lighting was at least working, powered by the still functioning fusion plant buried deeper in the facility.  The Warrant was about to explain the problem when Major Skinner looked up from the log book he'd been reading.

"Let me guess: they removed the ABTs from the main switch gear?" he asked, holding up the open log book.

"Yes sir!  The good news is they're standard shipboard models that haven't changed in centuries.  The bad news is we need three more than we have to get the main power, elevators and hangar door working."

Nodding, the Major said, "It seems they were just worried enough about the Canopians coming back and finding the place that they wanted to slow them down a bit.  The slightly better news is they logged the stores they left behind: a Division's worth of toilet paper, a Brigade's cast off rations, and sufficient bedding and cleaning supplies to get the base up and running.  There are also two hangar queens that were effectively written off, and most of the yellow gear.  They took the recovery vehicle and cargo truck, so there will at least be some extra parking whenever we get that door open.  I think our neighbors to the east might have a few spares we can have, if the price is right.  Warrant, I'm going to leave you in charge here.  Lieutenant Stevenson will take me back to base so I can start making arrangements for parts.  Lieutenant Novak is in charge of security, and Bianchi's 'mech will remain on site as well."

Further away, Private Ben Scholes whispered to EM2 Penny Wirth, "What's an ABT?"

Smiling, Penny replied, "Automatic Bus Transfer... it's a kind of switch."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #65 on: 25 September 2022, 08:16:06 »
WSDS Mondez's impact site
1741 Local Time
26 July, 3024

"Renegades, this is the Wolf Skinners... my actual would like to talk to yours, over," Sergeant Novak said on the pre-arranged frequency.

"Roger, wait, out," came the reply.  Five minutes later: "This is Renzi, go ahead."

"Good to hear your voice, Captain.  I'm calling to let you know we have come into possession of a slightly damaged engine we can't use, but bet you can.  We dinged it up taking it away from the pirate Hermes.  As you know, we gained a few mouths to feed in the process, but think our list of wants for the engine are reasonable.  I'm transmitting that on the data band now.  Please look it over, and let us know what you can spare.  Over," Major Skinner said in rehearsed tones.

The Wolf Skinners' ask was mostly designed to disguise the real ask for the switch gear:
Code: [Select]
A Medium Laser
A Heat Sink
A ton of armor
Two jerry cans of lubricants
5 meters of chain
50 meters of cable
Four ABTs
10 meters of power cable
6 more farming tools
Two reverse osmosis filters
Half a ton of food
A bag of seeds
Half a dozen standard power packs
Two Solar Rechargers
Two Preserving Sleeves
A Radar Sensor
A Seismic Sensor
A case of feminine hygiene products
Local epidemiology (now that we have some locals among us)

"That's quite a list, Major.  Let me run it by my team, and we'll get back to you.  I think we can have something together by tomorrow.  Shall we call tentative rendezvous 1300 local? Over."

"Roger, 1300 it is.  I expect our techs will be haggling a bit on the data band, so let's leave them to it.  See you tomorrow, Captain!  Skinner out."

Both commanders gave brief instructions to their senior techs, then returned to their own business.  Warrant Cushman typed fast and furiously in response to his counterpart's questions and counteroffers for most of an hour.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #66 on: 02 October 2022, 10:12:36 »
WSDS Mondez's impact site
2207 Local Time
26 July, 3024

"What'd you get us, Harry?" Major Skinner asked as Warrant Officer Cushman entered his "office".

"Not quite everything we wanted, but I think everything we need, sir," the Warrant replied, offering his data pad.

Scrolling through the list, the Major's expression was mixed until he saw three ABTs.  Nodding, he handed the data pad back and said, "All right, let's make sure we get everything packed up so we can make our 1300 appointment.  I'm a little worried they measure clothes by the bale, though..."

"Me too sir, but I didn't want to push our luck.  Meera was worried about the feminine products too, but I didn't want to push back too hard.  We'll see what we get.  I think it will work out.  If we're lucky, "paper products" was more general back during the Star League."

The list:
Code: [Select]
A Medium Laser YES
A Heat Sink YES
A ton of armor YES
Two jerry cans of lubricants How about three?
5 meters of chain None, sorry
50 meters of cable How about 75 meters?
Four ABTs We only have three, sorry
10 meters of power cable YES
6 more farming tools How about 12?
Two reverse osmosis filters ONE
Half a ton of food How about a quarter ton (we were pretty generous the first time)?
A bag of seeds YES
COFFEE ONE CAN (and we can get more next time we go to Rabigh)
Half a dozen standard power packs YES
Two Solar Rechargers We only have one to spare.
Two Preserving Sleeves YES
A Radar Sensor YES
A Seismic Sensor We're out, sorry!
A case of feminine hygiene products YES (probably not what you expect, though)
Local epidemiology YES!
Medical Supplies We'll scrape up what else we can spare
Clothes We have half a bale from our last run to Rabigh; we'll give you half of that
Detergent We can spare two boxes and will get more the next time we go to Rabigh


  • Colonel
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #67 on: 02 October 2022, 15:35:31 »
Hopefully, they'll fine something in the base.  That's going be tough.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #68 on: 02 October 2022, 16:36:21 »
Designated Coordinates
1300-1400 Local Time
27 July, 3024

As before, each side brought a lance of 'mechs and a pair of vehicles.  Skinner and Renzi made small talk while the techs on both sides inspected the materiel to be traded.  The clothing turned out to be shorts and t-shirts apparently donated to charity on Campoleone.  Renzi's suspicion was that the traders were paid to deliver them to "the needy" in the Periphery.  Of course, they simply sold them on to the locals for further profit.  The feminie hygiene products were much the same: cut up t-shirts donated to charity.  The grumbling on the Wolf Skinner side was audible, and the sympathetic looks from the Renegade side were visible but unhelpful.

Coffee was apparently profitable enough to actually ship to Astrokaszy, so it could be had in the bazaar at Rabigh, and the town apparently had some way to manufacture lubricants.  Renzi was also kind enough to offer a joint expedition to Rabigh the following month.  There was never any guarantee a DropShip would be there, but when there was, the bazaar was moved out to the landing field.  The local authorities wouldn't let 'mechs into the town proper, but vehicles were generally allowed.  He joked speed limits were enforced by Rabigh's 'mechs.  Skinner did his best to laugh appropriately.

Once Renzi's techs gave the thumbs up on the Hermes engine, transloading began in earnest.  Both the Packrat and Swiftwind had been packed with the various bits and bobs, and the Packrat had a makeshift rack on its roof for the engine.  Four 'mechs (two from each unit) carefully lifted the engine off the back deck of the Wolf Skinners' Recovery Vehicle while it drove to the side.  When the Packrat was satisfactorily positioned under the suspended engine, the 'mechs eased the load on to its roof.  The vehicle's suspension visibly compressed as it took the load, but there was still travel left in the shocks.  The 'mechs continued to hold on to the makeshift cradle until Renzi's techs had securely strapped it in place.

Warrant Officer Cushman was supervising the loading of the wide variety of stuff being loaded aboard the Recovery Vehicle in trade.  He was kicking himself for not requesting tarps, but at least they now had the ABTs needed to get the OLF up and running!


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #69 on: 02 October 2022, 19:09:42 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1430-1500 Local Time
28 July, 3024

Major Skinner's first priority was getting the main power back on.  Warrant Officer Bowman was overseeing EM2 Wirth and the small crew that had carried the three ABTs down flight after flight of stairs at the main switchboard, while Lieutenant Summers and the bridge crew from the Mondez were in the "tower" with the Major.  When the switch was thrown, the main lights slowly came to life around floor level, and monitors began displaying boot up sequences.  Skinner had his ancestor's dog tag ready at the main console when the red light started flashing.  As he presented the tag to the reader, the red light blinked once more and was replaced by a steady green.  A soft but authoritative feminine voice said "Welcome back, Major Skinner.  Systems booting up."

Skinner smiled weakly as the rest of the crew stared at him.  "I'm sure it's not AI.  Just a normal 'Betty'," he said, trying to convince himself at least as much as the rest of the crew.  Shortly, the control room was bathed in light as the main screens came to life, displaying the surrounding terrain in exquisite detail.  Skinner suddenly found himself very busy denying the system's requests to bring up the radars and establish routine satellite links.  The rest of the crew was similarly busy establishing control over various base subsystems.  Unnoticed among all the business, the elevator controls shifted from red to green.

Warrant Bowman's voice shortly came over the speakers, "Bridge, Engineering... we've got two out of three installed, and just got the intercom working down here."

"Bridge copies," Lieutenant Summers said, still tapping commands into her console.  She smiled to herself.  It was almost like being underway again.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #70 on: 15 October 2022, 10:17:54 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1530-1800 Local Time
28 July, 3024

"It's a good thing they gave us three cans of lubricant sir!" Warrant Bowman said, sweeping her arm to emphasize the size of the base's huge door mechanism and drive her point home.  "I recommend we take the first few openings and closings very slowly to avoid breaking anything.  We have no way of fixing anything this big if it breaks."

Major Skinner nodded in agreement.  "All right, we'll plan on the first opening tomorrow morning.  I want to finish the inventory of this place tonight, now that we have the lights on.  The logs only provide so much detail."

Elsewhere in the base, Doc Ozora was nodding in approval at the state of the medical facilities.  The Star League had installed an impressive amount of equipment, though it made sense in the context of an aviation training facility.  Of course there would be a burn unit in addition to the surgical suite!  That would at least ease the treatment of the laser burned pilot still laboring on oxygen in the Doc's MASH vehicle.  And the recovery rooms would also help Sergeant Ludak and the trooper with broken ribs on their somewhat longer roads back to full health.

While the Doc was doing that, the Mini-Doc was testing the water quality in the galley, and nodding in approval as the results started to appear on the data pad.  The refrigerators were operating as designed, and the ovens too.  Even the ice maker was dispensing its first batch in centuries without a hitch.

Down on the first deck, techs were crawling over the ten vehicles left by the Star League.  Aside from needing some oil here and there, they seemed to be in good shape.  The jeep looked suspiciously similar to the one Lieutenent Commander Fury had driven in from Al Mazrea, but the general mood was otherwise jubilant.

The techs going over the hangar queens were somewhat less so.  The SB-27 was missing its engine and all of its weapons, while the Ares Mark V Landing Craft was cradled in jack stands with obvious belly damage, no landing gear at all, and again all of its weapons pulled.  Otherwise, the Ares seemed to be functional, not that the unit had any way to make it fly again.

The troops inventorying the stores left behind were slogging through cargo container after cargo container of toilet paper, cleaning supplies and bedding.  The one bright spot was the last cargo container.  Instead of toilet paper, it was full of Star League era sanitary pads.  The whoop from the female troopers echoed in the massive space.  The cleaning supplies included a couple of pallets of detergent, so that was quickly crossed off the list of things they needed to trade for.  The groans of the troopers going through the ration containers were explained by the fact that all the boxes of rations had been opened and retaped a few centuries ago.  Every single one of the unopened ration packs was the infamous "omelette".  The packs were all confidently marked with "Expiration Date: Indefinite", but that did nothing to raise morale.

Sergeant Major Shaan was busily laying out the berthing plan.  The base had quarters for 150 with limited officer and senior NCO options.  There was going to be unhappiness, air conditioning or no.  The report of the Ares Landing Craft made him quirk an eyebrow, and after a quick question, he cheerfully added 35 more racks to his calculations.  If only there was some way to move that thing back to the crash site...


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #71 on: 22 October 2022, 08:22:15 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
2000 Local Time
28 July, 3024

In addition to berthing, the facility hosted several offices and even a decent sized conference room.  It certainly beat the heck out of an escape pod.  Major Skinner was leaning back in his chair as the others filed in and took their seats.

"All right, I think we can safely call today a success," he began.  "The "Bridge" is operational, the inventory went well, and even the hangar queens might have some use.  Sergeant Major brought up the fact the landing craft could solve our air conditioning problem at the crash site, if we can figure out a way to get it there.  Even stripped and empty, it's too heavy for the Recovery Vehicle to move.  But we can solve that problem another day.  I can't stress enough that we need to continue to hold the crash site.  Even assuming the unit is willing to subsist on the most infamous rations in existence, they'll run out eventually, and there's no way to grow enough food here in the middle of a salt pan, even if we could rig up hydroponics from scratch."

Turning to Warrant Bowman, he said, "Laura how does the door mechanism look?  Are we going to be able to bring anything through it?"

"Well sir, as I pointed out earlier, it needs a LOT of lubrication to avoid breaking anything.  It's basically a huge hydraulic ram set up to move a chunk of the cliff face back and forth.  With it shut, it would take the locals days or weeks to get in here, even if they knew where it was.  If we get it working again, I don't recommend using it much.  It just too big to fix if it breaks."

"Agreed.  We'll aim to minimize openings and closings.  That will probably impact our rotations to the crash site, which we'll need to do for morale purposes if nothing else.  I think we need to keep the entire 'mech company at the crash site with only patrols out this way.  The Doc has talked me into bringing the critical cases here for recovery, but I want the MASH at the crash site too.  If possible, I don't want the locals to know the bulk of our personnel are here.  And that includes Renzi's crew.  I don't want to put this kind of temptation in his way.  As for our other guests, I only intend to bring the casualty here, at least at first.  Fury wants off this rock, and I'd rather not send her off with coordinates the Free Worlds League might feel compelled to investigate."

Looking over to Sergeant Major Shaan, he continued, "How's the berthing looking, Sergeant Major?"

"Sir, there are two dozen single rooms, 48 double rooms, and a platoon bay.  Leaving a force at the crash site means we may not need the platoon bay, but it also means rotating people in and out of rooms.  When we get back to the crash site, I'll convene the Sergeants and work out the rotation."

"Good.  Captain Harris will work out the MechWarrior rotation.  With only one spare pilot at the moment, it's going to be rough.  The Mondez's crew will remain here full time to operate the base, with trips to the crash site as necessary for maintenance.  I will remain here overnight with the crew and a security detail.  Any questions?"


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #72 on: 24 October 2022, 04:49:56 »
Doc pipes up, "One doesn't like being the the one to bring the idea into existence, but having done a fair share of 'secretive' operations for people who didn't want others to know, I know that it is never a question of if but of when something secret is discovered.  What is the plan when all of this is found out?"


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #73 on: 24 October 2022, 18:49:04 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
2017 Local Time
28 July, 3024

Major Skinner grimaced and said, "Good point, Doc!  I'm open to suggestions, but I think we have some time to work this one out.  That said, any ideas right now?"


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #74 on: 25 October 2022, 06:12:00 »
So they didn't find a DropShip or other large useful things in the base?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #75 on: 25 October 2022, 18:21:51 »
No, and I would prefer commentary over here, please.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #76 on: 20 November 2022, 08:48:00 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
0731 Local Time
29 July, 3024

The Doc's question from the night before was still weighing on the Major's mind, but at least he had something more immediate to occupy him this morning.  Warrant Bowman was double and triple checking every exposed piece of machinery and the Bridge watch was providing the Major a sensor feed.  The last thing they wanted was to have anyone outside the unit see the door open.  Everything apparently set, the Major nodded and said, "All right Laura, open it up."

"Aye aye, sir," the Warrant replied, punching the command into the local control panel.  The door could be operated from the Bridge, but all had agreed it was better to control at least the first cycle locally.

The whine of the hydraulic pumps could be heard as the huge ram started to take the strain.  The rumble of the giant bearings was punctuated by periodic rock falls as the door began to withdraw into the mountain.  After two meters, the Warrant halted the massive mechanism, and had her crew recheck everything.  While she was doing that, the Major donned a helmet and moved to the narrow opening.  Sunlight spilled through it, streaming through sifting dust.  On the other side, Sergeant Major Shaan waved him off passing through.  The tactical frequency crackled as the senior NCO explained, "Lots of loose rock, sir.  You don't want to get beaned.  Once it's full open, we'll clear the worst of it away."

The Major gave a thumb's up and turned back to the Warrant.  "How's it going Laura?"

"So far so good, sir.  I'm going to fire it up again shortly."

The next hour or so continued in much the same way, and for their labors the unit was rewarded with a wide open door and unbroken mechanism.

The Major had returned to the Bridge, thankful the elevators were working.  "All right, give the Doc the green light to bring his critical cases over," he said as he entered the space.  The crew the Sergeant Major had clearing loose rock would almost certainly be done by the time the MASH unit made the trip from the crash site.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #77 on: 04 December 2022, 11:33:12 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
0917 Local Time
29 July, 3024

The MASH vehicle sped across the salt pan, Stevenson's Vulcan keeping up at best speed.  The lightly loaded Recovery Vehicle followed in their wake.  Out here in the open, the tighter formation they'd kept on the route to the OLF wasn't strictly necessary.  As the trio of vehicles slowed on their approach, Sergeant Laine let out a low whistle.

"Eyes on the road Sergeant, please," one of the officers said.

"Yes sir!  Just never imagined..." Laine replied, easing off on the Drillson's throttles.

Ground guides at the entrance to the base waved all three units in on to their respective parking places.  The MASH, of course, was guided to the elevators and secured to the deck.  The ponderous cargo elevator didn't take long, and the Drillson carefully drove to the medical wing on the second deck.  Transferring the patients went smoothly right up until the medics went to move Sergeant Ludak's stretcher.  When they lowered the wheels, there was a yelp from underneath.

"What the--?" Corporal Barelis asked bending down.

Athena Fury smiled winningly from where she was tangled in the mechanism.

"Shit.  Hey, Irene... can you get the Doc while I unscrew this mess?"

"You got it, Alex," Corporal Colloti said, heading for the door.

By the time Colloti was back with the Doc, Athena was sitting glumly on a stool, having received at least one "You're not supposed to be here" lecture already.  For his part, Sergeant Ludak was still snoring lightly under sedation.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #78 on: 12 December 2022, 05:20:53 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1122 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Doc focuses on the arriving patients first, ensuring that everything arrived as it should and nothing untoward was jarred loose by the ride, especially for Sergeant Ludak.  After doing his due diligence with the expected arrivals, he turns to take a look at the unexpected one.  Not one to continue the pattern of repeated lecturing, he goes about a cursory check to make sure there wasn't any errant concerns. 

After a moments check he huffs.  "Well, you seem not too much the worse for wear after that ride. Hope it was worth it, as I think you're going to be far more disappointed than amazed." He shakes he head as he turns to return to his duties, not really wanting to waste too much time on one with way too much spunk.  Something about a cat and curiosity can be heard as he paces back towards the medbay.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #79 on: 12 December 2022, 18:05:33 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1123 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Colloti and Barelis looked at each other, then the retreating back of the Doc.  Shrugging, Colloti said, "All right, I guess this one is up to Top then.  You wanna get him, or should I?"

Sighing, Barelis said ruefully, "You got the Doc, so I guess I should get Top.  Be back in a few, hopefully with my ass intact."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #80 on: 13 December 2022, 12:10:39 »
That appears to be a broken post ....


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #81 on: 13 December 2022, 19:20:12 »
Not exactly sure what you mean there... please post additional comments in this thread:


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #82 on: 08 January 2023, 11:02:10 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1201 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Sergeant Major Shaan had been in rare form as he described exactly how disappointed he was in Ms. Fury.  That ceased being amusing to the two Corporals when he turned to explaining how disappointed he was in them for not checking under the stretcher before the MASH left the crash site.  Unlike the 10-year-old, they weren't holding back tears while having the riot act read to them.  Their angry glances at Athena when the Sergeant Major turned in his pacing plainly showed their feelings.

Wrapping up, Shaan said, "Barelis, get Ludak where he needs to go.  Colloti, you have the Fury watch until this bucket of bolts gets back to the crash site.  She does NOT leave this vehicle, clear?  You know where the chem toilet is, and hunger doesn't enter into this equation.  Understood?"

"YES, Sergeant Major!" the two braced up medics said in unison.

Seemingly satisfied, the grim NCO turned on his heel and exited, silently swearing to himself.  Not only would he have to explain the situation to the Major, but also Athena's mother.  With any luck, the Major would take that one on...


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #83 on: 08 January 2023, 14:53:42 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
0930-1230 Local Time
29 July, 3024

While the medics were dealing with their end of the business, Master Truck was going over the Mark V Landing Craft on jack stands.  He periodically consulted his crew, and Senior Chief or Warrant Bowman, but wasn't convinced it was impossible to move yet.  It certainly wasn't going to be easy, and it would probably take help from Captain Harris' 'mechs to make the lift without doing any more damage to the thing.  There was definitely some more digging to do at the crash site before even thinking about moving it.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #84 on: 12 January 2023, 01:13:05 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
0930-1230 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Walking over to Master Truck, Sergeant Blu, the driver of the BMRV, wiped the grease off his hands with a rag. " Hey Boss? She ain't gonna git off her skids without sum wheels, ya know? Ferg'd we cun load 'er up with me backin' Ol' Bessy 'erself an' maybe hoistin' it wid some Mech help? Prefer wid hands, o'course. What say youse? " questioned Blu to Master Truck
Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #85 on: 12 January 2023, 04:24:13 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
0930-1230 Local Time
29 July, 3024

"That's exactly what I was thinking Bubba," Master Sergeant Toby Johnson replied.  "I don't know how they'll get a grip, but I figure Warrant Cushman and his team will come up with something, just like they did for that 'mech engine we traded."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #86 on: 28 January 2023, 12:15:46 »
Outlying Landing Field Skinner
1400 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Plans sketched out and patients set up in the recovery wards, the Wolf Skinners who had come from the crash site (less the Doc and one assistant) packed up to head back.  Corporal Colloti had had a ration pack stashed away and begrudgingly shared it with a contrite Athena, who was still in trouble and knew it.  It hadn't dampened her curiosity, but she somehow managed to keep it to herself.

Wolf Skinner bivouac around WSDS Mondez's impact site
1523 Local Time
29 July, 3024

Upon the convoy's return, Sergeant Major Shaan made a bee line for the Major.  A concerned Lieutenant Commander Fury was already in the Major's "office" and had to be tactfully shuffled out before the senior NCO could properly report.  The Major sighed ruefully and agreed he would reunite the mother and daughter himself.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #87 on: 28 January 2023, 17:14:24 »
Wolf Skinner bivouac around WSDS Mondez's impact site
0652 Local Time
30 July, 3024

"Athena, what are you eating?" Lieutenant Commander Fury demanded of her daughter.

"A ration... pack?" Athena said, swallowing the bite of omelet she was chewing.

"Let me see that!" her mother said, snatching the pouch away from her.  All color drained from her face as she read the manufacturer's stamp and DATE.

Two privates who'd been watching from a distance decided two things.  One, maybe the Doc was right about the Star League rations being ok to eat, and two, they needed to make themselves scarce, RIGHT NOW.

Lucky for them, the elder Fury was headed straight for the Major, and not them.  Unlucky for them, their Sergeant noticed them acting suspiciously.  It was going to be a LONG day for all involved.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #88 on: 29 January 2023, 12:28:15 »
Wolf Skinner bivouac around WSDS Mondez's impact site
0652 Local Time
30 July, 3024

Major Skinner was NOT having a good morning.  Lieutenant Commander Fury was continuing her litany of accusations, and he was just about ready to...

Sighing, he finally said, "All right!  All right... that's enough.  Look, we found something, ok?  It wasn't what we hoped, but it's more than I'm willing to risk a regiment being dropped on us to find out about.  I don't want to keep you here, but I ALSO don't want you reporting us to the authorities.  Those damned rations are the most useful thing to us in our current situation, and I already had the Doc test them.  They're 100% safe, if not exactly tasty without the entire bottle of hot sauce added.  The filled sponge cake is even GOOD, if you like that sort of thing.  Whoever handed one to your daughter will be duly punished, and to be clear: for breaking OPSEC, not endangering her.  She's made a few friends in the unit, but a LOT more enemies.  I strongly recommend you keep a closer eye on her.  Sergeant Ludak won't be walking for at least a month, and he's the ONLY one who was willing to put up with her for any significant length of time.  The Doc tells me your pilot's recovery time will be roughly halved with the decidedly non-portable equipment we found, and that's why we weren't fully forthcoming about where we took him.  The place might be more comfortable, but unless you like Star League omelets until you die, it's not feasible.  We MUST make this site self-sustaining, and your man is going to be key to making it that way.  EVENTUALLY, we'll be able to get you somewhere there MIGHT be a DropShip willing to take you off planet.  Our ostensible friends to the east tell us there's a community on the other side of the bandits to the west.  Do you know anything about 'Rabigh'?"

Fury was stone silent while Skinner theoretically came clean with her.  There was something still not quite right.  He didn't strike her as greedy enough to need to fly under the radar of the Free Worlds League government, unless...

"Major, what Regulan regiment were you attached to?" she asked.

"Ah... I'd rather not say," the Major said, tensing as his hand dropped to his side arm.

Shaking her head, "That figures.  I hate to say it, but your lot is STILL better than the bandits.  Please tell me the Captain General prevailed, at least?"

"He did.  And I appreciate your consideration.  As we've already told you, we've been mercenaries for the last decade, and the Cappies screwed us on our last contract.  Going so far as to jail our liaison officer when he tried to stick up for us, which is why he's here, for better or worse.  If it makes you feel any better, the precipitating incident was that an undercover FWL unit commanded by a classmate of my brother raided the planet we were defending, and the subsequent cease fire.  They even gave us the ride here, though we were confined to our DropShip.  That tells me the Captain General is at least mildly interested in what might be out here, and as I said, I do NOT want to give him any further motivation to come looking."

"So what can you tell me you found?"

"The rations, obviously.  The paper products you may or may not be using right now.  A facility with absolutely zero prospect of self-sufficiency, and a few miscellaneous vehicles and two hangar queens that will never fly again.  As far as we can tell, the Star League abandoned it after the Reunification War, and took everything worth taking with them.  For what it's worth, we're trying to figure out how to bring one of the hangar queens here as housing.  The quarters will be tight, but air conditioned, and yes, you and your daughter will have racks.  And I'll say you still haven't answered my question about Rabigh..."

Grimacing, Fury replied, "Only what the bandits had to say about them, and that they've had an ongoing blood feud for over a century.  Aliyah was abducted from there, so I'm sure she's told you more than I know."

Nodding, Skinner said, "Yeah, she has, but she's 100% local, and clearly in it for herself and nobody else.  Well, maybe her Emir.  Which doesn't give me any kind of confidence in her."

"That's probably wise.  All right, Skinner.  I won't shoot you in your sleep.  But please, if you want to build trust between us, you're doing a lousy job of it."

"Good thing that's not on my priority list right now, then.  I've got a unit on the ragged edge here.  I don't hate you, no matter what you may think.  But I don't need you either.  Guestrite only goes so far in situations like this."

"You're right, and I apologize for the terror my daughter has been.  I'll try to keep her busier going forward."

"If you run out of ideas, I've been told there'll be a significant digging effort over the next week or so, and it WON'T be underground."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Lazarus Sinn

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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #89 on: 30 January 2023, 21:02:16 »
Foolish consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.

