Author Topic: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)  (Read 21744 times)


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #60 on: 18 November 2019, 10:19:28 »
And there is actually a clan amongst the clanners who deploy 5 ASF stars.

Steel Vipers IIRC.


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #61 on: 18 November 2019, 17:13:08 »
Yeah. . . I like the base 5 because it soothes my particular brand of mild OCD.  Five is just a nice, stable, easy number.


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #62 on: 18 November 2019, 18:38:52 »
Yeah. . . I like the base 5 because it soothes my particular brand of mild OCD.  Five is just a nice, stable, easy number.
And reinforces the Clan philosophy of individual combat, because with an odd number of pilots, you can’t have wingmen. Which puts the Tankers at a firm disadvantage against anyone working in pairs: aerospace combat is a team sport.


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #63 on: 19 November 2019, 03:52:45 »
And reinforces the Clan philosophy of individual combat, because with an odd number of pilots, you can’t have wingmen. Which puts the Tankers at a firm disadvantage against anyone working in pairs: aerospace combat is a team sport.

War is a team sport in general. Though, in general most aspects of society are a team sport so that isn't a big surprise.


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #64 on: 19 November 2019, 04:04:25 »
War is a team sport in general. Though, in general most aspects of society are a team sport so that isn't a big surprise.
Tell that to Kerensky’s little cult.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #65 on: 02 June 2020, 14:54:21 »
To Hold Back The Dark

Homeworld, Clan Wolverine Space
The Deep Periphery, Spinward of the Inner Sphere
March 12th, 3086

Lilly McEvedy Walter, Khan of Clan Wolverine, tasted bile in the back of her throat as she read the report.  Her stomach churned violently, cold sweat popped on her forehead.  Just when she thought she had plumbed the absolute depth of madness, depravity, and barbarism, she turned the page, and her horizons expanded in the most horrific way possible.

For hours, she poured over the document on her noteputer.  It took her nearly three times as long to read as it should have, for she often found herself utterly unwilling to read one more word of it.  And yet, it kept drawing her back, loathsomely fascinating, and important knowledge that must be shared with her people.

Finally finished, she stood and paced her office, digesting what she’d read like a rancid and unhealthy meal.

I did this.  I brought this about.  My pride, my arrogance, my vanity.

No.  The Inner Sphere and its Second Star League struck fear deep into the heart of the Clans.  Unable to cope with it, they tore themselves asunder.

Yet I was the first to make the Clans face the nightmares of their past.  I set the first foot on this path, so I’m ultimately responsible for where it leads.

The Clans could have backed down.  Thought their way through, used logic and wisdom to forge a future instead lashing out like terrified children with terrible weapons.  They could have thought rationally for a moment, and avoided this.

Could they?

Shaking her head to clear her circular argument, Lilly touched the ‘comm panel at her desk.  “Yes, my Khan?” the voice came back promptly.

“I am finished.”

“I will be right in.”

True to her word, saKhan Robina MacLeish Jung-Ja stepped into the Khan’s office within five minutes, Star Colonel Alexia McEvedy in tow.  Lilly flashed her daughter a brief, small smile she didn’t really feel as the two sat in front of Lilly’s desk.

“Well,” Lilly said, indicating the noteputer.  “What do you make of it?”

“Disgusting,” Robina snarled.  “All that they laid at our feet, all they accused us of to mortar the cracks in the foundation of their perfect society, and then a few bloody noses and they sink to levels of barbarism even the Succession Wars couldn’t hope to match.”

“Horrible,” Alexia said, shaking her head.  “So many needless, pointless deaths. . . such waste.”

Lilly nodded.  “Agreed.  Now, the question is, what shall we do about it?”

Robina pursed her lips and looked to Alexia.  Alexia took a moment to realize she’d apparently been volunteered to speak first.  “I. . . I do not think there is anything we can do.  A new status quo seems to have settled in, and I think our presence would just reignite the still-smoldering violence.  They might not survive. . . but we definitely wouldn’t.”

Robina nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.  “This is the bunk they made for themselves, now they have to sleep in it.”

Lilly nodded again.  “I agree.  Even if they would accept our help, I do not think there is anything we can offer that would be of assistance.  They certainly would not be interested in learning and converting to our ways. . . they just gutted themselves to maintain the right to gut themselves over questions of honor.”

“Damn fools,” Robina muttered.

“If only we’d known earlier,” Alexia said.

Lilly shook her head.  “No.  We still couldn’t have gotten there in time, and even if we did, all we’d be able to do is give them all a convenient target to shoot at.  And I have no intention of making Clan Wolverine the common foe to unite the Clans despite themselves ever again.”  Lilly levelled a finger at her daughter.  “And neither do you.”

“Yes, mother.”

Lilly leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers.  “Now. . . what do we do about our guests?”

Robina grimaced, and Alexia cast her gaze to the carpet.  They had known this question could only be put off so long, and had no good answers, only lesser degrees of bad ones.

“He is waiting to see you, my Khan,” Robina replied.  “He’s been camped in the outer office.”

Lilly raised an eyebrow.  “For how long?”

“Since delivering the report.  He’s declared his intention to wait as long as it takes for you to obtain all the information you need to hear his case and make your ruling.”

“Very well.  Bring him in.”

Robina nodded to Alexia, who left the office.  Robina stood and took a position at Lilly’s right shoulder.  Alexia returned after a few minutes, leading a man into the office.

He was tall and well-built, handsome in a cold sort of way, wearing functional military fatigues.  But his proud military bearing, his warrior’s strength and grace could not conceal the haggard cast to his features, the worn rumpledness of his uniform, or the incompletely-masked flicker of desperation in his eyes.

“Khan James Vargras,” Lilly said, more formally than pleasantly.  “Be seated.”

Vargras sat, retaining his precise posture, though Lilly noted he relaxed, almost imperceptibly, at finally being granted some small measure of rest.  “Thank you for seeing me, Khan McEvedy.”  Impressive, he did not falter at all.  Has he been practicing saying my forbidden name in a mirror?  “You have read my report, quiaff?”

“I have,” Lilly replied, not bothering to hide the distaste with which she glanced at the noteputer.  “It is. . . sick and appalling.  But we have only your word to go on.  Can this report be corroborated?”

Khan Vargras snorted.  “Get in touch with the Diamond Sharks.  I am sure they have their own version, and will sell you a copy.”

Lilly doubted the Diamond Sharks would do business with Clan Wolverine -- but with their trade agreements with the Successor States, who knows -- but decided not to argue the point.  “Perhaps I will.  But for now, tell me how you came to be here.”

Khan Vargras motioned to the noteputer.  “It is all in the report.”

“I wish to hear it from you.”

Vargras sighed, then leaned forward.  “After the Wars of Reaving, Clan Blood Spirit knew its days were numbered.  Retreating to our hidden worlds Haven and Honor was a move of desperation, hoping against hope that we could rebuild, rearm, grow strong and respected among the Clans again.  Our touman was gutted to almost nothing, our genetic repository all but useless, what resources and infrastructure remained in the Kerensky Cluster all but destroyed as the Clans fought over them like scraps.  It would take very little for another Clan to decide we were some scraps worth fighting over.

“When the Stone Lions found our hidden system, we knew the end was near.  We began our preparations, fought to hold on to what we could, but when that fighting grew too pitched, and the other Clans objected to the dishonor of letting our civilians fight for their own lives and fates. . . we knew we had failed.  Khan Bryce Schmitt led the bulk of our warriors and as many civilians as wished to stay and fight in delaying the Star Adders, who had come to Absorb us in name and Annihilate us in fact, while I led the rest away from the Kerensky Cluster, away from the Clans.  Compiling reports of your raids throughout the Invasion Corridors, we had an educated guess where we might find you.  Or as it turns out, your forward staging area.  I thank you again for bringing my people here, that I might meet with you.”

Robina fixed the Blood Spirit Khan with an icy glare.  “Why us?  Why would the noble and honorable Clan Blood Spirit stoop to asking assistance of The Not-Named Clan?”

Vargras snorted.  “The Way of Kerensky is dead, murdered by Inner Sphere barbarians and the greed and lust for power of Warden and Crusader alike.  Or perhaps it truly died with Nicholas, and the last three centuries have been but its death throes.  It makes no difference.  Speaking plainly, we have nowhere else to go.  The Clans of the Homeworlds would Annihilate us, the Clans of the Inner Sphere would Absorb us, and the Successor States would corrupt and wither us away to nothing.  What we were, what we wanted to be, is dead.  Our only choice now is what we will be, and only among Clan Wolverine can we hope to find a new way, one that honors the old but is not strangled by it, as you have.”

“A stirring reply,” Lilly said.  “But our ways are not your ways.  You will have to learn and adapt to live among us.”

“Our ways are over.  Survival is about adaptation, and we are prepared to survive.”

“We have no breeding program, no trueborns.  My daughter was born of the iron womb, but from the combination of myself and the man I chose to be my husband.  My son I carried in my own womb.  We will not permit scorn or prejudice based upon manner of birth into our society.”

“Our genetic legacies are all but destroyed, trueborns may well be a thing of the past,” Vargras replied.  “We will attempt to salvage what we can. . . Elementals and ProtoMech Pilots require, at least for a time, some kind of breeding program. . . but we have long held that results and skill outweigh manner of birth.”

“Our castes are looser than you are used to,” Lilly continued.  “A person is free to choose what they will be, and alter that choice as suits their own drives and dreams.  And all castes. . . Warrior, Scientist, Technician, Merchant, Laborer. . . are equals, brothers and sisters.  Above all, Clan Wolverine is family, and all will fight as viciously and uncompromisingly as our namesake to defend their family.”

For the first time since he’d arrived, Khan James Vargras of Clan Blood Spirit smiled.  “We can work with that.”


... and for many decades they have been working with a missing Wolverine group.  Strained relations at first, but the need for survival and secrecy buried the hatchet for many issues.  Perhaps, included is also Widowmaker remains.  As the Invasion and eventually the Wars of Reaving began to spark, other clan enclaves and groups may have secreted away.

There could be representatives from almost every clan.  There would have to be some sort of serious integration process, that is a lot of history and hate to put together.

It's this guy's fault.

Well, not entirely.  I'm finally forcing myself to catch up on BT history post Great Refusal (partly to see if there was inspiration to continue this), and started with Wars of Reaving.  I immediately imagined Lilly. . . well, basically reading the Wars of Reaving sourcebook, and reacting to it much like I suspect many BT fans did on first reading.  But the more I read, the more apparent it became that it was going to be difficult, if not impossible, for Lilly to have any idea what's happened in Clan Space.  She has no spies in the Kerensky Cluster, and it's not like the Clans would broadcast their Rolling Stone level of issues into the Inner Sphere.  In fact, at least twice the Clans HPG networks are compromised, making communication outside of or even within the Kerensky Cluster all but impossible.

Then I read this bit, and the idea of some Clan survivors deliberately seeking out my Clan Wolverine so they could try and survive in some fashion struck with me.  I actually debated long and hard about it being the Blood Spirits, but I went with them for a few reasons.  Since they technically survived the Wars of Reaving, they'd have a complete picture of what happened.  Their mentality seems to be closest to the "soldier" type among the Clans, instead of the "warrior" type (or, as a wise man once said, "Out-honor the honorable honor for honor's sake.  Honor on the side, hold the honor, with extra honor.")  Even the Hell's Horses, the other "soldier" type Clan, seems more about "honorably" proving conventional vehicles still have a place on the battlefield then believing that war is a means to an end, not an end of itself.  Finally, the Blood Spirit's insular nature and close ties among Clanmembers works very, very well with Clan Wolverine's "we are a family" theme.  There's going to be some rocky times ahead (I still need to figure out what the Jihad was all about), but Clan Blood Spirit and Clan Wolverine should integrate, in some way, without too much fuss and confusion.  If nothing else, they're both still familiar enough with Clan society to take the beneficial parts. . . we have an issue we can't resolve, solve it with two 'Mechs fighting way the heck far away from anything and everything valuable.


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Re: Best Served Cold
« Reply #66 on: 02 June 2020, 18:43:13 »
They don't upgrade to Omni technology.  The supply line issues are a problem; they have considerable, but not unlimited, resources, and upgrading their whole force to Omni technology would be an extreme burden.  They're happy with their Wolverine-tech upgrades to Inner Sphere 'Mech designs and their own in-house constructions, like the Pulverizer.  And they're in love with the C3 system, since it works perfectly for their kind of "high-efficiency" combat style, and those are a bit hard to find in OmniPods.

I've been rethinking this.  Because. . .

The one aspect of Omni technology I'd think they'd go for would be the ability to carry BA for free.  Call them Omnis, but have all the equipment be fixed...  ^-^

And I can't for the life of me disagree.  So long about 3052, they'll start retooling and upgrading everything to Omni technology, 'Mechs and Vehicles.

Wolverines aren't big on variants.  They mostly stick with the "stock" chassis (or whatever "Royal" variants they absconded with from Clan space back in the day) and upgraded them to their (Clan) tech spec.  But the main draw of Omni technology remains. . . individual pilots can swap weapons and equipment to benefit their fighting style.  Even the TAG and C3 aren't fixed (though I debated about that).  You might want to swap the TAG for Light Tag to eat up that annoying little half ton I always seem to have in my designs, a unit might be deployed where those systems aren't beneficial, you might swap a W2 (actually WO-A) Stalker (which has C3) for a W3 (actually WO-B, which doesn't, because artillery). . . you know, whatever works.

Beyond that. . . I think they'd fall in love with the ATM system long about 3056.  I can imagine them replacing all basic missile launchers with ATMs (or iATMs, if you really what them to be nightmarish) of relative mass/space, to add flexibility.  All units can provide long-range support missiles and have highly-damaging close-up options.  Manys the time tons of SRM ammo go completely unfired because my opponents refuse to get within SRM range.  And this is where Omni technology really helps out. . . converting all LRMs to ATMs for something like a Rhino may not be the best idea, as it will rarely get close enough that LRMs are not the better option.  But something like a Highlander being able to launch nearly-equivalent volleys of LRMs from its two missile launchers, and a LOT more (and more damaging) SRMs should things get close?  Yes, please.  Thus, an Omni Rhino with ATMs, and if you don't like it, repod it for LRMs.  An Omni Highlander with the standard LRM-20 and SRM-6, or two ATM-9s.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #67 on: 02 June 2020, 18:53:01 »
I feared for this story to be over since you already posted an Epilogue ... but this pick up seems to fit really nicely and allows for a sequel I guess. :thumbsup: Looking forwards to what you're going to go with in the future - especially related to Jihad and the foundation of the RotS


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #68 on: 02 June 2020, 18:54:49 »
Don't forget that clan LRMs have no minimum range...  ^-^


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #69 on: 02 June 2020, 19:22:36 »
I feared for this story to be over since you already posted an Epilogue ... but this pick up seems to fit really nicely and allows for a sequel I guess. :thumbsup: Looking forwards to what you're going to go with in the future - especially related to Jihad and the foundation of the RotS

I wasn't planning to do more. . . but, the response here (and over on Spacebattles) got me thinking. . . maybe it's high time I stop living in the Clan Invasion and see what the Inner Sphere got up to afterwards.  And maybe there's some cool hooks to do something fun with my take on Clan Wolverine.  So. . . yeah, you guys convinced me to look into the Jihad and Wars of Reaving and all that jazz.  I hold you all responsible.

Don't forget that clan LRMs have no minimum range...  ^-^

Oh, yes, I'm well aware :D  Which is why I say something meant to be a long-range fire support platform, like a Rhino, may not benefit from switching to ATMs.  But a Highlander sacrificing 2 missiles at long range to double what it can pump out at short range?  That makes sense.  Or a Spartan or Wolverine, which normally only has SRMs, adding some more extra-long range punch while retaining impeccable brawling ability?  That's where I, at least, see Wolverines looking at ATMs and going *yoink!*


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #70 on: 02 June 2020, 20:46:40 »
I'm guessing the Word of Blake won't go into anything with the Wolverines and I guess the Wolverines won't take part in retaking Terra from the Blakists either?


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #71 on: 02 June 2020, 21:04:44 »
My current thinking is that Clan Wolverine is going to look at the Jihad and say "Nope, not getting involved in that ----show."  Subject to change as I actually read up on it and see if they might choose to get involved (or be involved in something else that draws them in by default).  I'll have to figure out something with the little white lie Uncle Chandy fed the Ghost Bears about Word of Blake actually having been founded by Clan Wolverine back in the day. . .


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #72 on: 03 June 2020, 09:28:42 »
My current thinking is that Clan Wolverine is going to look at the Jihad and say "Nope, not getting involved in that ----show."  Subject to change as I actually read up on it and see if they might choose to get involved (or be involved in something else that draws them in by default).  I'll have to figure out something with the little white lie Uncle Chandy fed the Ghost Bears about Word of Blake actually having been founded by Clan Wolverine back in the day. . .

Presuming you want things to play out about the same in the Jihad, you just need to come up with another excuse for Ghost Bear to come in and kill everyone between them and burning all the evidence of their potential misdeeds.

I favor a maximally cynical approach, considering that the Blakists seem to have radiologically salted the earth(if they were feeling nice) at every warship yard they could reach that was not owned by the Ghost Bears or Snow Ravens. Remember your American Gods: 'All of the best cons are two man jobs.'


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #73 on: 08 June 2020, 17:27:04 »

Hachiman Taro Electronics
Hachiman, Draconis Combine
May 2nd, 3070

Star Captain Alexia McEvedy grunted as her Warhammer IIC was violently rocked by autocannon shells from the Blakist Legacy.  Snarling, she flipped her ATM-3 to Standard warheads.  “Wolverines, you son of a spider,” she spat before opening up with both ER Large Lasers, three of her four Medium Pulse Lasers, and the ATM launcher.

The lasers melted armor across the Blakist machine’s chest and arms, with one of the Larges boring into its kneecap.  But the ATMs clustered right into its face, one striking the joint between cockpit and left torso.  The ‘Mech reeled from the rapid-fire impacts swayed like a punch-drunk boxer, then faceplanted on the ground, the pilot knocked out by shock to his canopy.

Alexia backed her Warhammer through the gently rolling hills, a pair of light gauss slugs whizzing through the space she’d just left.  Switching back to Extended-Range missiles, she fired her ATM and ER lasers at the offending Vanquisher, to no effect.

“Keep up cover fire,” Star Colonel Kary Patrick ordered from his Hatamoto-Chi.  “Lightning Star, are you away?”

“Almost,” Lightning One replied.  “We can drop more shells to keep them busy.”

“Negative,” Kary replied.  “Flank speed back to Great Hope.  We are leaving.”

It’s about time, Alexia thought.  It has not been a nice day.

In response to Clan Snow Raven’s “limited Annihilation” on the Combine world of Galedon, Khan McEvedy Walter had ordered a task force into Combine space to intercept any further Snow Raven aggression.  Instead, they found themselves caught in the third Word of Blake attack on Hachiman’s central computer manufactory.  The Blakists were hitting her Reinforced Trinary with a lance each of assault ‘Mechs, heavy ‘Mechs, assorted vehicles, and BattleArmor.  Except Blakist lances were constructed on base six, giving them numerical superiority.

They’d also targeted their attacks with uncanny luck or downright creepy skill.  A few concentrated salvos had blown off the right torso of Sword Four, a captured Clan Dire Wolf, cutting most of Sword Star out of the C3 network.  Two more barrages destroyed Thunder One, a Fury Command Tank, nexus of the C3 network.  Finally, the Rhino that connected the rest of Thunder Star went up in a blaze of LRM and gauss rifle fire.

With the Wolverine’s coordination crippled, the Blakists attacked in earnest.  It was quickly clear that they had the same level of coordination the Wolverines had formerly enjoyed, though the network seemed to lack any exploitable nexus.  ‘Mechs and vehicles savaged by combined fire, Star Colonel Patrick ordered a withdrawal, though they had to wait for the slow-moving Pochtli artillery tanks, well behind their main line, to fall far enough back to not be caught in the running battle.

A Stygian Strike Tank zipped up behind Kary’s Hatamoto.  The Exterminator, Lancelot, and White Flame moved to flank.  A brutal crossfire erupted as the Word of Blake forces seemed to have identified their next target.

Star Colonel Kary Patrick had no time to pass on any final orders as his ‘Mech was shredded by laser, missile, and gauss fire.  Too late to do any good, Alexia obliterated the Stygian with her lasers.

“Keep falling back,” she ordered.  “Fire for effect as you have shots.  Pure pell-mell, we’re just keeping them busy.  Lightning Star, I need an ETA, now.”

“In sight of Great Hope.  Her weapons are hot.”

“Copy with relief, Lightning One.  Sword Star, Thunder Star, Feral Star, best speed back home without giving them our backs.”  Feral Star were the only ones so far to be spared Blakist savaging.  Apparently, even their tech couldn’t quite pierce the suit’s stealth armor.

The Ferals lept to intercept and mount up where they could aboard the Wolverine OmniMechs and Vehicles.  The running firefight lasted nearly a full kilometer, before the Blakists broke off rather than risk coming in weapons’ range of Great Hope and Den Mother.

Three combat vehicles and two ‘Mechs left behind on the field, Alexia McEvedy led what remained of her Trinary into the DropShip.

Great Hope was, for all practical purposes, a completely different vessel than it had been during her mother’s crusade against the Smoke Jaguars.  The designs for the Fortress II had been on the drawing board for decades before Alexia had even been born, yet Clan Wolverine lacked a reason to commit the necessary resources.  With the return of the Clans to the Inner Sphere, that motivation had materialized.

Great Hope was now twice the mass she had been previously, her bays expanded to hold twenty-five each of BattleMechs, combat vehicles, and BattleArmor infantry.  With Den Mother likewise rebuilt to Fortress II spec, and two regular Fortress-class DropShips and a Behemoth, it was far more transport capacity than the Remembrance Cluster strictly needed, though it was helpful for transporting, breaking down, or refurbishing isorla from successful battles.

No risk of that this time, Alexia scowled as she dismounted her Warhammer.  The techs were swarming the machines, securing them for liftoff and securing any damage that couldn’t safely wait.

Looking around, Alexia saw the shocked and weary faces of her Trinary -- it really was her Trinary now, at least for the next few days -- not precisely looking back at her.  While the Wolverines hadn’t always known victory, it had come more often than not, and never had they been beaten so soundly, lost so much so quickly.  Not since they fled the Clans nearly three hundred years ago.

Star Colonel Kary was dead.  Alexia was now the ranking officer.  It was her duty to lead, to command, to inspire her brothers and sisters into putting this defeat behind them, preparing them to be led to victory next time.

Instead, she stormed out of the bay, eyes stinging.

Eight Days Later

Alexia never found the words to motivate her people, the right speech with the right delivery at the right time to instantly rebuild them as a fighting unit.  Instead, she flung herself into overseeing repairs, visiting the injured in the infirmary and making sure they were recovering, compiling the BattleROMs into useful simulations, meticulously noting where different decisions, even a different initial deployment, may have turned the tide, made the retreat less costly or even yielded victory.  And slowly, seeing her example, the troops regained some of their spirit.

Now, they were finally in view of the flotilla that had brought them here.  It was almost identical to the one that had accompanied her mother twenty years earlier: the Cameron-class Sarah McEvedy, Carrack-class Ebon Fury, Lola III-class Ashes of Remembrance, Whirlwind-class Widow’s Made.  The only change was, instead of the Invader-class JumpShip Switchback, they were accompanied by the Texas-class battleship Bismark.

“Where are you going?” Alexia asked the pilot as she noted them veering off from Bismark.

“We have orders from the Khan to dock with Sarah McEvedy.”

Alexia bit her lower lip.  Her mother wanted to talk to her.

Khan Lilly McEvedy Walter was waiting inside the docking collar for Alexia to disembark.  “How are you?” she asked.

Alexia nodded.  “As well as can be expected, mother.  We lost. . . we lost too many.  We will have to return to Cabanatuan, or Homeworld, to rebuild Command Trinary.  My report is almost ready, I will send it to you when I have it finished.”

Lilly waved her hand.  “That can wait.  Just tell me for now, in your best estimation, what happened?”

Alexia slumped.  “We were caught off-guard.  We did not pick our enemy and our ground, we fought on their terms, and we paid for it.  They hammered us. . . well, exactly like you hammered the Smoke Jaguars.  The only thing they didn’t throw at us was artillery and air support.”

Lilly nodded.  “It is much the same, I am beginning to gather, around the Inner Sphere.  This Word of Blake is attacking everyone, either outright or under the guise of other nations, sowing conflict, confusion, and chaos everywhere.  We’re lucky to have avoided being drawn in as long as we have.”

Alexia blinked.  “Do you think they staged the Snow Raven attack to draw us out?”

“Unlikely.  The whole thing was. . . well. . . it was just too Snow Raven to be fabricated.  But I am sure the Word of Blake relished the chance to bloody our nose a bit, add us as one more piece of kindling on the fire they are building throughout the Inner Sphere.”

“So what do we do about it?”

Lilly shook her head.  “We will not be drawn into yet more petty squabbling.  Always it has been the foremost goal of Clan Wolverine to maintain some sense of human decency, some vestige of the dream of Star League, no matter what.  By the time the fractious forces of the Inner Sphere come together to deal with the Blakists, too much damage will have been done.  If they can ever unite against them.  If they cannot, we need to remain apart, to guard ourselves and our dream.”  The Khan took a deep breath.  “I am ordering all Wolverine units to cease activities in the Inner Sphere, and return home.  We are done here, at least for the time being.”

“Mother. . . you can’t.”  Lilly arched an eyebrow, but Alexia continued.  “My Trinary just got clobbered.  They’ll think it’s a reflection on them, that you don’t think they can handle it.  They’ll be devastated if they don’t get to prove they can handle whatever this is!”

“It’s not a reflection on them, or on you.  You did well, very well, in an impossible situation.  Which is exactly what this is.  Soon, maybe, we will return and engage these Blakists again.  But for now, we need to do what is best for the whole of Clan Wolverine, for humanity, and for the future.”  Lilly withdrew a small box from her fatigues, and opened it.  “Do you agree, Star Colonel?”

Alexia reached for the insignia, withdrew her hand.  “No, my Khan, I do not.”

Lilly gripped Alexia’s hand, pushing the box into it.  “That does not affect my decision.  Actually, it does.  It makes me more certain of it.”


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #74 on: 08 June 2020, 18:15:11 »
I would have thought the best move would be to gather intelligence on the WoB. Figuring out how their C3 Network works, weaknesses in training or hardware. Withdrawing gains them none of that. If the WoB tracks them down, then the fighting and genocides will be on Wolverine ground and still without intelligence. Know thyself, and know thy enemy.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #75 on: 08 June 2020, 18:49:24 »
Figuring out the WoB's C3 capabilities doesn't require fruitless battle... there are other ways to get that...  ^-^


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #76 on: 08 June 2020, 19:03:59 »
Especially since the Wobbies stole it from ComStar. . .


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #77 on: 09 June 2020, 05:04:59 »
Well, from the way and manner how ComStar disabled the C3-capabilities of Alexia's Trinary I would assume that they have some means of determining where and what unit is carrying a C3 node ... And that makes dealing with that rather ... bothersome. Especially given that the Wolverines were not able to identify the Wobbies C3 node carriers.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #78 on: 09 June 2020, 06:56:21 »
It was more a bit of logic.  C3 Masters take a lot of space and tons.  So, the 100-ton Dire Wolf that seems a bit underarmed for 100 tons?  Probably got a Master.  The 80-to Fury tank with only one Gauss Rifle and ER Large Laser?  Probably has two.  The Rhino with 3 ATM-9s sitting next to a Rhino with 5 ATM-6s?  Probably a Master.

The Blakists were using C3i to network the individual Level IIs together, but with everything moving about and being under rather overwhelming fire, the Wolverines didn't really have a chance to realize the network didn't encompass the whole force.

I'm having some thoughts about the Wolverines learning C3i in the not-too-distant future.  If they could expand it to network ten units instead of six, that would be perfect for their style of deployment.  Or. . . and this one's really out there. . . a regular C3i, but network one BattleMech with a Point of ProtoMechs (once Blood Spirit brings those in and convinces the Wolverines they're worth it).  You lose cohesion among the 'Mech Star, but get a 'Mech and five ProtoMechs all fighting as one unit.  That could be pretty scary.

alex blood spirit

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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #79 on: 22 July 2020, 16:13:33 »
 love the story line of the wolverine's and clan Blood Spirit's would love to read more


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #80 on: 12 October 2021, 10:33:55 »

Cameron-Class Battlecruiser Sarah McEvedy
Geosynchronous Orbit, Cabanatuan
Clan Wolverine Staging Area
January 12th, 3074

Since Lilly had begun her assaults on Clan Smoke Jaguar back in 3050, the Castle Brian on Cabanatuan, codenamed Tiki, had changed dramatically.  Resources, materiel, and personnel from Homeworld and its surrounding systems had flowed to Cabanatuan, long-dormant sections of the Castle had been refurbished, reactivated, and brought online.  New Clan Wolverine built OmniMechs -- mostly conversions of the Inner Sphere designs they'd been using -- and equipment sealed in OmniPods rolled out of the Castle's factory.

For twenty-two years, Tiki Castle had been transformed from a forward staging and resupply post to a fully-fledged and heavily invested holding of Clan Wolverine.  Now that Lilly had decided to abandon the Inner Sphere once more, that holding needed to be painstakingly disassembled and shipped back to Homeworld, one slow JumpShip circuit at a time.  It was a time-consuming process.  The JumpShip traffic needed to be carefully timed and plotted so as not to rouse suspicion or provide data points leading to Cabanatuan, or even worse, to Homeworld itself.  Anything that might provide intelligence on the Clan had to be packed and transported or carefully and thoroughly destroyed.  And the Castle had to be carefully and methodically put back in standby mode, to await the day the Wolverines might have need of it again.

Clan Wolverine’s Beta Galaxy had been effectively permanently stationed there, and while the Clan had operated in the Inner Sphere had been critical to its defense.  Now they too would need to be packed up and relocated along with their families, following the very last shipments back to Wolverine space.  It would also be a slow process.  Three hundred years ago, Operation Switchback had been an inspired but desperate attempt to save the Wolverines, now the time and resources were available to carefully, quietly, and as a result very, very slowly fade back into the mists of unknown space.

As critical as Beta Galaxy was to the system's security, they were not as critical as the system’s secrecy.  Cabanatuan had long been forgotten by the rest of the Inner Sphere, providing security, resources, and proximity for Clan Wolverine to once more make their presence known.

Thus, the sensor officer’s announcement was met with no small amount of consternation.

“Vessel appearing, zenith jump point!”

“Do we have anything scheduled?” Lilly McEvedy Walter asked, though she was certain she already knew the answer.

“Negative, no arrivals scheduled for today.”

“Get me an ID.  Star Admiral, set Condition One.”

“Working.”  Tense moments passed.  “It’s the DCS Satsuma, Yamato-class battleship.”

“They’re hailing us,” the communications officer added.


The transmission came through over the bridge speakers.  “This is Sho-sho Ifukube, commanding DCS Satsuma.  We come with no hostile intent.  I wish to speak with the highest available authority of Clan Wolverine.”

Lilly approached the audio pickup.  “This is Khan Lilly McEvedy Walter of Clan Wolverine.  You have my attention, Sho-sho Ifukube.”

“Stand by for real-time HPG transmission.”

Lilly raised an eyebrow.  So far as she was aware, the Clans were the only ones who maintained the network and knowledge to make real-time, two-way HPG communication possible.  Either the DCS was full of surprises, or ComStar was assisting them (and had some surprises of their own up their robes, which was more or less a given).

Or the Word of Blake replaced ComStar in this particular equation.

A round, smiling Japanese face soon appeared.  "Ah, hello," the man said in a deep, cheerful voice.  "I understand I have the honor of speaking with Khan Lilly McEvedy Walter of Clan Wolverine.  I am Chandrasekhar Kurita, pleased to meet you."

"Likewise," Lilly replied cautiously.  She knew of the Combine's richest businessman and most capable freelance spymaster, of course.  "How did you find us?"

Chandrasekhar clucked his tongue.  "I narrowed down your forward base to a handful of potential systems back in 3053.  I simply kept it to myself, since you clearly had good reasons to not want to be found."

"I see," Lilly replied.  "Then why seek us out now?"

"I have something to show you, something I think you can help me with."  Chandrasekhar's image was replaced by that of a McKenna-class battleship in Word of Blake colors.  "This is the WBS Blake's Sword.  According to the records I could find, they found an old, damaged, disabled McKenna WarShip in the Deep Periphery, rimward of the Outworlds Alliance, in 3061.  They towed it back, repaired it, and rechristened it Blake's Sword.  What I cannot figure out is what such a vessel was doing out there."  The image of the Blake's Sword stowed in Sarah McEvedy's computers, Chandrasekhar's face reappeared, wearing a sly smile.  "I hoped perhaps you might be able to shed some light on that."

Oh, Lilly certainly could at that.  While nearly 300 McKennas had been constructed before the fall of the Star League, only 18 remained operational after the intense fighting of the Amaris Civil War, and all of those had left on the Exodus.  Which had gone coreward, not spinward-rimward.  Only one group with a McKenna had been active near the area Chandrasekhar described, and they had been forced to finally abandon it in that area when the aging, battered old girl could go no further.

"It's Zughoffer Weir."

"Oh?" Chandrasekhar put on a show of being surprised.  "You do know this ship, then?"

Lilly nodded.  "She carried us on the Exodus, our flight from Annihilation, stood at Barbados, regrouped with the survivors, and carried us toward what became Homeworld."  Lilly's smile turned faintly sinister.  "She brought the Minnesota Tribe to sack your worlds, then helped them vanish."

Chandra laughed as though at a good joke.  "Ah, I suspected as much."

"And now the Blakists have her."

"If it is any consolation, Clan Ghost Bear rendered the ship unsalvageably inoperable over Tukayyid."

"It is not," Lilly replied coldly.

Chandra smiled indulgently.  "Well, if you wish to redress this dishonor, I think I can help.  I know a man, goes by the name Devlin Stone.  He is building a coalition to strike back at the Blakists and eliminate them from the Inner Sphere.  I'm doing much the same, mostly involving assorted mercenaries.  The might, will, and skill of Clan Wolverine would only be a boon to either of our efforts."

So that's what you're after.  Truth be told, Lilly had been doubting her decision to fall back to Homeworld.  Should the Word of Blake emerge victorious, sooner or later they would seek out and find the Wolverines.  If war was inevitable, it was preferable to fight on worlds that were not yours.  If these coalitions were serious, they might just drive back the Blakists in defeat.  And given the lengths and expense Chandrasekhar had gone to motivate Lilly to bring her Wolverines in, they seemed quite serious.

"Who does this Stone have backing him so far?" Lilly asked.

"Clan Nova Cat, Clan Wolf-In-Exile, the Lyran Commonwealth, ComStar, and the Draconis Combine."

Lilly smirked.  "And you think us showing up won't drive the Cats and Wolves to leave?"

Chandrasekhar's face grew gravely serious.  "I think these are desperate times, Khan McEvedy, and we are all well past the point of realizing they require desperate measures."

"I would not argue that.  I simply do not trust the other Clans not to argue it, either."

"Arguing does seem a popular Clan pastime, especially when it can be done with bullets.  But I have faith that, if you approach Stone and offer to join, he will ensure the other Clans accept you as allies.  For the duration of the Blakist threat, at least."

Lilly scoffed.  "How can he possibly?"

"He has this way about him.  Trust me.  Speak with him, you'll see what I mean."

Now Lilly was very curious.  Which, she suspected, was exactly what Chandrasekhar had intended.  "Alright.  How can I reach him?"

Chandra supplied a route to get a message to Stone without Blakist interception.  "Oh, one more thing, if I may," he asked.  "I have noted one of your DropShips, present for nearly all your actions against the Clans, goes by the name Arcadian Mercy.  What is the meaning behind that name?"

Lilly smiled, discerning the hidden intent behind the question.  "Having some Ghost Bear troubles, query affirmative?"

Chandrasekhar smiled, the smile a man makes when his chess opponent makes a brilliantly unexpected move.  "After a fashion.  They have gone quite berserk on Blakist forces, which is good, though they have no problems punching through non-Blakists to get to them, which is somewhat less so."

Lilly pursed her lips.  When she had gone before the Grand Council twenty-two years ago, she had told them the whole, entire, and complete truth about the Wolverine Annihilation, leaving nothing out.

Except she had.  She had left in those parts of the story that made the Wolverines look bad, but she had not elaborated on the precise numbers of Wolverine survivors, or the particulars of how they had escaped.  Mostly, she had felt those details were not relevant to the story.  Part of it had been an admittedly irrational fear that, if the Clans learned how the Wolverines had survived, they might learn how to correct that mistake.  Some of it stemmed from the pleasure she felt at increasing the Wolverine's mystique, and thus the fear they triggered in the Clans.

But she had not discharged her duty to the full, complete, and honest truth.  Now, she was being granted a second chance to do so, and one that might benefit the whole Inner Sphere.

So, Lilly cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and told the story.  Of how a Wolverine sibko and their instructor, fleeing the Annihilation, had set down on a moon of the Ghost Bear world of Arcadia to repair and supply their ship.  How a Ghost Bear warrior had challenged them, only to decide that killing children in cold blood was not warrior’s work.

"We named the ship Arcadian Mercy to always remember that even in the darkest time, despite his best efforts, Nicholas Kerensky had not driven conscience, decency, and humanity from his Clans completely," Lilly finished.

"A moving story, Khan McEvedy.  Thank you."

"And does it help you, Kurita-san?"

"I believe it does.  Thank you for your time, Khan McEvedy."

"Kurita-san, about our location?"

"I see no reason to share that information at present.  I trust you have no intention of supplying one."

"We have no interest in hostilities with the Combine, no."

"Good.  The crew of Satsuma does not know precisely where they are, not even her captain.  Only the navigator, and I have utmost faith in his discretion."

"Thank you."

"Thank you.  Farewell, Khan McEvedy."

The transmission ended, and minutes later, Satsuma discharged its LF battery, jumping away.

"What are your thoughts, my Khan?" Star Admiral Benedict Rodriguez Fjor asked.

Lilly remained silent for some time, and while everyone was anxious to hear her decision, they did not intrude upon her thoughts.

"Continue the evacuation as scheduled.  I will contact this Devlin Stone, and if I do not like what he has to say, we will go through with leaving the Inner Sphere.  Again."

"And if you do like what he has to say?" Benedict asked.

Lilly smiled.  "Then the Clan will be very upset with me when I ask them to redo what they have spent the last four years undoing."

Author's Notes

Sorry for the wait.  Researching the Jihad to make sense of it is nigh-on impossible.  I kept hoping somebody would put out a YouTube video or something explaining it. . . a Tex Talks BattleTech about it would be ideal, but I doubt that'll happen. . . so this chapter languished for far too long as I tried to make sure my Wolverines could be fit in around what actually happened.  Which means understanding what actually happened.  Which is more of a moving target than a Dasher with active MASC.

For the record, when I earlier mentioned that the Wolverines might sit out the Jihad, it was partly due to my own difficulties making heads or tails of anything that happened during it.  But then I did try to start making sense of it, and something about the Word of Blake continually attacking Hachiman Electronics, and one of these attacks happening around the same time as Clan Snow Raven's "limited Annihilation" on the Combine, seemed an excellent way to draw the Wolverines into the conflict.  But then I had to figure out what to do with them.  Getting them in on the coalition forces was obvious, then I needed to figure out how.  Someone on Spacebattles, where I cross-posted this, mentioned the Blake's Sword/Zughoffer Weir, and it supposedly being evidence that Word of Blake was actually Clan Wolverine to get the Ghost Bears to focus and join the coalition, so I decided to use that as motivation to get the actual Wolverine's on board.  But then I needed to figure out something for the Bears.

The best I'd been able to come up with something along the lines of Stone saying "Aw, come on, we've got the Wolverines on board.  Don't tell me the Wolverines are more honorable than the Ghost Bears?"  Then inspiration struck.  There is, indeed, a passage in Betrayal of Ideals detailing a Wolverine sibko being spared by a Ghost Bear warrior on a moon of Arcadia because shooting holes in children wearing spacesuits on an airless moon is more than he can stomach.  So I named a Wolverine DropShip "Arcadian Mercy."  Now, bringing that story back to the Ghost Bears -- who famously have a Remembrance passage talking about the Wolverines will never escape them again -- should remind the Bears of the, shall we say, better angels of their nature, and get them on board.

I know roughly where I want the rest of the Jihad-era stuff to go, and I think I know what I'll do with the Wolverines come the founding of the Republic of the Sphere, but I'll need to look into that a bit to again make sure everything fits.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #81 on: 12 October 2021, 13:22:51 »
Sweet! I missed this story.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #82 on: 12 October 2021, 13:54:17 »
glad to see more, and interesting dropship naming
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #83 on: 12 October 2021, 16:12:06 »
Is this TAG still working?

... it appears to do so...

Alright sonny, keep it painted on this very target, you read me?

Sir, yes, sir.

Glad to see this story back! :thumbsup:


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #85 on: 14 October 2021, 18:14:29 »
Glad to see it again indeed!  :thumbsup:

alex blood spirit

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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #86 on: 13 May 2022, 22:08:41 »
is there anything more of this storyline


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #87 on: 14 May 2022, 16:45:29 »
He gone quiet for bit.   I've collected all his stories on the Battletech Fanon Wiki along with mechs he introduced like the Stalker / Arrow IV variant.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #88 on: 15 May 2022, 00:34:38 »
He was talking about some work on this AU and force sizes a while back… and he is still ‘active’-ish posting last month.


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Re: Best Served Cold (Light AU, Clan Wolverine)
« Reply #89 on: 03 June 2022, 22:09:17 »
I think I know what the next chapter is.  Skipping a lot, because again the Jihad is a quagmire of incomprehensibility, but I have ideas.  Just need to get to writing them.

And been reading Hour of the Wolf, so ideas for how my Wolverines will respond to the ilClan. . .

